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Where's my stompy mecha thread?
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War FX + RTX kills my hecking frames
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I hate nuBattletech designs. Call me when they bring back the kindo originals.
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>kindo originals
Like this?
I wish HBS BT got a sequel
>make battletech game
>it plays like Firaxis X-Com
for what purpose
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What I've always disliked about this universe (apart from the lack of a space version of my country) so this is the lack of a clear division of mecha's types into factions.

I mean, BattleTech has anthropomorphic, bird-like, three-legged and beast-like four-legged robots, as well as mini-mecha, but they all don't have a clear link.

If anthropomorphic mecha with arms suitable for close combat would be in service with the "Dragons", and bird-like walking turrets served the "Devions" and various multi-legged chimeras would belong to the Capellans + transformers from the Steiners, then it would be awesome!.

Instead, there is some kind of porridge and haphazard mixing of mecha, which depersonalizes the parties to the conflict. It's boring.
Some factions prefer certain mech designs, like draconis combine and dragons and steiners with their the only good small-ish mech is a griffin
But also some mechs have been in production for an actual 400 years so they're basically everywhere, like catapult
While there's some UI overlap, the gameplay is decisively not Firaxis XCom.
In fact a lot of my own difficulty learning the game was overcoming my muscle memory from all those aborted playthroughs of Long War and realizing BT is a different game than the flank and pray schadenfreude generator XCom is.
On /tg/. It is very active.
Because being ableto use whatever you want with your guys is F U N.
That said different factions have access to different mech designs and different design philosophies. For example Lyrans like them fat and mount more close ranged weapons on their mechs because they are rich and incompetent
It makes sense when you pull back and observe the proliferation of mechs, the death and rebirth of military industry and acquisitions thanks to the Succ Wars, and how it creates a setting where the major power players, while having some truly iconic indigenous designs their faction identity rallies around, are often just customers of a commodity, one that is tailored to end user taste but at the best of times is just a design licensed out to a bunch of factories to churn out whenever the infrastructure necessary to do so isn't being buttfucked into oblivion.
Now, that all being said, there's undeniably a faction stratification when you get to the Clan Invasion era thanks to the Clans' industry both not getting Succed the way the IS' did, as well as a bunch of factors that encouraged them to go for highly modular min-max machines meant to complete high intensity short duration operations with as little materiel deployed as possible, rather than the large scale war machine effort the IS puts up.
The gameplay is decisively not Battletech either, where units move one at a time and firing phase happens simultaneously to avoid gangbanged units not even getting 1 (one) shot off.
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>Lyrans like them fat and mount more close ranged weapons on their mechs
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Posts a Kawamori redesign of Duane Loose's vaguely Syd Mead influenced copy of Kunio Okawara's Dougram. (Yes, I know that Loose didn't do the first Dougram ~ Shadowhawk as all the first BT art was just traced from ARII and IMAI model kit boxes.)
Not very original.
Group SNE commissioning Studio Nue to redesign some of their own mecha designs as interpreted by western amateurs was pretty original.
Kawamori's Shadow Hawk is still rad, despite your post being utter shit.
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Not sure if Miyatake or Kawamori did the original Glaug, but Kawamori's incest baby redesign of the Marauder is the apex of Studio Nue kenophobia.
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Which was badass enough to make it back into western BT, in the form of a one-off custom for Solaris VII.
Also, completing the circle of design incest another time. In this case, Jeff Laubenstein traced the Studio Nue JP BT linework and added some zany watercolors.
Zero credit given to Studio Nue, Shoji Kawamori, or Group SNE.
Luckily, 1995 and Harmony Gold are right around the corner waiting to make the Unseen a thing. Not that Harmony Gold aren't shit, but FASA definitely had no problems giving Japanese mecha designers the middle finger for over a decade.
All that said. That's a Cool Mini.
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Missile Nipples
God, the fasa originals that weren't ripped from macross (or wherever) were so rough.
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Being considered
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LRM-40 Artemis
Also, >>>/tv/197183909
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Are you gonna buy Mechwarrior 5: Clans?
Honestly, prolly not. I sank a couple hundred hours into MW5 and kind of tuckered myself out on it. Clan tech would be neat, but I have no hope in the pig being able to put out a product that doesn't suck.
>no hope in the pig being able to put out a product that doesn't suck
Mods'll fix it™
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You're getting a bunch of details mixed up. The artwork came from the small model kits by Nichimo (Macross) and Nitto (everything else) and these were packed in early versions of the board game. Somehow Twentieth Century Imports convinced FASA (and themselves?) that they could use these blank production materials they got from Japan to make a whole gaming system. It's not even a case of "wacky 80s licensing" (which is a lie) because they used to properly credit everything on their rebranded Yamato kits so who knows why they went full retard.
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you wouldn't just go around putting arms on catapults would you
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And be let down by Piranha again? Nah.
Should've been a base game DLC instead of a standalone along with other eras, with the DLC we did get just being in the game.
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Does Battletech have shields a la 40k >>22511672 ?
Not at all, that webm is completely wrong. Battletech as 100% energy transfer ablative armor
What I genuinely despise are the MWO designs, but then again I hate the later MW games for giving a complete misconception of how Battlemechs in BT are supposed to work to /v/kiddies, and forming this arbitrary division between Western and eastern mech genres that shouldn't exist.
That being said Battletech is still pretty cool
can I slap missile racks on a Marauder?
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was its worth it for a hunchback in return?
I mean, jump jets in MW suck, so probably not
That's not MW, that's the 2018 TBS where jump jets are alright
looking at getting because of the steam sale, what the problem
Jump Jets in MW5 aren't as good as just strapping more armor on, generally speaking.
anyone playing solaris showdown
Basically jump jets in MW5 are basically just
>Kinda float but not get any real distance
>A good chance of just damaging your legs for no real benefit
>Be an easy target to shoot at since your just kinda slow moving as your floating around
Basically in MW5 things like jump jets and machine guns are completely useless in favor of just more armor what would be purely anti-mech builds in most other BT games. It sucks because it basically invalidates using any of the lighter mechs or mechs that were made with jump jets in mind. MW5 is pretty much just trying to get as heavy metal as possible to steam roll the same generic missions over and over. It's fun in the first couple hours but once you get into the swing of things it gets pretty redundant.
I haven't actually, is it good?
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Interesting. Thanks.
idk, I haven't tried it yet either lol. I'm waiting for ttrulez and some other mods to update because I don't want to restart another campaign
The arena fights are fun, as are the new weapons. The shops actually stock DLC weapons commonly now, and enemies have a chance to have custom configurations as opposed to only being stock variants which brings some variety. Base game teammate AI (and enemy AI to an extent) is still pretty stupid.
The Solaris campaign is pretty short (a little longer than the Call to Arms “campaign” and with more production value with the inclusion of Duncan Fisher/cutscenes) don’t expect something as long as Dragon’s Gambit.
Dragon’s Gambit was mad fucking sick though. I liked Kestrel Lancers but holy shit that campaign is easily the game’s peak
True. The Solaris campaign has some good moments too but it’s a much more laid back experience compared to Kestrel Lancers/Rasalhague/Dragon’s Gambit.
I like how heavy and utilitarian the mechs are in Battletech. And I like how it carved out its own design philosophy despite originally being based on anime mechs. Like things like this >>22523890 don't really look like any anime mech, the roots can be traced to this guy >>22515167 but they really took that ball and ran with it
its even less original because those are just plane cockpits on chicken legs and maybe noodle arms.
Most mechs (from any franchise) are just a very big guy in armor. What's your point?
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What next, you're gonna call mecha samurai? I need a bingo chart for this stuff.
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It do have hands!
(not in ilclan recognition guide, however)
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Or are those GITS spider tank style "hands"
Why would someone give hands to a chicken
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Is Mechwarrior 5 mercs fun? It's on sale on steam
If you get autistically invested in the core gameplay, then I would argue probably yes. The game has severe and systemic issues, however. Mods help A LOT.
Only if you like pop up turrets and Urbies (the turret that walks).
Is any of the DLC worth it?
Depends. I think one of them adds melee combat so if that's your jam, I'd say go for it. Otherwise, stick to mods. I never gave a shit about the story missions so I have no idea whether or not they're any good, I just wanted to stomp and shoot.
Co-op is pretty fun, tard wrangling the AI is a lot less fun
Also those mechs are from completely different factions. It's a really well done webm, just.... wrong.
>mechs are from completely different factions
Nothing wrong with that. Feddies had clantech in their random unit tables even before the Diamond Jews came.
Was gonna say this, salvage between factions does happen, and that's ignoring mercenary companies and their potential to be mixed a ton.
Battletech lance composition can be played pretty loose.
Have you ever been so mad you start swinging a Griffin arm around?
I like space vikings and the color blue. Rasalhague appeals to me.
yeah holy shit. i hate beveled edges. aaron beck and greg broadmore are incredible artists but i s2g after 2009 everyone tried to ape their style and failed miserably
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When I was into MegaMekNet, I always picked up a tree club while advancing into melee range.
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That looks like its out of Drop Zone Commander.
What mechwarrior game should I start with as a newcomer?
>t. only played armored core
MechWarrior 4 Vengeance is babies first MechWarrior. But if you can handle AC autism then I'd actually say MW2:3CC or MW3. Whichever one you can get running with ease.
I'm not a fan of the MW games but they're an easy enough way to start the franchise. I will warn you that the MechWarrior games play very different from Armored Core. MW is slower style mechs even by BT franchise standards, and the later ones like MW5 and MWO play more like tanks with legs than anything else.
Mechwarrior 3 if you can get it to run
Still the best in the series
Also Heavy Gear might be closer to AC, it had some vidya I'm yet to bother playing

Sounds good to me
Heavy Gear 1 had some customization similar to AC but it's not as refined. HG2 ditches it completely, it's more accurate to the Votoms-ish nature of mass production models for its universe but I could see some people being disappointed in not having that kind of customization anymore.
I've only played AC6 but I guess yeah, building your own special snowflake robutt is a big part of it
MW2-4 are neat bits of history, but if you actually want to git gud I recommend jumping dick first into MWO.
Yeah it really does.
it's cool for multiplayer though because my friends also have warfx and I get to experience the frame drops with them where my PC is usually able to power through what gives them trouble
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i might get shit on for asking, but do any of you anons play MWO? is it still alive? whats going on with it? last played a year ago and installing it because that Living Legends game is deader than michael jackson.
Last played a number of mo ths ago. It's still limping along due to sunk cost and boomers, but also because it scratches a very specific mecha itch that you just can't quite get anywhere else.
Join MWO become food for paypiggies
>MAD-4A (63 kph + JJ)
>MAD-3R (64 kph)
>MAD-3R (64 kph)
Daddy Marauder with babby marauders, the perfect lance composition
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Also "Carapace" Hero Kwab has no melee attack
How sad!
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BattleTech is 40 years old
Still undecided if it has hands or not
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Meet the Desperate Desperados, a 4-man Coop campaign in MW5.
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I've recently beaten the campaign in a 2/3 player game
Previously I've played career mode
I rate the campaign mode 2 Nightstar hands out of 2
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Nostalgia commands me to rec 2Mercs if you can figure out how to run it.
I love 2 Mercs but that game is so fucking buggy that I'm not sure about it being a first impression.
I think the only force field type things in the setting are massive cumbersome building sized ones they use to enclose some of the Solaris arenas? Nothing that could be practically used in combat.
Honestly unironically MW5 and MWO are the only ones that run out the box and don't have some crippling controls issue
Sad, innit
Friendly reminder to install XL 400 engine into your Marauder II
Depersonalized Warfare goes for a different “hard sci-fi” flavor.
>mfw I’m playing Solaris Showdown and Mason gets called old and I realize he’s been a merc for 25 years now
If the game starts when he's 18-20 then he's maybe just 40 something. It starts getting real wacky if you keep playing to the 2100s with a soros-esque geriatric mason on life support in the mech
My modlist for MW5 is up to 80 and it's starting to break weird little shit. Infinite loading screens, missing shit in the menu. Last night the update busted vonbiomes and broke the contract negotiation tool. The game is literally unplayable vanilla though and it's starting to feel like skyrim where I'm dreading the updates but we basically need to endure them until all the DLC settles. PGI should just hire the guys that made TTrulez and the yet another mods and fixed their game for free.
>steiners with their the only good small-ish mech is a griffin
The commando and wolfhound exist you know
It's better to think about combat in battletech, at least during the succession wars, as something more akin to that of the age of sail than modern warfare. Ships (mechs) go through very little actual change over a couple centuries, last for decades is service, and most prizes that are captured are pressed into service by whoever took it
Jake Mason was born in 2996.
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There's not so much thought going into battletech, what can you expect when so many of the designs were directly stolen from various anime
Speaking of mods are there really no gundam mods? I wasn't able to find any the one time I briefly looked for them
Gundam players generally don't like feeling that weighty, they're used to being zippy flying little bastards with beam swords and super armor. Which isn't a dig, it's just a different style of play. A gundam mod might be neat though.
Ah, don't know how I missed that.
well I do I only looked at the steam workshop and didn't think to chect nexus
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More importantly, What do you put inside that egg?
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What mods are you using to get those effects? What's your graphics card? That looks sick as fuck.
is it not just warfx?
too slow
Settle this for me
Black Knight: HANDS or SHIELD?
Hands always, don't let clanners tell you different
I'm thinking hands too
good man
Technically there are disrupter shields that weaken PPC shots but that's it really
I wish that they sold bigger ABS kits for Battletech mechs. I have some of the PVC miniatures but the detail is very mushy.
um, you can't have both
IIRC that was made by somebody who normally does 40k animations. There is exactly one kind of energy shield in battletech ,the blue shield particle inhibitor. It is experimental tech that as the name implies halves all damage taken from PPCs (with the chance for it to fail going up by 1 every turn it is on for)
It's interesting but as I recall there is literally only one canon design which uses it
Invest in Urbanmechs, narrow/low profile quirk literally halves all damage
Huh, the more you know.
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Why 4 Hunchies? Did one come with every model pack this guy bought?
Hunchies are versatile, and with the exception of the AC/5 variant they're all pretty good too
you can make a lance of hunches for just about any job
They're slow and get cucked by right torso explosions
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Right torso whats?
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If this part breaks it's 1 small head laser for you
on the tabletop it's not super likely without aimed shots rule but still
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What are these?
Copium canisters
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>pig code
So, just how agile is a battlemech anyway?
Depends on the source. The vidyas usually depict them as lumbering tanks with legs but in the novels they're pretty agile, able to bob, weave, duck, and occasionally even ninja roll
According to the lore they can do handstands. The reason why they're so slow and lumbering in MWO/5 is to focus on the locational damage part of them. Sacrifice authenticity for versimilitude and gameplay.
Where are my tabletop-accurate gameplays with backflips and golf
Funny guy
Depends. In the PGI games, it's basically a lumbering tank on legs. They did that because of technical reasons in the 90s and have kept it because that's what people expect and the videogame IP is owned by a different company from the tabletop and fiction IP. In the books, they can move like a human. A good pilot can even dance.

Pick your poison.
Not agile at all according to the actual rules of the game
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Will this title have WASD controls like MW5M DLC5 did? I found that to be truer to the whole 'myomer muscle fiber' formula and far more fun, but I feel like that'd need to be balanced against the player (as the sheer movement advantage you have is insane, I've solo'd assassinations because of it).
>Will this title have WASD controls like MW5M DLC5
MWO and MW5 have been using WASD controls with throttle decay for years. Did they do something different with that DLC?
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I don't know about that, a machine that can kick and use tree branches like makeshift clubs would have to be pretty agile. Not to mention being able to brace for a landing after using jumpjests, which aren't the slow floating you see in MW5, but is actually supposed to represent a high jump in the air.
and they still can't strafe
I haven't touched the DLC but I assume he's talking about somehow strafing instead of A and D just turning?, no idea how that would work though
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in the new DLC5, there's an option in the gameplay options menu that lets you switch between the classic throttle+tank controls, or newer WASD controls that straight up allow you to strafe.
it's really janky, you can just tap S then W to get max speed instead of accelerating, and mechs only walk forwards in drone cam while strafing, even while going backwards

however, it was really damn fun and honestly one of the funnest ways I've enjoyed mech games since my rampant AC Verdict Day 6000 hour addiction, but it does fundamentally break the game. the enemies don't do this, your allies don't do this, you're effectively the only one in the entire system capable of using myomer muscle fibers
>stompy mecha
Battletech grognards keep telling me battlemechs aren't stompy and that the myomer fibers let them move 1:1 in humanlike ways.
they're very stompy and very grognardy
They're only stompy in the sense the animations are stiff and terrible. In game they glide over surfaces with all the realism of slot cars.
That's all because whatever lore was originally there, is a haphazard kitbashed pastiche thrown together on a shoe-string budget to try and accommodate the various pilfered and plaguerized designs the franchise started out on. Battletech is literally a poor cross-over fanfic, that supplanted the cross-over part with a lore rewrite.
>In game they glide over surfaces with all the realism of slot cars.
Maybe a little too well sometimes.
>Once had a mech skid halfway across a map and had another skid directly into a 8 story building which then collapsed on it
There was an attempt to unify the aesthetics a couple times in the past, but due to license changes, owner changes etc. No one aesthetic has ever stuck until the current era where MWO began taking the place of the standardized visual style (for better or worse). But there's still lots of issues with it. Every IS mech looks like it rolled out of the same factory. Every clan mech ditto. Theres very little beyond color schemes to differentiate what designs are in the employ of which faction. Now I understand why. Its already enough work modeling all the different chassis types and variants, adding the need to alter greebles and armor plate silhouettes to match the aesthetics of factions would be a lot of extra work for what are usually very small teams.

Imo each major factions mechs should have different armor shapes in places, or different weapon sounds and functionality. Like Liao having very sleek, stealth fighter looking plates, Davion should have blocky and angular cold war chobham style stuff, Draconis should have exteriors that look like samurai armor and mengu on their mech heads, etc.
They're right about the humanlike movement. However, humans can still stomp.
Clannies or IS jannies, which way, white man?
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Jade falcons are autistic retards and I love them for it.
The problem is in-universe they've traded factories and mechs for so long.
90% of mechs are rebuilds, and factories are very rare outside of the clans.
watch some gameplay of each and pick the one that looks cool to you

personally started with 2 and had a blast. not because i grew up with it but because i like to play games in release order. wanted to start at 1 but even i have my limits when it comes to graphics/playability

i guess Mechwarrior 5 is the easiest to get into. controls are intuitive and it's on steam.
though it needs some mods to become good. maybe try it without mods first and when you're thinking "man, this customization is really limited", download the current "yet another mechlab" mod to fix it.

if you prefer PvP-multiplayer over singleplayer, you can start with Mechwarrior online
pauldrons too small
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Not bad.
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The poor fireball. It wasn't all that good to begin with and nowadays it can't even use the special ammunition for it's SRM
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/btg/ is a festering shithole. Last thing you want is maggots from there infesting /m/. Whiteagle comes here already and that's basically terminal cancer.
Always hands. A Mech without hands is of questionable value.
Got more of them smol ones?
Mechassault is more fun and has better designs than mech warrior
Love the komodo. Of all the IS black hawk copies it is my favorite
Huh. It's like an IS Nova. Neet.
What mech is that supposed to be?
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MOAR (pls)
What's this about?
zomg teh drama
go watch Razorfist if you want any of that
me I got my Megamek and my PIG games to worry about
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CGL employee doxxed a BT fan, harassed people in Twitter, caused drama and issues.
please stop using fake words
That's not very kino of you, anon
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I am a simple man

Chicken walkers = cool and based
Man shaped mechs = cringe
Oh yeah? LRM Locust.
>Six tubes

you really think SRM-12 will fit on a locust?
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I'm sorry I could never pick up one of these meme machines in an actual campaign
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What if I told you it could fit 36srms?
Anything can fit anything if you try hard enough
Was it worth it though
Two SRM-6 and a half ton of ammo for each launcher seems feasible. Especially if you're running Ferro. LRM-5 is one ton under a SRM-6 after all.
Might as well get them all. Huge portions of the base game are barren without them.
Pirate it. It's paying small premiums for a single mechs and some missions.
DLC adds:
>melee weapons
>most of the non randomly generated missions
>the canteen mini mission system to access upgrades
>the persistent enemy merc companies
>"arena" missions in safe territories
>4th succession war mini campaign
>Birth of Rasalhague Republic mini campaign
>War of 3039 mini campaign
>Duncan Fisher mini campaign

I don't remember what mechs they add other than the Longbow and the Hatchetman but with the base game according to sarna:
Base game: 50 'Mechs, 214 Variants and 49 Heroes
With all DLC: 62 'Mechs, 367 Variants, and 78 Heroes

I aint gonna say buy em. But definitely don't skip them if you have the option. The base game is fucking empty.
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Rockit Fist
Yeah, DLC adds stuff intentionally cut out of a full price at launch game. Wow! Pirate it.
The only thing that fits that bill was Heroes of the Inner Sphere. No other DLC was immediately planned because PGI were getting ready to be fucking closed after the game launched.

They sold out to Epic for exclusivity, and even with COVID lockdown sales boost the game flopped so hard PGI had to sell themselves to Enadglobal7, who basically gave them enough money to finish the Xbox Ports, and make the Kestrel Lancers DLC. Everything produced since then has been off the back of the success the game's had on consoles, gog/steam.
>They sold out to Epic for exclusivity
>game flopped
>the success the game's had on consoles, gog/steam
Really makes you thunk
I love the zeus so much
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I wouldnt really call nuMW/BT aaron beck inspired desu, beck has a hard on for raw machine shop milled surfaces, gimballed sensor pods and carbon fibre, meanwhile the nuBT designs are just boxes on legs. Fair enough that its faithful to the originals I guess, but not really the hypermilitaristic kind of designs beck's known for
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Annihilators aren't real
They can't hurt you
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Yea but they were Xbox exclusive so no one played them
So is gundam
Mechcommander 2
Mechassault 1 sold very well. 2 not so much. Microsoft didn't have any fucking idea what to do with 2. So they launched it a month after Halo 2 during the Christmas season. So naturally MA2 fucking died at launch. Sold less than half the amount of copies MA1.

From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.
>From a lore standpoint Mechassault is so fucking weird. It deserves to be touched on again.
Mechassault 3 was mediocre.
After playing MW5 for so long and then trying to get into the hbs battletech game, man the mechs look like absolute dogshit in battletech. Something about them just looks like 'we have mechs at home' versions of the same designs.
[X] Doubt
They're the same designs for the most part. Just based on older rips of the MWO mechs. Battletech just has really ugly lighting and really rudimentary animations. It was a kickstarter game with basically no money dont forget.
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he traces over 3D models others have made but still nice
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>but still nice
I like to think the non-entrenched infantry meme in a lot of official artwork is official in universe propaganda
"look you can be useful too!"
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>still hope agains all hope for a version of this but for Battletech
Is that the bounty hunter in the bottom corner or did the GDL somehow get old SLDF armor?
I think he mixed up the Grey Death Scput armor and the Light Power Armor?
This piece of art is why Ben Rome quit
The main setting guy for most of the late 2000s-2010s alongside and after Herb Beas, he wrote Wars of Reaving

He thought including the GDL was just pandering to nostalgia and they shouldn’t be referenced anymore

I've never read any BT novels just mostly the mechwarrior games with occasional megamek autism
The best thing about GDL is they're not Wolf Dragoons
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I want to like this mech, and it does decent for me on the table. But it just has too much and too little going on at the same time. Not much long range firepower. Lots of short range but no big punches like an AC/20. 3/5 is painfully slow. And of course the variant that adds jump jets and a higher caliber autocannon also drops most of the guns so it feels rather anemic.
It looks cool at least
accept Lynxmaxxing with your friendly multi-trac laser boat, Lynx
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Still no Atlas II
Still no Bane
Still no Blackwatch
Still no Shootist
Still no Devastator
Still no Grand Crusader
Still no Imp

>let's shove the fanfic mary sue assault mech in tho
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got bored with a few friends, have fun


might post more in the future
I love the japstalker
Honestly I could never get over the goofiness designs and general zaniness of the setting.
Which designs do you consider goofy?
The Cossack, the Hitman, the Atlas, the Kabuto...honestly it'd be easier to list the mechs I don't consider goofy, we'd be here all day otherwise. To be fair though, I prefer my mechs to have a more 'tactical' look.
MWO and MW5 are pretty awful, as are PGI who keep nickle and diming DLC and paypig mtx for their games. On the bright side fucking solid taste for wanting the Shootist, Devastator and Grand Crusader.
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Uhh stompybros wtf is this zoom zoom anime boostan shit???
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Feels like Heavy Gear.
Cataphract is a friend
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That flea and assassin are wayyy too big
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No. In PGI games, they deliberately make light mechs absolutely tiny as a balancing mechanic. They simultaneously make heavies and assaults bigger as an artistic choice. Outside of mechwarrior games, mechs range from ~8m on the smallest side to ~13m on the tallest. A light heavy like the Rifleman would be average at ~10m

. Pic rel is a Rifleman scaled to 10m and the Flea scaled to 8m. At this scaling, the Flea's lasers come just below the Rifleman's cockpit, which is about the same as the pic in >>22621271. The HBS game is licensed by the people who actually make battletech, so the scales are closer to correct.
Flea is 20T. Rifleman is 60T. Flea should be a third the size by mass alone.
No, that would require two things.

One: that mechs are uniformly dense. That isn't the case. Most of a mechs weight is in armor and weapons. Most of it's volume is in chassis and engine. Even in the real world, volume doesn't scale linearly with weight in AFVs. Making the flea a third of the size of the rifleman wouldn't leave any room for the pilot. the mechwarrior games already have anatomically impossible cockpits. The TT scale is far more reasonable.

If your opinion was right, then the Flea would have to be 1/3 less volume, not height. Being 2m shorter and much skinnier would easily meet than volume reduction.

Two: that this is not a 40 year old robot fighting game written by pulp sci-fi authors and wargaming nerds.
Never understood the hate for "nu"BT if I'm honest, a lot of the redesigns are just better versions of the old stuff, people forget how ass a lot of those designs look.

That being said the division is fuckin stupid
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I don't care how silly the gumball machine looked, the old flashman is a hundred times better than this
My only complaint with the "nu-bt" shit is that the LAMs look like pure dogshit. I get they couldnt remain literal Macross rips, but now they look absolutely retarded.
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I wish they'd have more visible differentiation in design philosophy depending on where mechs came from. Or some kind of unique greebling per faction. There's gotta be a way to keep the older aesthetics and the newer tacticool stack of blocks looks and find a balance.
Doesnt even have to be per faction, even just making manufacturers have a design theme between their mechs would help.
Why is the Atlas consistently rated as a shit tier mech in all tier lists I find? Are people retarded?
I don't know who you're talking to, but probably. The Atlas isn't perfect, no 'Mech is. Beyond the LRMs, the classic -D model's weapons are heavily oriented towards short ranges, and in sheer firepower it's easily outclassed by the King Crab. It also very ammo-reliant, and what it does carry isn't plentiful, so it's easy to find itself in a situation where it can't hurt anything that stays out of arm's reach.

That said, its durability is legendary for a reason, and there are several variants that can drastically change the way it operates. The -RS is an attempt to match the ultra-elite Atlas II design using Succession Wars tech, downgrading the autocannon and missile launchers to double its engagement range and carry more shots per ton. The -K version from 3050 basically turns it into a 100-ton sniper, mounting a gauss rifle and dual ER large lasers.
After 3025 most of the upgraded variants the Atlas gets aren't as good as the AS7-D all things considered.
Most of them have some sort of flaw, and/or they don't really take as much advantage of new tech as they could. The K has severe heat issues. The S has rear facing streak launchers. S2 has barely any short range firepower, which isn't necessarily a deal breaker but that's kind of the thing the atlas is known for. Same with the S3 with a sum total of 3 small lasers for close range protection
There's just no plain upgrade of the classic version, everything makes it into something else entirely
What would be the Gundam/Valkyrie of Battletech?
What do you mean? Both of those serve very different roles in the narratives of their respective shows. If you're just talking about a series mascot, the Atlas or Timber Wolf is usually the face of the franchise, though the Warhammer and Battlemaster have also taken up the role at times.
More Gundam, the super prototype used by a main character that paves the way for the Inner Sphere gain more advantage over the Clans.
In the clan invasion era there really isn't anything that fits that bill. The best you get are the ComGuards custom upgraded machines they slapped together for Tukayyid. But even those were barely up to parity with clan designs of the day. The way armor and weapons function in Btech kind of precludes a gundam style slaughter machine capable of one shot one killing most machines.
Short answer: no. Long answer: kinda?

There is this: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Blue_Shield_Particle_Field_Damper

Basically, when turned on it creates some kinda electro-magnetic field that reduces damage from PPCs, but nothing else.

Shit like in that gif? Outside Mechassault, which is non-canon, you won't find shields like that.
There isn't anything that really fits that description. Prototypes are treated like they are in real life, expensive test units that aren't meant to see combat, or expensive failures that never see production (TRO: Boondoggles is all about those.)

In the spirit of answering your question though, there are a few instances that might count, but none of them are as dramatic as Grandpa was:
-The original Mackie revolutionized warfare, and all the Great Houses basically tripped over each other trying to steal the designs for it until Steiner finally managed to pull it off. It's hopelessly outdated now.
-The SLDF Royal Regiments were pretty much completely made up of more advanced versions of mass-market designs. Some, like the Atlas II, were never intended to see service beyond them.
-The two Zeus prototypes were hastily deployed to stall a DCMS assault on Hesperus II. They succeeded at this, though the production model had to be downgraded from a PPC to an autocannon due to faulty magnetic shielding.
-The aforementioned "Clanbuster" refits of old Star League designs deployed on Tukayyid. The Black Knight and King Crab ones turned out to be especially effective.
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Clan Wolf vs Clan Jade Falcon, whose side are you on?
Should I get Battletech or Mechwarrior?
I just wanna play as close as I can to a titanfall game but just mechs and a real campaign.
Jade Falcon. They're who the clans should act like.
Possibly the most retarded thing I’ve read this year.

Chunk damage combined with high probability of critical hits AND it looks cool.

Hero derp decision by TPTB to not include CASE for “muh balance” reasons.
The winning side, so Clan Wolf.
>quad UAC 5s
It doesn't need a melee attack. Noting can get in melee range anyway.
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If you mean the recent games, Battletech is a strategy game and Mechwarrior is an action game, so Mechwarrior would be closer to titanfall. I enjoyed the MW5 campaign but it was on its own merits just okay, though I hear the recent content is pretty good, so maybe i'll come back to it.
>so Mechwarrior would be closer to titanfall
that's rude to titanfall
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Smoke Jags. Why choose the lesser evil when the greater evil is right there?

After they die, then the Hazen version of the moss chickens is alright.
>Hazen version of the moss chickens is alright.
As a succession wars man, I don't read modern fluff. What are those guys like?
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So idk much about battletech, or the clans, but I played mw5 and heard about the minnesota tribe and read about them and clan wolverine on the wiki. Was that something that was part of some plot arc that didn't go anywhere because of a change in direction for the story or something?
They're basically just flavor lore to justify players fielding their own Wolverine derived force. If there was a more grand plan to explore them it's probably as you said, lost in the endless shuffle of staff and writer changes.
I thought it was something like that, a "your dudes" enabler. I was just curious if there was some well known grand plan in the community that I didn't know enough to have heard of. I could imagine in editions before the clans were revealed that they would have been similar in terms of hints. I hope that if they ever do get fleshed out they are less lame than the clans, although I know better than to expect anything.
One of the best parts about BattleTech is that a lot of stuff was left vague to make it so players could make their own forces and dudes. Sadly CGL is shitting on FASA and Wizkids BT lore.
You mean you don't want to play the Adventures of the Paw Patrol anon?
No sir I do not. I do not want Pup Play Patrol in my BattleTech. I saw the threads on /tg/ slowly turn to liquid shit because of the people that CGL advertised and pandered to.
I get you anon, I was just joshing. Funny thing is I wouldn't even mind the Yiff Patrol with their gay founders and ex SLDF dropship, the sphere is big enough for all of this shit (hell the setting has always handled weird forces fine, just look at Marshigama's Legionnaires). I just don't like that they have seemingly become the new face of the franchise despite not having any real claim to the level of significance they are treated with. The GDL did important shit around the sphere. The Kell Hounds did important shit around the sphere. The Goons (as fucking annoying as their fanwank was) did important shit around the sphere. The Fox Patrol instead just feel like one of the developer's OC factions that somehow gets to hang out with all the cool kids and get special attention despite doing nothing of significance in the sphere at large.
One of my favourite things about Battletech is how /yourdudes/ friendly it is with merc companies, slotting them into the setting and carving out their own niche. Instead the Fuckedinthearse Patrol feels more like a bad fanfiction merc force that gets jammed into the setting and takes over other existing factions' niches.
Exactly, Anon.Feels like CGL is trying to ape GW and Warhammer by pushing the Clans/Houses/Paw Patrol as the new, kool dudes. Like a worse version of the Goons. God, I never expected something to make me want the good old days of the Goons and their plot armor.
So which Great House is the most successful faction? More victories and fewer defeats, an interesting and complex story with a fascinating culture, original mecha designs?
>Outside Mechassault, which is non-canon, you won't find shields like that.
Wasn't there short-lived plans to bring in the Ragnarok/Ymir into BT canon, along with its OP Lava Cannon and Shielding? I recall Piranha Games making a comment about it once.
I want to say that was an April fools post on the MWO forum.
If we're measuring success by general quality of life and the least internal turmoil its probably the Federated Suns? Lyrans, Rasalhague, and the Dracs got fucking stomped by the clans and later lose even more ground when the crusaders get evicted from canner space, the FWL basically ceased to exist in the wake of the Jihad for a while, and Capella gets fucked 6 ways to Sunday every time someone sneezes.
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There is only one honorable choice
Davion peaked during the Clan Invasion. Once the civil war started it all went downhill for them, to the point they actually lost New Avalon to the Dracs during the Dark Age. They're only now starting to recover.

Kurita is probably the most consistently successful. They're warmongering expansionists and everyone hates them, but I don't think there's ever really been a period when they've been on the back foot past the first few Succession Wars. Even during REVIVAL they managed to hold out better than most.
The Wolverines sorta lurk in the background. They popped up again in the Jihad when we saw the Word of Blake using some of their stuff (whether they are part of the WoB/C* or the Blakists just found their stuff somewhere is ambiguous - most of the info is through Chandy Kurita and he’s very much trying to get people to fight the Word at that point). They show up with the WoB remnants in ISP3, but the ISP books have always been ambiguously accurate (see: genecaste, hyperspace squids, the actual literal Illuminati, immortal furry Belters, hyperspace Blakists).
Fedsuns have worse education and health services for their citizenry than the fucking Concordat.
Basically put, the worst place to be a peasant is the combine, followed by most of the periphery shitholes, then the fedsuns, then bad parts of FWL, then capcon, then the good parts of the periphery, then the commonewealth, then the good parts of the FWL.
If you are upper class though? Combine, Fedsuns and Commonwealth is better than everywhere else. Maybe the Magistracy is up there with them, but that would be a stretch.
is https://store.steampowered.com/app/637090/BATTLETECH/ worth it?
from my understanding it is a similar setting to MW5 but a turned based tactics game instead.

t.only ever played MW5
It's the same setting as Mechwarrior. However the game was shoddily made in Unity by a dev team that actively disliked the setting and tried to force their own OC donut steel empire into the long established BattleTech canon. The writing is weak as well. Gameplay is ok, if not up to par with actual tabletop.
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While battletech certainly has many plots like that (the assassination of Michel Hasek-Davion, the WoB & Blood Spirits causing the blackout) the Minnesota tribe/Clan Wolverine are an intentionally kept a mystery. Nobody knows what happened to them other than after leaving the clan homeworlds they raided the combine's coreward border and disappeared. Or so they would have us believe

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