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Why do Southeast Asians like Tokusatsu?
Because it actually aired there for years.
Cause god gave them souls.
Close the thread.
1. It's been airing for decades on a regular basis. So it's part of nerd culture in Asia.

2. It's grown big enough that there multiple generations of Kamen Riders and Toku. Started airing since the 1970s. So we have fathers, children, and grand children watching Toku.

3. Everyone loves transforming into a super hero
>East Asian TV is sold to other East Asian countries
Who'd have thought!
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THIS. BASED. Americans are souless materialists. They be too "embarrassed" of others may "think" of them of role playing in public.
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so yeah fuck them
>That outfit
>That environment.
This is somebody's teacher. I kneel.
Same reason as any country possessing red blood on their bodies. It's just cool.
>This is somebody's sensei. I kneel.
>TN: sensei means teacher
This guy is what I want to be like when I'm middle-aged, but he really should have put in more effort for the HENSHIN. At least wear a helmet, dammit.
i larp with milsurp and guns. you brag about summoning robots with a plastic belt. youre right, we are not the same thankfully.
Shut up
this nigga livin the life
cause most aseans are weebs and the kamen rider fans are trained well by the other weebs in torrenting shit since the womb
t. indonesian
also i look like that
>Politics out of nowhere
>Over thread about why Southeast Asian’s like Japanese stunt shows
Seek help
Shut UP! DOG!!
Why are you white?
Those without souls can neither laugh, nor cry because they have abandoned their inner child to the sins of apathetic indifference.
Golem would be more appropriate.
Southeast Asians have been into weeb shit for decades, along with several other parts of the worlds like some European and Latin American countries. Then Americans who didn't hear about anime until 1999 waltz in bitching about them as if America owns anime
Kamen Riders and tokusatsu are the closest thing to capeshit for Asian. Chinese love Ultraman and Kamen Rider. SEA love KR and Sentai.
There is also the period where there was a mass market of crabstick tier VHS and later VCD/DVD of toku shows sold everywhere in the region at cheap pricing so it's not like only rich kids can watch it on cable or whatever.
you know what's even better? they sell toys here.
that last sentence really is the one that gets me. you enjoy toku peacefully then suddenly you got people who just came to the scene thinking they own everything
not just toku but mecha shows too
Imagine being white or jewish? God forbid american. Couldn't be me.
My question is why do they cause so many problems and act extremely cringe? I remember HJU had a lot of issues with cringy SEAs.
Yes Russia v Ukraine and the Gaza conflict are proxy wars setup by super important SEA nations.
>Americans think GUNZ is culture
/krg/ is always seething on ASEANs
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Larping with guns is like larping with drills or pressure washers: They're just real life tools
Toku is soul and art made to make people happy
>Toku is soul and art made to make people happy
That's pussy reddit shit. Media like toku and anime is made to inspire people. Fuck this faggot ass bullshit of "relax, just enjoy the escapism."
Fuck that, that always sounds cowardly and soulless.
Childlike entertainment for childlike people. Simple as.
I think what you do is called stealing valor.
All entertainment is childish. Go do something valuable with your time.
anon you post in four-chins
Children think anime and toku are life changing experiences, adults understand it's only made to sell toys.
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Honestly after what he's done, how the fuck does this dude still have any fans left? He might not be Takasugi, but he's pretty damn close.
Not even close. It's the typical right wing leaning black pilled tradwife conservatives types that think like you do. Not everyone is a soulless doomer pilled nihilist's. This is not a only children are this and adults are that angle. Unless you hate nuance and is ultimately hypocritically the very thing you shove into a bubble.
Read the Bible and find God. Before posting such crap with such confidence.
>all those buzzwords
Reply to me only when you are over 18 kid.
>All those buzzwords
Children think anime and toku are life changing experiences, adults understand it's only made to sell toys.
Ironic. Practice what you preach, next time. Newfag.
>All those buzzwords
>Children think anime and toku are life changing experiences, adults understand it's only made to sell toys.
Ironic. Practice what you preach, next time. Newfag.
We don't sign our posts here.
You don't even know what that means. Stop trying to fit in.
They're literally superheroes, that IS "capeshit", and has the long running neverending iterations that comic book heroes are known for
that's power morphicon a.k.a. USA
Not really, no.
>One larps about being a cool superhero despite knowing it's not real
>Another larps about serving despite knowing they won't serve
Nah, they're the same thing.
No shit.
Stupid fucking word then you fucking retard
I mean my point is that he is mostly hated by his actual (former) fans. I doubt americans care much about him or his history.
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I honestly think in SEA countries, the "normal" hobbyists (people with "nerdy" interests in general) either stick to their own communities (and/or stuff like private Facebook groups) or don't do much on the internet - the ones we get on English-speaking parts of the internet are basically their reject nutjobs that can't fit in and try to create over-the-top personas that fit their perceived idea of what people from Europe or America are like. Take Filipinos for example, it's pretty much guaranteed that male ones are like this weird borderline parody of a stereotypical 2005 imageboard poster who can never shut up about his loli collection and discourse that hasn't been relevant since 2014, and female ones try really hard to be like European feminists but don't really understand what the movement is about and mostly just whine about porn.
>male ones are like this weird borderline parody of a stereotypical 2005 imageboard poster who can never shut up about his loli collection and discourse that hasn't been relevant since 2014
>female ones try really hard to be like European feminists but don't really understand what the movement is about and mostly just whine about porn
so, americans?
So accurate very with shit posters.
t. someone who isn't SEA
He just talked shit. That's not even close to be an actual criminal
Kurata asked some fans on a livestream to donate him some money and later DM'ed them those who donated, begging to give him even more money. Nothing too bad or criminal as Takasugi did, but still, when fans and money begin to get involved, it just rubs me off the wrong way.
you are obsessed with this chong guy
>It's the typical right wing leaning black pilled tradwife conservatives types that think like you do
It's kinda true because the left wing trannoid emasculated numale cuckolds don't watch them at all because they're problematic.
I forgot that some of these shit posters that's invaded /m/ are definitely of the left leaning variety. G witch brought in a lot of troglodyte keyboard tourists. Explains why there were a lot of anti gundam bait threads.
Faggots like >>2264093
Hate anime. Its clear as day. I wish these gay non binary virtue signaling failed riajuu leave my hobbies alone & leave.

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