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How do i get into Getter Robo?
Production order for both the anime and manga. You can skip the original and G anime if you've read the manga, but the Go anime and manga are both worth reading and watching, as well as the OVAs. Arc can be skipped.
It doesn't fucking matter why are you even asking?
This is a series about crazy barbarians murdering things with a robot they don't understand, kinda like Japanese MEGAS XLR. You think canon matters for something like this?
There should be a hatch somewhere, open it and climb in.
Use the hatch

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>For years nobody had any trouble just watching shit.
>Now every fuckmunch can't get into anything without first vetting checking and reading a complete flow chart and write up.
Why are you fagwads like this?
You don't "get" into it, you must first combine with 2 other people.
Dude I can like.... TASTE the universe.
Yeah as if you faggots actually understood Armageddon before by just watching it lmfao.
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watch new getter robo
You don't get into Getter.
Getter gets into you.
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Here's the getter read guide
Outdated but it's something

Can't go wrong with production order
Fuck you.
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What'd I do? I remembered this chart from years ago and production order is, quite unironically, often a good call for large franchises.
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You spoon fed a retard making a bait template thread with zero real interest that can't figure out cartoons for themselves because they're a twat. It's encouraging bad behavior and people to become disinclined to actually engage with what they claim is a chosen hobby.

>often a good call for large franchises.
And It's not that large a franchise. Good lord. When did this all happen? When did people NOT want to watch their shows? I remember when I first saw how many different versions of, for example, gundam there were and my reaction was "Oh sweet. A lot of anime to watch." The only thing you're helping people with is getting a basic cliff's notes version of a series they're too vacuous to form a real opinion on.
Have you tried reading it or watching it? Might be a good way of getting into a manga/anime series but I'm not sure.
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Thanks mang, that image is exactly what i was looking for.
Touch grass tranny.
Kill yourself faggot.
"showing them online" has become people's primary motivation
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Look, man, I get that spoonfeeding is bad and I agree that gatekeeping is important, but I think there's a fine line between what you're worried about, which is indeed trying to watch or read shit with the minimum possible effort, and trying to help uncertain normalfags actually watching. You hved a good attitude about actually starting Gundam for example, but the fact of the matter is that a ton of people, even people legitimately interested in this sort of thing, are often intimidated (needlessly mind you!) by seeing the number of entries in anything while also knowing nothing about them. It's completely pointless to be intimidated but a lot of people get confused or afraid for no reason, which means they never ever actually get into the thing. That's good because it's self-exercising gatekeeping but it's also a bit of a pity- there will be a handful of people out there who actually are interested in trying to start this sort of thing too afraid of nothing to ever try.

This is why I talked about production order. Telling people just to start from the start and telling them how to do it is, I would hope, not the same as trying to give people the shortlist to """"get the essential experience""", which I agree with and have long thought is a shitty thing to do. In giving anon a chart, I was not attempting to give him some kind of cheat sheet so he could go brag on twitter how he read Getter while reading as little Getter as possible, I was trying to tell him where to get started doing it. Maybe I did reply to a template thread, but maybe it'd be a decent answer to template threads to give legitimate answers for the honest people who actually do want to watch and read things. Sorry if I pissed you off.
manga first
Reddit, YouTube, no one has any sense of independence when they go online or how to pursue media anymore. Ties in with how kids don't know how to use telephones anymore.
Based decent poster.
Armageddon is good but you fags need to not act so obvious
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Here you go. Reading through this thread, I realized I like you OP. Hope this helps. I recommend New (2004) and getter robo manga (1974) by ken ishikawa as your first foray.
Open the cockpit and don't die from Getter Rays
Based and perfectly reasonable.
Rule of thumb is to open a Wikipedia article with the list of works in production order, pick out what you find interesting and go from there. You only have to pay attention to what works require knowledge from previous works to be understood, and that usually only extends to one being a sequel to another.
I also think the modern Marvel Cinematic Universe, multiverses, lore theory crafting bullshit mindset has made a lot of people afraid to "ruin" their experience when its not a big deal unless you do something obviously stupid like watching a sequel before the original.
I watched the Shin Getter Robo OVA first and got hooked from there, accidentally read the Shin Getter Robo manga before Getter Robo Go because it was listed that way on Mangadex, and it was still great. Same with Gundam, I only watched the Tomino Gundams up to CCA and skipped straight to Turn A only to find out that Victory Gundam was awesome a few years later. If a series is truly good it wont require you to do stupid asinine shit like watching in Chronological order, watching spin offs that were made after the main series or other ridiculous stuff.
>I also think the modern Marvel Cinematic Universe, multiverses, lore theory crafting bullshit mindset has made a lot of people afraid to "ruin" their experience when its not a big deal unless you do something obviously stupid like watching a sequel before the original.
Yeah, but there's also a big min/max mindset with many of these people -- they're more interested in putting Getter on their 3x3s and making idiotic memes than watching it out of genuine interest. The meme aspect alone has ruined discourse around Jojo's even though it couldn't be more straightforward to watch and read.
niggas really pretend the manga is for adults while the cartoon is for kids
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Guy who wrote with Borot here
I agree that this sort of minmax mentality is what has to be avoided, but simultaneously I also again do think a lot of people are needlessly intimidated by franchises and often unwilling to do research. I actually was thinking earlier that something like very barebones production order charts are one of the best possible midpoints. An info chart, and ironically my problem with the very chart I posted myself in >>22629085 is that it gives a bit too much information to the reader. An ideal guide for a new watcher of anything should just be a list of the material and the advice should be to either start from the beginning or watch whatever. This is a big problem with the Gundam chart that has floated around for years for example. Multiple versions have come and gone which try to do silly things like list "pros and cons" or which provided a bit of extra context rather than just giving you the only necessary basics like what is in what continuity, what year it came out, and MAYBE who directed it.

Minmaxing fagolas, hopefully, will not be attracted to simple lists, which are distinct from charts that border on recommendation charts. Maybe I am being too optimistic, but basically, I want to make it as easy as possible for new blood or otherwise genuinely interested eyeballs to come while also having the simple filter of actually watching the fucking content. Hopefully, reducing a chart to a list with the barest minimum of clarification on what is what (e.g. Great Mazinger is a sequel to Mazinger Z) would be useful, since it would also mean anyone who just wants to be an achievement hunter can only ever actively claim so much.

I've always really liked the VOTOMS sheet for this reason. It's extremely simple and barebones, no fuss no muss, watch it or don't, doesn't tell you anything you don't really need.
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Again thanks a lot, I should've clarified I'm only interested in manga, cause I've watched most of Getter Robo animes like ten years ago, but those mostly suck dick and forgettable as fuck except Armageddon and the one with cowboy dude.
I'm not a huge mangafag in general and this mecha drought got me desperate for some, you know, actually good mecha stuff.
>suck dick and forgettable as fuck
I've never seen them but that sounds like the toei shows. Which outside go are saturday morning cartoons. Different strokes for different folks.
These are great posts as to why gatekeeping is a good thing. /m/ should never change. Thank you for this anons. If only anime medium never reached main stream popularity as it's ruined the fandom overall.
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I'm having a little trouble reading if this is sincere or not, but for now as I feel it's on the 'not' side, c'mon anon, I was literally advocating for trying to get more people to watch anime by making it easier to access while at the same time not reducing stuff to a "greatest hits collection". Those people who don't care about watching things and who just want to mark off checklists exist. I am fine with that, those can be in a way ignored because they self-filter naturally, but I also actually think it's important to make anime and media in general accessible to people who really are interested. A lot of people can't seem to bring themselves to get over the small hurdles from time to time, and that's a pity, people are missing out on good stuff for no reason.
I agree with you that there's a friendly middle ground between listing every upgrade or character-development episode vs giving a reassuring production order and mentioning what shows homage what. That Votoms list looks particularly daunting and even just a singular human voice giving any sort of comment or assurance about it would help someone pick it up instead of indefinitely shelving it.
I'm not the poster you're replying to though
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The VOTOMS list isn't daunting at all, IMO it's easily on the shorer side. To "fix" it all it would take is demarcating the chronological and production orders better, since in total there's only eleven actual entries in it. A single white line through the middle of the chart makes it a bunch clearer to read.
Yeah, you're right, that's way easier. Maybe a picture or two of Chirico or a Scopedog to make it look a bit friendly would be fine, so it doesn't look like one of those charts listing the signs of a stroke, but it looks great. No unnecessary synopses of each series, since it's pretty you'd start off with a random OVA because it had a slightly more interesting summary.
>americans need infographics and specialists encouraging them to engage with their hobbies
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We live in strange and grim times anon. Nothing for it but to try and spread some cheer.
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Just wait until you see this website https://youtini.com/
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No. Stop encouraging stupid people to be stupid. Fuck you. There's a line between being nice and being retarded. This isn't helping anyone. You think you're being helpful, friendly and welcoming and then next thing you know we're up to our tits in threads asking HOW DO I GET INTO X, HOW DO I START Y! I JUST SPED THROUGH 90 EPISODES OF A WEEKLY ANIME WHILE LOOKING AT MY PHONE AND DIDN'T LIKE OR UNDERSTAND IT!!

If someone makes an honest effort on their own and at least TRIES but they have questions or are confused about something, THEN you can be helpful. Then you can be friendly. But that's not what happened. People are complaining about not knowing how to do their homework but then revealing that their text books are still in shrink wrap.
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Well, that's why I wrote some walls of text earlier. I am well aware of the problem of retard speedwatchers or what have you, which is why ideally anything telling newfags what to do or giving them direction should be a filter in and of itself by being simple and spartan. Turning "just watch the show" into an image macro with a checklist didn't seem like all that bad of an idea. Oh well.
Turning the hobby into a checklist is exactly the problem!
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Ah, that answers it nicely. Thanks.
There's nothing wrong with being confused about how to get into a franchise, but I always find these threads a bit disingenuous because you can find the production order for any show pretty easily nowadays. I've never had to ask other people where to start. That's why I think spoonfeeding is pretty retarded, if they can't even be assed to do a quick search on the archive or Google then they probably aren't terribly interested in the first place.
>over the small hurdles from time to time
That's their fault. No one else. Consuming media shouldn't be challenge. And yes I was sincere or in good faith.
>you can find the production order for any show pretty easily nowadays
Not that anon but it's a bit annoying trying to find just the bare minimal info without accidentally stumbling across
>"this show pioneered the genre of an anthology format where every preceding protagonist dies"
>some stupid-ass google question of "is the protag dead at the end of the show"
>"such-and-such OVA takes place 2 years after the show and the death of the protag"
I don't even want to take a glance at that fucking shit
>looked up Ashita no Joe as a random example on google images and there's a spoiler about the last bit from fucking steam and soundcloud out of all places
>Not that anon but it's a bit annoying trying to find just the bare minimal info without accidentally stumbling across

It's not solving a great mystery to just check out what order this shit came out in and what's available.
>>"this show pioneered the genre of an anthology format where every preceding protagonist dies"
Never seen any of this type of shit on Google or Wikipedia. The fuck are you getting spoilers like this from?
Too bad people are just fucking idiots
Which is all the more reason not to encourage them.
I'm paranoid about spoilers and it's been years since I've made these mistakes, but actually look at the wikipedia page for Getter Robo and pretend you wanted to go into this completely blind
>scroll past the harmless plot setting and volume list
>sequels and remakes section immediately tells you the ending for Toei and lists G's pilots
>Getter Robo Go is a reboot but the manga is listed in the same section as well
>was obviously supposed to skip down to the list of series instead
>subsequently names Shin, Arc, Armageddon, and the other OVAs, moreso as a timeline rather than categorizing it by narrative
>the list of series just sorts them by medium and doesn't indicate what's a continuation or standalone
>you have to glance at each section if you want to know whether or not it's standalone
>you're either supposed to watch Armageddon after either reading and watching Arc, or after watching Go
If it's a legitimate spoiler for someone that Musashi dies in every appearance that's sort of on them, but it would be better to hear "enjoy the manga in production order but give one of the OVAs a chance for you to see what the feeling is like" from an actual human being than this history record of the Getter franchise
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>but actually look at the wikipedia page for Getter Robo and pretend you wanted to go into this completely blind

Boom. Done. Didn't even let my eyes glance at the middle of the page or any pertinent spoiler details.
>look up the thing
>it tells you to look it up yourself
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What the fuck is wrong with zoomers.

>it would be better to hear "enjoy the manga in production order ... from an actual human being
Why not just do that from the beginning? Do you seriously need someone else to tell you what to do all the time? Remember to clean your ass in chronological order after every shit you take anon, and chew before you swallow, inhale and exhale at a decent pace or your oxygen level will plummet and we don't want that. Also you die at the end no matter what you do in life, how is that for a spoiler you fucking retard.
You secret club gatekeeping faggots created this so-called "problem" in the first place by constantly whining about shit such as newcomers not starting with the "right" entries, not watching the "must-watch" ones, and them watching whatever caught their eyes instead of following your "sacred" production order or curated recommendation list.
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Imagine complaining about "spoilers" for a franchise that's literally fucking 50 years old lmao
>imaginary scenario
Oh right, I forgot you're actually newfaggots trying to larp as oldfags.
That's just you.
>I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago when the meanie oldfags told me to fuck off
>Toss the recs in Isuldanon! Tell me what to watch!!
Bro I love seeing lil' ass goombas try and call anyone they don't like "tourists," dog who do you think you're fucking talking to when you got into anime in like 2019 get the fuck outta here.
What was Getter Robo Armageddon supposed to be like before the original showrunner left?
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What happened with the style change so soon?
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Only he knows. And he's not telling.
>so soon
It leaves many to debate if Genki being Kei was the plan all along, among other things.
You have more than the normal amount of chromosomes.
I like short summaries because I like knowing what I'm about to watch. Surely at least an overall series summary wouldn't hurt so I don't pick a lighthearted comedy when I want to watch something serious and dark.
You're right, I ignored that bit because I don't know what Votoms is about
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IMAO. You real proud of this post, huh. You pitiful fucking loser.
I remember seeing a good comment about it. Something about Getter being linked to the invaders and needing to purify the world or something.
not him, but that's bullshit. you miss a good chunk of context if you watch armaggedon in isolation, to the point some scenes feel out of place because they're actually references to stuff in the manga. not every reference requires this, mind you, but it's painfully obvious stuff like gore and burai or the emperor fleet showing up is something that comes out of nowhere and if you only ever watched armageddon you can't possibly understand its full context.
>not him, but that's bullshit. you miss a good chunk of context if you watch armaggedon in isolation,

So? So you miss it? So what? Yeah you might get some references that add to the experience but none of it defines. It's not reliant on it. The story in the series itself is completely stand alone. This is is exactly part of the problem. So many of you retards are terrified of not understand EVERYTHING all at once that you end up understanding nothing or don't watch anything. You're completely incapable of figuring things out via context or having a blank that you freeze up like a dear in headlights. Here's a hot top. Not only do you NOT need to understand any of this crap, most of us went into Armageddon blind to start with because it was the only Getter robo ANYTHING we had for years unless you want to count those incomplete highly edited Force Five episodes. Just watch the show because the worst thing that happens is you get the references in reverse order.
>You're completely incapable of figuring things out via context
that's exactly what I'm talking about, there's no context.

>most of us went into Armageddon blind to start with because it was the only Getter robo ANYTHING we had for years unless you want to count those incomplete highly edited Force Five episodes
this is completely irrelevant to the point, no one is telling not to watch or enjoy armageddon as a standalone work, I'm only calling out the bullshit that is saying you can just jump into it with no context and understand everything, which some people will and do argue in favor of.
As someone who first watched Armageddon without reading the manga, I'd absolutely think you're missing out by not doing it, this thing gives no context of the mythos and throws you clearly assuming you get everything they talk about
>I'm only calling out the bullshit that is saying you can just jump into it with no context and understand everything, which some people will and do argue in favor of.
So you learn. You watch Armageddon and probably don't get everything, but you get most of it. Then you watch something else or read the manga and oh, now you get what that moment in Armageddon was about. You learn from your experiences like a fucking human being.
Read the manga Getter > G > Go > Shin > Arc
Watch the ovas in any order
Armageddon is literally a sequel to a story that doesn't exist
>sequel to a story that doesn't exist
You see. That audio drama......... hasn't and will never be translated. (Time to learn jap, yeah right). But you're right.
Armageddon intended audience HAD to be getter robo fans or otaku familiar with the franchise in some form or another. It's a direct to video OVA. Which typically is aimed at an adult otaku audience or demographic. Imagawa is a huge fan of the franchise and who is a super robot fanboy himself. With all this my mind I don't think Armageddon had a general casual audience in mind when in production with dynamic pro.
If the concern is "I will not understand deep fanservice lore/references that don't actually affect the overall plot of the show", then the "correct" choice for first watch should be obvious- whatever the first entry produced was.

I hear so many people nowadays that say "I don't want my TV shows/movies/books/etc to be homework" and it just makes no sense to me. Like...don't make it homework, then? A lot of these pulp stories ultimately have the same basic "good guys fight bad guy" plot, and honestly a lot of the times fanservicey things are also not that hard to parse out just from context alone.

I don't know if it's the MCU or what, but something has broken peoples' brains in terms of how they enjoy long-running franchises. Enjoying art shouldn't be some kind of weird completionist run.
>I don't know if it's the MCU or what, but something has broken peoples' brains in terms of how they enjoy long-running franchises. Enjoying art shouldn't be some kind of weird completionist run.
Yeah I agree somewhat. I think both the Hollywood business model and seasonal style of watching show because of Netflix created a different (warped) perception of consuming media. It is all for worse culturally. Another example is seeing anime blu ray releases and shows classified as "seasons" including with older shows.
>Season 2 part 1 of a 50 episode show or season 2 of the second half of a 26 episode anime

HBO live action shows that's classified as seasons is something I hate with a passion being used to categorize anime episode count.
>I hear so many people nowadays that say "I don't want my TV shows/movies/books/etc to be homework" and it just makes no sense to me.
It makes no sense to me too. It has been a stupid thing to say, that has been said by a lot of people this past decade.
Yeah and Giant Robo is a middle chapter to a story that doesn't exist. Shut up. The only thing you need to know is that they were a robot team and they fought shit. Everything else makes sense in context and through the prologue. Actually pay a-fucking-tention. This is so much why I hate request fags.
Sure it has a lot of stuff only fans would get, but let's not act as if at the end of the day the basic appeal of Getter is much (if at all) more complex than "hot blooded guys in robots fight aliens/monsters while yelling and making funny faces". The OVAs pretty much always deliver on this and if someone doesn't enjoy that aspect of it, no amount of deeper lore and fan reference shit is going to get them to stay. Or at least it shouldn't.
I agree. Enough said from me.
Ummm akchually you also don't fully understand Armageddon if you haven't read Kyomu Senki since the Invaders are straight up taken from there so you don't fully understand the context either.
>Kyomu Senki
Why would ishikawa do this?
I've seen people claim Excel Saga as their first anime ages ago, and zoomies can't watch a fucking getter ova without a guide telling them to do so.
>I've seen people claim Excel Saga as their first anime ages ago,
I vaguely remember this. Same with guyver too. The era of Adv/new type USA and anime insider was one hell of an time.
Is this even translated?
Only a few chapters
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In my case a lot of my first exposure to series was the movie adaptations. I never say anything else Urusei Yatsura till long after Beautiful Dreamer, for a solid decade the only Tenchi I knew was the 1st movie and for a longer while still I only knew Slayers from its film. I feel like a lot of the time anime fans used to be far more willing to jump into the deep end and just enjoy shit for it's own sake. People were watching stuff to be entertained not pad out a list. And yes, a lot of this was due to more limited access but I don't think that changes things too much. People just can't seem to enjoy anything on there own anymore while old generations would catch as they could. And that's not getting into all the old short ovas that were either stand alone or outright incomplete. It feels like people used to be happier to watch things for their own sake. To get a brief view into whatever made up fantasy world the series was telling us about. Just pure entertainment. Now it's HOW DO I WATCH X!? DO I NEED TO WATCH Y TO UNDERSTAND Z!? HOW CAN I WATCH [INSERT FRANCHISE] WITHOUT ACTUALLY WATCHING IT!? CAN I SKIP EPISODES!? I really think these people need to reevaluate their chosen hobby. When I found out there was a bunch of different gundam series after seeing my first my eyes lit up like a christmas tree because the idea of having more anime to watch was terrific.
Zoomie here and Excel Saga was one of the first anime I saw (mainly because of CWC). I read a few volumes of the manga too.
Excel Saga was huge in the early 00s. One of the premier SO RANDUMB anime types.
It's not random at all, the references and parodies are just too japanese.
yeah, no one is arguing armageddon can't be a good entry point.
>dude just look it up lmao
if you have to say that then you agree with me, no point in arguing further.

>I will not understand deep fanservice lore/references that don't actually affect the overall plot of the show
that's not exactly the concern, though. it is the fact it DOES have prominent references to getter lore that lack proper context in armageddon itself. and even if you handwave those as something that is intentionally obtuse and not meant to be fully understood, then at minimum it is a series that is greatly enhanced by having that proper context.
Yeah but tell that to early internet subculture.

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