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>2 essential games in understanding nadesico story
>no translation for both
if they are so essential they'd be translated
yeah as if westerners would actually use that logic and not just mold reality when facing a hard to translate/inaccessible thing
I'd like Gaia Gear to be finished at some point. If I ever paralyze or otherwise cripple myself and can't do my normal hobbies anymore, I will make it my mission to learn moonrunes to help my fellow /m/en read their white whales.
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Dai Yamato Zero go. I just want to see it.
RahXephon ps2 game
The Blank of 3 years does fill in some holes between the TV show and movie (though it mostly isn't anything you can't just intuit from what they tell you in the movie anyway), but The Mission is a total waste of your time that barely progresses anything.
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I mean it's not like it's the the hardest game to just power through but I'd appreciate more context
Nothing. Just learn Japanese.
Good picks
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Do you hate yourself or something?
>Brave Saga 2 manga
>Da Garn novel
>Dendoh novel
>Cima Cima novel
>Megazone 23 novel
>SEED CE 73 Stargazer manga
>Saver Kids
just pay a translator then
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Played through this years ago, but recently have been seeing it gain traction online, so I feel like it might be getting a fan translation in coming years.
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RPG Densetsu Hepoi. The premier show of castle mechas and funny old jrpg stories
nice fupa
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I just really need more space opera. Speaking of, I really wish the Bodacious Space Pirates novels would have received a translation.
see? already molding reality. it's the truth bro.
Bandai needs to get their shit together and start localizing the OG SRW games to modern stuff. How do they expect people to jump into Moon Dweller?
I'm still hoping that translatorAnon will update the Gihren's Greed translation soon.
The first 3 volumes are translated and the others are being MTLd on Discord: https://www.miniskirtpiratestranslations.org/
I also love space opera. Got any space manga/novel recs in English? I've read all the Leiji Matsumoto manga that are in English as well as Crest/Banner of the Stars, and I'm going to read the LOGH novels.
I personally want the Gall Force and Captain Tylor novels to be translated, as well as the rest of Leiji Matsumoto's manga.
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Probably nothing that you haven't already heard of. Though I'd also be happy to see the Starship Operators books get a translation.
Blank was translated years ago and it has nothing to do with the fanfic crap retards keep claiming it's about.

Mission barely has a story and has nothing to do with the movie

Fuck off and die retard
post it then nigger, only thing I can find is some summary online which is not the real deal
What's the point then? I can put a bunch of text myself on google translator or deepl or some shit. Lmao waiting for a real translation.
They have the original 3 volumes that were actually translated and you can't find them anywhere else.
"can't find them anywhere"

Sure, pal.

Still doesn't excuse MTL for others.
You don't have to read the MTL; I personally won't.
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The SRW OG Chokijin Denki manga. I even went out and found raws for it. If only I knew a group that would be willing to translate it.
The real understanding of Nadesico is to not bother with PoS and recognise the true ending is the Gekigangar OVA
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A bunch of manga that are probably not even that good but i still want to read.
>Majestic Prince Manga
>Battleground Workers
>seelen the hunting world
>Break Age
>The Last Frontline
>Giant Robo the day the earth burned and babel siege
>Zeorymer Omega
>Sakura Brigade
I learned japanese just to play Gihren's greed, but i would enjoy a remake.
God I'd love for Microman's stuff to be fully translated because the little I've read/watched of it already tells me this series is for me
There's a lot I'd like, but the ones I'd put at the top are the Tetsujin 28 manga, Five Star Stories manga, and the Outa versions of the Mazinger trilogy
Are planes and WWII /m/?
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Speaking of Masakazu Katsura, how about the complete Wingman?
Maybe once it gets an anime in 2049.
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More Gekiman. That stuff was interesting. I'd love to see the Mazinger chapters.

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