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And why it's Portugal?
This is Europe according to Japan.
>Which nation that done dirty
They intentionally chose the Zebra for Kenya. Not the lion, the animal always used in mecha for cool shit. They specifically chose the Zebra and gave that shit a spear. They didn't think Kenya was cool enough for the lion, cheetah or even a hippo, rhino or bison. They chose a fucking Zebra. So disrespectful.
>Turkey and Lithuania loves Japan
In what way?
No it's not, also
>Map of Europe
Clearly, they just used all those cool animals in prior year's fights and the Zebra gundam is one of the cooler animals they had left for this new suit they had to build for this melee hell of a meta.
God tier: God, Zeus
Great tier: Maxter, Rose, Bolt, Dragon, John Bull, Tequila, Lumber, Spiegel, Ashura, Nobel
Meh tier: Everything else
Why tier: Arachno, Skull, Mandala
Shit tier: Magnat
Thats a fucking Masai, Masai's HUNT lions
I am fucking offended Magnat was so generic.
>Germany kills Jews
>Switzerland watches
>dress in the skin of your preys prey when you hunt them
Masai are monhun irl
I don't understand.
>Cannot eat potatoes
S-Tier: Minarat Gundam, Master, Burning, Zeus
A-Tier: Bolt, Rose, Dragon, Spiegel
B-Tier: Noble, Pharoah
C-Tier: Maxter, Neros, Viking
F-Tier: the rest
I'm built like Skull Gundam IRL
Of the "main" ones, I'd say Spiegel and Nobel.
The others are an attempt to represent their country of origin but Germany got a Ninja and Sweden got Sailor Moon.
I guess SS Gundam would've been a bridge too far, even for G Gundam.
>he doesn't know
As SEAfag, I'm confused about Neo Malaysia and Neo Singapore Gundam.
>Malaysia = Skull?
>Singapore = Ashura?
Nobel is a berserker
>Neros in Meh tier
>Skull in Why tier
Shit taste.
Fuck Portugal
i can kinda-sorta see how they came up with those when on tours. Borneo has headhunter tribes which display trophy skulls in their villages, some of which are sanitized tourist attractions. Meanwhile in Singapore, there depictions of many-armed gods at Hindu temples along standard tourist routes and many-arms = Ashura for the nipponese tourist i suppose.
Honestly the first stereotype that comes to mind when touring Singapore would probably be the Merlion, but they already had a Mermaid Gundam I guess so that'd be too similar maybe.
Would the Philippines gundam just literally be Voltes
Merlion is trademarked.
Nah, it should be a dynamite-themed Gundam that’s named TNT Gundam.
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duterte gundam
Zebras might not be lions but they certainly arn't like horses or anything. Zebras will fuck you up.
>Gundam Matador
>It's a non-functional Bull
Typical Spanish
A horse kick can end you instantly.
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The American one reminds me of the Flag from 00.
Mostly spot on
Iraq with Scud. Iraq/Syria/Palestine in pre-2000s anime always gets the cool-designed reps but they're either ep1 jobbers or they're the "pure evil" characters for obvious reasons of Japanese parroting western media.
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>Neo Australia Gundam
Last time I've seen it posted yesterday it was described as "Europea according to Mainland China" you fuckers
>No Macaco Gundam (Brazil)
This was their big mistake
At least the clown gundam put up a decent fight. They built up the tequila gundam fight for the whole episode, then its revealed to be some goofy shit with a sombrero and it gets taken down like a fodder enemy.

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