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If Crossbone is so great, then why hasn't it been animated? Isn't the UC timeline the most popular Gundam?
>Isn't the UC timeline the most popular Gundam?
OYW only.
kits are already selling well
also a "break in case of emergency" guaranteed success once they get around to it, to use when they can't afford to experiment with other things and need a huge boost ASAP.
This thread again?
Probably because it's set after F91 and Bamco's main focus right now is to fill in the gaps between CCA and that.
Can't wait to see this scene get animated and how normies react to it.
Because the plot and characters are actually bad and no one cares about them, they only care about the gundams specifically.
Just like Gwitch?
Just like Wing?
People care about the story and characters in Wing.
Just like 0083?
Just like all non-Tomino Gundam.
>man hits girl? OH the normies are gonna freak!!!
Shut the fuck up.
It's the SEED Astray of Universal Century. It's basically because it contains all sorts of bullshit that can't be explained in ordinary UC terms.
Only 1 out of 10 crossbone fans has actually read the manga
>If Crossbone is so great, then why hasn't it been animated?
They don't need to animate it, the model kits sell themselves..
>Isn't the UC timeline the most popular Gundam?
Early UC is popular, Late UC is not.
I actually find funny to see people wanting adaptations since gundam manga to anime adaptations are so rare and not like Fate/ which does this all the time
Because Thunderbolt exists
Fate doesn't do it either.
and then Unicorn happened
and Thunderbolt and Origin reinforced it. Oh, and Hathaway. It can happen if Bandai wants it to happen.
Those still carry the themes and plotlines from the main UC series. Also they took place directly after CCA. Crossbone is practically an AU.
Go tell that to Vfags
Unicorn and Hathaway aren't manga.
Origin is made by Yas and an excuse to revisit OYW.
Thunderbolt really is the only weird one out of the bunch.
>If Crossbone is so great, then why hasn't it been animated?
Because it's actually bad
nah you are

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