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This does mean that ZZ and CCA doesn't happen right?
Nothing happened, anon. It's all fiction.
Oh shut the fuck up!
So true!

Axis rebellion happens when Haman declares a retreat from the Earths sphere, so she dies regardless. Char still forms Neo Zeon from the remnants of Axis and AEUG elements willing to follow him. (Even though Kamille becoming brain damaged was the massive straw that finally broke Char and it does not make a lot of sense for him to go MIA if Kamille was still sane)
The fate of Kamille doesn't matter in the events of CCA. All that matters is that Char would be pissed about the rise of Neo Zeon that he takes over when Haman falls. So in other words, CCA will still happen even if ZZ doesn't.
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If Kamille was the straw that broke the camel's back for him why the fuck did he wait seven years to do anything about it? Also wasn't Kamille basically okay by the end of ZZ?

I like to think that Char wasn't in ZZ because he is actually afraid of Haman.
>I like to think that Char wasn't in ZZ because he is actually afraid of Haman.
Char wasn't in ZZ because he was on vacation.
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Sure. Whatever you tell yourself, Casval.
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All Char Aznable was put a baby in this and all of Dublin could have been saved.
If Char was in ZZ, some anon speculated what would have happened:

>Quattro returns to the Argama
>Sees Kamille, and gets the hand touch
>Blames himself, and doesn't another Lalah and Kamille tragedy to ever happen again.
>Reluctant to allow Judau and his crew to join because of this, until he is forced to.
>Assumes the mantle as Casval Deikun, and gets the Deikun loyalists in Neo Zeon to his side, kick starting the civil war.
>Char's slowly loses grips on what he had as Quattro, slowly becoming his CCA self.
>ZZ ends with Haman killed, and Char as the head of Neo Zeon
>Cue CCA
How do the Puru's fit in though? Do we still get Purus? Does Char try to Cyber Newtype Kamille up to "fix" him? I have so many questions.
Wrong. Almost all games make Char stay a good guy if Kamille doesn't lose his brain.
The PS1 game also implies that Char did CCA because Kamille lost it.
Zeta ANT isn't canon.
Don't worry about the canon..it doesn't matter.
>Nothing happened, anon. It's all fiction.

They hated him cuz he told the truth.
just started watching zeta and I liked char in msg, am I going to like it
>Reddit humor replies
It did give us MG Zeta 2.0, which is a solid kit.
Except this one.
>Even though Kamille becoming brain damaged was the massive straw that finally broke Char
According to a Gihren's Greed cutscene
There is nothing stopping CCA from happening in particular, but even ZZ could still happen, just centred more around Char or/and Glemy.
Personally, I like to think that ANT Judau met retired Haman in Jupiter sphere.
Dublin wasn't important enough for Char to put his dick in crazy (again).
Never put your dick in crazy, anon.
Games aren't hard canon, those authors are basically writing fan-fiction. Furthermore the idea that Kamille's existence alone was the one lynchpin holding Char back is kinda ridiculous.
Char is a very dimensional character, Kamille wasn't his sole motivation. Even in MSG we see how he has multiple things driving him at times, I don't see why Kamille would be his sole reason for doing things in Zeta or after either.
The death of Lalah, the weight of his family's legacy, his political beliefs and his rivalry with Amuro were all just as present in his motivation to do what he does in CCA.
Is a pretty good justification from the political dimension, he wasn't just going to sit by and let Neo Zeon go to waste by Haman.

A lot of people paint Char as a grifter, but he's more of a goal oriented man that gets side tracked by his personal life.
>he's more of a goal oriented man that gets side tracked by his personal life.
Deleted Affair bros...
yeah Casval is fun in Zeta
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I will never get the time I spent reading CDA back.
It's the Zeta PS1 game you philistine

And yet, Tomino's profile for Zeta Char in the proposal basically had him ready for CCA already, just without a solid plan for now, although he wanted to be in the battlefield because otherwise he feels old.
Doesn't the show state that he only really finds meaning through battle and that he just doesn't know what the fuck to do otherwise?
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Everyone forgets this..
ZZ still can happen, the only difference is Kamille either stays with them and mentors Judau (which admittedly would have been really fun) or he “retires” with Fa, leaving and trusting everything to Judau and friends.

Maybe a sort of hybrid situation where Kamille didn’t become camatose, but he realizes he “burnt out” his Newtype ability to finish Scirocco and due to sheer mental exhaustion. Honestly I don’t know why some are so quick to say the movie cancels out ZZ because the only difference is Kamille is all there.

CCA on the other hand could be affected, but it too can still happen. We may get a slightly mellower CCA Char, but there’s still plenty in the 1st Neo Zeon war to push him into some version of his CCA self.
He was just chilling in the Hyaku Shiki the whole time, waiting to get picked up

In my mind it is half this, even in CCA he’s a man who’s still stuck in the OYW in many ways.

The other thing though is he never has a chance to become someone else or to find something new, Quattro Bajeena was his chance at something new and essentially he’s pushed back into becoming Char Aznable. Further he could have just done it to give the AEUG their decisive win in alerting the general media about the Titans, but he’s also told constantly that his “best path” is to become Char again and I think that goes to his head.

I think Kamille getting crippled does push him but it only makes him more cynical, the shades of Neo Zeon Char show themselves as early as the Dakar speech because by then, he was Char again.

He definitely doesn’t know what to do when not fighting or scheming, but he never really had the chance to evolve to something else.
>CCA on the other hand could be affected, but it too can still happen. We may get a slightly mellower CCA Char, but there’s still plenty in the 1st Neo Zeon war to push him into some version of his CCA self.
You're saying this as if he wouldn't be at the forefront of the 1st Neo Zeon war exposing the corruption of EFF and taking ex-Zeek parts of AEUG with himself leaving it ineffective.
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The based and true awnser is that Kamille and Fa join Neo-Zeon
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In CCA a Char/Haman/Kamille Neo Zeon would have been fucking INSANE.

It would be unstoppable...until Quess shows up.
I wonder how Fa would do. She wasn't bad at piloting when she wasn't getting fucked over by circumstance and other pilots. The Methuss was also kind of a piece of junk.
Gihren Greed still makes Char go nuclear, and quite frankly it’s the only one that tries to mess with that kind of stuff and be consistent
I think he and Amuro should have had a beach vacation episode together and that would have fixed them both

Gihrens Greed does get Loosy Goosy about how much Kamille getting brain fried effected Char. The only way to get the ending where CCA does not happen is

1: Max alignment at the end of Gryps war and by the time Haman/Glemy are dead
2: Zeta ANT ending happens
3: Resisted an alliance with Axis

If your alignment is not max Char still goes nuts regardless of Kamilles sanity. I remember Char does have a single voice line in the last game they did if he and Kamille fight. Mostly boils down to Char hating himself and Kamille not responding.
They'd fag it up, be real
>If Char was in ZZ, some anon speculated what would have happened:
The original plan for zz with char was already shown and confirmed.
Char basically killed Haman and Judau using is newtype abilities was heard by all of humanity and humanity ended up leaving to space in the end.
So yeah, there wasn't going to be a char's counterattack if that happenned and Char wouldn't have ended up the final boss and dying.
Yeah but that's less Char not going nuts if Kamille is sane but more Char not doing anything if AEUG did everything perfectly and succeeded in it's goal
Kamille being the motivation can still fit if Kamille say stops fighting all together after this finally giving in against pushing against the system. Char could still see it as the souls-de-gravity chewing him up and spitting the boy out.
cca/bc is strange because Kamille in ZZ is still as fiery and pro fighting for your cause in it during Dublin. Yet he never shows up again not even as a politician, activist or humanitarian(outside making phat surgeon bucks) when there's clearly two major refugee crisis going on between the ManHunters and Sweetwater
I can fix her.
I'd say at least ZZ still happens. Albeit much different.
I like both the original and ANT endings
Nothing after the original 0079 tv series happens.
Everything else is an alternate sequel to the movie trilogy adaptation.
Why the fuck does your image look like its melting?
Fa didn't do half bad all things considered. Her skills developed pretty well, especially considering that even staying alive against the titans with zero prior training is a feat in of itself unless you're a protagonist, and she has a few kills under her belt against them. Give her a decent MS abd some more training/expired with the Zeons and she could end up doing well.
*more training and experience
Don't post when you're running on no sleep, kids.
I think some people headcanon him just losing all his memories
I think kamille in ZZ was simply fighting to stop people from being massacred. Even after all he'd been through, he still wasn't so broken that he'd sit by and let people get murdered for nothing. By CCA I think you have to delve into the closing episodes of Zeta to see why any real idealism was crushed out of the boy. See pic rel. I think he flat out didn't believe in the idea of newtypes changing anything. Consider what he'd bern through by this point: he felt the populations of an entire colony die, felt the pain of his surrogate sister Emma as she died, felt the pain and deaths of all of the cyber newtypes despite trying to save them, felt the pain and deaths of both friends and enemies like Jerrid, and felt how Four's death after getting a newtype connection with her. And to top it off, Paptimus's newtype abilities was what locked him in a prison of his own body. Fa was the only one he had left by the end of it all. From his POV, the newtype power was just another way to hurt others. He mentions as much in the line right after this. So Char's message of bringing everyone to space to end war through newtypes would have rung hollow, since Kamille knew first hand how newtype abilities can be used to hurt others.
Here's the line right after. Kamille may not have been broken but he was pretty damn close.

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