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Based tokulover
I really think the world could do with more dudes in suits. With modern effects and technology we could make some really cool shit.
turns out there's a reason for that
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Yooooo holy shit Gransazer. I remember having Garuda's figure. Don't know where it went though.
Me too!
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The DX toy for this looks fucking terrible but the suit is absolutely awesome especially when it's action.
>With modern effects and technology
The economy is in the shitter though and everything is done at the lowest levels of cheap (read: not even CGI anymore)
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Can't forget Johnny Sokko's Flying Robot!
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Was there ever any rule 34 of this sexy beast?
This shit rules, I just wish they didn't shoot it on digital tape.
Fuck off, coomerfag.
Jesus. This is so bad it almost looks like early '90s "We don't know what we're doing, we're new to all this" American footage.
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Why didn't get ONE real win?
They essentially WROTE an episode where he was supposed to get a win then had Blazar finish the job.
He got to kill one of the little snake head things but then you learn they are just part of a larger being.
King Joe Storage got a kill. Even the fucking ship from Nexus got a kill. Why was Earth Garon designed to be cucked like this?
All the footage you are thinking of when you refer to that notion probably wasn't from America in the first place.
Earth Garon walked so Blazar could run, dummy.
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Where is this from? It's face looks like a Gundam.
I'm going to be honest, if this was shot on film and the projectile effect wasn't digital, you wouldn't be saying this. It's on par with most TV toku from the 80s, it's just the fact the digital tape makes it look cheaper than usual.
Gundam SEED live action ver
Spacegodzilla movie was garbsge but MOGERA was fine.
Also Tekkouki Mikazuki
He's probably talking about the early MMPR exclusive Megazord fights with the Thunderzords. Where it's clear the guys in the suits have no clue how to move in them so they just kind of awkwardly flail and jerk around intercut with stock footage. They also straight up destroyed the Dairenoh suit as well.
What is the source of this?
Wrong image.
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Which is better for a sentai mecha, hands or animal hands, or hands that end in weapons?
Kids unironically would get more annoyed if Blazer didn't kill everything
Regular hands that can turn into/switch out with animal hands

Evil makes me SO ANGRY!
Diaclone vs Gridman
Kids don't watch Ultraman. Only manchildren do
Then why is Sentai dying?
Literally why do you care? Getting kills isn't important or relevant
Also, no, they're not part of a larger being, they're a larval form of what was presumed to be a different kaiju
God Zenon?
More like Chad Zenon.
Just look at that walk and his No Fucks Given attitude.
Wrestling has done just as much mental damage to people as TVTropes has.
>Literally why do you care? Getting kills isn't important or relevant
The entire point of a giant robot made to kill kaiju is to kill kaiju, if it can never do that then the robot is irrelevant and a waste of space.
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