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Previous Thread: >>40871910

April Showers edition

Twilight's favourite books:

Fanfic Reading:

Twilight music playlist:

Best pony thread
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>Virgin, but thinks about sex a lot
She's just like me...
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dead thread
dead board
dead fandom
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I will give EQG one thing and one thing only - Twilight should have glasses as a normal part of her design
Celestia wasn't going to let her most important student be defective.
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yeah Twi looks great with glasses. I don't think she needs to have them but it could've been great.
I don't want my wife to have vision problems.
Fair enough but they needn't be absolutely necessary. I can see fine without glasses but for large amounts of text it gets uncomfortable so I do wear a pair. Of course the implication in a cartoon would be that she needs them, but then there's also Rarity's sewing glasses
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How much IQ does RD have?
There's also this one RealDash did a while back. The glasses really do make her cuter.
I agree. She's cuter without glasses.
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Twiggy Piggy!
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Why is she scared?
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Post mayo version
twi has some sexy teats
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Can confirm.
Come on, what's the worst that can happen?
Accidental pregnancy
The sexiest
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I love this dress so much
With Twilight it's never accidental.
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It's a very nice dress, yeah
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Why does he have a sandwich in there?
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>He doesn't keep emergency food in his pants just in case his waifu gets hungry
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Am I the only one that finds it more erotic when Twilight shows off her butt it's featureless?
It's behind you!
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Pregnant Twily is so adorable. She’d be an amazing mommy
How does she fly with a belly like this?
Beats me. But this would be when she’d be due anyday. So probably would have no reason too
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Catbox is down, so here's the Derpi link: https://derpibooru.org/images/3342562
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Nice numbers

Both are hot. Sometimes I might be more in the mood for some good featureless, sometimes I might want to see her glorious marepussy.


Nice job
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Twilight trying to convince Anon, using all kinds of technical derivations, why her ass is best in Equestria.
Me on the right BTW
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my wives.
wow my wife twilight sparkle is so beautiful
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Imagine what this panties smell like
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Cute short mane Twi!
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You're on her mind~
She's on my mind.
How old is she here?
Twilight's 34 here. I put together a little timeline a while ago because even I forgot it sometimes. lol

>Twilight is 18 at the start of the series.
>Twilight and Anon marry at 23 and 26.
>Twilight has Copper Flare at 26.
>16 years have passed since the start of season 1.
>Twilight is 34, Anon is 37.
I worship my queen.
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Comfy Twilight is the superior Twilight
She is a very comfy mare
Based drawfren
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Perfect picture.
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huh so does she still alicornify?
Nah, this is an alternate timeline in which Twilight never becomes an alicorn. The idea for this timeline is that Twilight is still tested by Celestia, including giving her some royal duties to see if she's capable of it. Eventually, Celestia gives Twilight a choice whether to become Equestria's next leader, or to stay in Ponyville with her friends. She chooses the latter in favor of her friends and Anon, because "Friendship is magic."
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With me? Right?
Guys there is another girl trying to take Twilight's spot as best girl and she also happens to be purple!
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All I will say is she can be quite cyclonic.
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Is there a naked version?
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reposting from another bread >>41010257 (Cross-thread)
Wtf is this real?
Twilight Sparkle could be in *your* bed and basking in sunshine
A certain dragon from a certain indie game.
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On patreon it seems
I really wish that artist would try to improve his overall anatomy a bit, the legs always tend to look a bit weird and the faces flat.
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It sucks but that's okay!
You'll jerk to it anyway!
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Twiggy Piggy
I kinda had an alternate headcanon that I liked to the end of the Season 9 that was similar to this. Twilight doesn’t become Equestria’s newest ruler here. But she attains more duties and responsibilities and is kind of now like 3rd in command with Celestia & Luna, kind of laxing their responsibilities a bit while not retiring fully. Therefore she stays in her castle in Ponyville, while oftentimes traveling to Canterlot for royal business. She does have to step down as headmare of the School of Friendship tho to focus on her Royal duties. Handing that role to Starlight. So Season 9 still happens, it just ends up having a different outcome
S-she's fast!
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what a waste
I have a similar one, the events happen mostly as they do, but Tia and Luna notice after a while that they're actually a bit bored without any ruling to do and also just thrusting Twi into the highest office without being there to directly help is a bit harsh, no matter how much she says she's fine with it, so they come back to help with their old roles and share the workload so that they have more free time than before but Twilight also isn't all alone. Basically it's a more directly show-compatible version of yours. For the Canterlot -Ponyville thing I imagined one of the first things Twi would do is establish a dream guard to help Luna out and help more ponies. The mane 6 would be part of it so they'd be able to meet most every night in the dream realm beyond the moonly physical council meeting.
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Where are her hooves?
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I’d feed her hayburgers in bed
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She doesn't have hooves silly.
Nice butt
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Is this a close-up of a blanket or wall art, or something like that? Really like the image.
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Looks like she's not in the mood.
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Twilight is a very cuddly mare!
Alternate universe?

Alternate timeline where Twilight never became an alicorn or a princess. She just settled down in Ponyville, got married, had a kid, and lives her life with her friends as a librarian. :)
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>Lion's tail
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I know, it's great.
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Why is she angry?
You're not giving her enough sex.
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She still definitely could’ve done that as a Princess
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>Spike is forced to write down Twilight's fanfiction
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Look at her go!
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What the fuck is going on in this image?
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Caterpillar purp
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I'm a maresexual.
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Best butt in the show.
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Best butt in the whole wide world desu
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I love Twilight's fluffy purple butt! It's not too big nor is it too small either, just the right size for her figure!
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live purple wife thread, live!
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She's fast!
Look at her go!
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Spike's face is priceless in this one.
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Is this a Twilight?
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About to restart the series again cant wait to see s1 Twilight again
This is a Twishy
>The Twishy Flarkle is an elusive mare creature that lives among and within the trees of the forest.
>Embued with immense knowledge, the Twishy Farkle is sought out by the greatest sages and knights errant seeking wisdom.
>However, the Twishy's shyness and its ability to call upon forest animals to whisk it away to what it perceives to be a safe location where it cannot be embarrassed, means that few ever get a chance to partake of its knowledge.
>Nevertheless, if one manages to find a Twishy and convince it to speak, it will begin expounding at great length and detail on a number of subjects.
>It is told that the Twishy can expound enough information to fill a library in just one sitting.
>The Twishy's favorite subjects include mathematics, science, arcane knowledge of languages and history, random useless facts, magic spells of dubious utility, hayburgers, bunnies, and birdie sing-alongs.
>The Twishy is known to have a sweet but obsessive character. Very shy and easily exasperated, it is best to speak to Twishy in calm, but technically precise terms.
>Rumor has it that the best way to entice a Twishy to approach and hold conversation is to a) be a virgin (since Twishy likes virgins the most) b) Offer a rare book, and c) carry a basket full of irresistibly cute bunnies.
>Twishy likes virgins the most
I'm in!
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I can handle them all.
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my wife is so adorbz
Now we're talking!
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>"Human fashion is fascinating!"
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I can fix her.
Twiggy Piggy!
those numbers anon…
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Based Satan
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It's over...
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Wtf give me my pants back!
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>Copper Flare

Gay name
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Cute, Celestia does not want you to know this, but you can just capture ponies.
>but you can just capture ponies.
Not my world, not my rules.
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I hate taxes.
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>"Okay, now show me your feminine side"
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Nighty-night, sweet Twilight.
with my dick!
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Cute witch!
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Where does she get the money from?
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From the royal treasury.
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I really do love my adorable purple horse wife!
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She's got a better weapon on her head.
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Poor Twiggy
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my wife...
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now turn around
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me on the left
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Are you a syrup?
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Big purp
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It's a shame that the show doesn't have any interaction between these two.
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That's what fan fiction is for.
maybe if they meet they disintegrates like an electron meeting a positron
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ngl i would still look at this mares eyes anyways, but if i already love her does that mean i will end up double loving this mare?
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it really is.
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remember to feed your purple pony!
You can't fall in love with the same person twice.
you could probably fall deeper then.
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With her it sometimes feels like I can't stop falling in love again and again.
Same bro
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What kind of spell is she casting?
She's opening a portal to Equestria.
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Cute and funny filly Twi
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What's in her ear?
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Yeah, but why is it white?
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>Twin tails purp
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Too small.
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Why do her wings look so big?
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Kek based
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Because they're big.
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I love my christian purple wife!
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I love my schizo purple wife!
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Could use some Twi to cheer me up. Got fired from my job yesterday
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Did you work in game dev?
I can fix her, but I don’t want to (the crazy sex would be wild).
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not twilight but I hope this helps
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Best pony!
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She's cute. What's her name?


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it’s eyepatch she’s new.
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>she’s new
WDYM? The show's been over for a while now.
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shhhh she doesn’t know.
false twilight lover
real men love twilight no matter what she looks like
This is the poorest bait I've ever seen.
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what’s the richest
barneyfag baiting

Another false lover. Begone, tard.
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She looks retarded here.
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Attack what?
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>still haven't posted it
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He moved all of his content to the Discord server.
She speen
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And that stops you how? You give them an inch and soon they'll lock everything.
I'm a poorfag.
Alright thread, I'm going to bed. When I wake up, that animation better be on every fucking booru by noon or I'm bumping this whole thread to page 10.

Don't let me down. Don't let HER down.
>I'm bumping this whole thread to page 10.
We don't take threats from chimerafuckers seriously, sorry.
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>I'm bumping this whole thread to page 10
Really nigger?
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holy shit, we actually hit page 10
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Twilight looks so pretty in her gala outfit!
Pretty mare!
I also wanna see it. I'm not waiting a year for this retard to make it public. The fact nobody's posted it yet is insane. We used to post shit like this to every booru and their mother within 12 hours, but it's been a week and still not out there.
Is it over, bros?
>I want to see my waifu getting fucked.
Are you fucking serious?
It's an anthrofucker, they're not known for being the most intelligent.
You never loved Twilight. Real lovers care about her no matter the look.
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>we've hit page 10 four times since then
Uhhh, maybe we should listen to him, bros?
Stop lying.
NTA, but we hit it at least twice since last night alone. I bumped it back before I went to bed, and I saw we were at 8 or 9 when I woke up.
I'll see if I can drop the animation later today unless I forget.
That and we already do it fairly often. This is like someone predicting it will rain when it rains often.
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Is it ever explained why she is afraid of cheese?
>still haven't posted it
This is why she wouldn't love you. Can't even be willing to do something for her. Pathetic.
>Says someone is pathetic
>Literally e-begging same person for porn
Anthroniggers are truly a strange breed.
If you weren't pathetic, you would've posted it by now and showed how much you actually cared for our wife. But here you are.
She'd be so disappointed in you. All of you.
Frauds. Get off my board.
Cute purp!
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STFU cuck
I bet she smells really nice and has a little bit of body glitter sprinkled all over her.
Damn, she's so pretty.
You never loved Twilight. You're a fraud. Leave this thread and never return.
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Says the guy who wants to see his waifu gandbanged.
If you care so much about it, whatever the hell it is, why don't you get it and post it?
>Spell of Productivity
Damn, I really need that.
Jesus Christ, you're all a bunch of lazy fucks. Either post the fucking video or shut the fuck up about it. Holy shit.
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Here you go faggot, now shut up.
anon you fucking maniac
Another false lover of Twilight.
Get the fuck off my board and don't come back until you've proven you give a shit about our wife.
Kek based
The most ironic thing about this is in the time you retards have been bitching back and forth, you could've actually posted the video and shut him up a week ago. Leave it to /mlp/ to make things harder on themselves.
Well this is autism central after all!
How is it possible to samefag this horribly? This isn't a charity, it's a fucking image board. Pay for it yourself.
>everyone i don't like is a samefag
You don't even deserve a (You) just for the bait alone.
Happy now, retard?
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Man, I'm autistic as fuck, I forgot how to link it right.
See >>41087764
Also, do you really like watching your waifu get fucked in all her holes?
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Whose skull is that on the table?
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Twiggy Piggy!
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Where did Pinkie go?
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>he doesn't know
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Based. Fuck dykeshit.
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Twifags are asleep, post Trixie
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Pretty mare!
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Sexy mare!
After many years and seeing it all, I've come to realize something about Twilight.

She's the only mare I see with a dick and say, "Mmm, yeah, that makes sense."

I don't know, Futa!Twilight impregnating all of her friends just seems hot for some reason.
Kys faggot
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Live faggot
Back to your containment thread.
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She killed millions
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For reasons she didn't understand, causes she didn't believe in...
Literal /trash/. Go back.
of sperm cells
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What's Spike looking at?
Look at her go!
fluttershy is always the “cry”
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Something we all crave. Lucky bastard is always on the eye level with it too.
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>[Save The Princess]
>[Slay The Princess]
I hate crows.
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Only a faggot would slay.
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I was browsing some old sign pictures and thought of purple horse with this one.
Based Twiggy opens a business on Earth.
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What do you all think of this picture?
>This image is tagged g5, which is hidden by your current filter.
I won't be thinking about it.
the “g5” is sunny anyways what the absolute fuck did I just witness anon
>non con
What do you want us to say? "It's bad"? Because it's bad. Not in any interesting way, either.
Only a cuck would enjoy this kind of content.
Ah, I see Twi is trying out the "large ear size for enhanced hearing" spell. Let's try it out:

[Whispering very quitely] "Ehem, Twilight has the finest ass in Equestria!"
>[Blushing] "Y-you really think so?!"
>[Blushing even more] "U-uh I mean, what did you say?"
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If you ended up divorcing her, would you have to pay alicornimony?
dodges bricks
>If you ended up divorcing her
Not gonna happen.
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Twi noir.
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>Weeks later
Why the fuck is there still no video link anywhere?
Someone leak it!
Oh snap, many thanks hombre.
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Why is she mad?
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Spike put a book on the wrong shelf again.

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