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GIWTWM edition
Previous thread: >>40848665
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Voice archive


A playlist of Applejack songs
Her butt smells bad.
I think being married to Applejack would be one of the most fulfilling and happy lives a person could have.
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don't you lie about best pony like that
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I agree.
It'd be full of long days out in the orchard, but the feeling of such a tight nit and loving family would be able to carry you through anything.
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I fucking love this picture
Like baked apple cinnamon
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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She is so asking for it! I mean have you seen what she is wearing?
Who knew fireproof boots would look so sexy on a pony
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Hello Applebros, as you may or may not know, /mlp/con opened it's panel applications recently, and since we already had a panel last Marecon, I gotta ask, do you guys want me to do another panel on this /mlp/con?
why is she so fucking FAT?
she's not fat, she's pregnant with my foals
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i knew
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Imagine living out on the frontier with AJ as settlers starting a new apple orchard like the founders of Pony ille.
Hell yeah.
If only.
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Here's the kicker
Morning bump.
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Lately I've been feeling a kind of tired that only sleeping with her would cure
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Would be a dream come true.
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>almost 200k views
I'm beginning to realize the fandom is a lot less dead than it seems, it's just that most bronies are just living their life while consuming mlp content every now and then.
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Morning bump.
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Feeling appul today, gonna lurk with you applefrens.
Can't wait for winter, to put pic rel on wallpaper.
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Heres a handful of Apples for ya with some other pones too AJ can be quite the silly filly
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Forgot image fugg
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>you will never experience your first time with teenage Applejack
I love it
>you will never comfort her after she gets the sad news that her parents died.
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Morning bump.
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I this pic in pony form lmao
Very nice
Epic pic
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>When she first sees you
God I hope
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Happy high day yall I drew Applejack a lot while high and have concluded that I love her
Blessed high
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Live straight and true and she'll spirit us away from this hellish prison Discord ensnared us in.
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Morning bump.
This looks great.
more apples is always good
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Checking in from euro horsefucker meetup
Those are some amazing Appuls
Many european appulfriens in there?
If you give your plush enough real apples it will become a real pony
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Morning bump.
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I was the only one out of the 10 anons we had there
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>Cuddling AJ
call on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (call on me)
call on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (callon me)
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Airdropping even more Apples
Absolutely blessed. Thank you Appulfren!
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Morning bump.
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g1 AJ identified
I like the human AJ, she looks cute
my apple sense is tingling
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W-what are they going to do to her?
The same thing that happens to all ponies in a perilous situation

> rescued
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nothing that wouldn't have happened if she wasn't chained
Dress her in silly suits, and then have a laugh while she struts around pretending to be a fancy model
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Haven't posted here for a while, today I drew an Apple

Quality doodles!
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Morning bump.
Ooh. Thank you!
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So I was wondering - I assume you'd want to live with Appul as she is right now, growing apples etc. How many of you are from a city and how many already know how to apples for experts? Is Appul your escapism from city live, or extension of what you've already got?
have a dumb bump
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Sub-rural. I see her as stability; a flame that gets me to want to be more productive and steer clear from trouble. Inspite of my own natural vices sadly. Be the you, you want to be for her.
I'm not from a city, but I don't know diddley squat about apple farming. I would say it's still a escapism from the city life though. I've been living in cities for most of my recent life.
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Semi-rural area
They just put in a suburb near me, but my neighbors all have cattle, donks, and horses so I like to think I still live far out.
Trees don't like to take to the dirt where I live.
Holds water really well, but it's too loose and shallow for most apple trees.
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I live in a suburbish area but I mostly wanna live with Apple simply for her, if that means converting to farm life and being a ranch hand then that is my life now and I'll enjoy every blister, gash, sprain, pulled muscle, even splinters if it means that she would be there at the end of a hard day
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Morning bump.
Stop hurting appul.
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Save us Dolly Parton AJ
Kek. Thanks, lad
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Lived most of my life on a farm, been living in a city for the last 2 years, not that knowledgeable about apples in specific, but I'd be willing to learn. As for Appul herself, she is almost an platonic ideal, the perfect wife, the perfect pony, something so good it could only come from an ideal world, she represents what all I ever wanted my life to be ever since I was a little kid, even before I knew about ponies or anything else
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Pump Bump
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Now there's a ride to hang on for dear life.
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Morning bump.
Oh, my!
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blessed be the appulbro
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They should have shown her with untied hair more times
Can't do that in a G rated show
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God damn Anon I love it, every second i hear Applejack sing is a gift truly thank you
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Glad ya like it. The crowd and audio quality gave me some trouble, but I only had to do some minor snips. It came out a lot better than I was expecting. The part that took the longest was catbox refusing to work for me.
I'll put up the two other songs I've made with her before I go to bed in case you want more.
super cute apple
Doing the lords work for a fellow Appulfag I salute you sir any appul you want Ill gladly draw for these deeds
bless you anon, did you use haysay for this?
I guess to stay on theme, how about a filly AJ practicing guitar or banjo.
Nope. Just an offline version of RVC. There's probably something better, but it's what I like to use.
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Happy couples
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>ywn sit across from filly AJ as she practices just listening to her half baked lyrics and inexperienced chords
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Morning bump.
A is for Apple there for it is the best letter AND why its first
She looks beautiful Anon. I really appreciate the kind gesture. I don’t know why it took me this long to start using my favorite pony for covers, but when I finish them I’ll send them this way.
Me on the far right
dubs confirm, apple
Imagine Applejack talking like Foghorn Leghorn too Applebloom in any situation.
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We've had dubs called but not the trips with original art. I forgot to call it with my last song, but I kinda figured someone would do it at some point in day by the time I posted.
this is also a super cute apple
very cute appleEE
also that twi in the corner is majestic
Now do Apple singing Wanderer cuz fallout and imma nerd

Max INT run fallout Twi
I woke up because of a stomachache, so here it is. Was 100% expecting to tell you I can't do it since there's background vocals in it and that completely fucks up the vocal removal pretty much every time for me. It didn't though and there was only one part that gave me trouble, I tried my best to fix it. I'm going back to bed now.
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Morning bump.
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Good morning
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learning to use traditional materials
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Its everything Ive hoped for thank you
>'Hey, sugarcube, wanna have a taste of THESE apples?!"
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No problem Anon
Such small appul to such big world
Lovely work with the brush pen!
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... This is AI isn't it?
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Cheers I'll drink to that bro
I love bedhead
I live in the desert in cali HOWEVER my parents have basically engraved crop growing into my brain since I was a kid so I'd be pretty comfortable being with her, it wouldn't be any work I'm not already used to.
Forgot image.
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Morning bump.
That's pretty cool, anon.
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thank you anon my day is so much brighter because of this
I actually had two other Fallout songs already, but I hadn't touched them yet. So I went ahead and finished them. I had to patch together AJ and the original singer at the very end of the second one.
Guess I had two more. They were in a different folder.
>"Howdy sugarcube. My granny says we need to conserve water here on the farm, so you'll need to join me in this here shower."
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Unemployment here I come in a couple months.
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I love Appul Horse
Checked and what inspired for such a cute design?
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My cup runneth over!!!

Also checked, I was really just disappointed in seeing just overly complicated redesigns so I wanted to make one of my own using very simple world lore thats closer to the base show here earth ponies got their coat patterns from the years of labor they traditional go through. hooves and shins always covered in dirt and thus resulted in lighter shades there as well as theyre back from saddles and wagons they also developed a pattern on their forhead from pushing things with their head I go into a lil more detail in picrel
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Morning bump.
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Yanderappul based
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Don't worry. We'll carry together.
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Woah. Real?
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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Mean AJ is unf.
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Morning bump.
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Good Morning
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Only option is to do the opposite.
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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I don't know why, but for being the most hardworking pony in Equestria, she sure looks comfy relaxing around
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Very sleepy day
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Won half a grand from Derby
Nice one anon, how did that go?
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Morning bump.
Congrats, anon!
Pretty good. Was a yearly family get together occasions. Sad it was the last auction.
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Have some Appul doodles Appul bros
I could escape from PVPD AJ
What a cutie
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Morning bump.
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The other AJs would find you
That's ok, they would not know about my crimes and would not arrest me.
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Have a butt that I created
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That's a nice butt
apple? more like assple haha
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Morning bump.
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look at her go
She has them moves
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Open :)
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How about them apples
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Morning bump.
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Every day in the office I have an apple during lunch. Today however, instead of apples, we only had pears available
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Same! Lunch in my workplace always has both apples and pears available so I take one of each everytime, 80% of the time the apples are mealy and its like biting into sawdust... I still try to eat 'em though, try to go around the worst bits and stuff... really wish they were better kept. the pears are always good though, i smell conspiracy.kwhy
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>80% of the time the apples are mealy and its like biting into sawdust...
They ARE apples, after all...
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There's a conspiracy to replace all good apples with new artificial breeds that taste bad, like honeycrisp. The point is to phase out apples that naturally taste good so when they continue to manufacture new apple types people can get excited to buy the new products year after year, which naturally wouldn't be able to match the quality of apple varieties produced via generations of hard work and breeding.
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Morning bump.
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Go back. I'd rather the insect eating ones.
Those hooves look like they could use a good massage
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Sometimes I wonder if she truly is the silliest pone around
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Apul bump
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Morning bump.
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this aj makes my dick diamonds
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more like rump
Live apul.
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Happy Mother's Day!
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Morning bump.
Happy Mother's Day indeed
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love my wife
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Morning bump.
simple as
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how many foals would you have with appul mare?
As many as she can handle. 5 at least.
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4 is a good number
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Applejack gaming
Would be nice to play with or even watch her.
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Morning bump.
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Pears get sweeter and softer with age. Apples get dried out and bland :(
Add some seasoning and have an apple chip.
I'm trying to find a green with a pregnant AJ where she gives Anon a BJ. I used to find it with ease, but I guess half the greens about her aren't posted in the OP anymore.
Sounds a bit familiar
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Morning bump.
That's a shame.
She has an Appleology exam tomorrow
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quite the studious horse
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good night appuls
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Morning bump.
>broken leg
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Pretty mares shouldn't be on page 10
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Nice drawing anon. /tourist
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I’m currently making an apple cider from concentrate as “practice” for when I’ll pick our apple trees this fall.
I got 8 liters and I’m taking out a liter or so at different ABVs to see what tastes best.
How would they do it on the Apple farm?
What spices would they use if any?
I’m imaging fairly low ABV and sweet with lots of apple flavor.
Also gotta check local laws and if applejack is legal I’ll make some
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Morning bump.
>How would they do it on the Apple farm?
As shown in the Flim Flam episode + some fermentation, maybe?
>What spices would they use if any?
Probably some local herbs and cinnamon. Though, I guess AJ could ask Twilight for some more exotic options.
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It sucks.
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Never was a popular pairing
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Milk drinker
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Morning bump.
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eagerly waiting for next fall/winter, I don't like the warm months
thats her cloaca anon
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Morning bump.
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Morning bump.
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jump bump
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I forbade urbanhell
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Applebros, the next installment of the Applejack Appreciation Appointment will happen on the next /mlp/con, which will happen June 28-30, date and time of the panel subject to change, but so far it's seems to be on friday, right after the opening ceremonies, regardless I believe everyone here knows the drill, the Google Docs link below contain everything that was put in the last poll, if you wanna suggest any other video/song/episode to be voted for either reply to this post with your suggestions or paste it on the google doc
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Morning bump.
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almost /mlp/con time again? time flies when you poni poni
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Year of the apple dragon
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Everytime you masturbate to Applejack she will force you to work 14 hours straight on the farm.
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>force you
That's what I was planning to do anyway
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Morning bump.
Love the apple glasses
Looks great. Love her passion.
I like what you did with the shading lines on the colored one
Muh heart
Morning bump.
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I think it's the hat that does it
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One of the best moments in the show. Even if the admirer was a dip.
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I really miss you apulbros
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>One of the best moments in the show
There's a lot of those with AJ
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No arguement
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Apple center heaven
Normally I'd argue with Appuljewel, but nothing can compare to raw natural beauty.
Wonder how Tex and other Appuldrawfrens are doing?
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Wish I knew friend
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Morning bump.
Who knows. There aren't much to begin with.
Will do fren.
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>nothing but a sarong
Didnt know I needed this in my life

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