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What a lovely day for a walk to page 10!
oh god not this shit again
did you not learn your lesson after pinkie skating?
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But look at all these cool flowers on Page 1, Fluttershy!
>he doesn’t watch the board like a hawk 24/7 365 days a year
Have a good walk Fluttershy, but before you go, have some tea! Don't wanna get dehydrated, and your animal friends made it special!
One pinkie thread "on my way to page 10" lasted weeks
Nice try, Shy.
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>page 1
>slot 1
Doing great so far flutters
so fucking hot
*blocks your path*
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Not today, yellow animal lover
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>“Hey babe, I’m on my way to Babscon on page 1. Wanna ride? Chris-Chan won’t be there, promise.”
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*picks her up and puts her down at the start of the track, despite her polite protests and eeping*
*hugs her so she doesn’t feel bad about resetting her progress*
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Silly Fluttershy, the Gala isn’t that way
me on the left
Can someone get archive link to that thread? I'm not sure how to get past a few days.
to be fair that thread was up for several weeks, a month even
me on the right
Not today.
>G$harts think posting anything to bump this shitpost is a quality thread
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>page 10!
>carries round the middle with one arm back to page 1
get the FUCK back where you belong, I wanna see you every time I hit refresh
>You killed the man, not the idea.
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Too obvious. Try again.
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>“That Pony is really becoming a crack in my egg”
real talk, why do so many flutterfags troon out?
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You mean, “why do flutterfags choose to wear gender-affirming clothing”
is your bladder ready, Butters?
*places my hand over Flutter’s lower tummy and presses down lightly*
Your shitpost is too obvious, these threads used to be jannied and nothing of value was lost. Fuck you faggots for thinking an entire month+ is worth the same pile of shit time and time again.
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Oooing on page 5
Make better threads and hide the ones you don't like instead of crying like a pathetic little bitch.
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bumo or something
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sex with Fluttershy
cease this baseless slander
having a favorite Technicolor horse does NOT make you a waifufag
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One of my favorite Flutters pics.
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Nice try
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Sorry ma’am you were going to fast. I’m gonna have to ticket you
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>mfw she almost made it
We can't let this thread die yet, her bladder is not even half full.
pissfags this is your mindset
Get back here.
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You ain’t leaving till I get my handfull
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Ok, after studying the pinkie thread. I think there's some things needed to make this an "interesting" journey.

You see Pinkie was kinda stuck skating, in middle of nowhere, lost, cold, unable to stop moving, or get out of the ice rink.
This created some problems, one of which sort of had to do with body (private parts), and wanting/needing to rest.

So clearly, we have to do this for fluttershy?
Let me try some things here.
>lost in woods
>deep dark, big woods
>far far away, probably too far to walk back
>crazy animals she "can't" tame everywhere?
>bad weather, dirt, mud, cold air, strong winds, rain, poison plants and all sorts of nature shit everywhere.
>hungry, tired, unable to do normal things like in a town (have to do private business *bathroom* near tree's in open woods, instead of in buildings)

This should be like some bear grylls survival stuff i think?
How hungry does fluttershy need to be till she starts looking at fat rabbits and stuff different?
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>day 3 in woods
>we have to do what we have to do...
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Hey, I have you a cart so you can go faster
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>Day 4 the squirrels have refused to tell us where their secrets nuts are.
>war with squirrels might be soon...
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>Day 5, eggs don't count as animals, right?
>just some bird eggs should be ok...
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>Day 6, I think we got poison ivy on butt
>Need to rub butt on something hard so bad, hopefully this won't be too much of a problem for long...
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>Day ?/week 1, I think we need to build traps, get the food...i mean animals to come to us.
>we must survive...
Fluttershy’s a horse. She can eat the grass.
DONUT DO IT floots. You’ll go to pony hell if you eat a animal that’s not a chickadee
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>Losing track of time
>The plants seem like they are moving on their own
>I swear we can hear voices of animals, or our friends, or our self in the wind?
>we need some shelter or maybe armor, or a weapon...
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Hey Fluttershy, how about some tea with your good old friend Discord?
Fluttershy, who’s we? You’re on your own, remember
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>The thoughts in our head and sounds of nature are starting to seem like other voices.
>This is the only way to keep our sanity
>we aren't alone, and lost, and maybe dying
>The spirits of nature will guide us...
>And then night in the woods comes...
>Maybe we need a song to fight the fear...
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the bounty of nature will feed you probly
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>Maybe time to fish some more.
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(let's post more good pics of fluttershy, in nature, or sexy, or whatever)
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no i want to kick this mare and hear the squeaky chew toy sounds that emit from her when i do
Someone needs to kick/ban this guy.
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It is not us that yoinks, it's the fabric of reality, the will of nature.
It is the game of life, and we are but observers.
We are pawns, we are toys of an unknown entity or force.
We can guide, but we can't control.
This is the way.
>you kick Fluttershy
>she bursts into a thousand butterflies that fly in all directions
what now?
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Fluttershy get back here the race is starting.
Get some bug spray
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>thinking it would have an effect
It's like using 1 cup of water on a blazing inferno. Would it have some effect? Not really.
>messing with a pony that can control bee's, tame lions, and sumo flip bears
I can't believe that Anon is dead
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(I should mention, I think some of my images got compressed. You should click on the images to see all of it. Sorry.)

In fact probably better to Look at the full sizes of all the posted images.
(Not sure I needed to say this, but just in case.)
>So Anon, you have come into my forest, to see the Mistress Of Nature, The Goddess of the woods...
>But There is a price you must pay for my power, and your safety in these woods...
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Your "seed"
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What have you done?
what kinda retard thinks applejack speaks ebonics?
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>put time, effort and work into making this thread something.
>almost no one else helps much, maybe 1 or 2 other people, once every few hours.
>The 1 or 2 other people make other threads copying this one, just to bring this thread down.

I am slightly upset, I feel like some threads are built off 1 or 2 people, and sometimes it's mostly just 1.
Can people not work together here?
I don't think they want their threads to succeed, why would they make them at same time?

I would contribute to those threads, if they were on different days. But this is not about making good threads, it's about ruining this one.
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Time for War
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They can't fathom the power that is being messed with.
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(When fluttershy *escapes* the woods, she doesn't get home, she dies.)
How can we end the thread in a way that doesn't involve death? Only more posts can figure it out?
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She wouldn't be able to do her business with so many animals around in the forest watching her. Guess she'll have to hold out til page 10. What's her strategy?

Not an itchfag, but this is ungodly sexy
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No creature will notice, if we go in the water? All the other animals go to bathroom in woods.
Surely animals that can't talk won't stare at her private parts, right?...
The butt itching gets worse, we need a tree branch, a stump, log, or something...
Mushrooms have an odd shape, kinda like male genitals. No one would know if a pony rubbed against them...
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She's So hungry, so little to eat in forest, it's been so long.
The mushrooms look tasty, should she eat them, maybe if she just licks and sucks them?
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Was the rabbit always wearing a suit, and carrying a pocket watch?
I don't think we should of tried the mushrooms...
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Oh no...
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There's probably a joke in this about the "Eat me" part.
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Fluttershy! There’s an Eagle stuck in a dumpster on page 1! You gotta help it!
You again
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Fluttershy you’re not gonna believe this
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Cut some doll tights to make hind leg socks
Ok we need a plan, time to get our gear, we're going on a rescue mission.
We need a super pony...
Watch out dumpster, I'll fight you...by asking you to to please kindly let the eagle go... Pretty please?
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Ok creatures, let's go over the battle plan, we need to coordinate, let's practice the team moves.
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(sorry about background)
Hope you aren't getting tired!
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she's very cute :D
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god i just wanna cuddle and kiss her
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you're not going anywhere fag- i mean fluttershy.
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I am venge...patience, I am the night, I am FlutteryShy!
Evil... or hopefully just inanimate objects, beware my power...
Of asking nicely...
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Go ahead leave, just like everyone else
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I will marry this beautiful mare inshallah
no peeing for you
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Sorry ma’am this road’s is closed for your protection. You’re gonna have to go back
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I need to know what Flutter's sopping, twitching mare pussy feels like.
Probably pretty good.
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Well the animals of this forest sure seem kinda...horny...
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Pinkie? Are you lost in the forest? I swear she's both always lost and never lost, she seems to just teleport. Maybe she's a forest spirit.
Pinkie, I know we don't have much food in forest, but can you stop nibbling my sensitive plush soft body?
Sleep time
Bumping the thread, but really just wish I was bumping her cervix
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Hey, before you head to page 10, why don’t you stop and have a bite??
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Hey Butterhush
I fucked your mom
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That wasn't fluttershy's mom, It was fluttershy disguised as her mom.
(Never post in this thread again.)
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fluttershy was always so cute in that dress, I wish she wore more simple outfits like that.
Why don’t you have seat right over there
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Wow, been quite a walk, huh Flutters? Hope you enjoy what lies beyond page 10! until next time! Oh, and say hi to the girls for me!
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>Youve encountered the page 10 Guardian.
> He finds you unworthy
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>“Hey, Hey,heyyyyyyyy”
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Every day this horse demands that I fuck her until I can't anymore and everyday she completely drains me in an hour or two. i don't know how she isn't pregnant or so horny. she completely mindraped my dick, any time I get horny I immediately think of her.
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Comfy Fluttershy is comfy!
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>I guess in the woods is kinda dirty, lots of mud, dirt, and sweat.
>Since no pony is in woods, and only innocent animals that don't pay attention to me, I guess i could strip and wash in woods...
>No one would see me naked...
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>Hopefully I don't bother any animals by washing naked in their woods.
>They are naked too, so it's ok, right?...
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You want to sleep with me? That doesn't seem like it ends anything?
Well Ok, as long as you stay on your side of the bed, ok?...
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There's always the archive if you are really dedicated. And offsite archives...if you are REALLY into it...
Not my waifu...
Welcome to Page 10!
With a mighty fart, I blow you all the way back to Page 1.
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Stop right there criminal scum
Start over
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what do you even post about in this thread
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be forewarned boys, Fluttershy will get in your pants, it's just a matter of time
this pony absolutely fucks
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Um Excuse me, uh please stop right there, This is the police, you seem to be smuggling something in your pants, what else could make a bulge that big? I'm gonna have to strip you, and body search you, if you don't mind...
Retards wouldn't understand.
do you think that Flutters is pee shy?
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>Is flutterSHY shy?
What would make you think that?
bold of you to assume that she doesn't urinate in front of others and enjoy being watched
>she always does this when you have to pee
>and when she has to pee too
hard knocks life here in horse land bros
I have finally begun watching this show, finished season 1
So far Fluttershy is my favourite, she is a very nice woman
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(Warning possible future hints)

Isn't it fair to say for half the series before season 4, or 7? That the ponies are like teen age?
I would say anywhere between 16 and like 19?
I mean, they do kinda seem older in later seasons? (not counting time skip)
Or the worse writing, story and animation in later seasons just made them seem older?

How long is a season of the the show in pony land? For us it was like a good part of a year, do we assume a year or half a year for the ponies?
>ponies live forever
I know it's "not cannon", but future applejacks scarf...
I'm just gonna suggest about a year (of human world, and pony world) for each season?
Anyways, I realize this isn't the thread for these thoughts.
But saying woman for season 1 seems early?
Also you should say mare.
Why do we assume any mare not a filly is adult?
how much I wanna cum in fluttershy
It's a retard's thread
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You take that back you son of a bitch
what a beautiful purple woman you posted
twilight is a sultry woman
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What do you guys think fluttershy is like drunk?
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(Not sure if people want to see not cropped version of some of the pics posted.)
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Just as shy but less observant and considerate/aware of others than she usually is. Probably pretty clumsy too. More likely to not be paying attention and bump into someone; but if the alkie is working right I could see her being more casual about it, less apologetic than she normally is. Mellow yellow drunk Flutters would be rad.

I think if the mood struck her, and if the alcohol wasn't sitting right, she could be very cruel. Think like when she was corrupted by Discord, but with slurred speech and still kinda quiet, even when she's shouting. She is kind, but she's also been taken advantage of before, and she probably has a lot of old wounds that she's kept to herself over the years. With some prodding, I think the drink could help loosen her lips a bit. And I think she would definitely be one of the first to start passing out.
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(Thanks for your detailed Answer/post)
>she's also been taken advantage of before, and she probably has a lot of old wounds that she's kept to herself over the years.
I don't like this fiction. I am interested, but I will be upset if being taken advantage is more then some pony holding her, and spanking her, or kissing her cheek, or forcefully grabbing her hoof.
I'm ok with the smaller things. But I will stop reading if it gets too much.

Now if someone were to make or point me to a 10 page/10 paragraph long Fluttershy drunk lewd (sex) story, I would look at it...
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We need to protect her. (when she's not flipping bears and poking Giant dragons eyes.)
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No one could hurt her, right?
>Isn't it fair to say for half the series before season 4, or 7? That the ponies are like teen age?
they're homeowners with full-time jobs
they're all 20 somethings
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Full time job, landlord, and home goods seller.
And their are more examples at 16-18, A LOT more.

20 seems like a jump in assumption?
Heck I think an argument they are 14 and just very successful/lucky is more realistic.
But I'm saying 16-18 to reach a middle ground here.
14-20, seems like 17 would make the most sense?
(And I know people consider it not cannon, but I think the eqg *high school, age* Is an accurate indicator.)
>It's not accurate, cause "not cannon"
I still think it is accurate.
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I should also note in *our* world 16 is basically legal (under some circumstances, in a lot *but not all* places).
And a 16 year old can move into their own place if they have the income, in most cases/places.
So 16-17, And I don't think I can be convinced of 20. (although there was the *cider* drinking).
But any age can drink.
It's just certain ages that can buy.
How many fillies/colts at applejacks cider line? (I would think she doesn't care.)
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I think Flutters is horniest when she has a full bladder
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>A female is most aroused when there is pressure on their lower genitals, and they are embarrassed.
Makes sense? But why wouldn't it be same for other ponies?
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Mane 6 are boomers confirmed.
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I feel like 2 posts made your argument pretty hard.
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I pick Fluttershy up, hold her upside down, and rut her while licking her tired hooves all the way back to page 1.

Better luck next time, kiddo.
how's that bladder doing, Butters?
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Stealth omorashi thread
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taking flutters on a fancy date at the page 1 cafe wish me luck anons
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We regret to inform you that you cannot use our 4chan facilities yellow horse
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>15 days of nonstop walking
Fluttershy has probably racked up over 2.5 million steps.
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Well she’s about to rack up more!!!
and more
Congratulations Fluttershy, you've made it to Page 10!

Now go back
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Just a... quick nappie...
It's been two hours should I wake her up?
Thought you sneak past us huh?
Good luck fren. We should all be so lucky someday
+10 to bladder control
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Looks like you made a wrong turn. Better head back
Post some mlp forest scenery pics?
The bigger the forest the better.
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Rainbow! Catch her!
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>Walking in the woods sure is a workout.
>I wonder if any creature will notice how sweaty I am.
god, she's such rape bait
I can take you to page 10, but there’s a price
Almost there-
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Keep calm girl...
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Keep walking
back to page 1!
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Hard to sleep with a full bladder.
Kek, that's so cute. I need that.
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Peeing not allowed.
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No stop don't do it
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>I got stuck In a forest tree, Some Creature help?
>Wait what are you doing to me?
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Shut the fuck up Fluttershy
pump that bladder
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So YOU’RE the one making all the slide threads! Get back to page 1 where you belong!
What a lovely day to bump this thread from page 10.
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>close to 310 posts
Well, if this was any other board she'd now be well on her way, literally unstoppable.

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CUT fucking horse walked in front of the shot
Its over. She won
Not on my watch
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Hey pretty lady? Where you going?
Not so fast
nuh uh
do you hear that Fluttershy? The sound of a distant waterfall!
I evacuate my colon in your path.
the water just keeps running and running
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>Dude, Fluttershy. I'm a Kirin lmao.
Autumn Blaze It
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>Hell yeahs, flutters. Righteous.

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*slaps her ass*
Too bad, get rounded up
>"oh!! My...."
God that's hot.
Fluttershy sex.
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Alexa, send Fluttershy back to page 1
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Fluttershy sexo.
Ooh so close
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I want Fluttershy to dilute my human bloodline so bad...
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god i cant get enough of her
Sorry Fluttershy, but page 10 is in another castle!
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Alpha body and looks
Beta personality
Verdict: Fluttershy is a sigma female.

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