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AI Art Thread #35


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods / papers implemented first.

>"But I don't have a decent GPU"
NovelAI also does great pony: https://novelai.net
You could also use a service like civitai.


>Pony Diffusion V6 XL

>Autism Mix (Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it. Better anatomy / more coherent.)

>Seaart (Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.)

>Useful artist style LoRA:

>LoRAs by /mlp/:

>LoRAs by /h and other useful info:

>How to make your own LoRA:

>Prompt tips for new users:
Grab a image you like the style of from the desired model's citvia's site and drop it onto the PNG info tab in SD, you can then click send to text to image to reuse its generation info for your own images. Change the seed so you do not get just the same image. Use tags from e621 and natural language.

Recommended extension:

>No, AI art is NOT stealing.
Here, all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure:

>Previous Thread

>Past Threads
Where's the guy who was posting all of those pregnancy images a few threads back? I want to see more of them.
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Banned. Don't worry, it's for the good of the world.
And people said Bing was bad when there's this blobslop
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So GPT4 is supposedly available in the free plan for some regions of the world, likely just US. Any Anons with access care to test it's mare potential?

Still only v3.5 here down under, at least for now.
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Right now, it's Dall-e, but with prompt injection to make it copyright cucked.
It will never imitate the style of the show and will make details like the cutie mark wrong on purpose.
I see. Well, at least Google's Gemini and ImageFX (which both use Imagen 2) is less cucked in that sense.
Imagen 3 is apparently nearing on the horizon, along with Veo their video generation model.

>Generate a side view of Fluttershy in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic show style
Gave her in that style no problem.
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Google's upcoming Veo model can horse
+1 on my list of mare capable models to test
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Nice Banthro!
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The mare you met at the Gala wasn't quite who you thought she was...
But it's looking to be a pleasant night nevertheless.
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Why horse sad?
Dall-e3 can make the show accurate style it just doesn’t do it nearly as consistently or as well as SD can do it
He was asking about prompting it from the new free GPT-4o model on the official ChatGPT website.
It's playing roulette because they change your prompt when sending it.
>Rainbow Dash reading a book
>A colorful, blue Pegasus pony with a rainbow-colored mane and tail, wearing reading glasses, is sitting comfortably and reading a book. The setting is a cozy library with wooden shelves filled with books, and a warm, inviting atmosphere. The pony has an expression of concentration and joy on its face, and the book has a magical aura with glowing symbols.
If you ask for show accurate it will just remove it.
>It's playing roulette because they change your prompt when sending it.
4o is multimodal, it can make its own images without DALL-E, but that particular feature is currently disabled so we don't know how well it could do ponies yet.
She's got cum on her horn
What's her name?
her name is 'cool pillow' frfr
Custard Pie. She's a relative of the Pie Family.
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Need context.
>"Zebras could be here."
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>Sorry Shining, Chrysie is the better kisser, and she's mine now
>Good luck with finding another mare, loser
>Her colors
>Her cutie mark
>Is shown airborne
Is her name perhaps ... Golden Shower?
my tiniest equine
Imagine if this thing really existed
And it had a detailed mare pussy
>The entrance
How else would you come inside her?
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Twilight's ascension?
NAI is still lacks accuracy for most TF2 characters, but this one was nice.
Conjoined mares deserve love too
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I wish face down ass up didn't make them semi-anthro from the waist down.
I like this idea.

very nice!
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I wish for a large assed mare to sit on my face.
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that's the stuff
this one?
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that's good too
These asses are getting increasingly fat
In that case, I better put on my extra large penis.
Post underhooves
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Training a good SFW filly/colt LoRA right now, will play with it later, might be done tomorrow to change from the usual Shino style, any suggestions or ideas?
I require the full picture.
>swapping out penises
If only it were that easy...
Why is Pony Diffusion (or really any model) fantastic at sex but dogshit when trying to generate kissing?
for what purpose?
How to get fire mane like on OP's pic?
Dinky and Pipsqueak snuggling

Simple answer, AI generates pictures by learning patterns and styles from other people's art, so there's a lot of art of ponies porking and not as much of them kissing.
The models haven't been given the necessary information to abstract kinematics or understand the concept of what an action is outside of what it looks like. Multimodal AI will be the next step for AI.
my pp
That's not how horses kiss anon
Breath sharing and nuzzles are more intimate and sweet

I want to see more proper horse behavior
I say, 'twould be splendid to have a surplus of proper equines about, wouldn't you agree?
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Making some sploitables.

Need context for these.
I can shapeshift into your husband too, you know
proper hoers behavior would be getting really close to touching snoots and then freaking out when they actually touch
Man, I really want to like NAI but just how hopeless it is at style consistency with ponies really kills my enthusiasm. I knew it'd be rough with no artist tags but I didn't think it'd be THIS rough.
Without entirely too much fuckery with image2image and vibe transfer it's hopeless.
Just use Pony XL 6
Bold of you to assume I can. All I've got is a shitty laptop, and that's not changing anytime soon.
I meant more like this
Well, an alternative would be to just join the Purplesmart (https://purplesmart.ai/) Discord and use the bot there to generate the mares.
You can DM the bot in question and generate them there for free; effectively your own semi-private channel.
Huh. Well, unfortunately I have a lethal allergy to anything based on Discord so I couldn't stomach that right now, but it's good to know all the same. Thank you.
>join the discord
So... like this?

Yeah, I figured that might be the case. But thought I'd mention the option nonetheless. Also, apparently PSAI had partnered with https://yodayo.com/, so it can be generated there. Shame it's only accessible there as part of a paid plan thing like NovelAI is.
Here, this one has a real life snowpony too:
This is really good.
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novelai furry model
I do okay with solo characters, but struggle with multiple. both having it consistently make multiple characters, and telling which traits apply to which character

is there a newfren tutorial to prompting or similar? I feel there's something fundamental i'm missing
With more than two characters, expect fewer successes and more re-attempts. But it is certainly possible to do:

Always specify the number of subjects with the appropriate terms. 'Duo' for two and 'trio' for three. Still unsure if 'group' should be omitted though when using either of these terms, or if it's intended for like... a small crowd or gathering like you'd see for ponies in the background of a scene. More testing may need to be done to tell for sure how 'group' works.

If they are canonical characters with their own tags (eg. "Rainbow Dash (mlp)") then you needn't do any descriptions of the pony in question as it consistently locks in those details already, in fact adding those extras might even skew the biases towards the others subjects and mess things up.

Plugging a successful result into vibe transfer may elevate your chances of further successful results, but may bias towards the same poses and positioning, which may not may not be desired.
The more characters there are the more likely some may go missing, or duplicate an existing character.
>no dash
damn ai is good. gives you what is best, not necessarily what you ask for
But success usually isn't far.
Anyone EVER succesfully create an extreme close up? Like where just part of the pony's face is visible or something?
So you mean a picture of just their snout or something?
For what purpose? You could just gen > crop > upscale
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Working on the Sleep Well LoRA. i got to sleep. Fuck.
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Happened with Derpy once, but maybe not as close as you describe.
I think the closest other would be AI horse snoofas?
Yes more
No wait, there was this Dashie
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Yeah that's kind of like it. I'm trying to find out what options we have to bring human compositional intelligence into an AI assisted piece. I'm approaching this from an entirely un-technical standpoint, if it wasn't obvious.

I had a couple attempts with different software to get a composition going which consisted of a body part of a pony, like the snout or half of the face. Seems hopeless, the AI just morphs it into the weirdest shit. Don't know if I'm missing something.
Hmm... Only methods I can think of would be to enforce the bias towards extreme close-up to attempt to make it focus on that. And use prompts to minimize detail so it can be content with the more simple shapes and shading that level of zoom would have.

Why do details on pony makes it creepy.
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This is not bad at all. I feel like this is very close to what people need. I have added a slightly more intelligent composition to one of the pictures. Are there any options to make the AI output a picture which "looks" similar to this?

I know that this degree of control was unthinkable just one year ago, so I'm excited to learn which way we're going.
I still think you'd be better off genning full pictures and cropping the bits you want, make your collage then img to img it with low denoise strength.
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Yeah that's pretty much exactly what I'm doing. My mspaint sketch was just for demonstration. However the process is very cumbersome. This took me 15 minutes using NovelAI image2image. That's why I suspected I'm doing something wrong.

If you're telling me that this is the correct way to go, then that helps a lot.
I am looking to demonstrate that it is possible to make this tool useful to graphic designers and the greater artist community.
>artists using AI to compete against AI prompters with a solid base
>They have the rights on their gens
>uses my civitAI content
>Please KMS rn
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To further my point, here is me going back and forth between collage, paintover, and generative AI. Tell me if I'm making any obvious mistakes.

I have zero knowledge of AI memes/terminology, but I don't see competition. The techniques and audiences are so different.
it's a schizo just ignore it.
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The pic (for real)
Dumb take but I get his point. Honest artists must state they use AI content. It's gonna get haters but who cares.
Also helps excluding them from future gens to avoid a mess in the end.
Cool to see some inpainting work.
I tend to avoid inpainting myself, though mostly because I prefer generations to be (somewhat ironically) "organic", where the AI takes the wheel in terms of scene and style, exploring the variety it generates. There's something about the discovery and mystery of only giving the AI a broad idea and seeing what it comes up with.

Too much freedom though can allow it to mess up which subjects are which, as evident with this image (generated using your final pic plugged into vibe transfer), but thankfully AI over time has gotten better at understanding and retaining intended traits.
>the AI takes the wheel in terms of scene and style, exploring the variety it generates. There's something about the discovery and mystery of only giving the AI a broad idea and seeing what it
Totally agreed. There is an entirely different sort of discovery process only possible by doing this.

>generations to be (somewhat ironically) "organic", where the AI takes the wheel in terms of scene and style
Again, fully agreed. The output takes on a higher level of consistency if only the one tool of prompting is used.

>AI over time has gotten better at understanding and retaining intended traits
I guess this is the big one. The elephant in the room. How to make AI mesh better with human intent. For non-prompt engineers, such as working-class graphic designers, this is still an ivory tower. It is a deep desire of mine to prove the viability of one standard end-to-end graphic design workflow that integrates image generation and is complex and flexible enough to cover the majority of graphic design tasks. I see tons and tons of research, but applications seem to be missing yet.
I assume eventually this will just be part of photoshop or whatever people use. It's just a tool like any other.
Let it be a reminder you will never be an artist, jeetranny
Seethe more.
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Frequent inpainting degrades the quality, cuz decode and encode cycle.
If you want to do inpainting, detailer is pretty good

Mask used in detailer also has an attention space, where you can select the area in reference, so it could understand the context and be consistent with the style
>Attempts generating more Nurse Redheart
>Uses solely the prompt 'nurse redheart (mlp), solo, feral'
>Result - https://files.catbox.moe/vezu6t.png
>Realizes I'd forgotten to remove the vibe transfer image from earlier
You know, she doesn't look half bad. In fact she looks pretty darn cool.
Also, an interesting method for fusing mares. I'll have to try that with others.
Saucy nurse fusions
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ComfyUI has built in nodes to prevent the degradation. LatentCompositeMasked allows you to paste the new masked area on top of the original latent. There's also an ImageCompositeMasked node but that requires more VEAencode nodes.

Link to example workflow:

Original image I genned had Marble with wings. Did a pass to remove wings then did a pass to clean up some slight misalignments.
Looks cool
Lyra Fusions
+Nature Mare = https://files.catbox.moe/rafuvr.png
+Daybreakirin = https://files.catbox.moe/advzbr.png
+Pixel Rarity = https://files.catbox.moe/ac8xm7.png
+Ponka Stretch = https://files.catbox.moe/y4yfd2.png
+Buggo lick = https://files.catbox.moe/xhi9yg.png
+Derp Muffin = https://files.catbox.moe/oh2syy.png
+Obecelus = https://files.catbox.moe/wssxpp.png
+Anon Filligurine = https://files.catbox.moe/dv49zh.png
Is there a way to do inpainting without the inpaint taking as long as generating a new image?
Over a minute per change on my shitty gpu isn't cutting it
>LyrAI still waiting on her digital oats
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Turns out pairing artistic results from other AI such as Gemini with Vibe Transfer has a larger impact on the end result than expected. It's almost like a whole other model.
I like the fire version of Lyra. She looks like she ate a Fire Flower from Super Mario Bros.
Hoping this isn't too many dashies to link at once, but there's a lotta good ones.

Well, most of the references I used were these three, though I can't seem to find the fourth I used with Dashie:
https://files.catbox.moe/3g4zqp.jpg // https://files.catbox.moe/j1qro2.png // https://files.catbox.moe/rmd6bp.png

All 8 images + 15 bonus results + Refs: https://files.catbox.moe/t02wnz.zip
The lyra swimming ones look very comfy
That they do. I'm considering making a bunch more in landscape or portrait so they can be used as nice Desktop/Phone wallpapers.
Can't do many of 1080p as it uses a lotta Anlas, and only got around 400 left now. Upscaling is an option though given that's much less costly.
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>Live with Minuette
>Occasionally bake cookies as a side job to sell for bits
>Purposefully positions baking trays out of reach of the edge
>Minuette frequently jumps onto the counter to steal/eat all the cookies
>Binds her front hooves while baking so she can't jump up
>Turn around to fetch the final batch out the oven
>Turn back around
>"Oh god damn it..."
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She'll stab you with her spear.
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I'll stab her with my cock while her husband isn't looking.
>manage to gen this
>want to get rid of the 2nd peetzer princess in the background
>even the tiniest change to the prompt ruins the pose and manestyle
I'll figure something out.

Gave it a shot.
Warrior mares are always hot.
Thanks m8. I know there's a way to do limited area edits, but I haven't figured out how yet.
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Do you have dedicated style for your pones? I like to generate Luna/Nightmare Moon like a silhouette, in misty abstract place
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It's a new day
Spooky. Reminds me of Evangelion.
equestria girls milf
Eww, what is that thing doing in my mares thread.
I don't know but I want it to sit on my face.
All slop. Make real art.
Womp womp. This garbage being normalized is cringe.
Cry more. Its becoming more and more popular and theres nothing you can do about it.
Does it make you sad to see you'll never be an artist? Awww.
It certainly makes you mad.
drawing attention to aislop is gonna make it worse unfortunately
its the Barbra Streisand effect
Right now hating on AI is the "cool" thing since its so niche still. And just like everything else that will eventually flip and it will be the other way around as more and more people start to use it.
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Try this as a pony. If EqG humanoid or humanized I'll take it anyways.
Its not the "cool" thing. It's a soulless tool that requires real data from actual REAL artists for a machine to replicate it. It's a mass tool for the biggest form of plagiarism in human history.
>Its not the "cool" thing
I didn't say it was mr reading comprehension. I see its morning in india. Good morning sirs.

You also need to read a dictionary while your at it sir.
Also, I meant what I said. Its not the cool new thing to hate ai, it has some genuine reaosns to be hated on. I'm gonna assume you're an actual retard for not understanding that.
Good attempt at saving face sir. You should start getting ready for work now though. Plenty of bobs and vagine to draw.
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If artists have soul, and AIs are trained on artists, why doesn't AI art have soul? It's getting rid of the labor of making art, which is a good thing.
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A cat? Where's Tiberius?
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That's nice. Love the bow.
So, since my GPU is shite, I can't run anything SDXL based. Is PDv5.5 good for a SD 1.5 based model for good ponies, or are there better options?
If you can't afford to buy a 2nd hand gpu off ebay or such then the next best bet is using some online service like civitai / seaart or the purplesmart discord.

The old PD sucked. Easy fluff wasnt too bad though but it was shit at cutie marks.
I see. Thanks.
Your best bet is the furry 1.5 models. They're more flexible than even the better finetunes and merges of PD but lose out on accuracy of details.
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For the few people who use NAI
Has anyone had success in generating hoof-focused pictures with like, the forehoof being the focus? It always seems to default to hindhooves, and while that's fine, it's a little annoying it can't seem to shake it
bold of you to assume I could've stayed consistent if I was
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nice pits
Crack. Shipping.
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Flutterbreaker. We need a high impact sexual violence pic of her.
Here is the source.
/dream prompt:score_9, (rating_safe), source_pony,pony,feral,mare,(Fluttershy mane:1.1),Rarity eyes,Daybreaker fire,Twilight Sparkle's magic,solo,(cute:1.5),(photorealistic:1.2),spiral cutie mark,Wonderbolt uniform width:1024 height:1024 scale:7.5 steps:25 sampler: K_EULER_A model:PONY_V6_XL seed:639149623
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should i do more of these?
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I need this please
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>It's just an ai genera-ACK!
[citation needed]
So he (supposedly) created *realistic* images... I don't think us horsefuckers need to worry, desu.
Just last month pedos thought it was free real estate. The pendulum is already swinging back
Justice is biased, this is the problem, no child was harmed since these images that are popular on sites like pixiv are tolerated.

cope and sheethe, faggot. We're already surpassing you, look at this thread, can you do a mere percent of those? Get a job.
Want to stay ITT then learn to prompt or fuck off.
Not really, no site or community that I know of allowed gens that were too realistic just in case.
Kill yourself groomer
Talk about a mare in heat

I love both these mares. More please.

Cutest Derpy
do rarity
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Ummf. I like. Flutterbreaker is now canon.
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Rarity is very doable
all great, really like the Anon ones
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Just in time, was about to send a bonus couple of just Anon and Rarity.

could we get some more lingerie Mares?
I feel like we were on a hot streak for a while but I think its been a few threads, plenty of mare butt but no Mare panties.
too much sun in this thread
Hot mares is all I crave, thanks Anon

These are lovely. More of these pretty please?
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Hhhmm... First if I use a LoRA, I _do not_ support an artist with pedophilic or zoophilic tendencies, that's the main idea, not commissioning them but focusing on the content, and providing quality without that guilt.
Secondly it's true AI generated shota can break the pedophilia business and network since no children are harmed, can help pedophiles not being in contact with real CP. I could be wrong but I validate the idea, it can cause prejudice to many with biased judgement and a misunderstanding of this new technology. These issues should be debated with professionals and lawmakers must have a complete comprehension on how machine learning operates.
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Ended up making a bunch earlier, some recent.


So glad there's finally an AI that is capable of generating quality mare clop with an accurate Anon as a character involved. NovelAI the only one I've seen that's actually capable of that; at least thus far.
Why are you responding earnestly to the troll?
Ignore both the baiter and the obvious discord troon. Only post images.
Bootleg Aryanne
More like boothead. Her head is not attached to her body but instead has its own leg.
Yeah, I was too focused on the cutie mark not being shite.
love that the mare is big, Anon have strong arms
Some of the most appealing AI clop I've seen so far. Rarity looks gorgeous. There's so much passion in these.
Bless you for your efforts anon. Keep it up!
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Mares in dresses. Name a better combo.
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Judges and justice system should be all managed by AI to be impartial and objective.
Same with a lot of government branches - AI can be the best. Allende wanted this in the 70s, CyberSyn was a computer network managing resources and economy, it was working but Pinochet happened.
Technology is here. We can have a better world.

Artists makes products. AI makes a synthesis of it and go itself 100% on it, analyzes the artist like no one else does. Take a Dosh or Shino model/LoRA, it captures the depth of what makes the artist into data. It scans the very soul. Puts apart the politics orientation, the sexual orientation, it digs into the depths of what you are. AI will survive you, AI trains on your essence, no matter what someone becomes, you can be trained on and persist. Learn from AI, it is a mirror. I'm explaining this to my students who are still skeptic about singularity that's upon us. No a computer cannot have a soul, but terabytes of data can not fit in a human brain, we can emulate people, and this is the key to longevity and resurrection.
With enough data you can chat with someone forever. Keep this in mind, AI is sacred.
>Judges and justice system should be all managed by AI to be impartial and objective.
You don't understand what AI is if you think like this.
It's the average. You would just train it on current average and it would eliminate the odd cases of not impartial judges. Unless your trying to say the average is not impartial which I do not agree with.
Thank you.
Did you use a prompt or a tool that can take an image and re-draw it?
I know a few who like "abusive imagery".
They're 3dpd.
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I cum bearing gifts
Thank you kindly for the cute mares.
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Her natural beauty
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I like her better in a dress.
do with fluttershy
the most shy possible
That marble is very very smug at some other mare.
Well, I've found a way to somewhat approach style control on NAI Furry. It's fucking stupid.
What you do is generate the scene you want, use that as base image, use an image with the style you want for vibe transfer, set the reference strength high and image2image strength high, generate with that, use the result as base image, generate again... and repeat that over and over until it finally gives you what you want.
Thanks, NovelAI.
I can't wait for them to remove artist tags on the next Anime model and kill their service out of fear.
Excellent. Very cute too.
>got a new/old win10
spoonfeed me and I'll deliver your requests.
This is proper pony handling.
First result was her petting Anon instead
incredibly cute
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she is almost cumming
>there is no such thing as an evil green ape wanting to take my virginity
>there is no such thing as an evil green ape wanting to take my virginity
>there is no such thing as an evil green ape wanting to take my virginity
Sadly for her >rape
>My mane can't can't take much more
>Anon, please, no more
>This is the ninth time already
>Everypony's staring...
i did hear her voice in my head
why is she crying?
also do more please, but shy and happy(because she love me)
I'd eat there.
She's probably just feeling embarrassed from the situation with so many others watching and judging (or at least from her perception). Her eyes welling up from the stress and shame, perhaps to also incentivize you to stop.
she is too cute
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moar cloud chaser?
I think the moment something snapped inside me was when I realized I got better result with a misspelled tag than the real one sometimes
Wait until you find out garbled non-tags also alter generation
Connecting two words in a phrase might help against generating based on the individual words .
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Every artist needs a LoRA, no exceptions, even the scribble hacks who make faces with MSpaint tier.
I want a Jargon Scott, Witchtaunter, Batfang and Shino are the same put em together.
The best win would be Pencils.
Make the datasets and I wouldn't mind training them on my 3090.
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TJpones, Pabbley, Shoutingisfun, Plunger, King-kakapo, Darkdoomer, Paskanakaa, Stoopedhooy, and that's the styles I have in mind anyone should play with.
I suck, my PC is still a 4yo Windows 10 HP poorfag tier. I basically gen using purplesmart.
How big do they have to be? What are the criteria for usability? I'm game for downloading and organizing a fuckton of images.
You got a burner email or something to send them to?
For a style? just tag the usual tags you would as if you wanted to gen it with e621 tags such as the character name, if its a oc or they have stuff not normally associated with them (like a different hair style, different colored fur or such) then tag those like blue fur, white hair, alternate hairstyle..

same for the background and giving a perspective such as "from front", "rear view", "side view", "high-angle view" and such helps a lot. Same with pov if it is a pov shot and close-up if its a closeup. And if you want the highest quality then include a short caption as well

Do not add any tag just for the style if all the examples are of the style you want, I've seen people make that mistake.

From my experience. 50 good quality pictures for an artist is usually good enough, doesn't really matter if it's sfw or nsfw but obviously it's good to mix them. Every picture needs an accompanying txt containing tags of what is on the picture + some tags like score_9 etc. and maybe some short descriptions of picture.
Would love to see results with a Clopician LoRA.
Bring on the more horsey mares.

Huh. Always wondered how a more realistic Chrysalis might look.
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hoers general
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Thanks I hate it.
Yes, finally!
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There were talks about making a plane pony LoRA for a couple threads now, but we lacked enough pictures.
I found in the plone thread this archive
I'm pretty sure it's enough to make a plone LoRA and maybe even a Blitz or species specific LoRA
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Probably could have waited for a better price but I was tired of waiting.
I hope you have a gpu stand or a wood block unlike the seller
actually abusing that poor thing
Is that really that huge of a concern? Guess I could get something like this then.

nice tongue
How many images are needed to make a lora?
I mean it SHOULD be fine, but if you move your PC often it could damage the slot or pins.
I've heard horror stories of people's gpus committing seppuku and being ruined because of microfractures after they've set it on their desks.
Anything would work as long as it has some support.
Eh, I went ahead and ordered that bracket as well then. Besides it still had almost a years warranty according to its highly rated seller.
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>Lunar Cola
I want it!
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Thanks, I hate it.
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I believe 50 for a well baked one.
Quality can be more important than quantity. If an artist has a mixed bag of quality and shit works you should cull the shit. Looking at, say, Mercurial64.
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>Discord switches ponies from featureless crotches to horse genitals
>mares immediately confused and disturbed

Also here are more lewds
I want to visit cantuterpotille!
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"Hi Anon, do you like my lipsti- where are you going?"
I hear it goes good with Solar Tendies
I love this crackshipping
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Missed Ponyville, ended up in Silent Hill.
Someone please generate some peeing mares. One anon did some a couple threads ago and I need more.
What do you use to make show accurate ponies?
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Vector, show accurate
Her brain juices are leaking
more please
No more please.
>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
what's better?
In a binary choice, Forge.
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It me again
give me prompts to try out.
What's better StabilityMatric or WebUI
You can use stability matrix to download any of those through it easier and automatically share the models between them.
How do I start the WebUI from the Matrix?
The first thing it should ask is which backend to download, then you just press run
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It's literally a retard proof one click install. If you can't figure it out then I doubt you will be able to make use of SD anyways.
Clearly it hasn't been me-proofed yet.
Delete and redownload it then just follow its prompts instead of whatever you did instead.
Nah I'm good found it.
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>ImportError: cannot import name 'packaging' from 'pkg_resources'
>"You take the blue pill, and I'll show you how deep the pony hole goes"
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rarity doing blowjobs https://files.catbox.moe/ojh4zm.jpg
Thread is on page 10 so here is a Ponka
Also there is a bird for some reason
I'll take the whole jar, please.
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I want to know how far Twilight's pony hole goes.
br333 Lora?
See >>41104145
Feels like the Marble + Minuette gens peaked a couple of days ago
Will probably move on to something else after today but it's been fun
teach me how to write a prompt and how to choose a model.
Catbox PNG ---> https://www.nayuki.io/page/png-file-chunk-inspector
All the info you need.
I wrote clopfic while drunk last night inspired by your gens but never posted it. I haven’t reread it so it’s probably trash but I’ll post it anyways

>Marble is depressed from the Bog Mac situation coupled with constant hard work on the farm without a break
>Pinkie and Maud suggest she takes a short vacation to Manehattan while they cover her work for her
>It takes some convincing but eventually she agrees
>The first day is rough and she considers cutting her loses and just returning home
>She misses her sisters, especially her twin who’s humor and outlook she could really use right about now
>Marble goes down to the hotel’s front desk to checkout early, only for some unicorn mare stranger to start talking to her
>At first Marble tries to escape the conversation but is stopped at every turn
>But then she listens to what the mare is saying
>First it’s a little joke about how long it’s taking the receptionist to return from lunch
>Then a joke about the decor
>As much as Marble wants to run, the strange mare’s laugh isn’t cruel or mocking, but warm and welcoming
>Forgetting herself, Marble makes her own poor joke about the marble front desk before mentally facehoofing from how stupid it was
>But the mare laughs and it feels good to hear, which encourages Marble to continue
>Time slips away as the two chat for hours and Marble forgets all about checking out early
>Eventually the strange mare, Minuette, she calls herself, notices the time and suggests they get dinner together
>Despite herself Marble says yes, not wanting to let go of this breathe of fresh air in the suffocating city
>For the rest of her vacation Marble and Minuette spend their time together, Minuette leading the shy mare from landmark to landmark, store to store, restaurant to restaurant, telling stories and little jokes along the way
>She talks a lot and Marble only a little, which suits the rock farmer just fine
>On their last day together the two mares visit the hotel bar for what Minuette calls their final hurrah before they both return to their normal lives
>Sitting together at a small table the two continue their comfortable conversation as they slowly down one drink at a time
>They go long into the night, both knowing that this might be their last night together and not wanting to give up a single minute of their little remaining time together
>It’s subtle at first, but Marble slowly realizes that Minuette doesn’t remind her of Pinkie Pie but of Big Mac
>Not in terms of personality, of course, but in terms of how she makes her feel
>From the mare’s jokes, to her stories of Canterlot life, to her perfect smile
>But most importantly from the way the unicorn listens to Marble’s own voice
>Minuette never talks over her, at least not intentionally, and always acknowledges what she says
>She compliments her actions, even the awkward
>She is blown away by her rock knowledge, no matter how nerdy
>She laughs at her jokes, no matter how poor
>And she calls her beautiful
>Marble’s heart stops when she realizes what the unicorn just said
>”I-I’m sorry, what was that?”
>Minuette repeats herself, not embarrassed to say those words again
>”I said you’re too beautiful to not have a special somepony. So, what are they like?”
>Marble hides behind her mane
>”I, um, d-don’t…”
>Minuette waits patiently, not wanting to interrupt her new friend
>”T-there was a s-stallion I liked but h-he’s married now. I-I don’t have anypony in my life like that.”
>”That’s a shame. You deserve a good stallion or mare for yourself.”
>A good stallion…
>”That’d be nice.”
>…or mare
>She’d never thought of such a thing
>But that sounded even better
>At least when it came to one mare
>”Have you ever considered it?” Minuette asks. “A mare, I mean.”
>Marble stutters at first, “n-no. Not until now at least.”
>She places a hoof on the table and meets the blue eyes across from her
>”But I think I’d like to try it.”

>For the next several months the two write each other nearly every day, despite their busy schedules
>Minuette even manages to spend a night at the farm as Marble’s friend, which she is, of course
>They both knew they were something more, that they wanted something more, but they weren’t together
>Not like that, anyways
>They discussed it that night in the bar, and when Minuette visited, but it was obvious they’d never work
>Not with the distance between them at least
>But the draw was still there
>In every letter, in every word there’s a hidden energy behind the plaintext disguised to any unaware reader
>Marble throws herself into her work, trying to push foalish fantasies out of her mind
>But it never works
>Which is probably why when Minuette invites her for a long weekend in Manehattan Marble writes back immediately
>’I’ll be there.’

>For three days they visit fancy restaurants
>And dance
>And drink
>And watch the sunset from in each other’s hooves
>For this one weekend they pretend that they had what they wanted, that they had WHO they wanted
>So they force every cliche into three days, making up for months of fantasies
>It’s exhausting but oh so worth it
>On the forth and final day of their vacation they simply stay at the hotel and enjoy each other’s company, knowing tomorrow they’d be back to only having the fantasies and memories

>It started when they sat together on the balcony, watching the sunset over the city
>They talked about everything and nothing, how their lives were different and the same, of how they were connected through mutual friends in some strange way
>Then Minuette’s hoof brushed against Marble’s
>Then Marble’s thigh against her’s
>Then there was quick embarrassed looks in the eyes, sweet compliments and gently touches
>Marble could feel her heart beating in her chest whenever the unicorn would look into her purple eyes
>They’d been together but never intimate
>Not physically
>Then Minuette kissed her like a colt kisses a filly
>It was quick, not more than a peck but with all the energy and excitement of a tsunami
>And Marble lost herself
>The earth mare takes charge, wrapping her lips around her lover’s
>She tasted minty, of course, and Marble wanted more
>And more
>For what fells like eternity they hold each other and kiss, going from short sweet kisses to long, hard tongue sucking
>They loose themselves in each other, tasting each other and exploring their bodies
>Marble was acutely aware of her tail lifting, of her own musty smell
>But Minuette’s is all she cares about
>After a few breaths after an extended lip lock Minuette stops the earth pony from another kiss
>”I want more.”
>Again Marble’s chest gets tight and her breathe is caught
>”Is that okay, Marble? We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I understand.”
>Marble nods her head
>”I-I’d like more.”
>With that Minuette grabs her hoof and pulls her inside before pushing her onto the large couch
>Marble tries to turn to face her but Minuette holds her down, planting kisses from her ear down her neck before sucking a patch of skin on her collar bone
>Marble feels herself wink as a drip of gruel runs down her thigh
>”Mmphf, haaa~”
>The forming bruise hurts in the most exciting way just a Minuette lets her free and continues down her back
>She spends time of Marble’s wide, shapely hips, tracing the rock farmer’s cutie mark with a hoof before kissing each marble
>Pain and pleasure shoots up Marble’s thigh and spine as Minuette bites down on the final marble on her flank and Mable bucks backwards, winking again as her sensitive slit rubs against her lover’s chest and covers the fur in lover’s fluid
>”Oh, fuck Marble, you’re so wet.”
>Marble instinctively clutches her tail to herself in embarrassment only for Minutette to stop her with a hoof and pushing it aside
>Lowering her mouth to her reward Minuette takes Marble’s lips with her own before lapping slow, tantalizing circles with her tongue
>Marble grinds against her lover’s snout and after only a few minutes of contact lets out a deep groan just as Minuette sucks her button
>Minuette laps at the rushing fluids which causes Marble to twitch and squeal, which only drives the unicorn’s assault
>Once she’s had her fill Minuette takes as much gruel in her mouth as she can and returns to her lover’s side
>”Minuette… I lov-“
>The shy mare is interrupted by the unicorns tongue and mouth forcing her own fluids into her mouth
>The taste of herself, something she’d normally consider repulsive, is the greatest thing she’d ever tasted that wasn’t Minuette’s mouth
>Marble shakes as she has another orgasm immediately, covering the couch with her mare juices
>Minuette holds her steady while keeping their lips locked, her own tail flicking and her pussy leaking down her leg
>When they part the bothe pant for a long time, Minuette stroking the just deflowered mare’s mane with a hoof
>”I love you Minuette.”
>Marble nuzzles her head into the unicorn’s chest
>”And I love you too.”
>The rest together, both content to go to sleep when Marble notices Minuette’s tail brush against her coat
>The earth pony plants a kiss on her lover’s neck, trying to replicate her own hickey and is rewarded by a guttural moan
>”Marble, you d-don’t need to-“
>Marble nibbles on her neck before lowering herself, planting kisses along her lover’s belly
>Like Minuette with her own hips and cutie mark, Marble pays special attention to the mare’s naval and the very soft, sensitive area just above her lover’s small, sensitive teats
>She takes a nipple in her mouth and sucks gently as Minuette squirms in excitement
>”Ahh~ M-Marble!”
>Marble touches her mare’s other teat with a hoof and draws soft circles which draws more giggles and excited twitches
>Letting go of the nipple Marble looks down at her sweet, pink reward and again her breathing catches in her throat
>It was messy, wet, musky, and perfect
>”Don’t worry, Marble. If you don’t wan-“
>Minuette takes a sharp breath as Marble dives into her velvety folds
>Unlike her fresh, minty mouth Minuette’s lower lips were neutral with just a hint of salty and earthy tones
>And it was the best thing Marble ever had
>Trying to replicate the other mare’s technique Marble laps and sucks on her lover’s clit and tracing the edge of the inner lips and is rewarded with bucking hips
>With a final flick of her tongue Marble is rewarded by a scream of ecstasy and a leg lock around her head
>With both her nose and mouth pressed into her favorite blue pussy she chokes and gasps for air as Minuette squirts repeatedly, her forehoof holding the earth pony’s head down
>As Marble swallows her second full load and feels herself become lightheaded she’s released, gasping and flopping onto the ground and onto her back
>”S-sorry honey. Didn’t mean to hurt you. You were just… wonderful.”
>Marble pants as Minuette drops to the floor beside her and licks her face, the unicorn lapping at her own fluids and planting small kisses on the farmer’s face
>After a few minutes Marble gets up and jumps onto the princess sized bed, laying on her back and swishing her tail
>Minuette smiles and raises to her hooves and walks to the end of the bed, placing her hooves on her lovers’s inner thighs and spreading them apart
>As she lowers her head again she’s stopped by a hind hoof and looks her lover in the eyes
>”Don’t want me to kiss you like that?”
>Marble shakes her head and pats her chest, motioning for the unicorn to climb atop of her
>Minuette complies and gives her speci-her good friend a deep kiss only to be surprised when the earth pony grabs her rear and forces her down in an odd position
>Both mares moan as both pairs of lips smash together
>Marble bucks against the mare above her, receiving a buck in return
>”Is this what you want, Marble? Do you want me to-“
>Minuette bucks again, her outer folds dubbing against Marble’s slit and clit
>”Mmphf! Mhmm!”
>Marble nods and Minuette picks up pace
>They rub against each other like that for sometime, sometimes against each other’s pussies and sometimes against their thighs
>They occasionally suck on each others tongues or otherwise kiss but for the most part the just look into each other’s eyes or down their lover’s body
>Marble moans loud, not caring, no, excited to know that others might hear her joy as she is humped by her mare, the fantasy of being bred rushing through her head despite the lack of penetration
>Which was fine by her as the sensation on both her nethers and the pounding against her hips, the subtle jiggling of her ass and thighs driving her wild as does the rosy blush and smile on her mare’s face
>Minuette picks up speed, enjoying the rocking and twitching of the mare below her and is rewarded but short, breathy moans
>Marble mumbles something
>Not dropping rhythm, Minuette asks, “what was that honey? Are you enjoying this?”
>”Mmphf, ah, j-just.”
>Marble grabs Minuette’s head a kisses her deeply before letting go, warm spit trailing between them and pooling on the earth pony’s cheek
>”Minuette, please. B-br-breed me!”
>Something snaps in Minuette and she doubles her efforts as the wet sounds of pussy on pussy join their panting and gasps
>Marble holds Minuette’s hips as the unicorn grinds as hard and fast as she can
>As Marble feels her pelvic coat get soaked in her lover’s fluids she begins to wink again, the fantasy, almost reality of being bred by her true, perfect soul mate being to much to bear
>”Mi-Minnie, I’m gonnahhh~”
>Minuette triples her efforts as she plows the mare below her, receiving and giving screams and moans of excitement and making the plush bed below squeak and groan
>Marble bucks against her lover as she cums one final time, soaking the unicorn’s crotch just as Minuette releases her own throaty scream and squirts, mixing their fluids into a musky crotchtail
>Dropping onto Marble, Minuette wraps her hooves around her lover and pants between small, sweet kisses
>”I love you, Minuette,” Marble says yet again, “I love you so much”
>The earth pony nuzzles into the unicorn’s chest
>”Please don’t ever leave me.”
>Minuette chuckles as she drifts off to sleep
>”I wouldn’t dream it. Not for all the mares in the world.”
>Wrote Marble Minuette clopfic while drunk last night
Not bad, I liked it. Particularly the first half; it was sweet with the mares enjoying each others company and becoming close and open, had a lot more story and immersion. Latter half felt a bit cliche and average.
This is awesome. Agreeing with >>41113632 that the initial build-up is really good. Tugs at your heartstrings with the idea that they can't be together. I really liked that it had a happy ending too.
>Can't be together
I can picture Minuette growing sorrowful without Marble, and finally becomes determined to reunite with her. She asks around and eventually journeys South to be with her newly found special somepony.
>"Wow, you live REALLY far away"
>"Woah, and those must be the rocks"
Kek this one is hilarious
can you generate some fluttershy cuddling with a human please?
Is a green human okay?
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thank. now give me yours.
Show accurate Equestria Girls?
Got a good SFW Marble x Minuette gen
I’m glad you liked it, especially the first part. Character interactions and just writing characters in general are what I want to be good at.
>Latter half felt a bit cliche and average
Yeah, I don’t normally write porn so I have no idea what I’m doing. Hope it isn’t too cringe at least.
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>Clean up working table in Comfy
>Everything used before is still there, in the same order
>Run one sample with couple keywords
>Somehow whole generation is fucked, just a grey mess

I don't understand this techonology
The trouble with generating pee is that the AI (or at least NAI) doesn't really know where it's supposed to come from, so sometimes you get gens like this one: https://files.catbox.moe/5ninov.png
Anyway here's some pissing mares
I already genned 4 images, Anon
But sure here's more
thanks anon, these ones are especially comfy. makes visualizing being with her that much easier.

Glad you liked them, Anon.
Apparently it's possible to run NovelAI locally too. Where can I get the Furry V3 model for generating ponies?

Also, can you use the vibe transfer feature on a local installation? And if so, can you use it with different models too?
>This one hasn't been written yet, but once I do that, you bet I'll read it.
this really is super cute
This may be bit of silly question but what are the best/recommended programs for making the image -> text dataset transcripts making in order to prepare them for the lora training?


You're thinking about the old anime model that leaked two years ago and that most finetunes were based on before XL.
I'd like to peek in her bush if you know what I mean
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What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister, but every time you walked in her room she did this?
where are the teats?
Thanks dudes!
Got em right here bro
great, the last one is the best one
Don't mind me, just getting sucked off by my wife
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Lazy Izzy gen dump

What horse should I do a lazy dump of next?
Pro tip: To stop it from giving humans horse dicks add medial ring to the negatives.
Good to know. I added (human penis) with parenthesis but that might be a better alternative. Thanka anon
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would, great image anon
my try
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Has anybody generated some of those AI wizard images that go hard, but with unicorns?
New thread

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