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>Pinkie Pie has all the ponies in Ponyville rallied together to make ape and monkey related jokes about you

What do you do without indicating that you’re mad?
>What do you do without indicating that you’re mad?
Feel absolutely indifferent because comparing a human to a monkey is like comparing apples to pears
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>He has no style, he has no grace
>This ape has a funny face
Is it wrong that hearing that instantly made me think about the monkey bomb from Nazi Zombies?
Mister Monkey does say some interesting things I imagine ponka saying if she were in his shoes.
seeing* brain.
I point out das waycist, and Pinkie has a whole episode about not being prejudiced toward monke. Then sexo, as is tradition.
I laugh along but than I make a joke about ponies and horses and than everypony stops and gasps, I would than feel a tugging on my leg and look down to see a very sad filly with tears in her eyes. "Why would say that mistew?" And than she runs off crying, as does everypony else and than I have to apologize. Afterwards they keep making monkey and ape jokes about me.
It's a direct reference lol how can you not get that
>she's starting with racist jokes
>different races of humans and gorilla
>“Why do monkeys have so manny different names ? can you see the difference ?”
>the audience is laughing
>she looks at the image of primate kinds
>“i don't see any !”

>she goes on with human anatomy
>“why don't those have a tail”
>somepony : “mokeeys do have a tail!”
>she's asking the audience “so why is it gone in the others”
>I'm shouting “it's evolution”
>everypony explodes in laughter, Pinkie included
>she's roleplaying as a human professor, Dr Keutzfeld Jackoberg
>“idz evolushon, we looze memberz”
>another slide comparing genitlia
>oh god
>audience is cryimg out of laughter
>I'm like “Noo this is low”
>“Let's get serious, Monkeys also have genitalia. Yes here's a colt, for scale”
>Rumble's laughing
>She's arguing “unicorns have the luxury to compensate, BUT, oh come on, MAN. MAN, the black one is the biggest, Brock Obogo. The small one is Takato Mitsubishi. I think my clitoris is bigger. Mares, be advised, dare I mention the black ones are supposed to be like zebras or...”
>there is a zebra in the audience “No come on”
>Pinkie:“Yeah that was mean, there's no difference, both have: A Playstation!”
>the whole crowd is laughing
>Twilight is nodding like she's approving
>the whole crowd is babbling about humans being kids playing vidya
>“and guess what they pay taxes!”
>next slide
>Pinkie's looking serious
>Now for the human architecture.
>images of the world trade center
>Everypony's laughing
>“The rest of the country is literally, A DESERT!”
>the audience is laughing as she shows the next slide
>“so the desert people are hitting them!” images of WTC, 9/11, accompanied with mockery
>“Yeah there's no winged humans, public transports are bad as you can see, they're not flying well”
>RD in the background: “Evolution!”
>she goes on about natural selection anf ask how monkeys managed to exist so far, goes on about architecture of the middle east.
>“This is what makes humans cry”
>gaza after bombings
>Ponies laughs at the most violent, gore images
>she goes on with the worst of goregrish, transgenders, holocaust victims
>“How did they get to eight trillions despite playstations, nukes and small dicks is a mystery.”
>“wait they haven't used any nuke for the past century.”
>“WHY. Just wipe the whole mess once and for all, make it clean, you have the technology come on!”
>next slide is about the humanity's nuclear arsenal
>she suggests a depopulation
>“Go ahead, natural selection! yeah Monkeys aren't so bright. If you see a mokey, be very patient, it may not be quite smart but useful. Magic can't fix everything!”
>"What's wrong Anon, we're just MONKEYING around! Heheha!"
>Pinkie cartwheels around you with the biggest shit eating grin you've seen to date, all the while clad in a monkey suit.
>"Pfft haha yeah Anon, we're just joshing, don't go bananas or something." Dash quips in, covering her mouth with her hoof.
>Anger builds inside of you, but the wheels in your brain begin to turn maliciously fast, and already a plan is hatched.
>"Phone call for mister human!" Twilight hums while levitating a fucking banana next to your head.
>"Who-rang-a-tan!" she finishes, before breaking down into a sobbing laughing mess on the ground.
>"Hey what do you call a green monkey." Pinkie asks Fluttershy.
>"I-I dunno girls, maybe you're-"
>"A grrr-ape!" she says, gaining a chuckle from Applejack.
>"Hey, hey, why does Anon tell so many bad stories?" Rainbow starts.
>"Why?" Applejack raises an eyebrow, trying not to smile.
>"Because he doesn't have a tale!"
>They both break into gigglesnort fits, Dash having to wrap her hoof around her friends neck to support herself while she guffaws openly.
>"Oooh I have one! Ahem. What do you need to get into the locked banana warehouse. A mon-key!" Rarity spits out while having her own conniption fit of uproarious laughter.
>You just nod and smile as the jokes keep rolling in, one after another, brick by brick they are constructing the slaughterhouse of their own damnable design.
>Barring Fluttershy, each of the sextet bringing their own lame joke to bat.
>For nearly an hour, they subject you to the worst of their 'humor', and you stand clad in only a bath towel the entire time, as your shower time was interrupted for this nonsense.
>Eventually you settle on just going back inside, but you can hear them out there, still openly making crude jokes at your racial expense.
>You don't even return to your shower, you just sit in your kitchen, further developing a plot most devilish indeed.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic making a Call of Duty Zombies reference? Possible, but unlikely. Cymbal monkeys aren't a Treyarch copyright.
contrary to common belief twilight sparkle is olympia gang
I can't believe Fluttershy didn't tell a joke, what a stick in the mud
or is she just too nice to make one
twilight sparkle isn't a drooling retard tho.
I wouldnt even be mad I would probably smile on the inside.
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>“Okay, I got more, these are true, how do monkeys prevent wars ?”
>we use diplomac-
>“They pay United Nations !”
>it's not really.. how it works. but ok roast me.
>“How do humans makes decisions ?”
>“they vote ! And the brightest one ignores and decides !”
>“when a human is in a hurry, would he trot or gallop ? No, I'm taking the car ! ..why, you also have four legs, put the front ones on the ground, like this, hey anon, come on you can do it !”
>you silly pony, I'm bipedal.
>everyone's laughing and shouting “Anon ! Anon ! Woo ! show her !”
>they expect me to trot
>spike's here like “i bet you're faster than her !”
>the room is large and pinkie's like challenging me, side by side, as they're all like “on your mark, set, go”.
>she did ran through in a mere two and half seconds making ponies laugh.
>AJ: “Anon you don't have to stand all the time !”
>Spike: “just use your front legs to catch terrain, pull it. And push with your hindlegs !”
>AJ: “Are ya kiddin me Anon”
>no. that's not how we work
>spike: “come on besides species we're the same”
>Pinkie: “anon you're okay ?”
>proceed to get in position and prepare to gallop
>it was a failure
>roll in front, trying hard, hurt my hands
>everypopny's dying of laughter
>monkey ! monkey ! ooga wooga !
>spike's laughing even harder he's crying
>shout at them to stop mocking me
>yell at them as being horrible
>scream in rage how dumb ponies are
>they love it
>that makes them laugh even more
Make horse jokes.
probably just laugh or if I am actually getting annoyed leave the room, peacefully and go for a long walk.

though it might be funny to point out I am dating a princess of their kind and how they have not progressed at all. Or point out that every week the nation needs to be saved by the name six ponies otherwise everything will collapse, like come on how did you all survive before these six.
>Pinkie, I know you don't know this, but in my world, comparing people who look like me to monkeys is considered very offensive.
>Anon is a nigger
I would say

but that's what she wants anyway, so I dunno
These aren't funny, and not just because I'm a human. There's just no humor whatsoever and even if we were ponies it wouldn't be funny. You're just listing differences between humans and ponies, it's not clever or witty. You have no grasp of humour.
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Present no reaction to their presence and continue eating my lettuce.
>anon says as everypony laughs even harder
one day pinkie pie is going to make a disturbing looking human flesh suit costume that all the ponies think is hysterical but to you looks like a fucked up skinwalker
God damn Pinky why do you have to do Lanky so fucking dirty like that?
I get in on the joke and start flinging my shit everywhere, making sure to get some of it in their mouths, I then bodly announce that I have aids and that the pool is closed.
Start telling pony jokes back, share the laughter. Befriend Pinkie. Human x pony.
Then it eventually leads to

I mean, it just writes itself
Well, what's the plan? Rape and maul everypony like violent ape you are?
Damn it they roasted the shit out of me, if that happened I'm killing myself with immediate effect
Calmly walk up and punt her pink ass for yardage.
I'd laugh at the funny jokes, because I can take a joke.
>Time passes, and many a heckle are had at your unfortunately ape like appearance, all of which you have almost no response to besides a quick smirk or grin, and a nod.
>You've got something in store, and soon you'll show them all.
>There are a solid few whacks at your door, and with haste you shoot over opening it with ease.
>A yellow pony with a pink mane stands before you, precariously rubbing one of her fore-hooves with the other.
>"H-Hello Anon."
>You let loose a sigh, as she wasn't what you were expecting.
"Hello Fluttershy."
>"I was j-just in the neighborhood and...uhm..."
>In the neighborhood huh?
>Her home is about a thirty minute SPRINT from yours.
"Came to make fun of the big dumb ape some more huh?"
>"W-What? No! I'd never..."
"It's fine if you want to laugh, Fluttershy. I'm used to it now."
>"I didn't come to laugh...I just wanted to check on you Anon. You've been very quiet this past week, and it's not like you at all. I'm worried about you."
>She leans closer as you begin to shut the door, using a fore-hoof to stop it just shy of shutting.
>You sigh again while she gently pushes the door open a creak more so you can see her talking.
>"I-I know what it's like to be bullied Anon...b-but my friends don't mean it, I promise it's just them poking a little fun."
"It's a joke when everybody is laughing Shy."
>She remains quiet for a long while before looking you over through the slimming crack in the door as you begin to shut it closed again.
>"They mean no harm!" she shouts as you finally close the door, shutting off the only beam of sunlight shooting into your dim kitchen and living area.
>You can't help but smile, because after that, there's only one thing left for you to do.
>A carefully sealed box lies on your table, and you rub your hands together menacingly as you approach.
>You rip and tear the box to shreds, clutching it's contents with a grip so tight a pornstar would be jealous.
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and then I fugg her with my big human cock right
>Anonymous the human is a very misunderstood creature.
>All the ponies in town have been so mean to him lately, calling him ape, gorilla, monkey, and all sorts of names because he looks an off amount like a monkey with less hair.
>He just smiles every time any pony does it too, he never says anything about not liking it, even though you can just see the pain in his eyes.
>It's very unlike ponies here to be so cruel, and yet because he is different, they're still making fun of him.
>Maybe they're trying to in a weird way be his friend by doing that thing Dash does when stallions don't wanna talk to her.
>What did she call it again...?
>Reverse psychology?
>You never paid the idea any credance, being mean to anypony is just not in your nature.
>They could be just as misunderstood as you are!
>All this thinking has made time pass and you arrive at your cottage, still wistfully picturing the sight of Anon, circled by your friends, with the saddest gaze you could have ever imagined.
>All your critter friends are happy to greet you at the door, and you are just as happy to greet them.
>There still remains a heavy burden on your heart, and you can't get the thought of him out of your mind no matter what you try.
>Playing with your ferrets, singing with your mocking birds, even wrestling with Harry the bear yields no result.
>Something just FEELS entirely wrong about all of this.
>Almost like-
>"FLUTTERSHY!" a shrill scream shakes you out of your daydream with a thunderous crashing of your front door.
>Your scream has made all your furry friends scurry to and fro, leaving the room mostly empty, aside from missus platypus.
>"Heh...sorry Fluttershy. I forgot how jumpy you can get sometimes."
>Your body still trembling with fear you rise to your hooves again, steadying yourself with your wings open.
"I-It's fine Dash."
>"Also sorry about just kinda barging in like that, but you have GOT to come see what Anon is doing in town square! he's absolutely lost it!"

since when was the post limit not 2k jej
bump for moar
got a party to be at soon, will continue writing until i have to go but thatll be all until later folks

>Hurriedly you gather yourself, and zoom out the front door, Dash somehow managing only to catch up after about a minute of you galloping dwon the trodden cobble path.
>"Fluttershy!? I've never seen you move this fast before!"
>You pay her no mind, and just keep moving.
>Step after step your body screams for you to stop, but you just keep pushing.
>Maybe you should lay off the extra poundcake during tea time...
>Through ragged breath and flying mane, you trudge through the pain.
>Eventually you have found your way to town square, and boy there sure are a lot of ponies there.
>A group has gathered around something, and you push and shove through the crowd, much to the shoved ponies dismay collectively, earning some 'oofs' and 'heys' as you go along, gulping down air as if it's the last you'll ever partake of, and there he is.
>Wearing a..pink wig?
>"Oh CMON everypony! Isn't this FUN!"
>Your eyes dart left and right, taking in everyponies reaction to surely what could only be the worst meltdown known of in Ponyville.
>No-one is amused.
>There's many a frown and look of fear even, and in the center of the group is Pinkie Pie.
>"And don't you like how FUNNY my jokes are Pinkie!?"
>She's visibly tearing up and doing her best to hold back some small sobs.
>"N-No-*hic*Nonny...I was just-"
>Anon smiles the biggest you've seen him ever smile, and squats down low to stare Pinkie in the eyes.
>"Just having a laugh at your ol' bud Anon? Yeah. No more. Never again Pinkie."
>She takes in his words and recoils as if shot by an arrow.
>"I-*hic*I'm suh-*hic*suaorry." She manages to spit out while he pulls out a double decker chocolate velvet cake from seemingly nowhere.
>He then proceeds to chomp down on it cartoonishly, almost exactly like Pinkie would do.
>"Boy! I sure do LOVE eating SOOO many sweets and letting my RUMP GET FAT AND LOOSE!"
>"S-Stop! Please! I said I'm-"
>He then pulls out a collection of instruments, an entire ensemble consisting of a guitar, harmonica, and drum, which he begins playing horribly.
>"I LOVE making loud obnoxious noises in the middle of the streets of Ponyville! I just know EVERYBODY is just DYING to hear me play!" he stops playing briefly, before resuming his one man band antics.
i lied im home from the party actually.

>Pinkie erupts into tears and can't seemingly control herself anymore, her hair losing it's bouncy and springy consistency, leaving it flat and straight.
>"Now hold on a gosh darn' minute-"
>Anon stops playing immediately after hearing Applejack yell his way, and pulls a hat from yet again, seemingly thin air, and he does away with the pink wig and dons said hat.
>"Woooah there pardnur. Yew tawkin' tuh mea?" he speaks with the thickest worst impression of Applejack or any of the apples you've ever heard.
>"What in the-"
>"WHEW pardnurs. It sure iz HAWT out hear." he says fanning himself with the hat, and taking a lasso out of nowhere.
>"Im fixin tuh go on an git back to da farm now to FUCK my BIIIIG brother Macintosh. This heat's realla gettin to my FAT HORSE PUSSAE!"
>Applejack's jaw drops and her eyes turn to pinpricks.
>"Phhhewwwww. I shore hope Braeburn is at tha barn tew. That SHORE would make fer a prime roll in tha hay!"
>"Aw shucks cuzins. I think I gotta get back tew tha farm tew buck some appultreas. Granny'll tan mah hide if'n I don't scurry on back na!"
>Applejack is BRIMMING with absolute fury, you can see it in her eyes.
>"Anonymous! Please! We were just trying to make you laugh! It was all jokes! Please!" a familiar purple pony chimes in.
>Anon has a big laugh to himself, and puts on another 'outfit'.
>This time a wig with a stylistic stripe down it's center, the same as Twilight's, with a faux pair of wings, and a crudely made horn of aluminum.
>"Erm actually Twilight! According to this study I read about recently, friendship doesn't revolve around making fun of your FRIENDS!"
>She recoils at his sudden change of appearance, and starts to avert his icy gaze.
>"I... just..."
>"Dear Princess Celestia. It's boring in this castle all alone. All I have is Spike here to pet my royal purple pony pussy, I can't control myself when I'm around him. I'm so alone!"
>She's obviously hurt by his words and tears begin to well up in her eyes as well.
>"Don't you think you're taking this a bit too far darling? We didn't mean to upset you."

captcha was wajtr, its time for a quick sip.
>Anon is now wearing a purple wig, with the same crudely made 'horn'.
>"Darlings. It's simply just a shame how drab this weather is today. Perhaps I should make a break for the little mares room. Preferably the one with the glory hole cut into the stall door. All for their groaning pleasure. I am the element of generosity after all."
>Rarity gasps audibly, pressing a hoof against her chest.
>"Oh Applejack darling? Do you think this perfume I just got for four thousand bits makes me smell more like a proper whore?"
>Anon reaches down for the hat he threw off, quickly swapping out his outfit.
>"Shore dew shugarcyoob. Now all y'need is tuh eat less an' you'll really look th'part of a battered house-mare!"
>Rarity starts tearing up and Applejack has begun looking away, her own eyes starting to leak tears here and there from frustration.
>Anon looks around the crowd, and starts doing a strange dance, and eventually he locks eyes with Rainbow, giving her an evil grin.
>"Oh. Dash, you'll love this one!"
>"Oh no..."
>She winces visibly while he outfit swaps, once again rocking those wings crafted from cardboard and pigeon feathers.
>"Aren't we...bros Anon?"
>"Heck no! A bro would NEVER laugh at another bro! And I'd know that! I'm the element of LOYALTY AFTER ALL."
>She stares down at the ground in sadness, finally deciding to stop flapping her wings and landing on the ground softly.
>Your breath still is hitching here and there and things are still kind of woozy for you, but you can definitely tell this is real.
>"Know what's real great about being a Wonderbolt? I don't have to wash my suit! I can pay somepony to do it for me!"
>Dash starts getting red in the cheeks.
>He doubles down and starts rocking his shoulders back and forth, trying to imitate her flapping her wings.
>"I once went an entire MONTH without a shower! Boy I sure was stinky!"
>Dash gets even redder in the cheeks, but this time raising her voice at him.
>"I sure do LOVE to be loyal to my friends and never share their secrets like Anon just did!"
>Dash tries and fails to bite back the tears now running freely down her face.
>"Alright! I get it! I'm sorry..."
Bumpan' for interest
got upped to 3k last year
Anon is a good actor, and he went to a lot of trouble for all of this. If only they could all learn to laugh with each other.
Also, this is all Fucking Fluttershy's fault. If she had just said something to her friends about Anon earlier, then none of this would have happened. I hope everyone turns on her and tells jokes about how nice and cool she is
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>Why yes, I am a monkey and I have a great admiration for my fellow simians, so thank you for acknowledging me as one of them.
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>I hate every horse I see, from Cheerilee to Rarity. No you’ll never make a monkey out of me!
Simply kill her to establish dominance.
You heard a pic?
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>Oh my gosh! I was wrong! I was gay all along!
It must be Pinkie Pie posting.
good morning krusty crew.

>Anon seemingly content with himself begins to remove all the phony pony parts, before he locks eyes with you.
>He tries pretending as if you two didn't just lock eyes for at least a minute, while the sobs of your friends are playing as some sort of deranged background music.
>"Hey uh-Fluttershy."
>You can't even think of what to say, the upper limit of thought has been reached.
>"At least now nobody is laughing."
>You stay quiet for a long while and try coming up with something to say to him.
>Words just simply elude you, there is not a singular thing you could say in response to any of this.
>Mainly because you know Anon was partially not to blame for the outcome.
>What do you even say about this kind of thing?
"I tried to tell you before, getting even wouldn't get you anywhere."
>"I don't consider this even, not by a long shot."
"Well, all the girls are in shambles."
"I'm sure there's a little bit of remorse in your aching heart at the very least."
>He taps a finger to his chin, stroking an invisible beard even, before taking a long inhale.
>"Not in the slightest." he says with a toothy grin, a genuine one.
>The crowd of ponies begins dispersing, albeit slowly, leaving only you, and your five friends amongst all the discarded accessories Anon has come up with.
"I suppose there is a lesson to be learned here, not for you, but for them."
>"To not make fun of the weak?"
>You yourself smile at him, and approach slowly.
"No." you say, wrapping a hoof around his leg.
>With all the weight in your body you wrestle him to the ground and restrain both of his arms.
>Twi and the gang look up at you, and you give one word of affirmation.
"Rape him til he can't think straight."
I was meant to post this yesterday, was having some internet problems. terribly sorry, ill upload this to my ponepaste, this was my first story in literal years, i had fun.
maybe there'll be more later, maybe not i dunno this was supposed to be quick and dirty and just for fun.
welp, time to murder them all for raping me.
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>rape out of nowhere
What?! No fucking way. You can't just leave it there, you glorious bastard. I literally did a spit take. What the fuck, this has to continue, just for a little bit.

Take responsibility, and write some fucking sweet rape.
I don't know, I honestly laughed out loud at that last line; I love it, but it just makes everything end kind of abruptly. still though, funny as fuck, I will say. well done fren
>comparing apples to pears
The fuck did you say nigger?
fling my doodoo
I would probably cry and lock myself in my room.
fuck i want more green, bump
fucking this, I really liked them
I did my exercise for the day so my hands are shaky, forgive any typos.
>Anon squirms under your firm hold, and starts hyperventilating.
>"Hey now Fluttershy. You don't seriously-"
>Pinkie approaches first, very slowly, giving him a long look over.
>"So you think I'm fat huh?"
>She hops over you, leap frog style, landing directly on his face.
>"HOW'S THIS FOR FAT MONKEY BOY!?" she says grinding herself into his head.
>He shakes violently, trying to scream under the sheer FAT of Pinkie's butt, but he can't move more than his arms and legs while you keep him in place.
>"Unf. Yeaaaahhh right there. Oooh Anon you're good at this!"
>His screams increase in volume, only assumedly vibrating Pinkie's nethers, much to her delight.
>Applejack takes a few steps forwards now.
>"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want in."
>She bites his ankle, ripping a small piece of his...what did he and Rarity call them...Jeans? off.
>To this Rarity gasps, and dashes towards AJ.
>"Simply barbaric, let a lady show you how it's done darling." she finishes with a wink.
>Slowly she magics his fly down, unbuttoning his pants and discarding of his cloth belt.
>"You have to take care in deliberate sensual motions~" her voice quivers upon saying sensual, her tail brushing against Anon's currently exposed thighs.
>Applejack just grumbles and bites the hem of his trousers yanking them down, much to Anon's discomfort, to which he starts attempting to flail about again, only to have both AJ and Rarity sit on both of his legs.
>He's violently shaking against Pinkie's marehood, and you can hear her grunts and gasps increasing in pace.
>"Ooooh yesyesyesyesyes-"
>Without warning Applejack takes Anon into her mouth, swallowing him whole with one swoop down.
>"My word! Such enthusiasm!" she says egging AJ with gentle touches on her withers and shoulders.
>You can feel yourself getting wetter unintentionally grinding against Anon's midsection, and soon you're sure he's soaked to the skin.
>Twilight finally makes her way over, horn aglow with magic.
>"Well...he was pretty mean to us all."
>With a soft glow to his body, he starts bucking wildly in Applejacks tender oral embrace, causing her to gag loudly.

is this doing it for you Anon-sama's
I haven't donr smut in a very long time and I'm on meds so i dont know whats sexy anymore.
Oh fuck yeah, I always wanted a mane 6 gang bang like this
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>is this doing it for you Anon-sama's

Oh, those ponies, always raping Anon! Raping Anon is treated like Equestria's version of the Aristocrats. It just makes everything funny.
>Pinkie asks Anon about life on Earth
>he tells her about niggers
>shares some jokes with her
>Pinkie is too innocent to understand that they are insults
>playfully begins to tease Anon because he's a human
>this exacalates further as other mares begin to join
I would say
> haha, good one!
a bunch

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