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Here are the top American cities Joe Biden is sending hundreds of thousands of paroled migrants - so is YOUR home town on the list?

The Department of Homeland Security revealed that it sent over 200,000 migrants on a controversial parole program to 45 cities across the United States between January and August 2023.

The policy, which was enacted in October 2022, allowed migrants who had not entered the country illegally to fly directly into America.

Migrants were also required to have a sponsor in the US and pass various vetting tests.

It was initially announced for Venezuelans, before adding Haitians, Nicaraguans and Cubans amid one of the worst migrant crises in American history under President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Around 80 percent of the migrants were sent to four cities in the state of Florida: Miami - which got 91,821, more than any other city - Fort Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa Bay were among the top 15 destinations, according to the DHS.

Under fire Secretary Mayorkas says the program led to a reduction in people from those nations illegally crossing the border.

'It is a key element of our efforts to address the unprecedented level of migration throughout our hemisphere, and other countries around the world see it as a model to tackle the challenge of increased irregular migration that they too are experiencing,' Mayorkas said.

New York City, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco were also in the top 10 of destinations.

Another 1.6million migrants are waiting to get into the country via this same program, DHS claims.

Multiple states, including Florida, have attempted to sue to stop the program but have thus far been unsuccessful.

'Biden's parole program is unlawful, and constitutes an abuse of constitutional authority. Florida is currently suing Biden to shut it down, and we believe that we will prevail,' said Governor Ron DeSantis' press secretary, Jeremy Redfern.

Since Biden took office, the U.S. has seen record-high numbers of illegal border crossings.

Customs and Border Protection has apprehended more than 7.6 million migrants illegally crossing the southern border – the majority of which are traveling from Central and South American countries in efforts to claim asylum in the U.S.

The crisis at the border has been a scandal for the Biden administration throughout his presidency, with former President and 2024 opponent Donald Trump promising to fix the problem.

Trump is ready to reshape American policy and detailed in interviews with TIME Magazine what some of these sweeping overhauls would include.

In a wide-ranging interview at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida on April 12, the former president confirmed he would use detention camps to house illegal immigrants during deportation efforts.

He also didn't rule out deploying the military to round up the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the country. As of January 2022, the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. was estimated to stand at 11.35 million.

Trump has repeatedly said he would take aggressive actions to address the border issue on Day One of a second term after President Joe Biden reversed almost all of his policies and plunged the country into an all-out illegal immigration crisis.

His proposals would include tapping local law enforcement, National Guard and, if necessary, members of the U.S. Military to round up illegal immigrants for deportation.

TIME National Politics Reporter Eric Cortellessa asked Trump if he would override the Posse Comitatus Act, which states the U.S. military cannot be deployed against civilians.
'They're coming in by the millions. I believe we have 15 million now. And I think you'll have 20 million by the time this ends,' Trump predicted. 'And that's bigger than almost every state.'

He also said it isn't likely he would have to house these immigrants in detention camps because he plans to deport them swiftly – but he didn't rule out building more holding centers if needed during the operation.

'No, I would not rule out anything,' Trump said. 'But there wouldn't be that much of a need for them [detention camps], because of the fact that we're going to be moving them out. We're going to bring them back from where they came.'
Umm...how do you get them into an American court if you don't want them to step foot in the country?
>get them into an American court
Why would that be anyone's goal?
My favorite part about this story is that it conflicts itself:
>'Biden's parole program is unlawful, and constitutes an abuse of constitutional authority. Florida is currently suing Biden to shut it down, and we believe that we will prevail,' said Governor Ron DeSantis' press secretary, Jeremy Redfern.
Here, The Daily Mail suggests they care about the law.
>He also didn't rule out deploying the military to round up the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the country.
But here, They are actively pushing for mass human trafficking and other widely illegal actions that will probably get struck out in the Supreme Court (Conservative or not).
Well it's necessary in order to deal with their application status. Do you just not want people allowed in the country?
>Well it's necessary in order to deal with their application status
No it isn't, and no country in the world operates like this.
It took 5 seconds.
Nothing on that website says what you think it says, and I certainly don't give a fuck what they do in the Netherlands.
>Make widely strong claim
>Get BTFO'd
>W-Well only places I care about count...
>As a rule, they are denied admission to the Netherlands. A border procedure is started to deal with their application for asylum. The asylum seeker remains in the application centre at Schiphol Airport for the duration of this procedure.
>If the individual is from one of the countries on the list of safe countries of origin, or if there are indications that they already receive protection in another EU member state, a special accelerated asylum procedure applies.
So basically faggot, they don't let rapefugees wander the country, even in cuckland. Learn to read. If they came in by plane they're sent to a camp to be processed, and if they didn't they don't get in at all. Nothing like the madness the US government is doing over here.
Keep reading, kiddo.
>Asylum seekers whose application is denied may apply to the district court for judicial review of the IND’s decision. They are often allowed to remain in the Netherlands while their case is being considered.
>They are often allowed to remain in the Netherlands while their case is being considered.
>allowed to remain in the Netherlands
>in in the Netherlands
In the processing camp, retard. If they arrived by plane. Learn. To. Read. GGBTFO.
>We make up things in the url
Would be based if no one looked in the link.
>In response to the unilateral decision of the U.S. government to implement Article 235(b)(2)(C) of its Immigration and Nationality Act, Mexico has opted to assist the migrants. For humanitarian reasons, and as a temporary measure, the Mexican government has authorized the entry of some asylum seekers from the United States while they wait for their hearing with the appropriate authorities. The alternative, deporting them from our country, would mean denying the right of asylum that the Mexican government upholds and protects.
Magacultistbros....it's time for us to abandon the thread...
Isn't illegals staying in Mexico a good thing?
The link quite literally says they're required to remain the camp and are not allowed to freely travel

You're retarded
>the Mexican government has authorized the entry of some asylum seekers from the United States while they wait for their hearing with the appropriate authorities

So they're allowed to travel freely or they have to stay in a certain facility for migrants? Hmmmmmmm
Fake, yellow journalism lol. Believing it is absolute proof of a stupid person
meanwhile 50 immigrants go to Boston and the progressive liberal yuppies start buying guns and threatening to vote out the councilors whose genitals they slobbered upon months before
watching the main Boston subreddit go from pro-immigration to anti-immigration has been a real treat
You must not be American, everyone knows Boston is racist
Agreed on the Daily Mail being complete shit, but least OP pasted the article text, which is more than what most of the kneejerking retards on this board can do.
weird how dems like sending illegals to red states so much
remain in mexico worked under trump. also they can do skype court dates like what happened under coof
>mexico is aiding migrants to get into the US because mexico doesn't want those evil pieces of shit either
wow, real own there. we should just pay the cartels to kill all the migrants
I grew up in Jamaica Plain, so I know Boston quite well
it's funny to me
I'm a liberal who lives in Houston and I hire these parolees to landscape my estate.
I speak Spanish and I tell all of them to tell all their fam & friends to vote Biden, and How to get a ballot even if they can't vote.
I personally have gotten at least 10k votes for good ol' Joe
>he's larping as the strawmen in his head again
>I personally have gotten at least 10k votes for good ol' Joe

I believe you
It's true.
DailyMail is the pinnacle of journalism.
Quit being an anti-mailite.
you lost
You're lost. /news/ has always been a DailyMail board.

Who do you think you're fooling? There are no newfags here except you.

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