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Texas wins bigly under the wise conservative leadership of Greg Abbott. He's single handedly nearly fixed the open border issue in his state caused by Biden. Illegal crossing encounters have plummeted by roughly 50% in his state, while simultaneously increasing by 50% in both Arizona and California, which still have open borders due to their democrat leadership.
Texas Is No Longer the Hotspot for Illegal Migrant Crossings

number of encounters between law enforcement and suspected illegal migrants across five regions of Texas fell dramatically in the 2024 fiscal year through March compared to the same period in 2023, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

The figures depicted sharp declines in the El Paso, Big Bend, Del Rio, Laredo and Rio Grande Valley quadrants, which combined cover the state's entire border with Mexico. Over the same period, the number of encounters increased across both Arizona and California.

This is a significant win for Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has introduced several measures to combat illegal immigration, including the deployment of thousands of National Guard troops and installing razor wire along the border. On April 12, Abbott said that 507,200 suspected undocumented migrants had been detained in his state since 2021 when he launched Operation Lone Star to combat illegal crossings.

During the same time, CBP data shows encounters in Big Bend plummeted 63.7 percent, from 1,200 to 436, while those in Del Rio dropped 52.8 percent, from 23,904 to 11,281.

The 2024 fiscal year through March also saw encounters in Laredo and Rio Grande Valley fall by 42.8 percent and 49.5 percent, respectively, as opposed to the same period in 2023.

Noticeably migrant encounters increased in Arizona and California, both of which are governed by Democrats.
The CBP data divides Arizona into two sectors, Tucson and Yuma. In Tucson, the number of encounters rose 23.7 percent, to 41,941, in the 2024 fiscal year through March, against 33,898 during the same period in 2023. While the figure fell by 57.1 percent in the Yuma region, from 13,667 to 5,865, this still left a net increase across the state.

Similarly in California, the San Diego sector recorded a 45.1 percent increase, from 23,286 encounters to 33,784 over this period, more than compensating for the drop in neighboring El Centro, from 4,448 to 1,710.

Control over irregular immigration has become a heated political issue with former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, making tighter controls a central pillar of his bid for a second White House term. According to CBP, there were 9.8 million interactions between law enforcement and suspected illegal migrants from October 2019 to January 2024.

Speaking to Newsweek in February, Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake, who unsuccessfully ran for the Arizona governorship in 2022, claimed Abbott's border policies were causing an influx of migrants into her state.

"Because Greg Abbott is now working to secure the border in Texas, we're seeing an influx of people pouring across our border, even more so than we had in previous months," Lake said.

Newsweek contacted the press office of Abbott for comment via email.
pick one and only one lol
Angry troon is angry
Pick all 3.
Conservative newspeak is so weird
They're all mindbroken by relentless propaganda
>[angry troon noises]
Texas is a winner in my book. After the literal devilish portal of monsters being wide open from the shit hole sitting below texas, to the unending censorship it faces day in and day out while it is fighting for humanitys last stand, I don't give a fuck what other bullshit and pain and suffering Texas will face from hereon nor do I care how Texas responds to it either.

Texas already won in my book
>losing is winning
>mocking is angry
>troons are everywhere
Take your meds
>[angry troon noises intensify]
Your headcanon isn't real.
It probably is.
It definitely isn't.
Bullshit. Post non-castrated penis.
>desperate to see my penis
We're at the "pics or it didn't happen" stage, trooner.
Greg Abbott is a hero, a politician who looks out for the people of his state

California homeless rate increased by roughly 40% the last 5-10 years. Another 40% inbound.

That's whats known as "geometric growth"

I wonder if illegal immigration is why the state actually grew by 40k people last year after hemorrhaging population for the previous 5 years
>I wonder if illegal immigration is why the state actually grew by 40k people last year after hemorrhaging population for the previous 5 years
*The state of California
Wow Abbott closed the Texan border despite the best efforts of biden
Lmao the retarded libbot shill is assblasted about this trying to credit Biden for something Abbott literally did, what a retard
Another W for the Biden Administration.
How'd biden's lawsuit trying to force Abbott to open back up the Texas border go?
Oh that's right, Biden won the open border lawsuit but nobody in Texas gives a shit and they just doubled down
Why are you against law and order? Why are you against the constitution?
I'm not a democrat tho, so I wouldn't know
Doublethink++ tho, implying that protecting our national borders is against law/order and constitution.

If anything, the people who were working to destroy or weaken our national borders are exactly the people you just described, but hey, you vote for them I don't.
>implying that protecting our national borders is against law/order and constitution.
States refusing to comply with federal authority over national security is against law/order and the constitution, yes. States have no jurisdiction over federal borders. The only reason you agree with this is because you think violating this law is justified, therefore proving you don't give a fuck about law and order. You only agree with it when it fits your narrative.

MAGAtards have no loyalty to the U.S. or its constitution. Its based when it works for them but they don't hesitate to shit all over it when it doesn't. I'd think that would be apparent by now.
Look at the shill dance, trying to credit Biden for something he didn't do and simultaneously crying about how the thing is bad if Republicans did it.
>No argument
I appreciate your concession. You freely admit you don't care that Texas breaks the law so long as it gets you the outcome you want. Based MAGAtard finally confessing their contempt for rule of law.
>implying that protecting our national borders is against law/order and constitution.
No. You just said they lost a lawsuit and went against it. That is illegal.
>That is illegal... when republicans do it.
yeah, ok
To be fair, you retard they didn't actually "go against" any laws or judgements.
The lawsuit decided that they could not prevent border patrol from carrying out their official duties and so they didn't, they just simply continued to build barriers and place national guardsmen on duty in the area to protect the Texan border.

Nobody actually broke any laws, well, except Biden who fought for uncontrolled illegal immigration

No matter how you cut this, Texas is directly responsible for the majority of any drops in total illegal border crossings.
>except Biden who fought for uncontrolled illegal immigration
Even if this was the case, why would this be illegal if Biden controls the immigration in America. There's nothing in the constitution requiring him to close the border.
>There's nothing in the constitution requiring him to close the border.
Well then there's nothing in the Constitution saying Austin can't protect it, retard
>You see, Biden was commanded by constitutional law to let illegals thru the border.
>Because he just was, ok!?
How many hours of OAN do I have to watch before I become this gullible?
1, the effect is almost instantaneous
12% in one year, published by a Texas outlet no less.

Meanwhile the ones who are homed can't keep their fucking lights on for three months out of the year due to planned brownouts, even though they're paying fucking $400 on energy utilities now.

Meanwhile Abbot is forced to juggle the corporate demand for cheap illegal labor while also trying to appeal to the hogs' demands for that illegal labor (that they won't work, themselves) to fuck off back to Mexico - a thankless task, considering that the former funds his vices & re-election campaign, while the latter is who his campaigning is meant to target. Tough biz, that.

Trust this, though: Little other than GOP fags have been running Texas for the past century. If the border is porous, it is because it is supposed to be porous - the issue would have been resolved decades ago if the ruling minority had wanted it to be.
The siren's song of cheap Manuel labor has dictated policy, and will continue to do so.

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