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I own a piece of land that is connected by a county road, and these amish fucks have recently started moving in near the road and they fucking DUG A 5 FOOT TRENCH IN THE MIDDLE OF THE COUNTY ROAD WITH SOME GAY PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION CREW AND IT IS UNPASSABLE can I call the law on these retards I want to actually be able to access my land....
>Amish play "kick the autistic" too
based buggybois
have you tried talking yo them, before asking a tibetian fly fishing forum if you should call the pigs?
Considering blocking a county road is at least a misdemeanor they won't be enjoying the game for much longer, state police game and is currently forcing them to refill the hole get fucked amishtards
How am I supposed to talk to them when there is an actual fucking ww2 style trench in the way
just how massively fat are you?
>5ft trench
you cant jump that?
I'm with >>2727220 you sound fat and whiny. go ahead, get into a war with your neighbours. sounds like you'll have a lot of fun with that
Contrary to popular opinion, the Amish are NOT the humble people that they are portrayed as on the silver screen. In reality they are cowardly and ignorant, opting to hide behind their belief system when confronted with the truth. They actively misuse pesticides and practice agricultural methods that have since been proven to be harmful for the environment and long term health of the land. They mistreat animals to the point of torturing them for not making quotas. They also get huge tax breaks for their gay beliefs and to top it off they are incredibly aggressive towards outsiders in an attempt to ruin non Amish farmers and upsell their product. They also lie about their products as being organic, while they use 1800s arsenic pesticides. Seriously fuck the Amish but also watch yourself, they are vindictive, aggressive, slimely freaks
I sorry, I can't hear you over your wheezing.
Amish are just rural jews
>t. live in a heavily Amish community
Fill it in.
I hope the Amish rape your asshole you fat faggot
And they also shelter child molesters.
>everyone in this thread defending cult freaks who sneer on outsiders, on par with ortho jews
Very bizarre. Start by asking your local authorities about it, not using emergency numbers obviously
this because Amish are one grade under Jews for the biggest pieces of shit out there. At this point I don't think they care at all about traditional values, it's all about doing what the fuck I wanna do and no one's going to stop me. they use phones and computers it's not about morals or values anymore. biggest assholes I have ever met, and their children are demons. from personal encounters of course
Are they actually constructing something? Drain culvert under the road perhaps? It's very possible they are doing legal construction. Start with just asking them. If they aren't doing legitimate business then make it clear you will not be denied access to your property, especially off a county road, and how difficult they want that process to be is entirely up to them.
struck a nerve?
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I can't stop laughing at your pic.
>instead of talking to them or doing my own research, I'm going to impotantly bitch on a Lithuanian candle making forum
Not only are you a fat fuck, but you're a faggot too
Fill it in.
>expecting fat fuck OP to pick up a shovel
Orthodox jews are less hated that zionists like yourself, and there's nothing wrong with "sneering at outsiders" as you put it
I'm not jewish, so I'm an outsider to them.
Hence, they do not like me.
Weird cuckhold mindset to like somebody who hates you, can't relate
You have no community of your own, that's why you can't relate
Twiiiist: it wasn't buggyheebs, it was OP's internet provider, they sent mailers out warning about the scheduled cut and cable work 3 months ahead of time, but OP if too fat to remember.
Speak English, ESL-kun.
> harmful to the environment
this is topkek. modern farming pumps chemicals into the waterways, destroys native species that are "pests" and also tortures animals. just because the amish don't like you're interracial family doesn't mean you have to hate them back. take the high road(around the trench they dug)
This post was obviously written by Jewish hands. Made me love the Amish even more.
My buddy lives in outside of Lancaster and the local Amheebs have stolen his dog twice for their puppy mill. The first time she came back on her own with a chewed up halter rope around her neck. The second time the cops found her tied to a shed with a tin can around her snout to keep her quiet. I say fuck ‘em.
Do amish have guns? Seems pretty easy to solve if they can't use technology
They do use technology. They use power tools, computers, the internet, everything. They just say it's "off grid" because they run it off a generator.
Amish are great believers in incest, domestic violence/abuse and rape. They are based for keeping to their beliefs and ways as well as they have and these sorts of people/communities will survive upheaval. But like all other religious sects they devolve into the dark desires and power.
t. ex-amish, got a away thanks to my dad figuring things out, but I got abused and still feel confused about them
They tend to be "protected", they are well known for their abuse and other fuckery and yet little is done about it.
And they do have guns, basic shotguns/rifles but no pistols. Most aren't keen on them and/or hunting but there'll be someone to balance them majority that does know and will shoot you.
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son, if you can't read that, it's you who can't read english...
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