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What are some underrated, legal psychoactive plants that are relatively easy to grow in your garden?
LSA from Morning Glory seeds
psychosis speedrun thread. look for some peyote or san pedro cactus for strictly gardening purposes of course
OP here, forgot to mention that I'm gonna try and grow some kanna this year.
Illegal to possess and illegal to grow, unless you're a native, live on the rez, and have a permit to grow it.
Who’s going to go into your garden and make sure you’re not growing peyote? Quit being a pussy.
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Mugwort (picrel) is known for its dream-enhancing effects. It magnifies the brilliance of color and overall duration of your dreams. Known as “Molush” by the Indians of California the name translates literally to “Dream Plant”. It grows almost anywhere so you can find it growing wild in most places, so it's free.
Forgot to mention: you can brew it as a tea or smoke the leaves. Some people say sleeping with it under your pillow also works.
San Pedro, mushroom spores are legal and you can grow them in a closet or under the bed though possession is illegal
valerian also does this
It doesn't.
t. have drank a lot of mugwort tea because hippie ex-gf liked it
And you're going to acquire it how?
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Why, it was a comfy pic of a Hindu Pepe and a cow.
You'll want Calea zachatechichi (aztec dream herb) for that.
This! No one is going to report you unless you're growing something like weed that has an obvious shape and pungent odor. Peyote is a small cactus and takes years to grow. San pedro has the same active(Mescaline) and I see it growing wild and in people's yards. No one cares.
Grow something that amazes normies like toothache herb or miracle fruit. You can also get psychoactive mushrooms to establish in wood chip mulches.
Go to Texas and pick it out the ground and transplant it or buy seeds online somewhere.
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>posting antisemitic hate symbols on a blue board
Have you tried not being an american?
It's just a hindu symbol for the sun and well being bro. You shouldn't let people take symbols or words away from you
It's because the jannies here are frogphobic
Terence McKenna was the hippie who popularized mushrooms in the west. He may have been the guy who discovered ayahuasca and introduced it to the west.

We wrote a book on how to grow mushrooms, which are legal in some places in the US: Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide. And I know for a fact he’s mentioned plants in the US that ayahuasca could be derived from (these are sometimes called “pharmahuasca”).

There are also frogs. The Colorado River toad is legal to own as a pet, but produces a poison that’s a controlled substance. Supposedly the natives would spread the poison on a rock, allow it to dry, then scrape it off and smoke it. I think modern druggies use a piece of glass rather than a rock, and I think it’s incredibly dangerous (and definitely illegal). But again, the frogs are totally legal and pretty hardy, so they’re easy to keep as an exotic pet.

OP did ask for legal substances, though. Peyote is not only illegal, but it has some kind of federal protection due to its vulnerable status (I don’t think it’s endangered; maybe threatened?).
Syrian rue is very easy to grow(it's a weed) and it has harmalas in it(the MAOI found in caapi aka ayahuaska vine) You can find them easily online as well and are 100% legal. For your DMT containing plant you'll want Mimosa hostillis or Acacia confusa or one of the other DMT containing plants. You can buy MH root bark online legally and easily. Acacia confusa has DMT in the leaves, bark(root and branch) and body proper. MH only has it in large enough concentrations to extract in the root bark.

Syrian rue, B. caapi, MH and Acacia confusa are all 100% legal to own and grow. Pick one MAIO and one DMT bearing and you have what you need to make ayahuaska.
I see Datura stramoniumall over the place here. Wild and cultivated. Not saying I recommend or even suggest trying it. But it is a very pretty plant and it is highly psychoactive.
Opium poppies(papaver somniferum) are legal to grow and you can buy the seeds at any garden store. Just avoid Norman/Tasmanian poppies. They've been breed to only contain the alkaloids that require chemical extraction for pharmaceutical drugs like oxycodone
Just FYI, any plant based substances will take you a year or more to grow enough to have a usable amount. While technically not legal and this not what you necessarily asked for, you can have mushrooms(spores to fruiting mushrooms) in under 2 months. If you're looking to have something soonish, fungus is your friend.
And you can buy everything you need to grow them, legally *I meant to add
Even Mormon Tea?
In general, it takes 3-6 months from seed to small plant and a year to get a good size plant that you're not going to kill when harvesting from it. It's not necessarily true 100% of the time, there are exceptions to every rule. I've never grown any ephedra plants, so I couldn't say for sure. But they are also illegal in the US. Not that I'd be concerned with getting busted growing it, it's not an obvious plant. But I don't know how easy/hard it would be to get seeds. Be careful with ephedra, it's one of the bases used for meth.
Mormon Tea is legel AFAIK, since it contains zero ephedrine.
Ah, ok, I didn't know that. I'm somewhat familiar with ma huang(ephedra sinica) from reading. I assumed Mormon Tea(epedra nevadensis) was just the US version of the Chinese plant(ma huang)

Is it still a stimulant,even without the epedrine? I see that it is not banned, unlike ma huang, because it doesn't contain ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. What is the active compound? I'll read up on it more...
Hmm.... So there are several different plants that are all called Mormon Tea: Ephedra trifurca, Ephedra viridis, Ephedra torreyana, Ephedra nevadensis, and Ephedra californica. They do contain ephedrine, as well as pseudoephedrine, norephedrine, and methylephedrine. But they're not bannd like ma huang. Some of the listed plants are lower in the compounds and some are higher. I'm not sure how they made it past the 2004 ban. Mormon Tea suplements were banned in 2004, but not the plant itself, unlike ma huang. Good to know. Ephedrine is a great bronchodilator.
one last.....Quora says they do contain the alkeloids, wokapedia says they do and don't with two different sources. And there are other sites that say both as well. So, take your pick? Aside from ceffeine, there aren't any other stimulants associated with the ephedra plants. They have a high tannin content. But that's not going to help you. I'm not sure what the "medicinal" properties would be without any ephedrine compounds. Unless it's just the caffeine..
I found the seeds are not generally available in the US, but I got some online. The only poppy varieties I've seen in stores are California, Iceland, common/corn poppy, and oriental poppy. Iceland poppy is really nice too, but I don't think it has any opium, just pretty flowers.
You can legally order psilocybin mushroom spores in the US
I only bought and ate datura inoxia seeds online. I woke the next day with no memory of what happened and I was alone so I'll never know what it was like. Only for true space cadets
I've found them at walmart. They're labled "bread seed" poppies.

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