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/out/ - Outdoors

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Okay, I'm done coping. Even ignorning muh mountains, the west still has an overall better aesthetic than the east.
We don't think so. The western US is just a giant stretch of brown dirt. We can always visit a local construction project to see the same views and then go innawoods near us to enjoy the lush greenery and bright colors of our woodlands, wetlands, water bodies and meadows. Sux to be you.
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>enjoy the lush greenery and bright colors of our woodlands, wetlands, water bodies and meadows
Where? Every "forest" here looks like pic related because normalfags are too scared of fire or cutting down a few trees.

The thing with the west is that the climate and soil type naturally favors the creation of woodland and savanna. In the east it has to be constantly managed because it will always try to turn into a shitty overgrown forest.
>naturally favors the creation of woodland
meant to type meadows here
>The western US is just a giant stretch of brown dirt.

That is called a rain shadow. And it exists east of the mountains (Cascades and Sierra) that go along the western coast.

West of their rain shadow is very wet and very green, at least north of the Sacramento valley.
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I prefer my back yard.
the Atlantic is mean and I prefer it that way

Any Washingtonfags here? I’ve been thinking of moving from NW part of the state (skagit valley) to east of the mountains, maybe Okanogan county or even all the way to Pend oreille.
I like em both a lot. the main thing that the East wins is with the dense forests, damn near jungles. I miss swinging on vines and yelling like Tarzan, when I was a kid. I don't miss the poison ivy and the ticks/leeches/mosquitoes
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>then go innawoods near us to enjoy the lush greenery and bright colors of our woodlands, wetlands, water bodies and meadows.
>the entire West is a desert
that guy lol
> I'm done coping.
You're not even from the east. You're just the westfag that constantly makes these bait threads. Nobody cares about your California-transplant-in-Colorado-tourist-suburb-ass Jose. Stop shitting up the board.
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>said the entire west is desert and climate change is caused by beavers and jewish loggers guy and only my acre of decidious trees matters/


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