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Lost my job and planning on living out of my car and camping places for at least 6-12 months since I haven't done that in many years now. I haven't really been homeless before but it's my next option currently so my funds are going to be kinda limited.

What are going to be the best and least expensive ways to sustain myself with food? I've never lived like this before so I'm wondering what all of the "oh shit"'s might be before I encounter them. In what areas might it be realistic to live off of the land, simply from fishing rivers or foraging? I don't plan on attempting full "survival" mode but I'd like to be out there as long as I can on as little as I can. Any good things to know or experiences are appreciated.
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well, seeing as you're asking for advice on fishing & foraging, without saying where your area / climate, i'm going to assume you live in the shanty towns of brazil
so first, i'd recommend buying a gun from your local drug dealer, you'll have to contest with a lot of gangs as you fish the corpses out of the drainage slumps, as fish like to gather around the corpses, so you'll have a lot of luck finding them that way
for plants, people like to grow a lot of cassava in their gardens, so just rummage around them, but try not to get caught, or they'll cut off your hands
good luck anon, its a tough world out there
I think a person would have a chance in a lightly populated area of the southeastern USA fishing around the freshwater rivers and intercoastal waterway.
A small fishing boat and using campsites that are only assessable by small boat would be good. The only thing is insects would drive you crazy. You would have to live under a bug net for many months of the year.
I think I could make a go of it in the low country area around the SC / Georgia border.
>this thread again
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're going to suffer greatly no matter what and there's no way around it. The most tragic part is that this is the reality for millions of people living in otherwise prosperous wealthy developed countries all around the world (especially in the US). The people of this world have been so brutally subjugated and humiliated that they are no longer even capable of resisting their oppressors in any meaningful way whatsoever, and on top of that, they aren't even worthy of empathy. Just the fact that you're posting this here instead of just going back and living with a relative speaks volumes.
The best advice you might get at this point would be to sell everything you own and join one of those christian cults who lives in the woods, but you won't do it.
>What are going to be the best and least expensive ways to sustain myself with food?
Rice and beans, supplemented by whatever you can catch or hunt. Always keep a budget to buy cheap fruit, and take note of where you can find blackberries. Onions and garlic are cheap and really liven up a meal. Treat yourself to some spices, salt and pepper if you can. It'll still be a pretty miserable experience, living mostly off rice and beans, but it'll make it ever so slightly better.
>In what areas might it be realistic to live off of the land, simply from fishing rivers or foraging?
None. Sorry. You're going to get nutritional deficiencies one way or another if you go for self-sufficiency.
haha bum blasted
I would "forage" by applying for SNAP (food stamps) and finding out where the local soup kitchens are. Between those 2 you can eat pretty well as long as you're not supporting someone else.
Some other stuff while I'm thinking of it (I speak from personal experience):
- Sleeping in your car really only works during the summer; it's basically a heat sink (steel & aluminum clad in plastic). During all other seasons, they wick off your heat unless you've got the heater going (burns fuel, bad for someone w/o cash) and trap condensation (big red flag for cops). Plus unless you've got an SUV they're really not comfortable to sleep in. Camping (legal or stealth) is better.
- "Career" homeless (IE those who actively mooch the system instead of seeking work) are to be avoided. There are always exceptions, but on the whole they're the biggest drama queens on the planet (like hanging out with children). They will suck you into their petty bullshit. Do not let them.
- WASH YOUR ASS! If you stink, you scream the word "bum" to everyone downwind. If you keep yourself clean, you blend. Blending is good. Homeless shelters are an option, but are also filled with other homeless people (see above). Didn't have the option myself, but gym/ymca memberships sound like a reasonable idea. Same thing goes for clothes, obviously.
- A mailing address is a must (though it might not seem obvious; if you happen to gain employment, you need one to actually get paid). Shelters will generally let you use theirs; churches might be another option.
- Above all else; don't give up! Take things one day at a time. You WILL get through it.
We don't know where OP is, and so can only offer general advice.
Good luck, sir.
keep eating those poke berries and all of your troubles will be behind you anon.
Buy proper mason jars like Ball or similar, keep oats, nuts, dried fruit, and jerky to store in them. Roaches and other insects do find their way into vehicles if you don't store food properly and plastic clip tubs aren't sealed well enough to keep smells sealed.

If you can afford it, and have a vehicle with the room for it, car fridges are great for storing perishables, cheese, meats, milk, etc. Worth keeping them as full as you can and buying things frozen to keep energy use down, but ideally you'll be able to get a separate battery to run the fridge from so you don't wake up without a starter, it is possible to set voltage limits but they're not always reliable.

Shop at food banks, and keep an eye out for Sihk and Hare Krishna temples for free meals.

Hunting and foraging will be area dependent so that's something you'll have to figure out, but talking to locals who enjoy those hobbies would be a good idea.
>Living in Car / Innawoods
You mean homeless?
Just kill yourself, fucking loser.
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build an alcohol stove (designs on internet, costs nothing) it's safer in enclosed spaces than anything else
heat up stuff in cans (open 1/4 way on both sides so it doesn't explode)
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Pretty sure those are elderberries. Very nice.
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Those are elderberries, retard. Hope you become homeless too
raw elderberries will kill you as quickly as pokeberries... But keep trying. Enjoy your homelessness.
>he doesn’t know ripe elderberries are safe to eat
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A man can live off potatoes and onions for a long time. Supplement with meat and bell peppers (vit c) and there ya go.

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