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/out/ - Outdoors

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Where can I just walk for like, years and years? Florida? California?

Lease ending in a few months and for the last few years I've basically been holding onto society by a thread. I can't keep it up anymore. I'm out of jobs that I think I could do. I'm out of money. I lack the parts to be normal. I'll probably miss my last rent payment, but I am just too crazy to get a job. It's just not there for me anymore. That ship has sailed. So it's time to be a hobo. Walking is all I've ever been good at.
Hobos earn a lot of money, they fuck themselves because of drugs, not because of lack of opportunity.

Dunno where you could walk, I was almost sure going outside without a purpose was illegal in the US.
Appalachian trail.
Why is /out/ full of maladapted borderline societal outcasts lately?
What happened to having your shit together and enjoying nature as a pastime? Why do you retards need to get all feral and unhinged about it?
Just watched Forrest Gump huh?
Idk man. I'm just checking this place out. It seems that every board is just full of retarded tourists these days. This whole site is dead. Almost every board is slow as shit, this place has multiple threads up that are weeks old. Every other thread is started by bots and has no participation because it's doompilled, off topic bitching.
Might as well get a shit-looking bicycle but well fitted to your physical measurements, that way you can travel 3x faster at the same amount of effort or less. You can also strap your pack to the back (with more stuff) and push it along, which is a nice way to walk in my experience. As far as criminals are concerned, who will go to too much effort to steal a locked shitcycle? Little do they know it is your perfect size and feels great to ride.
If you wanted to get in-depth, I'm sure you could fit a simple electricity generation device to it as well, so that you can charge your shit on the move.
Fuck, now I'm on a tangent. You can even fit a bike in a 2-man tent if you take the wheels off (most of them are quick release these days).

I think I'll be taking the bike when I go camping next time.
Homeless beggars aren't hobos. a HoBo is a homeward bound individual. They have a home, they're just walking there. It started after the civil war. Conscripted soldiers were discharged from service, but had to make their own way home. It has come to blanket any migratory workers that travel for work, usually by hopping trains. Hobos seek work, transients usually panhandle and avoid work.
That was meant for OP
Yeah and in the 1920s that may have been a true description of people that existed but in 2024 hobo means exactly the same thing as vagrant, homeless, loser, etc. There's no distinction anymore.
I walked across America almost 13 years ago…took me about 8 months and I had about $1000 to my name. Didn’t really spend more than a few hundred and even got to work a few odd jobs during the trip. One of the best things I ever did—I’d be more hesitant nowadays with how distracted drivers are. I think a popular hiking trail like the AT would be safer all around
It's almost impossible in america due to our infrastructure. cops will pick you up for walking. your best bet is to learn to trainhop, or live in a 20 yo jap econobox.
>cops will pick you up for walking
It's not "walking" that's illegal, its wandering down the center lane of a highway with your pants down screaming incoherent obscenities at the cars trying not to hit you, that got you arrested.
The cops would have gotten involved if you did it on the autobahn too.
In many areas, it is literally illegal to walk up and down a highway on foot. Pedestrian foot traffic is explicitly illegal. I live in an isolated rural area. it would be illegal for me to try to 'leave' on foot because the only way out are said highways. Of course, if I get on a bike i suddenly become a vehicle and can legally access these same roads but the point still stands.
>i refuse to do things because theyre illegal
get rid of this attitude or you will not make it as a hobo
accept you'll get talked to by cops and possibly put in jail for a night, try shit and learn from experience what cops do and don't give a flying fuck about
hint: this one falls firmly into the "they don't" category
It has always been like this. Economic conditions have merely forced the woods dwellers out of their habitats and back into their tiny studios, where they are forced to reminisce of the days when they could afford to clock out of work, fuck off into the woods, and re-emerge two days later for the next week.
Sounds cool got any stories? I walked south to north a few years ago and had a blast
Ive never had any issues with this, got stopped once by bored cops cause i was walking w traffic and they told me to cross the road and walk on the other side. You sound like a pussy, stay in your cope shed.
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lmao america is dystopian, zero freedom
If youre gonna walk, you should walk a long trail. PCT, AT, CDT, arizona trail, florida trail, coloroado trail..etc

Otherwise, look into bike packing.

just beg for money. hold a sign and ask for money. theres no shame being a traveler. its fun

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