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/out/ - Outdoors

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>gives 10 hour lecture about ancestors and being in touch with nature and feeling the spirits and energies
>drops out after 24 hours
wow great thread OP!
>wake up
>get out of sleeping bag
>commit poaching crime on camera
>go home and continue resenting parents for being better outdoorsmen
If you put me outtadoors 1,000+ miles from the woods I live in, and told me to survive I'd be fairly useless. If you put me 200 miles away I think I could be pretty capable. If I had to survive in the woods I live in, I honestly think I could go indefinitely until I got some kind of bad infection etc.

It's all about knowing the plants.
>It's all about knowing the plants.
Not being a white guy with dreadlocks probably also helps.
No idea who that is but it must be exhausting with 2 kg of extra hair. Bad gear nigga.
adult men who still wear le insecure teenager hats are not to be trusted. an adult man shouldnt need to wear a hat in general until its 20 degrees F or colder, 100% of men who wear a hat at temperatures warmer than this will transition within 5 years
Hats/caps are generally fine outdoors- however you are correct about THAT hat (not even to mention the elephant in the room aka the hair). A straw hat is a life saver in the hot summer sun.
Go /out/side
Look autism aside, they look stupid and dirty. They have become linked or associated with a certain type of white person. Doper hippie try-hard poser etc. (I'm struggling to come up with the exact words to get across what they suggest but you get the idea). Anyways it isn't good and it is indeed a meaningful profiling tool.
>other people exist and this upsets me
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tell me you don't go /out/ without telling me you don't go /out/. I never leave home without my hat, whether it's to protect me from cold, the sun, or rain, it's always useful.

As far as muh adult men goes, it wasn't so long ago that a man would never leave home without his hat. It's modern day soft city boys who never learned about being a man from their single mothers who started the trend of not wearing a hat.
>whether it's to protect me from cold, the sun, or rain, it's always useful.
Or to keep bugs out of your hair. Fucking blackflies
Hats are for sun protection and catching webs.
dreds are disgusting and smell like rotten ass & stale piss
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Don't go round sniffing a hippied hair then you absolute cretin
i try not to, but like blacks, their smell leaves a 50ft trail across the aisles at walmart
its quite astonishing how its possible
Ironically the hat you posted is exactly the type of poser hat that won't protect you from anything and larpers from the lower 48 wear to make themselves feel like rugged bush men while they scurry around a section of woods between two highways and 5 km from a suburb
NTA but I've never seen someone wearing a Tam o 'Shanter outside of festival events/Tartan Day, and I bet you haven't either
That was the other dreadlocked white dude, from Alone US. This is a different chode from Alone Australia Season 1
I don't watch these show but how bad can it be to stay out there for at least 4 days? Even the most inexperienced with 5 or 10 C's can manage to shelter and keep hydrated EVEN if they don't eat for days. Seems like mind over matter thing to me.
Right you are. One shitty wannabe survivalist is much like another, kek
most experts you watch especially on youtube set out specifically to become experts, many simply popped out of nowhere making "expert videos" and "expert reactions" with no background as experts themselves. this is common in every interest since the dawn of social media
what does this mean? superficial knowledge, no depth, no real world experience and probably a lot of followers that fuck themselves up listening to their advice
Is this some TV show
>the type of poser hat that won't protect you from anything
It will keep your head warm, keep bugs out of your hair, and protect you from the rain. Moreover, it simply looks good.

Sounds like you're dealing with a lot of insecurity there. I wear what I like, and you should too. Why are you so concerned with how other people perceive you? The only types of people who get worked up over the hat choices of other strangers are losers like you who never actually go out to begin with.
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>The Virgin Indigenous Native
>The Chad Swede Fitness Model

Imagine trying to hit all your DEI targets and your prized woke balloon quits on day one. And they brought the dudes wife back for season two just to see her quit in 3 days.
Only thanks to a mysterious night wallaby did they manage to get a woman to win S1.
I mean we're constantly put upon by the gaze of others, that's pretty much a universal issue for humans. we hate it and yet we also crave it. people pretending they don't care are generally deceiving themselves. in fact look up the 'social intelligence hypothesis'- it's quite likely that a large part of our intelligence evolved specifically to keep track of how others see us.
>constantly put upon by the gaze of others
>we hate it and yet we also crave it
Stop posting your high-school poetry projects here.

Also NTA but I don't think it's a universal human experience, especially /out/doors. I think some people are more prone to judging others for their looks, especially the over-socialized urbanites.

But besides that, he dresses a certain way because he knows he'll be on TV and thousands will be looking at him. He wants to portray himself a certain way to the masses. We've had the same types in other seasons with various people reducing themselves to caricatures (hippies, hardasses and everything in between).
There's a difference between being aware that people are judging you based on what you wear, and actively altering your appearance in order to appeal to some imagined group of people who you want to win the approval of. If you don't like wearing hats, that's fine. If you like wearing hats but don't because some autist on 4chan said it makes you a poo poo head then you're about as mentally mature as a teenage girl.

I wear whatever he fuck I want for any reason I want. If someone doesn't like my style, they have bad taste. Simple as. You think I'm going to lose sleep over some acne ridden basement dweller who thinks my hat is for "larping"? Say it to my face faggot. No one ever has, and no one ever will.
reasonable criticism.

it's something we've evolved to do. everyone does it to varying degrees, it's nonadaptive not to do it. you're right that some do it more than others, though rather than urbanites doing it more I think they do it based on different (more socially shifted) criteria- e.g. how much your shoes cost or who else is wearing them, vs how suitable they are for the task at hand.
dreadlocks are peak consumerism bullshit. in a survival situation its objectively better to have an easier to manage hairstyle that doesnt literally bog you down and drain your calories. its like having super long fingernails because you never leave your house and never do any physical labor. it is completely detrimental to your situation to have those physical features.
White people generally wash/comb/cut their hair, anon.
That's fair, and I guess it does differ from social circle to circle. "Who else wears them" is for women and "how much clothes cost" is for the local hoodlums. Ratty, unwashed pants wouldn't strike me as weird on the trail the same way flip-flops would. I wouldn't dwell on it any more than a "huh, odd" though.

I do still think urbanites are more prone to this behavior, not only because they have more people around them but also because they busy themselves more with fashion. It's a way of existing that focuses more on looks, and the way you look to others.
It is probably the only style of hat that would fit over his shitlocks
so I’m not allowed to wear a cowboy hat to keep me shaded when its triple digits because it would make me gay or something?
pretty sure you were gay before you donned the hat anon
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i'm with you on ppl that wear faghats for fashion, but wearing a hat outdoors is basically required to not have the skin of a 70 year old when you turn 40.
Why are whites with dreadlocks such insufferable douchebags
>why are people without jobs such insufferable douchebags
you answered your own question
Pretty sure he's a Paid Professional Protester though. Or maybe it's just that half the protester's you see look exactly like him.
this thread is pure autism
That's the theme of this board, yes.

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