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Oke so im planning on tackling the west highland way soonish with my bong friend pretty soonish, were going to meet up either in london (if i decide to take the train from the netherlands through belgium and france to england) or in glasgow (where i can take a direct flight) And were wondering if any anons that have done this hike before have any tips to share with total beginners such as us.. :---D and with tips i mean landmarks off of the beaten road that we should visit along the way or stuff that we should/shouldnt do and generally what to expect during the trip. We also wouldnt mind meeting up with other out/chuds, and if youre wondering were both males aged 22
well what me & my mate did was bring a big bottle of whiskey each from glasgow and wildcamp way off the track & get drunk gazing at the mountains every night. was pretty good. bridge of orchy hotel pub is full of cunts. travel early as much as you can, it's much more beautiful then and much higher chance of seeing wildlife. WHW was awesome overall, you're in for a good time. the rocks around lomond can be a bit fucked in bad weather so be careful there. good luck anon
thanks for tips anon, i dont have any experience drinking alcohol so i think ill keep it at a pint or two at a pub, i am also planning on bringing along some mushrooms along but im no too sure on how safe or smart that is. Do you have any reccomendations for what to do in glasgow, or should i avoid that place like the pest?
DONT go to Glasgow, it’s 3rd world - Trainspotting is basically a documentary.
Edinburgh is pretty cool though, there are backckers and genuinely good pubs in the middle of town.
Locals were all pretty friendly. Just follow your nose mate, worked for me.
t. Kiwi spent a bit of time over that way when I was 25.
Go slow, you can easily do 40km+ daily on the WhW, but you'll miss out on a lot. Also, take time to appreciate the Caledonian forests along Loch Lomond, I raced through the area because I was laser focused on seeing the true highlands area.
I didn't do much in glasgow, just stayed the night there so we could start early the next day. it's not as phenomenally shit as e.g. >>2732180 suggest, more or less just your typical run down UK city.

I think this is good advice. absolutely no point rushing. if I ever do it again I will go a lot slower. you may meet people who look down on you for not doing e.g. 30 mile days every day. if so ignore them, they're autistic.
>trainspotting is a documentary
trainspotting is set in Edinburgh you dumb faggot, Glasgow is one of the few UK cities that hasn't completely gone to the dogs and still has a slither of sovl
>Go to the pub at Beinglas Farm (The Stagger Inn)
>Many pubs / hotels have outdoor taps with free drinking water
>There are long sections of Loch Lomond with no taps, it’s also not that advisable to drink water coming down the hills because of agricultural run-off that can’t be filtered (carry extra water when you leave Drymen)
>The showers + toilets at Kingshouse are free to use
>The Devil’s Staircase is fine, the climb out of Kinlochleven is a pain
>Bring blister packs, even if you’re not prone to blisters (long stretches on old military roads = tough on feet)
>Don’t camp on the flat area near the river at Bridge of Orchy (or you’ll wake up in midgie hell)
Genuinely useful and informed advice.

Only thing I would add is that Kingshouse does not stock much "real" food- yes there is a shop there but it's very advisable to stock up in advance if you are wild camping. You can also get restaurant food there, but in my experience it's quite expensive and not very good.

OK anon, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and start saying that Glasgow is
>actually good
or anything mental like that :)

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