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hey /out/
so,me and my friends are about to have our finals so we thought it would be a great idea to do something stupid before going back to studying 24/7

we wanted to do a great urbex so if some of you guys know some great urbex spots/scary places to go explore in brussels and it’s periphery it’d be great!

im ready to trade infos about other places we found in exchange of whatever urbex/place you have!
As far as Brussels unfortunately I can't help you because I live in Wisconsin... but do post photos please. I like scary places.
Break into the NAVO HQ. I heard it's pretty cool.
No offence m8, I've never been to Bruxlles however as a citizen of the EU I feel obligated to say this:
I hope that you organize a urbex in the European Parliament with your muslim fundamentalist buddies and so what muslims do best.... The EU wants to conserve nature and that is a noble goal, however they want to restrict citizens access to said nature and they actively invest in cucked technology that tracks people in the woods. They hate the thought of WILD nature, they want everything curated, measured and surveyed.
I hate the technocratic establishment of that cucked mussel slurping, potato frying, chocolate decorating country of yours.
From the bottom of my heart,
Stfu and don't make this about politics you disgusting nigger.
It's just coincidence that this anon is from Brussels, it has nothing to do with your eastern European inferiority complex about getting buckbroken by fascist Muslim globohomos of the European Parliament.
Get over it Ivan.
Stay out of this, ami
I only talked bout the convergence of politics and the outdoors, which is allowed. Some time ago there even was a forest janny hate thread.
>eastern European inferiority complex
Regarding what? Are we inferior in all capitalist-liberal metrics? Sure, that's not a complex it is objective reality.
Though having a private hike in western Europe is impossible... too many people, no wild nature. So from that perspective, EE is objectively superior.
Enjoy the outdoors ami, don't give these fucking pencil-pushers a fucking inch.
>tell me you've never been /out/ in western Europe without telling me you've never been /out/ in western Europe
I currently live in the Black Forest so....
>having a private hike in western Europe is impossible... too many people, no wild nature
if you have an iq below room temperature, yeah sure
I mean it is true, even on a work day you are going to meet a bunch of people here. Going on a trail on weekends guarantees that you'll meet at least 100 loud germs.
The amount of roads and paths in the woods here is so dense that you literally can't get lost, just look through google maps on satellite view... It is not comparable to the Carpathians.
Heck, they even have asphalted bike paths in the woods.... asphalt in the fucking woods, for a bike path. If you call that wild, then buddy return to your pod and munch on some cricket bars.
>Ivan stumbles drunkenly in a park and is shocked by it's level of maintenance
Next time try to go outside of the city if you want to experience nature, maybe?
belgian anon here. There isn't much urbex to do in Brussels itself besides trashed and graffitied houses or spots. At the end of the day it's the capital which needs more and more housing. I suggest you go to the Liège abandoned factory (the famous one), although I don't know it's current state. It's being demolished slowly so idc how much is left. I spent a whole day there just exploring and climbing ontop of chimneys.
You could also to the charleroi cooling tower, but I again can't give you any because I haven't been there in a while.
My point is: go to the the poor's region (Wallonië) and urbex is pretty ease
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guess how many people i met here
>even on a work day you are going to meet a bunch of people here. Going on a trail on weekends guarantees that you'll meet at least 100 loud germs.
you sound like a room temperature iq that goes to the top 10 google searches
it's crazy how localized the hiking crowds are, at any given day you can have a trail with hundreds of people on it while another one that 10km away is completely empty just because it doesn't appear on online guides and instagram posts
The Church infront of gare de boisfort, you'll have to enter through the roof using the scaffolding outside though. The abandoned power plant in Charleroi, and the countless abandoned subway stations there are amazing and worth the day trip.
Also If you are into leftist/alternative circles, there are lots of squat houses where they organizes party. Went to a rave a few years back in a huge abandoned police station in Evere.
try this site Many places are referenced on
Do you have any advice on finding abandoned places?
word of mouth, online, walking around and saving places where you come across abandoned shit for later

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