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been thinking for awhile about maybe opening up my own Used Cameras Shop but not entirely sure where to start or what I need to do in order to get it off the ground and not just be an idea but a plan I can get into action with
Buy someone elses entire camera shop.
gonna need to stock up on used cameras for starts
might want to consider branching out and selling the lenses as well
>gonna need to stock up on used cameras for starts
kk right will have to look into that
Where do I find the shop shop?
then realize that someone wanted to get rid of a used camera shop for a reason
the at least try to combine selling used cameras with something lethally unexciting, but at least giving you some guaranteed traffic (unlike cameras), like selling used smartphones
start with some fucking sentence structure, god damn.
opie is looking for shops that sell shops
I've considered this after my local used camera shop closed down many years ago. Then I realised it because no one in this town is interested in shitty film cameras older than them and their associated crappy lenses. I also wouldn't want to have to deal with that stuff either. So if I did have a shop it would only be selling stuff from the last 20 years or so, I'd be constantly turning people away trying to get rid of their junk, and my stock value would be like ten times higher than the previous shop and I don't have a hundred grand to get the shop and stock it up.
start with ebay to see if people are willing to buy from you and you get used to the process of fulfilling orders
>13.25% on most sales
I can hear the handrubbing from here
most of the local places here eventually turned into something else. The film shop here does do gear, but it's clear that developing/scanning film is where their focus is now. The camera store that is around me, started doing repairs then slowly stopped buying/selling gear altogether, now all they do is repairs and cleaning. They do 'consignment' now meaning they host gear for sale for you and take a cut. But at that point I might as well list it on ebay which has a much wider reach.

I get the impression that running a store front in 2024 just doesn't make sense if all your doing is buying and selling gear. You won't be able to compete with online pricing and your customer base is just local people.
That's pretty much what this store used to do too. They wouldn't actually buy stuff off you, just put it on display and then if it sold they contact you and then take their cut. They had so much shit that would sit there for months if not years, cheap junk that the owner probably forgot about in the end. But yeah it's not going to work now with more modern and expensive gear. Someone's not going to give me their A7R V in hopes that it might sell in a month or two when they can slap on Ebay and have it gone in less than a week. Also there's a CEX in town too that'll buy shit from people and give them the cash straight away.

They also did printing and I think scanning, no dev I don't think but there was another place nearby that would do that. Cleaning and repairs too.
Think I'm going to open up a photography studio that specializes in portraits of photographers. Like you have to be an actual photographer to be a customer. Would have to bring camera as evidence, minimum a7iii, so no fujishit larpers or mft allowed.
yes that's why I said what, the hell he is on about but no word of a lie I'd like to know where one would find such a place
You need to ask the shop shop shops where they sell their shop, duh.
>I get the impression that running a store front in 2024 just doesn't make sense if all your doing is buying and selling gear.
every local store owner I know has also an online store. you can't survive with local only nowadays because you're not a gatekeeper anymore. before the internet people had to go to you to get their stuff. now they can just order online.
in europe it's 0%. they only want some low listing fee of a few cents
There’s absolutely no need to go bricks and mortar for a business like this in current year. You could operate it with near-0 overheads or responsibility from home/online, but you want a shopfront - why?

The person in this thread complaining about eBay fees is a retard who doesn’t realise how much businesses pay for advertising and payment processing. Most would happily pay 13% or more for the exposure eBay provides. You start there and convert buyers to your own website with cards, flyers and promo codes, simultaneously gaming social media for further exposure.
In Europe eBay is indeed 0%. As in - it's irrelevant. Nobody cares about eBay here.
I sell on eBay Australia and send ~10 parcels per week to Europe. Germany is also the 3rd biggest eBay market in the world.
Faggot i’m not paying even 1% to ebay. Go larp as someone who knows what they are doing in a kys thread or something, lol.
Okay, spend 1-3% for payment/card processing and 50% of your revenue on a lease, other bills and advertising, then.

>Go larp as someone who knows what they are doing
If you'd caught me 5 years ago I'd have shared screenshots from my accounting software, but I give less of a fuck these days. You have a shitty attitude and you're not going to make it.
Customers have the luxury of paying cash IRL with 0% processing or they can pay the processing fee.
>50% revenue bills

>more larping
you never made it not taking advice from larper
>paying cash IRL with 0%
Good luck with that.
Hi, European here.
I got gypped about 20% when all was said and done.
damn i was actually there haha, it was somewhere in shinjuku? got a hotshoe attatchment for my konica and a 90mm lens there :3
Unless...? OwO
>Used Cameras
okay, first of all - making it online is a good opportunity, small clothing brands are much more complex in production sense, it's relatively easy - make online shop, post stuff, get deals.You only problem is design and servicing the website, it's a clusterfuck, but If you have a nice deal with a designer or do it yourself I think you can manage

But there is more, what will make your shop stand out from other shops?
Service and deals are the first thing i'm thinking of.
What exact deals you will be providing for people?
Maybe camera servicing like installing Magic Lantern, lenses fixes and shit? Camera Film? Writing some kickass redpill articles from some /p/ threads with links to your website? Selling some really awkward and exotic stuff? Renting gear? Selling some great books for learning photography and composition, selling photo albums of the great photographs? I think just selling cameras will get you small and not so interested, but it's only my opinion.

Second - you need to get some PR/SMM other shit to get some clients, otherwise nobody knows you eve exist.
it's not a problem to have a local shop, because local scene is important too, but I don't know anything about it, it's too much context related, you need to understand that if camera shops closed some time ago it's not just because owner is not interested in cameras anymore, maybe there are no customers
My local camera shops owner died, they sold it to a young couple.
Lots of clamoring on about "servicing the community like the old owners" and all that jazz.
Turns out the old man wasnt making a profit just surviving off his profits made in the good ole days.

It shut down within a year.
Turns out paying MSRP for stuff which has a lower street price online or at best buy isnt a good strategy.
Turns out knocking 15% off a used items MSRP when I can buy it for 50% off online is not a good strategy.

Everyone used the store as a way to figure out what glass they want, then go and buy it elsewhere for far cheaper.
Thats what your store will be. A rental storefront where you dont make money.

This is the same problem running shoe stores have.
My local running shoe stores charge a like $40 "fitting fee" if you try on shoes and dont purchase them there.
How 2 solve:
Offer an on-site development service.
Also do mail-ins.
Boom, infinite profit cus that shit is rare nowadays.
And dont keep stock unless you're basically a collector yourself.
im not... >:(
coffee shop in the front, camera shop in the back
make it as trendy and histery as possible because that's the type of audience that even uses and is willing to by cameras these days. make it a local thing by having competitions and seminars and things like that
down side: gays, pretentious hipsters, and uni fags
this but also make tiktok slop glorifying the shit out of the cameras you have in-stock. also look into shipping capabilities so its not just a local shithole only type of place.
I live in one of the biggest urban sprawls in this country and there's not even a NEW camera shop that has a large selection within 35 miles of me. There's one closer but they don't have a ton of stuff. I'm not sure that's really a good business move. Refurbishing broken shit and selling at a profit is probably a better business
Nice idea, I wish I had one locally desu. How will you compete with international used marketplaces like MPB for example?
Not him but I imagine the only way a shop like this will survive in current day is to offer socialization, like meeting, workshops, competitions ect. It's the only thing that the internet can't do
desu yeah. Nobody wants to spend money on old outdated technology. I have a camera i got as a graduation present literally ten years ago and i only used it a couple times. Sad, but, my iphone is probably better now. I do like the pictures it took but idk why i would lug around a big huge camera when I already have my phone. I do like my polaroid but i dont have friends so i never use it lmao

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