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/p/ - Photography

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Why is it that when I'm spotted with my camera trying to take a picture of something people immediately come up and also take a picture in the same direction using their smartphones? They don't even know why or what I am looking at.

Is this mental Illness of not wanting to be left out?

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People see your big "professional" camera and immediately assume there is something really great to take a photo of. To combat this I will purposefully go to places with obvious photos like waterfalls or whatever do a 180 and start taking photos of nothing. It confuses and panics the phone normie
They go home to their husbands, wives, or support animals and say, "I saw some jerk taking a picture of this shit today"
Never had this happen to me, are you taking pictures of tourist attractions?
No, am always in the belief I'm alone in a spot, once someone is close to me they either ask what I'm taking pictures of or they look in the same direction and start taking pictures with their smartphone. I,m Walking around I'm with a 70-200 mm
Mentally illness anon, those people were never there.
This is why fujislugs hate larger cameras. Social interaction. “are you an artist? can i see your photos? they must be amazing. this is a beautiful view. you said you edit everything? whats your insta?”

Bring a 4x5 next time and if you’re at least a 6/10 you’ll pick up bitches even if you smell like dog hair (actually they might like that)
I know we no longer have ID counts but you should to be a bit subtler when samefagging, cANON
I'm not the only guy who says "fujislugs", fujislug.
What sorta things do you take pictures of? Show us some of your work, I'm curious.
I’m not cANON, fujislug.
was wondering why i cant find the posters in thread count. thought i was going crazy. when did they change it?
On 3/11
I hate even being seen taking a photograph, which is why I end up waiting until the coast is clear.
Though this also means that my photos are typically empty.
One moment that makes me fucking seethe is two years ago when I saw a gorgeous red sunset in my shitty metropolis (while I was leaving another failed job interview in a part of the city I have no other business in), but two women were taking fucking forever to take a photo of it, then they noticed me. I tried to wait around for a moment, but after being spotted, I walked off and gave up the opportunity of a great photo. Obviously, this incident has stayed with me.
So I guess I was inadvertently copy-catting them, but I was really pissed off that their being there and taking too much time meant I could not take mine.
steel yourself by doing shitty waist level street photography for a couple months, or anything similar and you'll likely learn to overcome that "hate being seen" mindstate.
The gangstalked photographer.
devlilish, i wish i wasn't too autistic to do this
Most americans are too neutered to do anything about you taking a photo
I was at the cherry blossom festival and there's a sick cherry blossom called "stumpy" that's about to be removed so they can repair the tidal basin seawall.
some dude who was literally wearing the loudest possible cycling shirt and bib shorts shows up and climbs over Stumpy's protective fence and walks about two feet from the tree
At first, I wanted to fight him, because he was standing in front of every single person's shot, and continued to do this for about five minutes, taking snapshits with his phone about a foot from the tree. I loudly said "loogat this fuckin' asshole"
then something completely changed in my head and I was like
>no. this is a gigachad move. this tree will be in a trashcan in three weeks anyway. I'm watching one of society's most hated categories of asshole completely ruin a bunch of peoples' gay iphone photos that they'll post to instagram, because he had the balls to ignore a gay orange construction fence and seize what he wanted.
so I shot four exposures on CS 400D of him molesting this tree while normies behind him seethe. I'm sure all of them will suck and be worthless because I suck as a photographer, but in that moment it just felt so fucking good to accept that any picture that I could take of that gay, sick tree would most likely be totally dwarfed by a perfect photo of this boomer gigachad carpe-ing the diem and pissing off hundreds of tourists.

Just go out with your camera on C(H) and rip off as many photos of strangers as you can. You won't care about what people think, but some people will love it, and you become so much better at detecting what differentiates a snapshit from kino
Why you this offended? If you trust in yourself and editing, your shot should still be different than others.
Getting your panties in a knot for no damn reason.
Based and devilish-pilled. I’ll do this the next time I’m out. I’ll report back of the shenanigans.
most of these "people" barely deserve to be called human. The right thing to do would be to incinerate them but since we live in a society all I can tell you is to ignore them like you would insects
They don't know it's rude.
its like all those chumps staring at things through their phone instead of enjoying life
Probably because youre a gwc photographing tourist attractions
post one of those pics please
we can read you loud and clear anon, over
4x5 hasn't gotten anyone laid in at least 40 years anon
Clearly you haven't heard of gay people
>>I,m Walking around I'm with a 70-200 mm
>take photo with phone
>crop in
My photo's composition looks just like the one you took and the resolution is just fine for social media.
Back in reality your photo looks like crispy ken rockwell shit and my photo is not on social media, its on my wall, because social media is for pathetic friendless narcissists who prefer the company of AI chatbots and IRL art is for real men who can take heat that hasnt been distilled down to robot operated like and dislike buttons.
A true autist wouldn't care.
or dog fuckers
No, no one has heard of those. Can you explain this in detail including where you came up with the idea and why it's on your mind despite being practically unheard of?
>Be Sugar
>Paid wedding shoot 12 years ago
>Be in August in Florida on the beach
>Gaggle of soccer moms with Rabals and kit lenses following me everywhere
>There's setting off my strobes with on-camera flash and getting in the way of me working
>Decide fuck this, hatch a devious plan
>Shooting with 5D and 60D at the time
>Leave the 60D outside
>Leave 5D inside
>Start going outside for pictures and grab 60d
>Soccer mom's cameras immediately fog up from 500% humidity
>Wait for them to acclimate to the heat
>Go back inside and shoot 5D
>Cameras immediately fog up again
>Rinse and repeat

It was hilarious watching them use their shirts to try to wipe the condensation off and watch it immediately come back because therodynamics lol
I was taking a photo of a duck that was quite a ways out was at around 550 - 600mm and about four times people walked by trying to take a picture of the same duck wirh their phone next to me... was very awkward.
Not him but you would be better off posting a photo while talking all this shit if you really can "take heat".
>People see your big "professional" camera and immediately assume there is something really great to take a photo of.
>Have an R8 with a 50mm
>People still do this
How much smaller do I need to make my camera?
>How much smaller do I need to make my camera?
Why do you care? People can have a fear of missing out, it's natural. Since you are the one with a clear composition in mind, you should not fret over this.
I did that once, passed by a famous touristic spot and started shooting in the other direction, capturing other people's reactions and general street.

Gotta use one of these bad boys.

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>Big professional camera
>Have Fujishit X-T200 with 35mm prime
>People queuing to copy my out-of-focus snapshits
If the lens comes off, people think you work for national geographic. I once was out at a wildlife preserve with my X-T3 and the 18-55, and this old couple approached me and insisted that I get a shot of the eagle's nest they saw across the river (probably 200-300 yards). When I told them that it was too far away, they looked at me like I was lying to them and said incredulously that they can see it with their binoculars.

People have no baseline for how cameras work.

Of course you could get the shot man, you have an APS-C sensor, so you pretty much have a 600mm lens lmao just crop it.
File: 1445297301531.jpg (78 KB, 816x840)
78 KB
>Using 35mm
>"Can you zoom in on my watch"
>"Yeah you can its right there"
>Points to focus ring
File: _MG_.jpg (347 KB, 2761x2429)
347 KB
347 KB JPG
oh yip u can with the P1000

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Haven't seen them at all in my area and there is a shit ton of wonderful things to take images of.

Nobody wants to take photos what you're aiming at
sorry, i forgot about this thread

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also i was mistaken it wasnt CS400D, it was Lomo Metro

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I must have broken that streak than.

Extremely based. I will say that a wooden field camera is going to maximize your odds of this happening. A shiny brass lens would be a nice touch also.
>shit ton of wonderful things to take images of.
>takes photos of traffic cones

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