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They are for sure gonna release something new and spicy very soon because the market conditions dictate it, but what do they have in the pipeline spec-wise?
R5MK2 with higher megapickles and faster readout to compete with the z9 and z8?
Retro-larp camera to compete with fujifilm? Some even speculate in a R6MK3 because the MK2 is heavily discounted at the moment. The mythical R1? Maybe a plain RMK2?

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Forced battery grip boomer monstrosity targeted at the exact kind of professional no artist would want to be? Its canon FFS
Everything going forward will be mirrorless, DSLRs are dead now.

Either >>4311054 this or a compact R series as a premium alternative to the compact Ms to compete with Leica.
>"n...n...nooooo not canoooooooon!!!"
>t. seething snoy
Canon sorely needs a "z8", just an r3 without the battery grip. The no-BG form factor is superior, even if you add a BG because then you can share batteries between other cameras and two normal batteries unironically last longer than the one big one canon uses in their battery grips.
>compete with Leica
> meanwhile z9 looks around nervously
R1 for the Oleempicks and an R5MKII surely. I just wish these fuckers can make a low MP high ISO photo/video camera to compete against the Snoy A7S.

Lens wise the RF 35mm f1.4 that will no doubt be 40% more expensive than the Snoy counterpart but boomers will still buy it because it's Cannot.

I'm happy with my Canon RF gear but still can't believe how expensive their full frame lenses are for no other reason than fuck you we're Canon.
I've looked at Panavision lens tests before and those lenses compete well with Leica, that and Cooke lenses.
>I'm happy with my Canon RF gear but still can't believe how expensive their full frame lenses are for no other reason than fuck you we're Canon.
I think prices will come down as the mount is still relatively fresh and thus not that much on the used market. With smegma releasing heavy hitters such as the 500 5.6 and 50 1.2 only available to different mounts this will surely bleed customers over to the competition if they donẗ price accordingly etc.
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Mirrorless ditigal version of this
that will literally never happen
If they go for retro then the AE-1 is a safe bet. I don't think they have a more iconic camera.
which is a shame because the A-1 is more aesthetically pleasing
but the hipster crowd is retarded so they've settled on the AE-1
Fucking based, got a a1 for peanuts, basically brand new while a shitbox ae1 is $650 on ebay these days.
The mythical canon R100 mark 2.
Because the first one was a failure.
It's already practically confirmed that it will be an R5ii with the same resolution but a stacked sensor for faster readout, and without a mechanical shutter.
R1 will be released just in time for the Olympics as is typical
I can only hope they release a retro compact ILC mirrorless.

It should though
agreed, canon needs to compete with leica and make affordable rangefinders for everyone

The only real option is Fujifilm for that right now, but having a more expansive and supported ecosystem would be nice. Pretty sure they'd sell really well.
Fujifilm does not make a rangefinder and never will. They are hardly capable of keeping a mirrorless, a camera with every aspect of craftsmanship and soul sucked out of it, half as reliable as a glorified printer company like canon can. Adding a functional mechanical device other than an off the line chinese shutter unit or shitty clicky wheel is totally beyond them, and if fuji maintains their reputation as snoy's real APS-C division they'll probably get rid of the chinese shutter too.

Sony and panasonic are currently paying sigma to stay off Z mount. The camera industry is genuinely afraid of nikon at the moment. So probably something aimed squarely at nikon's current customers.
Sorry I was referring to the good Fujis that were made in Japan, damn shame.
>The good fujis
the last good fuji was the finepix s5 pro

everything after that was garbage
>shitty OVFs that dont do anything but look like an OVF before you sneakily replace it with an EVF
actual cuck feature
>nested ISO dial to discourage changing the ISO
even leica has more pride than that
>fallback "command dials" for admitting the vintage ergos are an obstacle
yes, leica definitely has more pride than that. leica made the vintage-sucks-actually camera, they made it a whole other model. then fuji tried to copy it but it was worse all around. xh vs sl the sl is in another league based on design and UX alone.
>mirrorless with no optical anything
that's it, it's over, its just snoy apsc with crippled sensors and centered EVFs
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Fujifilm is basically a spiritual successor to Contax after their plans to cooperate fell through.
The X-pro is just a digital Contax G series.

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Not an orf or reflex not a real ovf not a real camera simple as
Hoping the R5MK2 gets rid of mechanical shutter.
After the R1 release, there wouldn't be a reason to have two integrated battery grip lines, would there?

>two normal batteries
All optional battery grips should fit three standard packs.
who cares? It's going to be subpar and overpriced
t. Purist that cant have fun
All there is is the GFX line.
The X-Pro looks like it's done.
>the fun of staring at a laggy, low res tv screen and fiddling with fake-analog digital controls
>the fun of an optical window that doeant actually do anything your bare eye cant because the framelines arent even right
Give me DSLRs or give me death.
Less parts that break. Shutter count not as important when selling used in the future.
so... you chose...
Canon just released a nothingburger announcement about the r1 being in development.
Fukkin Z8 is still sold tf out. How tf is a $4500 nikon body the best selling camera on the market, and for like2 years straight. This makes no sense, its asinine. 5 years ago no one even thought there was enough of a market fir standalone cameras not in cellphones to justify 4 MFGs making them. Wtf.
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this is clearly aimed at street photographers
>5 years ago no one even thought there was enough of a market fir standalone cameras
That's why they reduced production capacity.
I also suspect this. I think during covid companies learned that short supply doesn't kill demand, it just drives up prices while ensuring that material usage is extremely efficient
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it's ogre... for sony
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>What is Canon cooking?
your files
i thought film grain was the big thing. theyre gonna reduce it ootc?
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maybe they've improved it, or maybe they've finally given users the option to disable it. most of the R lineup has baked in NR specifically for the shadows to get DR to a comparable level to snoy sensors.
>brand new flagship camera releasing in 2025 with a 5 year old processor
It's probably going to have two of them.
>just an r3 without the battery grip
R8 Mk2
Stacked sensor and fully mechanical shutter with ibis.
Source: Came to me in a dream
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it's out
>Sensor Size:
>APS-C Camera
>better dr than r5
Canoise reduction strikes again, or they finally bought a towerjazz cinecam sensor?

Do they mean compared to a future FW update that lets you turn canoise reduction off and they’re using a sony sensor?
Kek he called it

Just another overpriced shitbox that falls short of the a9iii.
>le heckin sports cameras!
>Just another overpriced shitbox
You don't even know what the MSRP is yet.
probably a limitiation for something like the 240FPS burst mode.
>moar sports features!
>so sports oriented theres sports talk in the marketing material
>best sports photos in history were taken with manual winding, manual focus film cameras

Fujifilm xt6 when?
>Fujifilm xt6 when?
After they've primed the market sufficiently to sell it for $3,000.
>falls short of the a9iii
proof? A9III doesn't have 30MP dual gain, unlimited 40FPS or 60FPS shooting, 240FPS burst, or higher DR than the R3 and R5.
it also doesnt force that awful fucking bullshit form factor on people like we all have arthritis.
>muh fps muh 6mp
>no global shitter - bendorific readout
>no superior e mount ecosystem just bloated junk that somehow vignettes more than sony lenses
>we all have arthritis
speak for yourself snoyboomer
>superior e mount ecosystem
yeah the r1 would have really enjoyed that 15fps from those 3rd party lenses on that 60fps body
native sony lenses are the best on the market and brutally mog all cannot and niggor junk. 1.4 and 1.2 GMs are without equal. every lens sony releases somehow ends up the sharpest and smallest a lens in its class has ever been. meanwhile the fuckhuge rf 1.2s vignette more and are softer - how?
The biggest drawbacks with the 50 1.2 is the chromatic aberrations and somewhat slow focusing motor otherwise I haven't seen much to indicate that snoy makes better products.
>native sony lenses are the best on the market and brutally mog all cannot and niggor junk
maybe it is new powershot 28-70mm equivalent, sd memory card, canon colours and twist zoom

i keep seeing these r8 is now affordable to you if you really want it emails
>What is canon cooking?
Whatever you heart desires
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>brutally mog all cannot and niggor junk
you sure about that?

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