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/qst/ - Quests

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You are Bol, a schizophrenic gnome with quasi-magical powers.

Today you feel resentful towards your fellow gnomes. What will you do?

>Ignore these hateful feelings
Queen Mazela wants blood sacrifices! Murder them in their sleep and sacrifice them
>Become the mythical MEGAGNOME and hang from the tallest of roots screaming obscenities at our lessers
>Ignore these hateful feelings
>Wank it off instead
>>Ignore these hateful feelings
Emotions are transient chemical reactions.
Play a prank upon the tallfolk to blow off steam: trip them, drink all their milk, or setoff their doorstops to hear the racket.
Fuck gnome shit's anything the causes inter gnome bloodshed is good.
>Act (Rape)
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>Ignore these hateful feelings

You elect to push those dreadful thoughts to the back of your mind. You decide to take a stroll around the village to relax.

Along the way you meet your friend, the Tinker Gnome.

Greetings, Bol! Say, I really needed your help to test a few of my inventions. Which ones captivate you the most?

>The patented Fast-Moving Mechanical Centipede
>The experimental Quantum Trampoline
>The mysterious Orb of Time
Dude, there was 3 people that choose act and 2 who choose ignore. FUCK YOU OP



>The mysterious Orb of Time
You aren't entitled to have QMs indulge your witch tranny shit, faggot.
>The experimental Quantum Trampoline
We'd surely love to help our friend.
>>The patented Fast-Moving Mechanical Centipede
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>The patented Fast-Moving Mechanical Centipede

Your friend leads you to his inventions barn; the air is damp and moldy. There, he shows you his masterpiece: the segmented, metallic body of a creature thrice as long as you are tall.

An abomination that never should have been built. Gears too small to ever be worked by gnomish hands, cuts too precise, metals too different from anything you're used to. You hate your friend for brining such a monstrosity to life.

Nonetheless, you mount the Centipede. As soon as you're safely in position, it whispers to you. It whispers of faraway lands, of forgotten sunsets, of creatures no gnome has ever set eyes upon.

Where shall we go, master?

>The Planes of Ice, where the last Avian was slain
>The Sands of Ihkar, where hope died for all
>The White Palace, where the Pestilence began
>>The White Palace, where the Pestilence began
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>The White Palace, where the Pestilence began

The machine is immediately aware of your desires, and, without a second of warming-up, you both dart out of the barn. You proceed eastwards at a speed you didn't think possible, yet, the only noise you hear—save for the blowing of the wind—is a light creaking from the innards of the Centipede.

Once you're out of the forest that surrounds your village and into the open fields, your ride starts going faster and faster still. Soon, the landscape becomes all a blur: the trees, the grass, the sun, they all melt in one nonsensical mural around the tunnel in reality dug by the Centipede. You feel inexplicably sleepy, and doze off.

You awake covered in a thin layer of snow. All around you, a frigid tundra is the backdrop to the gargantuan White Palace, its top standing many, many gnome-heights above you. The beast which you sit upon lays still and silent: it probably wasn't built for such a weather, and it now leaks corrosive oil from its joints. The oil burns your legs slightly.

You dismount and head towards the great main door, in black-painted heavy wood. As you step closer, the stench of corpses left unattended hits your nostrils.

>Knock twice, wait, then twice again: the code of the old Royals
>Attempt to climb through a small open window to the left of the door
>Use your quasi-magic to turn the door into chocolate, and eat your way through
>Use your quasi-magic to turn the door into chocolate, and eat your way through
Yea boy, we're a fat little gnomeling!
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>Use your quasi-magic to turn the door into chocolate, and eat your way through

After a quick incantation and a wave of your fingers, blue sparks hit the door, which now looks… exactly the same as before. However, as you take a bite out of the great handle, it breaks off with ease and leaves you with a mouthful of chocolate. Yummy! if not a bit chewy. You continue eating away enough to eventually fit through the passage you have created.

You were quiet and, for now, nobody knows of the little gnome in the castle.

A richly decorated foyer now stands before you, with stairs on the side leading up to the first floor, an archway on your left and a door standing ajar on your right. In front of you is also a small table. The stench is stronger than before.

>Climb the stairs to the first floor—probably where the bedchambers are
>Go through the archway—you catch glimpses of a banquet hall with lit candles
>Go through the mystery door on the right
>Check out the table
>Check out the table
>Check the table, then the door to the right
>>Go through the archway—you catch glimpses of a banquet hall with lit candles
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>Check out the table

You proceed towards the table.

On top of it is only a piece of candy, which you pocket, and a paper note. The note has a crude ink drawing of what looks like a beach at night; many arrows point to somewhere in the middle of the sea. You fold and pocket the note as well.

Turning back, you briefly notice a figure staring at you from the ajar door. It quickly backs off into the darkness, leaving you to question if you ever saw anything at all. You are prone to hallucinations, after all.

>Climb the stairs to the first floor
>Go through the archway
>Go through the door
Rolled 2 (1d3)

1 = stairs
2 = archway
3 = door
+1 to Arch-Way to keep it going
>>Go through the archway
>Go through the archway

You proceed towards the stone archway and enter the next room.

As you had imagined from the outside, it is a spacious banquet hall. A large table sits in the middle, with a great quantity of food on top of it; the food seems remarkably fresh and tasty, despite all the chairs around the table being empty. There’s another door in the back of the room, probably leading to the kitchens.

You wander around for a few moments, but when you look back at the table, the food is now half-eaten.

If you stare at the great chair at the end of the table, without blinking, it sometimes looks like someone’s sitting there; a silhouette more than a full being. A gnome, with flowing golen-lined grey robes. If you concentrate, he almost seems he’s trying to speak to you.

You … see …?

>Attempt to speak with the strange figure
>Head to the kitchens
>Go back
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Throw dust on him to render him corporeal.
>Attempt to speak with the strange figure
OP where are you sadpandaface?!?!?
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>Attempt to speak with the strange figure

You focus as best you can on this thought: there’s someone sitting in that chair. You need to see him. You ignore all else in the room and focus on the chair.

Soon enough, the mysterious figure takes a more distinct shape. It is that of a very old gnome, with a flowing white beard and intricate silk robes. He starts talking to you, a tone of urgency in his voice. You manage to pick up most of the words, but it’s as if this gnome is shifting in and out of reality.

… marvelous. I don’t know how you do it, but we don’t … time.
We call ourselves the Forgotten, little gnome: the ones … Plague made you forget all about. It spread from here, a deranged creation of the … potion master, now known as the Mad Alchemist.
We were kings, you see, and powerful … We were forgotten first, but it will soon come to simple gnomes such … yourself.

You feel the connection between you is thinning.

Break … curse. I have no more … over you, and so I simply implore you: seek … Sea. Hunt the Oysters … the Deep, take their oils and … them here.
And for all that is gnomish, … of touching their …!
You are … very special gnome, friend. … trust in you.

And with that, he disappears entirely. You have trouble recalling some of the information, but most of it is there.

What will you do now?

>Keep exploring the Palace (same options as before)
>Seek the Mad Alchemist to learn more about the Plague first
>Leave the Palace in search of the Sea
>Seek the Mad Alchemist to learn more about the Plague first
Yea boy, we need the hook up from the "alchemist" or the local drug dealer to be precise
>Keep exploring the palace; climb the stairs
>>Keep exploring the Palace (same options as before)
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>Keep exploring the palace; climb the stairs

Troubled by the vision, but now filled with a certain tingle in your stomach—which you’ll later recognize as “sense of purpose”—you decide to keep exploring the magnificent palace, heading up the stairs from the foyer.

You stand in a corridor, stretching to your left and right, a dozen or so wooden doors on the walls. You decide to open a door at random, the first to your left. You are faced with a seemingly normal, tastefully decorated bedroom.

As soon as you enter, steps can be heard from the corridor, rushing in your direction, getting louder every moment. They’ll reach you in a few seconds.

What will you do?

>Hide under the bed
>Confront the creature heading towards you
>Use your quasi-magic to render yourself quasi-invisible

If you want to wrap this thread up before it slides off, I would post in the QTG if I were you stating that you're doubling efforts to finish it so you can get some new/old voters.
>Use your quasi-magic to render yourself quasi-invisible
>>Hide under the bed
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>Hide under the bed

You run forward and dive, crawling on your elbows and knees to fit your plump gnomish figure under the bed.

It is not enough.

Thanks for playing, everyone. See you next time!
Looking forward to a part 2, let us know when you're updating in the future
No OP you can't do this :'( sadlittlepandaface
>let us know when you're updating
How would you recommend? I'm quite new.
Oh, you know the Quest Thread General/QTG/? Just link your Qst with a brief description in a post in the latest one of those whenever you feel like running a part 2. Let us know an update schedule you plan on sticking to in the start of your 2nd thread, & then if you can't update when you had planned on just make a quick post saying so. That way people won't think the qst is abandoned and stop checking it for updates.

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