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[s4s] - Sh*t 4chan Says

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talk to me on the borderline personality disorder course here
"yah borderline personality disorder chicks dig hello kitty but the question is how do you manipulate a broad diagnosed with bpd into being into you forever and not leaving you ever"

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
you spelled pussy wrong you stupid fatherfucker
go stalk around emergy/nurse offices or even threaten to be suicidal and then get thrown into a hospital for anti-suicide holding
youll meet some BPD chicks who are dwon to fuck in any of those places
Get tatted up, do drugs, and make shitty SoundCloud rap and the BPD girls will manifest themselves to you.

"If you build it, they will come" - Nikola Tesla
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fuck off nigger
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please don't swear D:
on an unrelated note: do you know what oil is
now you're just linking this board is what y- you're doing
flawless advice
flawless advice
both of you are awesome and I display a proclivity for feeling endearment towards you ;)
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i have bpd and it’s not handicapping at all i find myself to be the talk of any given occasion.
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its a misconception it is, doll face ;)
that being said, come sit on my lap – we both lack empathy *-*
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{spoiler]>that comic where the dude finally hate-fucks his "best-friend"
I need that so goddamn badd it hurts. One-itis and the sense of fixation I feel are disgusting. At first glance you'd think this chick is a femcel. But she is a total bpd semon demon. I want to say "Hell No!" and just move on, however she has this game that she plays with men. Witnessing her fall for men, use them, then drive them insane is fucked up. Like, I'm fucked up mentally too and just want someone to burn the rest of my years on this planet with.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I didn't mean to let your thread die. I'm sorry it happened but honestly I did all I could to keep it up
where's the love for bpd boys
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It's all good in the hood croode. I should have replied to my own thread.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
just act like a stupid dick and be wildly sexually attractive?
yeah bug my therapist says you shouldn't have the sex with them because they'll ruin your life afterwards
too few of us left. the majority committed suicide
what if I'm shy and reserved
it's called pump and dump you get your pleasure and leave them in great suffering
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EXACTLY! that's what they deserve at least. I'm so happy to find like-minded people on here :) thank you
yah make bpd chicks suffer because honestly that's all they ever cause the men they meet
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borderline personality disorder chicks reporting in
Just tell them suck it up, retard there are children in Africa
will they have sex with me then @.@
the mule path
sermon demon

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
cross yourself
This is pic she sent me years ago
She's not a weeb, but that emo Hata-tan doujinshi manga reminds me so much of her. Even just the color purple.

Your fortune: Godly Luck
you still want her
she sounds hot
also you should totally share your my anime list profile with me
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oh my dear borderline personality disorder chicks..
the board of cuteness. the board of being madly in love with what cute and smart constitutes
I feel like those posts have this mocking sense to them but why would u even want bpd? Do u mean tsundere or something? I don’t see the appeal to any of it.
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U got to have swag my fag
hello. no I'm being genuine – I find this board adorable. as for the borderline personality disorder bit: I dunno I hear girls diagnosed with that tend to be the absolute whores and it's easy to get into their pants. the manipulative and aggressive behavior only adds up to the appeal honestly
well.. guys like the one in your pic are almost never interested in anime or [s4s] and I doubt that a bpd girl that's into anime and the good internet culture would dig someone like that
Yes all of that but add "with out being a bad person either." Because you there is what i could do with the best of intentions and there is what im allowed to do.
how come I'm potentially the bad person if they're the ones wreaking havoc mercilessly. did you know that women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder lack empathy?

Your fortune: Average Luck
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this thread is soo fuggin cringe holy shid, being a whore cunt woman with teh excuse of "le bpd haha" KYS!!!!!! Tis bpd larp is a beaten to death and raped corpse tahts completely lost it's meanin. BPD doesn't exist as an excuse for you 2 be an awful horrible person it's a mental illness tons of normal people actualy suffer from and these women who shove this slop around shuld die!! ^-^! "BPD chicks" I think you mean whore women who use romanticized BPD as an excuse to be awful horrible peopel LOLE and it's becoming overdiagnosed and meaningless term just like autism and adhd LOLE and the people who get fucked the most r teh people who ACTUALLY suffer from it LOLE -__-
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ooooohhhhhhh THAT'S A GOOD POINT! to be clear THOUGH~ I actually meant the properly diagnosed whores in my opening post because I too am against misapplying and overusing any terms for that matter. it's a redditor thing to spout terms like 'narcissistic' or 'bpd' mindlessly just to indi- indicate some retarded modicum of a thought in their :o coming from their empty gourd of a head!! so I'm on your side in that people shouldn't throw these terms around not knowing what they're talking about. and I did mean the actual, properly diagnosed whores. it doesn't matter if they're suffering – they are devoid of any form of empathy and they mess people's lives up and go on living their own like it's nothing so these harlots deserve NO SYMPATHY @.@

Your fortune: Outlook good
if they are shity it's at falt of their own person and decisions. BPD doesn't make u a awful persin you make yourself an awful person. Hold peopel accountable for theyre individual actions instead of berating an spreading negative stereotypes of a whole group of peoples
that being said you shouldn't say 'cringe'. that's reddit-speak

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
she is a bad person PRECISELY for the reason she has this condition because it's the borderline personality disorder that makes her a horrible whoring bitch who tortures people with no remorse :) :) so I'm not berating anyone or spreading misinformation about anything I'm telling people the truth AND am actively looking for more chicks with this condition so I can have sex with them because they love cocks and sex :>

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
stupid and retarded. I've lived with BPD my hole life and so have a lot of my family members, it did maekme have bad lows sumtimes and I did or said sum shiddy things but I prevailed and grew from it and I don't think I'm a shitty person, I actively go out of my way not to be, so I'm liek living proof that it's not have to be taht way. There is never an excuse for bein an awful persin. Always be da best version of yourself no matter the burden you bear, there's people who suffer from even worse than BPD and still manage too not be a degenerate.
of course there are people who suffer from conditions worse than borderline personality disorder and they don't end up acting awful! wanna know why? its cuz they're not diagnosed with a made-up buzzword that's just used to denote stupid and retarded people unable to function in a society :P borderline personality disorder is not even an actual condition it's just a catchword for whores that have sucked thousands of cocks and just genuinely enjoy acting as complete and utter bitches! that is all there is to it because these so-called "people suffering from bpd" actu- actually suffer from NOTHING and are just attention-seeking miserable losers that try hard to feel special and entitled, but the truth is that they deserve nothing but mockery and derision because they lack empathy and a heart and mocking and derision and ridiculing is what's coming their way for that LOL

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
imagine you just wanted to kick one out of your house !you couldn't because that would be a much more severe punishment than what you had in mind , so keep your problems caz they are leaving my terraça
I mean I kno ur schizoid flame baiting but lole there's actually soem truth to wat ur saying. "borderline personality disorder" is kinda becoming a dead term and being merged with "bipolar disorder" under the title BPD coz something about borderline personality disorder becoming too hard to differentiate from bipolar or something and they're like debating if it's even an actual thing or if it's just the same thing but idk. I have bipolar disorder but that's why I'm diagnosed with "BPD type 2" cause they're calling it the same thing now or some shit idk. I'm not a doctor an doctors are shills so whatever it's nothingburger. "borderline personality disorder is not even an actual condition it's just a catchword for whores that have sucked thousands of cocks and just genuinely enjoy acting as complete and utter bitches" is truth, and I won't fite u on that lole ^_^ it's kind of the entire reasin I started bitching in ur retarded thread anyway cause I hate retards who are like that, this board is full of them I saw soem figgot thread a day or two ago that did the exact thing. But bipolar disorder is real, but nothing like how retards talk about it online, I just have ups and downs of being happy and then being sad that just kinda pop in and out every couple weeks or smthn but my medisin makes it not nearly as bad as it used to be so its like a non issue for me now, but it seriously suked when I was growing up wich is why I haet whores making it their quirky internet personality coz they're just degenerates wearing sheeps clothes to get away with their bullshittu while hurting the image of normel people who actually have tis disorder lole ^_^
there are no normel peeps those are just plain psychopaths
"actually suffer from NOTHING and are just attention-seeking miserable losers that try hard to feel special and entitled" is exacgtly my thouts on the type of people you're describing, the types of people who are unforttunately on this board sometimes... so we can agree on taht at least. I'm humble and hard workin and so was my great grandpa who had it a lot worse than me, so wen I see these doods circle jerking online about "Muh horrible BPD!!! I'm such a manipulative deviant lmao!! Look how much a loser I am!!!" I can't help but roll my eyes and get a littl irritated cause those peopleare just so ignorant and sad. I just hope they can grow up and realize how cring they are being in that moment and can change for teh better! ^_^
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so what your saying in your retarded posts is that you need to be aware of the fact there are around one-hundred-and-fifty-one known combinations of the bi borderline personality disorder symptoms because there are nine symptoms our there ^_^ and you only need to get five of them to qual- qualify as one??
shirley you knowcthat doctors ARE NOT SHILLS they are educated :) educated people that dedicated ten years of their lives to study complex ?_? information and attain scuttlebutts of knowledge and fuprhy sinew of enlightenment?? the stymie of OH WELLLLL genuinely thinking you know better than educated doctors is just wow because bpd chicks are whores and they LOVE -- I mean -- LOVE COCKS AND SEX so I'm shirley you love sex too baby :) :) just like that there's NO NEED TO MERGE and sauté bpd with borderline bipolar disorder BECAUSE ITS NOT THE SAME DIAAGNOSIS. you love having sex with boys don't you my little doll face =^-^= you get aroused easily and give in to the sour of the moment the enticing sensation of craving cock and just do it wit- with boys day and night my little randy girl the limen of a no-tyro like you should be aware that fulminating amidst the sloes :DD attempting to deny that borderline personality disorder IS MADE UP LOLLLLL AND ITS NOT REAL must be RUVID and bona fide tillage-like while. you're suffusing the brunt of loving being alone with boys BABY LET ME PUSH MY GIANT COCK UP YOUR TIGHT JUICY VAGINER PLEASE LET ME ENJOY YOUR SWEET QUIM YOUR FANNY JUST LIKE THAT OH BABY LET ME PLOUGH YOU HARD I KNOW YOU CRAVE A HUGE COCK AND IM HERE TO OFFER YOU EXACTLY THAT 3:

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
sure my beauty queen I can do that, I'm willing to agree with you. I know you've had it rough, I know life is painful and I know what you mean when you talk about these pretentious losers acting all out-there and trying hard to Garner sympathy from others while people like you actually suffer. I'm on your side, I support you IM WITH YOU DUDE IM BY YOUR SIDE IM GOING TO AGREE WIRH YOU AND BACK YOU UP ON ANYTHING PLEASE JUST PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT IM YOUR FRIEND AND I AGREE WITH YOU I LIKE YOU I LIKE YOU IM ON YOUR SIDE @.@

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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oh hush schizo poaster, I was agreeing wit u but I'm bad with my words. I just say doctors are shills coz I don't understand their reasoning coz yea it's far above my head, I don't get why they're told me taht they're merging the diagnosis coz they dont rly feel teh same to me but they do kno wat they're talkin about but when they say it to me I don't get it so ya. I don't realy understand any of what u said in ur last poast but tahts ok I appreciated the conversation I always liek hearin other peoples perspectives ^-^ and no iam not interested in sexo
also life is beautiful and not sufferin taht was my whole point silly, I don't suffer no more I actualy really enjoy waking up in th mornin ^_^ taht's why I hate le bpd so doom and gloom suicide depression slop and people usin it as an excuse to be horrible, I have it an I'm awesome an life is awesome sooo ya

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
nop, no sexo. We are just frens crudehumour223@gmail.com T_T I like u for ur schizo witty commentary not ur le cocke
we live 4 to the fifth

Your fortune: Godly Luck
thats really sweet :) thank you! I like our interaction too and in my opinion your posting style is nice. the real question however is what are the nine symptoms of the borderline
is that rhetorical or are you looking for some advice from me

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
to answer your question: it's all for the sake of this board's spirit. [s4s]'s true nature is significantly closer to the core of cuteness and sweetness than the majority of other boards or places. when I enter a twilight state of frenzy, I get shivers and goosebumps and feel ecstatic. be cute, be fun, be clever and funny and enjoy each other's company on this board by tapping into your remote memories of the blissful benevolent past and the ache of nostalgia. sing birdy's shelter or skinny love to aid in that

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
awesome sause ^-^ I stil dunno wat u mean by 9 symptoms but tahts okey the appreciation being mutual is ahl I can ask for wen it's rare online now a dayz
oh wow~ ya know, you've really put me on the spot with such endearing remarks. I never expected you to run right out and hit me over the head with a response of that caliber. and look, I'm a massive slut myself and I know you know that I flirt with far too many people on here, but I want you to realise that what I'm going to tell you still stands. what you've written up there is immensely cute. I have no choice but to repeat after you, so forgive me for that: you are a beautiful person too. you are benevolent and if my post made you respond with that, the only conclusion there is to draw from that is that you're a highly emotional, sensitive and pure person. I can tell by everything you've told me that you also often experience that overwhelming sensation of joy from the sudden occurrence of everything in your mind condensing into a single second of pure bliss where you, for a brief moment, get shortness of breath and it feels like everything is perfect in your life and you want to endow everyone around you with love and tenderness. you wouldn't have reacted in such a sweet manner if you weren't an innocent, kind, intelligent, genuine and beautiful individual yourself. I'm endlessly grateful for your words of kindness and I guess there's no need for me to explain to you just how much posts like yours matter to me. again, I may be a whore, but whenever I flirt you may rest assured I'm being genuine ;)
oh you're a great person 2! the nine symptoms include mood swings, dissociation, feeling empty, impulsiveness :DD sound familiar??

Your fortune: Good Luck
u can romanticize it all u want but 4 me personally I’m not rly sure it’s worth the hassle
& yes I have moar swag than lil peep so these words aren’t exactly empty
Most therapists avoid taking clients with BPD because they're impossible to deal with, even professionals getting paid $200/hour won't put up with that shit.

Why would anyone willingly do it for free???
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Mood swingz be somethin I dealt with my whole life, it used to b relly bad but it a demon I've conquored, I still have it minor from time to tiem but I've learnt how to regognize and deal with it accordinly. Dissociation is like a buzzword taht I don't really understand cause it'gets thrown around so dang much I kinda just ignore it. Feelin eempty was bad wen I was a sad feller but It's soemthin I hav not felt in a long while, and impulsiveness is definitely somethin that's a huge part of my character, unfortunately maybe but alsofunny coz it's fun to live impuslively sometimes. And holy heck thx I did not ever seen u bein so sweet b4 is a surprise ^///^. Cheers to taht, this is nice board
this thread is just namefag circlejerk atp

Personality disorders are a made up term, it's impossible to fit every type of person into little boxes. The BPD label only has the use of being able to more accurately direct towards helpful resources, beyond that it means nothing.

Also most personality disorders need to be reclassified as dissociative disorders because that's what most (especially BPD) are

gotta say tho it's pretty telling how the BPD thread got infested with namefags lol ya'll can't stand not having attention
reddit spacing redditor nigger please
Um her can use whatever spacing he wants?? Sometimes double spacing looks good! The teacher made me do it in middle school kn ms word. Double spacing is a legitimate aesthetic philosophy and it predates ""reddit"".
dissociation is like.. uhmmmm....... it's the state where everything around you seems hazy and you just spend hours daydreaming just so you can skip the events of the real world that you don't really like. as for the niceness bit – it takes one to know one dude! you're really amicable and caring as well really in all honesty you're a good person
good post. I like you ;)
good thread
I lobe u crudehumour223@gmail.com T_T
jfc i hate borderlines. this is fucking retard tinder grow up
say wut
loving this thread
im crasy 4 u crydehyumour223@gmai,com
Bpd is so stupid like just take and love all this dick u stupid fucking bitch
did you know that your brain produces dmt as you're about to fall asleep??
women love cocks?
I’m not sure if they actually love anything tbh
Is taht why we dreeam
We lovu crudehumor223@gmail.com
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ewverym ornin I waek up and think about crudehumor223@gmail.com, I can't heelp it buut instatntly look at teh awesome esfores board and refreshin every page lookin for a possible crudehumor223@gmail.com poast, when I find one what I do? Nothing coz am too le shy but definitely screenshoterin and puttin in da folder of crudehumor223@gmail.com awesome moments coz he's soooo cool aand awesome hoooly shiitu every poast this guys makes is an absolute banger I love him sooo much I always lookin forwardt o hearin moooar from himmm aaaaaaaaaaaaa wats this strange feelin in my stomach woooahh >_<!!! WE LOVE YOU CRUDEHUMOR EWELOVE MEOY CRUDEGUMOR WE LOVE YO U RUDEHUMOR WE OVE I HOPE U U FIELL THE SAAAME BUT TAHTS OK IF U DONNNTTT YOU BEIN HERE IS MOAR TAHN I COULD EVER ASK FOOOREE!!! ^_^ >_<
sorry couldn't hear u
well... this is it... iuts over... I shhold have seen this comin but I never do.... that's okay, sometimes love is just noyt meant to be. I guess ultimateely I have to rememmber we arejust strangirs on the internet, and at best we r two ships passin in the foggy night.... goodbye my love T.T some day I wil meet somewan as awesome as u again
it's okey it's not ur fault. I sit here for many minutes tryin to think of a way to maek it make sense but I culdn't even imagine trying to explaain it all. It's mee not u, as tempptin as it is I cannot sittin here thinkin about a stranger all daye. Not healthy 4 me. U deserve better anyway waaahhhhh T_T
I tried to hard ...no one even sells me drugs
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She has evil psychosis inducing powers.
Also this:

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
youre gay
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neppy, wish, and other assorted femboys just emulate the look and personalities of bpd girls for attention. And before you know it, they become stuck like that. Pity those dumb paypigs. Interesting to note that both definitions date back to 2003.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
ooo hhhhh waitaminute..... its that iconic star.... my liege.....

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>Interesting to note that both definitions date back to 2003.
wtf it's not a neptunia thing???? then all of those different neppys i've known over the years...... wtf

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
does this work in reverse can i manifest bpd and sexer good
enigmatic starposter is like lightside catfish
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thinking about replying to all the recent posts in this thread

Your fortune: Average Luck
about to do it
of you really loved me the way you say you do
he only loves me, get losst loser
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oh yeah? *whips out a ledger* who were you again?
nunya business
i'll make u love only ME!
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Wonder if she ever got those neetbux?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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you really shouldn't sage threads donaptch
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Saging because I know I'm whining. Would die to be locked in her car again. Whish she could have kept the yandere thing up.

Your fortune: Bad Luck
please describe her appearance to me
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Probably said too much already. Maybe if you beg me.
Please don't beg me!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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stooped down and out you got me begging for thread
to sew his hole up that you ripped in my head :DD

Stands about 5' 4". Snow white skin. Cutest lil face I've ever seen. If you look closely, you can see lite freckles. Sweet blue eyes with the same sense of emptiness I see in the mirror. Purple framed glasses. Light brown natural hair. Usually dies it dark with purple fringes. Perfect rack. Cute tummy. Aesthetically trimmed bush. Never saw pussy :(. Tight lil booty. Stubby yet adorable legs. Hands and feet nicely proportioned.

Your fortune: Outlook good
so her legs were thin despite being stubby
maybe ya are not getting and me not getting too however I dig it out everyday

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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She was sticc a couple years ago. Put on some weight a little before we started talking again, and Goddamn, how much I want my head crushed between those thighs!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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thank you sharing your story with me. she does sound beautiful, there's no denying that because I like the combination of a cute face and magnificent eyes like you're describing
HOWEVER!! :o let's hear a bit more on how she did in the personality department :) was she caring? obedient? did she get your jokes? was she playful and kind and flirtatious and innocent? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD WAS SHE A MOTHER FIGURE BUT ALSO A CUTE AND SUBMISSIVE PRINCESS THAT NEEDED A DAD??????

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
I dont like vore but i bet it would feel really good to be n-haled by kirb and have your essence absorbed into his cute round body <3_<3
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When she still had her apartment a few years ago, there was a Kirby plushie that presided over the room as guardian atop the entertainment center. The best part was acting like slow-children together. My mom was pretty miserable and cold when I was growing up, but has become a much sweeter and loving person over the years.
I could always understand her pain both physical and mental because of this. Wish she would "bitch-up" and deal with the pain like my mother. Instead she is becoming like her mother who she despises and holds many grudges against. Her father passed away about a year before she really started losing her mind. Sad that I never had the chance to meet him. She inherited his collection of bootleg concert recordings. I like a lot of classic rock and have a collection of bootlegs that I've downloaded over the years. His favorite band was Led Zeppelin. I'm wearing my Led Zeppelin IV Hermit shirt as I type this post... I can elaborate a lot about the last point, but it is time to stop.
Thank you for reading and helping me move on in life. ;)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
yah vore doesn't exactly get me going either but -- you are ABSOLUTELY correct on that kir-b devouring bit dude like *wow* I agree yah. totally. you are correctamundo friend-brother.... kirby is.. oh God I love spring *-*
oh.. the past will catch you up as you run faster
Are you an orb bro or the reverse
I couldn't believe how different orb bro and the reverse thereof were.. care to elaborate?
please teach me how to get girls
make a credible threat of violence
youre right yeah youre- that's.. that's what it is thats you making a funny post!
lollll correctamundo
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Lole. Thought it said HUG at first, because that is what I want to do.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
>not handicapping at all
On meds or your in a manic episode atm.

>get stuck with the crazy

>leave them in great suffering
Stay or go, the suffering remains.

If she is saying this pic is her, she is either larping or letting you know she lets her manic episodes take over. Either way stay away. If your looking to get laid, my advice is to wait for a manic episode and for her to reach out. Time is of the essence, do not plan ahead, she may no longer be manic/ hitting the worst parts of it. See her quick, bang her, and leave. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE LET HER KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.

Honestly the danger is fun and hot af.

Bpd exists. It is nothing but a fun fuck. After that is is no longer cute and anyone unmedicated deserves their own hell.

>worked in a phych ward and group homes for years. Also had a number of relations with these crazy cunts outside of work(never shit where you eat)
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thank you so much for the information. honestly you're a gem. THIS guy truly knows everything about borderline personality disorder. specifically I'd like to quote the following: "If your looking to get laid, my advice is to wait for a manic episode and for her to reach out. Time is of the essence, do not plan ahead, she may no longer be manic/ hitting the worst parts of it. See her quick, bang her, and leave. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE LET HER KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE"
see, us [s4s] posters may be insane and off our bloody rockers, but as long as it's other conditions we're suffering from and not borderline personality disorder, it's hard for us to figure out how to successfully rail a bpd chick and we're left bemused and puzzled.
I know that you know what you're talking about – bpd chicks function on the spur of the moment. just like you said, they swing between manic and depressive episodes and while they're in the manic phase, they're all excited and willing to get ploughed day and night, but the moment this stage ends, it's like they're a completely different person. if you're not a doctor or don't suffer from the condition itself, there is no way you won't be confused by such irrational behavior, but this guy knows what he's talking about.
since you don't mind hanging out in this thread, could I ask you about something? let's say I've already had a bpd girl hit on me actively and try to have sex with me, but I missed it. what are the chances she'll come back to me the next time she's in her manic phase? will there be an opportunity to start from scratch, to get a second chance? from what I hear, women that have borderline personality disorder are generally hard to get rid of. again, I'm really grateful for your post and the information you've shared dude

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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>>11508577 (dubs)
One of my lingering thoughts is "when will she walk back into my life?" Certain circumstances made it happen the last time. She'll have to be hurt and "single". I like talking to her about her sex life, but being a virgin 4chan wizard makes it uncomfortable. In the long run I wanted to establish a Seinfeld/Elaine type friendship.
Now I want to be a dirty whore like her! She needs to groom me into becoming the ultimate fuckboy manwhore!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
donpatch were sooooo getting enlightened on these typical female mental disorders. this --> >>11508577 guy
is going to explain the inner workings of their ailments to us so we can manipulate them into sex

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
also could you please recommend some resources on how to successfully manipulate bpd chicks apart from what you've already mentioned? because for some reason the majority of the books I've downloaded that had "borderline personality disorder" were these watered down politically correct nursery rhymes with little to no useful information and they just kept repeating how bpd is totally not that bad and you need to treat people diagnosed with this fairly
the discussion is commencing
yah, looks like we're about to discuss this
I have just been informed that even the so-called mentally stable women get horny once a month right before they're about to enter their active menstrual phase
so how to have sex with them then

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
saying this honestly goes hard as fuck i can not lie to you
no its even easier you just have to masturbate for a while while they watch
after you have made a 2 minutes of eye contact (hard eye contact) you can just go right over there and see (feel) for yourself how good you've done (you did good bro trust me)
hey man are you acting sarcastic or wut
swear D:

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
don't ruin the surprise for yourself
yuh i swear B that shit u said was just now yea y'urd B that shit Deluxe its HARD
why didn't you check my numbers
dubs chekked
wtf douuble doubs??
hey man we're about to start a thrilling discussion in this thread
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wow! verynice! I will b lookin 4ward 2 iut!
lol ur really cute.. I saved that yotsiba image by the way thank you >.>
haha np~
ancient Japanese wisdom: 挿入でイカせたいなら膣の位置を知ろう。

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
this guy just suggested raping women cuz they love it
maybe is tru?
its not his fault
yah it's true and proper
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waytin for intense intelectual discussion in this thread!
do you know guys like this or dont you want him
can we have sex and after that i'll decide if i want to keep you based on your age and your body mass
just got back from working away this week. Incredibly disappointed to see this thread still up.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
that's mostly cuz your nigger mother is being raped as we speak
dear God am I in pain
how's that billy
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mouth is weeping
eyes are weeping
oh I want a different story
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no you don't

Your fortune: Average Luck
we're going to achieve grand results in this thread
good thread
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she smells like a child with flowers in her hair
make one
f*ck dsorry im checking both right now
(double reply dubs,numbr 22 multiplication table consecutive dubs, unchecked multiple dubs same user dubs chain, verifying the promise of extreme hardness dubs)
do it
honey relax i'll be right there the ambulance is coming
hey man are you the same poster
what if i am
come again?
what if i am the same poster ??what happens?
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just gave it a thought and I'm sort of thinking i am too :]
I'm a snake-man dude
tsukaser I'm here and I'm with you no matter what
I’m rock hard baby
some people use it as an add-on treatment
thanks hon it means a bunch x
i got a ban at the airport talking shit on that cancer patientx
dude at a certain point in the immediate future I will be creating a thread dedicated SPECIFICALLY to this post of yours. way to go squire :v
thank you so much but dont kill yourself before we all see it. its coming. you dont want to kill yourself before that.
mouth is weeping
eyes are weeping
is lthis lrics or are you making an observation about what i have been doing to the voices in yourr head before HE came back becaisuse all the time that thTHING is crying is time it isnt trying to be my best friend forever with its radio do you follow for + for fucks sake now i have to watch it do that again wh wont it just do that in private
hey by the e way are you fat?
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lyrics or observation you say ;_; well, you see, jimmy.. jimmy. jim-jim jimmy. Jim James let me tell you a little bit about rockets son: they're big people thing son you just can't go around playing with big people, fiery flying things :o because that's what rockets are – flying things. yeah. I hope this talk has helped
on an unrelated note – please don't swear

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
i feel like ever time i go awa i am going to war, mostl because it tells me so, but in both directions i'm going away, i'm still gone away from the first time. tell all my 'friends' that i killed myself and thats it.
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now you're just reciting some song

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
leaving sisters and mothers behind
what for??
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I've seen fifty thousand names all engraved in a stone
talk to me about chicks with borderline personality disorder
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yah commencing a bpd girl manipulation for sex discussion in this thread
please respond I'm begging you I'm on my knees here

Good luck getting a BPDemon gf... but they are humans too so plesaese be careful with her
hi. thanks for you're post :) and thanks for your kind wishes. I've learned a bit about them – did you know that they absolutely lack empathy? it's pointless to beg a bpd chick for mercy because she has no idea how to sympathize with others. you also said to be careful with them but honestly, dude, as the guy right here >>11508577 pointed it out: the pain stays with them. so accounting for all the suffering they cause others, I see nothing shameful in torturing bpd women for fun because they deserve it
looking to make myself an interesting person here
I don't think you mean this but 2 of my friends have BPD and they definitely do not lack empathy, they just have weird twisted logic
They still have genuine feelings
I know who you are. and it's up to you to let me know whether I have
no I wasn't joking I did mean that. but if that's you're personal experience then sure what can I say
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Your fortune: Excellent Luck
donpatch you love damaged chicks don't you
I can't say this without tears in my eyes why do they kill mentally ill persons in the USA .the cops

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
nobody gives a sh*t to those ...ya know why ?I tell why it's the purge

Your fortune: Godly Luck
unbending the knees whitening knees
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*shk shk shk* i'm fine.... *shk shk shk* don't worry about me.............. *shk shk shk*
You will put here on this Earth to live an incredibly pointless life and then die and be forgotten
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you...... are........ JOHN WAYNE GACY
you can say that etheir 'experience' is false and you can try makeingg some other assertions about what they said and about their integrity or just about them in general you could respond by making a personal attack or threat of violence , watch.
the fastest way to page 10
no, they dont hve feelings. are you mentally ill? did somebody to tell you claim that radios were feelings? i think ou might be a homosexual in all honesty i dont trust our 'opinion' i think you're just out to protect yourself and your own interests. if i see ou around here again i'm going to beat you.
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i could do that youre right..
hey something just came up id like to have a word with you
nice dubs when i cum too earl i usuall promise that i can start again but i dont reall want to because the onl girls who hit on me are far to large and i am thanking god that i did cum so soon it usuall fixes itself by the next time or in a few bottom line though yeah i can get it back up a few more times if i could the first time
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mouth is weeping
eyes are weeping
i love to do this
i think maybe y
ou should
i do so wish that i could come to your aid
y dis even still up
please be nice to my crudehumor223@gmail.com he is sensitive and that is the reason he needs a girl with bi polar girlfriend who will never leave him .
my love for you is like a truck

They recommended me this on spotify
Did he want bipolar or borderline personality¿?
crudehumour really needs help….
He needs lots of therapy and drugs
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there's a fine line between the two and if you're able to determine the pathogenesis of the malaise then one thing I can tell you is that this board needs chicks that love sex more than men do PLEASE BPD CHICKS PLEASE XOKE KJT
is that suggestive or cheering
I need cock in my boy hole and if you can provide it PLEASE contact me on e621
Holy fuck, I need a hit of that pack.
don't say that
loving the hits man? please don't swear
i'm telling ou right now he said it and he sas a lot of different things ou might not want to trust his encrypted messenger either
he is definitely being hacked and the keys are accessible through his client and either the key server side is not encrypted or its password is on his device
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a samurais skin needs to look perfect even in death
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street drinkers

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I like to think this board is full of my friends

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Your GAY friends (ㆁωㆁ)
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that's a horrible thing to say D:
I like to think this board is full of people who would rape me
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brother I just got word you're into rape. confirm or deny?
cute girlers

Your fortune: Average Luck
im not a cuck I just think NTR as a genre is hotter because of the increased drama and susepense. When the wife is cheating on her husband, the sex is so much more impactful cause you know at any moment they can be caught and so the tension is always high, which is especially intense during an act so private and intimate as sex. This only applies to NTR and not NTS cause if the husband is in on it then theres no sense of drama or suspense whatsoever because the tension from being discovered is completely erased, totally worthless genre.

Your fortune: Good Luck
begone evil trips!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
yah I agree
lol like lol dude.. we should wait for the bpd experts to come back to this thread so we can strike up a conversation with them
lol dude!
that character.. j nthe image you posted mate!
hide makes what
its teh purple piikmin ^-^
loving the juicy pikmin.. what is there to say on him is what I wonder the most @.@
if we traded THOSE you still get much better than i do with them. but i don't appreciate you doing this for me because you're making it worse. in actuality doing all of this just makes it worse. what you should have done is swore a lot and used your racism words.
well....... im ready to see a LOT of blood so thats good because we are about to start seeing a whole lot of blood haha i wonder if i'll just hide somewhere for a while somewhere until they finish cleaning up after the nukes bombs finish explosion because i do NOT want to pick up all those bricks haha being a girl is so hard............
alright question. you read all those new emails but you ignored them you didnt even tell me to go away or anything and oyu are not cyber bullying me to get me laid b girls who feel bad about it so what the hell are you doing with that information (there was a picture of my penis in there and its pretty big)
mate I'm asking a question about the juicy pikmin character the guy posted. shirley you can follow through with your promise
who is shirley is she one of the bane of the senator and his associates : fat wives from church ? because i heard about them earlier while we were talking about the senator and his associates at mcdonalds
we're all asking questions.................................................................................................................................................................
one more question how big did it feel because i did NOT get it up the whole way
ive decided i only like girls who are scared to masturbate or girls who self harm now i decided which one but everybody else needs to guess
im going to use your name for a second. i'l get you some action. i'll start calling it our name from now on. and when we're finished i am taking half the house and i do not want that dog.
you can tell me when you want to stop but i'll go harder and i'll snap our dick off and then i'll theaten to cut m wrists all night between sessions trying to give you alzhheimer's and going downstairs to tell the stairs to cut themselves and the stairs have your name the girl knows this the whole time but when confronted she acts innocent like she never tried to give you alzheimers or make you cut yourself and tells you none of it is real its a trick she learned in therapy which hgave her magical powers to kill anybody she likes with the help of her fat gay pedophile boyfriends from the hospital who work as therapists
its my dick its m one its m one and if you want it back when we're finished i'll have one last turn with it on m own and i'll mail it to you or throw it out the window i hate men so much
alright take your gay fuckign dog and get out of my house
i'm doing you a favor here so you better not let that thing come back for me
bpd girls deserve to get raped and die I unironically want to Kms over this shit lole hahaha funniii
it makes us wear green jackets and do all kinds of strange things like stand for the same thing we always did and kill people over the awful mess they make
slashing wrists does not give you alzheimer's mate [source needed]
her stupid ass slitting her wrists is giving me not alzheimeras
well, i need my blood now either way and i care about where it comes from.
blood? like the my chemical romance song?
I used to wonder what friendship could be
please come back
imagine even knowing the names of their songs, especiall after their only two (zero) ....... reasonable ...... albums did you get my email about MARILN MANSON i already know it, you dont care about me at all,
sorry. I haven't checked the emaile since the last time I replied :D marilyn manson once said he's only holding up a mirror and he's not bad influence but I think he sucks cock
i think what i wrote there, honestly it seems easy to take somebody like that and accuse him of something or put a weird spin on him. to me he's a good artist i have liked him since i was a bab/
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great news you are my new puppet
it is time to stand on business
from now you will be operating under the title "autobus"
>490▶>>11541505 >>11541512
>File: i.jpg (41 KB, 400x600)
the next messages i send to you will be cryptic in nature, you will need to remain vigilant.
good thread
no more donut and doing nothing
what is that supposed to mean
fuck off im not doing anything until you learn how to stop coming back its not like it matters
I was just making conversation with the counsellor
>fuck off im not doing anything until you learn how to stop coming back its not like it matters
see above, you can not stop me from doing nothing. you are going to hate me anyway.
please don't swear
the only thing worse than not knowing
on the corner of coffee and fever and haze.............. our long walk you would have been .............. i think i'm not reading anything today ................................
ulysses, presumably

Your fortune: Godly Luck
fuck you im about to big letters my fucking wife
do not make me beat my son over this
hi. you should get in touch with this
guy and tell him to come back

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
thanks for asking, no that guy is not me. but most of the others are. thanks for being m y friend :) i know we use this place to spam and we both enjoy ourselves :)
i'll turn on a name i liked it
nah I don't spam I'm always looking for a genuine discussion :)

Your fortune: Bad Luck
heroin addicts would do a better job than the nurses in some places, i know it, you know it, everybody know it.
oh, well i see a lot of fun spam, are you looking that hard? i have a lot of time for something genuine :)
oh yeah? what is it exactly?

Your fortune: Bad Luck
me too
this thread has taken its toll on me
i hope it did
that was a joke
shirley you would be able to explain to me what exactly the joke wae

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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This thread's almost dead baby!
Almost dead!

Your fortune: Average Luck
Even though you know what you know
I know that I'm ready to leave
And she's making me feel like I've never been born!

Your fortune: Good Luck

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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Oh, oh so tired of clowns.
Why do you keep going to the circus then?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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Posting in threads as they face their last breath
Is something that averts me from an early death

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Are you there crude, It's me, ⋆.
Give me a prompt to free associate to before this thread gets archived.

Your fortune: Outlook good
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And then
4 You catch the man

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Right you are crude!
R i g h t y o u a r e ! ?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Where you at bitch?
You expect me to reply to every post that you do in my thread?
After all I've done for yoU.

Your fortune: Average Luck
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>>11544800 (dubs)
Checking your own dubs is like sucking your own dick.
I can at least lick my own tip.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Gonna make the elevator lady my wife.
Hyuch, hyuck hyuck!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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You always demand attention from me!
But have you ever thought about attending to yourself?

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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I shouldn't be so abrasive.
Wanna get brunch at Denny's tomorrow.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I ended with a period because that was a statement. Not a question!! Are we going to go out? Or am I going to have to start from the top and hit up May Haruka and Dark Magician Girl again?


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Fuck you crude.
Just like those needy broken bitches that you CRAVE!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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A little memento I can save until the end
That is why I posted in this thread.
Cap: V0WW

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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It's been a ruin of many young poor boys
And God I know I'm one

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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Tell your children not to walk my way
Tell your children not to hear my words
What they mean, what they say, mother
Can you keep them in the dark for life?
Can you hide them from the waiting world?
Oh mother

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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The tail end of a hinotama meteor.
It is not quite meteorite yet.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now
The snake
He tastes himself at the lake.
Could you imagine a rubberband wiggling on all sides trying to get anywhere?
>>11545011 (dubs)
Again, CYOD, no FUCK YOU!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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I'm babbling and being a widdle baby just to get a reaction before this thread 404s.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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Goo goo gaa gaa crude humor wansa be daddy
no I dadde

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
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Goodbye Horses

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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ting tang walla walla bang bang

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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If left says go left, and and right says go right, Then how the hell are we going to meet each other. Unless we follow parallel paths.
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4 away
from the subduction zone

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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Your fortune: Average Luck

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
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Your fortune: Bad Luck
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Your fortune: Average Luck
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It only takes two more threads to sacrifice this thread!

Your fortune: Average Luck
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jeden został

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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Your fortune: Good Luck
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czarnucha małpa

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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