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heil hitler
hitler was kind of a rudefig
hitler was vegetarian and loved animals
He was also an immigrant
all world leaders in history are bad people
the will to lead is a nerd psychopath impulse
the vegetarian thing is a myth
also all people love animals
But he was the first one to give them rights
that's also a myth
fuck you
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get real
hitler would have frogposters shot
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Your life's a fucking myth
Oh sorry, Hitler really wasn't the first to fo it.
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Thats a myth, hitler loved frogs
the gray army man

Your fortune: Average Luck
I know you're just a troll because you're using the wrong nazi hat with the fake Hollywoods skull on it
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all you need to know is that hitler was, is and always will be the most evil, the most dangerous and the most lethal man ever for all time.
pay no attention to the man behind the spoiler.
hitler posting is 100% approved and endorsed by the zionist movement and no other genocides need apply.
hitler dubs too... wdf
you got that right.


and that's why your house never gets clean burger.

the lobby: +1
everybody else: +0

in perpetuity.

Your fortune: Average Luck
atta boy! magnify!!!!!!!!

Your fortune: Average Luck
Hitler killed at best 6 Million Jews thousands of polish but the red army steamrolled him

If his ideas of eugenics and "lebensraum" held true and he had not I vaded Poland we would be speaking German now.

And God how cowardly is this country??? I know we were hitting from WW1 but we come in late and mop up??? And Japan was stupid and tf were they thinking bombing pearl harbor??? Fucking morons learned real quick didn't >>11514196
le stormfig has arrived
i think you mean IDF has arrived. now stfu and post more hitler!
nigga its the SS cap
hollywood didnt make up the goddamn totenkopf
Holy based. I thought it was fake, they never showed that in history lesson in high school
yeah nah mate it's literally german-prussian tradition
Man, those laugh tracks are unbearable. Where did they run off to in the end? To Argentina?
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How can I get a girlfriend like this?
Join the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
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Hitler was NOT real. He was a holographic projection by British intelligence. He is IMAGINARY. This is a FACT.

I am Neo.
how much money is something like this?
Hitler or Himmler, who was worse?
People, she said yes!! If everything works to plan I'm going to marry her in 4 years.
Heil Hitler indeed 1488 brotha
But that doesn't exist anymore.
Depends, how trendy it is now, I'd imagine a couple of hundreds
Who's the lucky one, Anon? The slut in that video?
ima touch yuo lil bro
That's called sexual harassment
hitler was jewish.
Who tf is Himmler?
Hitler gassed himself
hitler thought himmler was fucking insane so him(ler) maybe
but he was also a hapless dork
Why, what did Himmler do?
muslims were behind ww2 which for fuck reason means italians royalty were because they invented the religion according to instagram reels
All roads lead to Rome, as they say...
tongue tongue tongue

Your fortune: Average Luck
I was talking to my waifu trying to get her to lick her fingers all the way if she can

Your fortune: Outlook good
Oh, okay
Did she manage to do it?
I wanna go back in time and watch Hitler pull the trigger
some of his own ss officers were also jewish.
We never knew what really happened to him in the end though
he was hastily cremated in a bomb crater
they have his charred teeth on display
Wait, really? I thought he went to Argentina, bros...

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