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le presidential sniffe

Your fortune: Average Luck
I wish I had a hot asian loli to sniff
kill yourself
tight asian bussy lol
oh she rike it ^_^
if you think that thing is hot you need your eyes checked
what's the president doing
So you're fine with the president sending, financing or endorsing violent military strikes against foreign civilians, but not fine with the president getting some love from a fireigner?
Obama aka mr. otouchya kid
>asian cuties
At least Mr.Obamo had taste
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If war was abolished from Earth on the condition pedophilia and incest becomes rampant and legal, would it be worth it to you?
>If war was abolished from Earth on the condition pedophilia and incest becomes rampant and legal
If the conditions you propose are applied, but we replace
>rampant and legal
>regulated and legal
then the over-all safety of children would go WAY higher!
Simply by removing war, any child born on Earth would have a way higher chance at a healthy and safe life.
But fuck it, even if you don't regulate it, that would still mean that. That's how bad war is.

So, yes. Unironically.
War really is the worst.
I agree because of simple math

Abolishing war = good
Pedo sex = good
Good + good = double plus good
dubs cunfirm
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what the fuck these niggas do to get in power fuck the FREEWORLD
hi little retard
god damn why do asians have such fucked teeth
i know people shit on brits for having fucked teeth but my god
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bitch who the fuck you think you are
>I agree because of simple math
>Abolishing war = good
>Pedo sex = good
Not true. It can be good or neutral, but it can also be bad.
Unlike war, which is always bad.
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ur a faggot if u don’t like war or fucking lolis
Fuck the wrld 4evr
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Nowadays bein a pedo is like a job requirement ^_^
she touch the tv man!
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skills needed: kid fucker
fuckkk this is amazing!!!! can you draw what happens next? her death+his orgasm? pleeeease?
Thats awsum ^_^
Kioo yuslef amon

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
ur actually gross lol, if u want that kind of shit go web surfing till you find a korean rape telegram link weirdo
filtered, there's nothing gross about an appreciation for high art ^_^
theres nothing to appreciate in "porn" lmao porn is js porn. not an art
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Porn is art, my friend. Sexuality is intrinsic to our nature and only people in touch with themselves can articulate their desires with such sensitivity.
So, Obama got some of that sideways slit?
she is cute, shut the fuck up.
My thread was successful and I will celebrate and be mindful of this little moment of happiness

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
1, The teeth aren't that bad, she's just a child and probably still has baby teeth. In any case, she's at the perfect age for braces.

2. She has a rockin body. Those legs are SO fine!

3, Her face looks crunchy because she's being tickled. Don't be mean.
equating pedophilia with incest in this context is disingenuous. also most people who like young women don't like prepubescent girls. with the gays it's another topic but that's a vice that would be on first on the list after war was solved

for generations girls were married off when they became breedable. returning to this practice while simultaneously eradicating all future wars would unironically be the best outcome for humanity imaginable
unchecked dubs on last page
the elites are so lucky ;_;
there are cheap neutered lolis from eastern europe or the caribbean that get sent per mail. as these children are not usually registered in any meaningful way not even customs will know what transpired and you have a personal rape slave. you should also invest in a basement
War and the general threat of violence is necessary and healthy
This thread is bonkers.like I'm far more crazy than y'all lol
Fucking retards I'm actually insane but u wanna larp at it lol do you wanna know what insanity entails?? No u don't! Keep larping
why are you talking to yourself?
god I wish that was me (I want to be a little girl)
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Ive drank like 4; liters of vodka lol
you should drink a coffee and/or go to sleep, friend. I recommend to throw up before doing both. you will feel better and maybe not die from alcohol poisoning or gurgling to death on your own sick. please keep us updated on your well being
the work day goes so fast when there's so much business xD

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
No fuck u I'm horny
funny dubs
interracial sxe looks so romantic...

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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