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Do paper straws really contain gluten?
The National Celiac Association website points out that paper straws are unlikely to contain gluten.
I don't think you're supposed to eat the straw when you're done
How would they know? They're not in the paper products manufacturing business
Because gluten is wheat protein, not tree protein.
you have no idea what you're talking about
Holy shit. How can you make any informed purchasing decision as a consumer ? After all you're not in the business of manufacturing 99,9% of the goods you consume.
>After all you're not in the business of manufacturing 99,9% of the goods you consume.
Hello, Frenchman. How are things in Paris?
This but because consumers are retarded
>After all you're not in the business of manufacturing 99,9% of the goods you consume.
I make shit, I am well aware of the markets.
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Damn good at it too.

Some say the best, now I wouldnt go that far...but Ive befouled a many a porcelain shrines in my day. Just a simply tootin' man, thas all.
I still need to know what contains all the glitter.
Please explain to me which trees produce gluten.
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Thats not the only health concern about paper straws
Nice job science, thats such a set up from plastic straws.
why does it always work out this way?
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I made my subconscious submit to MY will, not the other way around. Made my body really believe I would kill it with fasting or a bullet if it didnt comply.

>The whole story of a god losing an eye, Internal Jihad.
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(R)Eject (Real number R) BioHazard or eat them.

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I know his smell by heart, Ive broken many a breads with his kinfolk.

Trashkin. Oscar the Grouch is their Avatar.
>Gluten intolerance.
My wife got Celiacs after pregnancy, me being Rh- and her not, her body reacted to the baby as a foreign body and had an allergic reaction during birth.

After she had a number of Phenomenological/Physiological changes/health issues...like she was poisoned.

A marriage only really possible thanks to birth control (Psychiatric manipulation via NioChemistry implamts (metal or chemical)), otherwise we wouldnt have been a couple.
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[drinks from a tea mug]
Whats in plastic?

Especially ones put in microwaves and cook oily foods, they meld...and exchange....ye been warned, People.
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>Im in control of me.
Sure some nasty part of you hasnt hijacked the rest of the system?
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"I was following my passions."

Im sure you were.
You mean why is the "new and improved" (((greeen))) versions of products always more expensive and less desirable than the original version?
One thing is for sure, it isn't like that because ecotards are trying to make the world a better place.
yes, paper pulp type trees produce gliadin and glutenin
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just imagine that they had to put that in their instruction because a gluten schizo though they'd invented a toaster than magically removed gluten from bread
Well the defrost setting removes frost, so why doesn't the gluten free setting remove gluten?
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how come science can't answer this important question?
They receive funding from the paper straw manufacturers
Not surprising, wheat is the world's 2nd largest crop, theres a lot of money involved in the gluten business
Yes, of course, can't you read that sign?
The aliens grow an antenna in an attempt to contact their fellows.
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Even some chance they contain something bad is bad. When you add the fact that paper straws are fake and gay, you know what's the right choice.
paper straws are made out of recycled toilet paper. only a filthy scumbag would put something like that in their mouth
a tree is just a realy big wheat
Lol no.
disgusting, thats as good as putting a complete stranger's poop in your mouth
paper straws are garbage, why did science force this stupid meme?
Scientists are a pox on humanity
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Because they're stupid

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