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תרד לישראלים להכיר חברים חדשים ואולי יותר מספר 3
>about you
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info
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אני אתחיל :D
>>about you
Just a 22 year old born and raised in israel wagie going through the motions, nothing crazy really
Manga, Anime, Vidya, Language learning, literature, PC building, Audiophile stuff, Fashion, Geography and learning about different cultures!
>>looking for
Anyone really! come and try me :D
>>not looking for
don't be an asshole and we'll be chill
>>contact info
21m Tunisian Jew
shalom Aleichem
looking for a jew or jewess to feel safe with and maybe date I'm bi :3
I'm 5"11 bearish build bit autistich but yeah
disc: hannibaalbarca2.0
>about you
history, politics
>looking for
the complete destruction of the illegitimate faschist state of israel
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>about you
23 / M / Austria
Painting, traveling, visiting the opera, public speaking, military. I was rejected from art school in Vienna, wonder if I can shoot my shot in the middle east. It’s been a dream of mine to create a place where there is a high concentration of jews. So Israel is a dream come true to me, almost feels like I helped to create it.
>looking for
A hot jewish lady to take me in, care for me, cook me soup, hop in the shower with me, bake me cakes in the oven.
>not looking for
Slavs, Russians, Gypsies, etc
>contact info
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>about you
26/ M / South Israeli
bouldering, anime, vidya, memes, wattapad, politics, japanese
>looking for
looser NEET gf that I can send memes to, friends with similar hobbies
>contact info
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From the river to the sea
didn't end well when an Austrian goy got rejected from VAU and wanted to pursuit a relationship with a jewess
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1. you can fake Wikipedia articles
2. do you get how many dead civilians and sand niggers with guns your terrorist state has lost
3. Iran attacked Israel and threatened retaliatory action if they so much as responded back. did they nuke them ? no , did they attack major world heritage sites ? no...
did they cluster bomb highly populated zones when they would have the highest density of people. nope. just a few strategic strikes
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Can we please keep politics off the thread? or at least just trade discords so you can discuss it yourselves
I just want a nice comfy space where Israeli channers can meet and talk to each other
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32M Northeast USA

> me
American Jew who’s been following the situation over there since October and would be curious to speak with someone “on the inside”. Generally left-leaning but I’ve been shocked by Western leftoids’ responses to 10/7 and willingness to utterly cuck themselves for Islamist propaganda. Can read Hebrew but not fluent.

> interests
Primary film, secondary vidya/animu, generally interested in philosophy/politics

> looking for
Anyone following politics with a skeptical eye who’s interested to discuss. If you happen to be an attractive lady though all the better.

> Discord
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fair enough muh dude... sorry for effing up your thread.

I'm probably gonna get banned from this shithole psyop site anyways.

feel free too add me if you want. love chatting with people from the ME/NA

rememberthebrigade , disc id
I want a jewess to suck my p p!
it's not their responses to 7/10, it's the fact that Israel has used it as a justification to slaughter 10s of thousands of innocent civilians that they've always wanted to kill.
>American Jew
>Genocide Arabs
Either you are true Jew (ie anti-Zionist, the state of Israel is gifted to the Jews by god and having humans create it is blasphemy) or you are a Nazi who don't even know their own religion.
I can't believe this, little jews are openly arranging playdates on 4cuck.. it's so over
keep your complaining for when they start flaunting their child sex slaves.
>about you
34, m , white
>Interests/ hobbies
Hiking with my dog, lifting weights, travel, politics, playing PC games, PC building, RPGs and tabletop
>Looking for
The end of US military and financial aid to the apartheid police state of Israel killing thousands of children with 2000lb bombs indiscriminately
>Not looking for
Zionists and genocide apologists comfortable with the mass murder of children
>Contact info
Can we please just exist without having to endure constant harassment from goyim freaks
have you tried not being jewish?
How about letting Palestinians exist without having to endure constant harassment from Jewish freaks?
How about letting Gentiles exist without having to endure constant interference and influence from Jewish freaks?
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just ignore them desu, last few israel threads were quite nice because no one gave them attention
Mexican looking for cute Jewess to marry who will be my submissive Khazar milktruck.

How about not be genocidal cockroaches? Even Hitler would be shocked if he was still alive.
Stop making this shit thread already Yahudi filth. Literally nobody on this planet likes you, so just fuck off to a place like reddit if you don't want to hear everyone's uncensored opinions about you.
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You don’t need to pretend not to like Hitler just for us anon
fuck off kike faggots
All the /pol/ dudes pretending to be shocked antiracist humanitarians just to one-up the ZOG is very funny ngl
It seems you idiots already have that covered for us. Haavara ringing any bells? Goddamn snakes will sell out their own people just to further their money grubbing.
the concept of an ethnostate is inherently fascist. your ethnostate is fascist and will always be fascist. stop stealing palestine's land, stop evicting palestinian's from their homes, stop committing a genocide
Snakes and moneygrubbers fine, but “idiots” I take offense to
>20% Arab
Bad troll, stop posting off topic stuff and go back to your spic board on /pol/.
>about you
32 m , white hu

>Interests/ hobbies
trap/skeet shooting, working out, shooting pool, fishing, traveling, holocaust reenactment enthusiast

>Looking for
The first arrest in the Epstein Mossad child trafficking case so we can rid our government of dual citizenship zionists. Ones that rape our kids with no fear of arrest and blackmail our political leaders. The fbi has only has seized 2600 hours of video of the pedos in the act from the mossad surveillance rooms, so it's a tough case to crack for our Zionist fbi director.

>Not looking for
Zionists, bloom disease victims, shape shifters, holohoax believers, child sacrifices

>Contact info
Attn: Goebbels
bumperino! :>
friday eve bump!
Lmao this is going to be terrible.
21 years old girl. Not really looking for anything physical at the moment, nor any exchange of personal info.
Mostly want someone to talk with about the current shit. Anyone from other countries (whether with or against us) is so shallow and childish. And there are things that only we can understand.
I like memes, books, /fit/ness and pretentious academic stuff.
Please respond with some stuff about yourself and I'd probably want to stay in english in the beginning since hebrew in disc feels extra cringe
Hey anon! my post is right here >>33100783 feel free to add me ^^, I'd love to know what books you like, and pretentious academic stuff sounds nice
eurovision day bump
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Is my nose Jewish? Am I part of the tribe?
looks like mine but a little more pointy in the end
welcome home fellow yahud
Hope u all die (both Israelis, Palestinians, Iranians and Americans)
from the river to the sea
Palestine will be free
No. Dedicating a thread to Israeli meetups is just begging to be bullied lmao
>about you
18 /m/גִּיּוּר
skinny, 184cm, light skinned and im bi.
cats, language learning, anthropology, rubik cubes (speedcubing too), hardware/software (coding: rust, c, html, css, js, python, c++ and haskell) and chess.
>looking for
friends and maybe something more.
>not looking for
antisemitic trolls and passive-aggressiveness
>contact info
Israeli server

lies >:(
Does your vag have a little jewfro above it? Do your pubes run along the edges like sideburns?
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>about you
faggot kike
>Interests/ hobbies
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Being a normal good person
>Contact info

>Vid is me doing my daily IDF exercises
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kek, great video
Free Palestine
יום עצמאות שמח חברים!
do u guys go on cute dates where you destroy essential food/aid trucks so the millions of kids that are left starve to death faster ?
its not a first date activity but after a few meetups and we get to know each other yes :3
>about you
>looking for
gay Jew boys to talk to about recent events
We feel the same way about you.
Imagine coming into a thread of people you dislike deliberately, seeing a post of them asking people to stop harassing them, and then commenting that they should stop harassing you instead, harassing you with what? existing?
>a fucking kike crying about psyop
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A Palestinian state?

1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state
2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.
3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.
4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.
5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.
6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.
7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.
8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.
9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.
10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.
11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.
12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.
13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.
14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.
15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.
16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.
17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.
18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.
19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.
20. Actually, in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE.
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I'm just glad we got as many materialistic shekel rubbing, animal sacrificing, nose erecting, war starting, war financing, goyim proclaiming, each-other hating, borderline middle eastern, normie brainwashing, Hollywood-owning, dirty fucking judenrats, localised ENTIRELY within this thread, with their tags for all to see.
You degenerates were a major factor in ruining humanity, and humanity ruined the planet.
I just wish threads had a "Holocaust, but total this time" button
>Captcha not required
It's so fucking weird how the left just randomly decided to become completely unhinged antisemites spouting rhetoric that would make even the most deranged /pol/ posters blush. It really shows you just how easily manipulated people are. If you ever hear someone ask how nazi Germany could possibly happen without the majority standing up against the lunacy, we all just saw a case study in real time, where over the course of like 1 month the tolerant left literally became indistinguishable from the average neonazi when it comes to their opinions about jews and Israel.
The funny thing is these same faggots will tell you they'd have never gone along with Hitler if they were citizens in Nazi Germany and shit like that, but there are plenty of Americans who are not only being told to discriminate against their fellow citizens, but don't have to be forced to go along with it.

All that ever had to happen to stop this DEI shit in its tracks is for good people to tell them to fuck off and they're not going to go along with discrimination based on race, sex, politics or whatever other bullshit they come up with no matter which sex, race, religion, etc. just on principle. It's literally that easy because Commies have to cause divisions, create fake victim groups, undermine meritocracy, individual rights, and freedom, then justify it with nonsense.

Can you imagine being told by some faggot not to hire certain people and you not telling them to fuck off. I can't.
>muh palestine
>muh indigenous palestinians

Records show that it was 19th and 20th century Jewish settlement and the resulting employment opportunities that drew successive waves of Arab immigrants to Palestine to begin with.

—“The Arab population shows a remarkable increase ….. partly due to the import of Jewish capital into Palestine and other factors associated with the growth of the [Jewish] National Home..”
(The Peel Commission Report - 1937)

—“..in the Jewish settlement Rishon l’Tsion founded in 1882, by the year 1889, the forty Jewish families settled there, had attracted more than four hundred Arab families.... Many other Arab villages had sprouted in the same fashion.”
(Joan Peters - From Time Immemorial p. 252 - referenced further as: FTI)

British PM Winston Churchill said in 1939:
—“.. far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country [Palestine]..”

Before the Six Day War in 1967, when Jordan controlled the West Bank and Egypt ruled in Gaza, there was never any suggestion on the part of the "Palestinians" that they wanted independence in their ancestral homeland. The reason was that the "Palestinian" nation hadn't been invented yet.

Before the state of Israel was born, the term "Palestinians" was used by the Jews to refer to themselves and their organizations. “The Palestine Post”, the Palestine Foundation Fund, Palestine Airways, and the Palestine Symphony Orchestra were all purely Jewish enterprises.

We first hear of Arabs referred to as "Palestinians" when Egypt’s President Nasser, with help from the Russian KGB, established the "Palestine Liberation Organization" in 1964. It was only during the 1970s that the newly minted “Palestinians” began to promote their narrative through murder and assassination. The Arabs have justified their attacks as acts of the indigenous people struggling for national liberation.

Anyone who supports this horseshit has Arab friends they’re afraid of.
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You could be 10x crueler and still favor Israel on the basis that it’s actually…pro-civilization…while Muslims just…aren’t.


The Jews could be 100x crueler and I’d still support them lol.

It’s just math. If they don’t stamp this shit out *now*, it’s just going to happen again. It always does.

All Muslims do is whine and destroy.
Who said I'm left? Because I said humanity ruined the planet?
Ever heard about the environmental efforts under Hitler?
One of the first countries to establish animal protection laws.
>"b-buh buh holocaust..."
Yes, because kikes are beneath any species on this planet, unironically and unapologetically.
Hitler had the only right idea to solve human overpopulation, he was simply an underachiever.
What civilization are you talking about, degenerate? One of extreme hedonism? Rampant materialism?
That is what counts as a civilization worthy of existing?
So you’d rather live in the fucking sand. Got it.
I'd rather live on a planet that has greenery remaining on it, that is NOT a fucking global nuclear desert, into which you degenerates will push it
>because kikes are beneath any species on this planet, unironically and unapologetically.

They are literally pound-for-pound the biggest brains on the planet. Superior.

— ‘Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates. Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honourees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, and 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction.’

It’s no wonder others throughout history hated them. Envy. Christians and Muslims? Forget about it.
You need meds ASAP.
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Remember when right wing Muslims massacred 90,000 Christians in Lebanon? Ruining the nation forever?

I sure do!

Remember when Islam contributed to any nation it invaded?

I sure don’t!
אני כל כך מתחרט שפתחתי את הת'רד הזה לול
סורי חברים, אולי פעם הבאה יצליח לנו
It’s really a simple thought experiment for mush brained commies and trannies: would you rather the world look more like Israel (basically, a progressive western-flavored liberal democracy) or more like "palestine" (a far right islamist theocracy stuck in the year 900AD). really shouldn't be that hard.

You all failed the litmus test. Aliens will never land now.
>uses the imperial system to advocate for kike intelligence
Strike 1
>"Jews are a famously accomplished group"
So accomplished, in fact, they use their "biggest pound for pound" brain mass to promote inconsequential retardation, like gender dysmorphia, BLM, tolerance to judaism and crying upon crying upon crying upon CRYING about muh six gorillion, all the while funding all of unimportant shit by wasting natural resources, stripping the ecosystem of life piece by piece, thus hindering even their own long-term survivability for fucking aesthetic views.
News flash, using the intelligence given to you for self-destruction is not a show of accomplishment, it is a show of compete genetic waste.
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In particular, the LGBT has proven itself to be a body or following of double-digit IQ retards.

They wouldn’t recognize the end of a shotgun barrel pointed at their face to save themselves. In fact, they’d probably start sucking it off.

Chickens for KFC!
You seriously need mental help. Go find a Jew therapist, please.
With the way the fucking west and kikes are going, I rather see it as this planet 930,000 years ago, but this time with humanity actually going extinct and not recovering from a genetic bottleneck of a 1000 individuals.
You seriously need to be fucking dead.
Seek the closest Palestinian WW2 era missile
I would literally rather swallow a tapeworm egg than help a jew out of a burning car.
At least the tapeworm won't try to convince me it's not a parasite.
Also not as jewy
bumpity bump
You mean like how you kikes enter countries then try to undermine and harass everyone?
Anyone wanna do Israel Palestine slave rp?
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too soon bro, too soon
saturday noon bump
page 9 bump
Page 10 bump from Gaza city
If someone want to meet a jew, there are plenty of US threads. But I cannot understand why someone would want such thing.
we can offer great loans!
You should all move back to New Jersey
I've watched enough jersey shore to know thats a bad idea
this made my day
what about the 5 million arabs who live within the borders that Israel claims as it's own yet are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections and the only system of justice they have access to are Israeli military courts? and they are prevented from forming their own state by Israeli army.

get your apartheid the fuck out of here you modern day fascist state

stop doing a heckin apartheid if you don't want to be harassed
26/M/German here

and rabbi here horny for aryan dick/ass? if so hit me up on snap: marce_soc or kik: sadboi138
Friday morning bump :D
תפתח סרבר
כבר יש סרבר והוא סוג של סירקלג'רק
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>>about you
Noble warrior from the free zones of Palestine

Shooting rockets, liberating my homeland from foreigners

>>looking for
IDF soldiers with access to military plans

Big titty Israeli women

>>not looking for
Kaffirs without military defense plans

>>contact info
Am I Jewish enough for Israelis?
>about you
M24 Ashkenazi can disk Hebrew English Russian and German
Watching movies, anime, YouTube docos
Reading philosophy, manga
Working out
>looking for
Anyone and everything
>not looking for
Well I'm looking for anyone
>contact info
Telegram @mutskt
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Godspeed, brave sand soldier.
May you slay many evil IDF soldiers.
What are your hobbies?
Abolish Israel and free Palestine.
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21M Palestinian Femboy looking for a dominant man top!

Kik: Strawberry4114
F, jewish
I like gloating about how successful i am in life while lying, cheating, and stealing through it. How i got high end jobs, promotions, bonuses, etc.. that i didnt deserve and how i see myself better than everyone. Also, about how my beauty helped me through most of it. My life is full of infidelity and embezzlement. I have a few rich boyfriends who dont know about each other
I delete almost everyone that adds me due to sending boring and generic first few messages, so start off interesting. Also, deleting any slow repliers

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