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Lets start. What would I need to do, in addition to the obvious weight loss, to improve/be good looking?
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Currently down 25 kilos. Im kinda worried my head is too broad.
What would you say I should do style wise?
u should shave maybe
Trim/shave the stache, go get your eyebrows done, more modern haircut, and a nice shirt (with a collar) that fits. Honestly you have all the right ingredients, you just look a bit unkept. Pair those changes with a smile and you’re golden
Thanks a lot. Currently focused on weight loss and broke till next paycheck, but that goes on the agenda
I always liked the mustache. But if it is such a distraction...maybe its time to get rid off it.
most of your facial gains and attractiveness is dependent on weight IMO
once you settle that youll stand out over most men, because most men are fat
You look identical to a Spanish guy that I know, roflmao.
Thanks.this is me relatively lean. Do I look good boneswise?
Im usually mistaken for Russian or Polish actually
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your hair here + face combo reminds me of them roman/greek statues lol
Would probably be an 8-9 if lean and with a good style, tho idk much about clothes
Shave the stache or grow some stubble with it
Same as last anon about the Stache and also lose weight so your facial features are more defined
Grow a beard or stubble
Sort of an off-putting selfie. Maybe change your hairstyle
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Oh here’s my selfie
I think once you are a 5, its on your personality/social circle that counts and you are judged fairly. Anything above 5 is bonus and just makes it easier

Thanks. Can't really say much anout you. That photo looks very good and you seem very confident with your style.
Good 7, Chad tier, maybe wear your hair more clean cut and less messy
Good looking. The pose sadly gives you a bit of uee.
You'd look really good with more muscles
Solid 6, clearly above average

And all of the pics are me. I look different in selfies and mirror pics. The latter add about 10 pounds.
>>33131240 is me leaner btw
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5. Lose more weight and shave the stache for now. Maybe try again after weight loss

8. I got nothing

Also 8.

Been told I look better when I smile.
def hansom. Again, growing a beard would elevate your looks
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here's my mug, i have been rocking my long hair for more than 6 years now. i'm kind of thinking about getting something short this summer. i don't know what though, everything seems faggy
bro where is your nipple?
It’s there but don’t be lazy brother. Rate the other anon’s in the thread
shave the stache, lose some weight and you'll be a 5
nice chin, you're a 6-7 in this pic
6 in this pic, because of the eyes. would probably look better from a more flattering angle
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First time... Rate / advice?
No one is going to rate you if you don’t contribute to the thread by rating other anons
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6.5 here. You could try a different hairstyle but I don''t think it's necessary. I would say just dress well from there
5.5 Bad picture so it's hard to give advice
7 if you're eyes arent droopy and don't usually show as much eye lid then maybe closer to a 7.5
7.5 Jesus your like the most milky corn white guy I've ever seen. Good smile though. You look like you've got muscle which is good. Could try a beard and see how you look
5.5 I'd say keep the long hair it suits you bit I ould either shave completely or grow the facial hair out more.
6 in this pic. Good physique train your neck so you look better in regular clothes.
Thanks for the rate. What is holding me back from getting higher?
6, friendly looking. Maybe try a different hsirstyle
5, pretty average guy. Put on some muscles and grow a beard and you'll get even better
How high could I push myself with weight loss?
Here is me lean, though the expression is quite weird
Would weight loss be enough or is there smth. wrong with my bone structure?
Well there's only so much you can do...you can try putting on muscle but once you're at 12% body fat it's diminishing returns.
I think you'd look rather good with muscle and beard combo. It would certainly make you stand out more.
Thanks :) Can't quite grow a beard yet though. Pic doesn't show but I have decent muscle I'm just not big
But you have nothing to worry about really atm. You look perfectly normal. Check out Minoxidil if you can't grow a beard naturally
7/10, grow a beard, it'll look cool
7/10, possible 9/10 if you gained some weight
9/10, very cool eyes and great facial harmony, possibly chad-tier.
5/10, take out the earrings and get a haircut.
8/10, grow out your facial hair and get a different haircut.
7/10, trim your hair
7/10 switch to contacts instead of glasses, wearing bulky overhead headphones make you look a bit autistic but that's not that bad.
6/10, maybe smile and grow out hair a little more.
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Me without the stache
I repeat it, you are creepy identical to a person that I used to know. So my 'rate' is: José Hermida's doppelgänger/10.
And is he good looking or ugly? Or just a plain normie?
What would you say can I do to improve
He's average and used to be ugly and obese, so I suggest you not gaining extra pounds and growing a beard. Contrary to him, who is an asshole, you look a more lucid person.
Good advice. Could I push into good looking territory or is my bone structure a hard limit?
Bone structure is an Internet meme, in the sense that you don't need a massive underbyte jawline to attach females. Most people can be attractive excepting those with remarkable assymetric facial traits and/or odd defects.
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Me in better lighting
Dude fucking stop. What are you not understanding, sped?
Honestly I think you would look good with a bit more weight that in that pic but staying fit, I like you more with facial hair specially the first pic with the moustache and maybe would do the eyebrows. ( I hate the hair in that pic)
Also maybe I would change the clothes for something not so oversized. I think that makes you look bigger.
But overall I think you are handsome and have lots of potential!
Thanks for the advice
Just tryibg to gather opinions
And thanks for the compliment too. Currently trying to get rid off my old weight and I'll see where that takes me. Im a bit shocked by mirror pics desu. because I see myself as way leaner in the mirror and selfies flatter with lense distortionyangx
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7/10, but I feel shorter hair would work slightly better. But you don't look bad as is.
Hair is too messy and slight crackhead energy. Not sure if that was your intention. 6/10.
Not a fan of the mustache
I think you look good as is, maybe you can grow your hair longer? 8/10.

Sorry, I'm not good with giving advice, and I'm not so good looking myself.
Yeah I understand that happens to me too desu I hate the way I look in pics lately, for me I think I look better on videos or old pics
Adds about 20 pounds :/
You are good and friendly looking already. You kinda remind me of a dead afro German musician
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Either get rid of the mustache or get 5 o clock shadow. Go for a nice fade on your sides you would wear the fuck boy cut well. Other than that as you already stated just lose weight. You could be 7 territory if you just follow that advice.
7/10 You need a picture that shows you off more.
8/10 literally nothing to say just freshen up and don't look like you just got out of bed
6.5-7/10 not much to say here maybe get a different hair cut.
6/10 do something with the hair and lose the glasses. You should post yourself in a nice outfit.
5/10 hit the gym and try a different hairstyle
6/10 not much to say here
6/10 do something with the hair and lose some weight
6/10 you need to take care of the facial blemishes and I think you'd look better with short hair.
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you look GOOD man
try growing out your hair, and lose weight, obviously
lose weight, get a better haircut
i cant tell which cut would look good on you, only that that one doesnt
excercise!!! your face would look a lot better
Its no cut at all. Just my jewfro growing out. I guess I need to trim the sides.
The guy you calked chadlite is me, just lean btw.
And you look good. A bit young though. Very good fashion sense. Watch the uee and get some mass in amd you are golden
well then you could be chadlite if u lost weight
>get some mass
im actually trying to lose weight but i do have a lifting routine and id like to get to 50lb dumbbells and then stop (i dont want to get too big i want to twinkmaxx)
right now im at 32 so it may take a while
ffs i do kickboxxing every other day
Post body
>try growing out your hair
Even more than it already is? Like long twists or dreads?
For reference, my hair has already been growing for years
dreads, i think it works for you
maybe i have an unrealistic perception of how long your hair can get, i assume its like mine when it probably isnt
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My hair looks like this when not twisted
You have the same kind of hair texture? The way you wrote makes it sound like you do, just longer
I think I've hit my limit, but I'm not sure, I won't be cutting it anytime soon so
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This pic is like a year old but I haven't changed much since
oh man that looks way better
i think it would look nicer cut
not a lot, still keeping rhe afro
just trimmed for ease sake
you cant get longer dreads out of that much hair?
im this anon
but you arent going to cut it and its really your body so
It's twisted as it is now, so maybe if it's twisted differently it can be longer. Or maybe I could get like weave or something but thats not really my thing.
Your body is like a 7/10 while your face is a 4/10. How do you manage this.
magic beans
>Muh pa told me never to kiss muh sister coz I'd make another wun of me
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The difference in your pictures is insane. You went from a Chadlite to a regular dude. You should do whatever you can to get back to that older look. Besides weightloss, I'd suggest tretinoin for the smooth skin, and to grow your hair to the same length as in the other pic.
You're clearly attractive, but why turn your self into a meme like this?
Not much to approve, you're good looking. Last time I saw your face, it was followed by like 50 seething messages derailing the thread. I'd appreciate it if you could contain it this time.
THE american dad
Inspiring physique, looks really solid.
Fashion and face is on point, but your pose and body makes you look really feminine. Not sure if intended.
Upper eyelid exposure.
And that sounds like a plan.
You look awesome with that hairdo
You make a silly face, which detracts points. Killer body though.
6.5/10 get a different haircut something shorter i think
7.5/10 idk you look very nice and kinda androgynous i don’t think you should change anything
8/10 good looking a little feminine though
8/10 also good looking and a little feminine but it works
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7 you look bi so im struggling to on what to tell you here
7.5 face wise. dunno about the fashion but just do what you like
6 You look good regardless whether your hair is frizzy or not. Just wear it how you like
Your haircut makes you look alot younger. I would get something shorter and keep your facial hair trimmed. Up to you though, if you like it then keep it.
6.5 pretty cute. If your dark circles are genetic then don't worry about it but try and get your sleep if you're not already
8 your quite attractive already so its hard to tell you how to improve
I hate long hair on most men, but guys like you its a shame to see it get chopped off. but im a faggot. so its already kind of faggy i guess.
report her she's underage
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5.5-maybe 6 you are improving
8 can we go out/hangout sometime
6.5 not bad dude
6/10 dye your moustache to match your hair, id also recommend tinting your eyebrows. You have wonderful eyes and great skintone

/tip/ aesthetic would suit you

I think the only thing you could improve is your muscle tone

9/10 the 1 point odd personal preference as i like built hairy dudes

You definitely need to put some work into cleaning up for style and look for an easy 8

8/10 better fashion would elevate but this is a gym pic

5/10 very standard and average. You are an npc.

Not enough to go on

Too zoomer faggot core but you have a great base to start with as you are attractive, your personal styling is letting you down. 6/10, point deducted for that choker

3/10 purely on fit alone

5/10 average depressed man, you need to put effort into your life and work into yourself. Get a whole new look

8/10 i know you have better outfits than this so no deductions

5/10 with some maturity on your face and time in the gym you could easily be 6/7 or even 8.

4/5 your poofy hair throws your whole facial proportions out of whack, take at least 2 inches off and learn how to work with your hair texture. Your nostrils are too big, hold your phone further up when taking selfies, think myspace angels

T. Woman
like 8/10 or 4-5/10? if the latter than damn, but alright. not sure what to do about my nose its big though i know. i just buzzed my hair but yeah ill consider your advice
4/10. Your nostrils are likely exaggerated in this shot because on the angle you've taken the picture
Damn bro.. I'm turning 30 in September. Not a zoomer but thanks for the advice.
what else is bad about me that's pretty low damn.
/tip/ aesthetic?
>Not enough to go on
33134474 is also me, just with my hair out
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Change your skin color
Change your skin color
Change your skin color
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rate me, I'm posting again because I didn't get rated in the last thread
6. Lose your facial hair or keep in to a stubble. Lift weight. Get a tan.
You look great, your fashion is juvenile and holding you back, especially approaching 30. I legitimately can't tell if youre gay or not, but if you're interested in women it's time to start dressing like it.

I just don't think you're attractive

Very basic, 4/10. You could be an easy 5 if you tried

6-7/10 sacrificial mark necklace is a loser calling card. You would suit gold better. I think you should also tint your eyebrows and facial hair

6/10, i think the facial hair Is the right move for you as you're very baby faced and at least youre groomed

6.5 ish maybe 7

also a 6.5ish but you have dead coomer eyes which isnt helping

7.5+ would need to see body to be sure

6 on photo alone but you look goofy probably higher

you look like a twink ngl
using this on my Hinge profile, not main pic but jc what you think

Try a low fade with a little taken off the top


Get a shorter haircut


Good jawline


Grow your hair longer


Go for shorter hair


Try a dark lipstick


Not a fan of the stubble, personally
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>Very basic, 4/10. You could be an easy 5 if you tried
What do you suggest I could change to bump my score up?
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I'm tired of being ugly as fuck
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does this count as a beauty mark or nah
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solid 6, cutie with weight loss - maybe 6.6
6.8 cutie
i think that’s an inclusion cyst. use hot compresses
Its not a cyst it's just a black spot, i had it since i was born
then yeah it counts as a beauty mark i think
fuck i wish i had your nose dude my fucking nose ruins my side profile
oh nice, now i feel kinda lucky to have it :)
Are you a man or woman?
Card-carrying biological female
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Need some advice which hair look best.
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>rates the same guy a 5 then 8 in 2 different pics
>the 8 is with a woman in his bed
Bait or woman moment
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Should i try dating or lose weight first?
29 bmi
It doesnt need to be one or the other, do both. You look chubby at most
Longer hair but not a wolfcut, just regular longer hair with bangs
Long hair doesnt suit you
I was wondering about that
Eh whatever, you’re allowed to have bad taste
Are you that faggot that thinks he's a vampire?
Burger king?
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left hairstyle, without the back pieces being so long. the fluffy hair looks good
6, this hairstyle with the side swoop over is not for me, if you changed it you would be 7
6, my advice would be to just get /fit/, your face is good
what do people get out of posting fakes? is there some fetish? is it trannies larping? probably bunch more but i cba to tag everyone
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This is literally me retard. That pic was taken at a costume party. Picrel, also me
7.5-8 you need no advice
Long hair
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Local tranny posting here. Hello anons
>My ancestor
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Should I keep long hair? also rate
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I fucked up my bangs
I have no idea what you're talking about lol. I'm gothic but never had/am not currently experiencing a vampire phase.

6/10 lose the hitler youth hair cut and lean into the maturity of salt and pepper hair. Be classy.

You just need good skincare, korean fuckboy hair cut and a gym routine suck it up 5/10


6/10 just a normal slightly above average woman

I love the fluffy mullet

Lose weight

Bad taste? Dude I'm being polite i can shred you if you prefer

All you do Is Bitch and complain when you're given advice -3/10 for your shit attitude and busted hairline

3/10 grow up

5/10 very average, you look like every white woman your age. Try to find some personality to show off.

Hang yourself immediately

4/10 your facial proportions are off but if you tidied up your clothing, hair and facial hair as well as worked in your body you could be a 6/10 easy if not 7

You have stunning cheekbones you should be focusing on obtaining a low Bodyfat, then Native American max. You could be very uniquely stunning if you tried, you have potential

You are 15

nothing is more powerful for attracting woman than pre-selection
it never fails to amuse me how high women rate women compared to men

i don't look fit? I'm 6' 170 lbs, but fair enough
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sorry for the edgy pic but why a 3?
not a fake just want rates
Dude must be trolling you're solid above average, would bang
post your full face. It can't be a beauty mark if you're not beautiful
>shred me
You wont even post your own face, not really worried. Also it’s called banter dipshit, dont have to take everything so seriously
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I'll do half bc I'm afraid of judgement
by /fit/ i mean buff, you look healthy and strong, just not defined yet i guess
How are my proportions off? And what should I do with my facial hair and hair? I am already going to the gym (I'm about 20kg overweight)
damn ur cute/10
4/10, i would rate you below average attractiveness due to your far apart eyes, skin texture and race.

It's not banter, you just got your ego bruised by a random online and you're trying to feel better about it by assuming it's a me issue and not your own. You are unattractive and your attitude makes it worse


Pic rel, if we break your face down into 3 sections you can see how the different proportions leading to an unbalanced look. Men usually have a longer mid face, and your heavy jaw makes it look longer. This is not intrinsically unattractive, it can be very "chad." (as you do have a very defined jaw) it's your smaller forehead space that makes it more noticeable. You have very good facial structure (great size nose as well as a lovely shape, well set eyes, good thick eyebrows and brow bone) with weight loss this will become even more apparent, i think you're going to have some solid cheek bones s and a sharper jawline so enjoy the face gains at lower bf. I think you should keep the more rugged looking stubble, as for hair I'll post a picture to follow up with a recommendation
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I didn't even attach the pic
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You have an oblong face shape and i think a brush up would look great on you
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Just that little bit extra forehead makes a big difference
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Adding extra height to the top of your head adds extra "weight" and helps balance your over all features out. You also look like you have great curls
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have my kids
iris why r u still on here , lol
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you look good but no outstanding features, mtn+, 6
fucked harmony, 4,5 ltn
good nose, rest is average, 5, look kinda old, whats your age?
good lower jaw volume, but that haircut isn't best for you b/c of hairline, 6
weird harmony, 5
hard to tell
the first one, lost bodyfat from face, 5 with potential, kinda reminds me of victor tsoj
4, many small falios, also fat
5 but you will get your niche with that style
i cant see your face features
average face, good psychique, 5 facially, 7 overall
goodlooking but kinda old and creepy at the same, i dont know how i should rate you honestly
good zygos prominence, but you face is all bloated and eye area is bad, 4,5 at this point
4, you look creepy
probably goodlooking guy, htn atleast, 7
i dont know how to rate black women honestly

rate me, also you can guess my age
>ugly mutant autist giving ratings AND criticism
i wanna pinch your cheeks
your gay tattoo fucks your physique
ur in lucky cus theyre up for pinching !

22 maybe

u got discord?

yea i had this pic up a few yrs ago, lots of women liked it but i took it down b/c im not that big anymore.
jess0009 ill b waiting
A lot of you are ridiculously handsome / beautiful. Is this a bait thread
>The World of Bionicle
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

Previous thread: >>>/toy/10955070
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8.5+ 'chad'

I need advice I think pls
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I went to the barber today to try to fix my shit, came out feeling like I was handsome, tried to chat up with a qt3.14 on an anonymous app and she straight up told me I was fucking ugly

also like another 30 women left me on read, some responded though... ig

today was not a good day
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I'm like the guy from the shock top bottle
honest opinions? would rate but i don't want to influence anybody's replies
You might actually be a 10
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Solid facial structure, ivy league vibe - 8/10
I'd change haircuts and glasses - 5/10
wouldn't do the afro lol. - 7/10
new haircut, lose weight - 5/10
hair looks ok but i'd experiment with others, and probably grow some stubble at minimum - 6.5/10
strong foundation, athlete archetype - 8/10.
you want a sarcastic answer like your sarcastic post or can we be honest?
i did that thing where you breathe out air through your nose a little bit
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4lose weight
6 rly nice hair
5.5 ism not sure about hair
6 tan and more muscle

Iam bulking bro my face is not at its best and i think ill grow out my hair long
finngolian eyes
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6. Maybe shave the stache and lose weight




6. Maybe shave the beard


7. Cute


7. Cute

7. Cute


6. Cut the hair a little

Cute asf but need help with that hairline and do some lip plumping exercises 8/10
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Before haircut comparison.
Thanks for the replies.
1. What is the program you're using?
2. Do me, pls.
Honestly I think you look better here, but it’s personal preference desu
I’m a femanon, I want to post a nude here so I can get feedback on how to look better. Like what exercises people would recommend for me, how much weight I should lose, how, etc.

Would I look better with a tan, with a belly button ring or nipple ring, any tattoos, or realistic implants? Are those things even sexy?

But I’m not sure if this is appropriate here since it’s a face thread lol
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I think it’s appropriate
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Alright here we go. Advice please! I want to look sexier.
1. Supermagichappyfuntime
2. Mmkay.
You have rather beautiful breasts, accentuating them with a piercing or two might help. You might want to cut a bit of weight and some cute acessory in your bellybutton might draw additional attention.
I do like girls hairy, but the shave looks good on you.
do cardio to loose 10lbs. weightlift to tone up your legs. don't dress like a harlot either, real men wont treat you like a human

I'm a PT don't listen to these autistic retards telling you to "pierce your nipples" wtf is that about.

if i were you I'd simply jump on a sustainable diet, eat cleaner. cardio 30mins a day or walking 10k steps a day tracked. and 30-45 mins of weights 3 times a week. That's plenty for now.
That's actually very good. Thanks.
dude im a girl and you are actually pretty handsome ngl
Whatever you need to think
yea i agree with >>33151684, piercings, tattoos, etc, they're all just accessories, they won't make you "look better", they're all based on personal taste after all. If you personally find them attractive and getting your nipples pierced will give you a confidence boost then go for it. Otherwise, you'll be subjecting yourself to the taste of random men on the internet

Stick to the simple stuff for now. Exercise, skin care, better diet, get better at doing make up. These are all just daily routines you can pick up whenever you want
it's ridiculous how much your ass and legs can improve just with exercise
Am I cooked? How do I make myself less ugly lol
you have potential
Honest to God if your tits tagged any lower the fat distribution, especially on your face, and the tacky necklace make you look like a grandma in her 60s. Am more interested in the cookies in the oven than the cookies on your chest.
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My face isn’t fat. Pic rel lmao. But yeah, my tits I think are saggy. After I’m finished popping out kids I’m gunna get some implants to perk them up. The necklace is cute as hell though, not giving that up.
Did you get botox? Your face looks like a lot lizard. Abd don't. The tacky earrings already made you look 50-something. Or you can if your self esteem is that low.
No Botox. I use a lot of sunscreen though. All natural lol. I don’t care if you don’t like my jewelry lmao. Style is subjective and I enjoy my earrings. I got 3 compliments yesterday at work with those exact earrings. I think they look cute and so do others.
>I got 3 compliments yesterday at work
And I got compliments on my braces. Doesn't mean it's true.
Haha pathetic
Whatever, gam gam

Also - how old do I look?

Bonus: aim at it with additional generalized impressions/roasts/etc. - and guess the MBTI.
30, lose weight, a lot more than you think. You're not ugly, you're just fat and it bloats your face. Also get rid of your beard.
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i am almost 19 yet i look 15/16 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
don't think that's the best angle for you, prolly a 4.5
5 or 5.5, i like ur vibe going on haha
5, but just clean urself up a lil and u would be a 6
easy 7.5/upwards of 8
hard to say because of the glasses, prolly a 6. u look british
bad angle, but prolly a 6
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I am a very self-conscious robot who last year lost around 75 pounds
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Your head isn’t too broad, you’re looking good anon.
7.5 cute smile
7 good facial features
9 love your makeup
7.5 also good smile

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