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I was hoping OP was golden girl
Wow... nice art~
Alright anons, how is your superhero campaign going? Did your latest session go well? Tell us about it!
I really want to try out FASERIP but I some in my player group are not into superheroes. So I'm contemplating a "fantasy superhero" game with FASERIP kinda like "he man and the masters of the universe" and similar cartoons. Is this a bad idea or would it work?
How about something like Thor (Marvel), Wonder Woman or New Gods (DC)?
Definitely good sources of inspiration, especially the new gods.
It isn't because all my friends want to play dungeon plus dragon instead. I'm thinking maybe of luring them in by creating a villain named Dungeonmaster who invented a portal device that lets him trap the heroes in a pocket dimension that's a labyrinth full of stolen treasures and he's got a robo-dragon in there or something.
I thought you had a gaming group and a long running setting craig? What happened?
How do you create villains for your campaigns other than copying existing villains, and what have your major villains been like?
The beauty of a (good) supers game is that it doubles as a multi-genre system. Want a cyborg cowboy or an alien ninja or a psychic driver? A good system will say "no problem".

Want to do a "fantasy superhero" game? FASERIP should be able to handle it well enough (personally, I dislike it overall, but I know it has its fans, and even I'll admit it has its strengths over other systems).
>How do you create villains for your campaigns
The same way you would create a good hero character. Give them a believable motivation and a fatal flaw to balance them out. A "flaw" could be anything that prevents a character from reaching their goal. From "big ego" to "I'm obsessed with riddles" Personally I like the honorable villain. He could have won a long time a go but he just needed to fight the hero at his strongest.
GG would make for a pretty fun lewd RPG setting
Legit I had the same idea lmao, I was gonna have a villain called The Dungeonmaster who was like a cross between Control Freak, Arcade, Mysterio, and The Riddler. Basically just a fa/tg/uy who is independently wealthy enough that he can turn abandoned warehouses into deadly RPG dungeons he traps heroes in for his amusement. Was gonna be a fun one-off session with some meta gags like combat against a party of adventurers (i.e. robots) who bear a striking resemblance to our party from our Pathfinder game.
Venture Bros helped a lot, a great cheat code for making villains is to come up with a name that can be turned into a pun
>Big Tobacco: scientist for a cigarette company who became a giant plant/pollution creature after a lab accident
>Forecast: Scottish weathermancer whose weaponry is all golf themed
>Insecutor: hired muscle gladiator whose armor resembles a hercules beetle
>Cardinal Sin: demonic zealot with a bird motif

Aside from that, you can go for vibes. Determine if you want a scary villain, a funny villain, a schemer or a bruiser. And failing that you can just steal concepts wholesale from existing media and put your own spin on it. One of my big villains is just a cross between Valerie from Danny Phantom and the Harry Osborn Green Goblin. Think of some of your favorite characters and critically assess what makes them work for you; is it their kit, their designs, their personalities, the ways they interact with heroes, the utility they serve in the story? Once you've figured out what you like, build an original concept around that skeleton.
>"''The Hammer' is my penis."
these are great
especially since Hank is into Secutors
>cause they get to beat up on those gaylords with the nets
>Retiarius, my favorite gladiators!
Post storylines you plan to rip off for your campaigns
>Who Is the Hobgoblin style mystery villain with loads of red herrings and false reveals and decoys
>Charlie Weiderman Molten Man style villain where a gifted nerd is pushed too far and becomes a serious threat instead of learning great power great responsibility
>All This and Gargantua 2 event where a usurper attempts to clean house and overthrow the villain organization with the heroes stuck in the crossfire
>Thunderbolts type story where the government tries to make their own super team out of "reformed" villains
>The Alien Costume style revelation where we find out one character's powers are actually coming from something else (and that something else goes on to become a HUGE problem for the heroes)
Cardinal Sin is fucking genius.
The pun method also works for making heroes!
>Chemeleon: chemistry student attempting to crack the secret to transmutational alchemy is transformed into a lizard girl in a lab accident, gains the ability to alter the chemical properties of anything she touches like an inverse Absorbing Man crossed with a bit of Gambit
>Pistol Shrimp: marine biologist who develops a shrink suit so that he can more closely study algae and oceanic microbiomes, ends up fighting eco-terrorists and pirates using gauntlets that fire targeted shock waves
>Kayfabe: pro wrestler with illusion powers (catchphrase is "YOU CAN'T BREAK KAYFABE!")
>Praying Mantis: a kindly priest who was bitten by a radioactive mantis and transformed into a monstrous bug creature; rather than despairing and turning to a life of villainy, he finds solace in his faith and defends the innocent
>Radical: a radioactive extreme sports enthusiast, uses outdated slang, is a notorious corporate shill/sell-out
>Judge, Jury, and Executioner: trio of humorless lawful-good heroes, Judge is the leader and wields a mighty gavel, Jury can create up to 12 copies of himself, Executioner is a silent masked brute with electric powers
It's fun making superheroes/villains and just populating the world with them, imagining all the spotlight episodes where they get introduced and have a little adventure with the party.
We're giving a new supers setting layer for Genesys a try. Well, it's not new new, but we just found it so it's new to us. The rules are a bit...iffy, if you go all in on super strength you can do 20 damage unarmed, with Crit 1, and Breach 5. And defenses do not keep pace, it's hard to not be a glass cannon. But, we'll see how it goes, and if it fails maybe I can drag these fools back to M&M.
>Praying Mantis: a kindly priest who was bitten by a radioactive mantis and transformed into a monstrous bug creature; rather than despairing and turning to a life of villainy, he finds solace in his faith and defends the innocent

Reminds me of the Canterbury Cricket.
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Say a bunch of heroes and villains all get their powers from a specific event, which causes their abilities to all be themed after one of the elements, like in what I'm planning. There's a few obvious powers that they can have beyond just shooting their element at people, like a Water villain being able to transform into a water form and back, or a Fire hero being able to use their fire to propel themselves like a rocket and fly (or an Air hero doing something similar with air currents and gliding), but what are some more subtle or symbolic ways that these elemental superpowers might manifest in heroes or villains? Or even in morally neutral superhumans.
A water elemental with the power to make everything they touch slightly damp
is there a supers game with half-decent grid-based combat? or would I be better off hacking up 4e?
>air elemental can create chambers of silence, create thunderwaves/sonic booms, cause rapid oxydization of metal, pull air out of people's lungs
>ice elemental can reduce the level of energy built up in anything he touches
>fire elemental can increase the level of energy built up in anything he touches
>rock elemental can change the density of things he touches, control particulate matter, charge ferrous surfaces and create magnets
I've always played M&M3e on a grid to make keeping track of areas of effect easier, but using a grid is totally optional in that system. Frankly, I'd be wary of a superhero system that uses a D&D-like grid battle with zones of control because of how important mobility is to certain superhero archetypes. A speedster for example would be totally useless in a system with attacks of opportunity unless very carefully built.
Does anybody who plays Prowlers and Paragons have any tips for using a mat? I know a lot of that game is designed to be theater of the mind, but my table likes using mats and minis to help visualize things. Figured I'd just give everyone Close Range movement each turn unless otherwise stated.
These are great ideas, thanks! What about for Light or Darkness elemental heroes or villains? Besides Cloak and Dagger from Marvel, my best inspiration sources for non-obvious powers are two Devil Fruits from One Piece.
>light wielder can make hard light constructs, cause objects or surfaces to glow, cast scorching ray, change the wavelength of light sources to incur different effects, bend light around objects to turn them invisible
>dark wielder can create pockets of obscuring darkness, manipilate shadows as though he were manipulating the thing casting the shadow, turn shadows solid? see while blind, afflict others with blindness, sap energy from power sources, and generate illusions around objects to alter their appearance
These are a great start, thanks! I especially like the wavelength idea for Light and the Darkness one of draining energy. How about a Light super than can charge up other powers, or a Dark super that can create shadowy doppelgangers of others, powers and all?
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>Heroclix night
>play an improvised Superman/robot deck
>look at this guy? playing his DC warner brothers team so weird
>game start, so enemy can pick up a team ability to do extra damage to it
>I pick up your Batman team ability or what ever this guy is called?

I guess that is why DC is so irrelevant
Ah I hadn't even considered the "shadow = duplicate" angle, that's ripe with potential too
Is Heroclix fun? I remember hearing about it when I was way younger but I never got into it. The idea of a miniatures game where you can be like "okay so Superman, Hulkbuster Iron Man, and Daphne from Scooby-Doo move into attack position" sounds like exactly my kind of retarded.
my god damn players keep having sex and getting pregnant
The rule I typically use is whatever trait you're using for movement, divide its rank by 2 and round up, and that's the number of tiles you can move in a page. Close range is 2 tiles, Distant is up to 8. You may wish to vary these depending on the location or the needs of your game.
what are you trying to communicate?
What's a good rules lite system for a campy silver age one shot? Like, Sharkboy and Lavagirl-tier camp.
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That sounds awesome and I was considering the same thing just last year.
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Players, not PCs? Hand out free condoms and contraceptives at your sessions.

>captcha: S8XS
I would say Fate is pretty underrated as a supers system. It even lets you use tropes and genre conventions as game play elements. Like spending a fate point to invoke the "villainous monologue" aspect or create a stunt that lets you use weird gadgets like shark repellent. In my experience it works well for one shots.
Oh ho, sounds like you have a cool idea there, mind sharing with the rest of the class?
Ah not really, but there's some stuff you could prolly do with it
>creates shadow clones of enemies
>creates shadow clones of himself
>can mimic the powers and abilities of enemies
What’s your opinion on alien species that naturally look pretty close to human in supers settings?
If it worked for Superman, it'll work for you.
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Acceptable for more "kitchen sink" type settings where everything goes. Which is to say most DC/Marvel type superhero settings. I'm also partial to long lost human sub species trope. Like the inhumans and Eternals.
You mean that DC is only Batman or Superman?
Nice! What about other Light powers that a hero or villain could use? Like maybe X-Ray Vision, since X-Rays are a form of light?
Does anyone here have any experience running MASKS? I really like the whole "interpersonal drama between teammates" shtick it has going for it, since most team based superhero media is primarily based around it. I'm just worried that there isn't enough going on rules wise for long term play considering it's PBtA.
How does MHA rate as a supers setting, and what system works best for it?
>How does MHA rate as a supers setting, and what system works best for it?
it is fine, some of it is downright retarded but the whole thing works fine.
>what system works best for it?
I would say "Big eyes small mouth" or maybe "Silver Age Sentinels" which is basically BESM for superheroes.
Prowlers, the same as all settings.
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Fun is always suggestive, I think so in some aspects, im going to play after all, but that will depend what do you think it is fun in this kind of games.
The game got a lot of rule change in the past 3 years, to make it faster and be more action pack.
A lot of the figures have powers that are thematic, and that make it fun to me... but then you have the issue of the Meta pieces being absurdly strong. Like the damn King kong, that figure scares me. But if you are not a meta crazy freak, there are tons of cheap figures.

What kind of games do you think are fun?
You mean subjective?
what do you mean probably? why did you use a word if you didn't know what it meant?
subjective was my intent.

But maybe in a weird way, Fun is suggestive. everybody telling you it is fun until you belive it
>some of it is downright retarded
Like what exactly?
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I want to make a few factions of heroes and villains in my supers setting who draw their powers from a pact they’ve made with either the force of Order or the force of Chaos, a bit like Doctor Fate or Klarion in DC, though with more emphasis on how those on either side can be good or evil, hence the multiple factions for each force. Is this workable, and what are some good abilities for both Order and Chaos supers besides crystal generation for Order and mutations for Chaos?
What does workable mean? Be specific.
decent brothers from a lineage of demons and angels.
but the one with powers of darkness is zealous, light hearted and optimistic
the other with powers of light, is aggressive, bad-tempered and harsh.
Is it something that players would be invested in, without them always making the Order characters heroes and the Chaos characters villains?
How could I possibly know what your players will find interesting?
I meant more hypothetically, could you see players being interested? And then there’s the ideas for powers, of course.
Awakened Age, or something else?
I'll look into it, but I realize the example might have been throwing off the idea of the game. I'm thinking more The Tick, but played straight. Zany but mired in superhero conventions.
Champions /HERO system, it's hex based not square though.
>I'll look into it, but I realize the example might have been throwing off the idea of the game
My point still stands, it's a pretty good rules light narativist RPG which seems like what you are looking for. The system is also free.
There isn't any such thing as hypothetically. Each person is different and has different interests. Ask your players.
Use prowlers and paragons.
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Anyone here familiar with Sentinel Comics?
Fair enough. Got any ideas for Order or Chaos powers besides the blatantly obvious then?
Stop bumping the thread with pointless questions. I told you to ask your players. DO NOT REPLY TO ME AGAIN.
What makes Prowlers the go-to option?
It's kind of trash. The setting doesn't make much sense at all. The story and characters are shit, but the existence of a spin off manga that completely moggs the main manga shows that you can still have a good story and characters in the setting.
>Massive, artificially bloated hero "industry" with infinite resources exists.
>97% of the population has powers. Using your powers in public is illegal. Using your powers in any sort of business capacity is illegal.
>UNLESS you went to hero school and got a hero license. You don't even have to do hero shit with it, you could have just done it to get the license so you can use your powers as a pop idol or run a laundromat chain or whatever.
Their society is corrupt and retarded in very obvious ways, and this is even acknowledged later on by an antagonist group. You can sort of see the in universe justifications if you squint, of a society clinging to the old status quo at all costs despite the fact the the world has clearly changed, but still. Actually reading it you can tell that it was never meant to make sense and is just there to justify the action scenes.
When is the hero industry stated to have infinite resources?
Why is it dumb for potentially dangerous powers to require licensing?
What is retarded about the society?
I don't mean literally infinite. But just look at the sheer excess that just one of the hero academies have access to, as well as the exams. They can build entire cities for the sole purpose of demolishing them during training or tests.

It isn't, but the exams you have to take often have nothing to do with what you could actually be using your powers for. Things like combat or search and rescue are useless to people wanting to use their powers in a more mundane way. And safety is only part of it. The other part is protecting pre-power businesses and promoting equal opportunity between people that aren't equal anymore. You can't hire super strength people to do physical labor, because that's discrimination and the heckin corporations selling forklifts or construction vehicles or whatever tool you're replacing with powers need their money too. I get that they don't want to devolve into some kind of powers based caste system, but their current level of regulation is insane.

It's a canonically corrupt house of cards. It starts to crumble the moment All Might retires. There are way more heroes than are actually required, and they're only in it for fame or money. They all leave the moment actual heroes are needed. Many people turn to villainy because of the previously mentioned regulations. To a lesser extent the villain side is all propped up by one guy too. Once he's gone the heroes will have even less reason to exist.
In other words, everything about the setting is good.
Teleport, increased luck, give enemies bad luck, stretching, shapshifting, explosions. The ability to summon and control things relating to savagery and the breakdown of civilization, like summoning or controlling animals, causing plants to sprout, making normal animals and plants become monstrous versions, making people go berserk, making technology fail.
Ways to imprison people (barriers, summoned chains, paralytic touch), luck control flavored as removing luck and forcing average results to always happen, hypnosys and mind control (brainwashing but maybe without mind reading). The ability to summon and control things relating to civilization, like summoning temporary buildings, or at last walls, controlling paper, glass, concrete, rubber and other materials. Computer or technology control.
In my home setting, humanity really is made in the image of God. So are most alien species. We're not that special.
That, and one of the oldest species who also looked a lot like humans went on a collective mental break and decided to seed as many star system as possible with hidden probes to make sure that when a planet started having life, one species would be selected and modified to have genes like theirs. Which is why species from galaxies apart are somehow sexually compatible and capable of interbreeding.
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So you are magical realm-building for a coomgame you'll never actually play?
I am legitimately intrigued as this relevant to my interests, please tell me more.

Here was someone trying to get MHRP/Cortex Prime to fit it.
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How do regular people view superpowers ones in general in your setting?
Stop replying to him.
I told you to stop posting inane questions. Final warning.
Post your own questions then, or contribute in any way that isn't wining.
Fuck you, you're not my boss.

Depends on the person. In general the first supers made sure to pattern themselves after comic book heroes in order to generate positive feelings and trust from the common people and it has worked.

It is a setting we actually play, it's not a coomgame, it is just a detail explaining why a kryptonian-like alien can have a child with his reporter wife.
Generally the superhumans are pretty well off but their position is shaky. What that means is that they are well respected and even have a degree of legal authority but only if they register with the "Hero Code Authority" A kind of self regulation body for superheroes. Anyone who doesn't register is seen as a dangerous loose canon. And there's an idea that the world is only a couple big incidents away from people deciding to fear and hate supers like they did before.
You will do as you are told or die.
Don't EVER talk back to me.
Yeah. Game's pretty good. I wish the company was a little better about getting material out for it.
So, are you just being a prissy little bitch in the hopes of killing the thread?
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Also, to keep the thread alive, anyone wants to cooperate in doing a thing?

How about picking >>92804456 or >>92821666, a random number, and everybody contributes a hero, villain or team in that mini setting until we have that many NPCs for it?

If anyone wants to participate, first we vote:
>1. Setting where all supers have powers relating to one element between, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light or Darkness. One or two powers per super, preferably subtle or symbolic powers.
>2. Two factions, Order and Chaos, both have villains and heroes.

If anyone else has an idea or area you need to fill with NPCs we can add to the next round.
>>2. Two factions, Order and Chaos, both have villains and heroes.
Honestly a much better idea overall, because you have more themes to work with than "fire users are impulsive" and other elemental stereotypes.
Won't work. They're Catholic.
Better just stick to butt stuff, then.
Final warning.
What's the point? No one here is ever going to run a game.
damn, thats a perfect female body
assuming she has dumptruck cheeks of course
Work on your art.

I would have figured AGI builds with maximum breast size would be a common thing in those games.
What are some good resources for putting dinosaurs in your games?

I played powers unlimited so Dinosaur Swamp was a good resource for me but what do players of other systems do?
I don't understand what you mean by resources? If I want dinosaurs in the game, I put dinosaurs in the game.
No games here, but I have imagined plenty of arch nemesises/villains for characters in a donut steel super hero setting and City of Heroes and usually my method for many villains is starting to make a sort of mirror and opposite from the hero as sort of the easiest with varying levels of that.

>Bulletproof is a non-flying brick type vigilante hero in a world with tight super powered regulations and governments who normally conscript metahumans as their pawns in political games (alt cold war era)
>His two major enemies are Patriot Perfect, who is basically Homelander working for J Edgar Hoover and Senator MacArthy and basically a 'hero' who prioritizes upholding the will of those in power than protecting the innocent. His other counterpart is uncreatively called Nemesis, in that he too was a vigilante hero like Bulletproof but the scorn and constant hunting from the government and people he was trying to help wore out his idealism and now he just fights for his own personal interests.

>In city of heroes, my old main was a samurai.
>So all the enemies I gave him in Mission Architect were usually enemy swordsmen of some type or style. (Tsoo, Knives of Artemis, Rikti Chief Soldier, etc.)

Then sometimes I just make up somewhat comical shit or make a reference:
>Maxwell Edison is basically a villainous Cleric who heals fellow evildoers but prefers smashing people to death with his giant silver hammer.
>Professor Anne Victori is a mad scientist with reality warping powers to make old/disproven scientific concepts work for her. Minorities avoid approaching her or she will use phreenology to literally make you spontaneously stupid. She will fuck up your humors, and set fire to things by injecting it with phlogiston from her secret bases in low air pockets on the moon or in the center of the earth. It may or may not be possible to temporarily cure her madness by bringing her to an orgasm.
I pull two or more random heroes / villains from SotM and change / combine / make a team out of them (any or all of these)
What are generally seen as the lamest superpowers? Doesn't matter whether or not they are actually powerful (with enough creativity anything can be useful).
- Shrinking
- Stretching
- etc
creating bubblegum
Do you prefer Marvel or DC as a supers setting? I like DC a bit more myself, but it's close.
threads autosage in seven days. why do you bother?
Trying to keep the thread alive until it autosages. Then make a new one when this one goes off the board. So the general keeps existing. Obviously.
Maybe he really likes superhero games and hopes that if the general exists for a while maybe it will start attracting more people.
Either that, or you subscribe to the idea that there's just one bumpfag who likes to keep as many threads alive for as long as he can for dark and mysterious reasons (Autism)
Well, I don't think it's gonna be much of a game if it's just two of us. Still, if you want to work on NPC ideas I'm game.
I'll try to do one for each faction. Start with the easy ones.
>Destined King. A direct descendant of the royal line of [redacted], a country that doesn't have royals anymore. Contracted with the Avatar of Order in order to bring back the dinasty, with himself at the head. A villain in the eyes of most people, except for himself and a few other revolutionaires. He has hypnosys, and a full suit of enhanced attributes (super strenght, agility, etc.). Considers being granted powers a proof of his divine right to rule. After failed attempts to take control of key government members and take power from the shadows, he has been reduced to trying to get money to hire mercenaries for a revolution. Robs banks in USA and other countries and sometimes works as a mercenary.
>Freedom Fighter. An american patriot hero, the type whose costume is inspired by the flag. Pacted with THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM. Or the Avatar of Chaos to use his more common name. Freedom Fighter has the basic peak human package, and the ability to bring freedom with a touch. He can break mind control, unlock things, undo knots, all just with a touch. That means he's also immune to those things, he cannot be stopped, contained, or controlled unless he allows it. Is not in fact a soldier, though he wanted to be, but couldn't join the army for health reasons. Now that he has the perfect ohysical abilities, strangely, he doesn't see the appeal of joining such a regimented intitution. He doesn't realize the connection.
>Mad Bomber
A political extremist who believes the technological civilization was a mistake, Mad bomber is willing to use any means to his ends, which is something he can literally do because is meta power allows him to turn any object into a bomb and set a "timer" on it, that includes people. Typically targets government buildings and high tech corporations.
A harsh "fire and brimstone" kind of persecuting attorney who put many a gangster behind bars, he was assassinated by a goon working for one of the major crime families in an attempt to stop him. However he was brought back by an ancient spirit of Order looking for an avatar on the human plane. On that day Judgment was born, wearing the mantle and powdered wig and other stereotypical judge attire with a domino mask he charges into battle wielding an oversized hammer. With powers of godlike might, speed, durability and flight as well as the uncanny ability to make his enemies feel extreme guilt and terror through the use of his "Judgement gaze" There's a catch however, if he lets go of his hammer for more than a minute he reverts to his regular human form.
dead thread dead genre
Thanks for the BUMP friendo!
won't make your shit games any less dead, faggot :)
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Any superhero-themed actual plays people are watching?
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Heroclix is dead and this point is for collectors. Mastermind and Mutants used to be big too.
Just for fun I want to stat Judgement using Advanced FASERIP's point based character creation:

Hero Type: Transformed

Points: 23


points: 4
Specialties: Law
Contacts: GR
Fame: DE
Wealth: AV

Damage immunity-FA
Super Speed-WC
Emotion Control (sadness) Flaw: Single emotion-FA
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dead thread dead genre
it stayed up for a week, so you can't say it's that dead
dead thread dead genre

So then how do you decide what kind of stats to put for the dinosaurs? Strength, hip points, etc. Unless you're some weirdo who goes for a 'cinematic narration' system.
>cinematic narration
And there's nothing wrong with that.
>So then how do you decide what kind of stats to put for the dinosaurs?
Generally look up Dinosaurs you want in your game and stat them using your system of choice. Or create a couple of stat blocks to represent "flying dinosaurs" and "big dinosaurs" etc. if your group really doesn't care about the difference between a spinosaurus and a T-rex.
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small dino : threat level 4d
medium dino : threat level 8d
big dino : threat level 12d
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why are you spamming images? that's against the rules.
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Bump limit of one week is reached. So i thought to fill the thread with a farewell picture posting.
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Oh, what bad resolution that pic had!
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Abuse your janny powers to delete his images, anon!
I only just recently put the pieces together that Sentinel Comics RPG is by the same brains that made the card game Sentinels of the Multiverse. It explains the matching art style.

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