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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #540

Meds Edition.

Previous Thread: >>92648937

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/
Manual Sims:

>TCG Event Streaming

>Alternative Formats
Time Wizard Formats Reference:https://www.formatlibrary.com/

>Useful Links
Current Official Rulebook:https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:https://yugioh.party/
Stock Market:https://yugiohprices.com/
For boomers:https://www.pojo.biz/board/forumdisplay.php?f=10


>News Sites

>Upcoming Releases
●The Infinite Forbidden (Apr 27)
●Duelist Pack: Duelists of Brilliance (May 25)
●TACTICAL-TRY DECK Adelantado: Eldlich (Jun 8)
●TACTICAL-TRY DECK Doomsday Assault Cyber Dragon (Jun 8)
●TACTICAL-TRY DECK The Phantom Thief Duo: EvilTwin (Jun 8)
●Animation Chronicle 2024 (Jun 22)
●Rage of the Abyss (Jul 27)

●Legacy of Destruction (Apr 26)
●25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II (May 24)
●Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge (June 21)
●The Infinite Forbidden (Jul 19)
●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 20)

TQ: What's your favorite monster of each type?
Actual previous thread: >>92731404.
Magic players have agreed upon power levels for their decks. How come Yugioh players use busted ass shit?
goat format
edison format
hat format
We generally have those types of things segmented based on time. Problem is that something like that isn't really feasible. I've brought up the idea in previous threads of using a DP system similar to Duelist of the Roses by pooling statistics from Master Duel, but that would require Konami to invest time into that sort of thing (unless there's an accessible API to fetch that information ourselves). The basic result would be a smogon-type system on a card-by-card basis.
>Problem is that something like that isn't really feasible
* as in, something like you're describing, not the Time Wizard system we have in place.
They should unban Mystic Mine, but you have to show proof of receiving social security payments to be legally allowed to use it.
I remember Trinity format having some point-based deck construction system on top of its other custom rules and people seem to still be playing it, so that might be worth looking at for ideas developing such a system.
What more recent historical formats are ripe for this treatment? TOSS? I feel like there's probably some Link era historical format that went underexplored Edison style and is secretly goated, but more modern stuff requires much more work to get into than Edison and Goat
Problem with Trinity's point system for me is just that it needs to specifically be curated by their community. I also just don't care much for Trinity. I get why it happened, but any format where a Witchcrafter monster (Aruru) ends up on the limited list isn't really a format I'm interested in investing in.

Personally I'd rather have it so that it pools live data from Master Duel that updates every month or so, so that you could afford to run the format with an extremely lax forbidden list. If you based it on raw user data and weighted it based on a card's banlist status (higher points based on forbidden/limited status), the format would naturally sort itself out. Unfortunately that'd require access to said user data, so it's nothing more than a pipe dream.
I haven't played in years
What are these formats?
That is exclusive to EDH, which isn't real Magic the Gathering.

Fucking Rule 0 is literally the most tiresome concept anyone ever came up with.
Magic also has Hatsune Miku, Street Fighter and DEI Lord of the Rings collabs. Corny ass game
They're historical formats based on different points in the game's lifetime.

>GOAT format
Scapegoat format which features everything from before the introduction of Cyber Dragons. "Duel Monsters anime"-era of the game
>Reaper format
Not mentioned in that post but everything after Cyber Dragons were released but before Synchro monsters hit the scene, characterized in particular by Spirit Reaper's introduction. Roughly the "GX-era" of the game
>Edison format
Start of the synchro era, roughly the 5Ds era of the game
This was a short-lived period during the Xyz era that, as the name would imply, was dominated by Hands (Fire/Ice Hand)/Artifact (the archetype of monsters)/Traptrix (Traptrix).

Most people will beeline for GOAT or Edison, but HAT is honestly the best to run out of all of those. The game went through a LOT of growing pains and awkward teen years to get to a point where the gameplay doesn't feel like total ass, and those growing pains end around HAT in my opinion. Stuff was still kinda awkwardly designed around that time, but it was still nicer than everything that preceded it.
My friends hate GOAT because it it apparently braindead with large beatsticks.
I don't like anything with new cards Synchros etc.
Reaper sounds like a good sweet spot.
Yu-gi-oh decks get Legacy Support every few years where an old deck gets new monsters or retrained monsters which help out the archtype. This support can be anywhere from a new cornerstone to a new set of cards that make the deck play a completely new way entirely. Magic is very consistent with their support in commander. Usually, MTG come out with slightly altered versions of cards, like a new sac outlet, new board wipe that costs more than another that does the same thing, or a card that cycles on top of doing something an older card does. You can also only play 1 copy each in your commander deck. Because of this, the decks don't change as drastically as YGO decks do. For an MTG player, YGO's Legacy Support is closer to Legends Retold but you get 3-6 copies of each card for your deck. So YGO decks end up in this weird place where they're too updated to be casual, and still too weak to be meta. And everyone ends up building their deck to the best possible build so they can play it to the fullest.

>Rule 0 is literally the most tiresome concept anyone ever came up with.

Rule zero in YGO is this for me.
>Hey I'm playing this OCG card is that cool?
>Hey I'm playing Red-eyes, but its the meme unga bunga version and doesn't have dragoon
>I'm not playing hand traps

But in MTG it does get weird because a lot of MTG players have trouble socially and can't read a room. I've had one guy come to a table with Stax (20+floodgates.dek) before with my friend group. He didn't tell anyone what he was playing and just nodded when we explained our decks. He ran out of our LGS pissed because everyone targeted him with their removal and attacks, making him lose first.
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>I don't like anything with new cards Synchros etc.
lil bro doesn't know how to add two numbers together
>I don't like depth
We get it bro
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Been a magic player for like a decade. Learned to play Yugioh through Pendulum Magicians on MD. Was thinking of building it in paper for fun but then Baronne and Savage got banned.

What do i replace them with?
Do you have access to high level dragons and a tuner that equals out to 10? If so.

Psyframelord omega and bystial dis patir
>i have dragons
psy-framelord omega and bystial dis pater
>i have WATER monsters that I can put in the GY
Icejade Gymir Aegirine and Adamancipator Dragite (the latter is why you need the WATER monster in the GY)

Tuners are Harmonizing mainly. I have a one of Tuning magician and the Ash Blossoms but adding up to big number is difficult with the current build. Making 10 before for Barronne was Harmonizing into special Oafdragon. Harmonizing into any of the other magicians got me into Borrel.

Only dragon in the board is Supreme King Starving Venom which i think is TCG banned. I've got paths to generic 8s and 10s for synchro plays and rank 4s for Xyz.
Does it need to be Level 8 and 10s specifically? Because you could always go into Clear/Crystal Wing instead. You could use some combination of Jet/Assault/Revolution Synchron to open up your synchro options.
at least one of those eight new cards gotta be half decent, right?
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I am a simple yugiboomer.
Game was fine as it was and you could play normally with your opponent.
edison is way more fun than goat, until trish synchros were fine.
splash dracoslayers and loop ingister prominence with princess and zealantis, or just play timepend control; pendulum witch really enables that strategy too.
pend magicians really need to be played as pure as possible for consistency, run the supreme gate stuff to quick synchro into the lvl 8 guy on your opponents turn and maybe back it up with the time pendulumgraph + i:p interaction for extra disruption. going second you can summon gate magician off harm for easy psychic end punisher otks
>I've brought up the idea in previous threads of using a DP system similar to Duelist of the Roses by pooling statistics from Master Duel, but that would require Konami to invest time into that sort of thing (unless there's an accessible API to fetch that information ourselves).
I have speculated on something like this before, though I don't think Master Duel would be the best thanks to a ton of stuff being underrepresented. What I though up was a slightly modified formula:
((ATK + (DEF/2)) * 0.01) + (10 * the number of effects a card has) + (10 * era the card was first released in) + Banlist status

Era was roughly split down on segments of the anime, for example:
Early DM would be 1
Middle DM would be 2
Late DM would be 3
Early GX would be 4

Banlist status is a flat point value based on how far it goes down this list:
Was once Semi-Limited (+10?)
Was once Limited (+20?)
Was once Banned (+40?)
Is currently Semi-Limited (+80?)
Is currently Limited (+160?)
Is currently Banned (+320?)

You handle spells and traps by replacing the ATK/DEF formula with the type of spell/trap they are.

This may overtune some cards like Mystic Potato, but I those cases you could probably fix them by marking them as an earlier era card.

It could theoretically be automated for the first run-through with no Potato type adjustments, but I don't know how you'd set that all up.
is Edison as strategic as Goat? I played Goat Control mirrors years ago with a friend online and it was very strategic, probably the most strategic TCG I've ever played
yes and no. there's more importance placed on card knowledge in edison because there's a lot more viable strategies, so being able to intuit your opponent's goals and deducing their moves from there is harder than it is in goat. but the games can be a bit more explosive due to the more accessible extra deck. if you're coming from goat control id look into decks like quickdraw dandy-warrior or frogs for a similar gameplay style.
thanks. those are actually the two decks I was thinking of choosing between
np, happy dueling
>The game was fine before synchros when you could play the game with your opponent
>So anyway, I activate Delinquent Duo for the third time off of all the draws I daisychained from Pot of Greed + Graceful Charity
>So anyway, after resolving the effect of Chaos Emperor Dragon, I Normal Summon Yatagaratsu
>So anyway, (...)
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I am also a yugiboomer. What you want is +1 yugioh. So any format before Duelist alliance, or 2014 will do well with you regardless if it has Syncrhos or XYZ in it. Its all playing around mirror force, torrential, and so on. This was also the last year before they got rid of the first turn draw. Only a few decks Try building multiple decks off of format library and tell your friends to do the same, most decks can play in any format within 2 years of it's own with little to now issue.
I think Blue-Eyes might be tournament ready now bro. We gonna sack Snake-Eye on game night
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So are any of the old, pre-2010 YGO card foils worth anything these days? Just found my old stack of them
that blue eyes ultimate would have been $200-300 if you kept it mint
I think it was Battle Pack 3 that tried to create a draft format, but with the bonus rule that every monster was every monster type. How crazy with custom rules would you have to get to make drafting with regular packs work? Would making every archetypal card count for every other archetype lead to semi viable decks, or would it still lead to unplayable decks in a draft?
Its NM as far as I can tell
looks LP at best to me, but you can try your luck. just google the set codes for prices
its less effort and more fun to just build a cube and dradt that.
That requires a lot of prep from a single person to make their autism cube, and generally only works with a friend group. Meanwhile having a set ruleset and just picking up packs works anywhere. Plus Normal Summon Refrain, search Ancient Gear Commander sounds a lot funnier.
You'd need an omni-Type/Attribute/Archetype as a rule and have everyone start with certain cards like Polymerization, Ritual Spells and Tuners or have a out-of-game non-card action serve as a placeholder for those things (e.g. You start with 3 Summoning Power, gain 1 every turn and can spend 1 at a time to meet the requirements of [Can Fusion/Ritual Summon/Have Level 0 Tuner]).
>That requires a lot of prep from a single person to make their autism cube
designing a ruleset that makes a fun draft experience out of modern packs is way more prep than building a cube. i built one for my lgs before covid and we still play with it to this day. obviously we make modifications every week but thats part of the fun.
>generally only works with a friend group
you really think that you'll have a better chance getting strangers to learn a bunch of new rules and then spend money on packs over just drafting a cube and playing with the rules that they already know?
>Plus Normal Summon Refrain, search Ancient Gear Commander sounds a lot funnier.
sure it sounds funnier, but is much less fun to play.
That would certainly raise the powerlevel of every drafted deck, but I'm not sure that is actually needed for most packs, except maybe Poly. Legacy of destruction only had 1 ritual monster. Tuners would depend on the ratio of the packs, but you could just as easily leave that to the draft and if people want to synchro, they should prioritize drafting tuners. I think just the base rule of every Archetype is part of every archetype would lead to a lot of special summoning and searching but maybe not a lot of extra deck summoning for the payoff. Which could be a cool meta in its own way.
reprint substitoad as a secret rare
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ok I asked a bit around and nobody replied. Any tips for this deck? I came back to the game recently
TOSS is not fun. It's beloved because the metagame was wide, and it was way better than so many previous formats, but the actual matchups between the top tecks are incredibly un-fun gameplay wise.

I think that the best new format would be Duelist Alliance, with maybe a slightly modified banlist to power down shadols.
Melodious is a very strong sorta-pendulum deck
full power fusion sub nordin zoo mirrors are fun
this. people only liked TOSS because it came after a year and a half of the worst formats possible.
Speed Duel needs Metamorphosis. A reprinting of that in even just Super Rare would be amazing.
>TQ: What's your favorite monster of each type?
ok, but just legal types, here goes:

Junk Synchron
Maha Vailo
Mokey Mokey
Lava Golem
Skull Servant and the rest of his family
Quickdraw Synchron
Penguin Knight or Nopenguin
Tie between Charcoal Inpachi & Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi
Morphing Jar #2
>Winged Beast
Shinobaron Peacock
Man-Eater Bug
The Creator
Five-Headed Dragon
Ojama Green or Treasure Panda
Manticore of Darkness
Tyranno Infinity
Nimble Angler
>Sea Serpent
Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus
Worm Zero
Ultimate Axon Kicker
>Creator God
Can't decide
Metaphys Ragnarok
Final Sigma
Chimera, I guess
how popular is edison right now, compared to goat? i see a lot of edison content popping up on youtube. been out of the game for a while, so i have no idea
I liked toss because it was the time I could semi viable play rokkets as they were intended
I'd say Edison is close to it and on track to surpass Goat, but the years of Goat being the only well-known alternate format has more people aware of it which is keeping it in the lead. However, those years of knowledge mean that Goat has much less potential to grow because the card pool is pretty strongly explored while Edison's significantly larger pool still has new things being discovered in it. Currently building a deck that operates around a Vanilla Dark Level 8 draw engine that was discovered recently.
I remember that one from way back, if it's the same Cosmo Queen-Trade-In-Allure of Darkness one.
/dng/ would be a better place to ask. You'd have to do it when the place isn't having a meltdown though.
>You'd have to do it when the place isn't having a meltdown though.
or when it's not guzzling tripfag cum
Normally I'd be fine giving pointers on decks, but I don't have much insight on Ancient Gear. A lot of builds commonly run Ancient Gear Box and miniature scrap engine, maybe some Vernusylph stuff for consistency, but otherwise the rest of the deck is foreign territory for me.
run 2 terraforming. see if anyone notices
Oh no, it got bigger because it turned out there's a ton more that can be worked with, to the point I'd almost call it a strategy, but at the same time it doesn't fill a whole deck on its own and doesn't eat your normal summon to use.
>Monsters (6)
3 Cosmo Queen
3 Tri-Horned Dragon
>Spells (12)
3 Trade-In
1 Allure of Darkness
3 Summoner's Art
3 Magic Planter
2 Advance Draw
>Traps (9)
1 Call of the Haunted
3 Common Charity
3 Escape from the Dark Dimension
2 Soul Resurrection

The rough concept of it is that Summoner's Art can get Cosmo Queen or Tri-Horned to hand in order for you to go for one of two lines:
Use either Allure of Darkness or Common Charity to get those draw 2s, then you can use Escape from the Dark Dimension to special summon them from banished to get a large beatstick. Then, you use Advance Draw on the Cosmo Queen or Tri-Horned Dragon to draw 2, which keeps the Escape from the Dark Dimension around because Advance Draw tributes rather than destroys. Then Escape from the Dark Dimension can be sent away with Magic Planter for an additional Draw 2.
>To Grave
Use Trade in to draw two cards and then use either Call of the Haunted or Soul Resurrections to special summon the monster you used Trade-In back to the field. You can then use the Advance Draw - Magic Planter combo on the Soul Resurrections or Call of the Haunted

Much of the setup is also compatible with a lot of Level 8 dark monsters and the banishing plays into Return from the Different Dimension. There is admittedly a chance of bricking and the reliance on traps means that its staged over a couple turns, but if you notice, it doesn't use your Normal Summon (though Card Trooper is an option for even more draw power) and you do still have a decent amount of room for additional stuff because the level of draw power means that you can go a bit past 40 cards without issue.
This is nice, I like it. Good brainthink stuff you're doing with your noodle.
>Card Trooper
Made a mistake. Meant Vortex Trooper here.
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There's a few ways to do this, but the main thing to point out is that Ancient Gears is very good at going second but having the multiples in the fusion monsters dont gain a huge advantage except going in for the kill, and someone who knows AG will know have you go first in game 2/3

Here's a few things to point out for tech/ratios

Best machine extender and insolate a lot of plays with an omni-negate
Mainly as an earth machine extender that helps chain blocks your normal summons
>Ancient Gear Box
Still good to add (by balista, Dark Golem or Gigant X) to grab commander, AG Gear Frame or an Anchor Drill, but it's still a garnet
>3 AG Advance, Catapult
These are generally your combo starter from wyvern, you really need the third set going first or second
>1 AG Duel
This is mainly to close games for an OTK, still great but not worth more than 2 in a deck
>2 Urgent schedule
The new AG support doesn't allow you to set cards, so getting a 3rd copy can be bricky but can be sided out
>No terraforming
Geartown is an extender/combo piece, not a starter, it's only good if it get's popped
>2 Dark Golems, 1 OG Golem
This is a preference, but the way commander is designed, you can dump an OG golem from the deck and helps extend to a free body
>2 Statue
This is preference, while I think it's great card (when it comes out in the future), it's only good going second really

Here's some tech you can place in your extra deck

>Merry Maker + Gigantic "Champion" Sargas to get Regulus (also you can use sargas to bounce advance to the hand for followup)
>Traptrix Rafflesia and Gravediggers Trap Hole can be used to play around nib.
>Gear Gigant X to add box if balista was used earlier
>Bagooska for a stall card
>Photon Lord for a monster negate, got a reprint recently
>Dingirsu for spot removal
>You can run apollusa or other link slop
>Dugares for extention or otk
>knightmare monsters for removal
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I can't take credit for discovering this engine, as I came across it on a small channel by the name of Zuczid who has a lot of Edison vids focused around a wide variety of jank lists. It was originally part of a challenge video he somehow managed to do with Macro (how the fuck he convinced someone with a million sub channel to do it is beyond me) where both of them were trying to break Uria. Zuczid then explored it on his own with a Berserk Dragon list.

The specific variant that I am trying to cook with is one that use 3 Vortex Trooper to round off the Deep Draw package to 30 cards then fills out the remaining slots with either:
>An interaction focus 3 copies of Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon and several countertraps (particularly including Vanity's Call)
>A Beatdown focus with Beast King Barbaros and Skill Drain, using Stardust Road and Imperial Custom for protection
Switching between them from game to game. Since it's only about a 10 card package, I still get to keep a 5 card toolbox to deal with specific matchups (currently thinking 2 Cyber Dragon, 2 D.D. Crow, and 1 Heavy Storm but that's just early thoughts).
Also threw in Return to make it a 41 card list because going slightly over 40 really doesn't feel like it matters and it feels strong enough to be worth it.

I was also thinking of a way to use Venominon into Venominaga was possible, but I ended up scrapping that because there's no way to get enough reptiles in grave from what I could see.
Oh, and one more I was contemplating but wasn't sure on:
>Grinder Golem summon to the opponent's field and special summon 2 tokens
>Use one of the monster revives to get Cosmo Queen or Tri-Horned
>Tribute the Cosmo Queen/Tri-Horned and the two tokens to special summon Destiny HERO - Plasma
>Plasma eat Grinder Golem
Since you never normal summon unless you're using Vortex Trooper, Grinder Golem's downside in regards to that doesn't come up. And you have 4-7 slots in a 40 card deck for tech cards.
my thoughts for a "draft" style tournament format are to instead of building decks from scratch to instead have it go as such;

>each draftee is given a random deck from a selection of premade decks
>each person is also given a small selection of "universal" cards to make minor tweaks and adjustments to their deck as needed
>every round the remaining players are given a draft pack containing a random selection of cards from a curated pool for further tweaking of their decks
>main deck size is 40 cards, no more, no less
>of those 40 cards at least 25 of them have to match the registered base deck list*
>like with Speed Duel cards these cards are specially labeled for this format and the only cards that can be legally used in the format
>a player can use another format legal deck in place of the one they're given at the start of the tournament if they have one already(above rules still apply) or use format legal cards they already have in their pool of cards for tweaking their deck, a player can switch decks between rounds but only with permission from their opponent(who is automatically granted permission to do so themselves if they wish)
>game rules are otherwise identical to current Master Duel format rules**

*this part is probably the aspect that needs the most tweaking but the idea behind it is to make it harder for a player from just min-maxing their deck into something entirely different if they happen to get lucky with the draft packs or if they already have a pool of cards if this isn't their first tournament, since the idea is that the pre-constructed decks should put everyone on a relatively even playing field at least in regards to the cards they have

**since the card pool is already being curated and there's restrictions on how decks can be constructed I didn't see the need to tweak the rules otherwise
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Reminder that Pot of Greed still remains banned because it would officially confirm the absolute cancerous state of this game, especially when there are better cards still at 3 that make you go +10.
Thanks for the reminder. I forgot why Pot of Greed is still banned.
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Which gen 1 set would be the best for sealed play. Trying get everyone to have schoolyard decks
battle pack 1
remember newgioh?
Metal Raiders and Invasion of Chaos. All the gen1 packs got a reprint recently.
Hey I posted about how to build decks and about how to utilize the Legendary Exordia Incarnate card. I recently got my hands on a Holographic Jinzo card. Thats when I got the idea of trying to make some kind of Spellcaster/Machine deck which utilized both cards mentioned. Any advice on that?
what format
are Cyber Dragons fun
is there any point to playing them when Galaxy is getting turbocharged and they can also make Infinity
those cards are both unbelievably underpowered in modern yugioh. unless you can find a group to play low-powered kitchen table yugioh you will never win a game with a strategy built around Jinzo or The Legendary Exodia Incarnate.
the clockwork night into chimeratech is the main reason to play cydra.
What would Metalfoes need to be decent again?
more s/t targets
> I couldn't cowboy my opponent for game because I had to use cowboy to crash into Number 97...
You can find it online by setcodes under the art.
Note: don't cream yourself so suddenly if you see crazy listings. Go to the SOLD listings and see how much people are actually buying them for. A lot of these retro cards have bullshit listings because ghe sellers have no idea what to list them for. Like there's one for $10,000 while there's another for $40. These guys just pull numbers out of their asses.
And the edges on the ultimate dragon look a bit rougher than NM, more likely LP.
The issue is that the semi-archetype around him it a bit too slow for the current game. The gimmick is also dated by the fact that traps aren't as prevalent.
On the one hand, Legendary exodia isn't great, but on the other exodia does have support coming up soon. Maybe keep an eye out for decklists people have made/making and once it releases see how people are doing with it. I doubt they will run that card specifically since the fusion is kind of a retrain on it.

I'm not going to claim that either of these decks are particularly great beyond kitchen table casual, but exodia by virtue of being more recent with it's support is likely to preform better if you really had to pick between one of those two
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There isn't a convenient way to splash Jinzo into an Exodia deck since Millennium Cross (which is used to bring out their new big baddie) shuffles all non-archetypal monsters you control into the Deck and locks you out of summoning for the rest of the turn. Generally speaking, Jinzo can be splashed into a lot of decks if they can afford to spend a Tribute Summon on him (which is a lot of decks these days, go figure), but unfortunately these two are a bit incompatible.
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Although I wonder if this is partly to make up for the Union Carrier ban

…I guess it worked out in the end
I can't believe they gave me Clear support.
I doubt it has anything to do with carrier considering the gap has been several years now. But fuck carrier letting you go for ANYTHING, not even the decentcy to limit it to unions from deck.
The only apology necessary for any of it is they should apologize for not banning it quicker.

The support seems fine, it looks a bit too "youtube combo" based on current labbing and like it has to run so many garnets or soft garnets to be comp today. Curious to see if they will try to tie it in tighter with the older stuff.
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I’m absolutely stoked. Between this and the Duelist Nexus stuff, never in my wildest YGO fever dreams did I expect to see this level of support for my beloved OG XYZ Cannon.
*Battle of Chaos, I mean, not Duelist Nexus
worthless proxy
Between this and Ojamas, I can’t wait to see what kind of janky degenerate combos I can come up with
Hold up, for the zoomers here this ISN'T a proxy but rather an official printing of a prize card but used to distinguish it as what is basically a "public printing" of the card.
You can find this info on the wiki too if you think I'm lieing.
I'm more interested to see if they'll ever make LIGHT Machine Union a little less limited in design
Kitkallos of the Swamp
>[Level 5/DARK/Aqua]
>[ATK 2300/DEF 1200]
1 "Tearlaments" monster + 1 Aqua Monster
This card can be used as a substitute for any 1 Fusion Material whose name is mentioned on the Fusion Monster Card, but the other materials must be correct. If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck or GY to your hand. If this card is sent to the GY by a card's effect: You can Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use each effect of "Kitkallos of the Swamp" once per turn.

Konami doesn't have the balls
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Why won't they reprint this?
For them to set or blow up?
That is how you deal with it. Gatekeeping is healthy.
What makes your favorite deck your favorite deck?
Is Rarity collection 1 still a fun opening experience? I wanted to buy a birthday gift for my friend but 2's cards seem a lot more shitty in comparison
Not as much now that Baronne and Borreload Savage are banned. Get him the Exodia model kit.
Yeah. Baronne and Savage Dragon aside, most of the pulls from the set still just feel good.
>Dungeon Duel Monsters
you mean Dungeon Dice Monsters? i heard it's a good game but i haven't played it. just watch some gameplay on YouTube or something to learn it and then try it in TTS to see if you like it
It's the opposite. Most people that actually discuss the game instead of just discussing the idea of the game will point out how poorly designed DDM is. You want something like Duelist of the Roses if you want a TTG version of the game.
i don't play video games. what does Duelists of the Roses do differently? could the changes be recreated on the tabletop?
>What does it do differently?
Here's the game's tutorial segment.
>Draw until you have 5 cards
>You can only place 1 card on the field (Monster or Spell/Trap) per turn, in a zone adjacent to your Deckmaster
>You can choose any number of cards in your hand, and sequentially attempt to apply them to their preceding card. If they are incompatible, the preceding card is destroyed. If they are, the effects of that card are applied to the preceding card, or the equivalent of a Contact Fusion is performed.
>At the start of the duel, you get 4 star points that are used to Normal Summon monsters. You get 3 star points per turn.
>Win condition is to kill your opponent or occupy all zones adjacent to their deckmaster. (Deckout does not result in an immediate loss)

>Could the changes be recreated on the tabletop?
Yes, but chances are it wouldn't be 1:1. You wouldn't really be able to use much past GOAT format in terms of cards, Reaper probably bein the absolute limit. It's not a matter of the summoning types (those wouldn't be hard to adapt), so much as it is some of the more abstract mechanics and effects that are introduced later in the real game's history.
i appreciate the detailed answer. sounds like a cool game. i'll watch that video you linked
dungeon duel monsters, a sealed style 1v1 roguelike made by mika
the Perfect Rule is a painfully underexplored version of the game and it sucks that they shelved it forever after one try. Yeah DOTR wasn't exactly the most well-made and balanced game (OST slaps among the greatest of all PS2 soundtracks though), but damn this thing had so much potential. It would be clearly a lot of effort to keep updating with each new era, but it's fucking banished to the memories of auld lang syne.
It's not fucking fair, bros.
The beloved modern roguelike craze huh
Can someone give me the kindergarten explaination for how Turning of the World works? Where is the justification in the rules for it being able to summon a ritual monster IT names when none of its possible targets mention that spell as being the spell that summons them?
The card says it can summon them, so it can summon them. I don't know what more you need anon it's written plain as day on the card.
They say you can summon them with their spell, not you MUST summon them.
>Where is the justification in the rules for it being able to summon a ritual monster IT names when none of its possible targets mention that spell as being the spell that summons them?
Around the time of Duel Terminal, they updated the rules so that the Ritual Spells listed on the cards was functionally more of a suggestion, since Ritual Monsters were pretty bad, on top of already having Advanced Ritual Art in the genepool (which generically performs Ritual Summons).

This comes into play on the gameplay side with Pre-Preparation of Rites since it'll search the Ritual Monster and a Ritual Spell that specifically lists it, but Turning of the World is a Quickplay Spell and thus loses this synergy.
>You wouldn't really be able to use much past GOAT format in terms of cards, Reaper probably bein the absolute limit. It's not a matter of the summoning types (those wouldn't be hard to adapt), so much as it is some of the more abstract mechanics and effects that are introduced later in the real game's history.
Actually, there used to be a ruleset that allowed for use of the cards all the way up to the Link era, with the mechanics preserved and not needing dedicated conversions of the cards over to the format.
However, it was hosted on the DuelistUnite website where YGOOmega is, and a redesign of the website to change up the URL structure ended up burying the thing into the aether.
Fortunately, it still exists on WebArchive:
It does only look to have been updated to MR4, unfortunately.

Board on Tabletop Simulator:
Just in case that site takes a ridiculously long time to load, here's a pdf copy of the webpage
holy shit this looks cool
There is one gripe I have with it: it only mentions Traps as being limited range. Personally, I think the rules listed for that should be applied to spells and monsters as well.
Mostly because if you don't, then negates would be insufferable. But if you do apply that, then that turns most negates into Limited Range, since a lot specify "a card" which satisfies that condition. And it may just be me, but having an Apollousa or Baronne only able to stop cards activated on adjacent tiles sounds way, way more reasonable.
Maybe use the deck master summoning area for the hand-traps in that case? Seems at least somewhat reasonable, and its not like it would kill them. Gorz could become main deck playable again, for instance.
Well again, the issue is not the extra deck summoning mechanics, but a good lot of the cards and effects that have been printed over the years. What do you do about a card like Witchcrafter Golem Aruru for instance, which special summons itself from the hand whenever a Witchcrafter monster is targeted for an attack or a card effect? Do you summon her in one of the zones adjacent to your deckmaster, or do you create a scenario where you can just afford to zerg rush with a spellcaster? What about something more common like Psy-Frame Gamma? Do you summon it to the zones adjacent to the deckmaster, or do you summon them to contextually relevant zones relative to the activated effect? Does this mean that you can activate a handtrap like that to negate an effect from the opposite end of the board?

The difficult part was never the summoning mechanics. You can just add them from your extra deck to your hand when you're performing the typical procedure for combining cards in your hand. It's just a question of whether you put them in front of the materials on the stack, or behind them.
I'm still weirdly confused about when its the opponents turn to activate something like trap cards in response to specific things and whether or not they happen before trigger effects

I know that triggers (and specifically the turn player ones) always get checked for first but I also know that certain traps and effects either negate summons or respond directly to the summon. Am I correct in saying that if turn player summons something like albaz they get to activate the trigger effect and only then I can respond with something like floodgate traphole to flip the summoned monster face down (which would be irrelevant since in this instance albaz can fuse himself off regardless).

Situations like these mainly keep popping up since Im learning the game offline with someone else while playing a lot of traptrix against a branded pile, and if im understanding things properly very few of the hole traps actually do shit against branded unless they specifically negate the on summon trigger effect since everyone except albaz can also fuse themselves off from the grave/ lubellion even from banish as long as they get to activate the effect
Fuck it, I'm going to start building blue eyes
>Am I correct in saying that if turn player summons something like albaz they get to activate the trigger effect and only then I can respond with something like floodgate traphole to flip the summoned monster face down
Correct, there are three categories useful to identify
>1. Negate the summon
Solemn judgment, horn of heaven, sauravis
>2. Negate an effect that would summon
>3. Trigger on successful summon
Torrential tribute, most trap hole cards

Only cards that specifically "negate the summon" (category 1, not 2 or 3) can activate in that window before the monster hits the field. Solemn warning is in both category 1 and 2.
One person already picked up spell rulers. Apparently crab turtle is really good in spell rulers sealed. Looking at invasion of chaos next
Metroid Fusion had some cool bosses. I liked Nettori too
Roguelikes aren't a modern craze, theyve been popular ever since Dungeons and Dragons came out in 1977.
but does it help at all with making armed dragon ojamegazord?
Come on you know what I mean
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After watching like half of YGO Abridged at random, I suddenly feel like playing again, casually, after years.

There are some strategies/styles I want to try out but I have no idea how to look for them.
>archetype that takes control of enemy monsters, other than graydle
>optionally tribute enemy monsters
>take cards form the opponent other than monsters
>use monsters with a lot of DEF to use said DEF to attack instead of using ATK, either like superheavy samurai or other effects like turtle catapult but for defense

pic is my favorite from old times
>archetype that takes control of enemy monsters, other than graydle
This is more of a generic staple kind of effect, things like Change of Heart or Snatch Steal which are legal now by the way or the Charmer Links
>optionally tribute enemy monsters
Sunavalon Rikka if you want meta, Nouvelles if you want memes
>take cards form the opponent other than monsters
I can't really think of any deck that really does this off the top of my head
>use monsters with a lot of DEF to use said DEF to attack instead of using ATK, either like superheavy samurai or other effects like turtle catapult but for defense
SHS got a bunch of new support recently so you would probably have a very different experience playing them now than you did back in the day. their link-1 is banned though, for crimes against Konami's profit margins.
Yubel and Mikanko do damage reflection which is ot quite the same but might give you similar kicks.
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(Aqua) Piwraithe the Ghost Pirate, (Beast) Twinheaded Beast, (Beast-Warrior) Ancient Warriors - Fearsome Zhang Yuan, (Cyberse) Leotron, (Dinosaur) Hydrogeddon, (Divine Beast) Slifer the Sky Dragon, (Dragon) the Armed Dragons, (Fairy) Mystical Beast of Serket, (Fiend) Malice Doll of Demise, (Fish) Terrorking Salmon, (Insect) Magnetic Mosquito, (Illusion) Nightmare Apprentice, (Machine) B.E.S. Blaster Cannon Core, (Plant) Gigaplant, (Psychic) Psychic Commander, (Pyro) Lady Assailant of Flame, (Rock) Berzerkion the Electromagna Warrior, (Sea Serpent) Spiral Serpent, (Spellcaster) The Tricky, (Thunder) Electric Virus, (Warrior) Amazoness Chain Master, (Winged-Beast) Simorgh of Darkness, (Wyrm) Metaphys Horus, (Zombie) Shadow Ghoul
>This is more of a generic staple kind of effect, things like Change of Heart or Snatch Steal which are legal now by the way or the Charmer Links
I remember a friend telling me that there was a vampire archetype based around that but he didn't remember the exact name at the time.

>SHS got a bunch of new support recently so you would probably have a very different experience playing them now than you did back in the day. their link-1 is banned though, for crimes against Konami's profit margins.
>Yubel and Mikanko do damage reflection which is ot quite the same but might give you similar kicks.
But is there nothing I can use to take monsters with a lot of DEF and throw them around to attack?

Thanks so far.
>But is there nothing I can use to take monsters with a lot of DEF and throw them around to attack?
No. The only way that you can attack with a DEF position monster is if they allow it to happen by card effect. Off the top of my head, the only two cases that do that in the entire game are Invoked Cocytus and the SHS archetype, though I could be wrong (though that also highlights how rare of an effect it is). Stealing an opponent's monster with a lot of DEF and using them to attack with said DEF isn't something that happens.
>Stealing an opponent's monster with a lot of DEF and using them to attack with said DEF isn't something that happens.
I wasn't thinking of doing that, just the "attack with the DEF stat" effect.
Oh sorry, I was reading into the "take" part a little too much.

Attacking with DEF position monsters is an exceedingly rare effect. In addition to the two cases I mentioned (Invoked Cocytus and SHS), you have Icejade monsters while under the effects of Kingfisher, Scareclaw Kashtira (the specific monster, not the two archetypes), and all Scareclaw monsters or "Visas Starfrost" while under the effects of Scareclaw Sclash. There might be some other extremely obscure examples I'm not thinking of, but those all share common text for attacking while in Defense position.

I would say to consider Scareclaw if you're looking for that kind of thing outside of SHS. It has a Bagooska At Home effect for its boss (forces everything into Defense mode and is unaffected by defense position monsters) and generally capitalizes on Defense Position monsters through their field spell. I also really like the way the boss functions, since Tri-Heart gets effects installed onto it by other scareclaw monsters on the field. It's a fun archetype that has the misfortune of existing in the current format.
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I'll look into it. Thanks a lot, anon.
They actually cover the special summon approach, with Rule 10.
It notes that a card special summoning itself via its own effect/field spells is special summoned to the Deck Master zone. Monster Reborn/Ecclesia style effects where the card leaves the field to special summon a monster special summons said monster to the zone that card was in. Cards on the field with an effect to special summon that don't leave the field summon to an adjacent zone.

It does seem to be operating under the assumption that effects in hand (and seems monsters and spells in general) can be activated from anywhere. However, I believe that >>92843759 is a reasonable setup where the "Limited Range vs Full Range" of trap cards noted in Rule 5 is applied to everything, with Limited Range Hand Traps detecting based upon the Summoning Zone of the Deck Master.
New yuri archetype when?
Ok it’s me again. I got some cards from TCG player and I was wondering, has anyone ever been scammed on there? Because I saw people making videos online about being scammed and I saw bad reviews about TGC and I’m starting to feel like I wasted my money.
You waited until after sending them money to google them? Guess you're about to learn the hard way.
Just like with sites like ebay, you can check a seller's customer reviews to determine whether or not you should buy from them. Verified vendors typically won't scam you.
Nah the site is good, it's dependent on the seller and you're eating fear mongering slop videos if they don't specify a single seller and only say "TCGplayer". It's like ebay where people post listings for you to buy from rather than TCGplayer as a whole.
There's 2 (technically 3) types of sellers on TCGplayer.
Can be literally anyone including a single random dude in a basement. A title means very little, you can google the sellers name if it sounds like a store to check. Stores thst are unverified might just be up and coming and often do a decent job.
You're rolling the dice buying from one, IMO AVOID THEM because the money you save likely isn't worth the possible hassle. These people are a pain to wrangle if you do have issues and you likely have to forward an issie ticket to TCGplayer to get results. The videos you're watching are likely from this group.
These people do a good job 95% of the time. Often a shitload of sales to their name and you'll have almost no issues with them ever If you do have issues they often take care of you ASAP (like 1-2 business days)
>Verified (Direct)
A little blue icon next to their name and are often the best sellers as they have to be on really good terms with TCGplayer to get this mark. The whole "Direct" thing is kind of uncommon in the YGO scene and it's more common for MTG sellers. Don't spend the extra money if you don't want to as normal verified sellers or good still.

TLDR Never buy from unverified sellers if you can. It's a huge hassle if they flop and a lot of the videos you see are from these sellers.
I've been playing EDH for two years across five different locals and I've never heard "rule 0" once. I'm convinced it's just a /tg/ boogeyman
You forgot to play your painful choice and special your manganese or witch. Stamp cheating.
Cuzco there's no reason not to play it??
As a super?? Never. But had plenty commons. Also never coming back.
Pot of Greed has been reprinted many times. It doesn't matter if it's banned. Now that Time Wizard events are a thing, I expect to see some staples of older formats being bumped up in rarity soon. Metamorphosis is just a prime example of a card that would benefit the most from it.
This anon >>92806443
Got some things wrong

Spirit Reaper is in GOAT format and at 3. The reason it isn't as prevalent in GOAT format is because of all the chaos monsters and precisely because GOAT format is not a beat stick format. Once cyber dragon got released the game became much more Unga bunga which is why Spirit Reaper became so much more worthwhile: it completely walls beatsticks.

>large beatsticks
it's literally just BLS and there are so many cards you can play that counter him it's a non issue. It's what makes GOAT FORMAT a fun, skillful format, it rewards smart trades and punishes mindlessly over commiting
Gymir needs a water tuner specifically, which aren't common.
>Mystical Beast of Serket
>B.E.S. Blaster Cannon Core
>The Tricky
>Simorgh of Darkness
The card is shit anon
It'd give them a payoff for their standard mills (both a fusion substitute and a copy of poly from deck or GY) that at worst can lead into a combination of rulkallos + kaleidoheart, at best do both + any number of fusion substitutes (including caligula, grapha, millennium-eyes restrict, and lubellion) without having to depend on having Swamp King in rotation. It wouldn't be game-warpingly strong like the original, but it'd still be a fine extender in their natural kit.
It isn't a pay off. Rulkallos and keidoheart are the pay off. Kitkallos is an engine piece that you make off reinoheart that generates card advantage while getting to kaleido/rulkallos. Your card is shit because once you fuse reino and the name you send off him you are stuck with this fusion substitute and poly... and then what? If you are lucky you have another tear name in hand to use to fuse into rulkallos with the poly, but then what? I mean ffs anon your card isn't even a tearlaments monster, so it doesn't even work with any of the tear spells and traps.
>that at worst can lead into a combination of rulkallos + kaleidoheart
This is laughably optimistic.
>Rulk and Kaleido are payoffs
Yes, and this would make it so that you can go into both more conveniently without having to gamble on Swamp King getting milled for Rulk.

>>that at worst can lead into a combination of rulkallos + kaleidoheart
>This is laughably optimistic.

>Mill Havnis/Scheiren/Merrli (your choice)
>Fusion Summon Swamp Kitkat using 2 of them as material
>Search Polymerization
>Poly effect using Reino in hand (either tutored with perlereino or just there since he's at 3 copies) + Kitkat on field to summon Rulk
>Reino effect SS himself and dumping one of the girls you didn't use as material
>Swamp Kitkat + Reino + the dumped Tearlament name = Kaleido

checks out to me.
Where do I go to sell off a couple of singles? My lgs doesn’t buy it sell yugioh product
Ebay if you're an average guy. But you're subject to a lot of extra stuff since they track you for taxes and other fees. A lot of formalities and structure but higher exposure.
There's also discords/reddit/etc for person to person trades or selling. A lot more casual and you're entitled to only your own fees. If you're not very savvy at sales then you might have a hard time. Your exposure is also a lot more limited.
Pro tip: 80-85% TCGplayer lowest verified is the usual pricing agreed upon by most buyers and sellers for cash transactions. You will not make exactly what it's selling for on TCGP because of 1. the understanding that TCGP takes something like a 15% cut or has fees that eat like 15%. 2. competitive pricing, why would they buy from some schmuck when they could pay the exact same price on TCGP with a reputation.
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When's it leaking?
I wonder how hard they'll check. I have a lot of chinese knock off mats that have the official judge or OCG championship artwork on them. So it would be official artwork but would not be an official mat. Is it money they're after? Or truly doing this to free up judges like they said.
It's purely to stop shit like the horny mats that reflect poorly on everyone
>If card sleeves are provided for use during the stream, you must use them
That's the only one that sounds potentially really annoying
I want a Ojama King/Light and Darkness Dragon fusion
I want a Dragonic Knight retrain that functions closer to how it does in the manga, though I do enjoy its current iteration
Dead general
Dead game
>using Reino in hand (either tutored with perlereino or just there since he's at 3 copies)
There's the cope part. As said, you have to hope to open a card that gets you to him. That is not "at worst," because you won't have Reinohart in the worst case scenario in which you make this card. At worst, you do not have Reino or another name and you simply end on this.
Words mean things.
magic is DEI AI slop, and magic players are mindless sheep who swallow it
"OR" you could use a "PLAIN SOLID COLOR". tranime coomers are too fucking retarded to understand anything properly
You're not wrong I suppose, but it's still a pretty good extender regardless. I personally like to run the deck with fusion substitutes because of all the stupidity that it brings to the table. It would also be kinda funny for Konami to acknowledge Swamp King's role in the deck, similarly to how Sanwitch references Sangan/Witch's roles in the early game.
If everyone were to act in good faith, this rule would never have existed.
Unfortunately, as >>92860411 pointed out, there's enough assholes out there that don't follow basic etiquette that shit like this comes up.
We're still going to be stuck with Horny mats at locals, unfortunately.
The rule sucks all the way through but I think it's funny how so many people are pretending like it affects them. This is for WCQ and points events, most people saying it will bever be playing at that level so it never affects them. Also if you're playing at that high of an event, you don't care about what mat you play on.

As an aside, for people complaining about the sleeves being shit, some batches are but you are still permitted to double sleeve so you can use DS clear outers for a better feel or inners for protection.
It's 100% the fault of retards that take coomershit to events just to be quirky.
It's also apparently only affecting the EU, and the full announcement also mentions that they're apparently giving out Mats and Sleeves at the events for participants. May be a play to try and get themed events.

Also may be a move to counter Charizard mats and the like which aren't Coomerbait but are Copyright-Infringementbait which may be a problem if shit is shown onscreen. It'd be funny if the original spark was due to the existing Coomerbait worries being layered on with those because some suit heard of the Nintendo Gmod bullshit that was going on.
>Mill Havnis/Scheiren/Merrli (your choice)
>Fusion Summon Swamp Kitkat using 2 of them as material
Assuming right off the bat that you can just mill 2 of your 3 tear names, without having used reino at all is exactly what I meant by "laughably optimistic".

>Yes, and this would make it so that you can go into both more conveniently
There is no way this is happening unless you already had an amazing hand that could do it anyway.

>It would also be kinda funny for Konami to acknowledge Swamp King's role in the deck
This is what Konami should use alt arts for, reference cool and unexpected meta developments.
Yeah, saying that you could do both was definitely stretching it a bit too much. Maybe with Instant Fusion you could pull it off, but that is to say that you merely need to draw a 1of in a mill deck.
>Minar has little eyes on all of its claws.
>people unironically think the new mat and sleeve rule are to stop coomer swag
Nope, Komoney are just malding that no one wants to buy their shitty sleeves and plain jane rubber mats so now they are forcing it to push product. Also when the fuck was the last time you saw someone play with a mat with absolutely nothing on it.
It will stop coomer swag, at WCQ events. It doesn't really matter for everything below that point.
Coomer swag wasn't the problem. That was already a rule and properly enforced previously. Its literally just a way for them to push their trash tier products.
Oh the classic "it doesnt affect me" defense
What's stopping Mr. Komoney from telling Level 2 events to implement the same rules? You're gonna see people get game losses for playing with a 15 dollar eevee pokemon ultra pro mat because judges are forced to be anal about this. They could have just said no booba shit but NOPE gotta be fucking dicks about it.
It doesn't affect me because it's a WCQ ruling. I play at local stores that sell comics with mostly-naked women on the covers and have gooner anime statues on display at checkout. Good luck making them enforce a rule like that.
ah the local warrior appears
No one cares about locals lol
But this can easily infest regional events.
>wtf why are my streamed national events subject to higher scrutiny than random stores in the middle of nowhere?!?!!
not every match is steamed, and this is already a rule for their feature matches. why force it on the entire event. the mental gymnastics people are taking for konami is wild.
you are a literally retarded corporate bootlicker cuck. first of all, konami/these events do an abysmal slash pathetic job at "streaming" dick shit, you get hours of useless downtime and watching faggots walk around and a few matches of shitty handtrap wars on screen. Secondly, even not taking into account how pathetically shit they are at even handling and organizing the tournaments properly/ actually fucking streaming the games (literally all top 16 matches should be streamed for the very least), they should have zero fucking say about what kind of accessories youre allowed to bring to their establishment unless youre a literal lawbreaking self exposing diddler. Its actually embarrassing how goyim like you will keep defending them year after year no matter how badly they shit into your mouth until you find yourself unironically telling people that theres achkhually a reason why konami needs to make you wear massive clown shoes at their official events and you also personally need to pay for said OFFICIAL konami clown shoes or you can fuck off
too long; did not read
>not every match is steamed
Yeah but they'll have random shots of the event and you can see what mats people are using. It happened to a guy with the Tour Guide feet.

>Rate his hero list


He is very generous
Yea but its not about seeing random fetish shit, we already have rules in place to stop that. The konami sympathizers are wild.
no amount of barking will get me to be angry about something that does not affect me. make a petition or something, queer.
no one's telling you to be angry about it retard, but sitting there defending konami's stupid actions is just as bad. stop riding their dick like you're about to get free product.
>i'm not telling you to be angry
>however, because you aren't angry, I will insult you, gaslight you, and hurl walls of text at you until your views align with mine
having differing views than you is gaslighting and insulting you? the wall of text above literally isn't me but sure bud.
>i will insult you
my brother in christ, you're the one calling people queer.
and you're the one that's calling me a corporate bootlicker. the reality is that I do not care about what a corporation is doing at their corporately-sponsored events. i am completely unbothered because it does not affect me, and you're treating that like a huge injustice.
>oh no, this retarded corporate bootlicking cuck just called me a queer... save me twitter!
lmao, yea bro you're so unbothered, with such a brown nose for konami i can see why. go back to your 4 person local corpo shill.
>haha bootlicker
>brown nose!

>q-queer?! why do you damage me so...
ya'll get so mad over just some dumb policies that konami officials will never enforce outside this event. calm down schizo fags
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Konami's released this follow-up to the announcement about the sleeves and mats.
It's a bunch of corporate speak, but it can basically be boiled down to:
>We have enough time delays as is.
>We want our judges to be judging games rather than deal with variation.
>Thus, only plain colors and stuff we approve so things run faster.
Or, in more blunt terms
>A middle manager decided we should not pay for event spaces longer than we have to. Anything that consistently slows things down and is not an "accidental delay" will be cut.
Likely a side effect of the "accidental" delays from Konami fumbling event management.
Are these sleeves 2lewd for komoney judges?
I understand to normal people like us they aren't, but I'm talking about the insane people who post on twitter and shit.
Based. I like the deliberate wording of "solid color". Singular. No troon/paki flags allowed.
fr keep that shit out
The fact you have to ask should give you a good idea.
Here's a quick test, if you couldn't wear it in front of boss/family/etc. on a shirt or whatever then it's not passing.
If you're too far out of touch and can't figure that out, go check the rating tags on a booru. Hint: if it's not tagged general then you're on or over the line. I'll even save you the trouble of a reverse image search https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7455116?q=diabellstar_the_black_witch
Based on how you're trying too hard with how you type, that last bit of advice is the one you're likely going to need.
You know someone could show up with pride flag sleeves and immediately cause a debacle. Dammed if you do, Dammed if you don't.
Who is this person? I don't follow anybody on Twitter, but I did look up Yu-Gi-Oh stuff once and ever since the Twitter algorithm has filled my feed with Yu-Gi-Oh posts by trans people, mainly Skarlon. It's comically oversaturated with posts by people with trans flags in the username. I've never seen Skarlon mentioned on other content platforms like YouTube, never seen his name listed in the top cut of a high level event. As far as I can tell, his entire claim to fame is complaining about Yu-Gi-Oh on Twitter while being trans. How is this a thing?
He's just a middling content creator pumped up by a few collabs, namely MBT sucking them off every other day or so.
Their claim to fame is that they know how the algo works so they jump on every trending post/topic and engagement bait. They have no other merits to their name afaik too.
Somebody using a Palestinian flag would be hilarious
>From the field zone to the graveyard!

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