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What are the best post-apocalypse games and what makes them great?

>Gamma World
>Mutant Crawl Classics
>Mutant Year Zero
>Twilight 2000
>After the Bomb
>Atomic Highway
>Fallout, I guess?

Post your faves and also post-apoc pics.
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I really enjoy Gamma World
Which version are you playing?
Slightly off topic but a friend of mine had that guy as a miniature that he used as a bounty hunter in our Rifts game.
Post apoc is one of the most retarded setting scenarios after all space shit
The reason is this: Earth is flat plane. Beyond where we currently live there are other lands and not meme shit like those beyond the ice walls maps. It is quite possible we live in a giant crater btw. If there was an apocalyptic scenario, there would be interference from the lands beyond and or non-brainwashed humans would just make a proper journey into those lands because there is no longer satanic government to prevent that from happening
I've played D20 and 2e
>Beyond where we currently live there are other lands and not meme shit like those beyond the ice walls maps. It is quite possible we live in a giant crater btw
Why do you say "meme shit" if you recognize that there are lands beyond the ice wall
Because its retarded meme map with bunch of random continents thrown in to discredit the idea, its on purpose like that to make the average person instantly think its someones cute imagination
Twilight 2000 might not be Post enough. During Apocalypse.
your schizophrenic nonsense just gave me a cool idea

in AS&SH it says something along the lines of "Hyperborea can exist just past the north wind of any campaign setting". Now I want to drop all of Hyperborea into a post-apocalyptic Earth setting and let PCs launch mini-nukes at frost giants.
MY0 engine games are all compatible. Get Twilight 2000 4E, mix in the zombies, aliens, fantasy creatures, mutants and robots from the other games and the equipment. You now have a build it yourself RIFTS kit with less stupid writing.
I'm reading a book series that's pretty much exactly like that.
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>with less stupid writing.
But the stupid writing is why I love RIFTS!
Also the stupid pictures like the Dolphin Power Armor.
you know the downside of unclean water is the amoebas that eat at your brain right?
Anyone tried GeneStorm? I really enjoyed the novels.
90% of palladium games are post apocalyptic
>with less stupid writing.
How can you call an epic war campaign where the Illinois Nazis run an empire and how they were nearly devastated because a drugged up super soldier mistook someone for someone else stupid? Why, that's QUALITY writing!
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I was very disappointed to find out the armor was, in fact, not for dolphins but for humans.
>TMNT isn't
>but After The Bomb is
>Robotech, yes
>Splicers, yes
>Beyond the Supernatural, no
>Heroes Unlimited, no
>Chaos Earth, yes
>Nightbane, yes
>Systems Failure, yes
Hunh, you're right, I never noticed that.
The armor is indeed for dolphins but not the way you expect: it's a horune prison suit that turns lobotomized dolphins into combat drones (Rifts Underseas page 167). Pic related. I suppose if you salvaged one you could give it to a dolphin PC!
>Twilight 2000
The recent edition is complete shit.
>Illinois Nazis run an empire
Bah, you are like baby. Witness the power of Gamma World and how it influenced every other post-apoc game, including Rifts and Fallout!
And there's lots of power armor for dolphins and orcas in the book.
No deadEarth? What the fuck?
Explain what that is.
Probably the best post-apoc game in the universe. The plus is that it is free, you can google it and find all the books.
>great, even
This is some expert trolling right here. Isn't deadEarth considered the 3rd or 4th-worst RPG ever made?
Yep, it brings the concept of shitty RPGs to a whole new level
What makes it so bad? I've never heard articulated reasons (or is it more of a "read it, just trust me" kind of thing?)
And furry fandom. Zoopremecists as a name still makes me chuckle.
You can (probably will) die during character creation, need to roll for 100 attributes, and rules are completely fucked. For further reading:
it's the kind of game where the fun comes all from rolling the overwrought character creation and the actual play portion is vestigial
Dying in chargen is based (Traveler) but holy aids, Batman what were they thinking
Mutant is great
The newer "version" is aids
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deadEarth is great, but you need the expanded material from the old forums, as deadEarth was designed to be interfaced with its online forum and accompanying MUD.
Tourists aren't familiar with this though, as most can only discuss what was posted on some faggots blog & accompanying rpgnet posts.
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Endland's pretty rad
I tried playing that shit 20 years ago, on paper as laptops were nowhere near as ubiquitous as they are now. It is a shit game with fucked up rule, trying to spin it as great is just fucking retarded.
Back to your slop thread, AI Faggot.
After the Bomb
Barbarians of the Apocalypse
M20 OmegaWorld

I regret not buyng the WotC box set I found. At the time it seemed stupid but I think it may have been an unsung gem.
I'm getting ready to run an After The Bomb campaign, using the Mutants in the Now rules (because the Palladium rules are janky as hell).

Tone-wise, it's going to be more like "Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts" than Cormac Mccarthy's "The Road", but that fits with the MitN/AtB animal creation system (which I really like), as I can throw in the occasional giant weird beastie, rather than just stick to [animal head on human body] for everyone.
buy an ad
Oh, shit!
I forgot about Tempora Mutantur!
This game is fucking great.

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Atomic highway is probably my favorite post apocalyptic system. It's simple to grasp and leaves more time for getting into the adventure. You dont need to keep track of fuel RAW but we like to for the added challenge. Also the vehicle creation is fun to toy around with.

My group and I are doing the standard mad max esque campaign at the moment but after it wraps up I want to bring up the idea of playing a one shot in the crossed setting since the infected can use guns and vehicles.
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Everyone knows that He-Man is the best post-apocalyptic setting.
Of all the stupid things in that picture, the spikes on the gun are what really get me.
It's so he can't be disarmed. Nobody's grabbing that cactus-gun!
Don’t forget their zombie one, Dead Reign
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Si vous recherchez de bons jeux de rôle post-apocalyptiques, Bitume est très amusant !
Évitez simplement les éditions les plus récentes, car elles sont vraiment merdiques.
>>Fallout, I guess?
What system best replicates SPECIAL? Or better yet, what's a high-lethality post-apoc system?
I've also been looking for a good high-lethality post-apoc system with quick character creation. I took a look at Other Dust but it's a bit too D&D-esque for me. People have recommended BRP because it's percentile but character creation kinda takes a while. If anyone knows of a good system like that I would also be interested.
I just bought BRP yesterday and almost returned it cuz I couldn't think of what games to run. Thanks for the idea. Fwiw last time I ran it (using the quickstart pdf) character creation wasn't too bad.
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I love Rifts but learning the system almost drove two of my players to murder, so now we're all learning Gamma World 4th ed.
I'm allowing them to come from a higher tech society as they start on a mission to explore northwards along the West Coast. The starting point is Beachland, a cruise ship wrecked into a small theme park beside the water, all repurposed into a fairly large village where most agree that recovering the technology of the Ancients is key to a better future. Far to the north, Barbaria is another port city, with friendly trade between the two. Recently an ancient radio system was patched back together and contact made with Marook, a city around midway between Beachland and Barbaria, but much further inland. Talk over the radio has gone well and a plan established to send an exploratory party to visit Marook, and then on to Barbaria after they rest and resupply. Time in Marook will be treated as a diplomatic opportunity to strengthen talks into a proper alliance. Barbaria will provide a boat and crew to return the party home.
Along the way, the party is also expected to hunt whatever artifacts they can from the ruins and threats they may find along the way, to add to Beachland's stockpile, as travel to and from Barbaria has always been possible, but the sea is a less than ideal place to hunt artifacts with their current abilities.
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Here you go
>but the sea is a less than ideal place to hunt artifacts with their current abilities.

Swimming should not be a skill that costs points. In most systems learning surgery is the same cost as learning to swim. You should say they splash splash at the post apocalyptic Y center for ten minutes and now have a fitting profiency to swim.
>A bear read some books and made French Nazis despite none of three books he read being about Nazis

That is beautiful.
>roll for 100 attributes

I am afraid to find out more
Appreciated, I'll see if it helps the next time around.

Swimming doesn't cost points, it takes a % roll based on class along with literacy and riding. Party members can teach each other any of these skills if one has them but not others. They have several swimmers, either being Scouts or good luck on the % roll, but I mean that the villages in general don't have a lot of scuba gear or submersible vehicles. They've long given up on exploring the sea floor, but having an overland spot for the party to stop and recover makes looking for artifacts inland far more viable. They may discover something to help with the underseas stuff along the way and make that one of the next goals.
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For European post-apocalypse, Cendres
Looks sort of mid
Is it better than Degenesis, the game of cool art and shit everything else?
Degenesis n'était qu'une collection de vaches pour le JDR d'Endland après que Djurdjevic ait eu des retombées avec Baris S. Ilktac
This is what raw milk does to a MF'er
what does that have to do with post apocalypse ttrpgs?
Well you picked some PA games that have quite a bit of fantastical elememnts, except Twilight 2K. two classic PA games not on the list with a bit less of the fantastical are Aftermath and The Morrow Project. They both have a more realistic approach to the end. I recomend Morrow Project 3rd edition or earlier for game mechanics (Aftermath's are really complicated) and using Aftermath for source material and modules
This looks cool, but I don't speak Spanish.
>t. Burger
Explain this autism
Has anyone ever actually run/played the Fallout ttrpg? I want to try and cobble something together for some friends, set in Ohio/Kentucky sometime between Tactics and 3. I got Ohio River hijinks, a couple different raider tribes, mutants in the old penitentiary, a ghoul city in Mammoth Caves and more if people are interested.
I have had good success with Gammaworld 2e by using the race and mutations, as well as the wacky critters and setting.

I just bolt this onto a rpg system the players like .. . M&M2e works fine.

I really like the gonzo quality and the imaginative bestiary.
>t. yellowskin
I didn't actually have a chance to play it, but I was prepping for a campaign that fell through. The bones of the system are fine if you don't have a problem with metacurrencies, but it goes way too hard into trying to convert FO4's looter shooter loop into a tabletop experience. The underlying assumption is that you're going to be doing a lot of randomly rolling up encounters in order to get all kinds of random loot to craft with. Kicker is, the tables for rolling up random encounters *are not in the core book* they are in a supplement that comes with the gm screen.

>Couldn't you just ignore the encounter mechanics?

A lot of the perks in the game tie into the crafting and cooking mechanics, which assume your pcs are going to have a lot of looted junk laying around. Not that it couldn't be done, but it seems like quite bit more effort than it's worth.
Anyone tried out Mutant Epoch?
Is it worth playing?

>set in Ohio/Kentucky
Make sure you get the bonus points for featuring a giant mutant Catfish named Scrapiron Jack.
>Scrapiron Jack
Fuck yeah, thanks for the tip. I'm planning on including some kind of snake cryptid to fit in with the Serpent Mound, maybe the Loveland Frog as well. Floating down the river from Queen City (Cincinnati)to Lootville (Louisville) will be a prominent segment so a big, old, mutant fish fits nicely.
My group almost used Mutant Epoch but I personally found it harder to slot into the setting I already had. It's a fine system for what it wants to be and if Deiselpunk Space Dystopia with Megacorps and 40k Overtones is up your alley then it's perfectly worth trying out. If you want more magic that's less bound to Holy Good Guy Warrior Monk Order vs Evil Chaos Lords of Dark Badness, or actual mutants/aliens instead of Psykers Mutate Back Into Blue Skinned Precursors as your only option, it may be less to your taste.
I always wanted a setting set in the south. I think you could have a lot of fun tweaking the local wild life across the region as well as drawing from local legends.
Like in the deep south you have a giant radiation jungle with mega fungus in place of trees where you'd normally have the big costal swamps with gigantic Deinosuchus sized mega alligators and the titanoboas that both pray on them and are pray to them.
Maybe there are also mutated Iguanas that are used in place of cattle.
>"Raptors ripped my mega-damage skin!"

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