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With the new edition of AoS now previewed, just how many boxes of Dominion do you think will go to landfill?
I'm gonna win a box
why don't the gryphs have wings anymore
They spilt them up and turned them into Spearhead boxes. It's why there's none left for sale.
Lots of independent stores still have some. I guessthere will bea 50% discount again
They're on a new edition already? Wtf. Selling fast was like a month ago.
Skaven look cool, theyd be good for wfb.
Stormcraps look gay as fuck as usual
I always wonder whose pet project AOS is now. Jervis all but confirmed it was basically pushed from Kirby/Merrett and the management. Now they’re gone, who’s perpetuating it?
GW has this company culture thing where they can never admit to doing wrong or apparently lowering prices.
It feels like Stormcraps will be pushed until people simply stop buying them
this has to be the edition that sinks the game. but the skaven will be cool for fantasy
oh god that looks horrible
yes we can salvage the skaven, finally after decades plastic jezzails, decent ogres too
same, and when it arrives I'm setting it on fire
>or apparently lowering prices
What company lowers prices?
every single company that isnt gw? doing discounts is common practice.
What a stupid post.
Having a limited discount window is not the same as lowering prices. Prices always go up. With that reasoning you might as well say that GW christmas boxes are lowered prices.
They won't have, they don't rebox unsold plastic. It's cheaper and more tax efficient to just destroy the unsold Dominions as they are and make more copies of the same sprues for the Spearheads.
>discounting prices to move things when they arent selling
>not lowering prices
yes they do, they do it all the time
Whatever makes you sleep at night man.
Selling fast was a month ago because that's how long it took to get rid of thte boxes
Wrong, this hobby aside, prices are often going down (and back up), depending on many factors like demand and economy in general
They Blackball anyone who isn't relentlessly positive about every decision made. That's why that grinning fuckwit is still at gw and peachy isnt
The sculptors and rule designers considering they try way, WAY harder than they do on 40K projects.
Anybody deluding themselves into thinking the Old World will outlive Age of Sigmar is retarded.

Most likely all of fantasy will be permanently discontinued and it will be 40K all the way.
Skaven still look wrong to me on rounds. Idk why them specifically it just looks bad.
Well the game is actually good. Is that going to be enough to sustain TOW as the red headed step child in GWs product line? Idk, but its not impossible.
Maybe GW will swing the other way and produce a very small run that will sell out in minutes and drive fomo for years to come.
Who's this and who's peachy?
They will oveproduce the fuck out of it again, with the foolish thought that videogame secondaries buy models
the future is now old man
>Most likely all of fantasy will be permanently discontinued and it will be 40K all the way.

Then I can finally abandon GW.
>Prices always go up.
I'm trying to figure out if you know less about technology or economics. The floor is really low desu. More like an abyss made of brain.
people literally do not buy stormcast; they get them for free as a consequence of buying intro products.
>this has to be the edition that sinks the game
Anon...let it go
That guy us some kind of super Christian conservative who works the Warhammer community video team. Peachy used to do painting videos like a less popular Duncan until he left.
The Cabal of ex GW employees on YouTube hate him, but he apparently also really hates homosexuals, so he is basically /ourguy/
The boxes and rule books will.
Everyone LGS will right them off as a business loss, and the smart ones will take the models out and sell then as 'used' spearheads to double dip.
GW stores will get sent spearhead boxes for the orcs and stormcast and told to physically rebox the models from the Dominion box.
christ ranked squares look so fucking bad
Except Spearheads for those don't even use all the models from the starter and instead have multiple other things. The only spew they could rebox is leader + banner guy and instead they'd have to open boxes of other models to put in it.
>leader character has to be a centerpirce
>same sized armies (2 units of chaff, 2 units pf specialists, 1 wizard, and a bonus thing)
This is almost as unimaginative as the sculpts themselves.
Was Warcry probably their biggest labour of love but didn’t catch on, so only now is it getting curtailed?
I wonder if the new look kits actually sell compared to their old ones? Like the krule boys compared to old orcs and lumineth compared to the high elves, or were the sales just propped up by people wanting fantasy minis?
smiling homophobe? based

Suggie is my favourite homo
jesus thats ugly. I hope they are not yours.
If anything Warcry smashed their expectations. That's why 1st season launched with 1 box and a few extra warbands while season 2 opened with big box every quarter and Underworlds was integrated into it more than to AoS
Why? They look more right there than randomly distributed rounds.
>seething piggy replies quaking in terror
Good post.
Is this cope for it costing 200 dollars to do for a unit now? they look trash all spread out
Post models
>the worlds greatest fantasy miniature
I hope someone finds a lawyer that can sue for false advertising over this or something. Would be poetic after all gw has done to stamp out other wargames.
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Well since AoS was outsold by DnD miniatures and Battletech seems possible
Surprised seeing Malifaux is doing well, no clue what Bones is supposed to be tho
>AoSisters trying to pretend this looks bad for good girl points
Fantashit fans are more obnoxious than Shitmar fans to the point that they will eat shit and claim its gold. Some Oldhammer shit are classics, but don't defend literal shit because you are so butthurt
>Fantashit fans are more obnoxious than Shitmar fans to the point that they will eat shit and claim its gold. Some Oldhammer shit are classics, but don't defend literal shit because you are so butthurt
you managed to say shit five times in two sentences. I don't think you get to call anyone else obnoxious.
Bones are more or less game-agnostic figures made by Reaper, and basically a reasonably priced source of durable monsters and enemies along with your regular hero models for use in RPGs.
Clearance isn't the same as lowering the actual price, it's also only done when you're trying to get rid of your last stock of an item that is selling very poorly in order to clear shelf space. That kind of thing happens on the individual store level and not a corporate one
They change the boxes for 40k every edition anon, do you think they throw out their entire inventory every time?
More like if someone obnoxious knows you're obnoxious; then you know you need to get the rope
Stuff like this doesn't count as false advertising because it's a vague and subjective claim. Saying that there are 30 miniatures in a box when there are only 25 would.
>I hope someone finds a lawyer that can sue for false advertising over this or something.
You have to have some really strange notions about reality if you think this how things work. Then again, it does explain these threads at least.
They do not do this
Dung & Dogshit is able to market itself as the "world's greatest roleplaying game." I don't think this stuff is policed.
That's a lovely paintjob
I can't imagine a lot of people are actually playing the game these days after they shat the bed in the transition to M3E waffling around for a year trying to get The Other Side off the ground while their player base abandoned the game. They do have some of the best plastic kits around if you can handle the tiny intricate parts, so I'd assume you have a lot of people buying specific models just to paint.
holy sovl
Do you have a more recent chart
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>in LGS
>in Burgerland
Is this our version of steam player numbers?
I think the skin of the drum might need to be green because that head looks gobloid
That's just a bret peasant
>didn’t catch on
Warcry sold-out on pre-order at a time when GW rarely failed to meet demand. Honestly, I'm unsure why GW's interest is waning so much, it's their best system. I think they shot themselves in the foot with the seasonal releases. I don't think it will ever be as popular as Killteam, and I don't think players will take the same kind of abuse; once they've bought in I think most people will be satisfied with one set of terrain for quite a while, so they should probably hold back on all the boxed games and just release one big box per edition. I'm 100% sure it's nobody's main-game, and people won't buy it like it was.
People can make the same argument about AoS and have made the same argument about past systems that did not survive.
Different animal intended to be a horse equivalent.
Jervis was just trying to deflect people from noticing that his own design philosophy is what made 1st edition AoS the worst game GW ever published.
First edition of AoS was fine in theory as long as you ignore just how half assed it was and totally lacking in balance.
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Will dominion go on sale anywhere?
Jervis amd all the rest of them get corralled into making decisions about the games they might not want to make. The whole. AoS would have had a brief, and its up to him to meet it. Its not like he had free reign to make his ideal game
B-b-b-b-but fellow smegsisters on /aosg/ and r/sigmarxism assured me that AoS is the best game with a huge following. W-why would they lie? Granted i've never seen a game of it being played in my FLGS, but i was assured it's because my local community are "chad studs?"

Stay strong, sister. We just have to wait until TOW dies soon
I gotta be honest, i don't understand why anyone would ever play AoS

The lore is objectively terrible. It's shitslop. Anyone trying to claim otherwise is a lying cuckolded piece of shit. The proof is all around us. There are no big youtubers making autistical lorebreakdowns about smegmar. There are no popular original characters or books. The RPG system is a wet fart compared to WFRP.

The gameplay has teetered from abysmal to painfully mediocre to bad. Nothing standout there.

The models have a few nice examples, but as a whole it's overdesigned cadslop. All their OC designs and armies are objectively terrible. It's telling that CoS was one of the most popular armies, because it coasted on existing WHFB aesthetics. Same with the "gits."

The playerbase is the very dregs of tabletop gaming. Limpwristed basedchuggers, trannies and zoomer shitheads.

So unless you're a pathetic leftoid or an underageb& that doesn't know any better, why would anyone willingly take a bite out of the shit sandwich that is AoS? The only scenario i can think of is of a player who wants to play with his old WHFB models, but has a local community of only shitmar freaks. But even then, you'd think they were so embarrassed that they would never post anything online.
You know the sad part is that's not even a copy pasta
Uh because AoS is heckin awesome and the stormcast fall into battle just like my favorite superhero Thor!
>can't refute a single point
I accept your kneeling. Now bow your head as well.
Show us this chart when Warhammer Fantasy was in the top 5.

Protip: You can't. After Lord of the RIngs it never reached it.
Look if I see a homeless guy taking a shit in the subway, I don't walk over and try to explain to him how we have indoor plumbing now. Like you, I just assume they're mentally ill and carry on with my day.
>moves goalposts while meanwhile her game gets pistols outsold by fucking battletech all year
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Genuinely hope it's just two discord fags jerking each other off in this thread or something, otherwise this level of mental illness is something that far surpasses that of a tranny.
Whoa there, i said bow not grovel.
I think Sigmar overall has the better game design than 40k and their newer models usually look nicer than 40k. I'm not buy this box cause I don't play stormcast or skaven but it looks decent. I think it'll sell a little bit better than Dominion but most Sigmar boxes just collect dust in stores.
AoS is a pretty lousy game, but that's along with 40k. I think circle bases don't really work outside of skirmish games numbers for ~23-32mm figures.
Literally year before End Times
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Battletech is deserved being in top5.
Someone find an old Japanese book for Battletech and suddenly you weebs think it's the coolest shit
Every other company on Earth in all of history without a single exception you fucking moron
A reddit faggot tries to act cool and fails
Wrong as always shitmar cuck and that's when warmachine and x-wing were becoming actual contenders. D&D isn't even a real miniature line and you need five models to play Battletech but they're still outselling Gays of Cuckmar
>ranked squares look bad
Actually four models is a lance in Battletech
Hear hear, aidsmar troons don't even deserve the quality of this post
Same difference
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Won't be long by the looks of it
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and yet AoS sold better
QRD on Fall 2020?
Based Battletech, an infinitely better game and SigShit
post minis you dumb farm animal
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yeah. it's better than 40k too, Just not quite as popular (yet).
Sci-fi is generally more popular but WHFB never made it to #2, so GW's point stands.
AoS is literally the world's best fantasy miniatures games.
I'm glad we could agree on that.
In has to be marvel fans. The kinds of people who thought black panther was an important movie but arent even black. Its the only explanation on who would want to play that garbage.
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Moving goalpost again?

Not weeb, but despite all their flaws japs have ab excellent taste for aesthetics and so if fiction doesn't get some cool Japanese illustration/art it's certified soulless slop, WHFB and BT have cool jap art, AoS have picrelated
Not exactly Marvel-fans, but very close to them on mental level. Very sheltered, very insecure, a fine product of community engineering, raised forever to live inside GW's echochamber.
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you got some deep rooted psychological problems for trying to psychoanalyze a bunch of made up people with the clear bias that they are inferior simply because they like their toys different from yours.
Your entire argument backfires on you when its very clear that this audience lives so rent free in that echo chamber of a brain, that its rendering you to be a closeted homosexual.

Go Get some help, even if you think you are just trolling.
>No u!
Not an argument
Also, it's not a psychoanalysis, it's just observation on communities behaviour. Even 40kiddies sometimes familiar with other wargames and miniature-lines, but AoS community is always unironically recites whatever Community manager tells them as mantra
Very few. They're incredibly popular and the game is shaping up to take 40k's place as the most-played at tourneys.
Okay dude, I'm sure AoS players are the equivalent of North Koreans worshiping the setting like it's Kim Jong Un. You keep preaching that faith around buddy.
>I'm sure AoS players are the equivalent of North Koreans worshiping the setting like it's Kim Jong Un.
Well, Amazon/Disney/Meta/X/Google/Microsoft etc are certainly taking clues from Kim, Mao and rest of the guys in community-building
Cool art is cool, no matter how much you bitch about it.
The only people that I have ever found, that unironically like AOS, are some of the most insufferable people I have met. They seem to like the lore not because of the lore itself, but because how the lure came to be. They almost seem to enjoy the fact that Warhammer fantasy died for it, and they almost seem to delight in knowing that that happened. They're just the weirdest bunch of fans I've ever met and honestly not that fun to play with.
Victim complex much lmao tell me more about how daddy GW took away your toy before selling you it again
They didn't? I just downloaded the rules and have been playing the old world since, I didn't give GW a dime of my money when it came to anything past the first edition of AOS. I gave it the old college try and was not impressed with it nor the fandom, or community, so I just decided to wait it out and turns out me sitting around waiting, won.

So stay mad I'm having fun playing a better game that I didn't waste money on.
The venn diagram of AoS fans and marvel fans is a circle
so you're still bitter and hate GW but somehow play their game because it's fine when it's free.
That's all kinds of pathetic.

that was my first post, so nothing to move here, and it goes back to the original comment arguing that AoS isn't the best fantasy miniatures game around.
It is and its success proves it.
>and it goes back to the original comment arguing that AoS isn't the best fantasy miniatures game around.
>that's was my first post
Pick one.
Do you have brain damage?
Why would I try to refute my own point?
I'm not sure how your schizo brain works, but normal people don't argue both:
>AoS is not the best fantasy game, I should sue GW
>AoS is the best fantasy game, and I can prove it
>>AoS is the best fantasy game, and I can prove it
And where and when exactly you've proved it?
Clearly it was when three different DnD miniature lines outsold it throughout the entirety of 2023
>retards think D&D is a miniatures game
DnD is a tabletop RPG game, idiot
Holy shit. , you destroyed him. Also frostgrave is a better fantasy game too.
>proceedes with mental gymnastic
Is there anyone on either side of this argument thats not going through hoops? I swear to god you retards are both autistic for no reason.
What part is bait? He's right. AoS lore is downright insultingly bad, and the gameplay is nothing to write home about. The playerbase itself is definitely on the cringe side, and the much vaunted models have roughly 5 misses for each hit.
sure, but its still the best lore from GW.
but they succeeded
Skaven look pretty good actually.

I don't understand the insistence on Stormcast, Cities of Sigmar would have been better.

I think /tg/ hates the GW design team even more than the conservative members of this board hate gays.

You just proved his point.
Frostgrave isn't even on that list. It must be pretty shit to be outranked by AoS and Malifaux.
Not when Munda and Mordheim exist. Even early days 40k and Fantasy are better. Warcry had better lore than it's parent game though that just follows the pattern. I'd even take joke lore like Bloodbowl over the AoS world desu, it's more coherent.
>but its still the best lore from GW.
Honestly the way they're treating 40k is pretty abysmal, it's almost like they hate it and want an excuse to reboot it. Every codex getting a pity hq is tragic and the edition is just a bloated mess.
Holy shit, did this actually happen? Source?
What is this? Leddit?

Yeah, though most TOW players are part of the warhammer fantasy subreddit, so it's intentionally deceptive on his part to show that number.
Oh so sales matter now?
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>Intentionally deceptive!
What happened to the 3000 person sub you were using to deceive people?
NTA but there's no reason to deceive anyone the stats are quite obvious.
WHFB subreddit has not just TOW players and doesn't even manage half of AoS.
It's pathetic that you're trying to downplay that.
You know that both games are dead right? Once this new box flops like dominion they'll just move on to the next thing. Maybe they'll keep it around like MESBG. Which is also a better game btw. Dont worry, youll always have a spot in the specialty games thread.
Calling something dead on arrival because it isn't selling morbidly well is silly.

You don't need to sell ten gorillion copies of your product to be appealing to the audience you made it for.
You say that yet if an AoS box doesn't sell out within five minutes, you will be making 25 threads about how it FLOPPED IT'S A FLOP BIGGEST FLOP GW IS DYING AOS IS DEAD IT FLOPPED
But aos IS dead, it DID flop
No, I'm saying that as someone who just now came into the thread and is laughing at the typical back and forth sperging in here.

Take your meds, not everybody is taking part in your little GW culture war.
Thing is: AoS has redeeming qualities. There's aspects of the setting that could've been there without taking away from the Old World. The Old World didn't have to be destroyed for AoS.
The Western Battletech had objectively worse art. It was very inconsistent in quality for the longest time. The Japanese art had professional designers, as well as the original artists they licensed the designs from making the Japanese designs. It isn't just subjectively better in most respects, but objectively so.
Can you imagine AoS and TOW having to get along in the specialist games general?
Dont listen to the angry sig piggies these look great
>AoS has redeeming qualities
Unfortunately it does not, I'm sorry.
In terms of a setting, there is literally nothing redeeming about it because it's all built up on Warhammer fantasy and because that it will always be a shadow of it, all of its "uniqueness" is rooted in what was. AoS is like some one trying to pretend to be fantasy. I'm sorry but AoS is just kinda shit. The game is ok, that's the thing though, it's ok, it's not good, it's not bad it's passable. You can't have a passable game with shit models and shit settings and expect people to like it.

The only reason it held popularity was because of 2 groups. One the group of people that actively enjoy shitting on old things, the people who like sigmar purely for the fact that it shits on something people love, these people are your average secondary. The second group are the people who played it just because there was nothing else to play.
My buddy played AoS way more then 40k even said it was good, and would say it's the better game then 40k, but the second tow dropped he switched full steam ahead to ToW and most everyone I know did the same.

AoS was just a game people played while waiting for fantasy to return.
damn thats crazy
I disagree, AOS has exceptional qualities as a containment game. By being essentially Warhammer - League of Legends edition, it can appeal to zoomers, compfags and other simpletons. These undesirables are thus not playing good games, like MESBG and TOW. People pushing for competitive style play can be shown the disastrous state of play in AOS and be effectively shut down. People ranting about ‘dynamic posing’ can be shown the monopose CADslop and be effectively shut down. People who think strategems and other special rules bloat is interesting game design can be shown the logical endpoint of their argument and effectively shut down.

AOS squatting the first generation Stormcast and Warcry stuff is hilarious to me. The game was founded on squatting older models and ranges, but surely if I drink the kool-aid and buy the posterboys, it won’t happen to me.

I love AOS because it’s the absolute worst version of Warhammer, I want it to stay exactly how it is.

>TOW is DOA.

GW literally said on WarCom that they were surprised by the positive reaction to TOW and the scope of the project has expanded. So no, it's not DOA, quite the opposite, if it's dead it's dead like the Tomb Kings, dead but still moving around living its best unlife and kicking ass.
GW also said in their shareholder report which has a lot more importance than a marketing website that AoS 3rd was the best fantasy game edition launch they ever had.

Which shareholder report? I haven't seen this.
This one.
Its crazy how selling like 5% of what they made is considered a success for smegmar lmao
I know right?
Ridiculous that that alone was enough to outsell any WHFB box ever.
they truly are both dead games

Ok, but that wasn't this last fiscal year, so why are you bringing it up? For all we know, TOW might have sold better.
They thought it would flop like AoS so they didn't make that many of them.
i love that jannies dont remove clear bait threads STILL, but get mad if you tell someone to dilate

It's because the jannies aren't actually from /tg/, they don't understand what's on topic and what's not.

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