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Thread Question: How do you do a Mechanicus conspiracy without recycling Terminator, Event Horizon, or The Matrix?
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>How do you do a Mechanicus conspiracy without recycling Terminator, Event Horizon, or The Matrix?
Ran a series about some rogue Admech finding an Old Slann facility that could bring the dead back to life. They found the facility and brought a dead guy back to life, but he came back super-duper fucked up, because in life he was super fucked up. The tercio had to first kill the dead guy again, and crashed the facility into a planet, giving them the right to form their own cohort named the "Skyburners."
>Thread Question: How do you do a Mechanicus conspiracy without recycling Terminator, Event Horizon, or The Matrix?

Well, first off you can steal ideas from video games and introduce a Magos Biologis that's experimenting with Tyranid strains in order to try and "solve the Tyranid problem", like in Gladius or the Anphelion project from Forgeworld.
Then there's looting stuff from the elder races that should be best left alone, like the necrons or what >>92820113 said about the Old Slann. Bonus points if you use minor xenos races or the more oddball ones out there. I'm sure there's a few Mechanicus adepts that have gone rogue trying to get their hands on stuff from the Tau or the Votann in order to study it.
You can also use this as a way to introduce something stranger altogether; the Priests of Mars series had a ton of weird Mechanicus stuff kicking around in it, a lot of it having to do with the Dark Age of Technology. I think my favorite part out of those books was early on when they found a supposedly derelict space station full of combat servitors made out of dead Orks.
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>blocks your path
How do you respond?
By reminding the GM that it has no official stats in the RPG, and if he starts bringing in homebrew outside of the pre-approved books, we walk.
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Have a bigger version of that art.
>men of iron and necrons are infiltrating mars to open the labyrinth for different reasons and fighting each other as well as various mechanicus sects
>the STC is broken and makes scrapcode virus but the effects are longterm, some magos know and use it anyway, some know and are trying to prevent this, neither side can let out the idea that an STC is wrong
>the machine spirit of an ancient and highly lauded titan has escaped into a magos and is trying to experience the meat world.
Stick some rocks between the legs to jam them up.
fake stc
always preferred it with the weird fireballs cropped out
It doesn't feel right to use slann, necrons are fine but slann just may as not be real in 40k. Bringing a background thing to the foreground feels like disrespecting the setting.
They're either stars or open warp translations.
Is there a compendium of sector maps from different campaigns someplace?
I don't mean specifically the rpgs like Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader, I mean in general, including the normal game and other lore sources.
>It doesn't feel right to use slann
Personally, I haven't used Slann stuff, but I have used the Dark Age of technology to incorporate things from other science fiction into the games that I run.

I think the trick to doing it well is to never explain flat out what the thing is, or why its there. You can hint at it, maybe make some vague hypothesis, but ultimately you shouldn't let the players or npcs know what it is for sure.

Its part of the reason that the HH series fell off for me, characters kept coming out to flat out explain things instead of letting the hints and conspiracies of the setting thrive.
Does Unnatural Willpower play a role in psychic powers in 2e? I can't spot the rule for it, but it's pretty common. I can't really find much of a use for WpB at all actually, excepting the psyker bonus, some implants, interrogation, the SoB and a few inquisitors.
Assuming Dark Heresy, not that much.
There's Sacred Flame which scales with willpower bonus but that's a +1 to damage.
There's Mind Probe and all tests of the opposed variety as well. So if your psyker isn't running sanctic daemonology or telepathy - its not much use.
Correction : Biomancy benefits for Enfeeble, Haemorrhage and Life Leech since all of those are opposed Willpower tests.
>Does Unnatural Willpower play a role in psychic powers in 2e?
>Successful tests using a characteristic tied to this trait gain a number of bonus degrees of success equal to half the Unnatural Characteristic value.
Off the top of my head :
Option a) Xeno-tech integration
a1. Crons and all that entails. For that one you either do the Mechanicus route or whatever the hell else you can think up. Some magos is using a bunch of necron "brains" wired together as an uber cogitator. It works well for a time and then the forge facility its hooked up to starts producing things it shouldnt.
a2. Wraithbone fuckery, for that you could touch on the more radical Thorian Inquisitors and their desire to bring E back via elf-tech.
Option b) Political Intrigue
b1. Rip off the Rogue Trader vidya (Amarnat Collective)
b2. A spacehulk shows up containing a lost ark mechanicus that, according to the records held forbidden knowledge / a magos in cryo stasis / dark age toys of doom, etc and now the cogboys are all chomping at the bit to get their metal mitts on it, causing a lot of chaos in the sector by withdrawing previously committed forces to go on this treasure hunt.
I'm apparently fucking blind. Thanks.
I'm working on some stats for a revised dark heresy 2nd ed rulebook. Do you reckon this is an adequate representation of the sheer pain a patriarch brings to the table?
This is the worst opinion on /tg/ right now.
Planets being consumed by the warp.
>How do you do a Mechanicus conspiracy without recycling Terminator, Event Horizon, or The Matrix?
Status within the Mechanicus is based on exclusive knowledge and ability. Factions stealing designs and knowledge from each other (or retaliating to recover stolen material and eliminate rival production facilities) should be more common than actually inventing new stuff or rediscovering archeotech. These fights can be over existing Imperial tech without introducing anything really weird. Heist or sabotage schemes are great place to involve plausibly-deniable outsiders like Rogue Traders or the Inquisition.
The biologis/genetors lend themselves to campaigns such as: Outbreak, but it was on purpose as an experiment on a clueless hive city; are you a bad enough dude to tiptoe to the line of heresy by experimenting with the divine human genetic code; and Jurassic Park, but with genestealers.
dead thread
The background story from the new Necromunda showcase is pretty spot-on for a scenario like that too. Magos biologis tries to find a cure for the Genestealer's kiss, becomes infected himself and starts spreading it around. Would make for a tense investigation once the coin dropped that the Magos was working with Genestealers and not just a more mundane plague.

Question for the thread; Do any of you anons have your own sector or setting that you play in? I'm slowly putting together a sector map and would love to see what others have made.
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Years ago (2016) there was an anon working on an Only War homebrew aimed at fleshing out Drop Troops and the wargear/mechanics around them. I gave some feedback about rifle grenades and the knee mortar expy he was so adamant on including.

I have version 3.0 still; did it ever get updated further? I'm curious. I liked the rest of it.
Skitarii, I want to enter your temple
>did it ever get updated further?
If it wasn't completed, then it was probably brought here to offload any assets somewhere they might be preserved. Still hoping for whatever some anon(s) created as WFRP40k.
Right now, I'm working on a custom sector for a Rogue Trader campaign. The sector will be a lost segment of Imperial space on the north eastern fringe of the galaxy, roughly north of the Hadex Anomaly. My players like Tau, Necrons and Orks, so I'm looking to include all of those, and also a few Eldar raiders for them to murder the living shit out of. After those worlds being lost to the Imperium for millennia, the Imperium has mustered a crusade that will be pushing into enemy territory, with the dynasty supplying crucial logistics to the Imperial forces and scouting ahead with the crusade's blessing to provide recon, potential diplomatic connections and loot whatever they can.

What they don't know is about a quarter of the way through, either the Great Rift or something else is going to open up while the players are in the Warp, splitting the crusade in two and stranding the players with the worlds they've taken on the wrong side of the rift. The players are going to have a seemingly normal celebration get weird as the Gellar field begins failing, then they'll abruptly wake up on a desert planet with the burning wreckage of their ship in the distance. They'll get to recover and restore an old flagship, make some xenos allies if they want and reunite with the crusade elements to discover that the Rogue Trader and crusade command is basically annihilated, leaving them defacto in charge of the remnants.
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I like that a lot, definitely the kind of twist that an enterprising crew can use to their advantage, but with one hell of a gamble attatched to it. I'm hoping you have plans for Ork Freebooter shenanigans at some point.

I recently found an old copy of Warp Storm as a pdf online, I've been using the Subsector generator to start building up to making a whole Sector map out of. I'm hoping to try and learn enough Gimp to translate it into a sector map like the ones you see online, but that's a little ways off atm.
In Imperium Maledictum is Strength as much as a redundant stat as it was in the old d100 games?
Surely not.
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>Do any of you anons have your own sector or setting that you play in?
I usually have used the Tiji sector in the past, but now I have the Solaris Expanse, in the Large Magellanic Clouds, which is split into two sectors, one subsector, one unexplored hinterland, a warp storm, a set of Squat holds, and multiple xenos domains. I have Orbis Subsector and Varitia Sector mostly set up, but the Redentor Sector and the rest still need work. The hard part is making a brand new frontier where the Imperium has been there for about a decade or so tops.
That "twist" sounds really obnoxious. A player group that puts any effort into designing their ship at the start of the game is going to be mad about it getting summarily deleted. If you want to do marooning like this, give them a choice - enough salvage available to put one or the other wreck into orbit again. Also, it would probably be more fun if you let them play out the crash scenario. Dumped out of the warp too close to the planet, they have to choose between running for Saviour Pods or trying to steer the ship in for as gentle a crash as they can. If they do well, give them some choices about where the ship ends up, in what condition, and what crew and other resources are preserved.
>I'm hoping you have plans for Ork Freebooter shenanigans at some point.
Orks are on my list, but I'm genuinely quite anxious about it- mostly because they're the obvious choice to populate the barren, desolate planet at first, but also because I'm quite bad at voices and want to make sure my players still get the full ork 'experience'. My problem is that while I can do the voice, I'm not good enough to make it automatic and I have to be concerned about the volume in my apartment. It'll be a balancing act.

Some other highlights for the sector:
>Raptors will be an element of the crusade because the homeworld they're so cagey about giving the location of away is in the crusade's path, and so they're secretly issuing false scouting reports to divert the crusade away from it's path. One of them will be the player's liason if they wind up discovering it, in return for the players not blabbing.
>A few Imperial planets that have been going without the Imperium's influence for so long that they've begun openly dabbling with xenotech and warptech, some breakaway empires and others that have never even heard of the Imperium.

The plan actually is that they DON'T design their initial ship- the 'Rogue Trader' of the group will actually be a heir, and this disaster will take out high command and their old man, leaving them in-charge. The Rogue Trader's flagship, which was supposed to go to whoever inherited, will get captured and they'll have a chance to recover it later. That said, by that point, they'll likely have purchased some upgrades for their ship and gotten homey with it. The plan is essentially to let them fuse both ships together - the one already on the planet is stuck there for a reason, but they just brought a whole bunch of spare parts with them, and they can ally with a faction for the rest of the parts or take them. That said, definitely yoinking letting them roleplay the crash in more detail.
If I heard backtalk like that from my players they would be out of my game and on their asses so fast. Then I'd enjoy my extra time no longer spent on prepping.

You deserve each other.
Any good homebrew of advanced specialities for commissars, sanctioned psykers and stormtroopers? Those seem to be the missing part from the book that was never published.
>Question for the thread; Do any of you anons have your own sector or setting that you play in? I'm slowly putting together a sector map and would love to see what others have made.

I once saw a pdf from a man who had turned Iocanthos into a fully realised world here, but like so many things I don't have it anymore. I think the bits and pieces were lower gravity, slightly higher tech level (onions green machines in the roving billions strong hordes) and more space mongols, but it's been a while. Struck me as fallout on steriods, to be honest.
Rule 0 may be the GM is always right, but Rule -1 is if the GM has no players, then the GM has no game.
The zenith rule is always: assholes deserve each other. And I've replied to at least two assholes.
Oh nooo I'll have to get new playeroids that could be slightly less retarded this time oh nooooooooo
I like 40k but honestly one of the most frustrating things to my brain is figuring out what terms from modern day might still be in use for dialogue purposes.

My Dark Heresy character used the term Catch-22 but I was still like “they probably wouldn’t know what that means”

I’m probably overthinking things.
>one of the most frustrating things to my brain is figuring out what terms from modern day might still be in use for dialogue purposes.
Don't crawl up your own ass unless there's a need.
>My Dark Heresy character used the term Catch-22 but I was still like “they probably wouldn’t know what that means”
And this most definitely is not a need. Guarantee you the writers aren't giving a shit over catch-22 while coming up with things like "Calixian Infantryman's Portable Communications Transcription Device".
My retard brain was definitely over thinking it then. Thanks, I’ll worry less in the future.
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How would you guys stat Astartes-sized Pulse Rifles and Smart Guns in a way that differentiates them from regular DW bolt weapons?
The Spoor Targeter Weapon upgrade (DH1 Ascension or OW Hammer of the Emperor) can make most weapons in the game "smart" in the sense of the Aliens LMG (won't ever hit allies on its preprogrammed list even when firing into melee). I'm not sure what you mean by an Astartes-sized equivalent of a Pulse Rifle. Those are just autoguns (or, arguably, autopistols if you take them to be SMGs). If what you want is sold projectile weapon that are "autoweapons, but big", then maybe add +4 to the damage of the human-sized equivalent (this is basically the conversion from human to Astartes Bolt weapons using the stats from errata).
>Those are just autoguns
The Pulse Rifle and Smart Gun ammo is described as being explosive-tipped in non-movie works, so I figured they'd be a bit spicier than the average autogun.
>Astartes-sized Pulse Rifles
Add an aux grenade launcher to bolter.
>Smart Guns
idk if I'd go with assault cannon or heavy bolter.
add a "Identify-Friend-or-Foe Systems" wargear
You could give them Manstopper or Expander Rounds (both found in the RT core book, and probably other places), or let players choose from a broad selection of ammunition. That's the main advantage of SP weapons anyway. Anything that changes Damage Type to X will probably make it just seem like a weaker bolter. Without access to X type damage other SP weapons can be weaker than bolters against hordes, and they often lack penetration against armored enemies (though Autocannons can get ammo to be equal or better at most things you'd use a bolter against).
At the risk of blatant self-promotion, try the Trisdekan Primer, Volume 2.
Fuck yeah, Imperial Ships.
Slightly bigger, slight grading.
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Any anons want to help me pick a second color for my Tyranids? Picrel is the carapace color for my army I found in a youtube video. I am leaning towards a turqoise blue/green type of thing, but I am color deficient and would appreciate input. I am currently applying different transluscent colors to this image in photoshop, I will reply to this post with altered images, or you could give whatever suggestion you think is good and I'll try it out in photoshop.
Here is the first edit that I kind of like, but I think it needs a bit more more blue added to it, so I'll reply again with that edit.
>Any anons want to help me pick a second color for my Tyranids?
How about Can't Fucking Red?
Idk if typo or just messing with me haha
Dunno but i concur, try Red.
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Okay gonna give a go really quick, here's my favorite blue so far, and I have a bottle of it laying around too.
Shotgun brainstorming ideas for campaigns right now, either Dark Heresy or Rogue Trader. Throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, tell me what you think about:

>Sent to secure someone who's potentially a Sensei
The twist on this one would be that the party searching for them would have zero idea if they're a Chaos plant or not. The investigation is into whether they're legit or not and not just retrieving them, with a lot of circumstantial evidence that they're dabbling in xenotech and warptech. Some of the more learned members of the party might realize that these were traits of Big E as well, so it might be a neat way to test their resolve.

>Planet with a psyker priest caste
It would be rich in Blackstone or something else that's psychoactive. They utilize it extensively in augments or tribal totems or whatever and are pretty chilled out and stable for being psykers. However, this resource would be infinitely more useful industrially, so what do you do about the populace? Suppress a bunch of psykers and stress them out? Figure out a way to make them want Imperial rule?

>"What a terrible accident..."
Instead of drama involving their dynasty, another dynasty has had a string of problems hit them, and now they're in a mild succession crisis. Some whodunnit murder mystery stuff, but also figuring out the dominos they need to nudge and the evidence they need to tamper to get the outcome they want.

>A badly mistaken xeno
An alien has come forward seeking the party out, believing them to be sympathetic to their cause and a potential ally. However, they have massively misjudged the kind of person the party is. An Eldar has sought out rabid puritans, an Ork is asking for a good fight from a pacifist, Necrons are asking the Mechanicus for help with biotransference, stuff like that. Do the players try to string them along or strike them down?
So red is one of the colors I struggle with, I basically confuse it with brown or dark green if it's not very bright red. Here is one color though, I could try lighter or whatever depending on whatcha think.
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Forgot the pick like a proper tard
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Badly Mistaken Xeno feels coolest to me. The idea of struggling between helping/trusting them, or suffering no xenos freaks sounds fun. Psyker priest caste sounds kinda cool, isn't that kinda Eldar tho?
That starts looking like Tyranids of old, albeit with the bone/green balance reversed.
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If 22 is still written the same way, or the number system still has a counting method that can have a duplicate number expressed that way, the expression would likely still be close enough. Even if you go full fake future Latin
>Catch II
still works.
There's buckets of anachronistic stuff in 40k. One of the Bequin novels has a model of an early soviet space craft in an antique store.
Nice. Thanks.
I like the white and green the most t b h.
where can i watch hammer and bolter?
I'm a broke bitch
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>Sent to secure someone who's potentially a Sensei
This one. Add in another cell of agents from a different inqusitor with different faction and ordos alliances, another cell of a conspiratorial anti-imperial secret agenda. All three want the target. The target is maybe manifesting signs of the emperor's divinity. Let the players figure out what to do. Maybe add in a cult gathering around the Sensei who doesn't want a cult. Should be great.
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Question, so even if I dont overcharge a plasma gun in Imperium Maledictum, a dice roll of four or greater on a D10 still results in the gun detonating, and I make that roll for every shot, even if not super charging?
Nope. 5+ on the fumble table.
It's pretty Eldar, yeah, but I wanted to make 'screwing over good people for profit' slightly more complex. Now there's a pretty substantial risk to trying to screw them over, and it's not the easy but evil option and requires a bit more finesse from the players. I also want to include some human planets beyond the Imperium that are different than the Imperium without them just being strictly more advanced because they held onto some STCs. So primitive people, but really stable psykers due to their cultural traditions. A smart group might be able to take advantage of that for an ending where everyone wins, but the dynasty gets less profit ending.

Current thought on the Sensei is that she's risen to a position of authority on her world that gives her the leeway and resources to do the dabbling in xenotech and warptech, maybe having created something genuinely useful? So her cult would be her collection of assistants and subordinates who are devoted to her. Although all my thoughts on something that screams heresy, but is useful feel a bit too much? Like they seem fun, but it seems like their mere presence would be conflict-altering for the campaign.

The other thing I could do, though, is make her a total nobody at first who the players are instantly doubtful is anyone important, but then the signs start manifesting the long they're with her. They show up and they're baffled to discover that this descendant of the Emperor's divine light is a fucking TECHPRIEST.
>first time playing DH2e
>GM wants us to roll for stats and refuses to let us do point allocation
feel like I'm gonna be in for a bad time
Reasonable assumption, especially if you have a character concept before rolling.
The Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all
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Working on a hopefully short but sweet vehicle tuning system to give Operators something more fun to do in their downtime. Does this seem playable and worth investing in-game time?
trying to decide if a Dark Heresy game set on a Hive World that’s basically Victorian London with an Inquisitor that’s basically Sherlock Holmes is retarded or kino.

The villain would be an old Man of Iron that’s based on Moriarty and there would be mutants and xenos that are various gothic horror monsters.
Victorian aethetics work fine in 40K, but Holmes is probably a bad basis for a supervisor NPC. His whole thing is that he's excessively OP at all detective work (massive PER and INT with tons of Lore skills would fit in game terms), which makes sense for an Inquisitor but can sideline players if present in an NPC. He's a character who comes off as arrogant and condescending, but backs up his attitude with extraordinary ability. Again, appropriate for an Inquisitor who is the protagonist of a story, but will probably be irritating in an NPC who is the party's boss. If you drop these things, I'm not sure what's left of the character aside from his appearance. An NPC Inquisitor in DH needs to be the type to rely on Acolytes to do most of the interesting stuff, and the Holmes archetype doesn't seem to fit well with that requirement.
Depends on whether they're using the PCs to provide them with the info to work with or not. If they can moonwalk in circles around the party's investigative abilities without even being there and the party exist to showcase how awesome 40SherlocK is, then it's fucking retarded.
Maybe make him more of a Mycroft than a Sherlock then? Brilliant in his own right, but perhaps more willing to rely on subordinates than do his own work?
please fix your font choice
the negatives seem too much
Generally agree with >>92873767, that Holmes as the inquisitor is not the way to go. But that doesn’t mean you can’t pull from other British icons. Radical Inquisitor Byron would be too busy traveling to be a hands on presence and might be just as interested as in acquiring heresy than eradicating it. And Inquisitor Churchill would be too busy playing politics and trying to convince people of the need to go after the Tau once the local hive fleet tendril is dealt with.
Reversing the roles to cast Moriarty as the Inquisitor might also work. He's mostly the types to strategize in the background and minimize personal involvement in schemes if I recall the character correctly (I seem to remembet this coming of as a flimsy excuse to retcon in a metaplot and overarching villain who hadn't been mentioned before in the actual stories, but it works here). Such an Inquisitor could even actually act as a criminal mastermind for the "regular" underworld in order to discover truly dangerous heretics. Introduce a Holmes-like antagonist either as a rival Inquisitor or other law enforcer and you gave a good Doyle 40K scenario.
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What are some good introductory scenes for the start of a Dark Heresy campaign? I'm about to start the Tattered Fates adventure for the Haarlock Legacy, but instead of the PCs being hapless bystanders thrown into the Red Cages, I'm having them land on Quaddis with their Inquisitor, tasked with investigating the disappearance of the big man's Interrogator and their retinue. Big issue there, is that "you start on the Gun-Cutter" is dreadfully bland, and means there will be at least three or four, "and then you go here, and then here, and then here." Y'know, exposition. Moving from scene to scene. Good for purple prose, since Quaddis is described as a very beautiful place, but that does not a compelling start make.

At the risk of having rambled in that post, I'll reiterate more simply; what are some good ways to cold open a Dark Heresy campaign, especially if the party hasn't immediately been given a task? Right now, I've been thinking, "they're in the middle of torturing a suspected cultist" but that hasn't "grasped" me like it should, if it was the proper way to go.
Reframe the Inquisitor as somebody who would, in any other setting, exist as the campaign supervillain. That's frankly the easiest way to conceptualize the form and function of your party's boss.
It sounds like you still want the in media res feeling without making the PCs start as captives (which is a good change, in my opinion). I'm not sure how much you are planning to modify the adventure, but you could start with them in a modified form of the same initial scene where they rescue one or more surviving Acolytes from the Red Pits and pick up the investigation. Make it so they were sent in chasing a vox or psychic distress signal with few details and the Inquisitor coming later, which will put them in roughly the original situation information-wise, but with their gear. Beef up enemy encounters since they will have equipment and have them collect information from survivors, and place the maked villain carefully so they can't take him down immediately. This doesn't work as well if you want to add a significant up-front non-combat investigation arc(which I think could be neat), but it sounds like you aren't all that excited by that idea yourself.
It’s a balancing act, for sure. I can’t start the PCs too deep into the investigation without confusing the players, while I can’t start them too far from the action and make it impossible for them to meaningfully interact with anything. I’m not averse to the thought of non-combat investigation being the start of the campaign, I’m just figuring out the best way to do it. The best introductions give players the chance to grab something from the scene and make it theirs, you know?

Maybe I’m overthinking this. The hangup isn’t for the first session itself but rather the first hour; where do they “start?” I’ve got a pretty tight understanding of how the rest of it will go,
>Inquisitor Karkalla leaves to attend Gabriel Chase, assigning players with investigating disappearance of advance team sent weeks prior
>Cue first half of Part 2, with PCs using Inquiry and discovering white scholar at Athaneum.
>Meet Scholar, fight heretics. There’s a plot afoot! The Interrogator is in the Red Cages, you must rescue him!
>Meet Papa Grist, will give access to Red Cages in casino in exchange for helping him kill the Pale Lady later
>Enter Red Cages, cue dungeon crawl
>Find Interrogator, learn of Vulpa and the the mad scheme to use the blood of a Haarlock (Lady Melua) to plunge the planet into damnation
>Session END

The big thing is that [Unknown]. Typing it out, I’m left to wonder that some sort of scenario where the PCs are interacting with nobility on the street with their Inquisitor would be apt. The sooner the PCs meet Lady Melua, the better.
If you want to start pedal to the metal, have the acolytes being ferried to their destination in a lander/lighter/some sort of atmospheric craft, then have the pilot turn around and say something along the lines of “Blood to the Blood God” before pitching the craft into a dive and engaging the acolytes.
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Nope, didn't have a good time, that fucking sucked. Character idea went out the window because I (and everyone else) couldn't roll above a 26 for stats. The meager starting exp was spent getting ourselves to a gimped version of a point buy character's starting stats. Every test we did had a penalty to it and we TPK'd on "hive scum" who each had 3 armour and 55 BS/WS. Group immediately separated (online game).
... yeah, more recent games I've been in have had a full reroll or switch to point buy if you get below 100/105 on 9x2d10. Can't be fucked otherwise.
>The big thing is that [Unknown]. Typing it out, I’m left to wonder that some sort of scenario where the PCs are interacting with nobility on the street with their Inquisitor would be apt. The sooner the PCs meet Lady Melua, the better.
PCs are at a big gay parade hosted by a visiting noble. Lady Melua is among the throng enjoying the show from a palanquin. Party are given the chance to engage in small talk with her. Suddenly, surly-looking goons approach the Lady! Party does what they can to ensure her safety. She thanks them, parade ends, and Inquisitor fucks off to Gabriel Chase.
Whats the issue? Trying to return to the game, but 9x2d10 sounds excessive.
What's your issue, besides never opening a book?
This is the sector I'm currently running with my Only War game and have been prodding and expanding over a while now.
It's a relatively recent endeavour only 1200 years old give or take. There's around 8 regiments that are half powered fighting around which gives me the opportunity to have the players mesh with various other cultures and pick different PC regiments if they want.
This is my first time seeing this and it looks like a nice addition to my OW homebrew stuff, cheers.
Never had a need to use it in a 40k game, but the houserule I've always used is that if you could plug your rolled array into a point buy table and not have spent all your points, then you can spend them like you were point buying.
I've seen it happen more times than I care to count, and a few online games where the group split because the GM was too tight-fisted to change anything to suit everyone's initial shitty luck - with a few comments like "Characteristics don't matter, you can roll badly whatever they are." from absolute chumps.
I think some of that is leftover from the early days of DH1e, when it wore its WFRP roots on its sleeve and you could randomize everything if you wanted to.

I still prefer rolling for stats, but with failsafes like rerolls or swapping some stat rolls.
NTA, but if I were running Dark Heresy 1e I'd definitely want straight-down 9x2d10 to really rub in the "you are a disposable, deniable, randomly chosen, probably incompetent asset" feel. In the Rogue Trader game I'm setting up I went with point buy because I want characters with more longevity.
Why not just use point buy to begin with if you're going to do that? Rolling stats kind of makes sense if you're starting without a character concept and just want to randomly make something. Everyone rolls some stats, then picks whatever Career those stats work for. It makes a lot less sense if you already know what you're playing and what your role in the party will be and other people are building around that. FFG's roll down the line with one re-roll rules are especially harsh if you're shooting for something specific. You can easily end up with characteristics entirely unsuited for what you have in mind.
Like I've said, never had it come up in a 40k game, our luck has always been decent enough to make it work. In other games, I do it so that there's a bit of a safety net when players roll, and encourage players who roll a really dogshit stat to keep it for the fun factor and use it to beef up their other stats. It's been fun so far, but if it goes poorly I may reconsider it. Also, I never use roll down the line, just roll and assign.
Rogue Trader PCs should always feel like seasoned veterans of their assigned role, since even a Rank 1 Arch-Militant is in charge of like, a regiment of house guard.
idk about seasoned veterans, but they should always feel capable unless you play against type, and the main stats that help to play to type should be explicit.

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