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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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What are some good games that let you play as gods right off the bat? Not demigods like Scion or Exalted, but actual gods, or at least beings of comparable power to deities. Beyond that, how do you personally handle gods in your worlds and campaigns, including their faiths, their spheres of influence, their divine servants, settings that you look at for ideas, any art you use to represent them to your players, and more?

In my world, a single Creator made the world, then left to make more, leaving behind the Spirits, a sort of mix between angels and Japanese Kami. There are a few for major parts of the world, like the Sky, Land, and Ocean, but those are so large and distant that most people, with the exception of a few chosen to be the agents of these Great Spirits, just worship the Spirits of the region, with different categories of Spirit looking for different types of offerings and rituals, with more powerful Spirits sometimes giving mortals power as Clerics and Paladins. I’d love to hear both what you think and what your setting’s take is.
>Not demigods like Scion or Exalted, but actual gods
Godbound, I guess.
How does divinity work in Nobilis?
Technically speaking, nothing works in Nobilis.
you are the god of a specific thing and can do miracles. all of your stats define the kind of miracles you can do and their strenght: one is for miracles that are extremely powerful versions of mundane actions (lifting mountains and stuff like that), one for miracles that specifically affect your domain, the thing you are a god of (including on global scale), i forget what the other kinds of miracles are
Alright, and how else does it work aside from what you just already explained. Can you feed me attention a little more, please?
Primal Order is the old school one.
There's another one called First Light.
Microscope and Kingdom but in the general way, no reasons it doesn't work with deities.
This sounds like it would work best as a wargame at the grand strategy scale. Gods should have states, churches, and legions of spirits and followers at their command. Manifesting an avatar to act directly would only be a small part of their doings in the grand scheme of things.
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Not that anon, but here's an attempt to summarize:
Your PC gets imbued w/godhood (becoming a "Power") by the unrelatable/inhuman Imperators. Your PC represents/is basically the guardian of some concept which is your "Estate" or domain. Estates act as the pillars of reality. Excrucians, powers from outside the universe as we know it, want to replace/erase/subsume reality b/c they think it shouldn't exist. They attack/target domains to erode the universe and reduce it into something easier to destroy/eat, so you defend (or attack on behalf of) your domain from Excrucians.
Also rival Powers might attack you or try to claim your domain if they think they can do a better job than you, so you can have gods fighting by their weird rules (but canonically mortals are oblivious).
Estates are things (fires, guns, trees, documents) experiences (strength, suffering, treachery) or "categories of phenomena or actions" (destruction, music, wars) so you can pick something vague and all encompassing or choose a mundane estate to flex your creativity. The book gives you questions to answer about your estate so you aren't just improving everything - the character creation process can take a while at first.
Hmm. Can you elaborate further?
Well, there’s a game called First Light, but it’s been incomplete for years, is the modern /tg/ up for finally finishing it?
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And here’s the character sheet document. So, can we do this?
I think two anons have given you more than enough to go on here, and it'd be polite for you to engage in the conversation and be specific rather than say "elaborate further".
Isn’t there also a spin-off game to that?
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish Granting Engine I believe it’s called. Only vaguely aware of what it’s about though.
I’m working on a pantheon (or more precisely, four interconnected pantheons) of seasonal gods, ones that are most powerful during their respective seasons and weakest during their opposing ones. As the year goes on, many temples will swap which god they worship as the seasons change in a cycle, with the previous god moving on as the new seasonal god arrives, each pantheon having a realm where their season is always present where they stay during the opposing one, like Spring gods in Autumn. While I wouldn’t mind a few ideas on what some of the gods can represent besides the seasons, what are some animals and other things that can be associated with each season, outside of the obvious like the rabbits in picture related for Spring?
I think that’s a hypothetical reality in which the world was largely destroyed. Don’t quote me on that though.
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What’s your favorite god or goddess to use as inspiration? Mine is her.
I just use the Christian god. My players don’t really care, sadly.
Well, there's godwalking in RuneQuest and Amber diceless lets you destroy realities right after character creation.
My take on your setting? It's a bog standard d&d campaign with hidden monotheism (your favorite god ofc).
I wish that they’d make a second edition of that. The other games by the creator are great, Godbound can do with an update.
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I like followers of the gods to take on features related to them as they draw more power from them, like a Fox God’s followers gaining fox ears and tails, what about you?
You know, it seems like pretty much every pantheon in our world has a god of the sky of some kind as the head deity. We've got Zeus, Odin, Ra is a Sun god, which basically counts... Why is that, and have you ever done something different with your own pantheons?
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Do you ever look at Smite skins for ideas for gods in your games?
Do you ever play games?
Will you shut the fuck up, bumpfag?
Will your piss off? We're looking for systems here. Fuck off to your own world building wank threads!

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