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for real this time
Dreadnoughts exist. They have turrets
Druids. Immortal at level 20, amirite?

Druid BBEG idea:
"I live forever. Let the humans pollute, poison and rape this world. Let them! For they will suffocate and die, and the world will remain. I. Will. Remain. And I will use their flesh and bones to cultivate a new world. A perfect world...where man is but a footnote in the ineffable course of history. Metal? Technology? Let them propagate their own demise. Good riddance to the toxins of flesh."
being a druid doesn't actually give you powers in this setting. they are just a but of larpers innawoods.
>There used to be a lot of dragons but there aren't anymore
>There used to be a lot of magic but there isn't anymore.
>10000 years ago they had really impressive technology but they don't anymore.
Isekai city design
There are three habitable and populated planets within just a few days flight of each other.
You missed one. Isekai Izakaya Nobu.
Everything else is still classic fantasy tech but they somehow have modern computers, cell phones and video games.
>level 20

Sweet christ, not everything is D&D 5e.
Setting has only 2 genders, male and female. The demon army propaganda wants to blur the line.
a decent setting requires SOME sort of editorial authority
There's a subcontinent where the entire population resides within circular cities centered on the major rivers by divine decree of the emperor.
Everyone is convinced of the horror of the unholy luck they would receive if they try to deny this feng shui principle.
do they eat babies too?
You know, there's a decent challenge here of turning all these fucking retards' shitflinging into a legible setting.
One of the planets is inhabited entirely by frogs.
one of the planets is populated by dragon girls
Thus far we have (ideas I personally like):
>early 20th century technology – battleships, limited flight
>world built on top of a long gone, better civilization – ruins, dragon bones, inactive magical artefacts all abound
>there are three reachable, habitable planets in the sky, one of which is just frogs
>culture of creepy tree-huggers with no actual magical ability
>Empire of Round Cities exists somewhere, a very religious/superstitious land

I'll add:
>the aforementioned empire considers it unsavory and inappropriate for man to leave the earth he was made from: thus, despite having a large army of armored land vehicles and ships, the Emperor refuses to build planes
but why? you guys wont ever use it, 99% of you are nogames. Why not a "/tg/ plans a gaming sessions instead"?
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Bumping with my contribution.

Because worldbuilding is fun, and building something of our own and archiving it for everyone to see is neat.
No, every opinion in the thread matters, you dont get to filter it.

GTFO Reditroons
Orcs are East Asian.
Dwarves are Russian
There are societies if hulking, yet peaceful, slugs that roam forests. They craft with slime that can be tempered to different thicknesses and hardnesses like a bio plastic/ceramic

Mirrors are illegal as reflective surfaces are gateways to the bad place
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The setting is the Aleutian Islands... 3500 AD.
Until a century ago with the coming of the Pantokrator and the friars, the men of this land used to worship Lovecraftian entities. Starspawn, Water Lords, Eldren, Old Ones, these deities were venerated by men as the ultimate beings. They would make pacts with the Old One where they would sacrifice humans in exchange for bountiful harvests, victories in war, fertility for the village, Star Children, even knowledge from the stars. But then they came, on wooden ships. Their sails adorning the Cross.

And the Franciscans got to work. They tore down the dark pillars, chopped the rotten trees, smashed the great shrooms, and toppled the unspeakable shrines. All at the behest of the local lords who had grown tired of sacrificing perfectly good serfs to feed some cephalopod crustacean bug god thing. Traditions still persist in the deep woods, old cults that dance in the dark and sacrifice slaves to feed their gods insatiable appetites, only...

The Eldritch clerics of Aleutia are powerless. The deities indifferent to their pleas.

The islands were conquered in preparation with a war with the Black Church. A war that never came for the sons of Bolska cared not for the ancient lands to the east.
The setting is constrained to a island chain, making it 10,931 square miles altogether. Pic related is merely the largest land mass, about the size of the Big Island of Hawaii thus making it 4,000 square miles. The extreme diversity of the wildlife, cultures, and religion can be attributed to:
>Rising oceanic land: Lovecraft Sea life, mushrooms, etc.
>Several waves of conquerors: Lovecraft worshipers, Haida, Samurai, Cossacks, Crusaders.
>Ley lines: the island converges on one, making it a hotspot for magic and supernatural stuff.
The islands play host to deeply complicated and intricate geo-political situations. There's also a shitload of tension between the 'fantasy' races and the settlers from old America. Especially over the Lovecraft shit. The Russians do have trading outposts and the Haida still raid the big island for loot.
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These are shards of the broken moon. Nobody knows what happened to the ancients, but it's believed that an Old One broke free of his lunar prison and destroyed their Empire.
>Mirrors are illegal as reflective surfaces are gateways to the bad place
Does that include ponds and similar bodies of water?
>Ley lines
Be honest, did you use ChatGPT?
>You know what I think we got TOO MUCH magic frankly. Honestly it's starting to get to be a problem. I was simply taking out my trash and I swear every day there's some unearthly creature rummaging through me bins. At first it was pretty awe inspiring. Real majestic like. Almost brought a tear to my eyes. But after a few weeks of needing to shoe them off they're little more than ethereal raccoons.
just say you wanted him to expand on the dragon girls planet
Tieflings do not exist here.
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The Knights of the Golden Circle: an imperialist secret society that seeks to launch a filibuster and take over the islands.

And none of them work. The inhabitants of this land are infamous for collecting artifacts from sunken cities, presumably to access 'cyberspace,' an ancient divine realm where Great AElon has one of his domains. This phenomenon is called 'Chrome Cults' out east. In this new age of steam and rifles, mainlanders scoff or even laugh at the silly trinkets carried by the cultists.
Anybody actually into this thing? The generic fantasy anons have Disappeared.
Great AElon, before the coming of the Old Ones, made all the women of this land have big breasts. C+s are this island’s version of an A cup. It’s very popular with Columbian noblemen and Bolskan boyars as a result.
>decent challenge here of turning all these fucking retards' shitflinging into a legible setting.

There's also a decent challenge in breaking into a waste processing plant and sculpting magnificent sculptures out of literal waste. There is a reason why no sane sculptor does that.

So my contribution is waste golems made by insane artists living in your sewers.
The Circle Cities are famous for one thing and one thing only, something that has made the Imperialists in Jacinto and Bolska reluctant to even touch the shithole:
These cities are notorious for accumulating so much garbage that they just stuff in landfills or throw into the sewer. In fact, it's not uncommon to find massive landfills only a few miles away where the circulars dump all their crap. Despite the friars best efforts, the problem has only gotten worse with time. Folklore also states that landfills are hangouts for Gremlins, Killiaks, Dung Golems, Burned Men, and other terrible creatures.
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The world has emerged into a new age of Imperialism. The United Empire of Jacinto, Sequoya, Bravo, Sierra, Metaire, and Texarkana* has built an empire in the name of God and Country. Establishing colonies in the war-torn Abode and the savage Veldt, civilization has found itself slowly returning to the old world. The Islands could be compared to Australia or even the USCA as Jacinto would prefer adventurers and planters Fili busting the local government to outright military conquest. But if the pith helmets need to land, they will- the Bolskans cannot be allowed an entry point into the Haida markets.

The UE armies are mostly made of Texarks, Bravos, Dustmen, and colonial auxiliaries. The auxiliaries themselves are mostly Aserai from the Jewel of the Empire, Nsara** and have proven themselves in battle against both non-humans and magic users despite often having nothing but breech loading rifles and a saber at their hilt. Every Texark soldier carries a Martial's baton in their pack. Every man says a prayer to the Lady Santa Muerte.

So far, colonization is a personal project for some wealthy planters who have bought land in the Circle Cities in exchange for tariffs (expensive by their standards, dirt cheap in the Empire). They mostly grow corn, basedbeans, and wheat using natives as a cheap labor force. The nobles try to keep them in line, but one Henry Walker has been making inroads to the nobility. It's rumored that Minister Caballero is in contact with Walker, and that they're discussing the island's eventual annexation.
*Something of a cultural capital these days, the Hannegans lost power to the Monroe dynasty in the 34th century.
**Nsara is often called Avalon and seen as the origin point for Columbian civilization, conquered from the Grand Caliphate by the West Avalon Trading Company in the 33rd Century.
Here's my contribution:
>The most popular restaurant chain is Coon Chicken.
>The return of slavery happened centuries ago and the price of slaves is so cheap, islanders are buying them like hotcakes.
>Coon Chicken was an inevitability: a restaurant staffed by slaves with overseers managing them.
>They got games like 'cotton picking,' sing along 'Minstrel Show,' and my personal favorite: 'Buck Breaking.'
>And when you run low? Just holler: 'Gal, fetch me some more!'
>"Down home there... Taste the light... Coon Chicken Inn."
It's kill.

That's it? C'mon guys.

Went overboard with the scale.

You opened the floodgates for your thread to get hijacked.

Right when the thread gets kind of interesting.

ChatGPT? Really bro? Why ley lines?

Interesting. Or even something akin to orbital platforms and O'Neill cylinders left over from the moon getting shattered.

A shame the thread died. William Walker and a future Hawaii filibuster sounds way better than the Dragongirl bullshit. And..
>Weeelllll we've been breakin' bucks for nine generations now
>Most o' tha time the breakin' sticks, the buck ain't given you no trouble
>But eavery once a'while you git a pecular buck
Orcs infest the island. They are huge slavers.

>this one buck, weall he was the peculiar type, heahd act up but wouldn' hide it
>seemed every week he was pretendin ta takin a nap on pickin' duty but with one eye opan all fish like, or he'd take extra pigtestine, heall one time he sat his black ass down on the drum
>da ovahseah would call out to the buck ta get into da breakin' shack
>an ah teell ya this buck would light up befoe you could call Baal and he be in dat shack
>this buck would run into dat shack like it was a cool breeze on a hot august noon.
>heall it would get so bad the buck would tell you what kind o' mischeif he'd gettin into, he didn't even du nuthin yet.
>head skip into dat barn and holler, 'CMON MASSA, THIS BLACK ASS AIN'T BREAKIN DITSELF...
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>The Catgirl Holy Empire inhabits a large swath of the eastern lands. Notable for their spices, intricate dresses, and their many festivals, the empire is also feared for its incredibly well-trained and well-equipped army. Thankfully it has not been needed in nearly 50 years since the last raids on the empire were crushed.
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U: the land of absurdities. Home to the Blemmyes, Sciopods, Gorgodes, Cyclops, and other creatures who lack a place in the outside world. The ruler or 'ruler' of this land is the 'World Egg,' a Fae being who fell from the sky and landed in U that is a rock and may be a rock. Transforming the island from a cold rock only used by Puffins during their migratory routes to a land of absurdities. Blemmyes lack a civilization, and Cyclops are solitary beings, and all attempts at colonization have ended with the settlers being eaten.
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>The Brass Empire: the Clockwork City, the Mechanical Wonder. Once the seat of a mighty Empire that had conquered the islands, unifying them into a single Empire in the name of Talos: the God of Machinery and Brass. The Machine God sought to create a land of perfect order, in which every aspect of reality was crafted and oiled like a machine. For two hundred years, the Empire reigned unopposed save for a handful of Old One cults lying deep inland.
>The Empire collapsed in the face of foreign invasions, with the Clockwork City falling under the control of Cascadii Crusaders who tore down the works of Talos and raised crosses in their place. But the Crusaders were short lived, leading to a period where the city fell under the control of Haida pirates who destroyed the weak nobility. The Haida then fell to a massive uprising by the Bronze Men who pushed their warships back into the north sea.
>The Machine Emperor, the liberator, began his reign. Forming the Brass Empire with his machines, the machine men, the doll women, the steam horses, and the golden angel. The Clockwork City is a machine in it's own right with intricate clocks connected to all the mechanical systems that underly the city. Steam, natural gas, Babbage computers, all are tied to the clockworks. And the Machine Emperor prefers to keep it that way.
>Christianity has taken a very divergent form here, focusing on God the Builder and viewing the physical universe as the perfect mechanism.
Most physical work in the Clockwork City is done by decaying automatons that the Brass Men don't know how to replicate. Most of the knowledge was lost when the Friars burned all the technical texts and forced the Brass Men to work on communal farms. They've had had some success making weaker automatons to use as disposable labor, even selling some to the continent in exchange for breech loading rifles to get an edge over their neighbors. So when you see a Brass Driller coming your way?

That means some serious shit is going down. The Brass Men would not risk losing an irreplaceable piece of hardware if they had any other option.

The Brass Empire lays claim to the entirety of Catgirl land.

U was once a vacation spot for the Bronze Men who had many seaside villas nestled in its hills. The Egg changed all that. Nobody knows what the Egg is, only that it looks like a rock.
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Automatons, while rare, are maintained and reproduced by the Brass Men. They're much inferior to the Drillers and Power Suits, but the give the Clockwork City a mild edge over the Catgirl Empire. But with Walker and the Boyars, the Catgirls might be the last of their worries.
It's dead Jim
>The Imperial Order of Noble Geomancers served as both academics and land surveyors for the Brass Empire; as a resource-hungry land which had little desire to be beholden established trade networks in the southern lands. These Geomancers were trained in the advanced magical sciences for the purpose of finding natural resources, conducting assessments of newly acquired lands, investigating claims of unique or notable natural resources relevant to the broader needs of the Empire, and and, more broadly, to serve as a caste of intellectuals separate from the engineers and scientists of the Empire.
>While they held only some formal power, the order produced many individuals useful for the Empire and many found themselves in positions where they could comfortably develop their own power base outside of the Clockwork City, using their skills to amass wealth and assets.
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Just for fun as well:

The Fire country: located in the frozen, northern wastelands, this country exists with the sole purpose of fighting the eternal war between the fire elves and the ice elves, the former which build a system of city-fortressess and walls to push the latter to the boreal sea.

Currently in a state of cold war and expecting an attack for their magic-wielding foes, the capital of the country exists as a gigantic fortress along the eastern coast, from which high command and the lord-vigillant direct the centuries-old siege.

On the west lie the agricultural heartland of the country, where hardy wheat is harvested and sent to the more barren eastern half to feed the armies and industries maintaining this grim fortress of a country.

The northern border is composed of five (formerly seven) great city fortressess, layered compounds of rock and metal from which the fire elves await the inevitable attack of their frosty brethren. Between these castles there is a wall wide enough to transport marching columns and siege engines through its length. A common pastime amongst the guards is to stand morosely and look at the general direction of their foe, weather permitting.

The southern lands contain many villages and small trading towns, exporting coal and northern gems and importing steel, wood and food.
The elemental elves descend from a singular kingdom that dominated much of the center of the continent, but due to a mysterious ancient conflict they migrated to the frozen north, abandoning much of their holdings as they retreated to the desolate north. As they did so, the previously tolerant and peaceful elven monarchy was destroyed, and many small radical groups that gained power in the waning years of the kingdom; as their temporal lands were abandoned, the elves brought their ideologies along with their treasures and desires, and the settling of the new territory was a hectic affair. The frost elves are isolationists who have organized into a reformed monarchy, with a vast gulf between the nobility and and the common folk, and have created a land dedicated to maintaining the purity of their blood and the security of their traditions, with the remains of ancient knightly and magical orders still holding power. The fire elves, meanwhile, are true modernists, being eager to trade and work with non-elves. The fire elves, despite having eagerly adapted to the beliefs of their more numerous and vigiorous neighbors, along with establishing themselves as a exporter of culture and fine goods, are not reproducing at the same rates as their northern cousins: half-elven children outnumber elven children in some border cities, and the permanence of mercenaries in their five great cities has made many question what may occur if a individual of half-elven blood could possibly come into power, through either democratic will or through merit alone.
It should be known that the 'Catgirl Holy Empire' is a direct translation from the native tongue of the empire, to indicate its nature. The Fiealines, the primary indigenous race, once consisted of dozens of various tribes, but a wandering prophet known as Cyiaet Nyp established a great following and eventually united all the tribes under a single banner. Each Fiealine is, hypothetically, superior to almost all other humanoids in ways which facilitated the development of their highly individualistic society; as they possess feline-like grace, senses and reflexes and their homelands lack other major apex predators, all combined with a strong intellect, each individual Fiealine is more than capable of putting aside the niceties of civilization and venturing out into the wilderness. Many Fiealines indeed continue to live this traditional lifestyle, which serves as something as a cultural ideal among more martial catgirls, but many view it it as a signal that one is incapable of establishing oneself in urban or village life as someone capable of leisure and grace beholden to greater forces, such as the holy teachings of Cyiaet.
>BBEG's plan is to wait
That's way too evil anon, I can't wait to kick his ass for the crime of doing nothing
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They're at war with a Squaredom of Square Fortresses
Based Arcanum chad.
The technology handicap placed on the Circle Cities has allowed its neighbors to steadily surpass them in the field of aeronautics. The Brass Empire has already rediscovered gliders and primitive ornithopters. And the Fealines, thanks to Texark planters, are experimenting with hot-air-balloons. Bolska even, after the bloody wars in Turan, has caught up to the Empire with its own dedicated Balloon corps.

The Brass Empire, with it's tradition of intellectualism, contemplates rockets or even the airplanes of folklore as a viable means of transportation. But the Circle Cities persist.

>Mirrors are illegal as reflective surfaces are gateways to the bad place
A mild superstition on the continent. Outsiders ignore it. Men like Walker even use mirrors as a way to demoralize or trick natives. Magic mirrors do exist but you're only going to find them in the highest echelons of society.
>there are three reachable, habitable planets in the sky
>one of which is just frogs
I don't really know about that one.
Friars were infamous for using mirrors against the natives as a tool to dismantle the native beliefs. They would arrive in villages with the mirrors in full view, stand in front of them, and even smash them with a hammer as that would allegedly release demons from hell. The shocked natives would flee, hiding in the woods in mortal terror, only to see the robed priests and their small wooden crosses standing unharmed. The end of the old faith was a long and drawn out process with the supposed pagan, priests, and >>92822232 druids proving themselves to be completely inept.

Geomancers are a secular organization, predating the fall of Talos. They made themselves useful to everyone: Crusading knights, zealous friars, frugal boyars, savage pirates, hearty whalers, honorable samurai, hell they even helped tutor Prime Minister Modesto's son twenty years ago. No girls allowed though.

The Friars and Fire Elves saw some common ground in their veneration of light as God appeared to Moses as a burning pillar.
I just shattered the moon into a number of shards, but I prefer to ignore that one. Alongside the memes. I'm just running with the 3000AD Neo-Imperial Australia idea as that one is surprisingly fun.
>First contact with Reachmen was made in the 34th century by Captain Butler, a decorated captain in the Caledonian Republican Navy, running off of unreliable maps composed by Haida raiders and lost Crusaders.
>The voyage found the island... Clockmen and Catgirls ("Perhaps it's the imagination of a lovelorn man, but I sense great frustration between those two. Man and mutant?").
>And Bolskans. ("The men of the west, with their sunken white eyes and chins pointier than swords, are some of the most ignorant I've ever met. Crass towards women, Priests with beards so long they gather lice, and a habit of throwing screws at random things."
>He wasn't impressed with the Circle City ("By God and County, I have never met a more stupid race. They refuse to look at their reflection, relying upon servants. They tore a boy to shreds for throwing a paper plane. And they wouldn't even dig a well lest the Emperor approve it... A man so boyish and immature he makes me yearn for the Consul. Oh Lord, I can't wait to be home in Yukon."
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Quotes from Lord Darlington's visit:
>"The Catmen are pretty advanced, for mutants."
>"The Circle Cities seemed pleasant... After you pass through their horrible middens. Comely women, handsome men, all wearing bright clothes and utterly impractical armor. But then you see that all the cities are beholden to the whims of their emperor who builds monuments to his glory and his alone. Furthermore, everything from hot air balloons to God forsaken jump rope is strictly forbidden lest they enrage the skygods. Furthermore, what amazed the friars are now mere trinkets to us."
>"Bolskans throw screws, nails, lug nuts at everything. I once asked one, 'why?' The Slev started ranting about 'anomalies' through his whiskey stinking mouth."
>"Elves are strange. Like all mutants they rant about nonsense, yet they know flamaturgy and metallurgy at such a level it makes the rest of Astronesia look like Morlocks."
>"If the Brass men ever conquered the continent, Jacinto would have a major contender. They're brilliant and those contraptions of theirs, if they could somehow break their cycle of decadence and decline they would easily run the Texarks of Astronesia. But alas, too many catgirls and elfen boys."
>run the Texarks out of Astronesia
I'm going for a not!Hawaii kind of deal. The Empires are dealing with far flung lands that, depending on the ethnic group, weren't conveniently wiped out by plagues. The island is bigger and the kingdoms more advanced with established governments and belief systems, but foreign powers are eyeing its resources hungrily.
Did you know Lovecraft put the Mountains of Madness in the same physical location as Dante put the Mountain of Purgatorio and the Earthly Paradise? Not sure what this means for your setting, but wanted to mention it.
As a note: Christianity has largely drifted into three schools of thought:
>Neo-Calvinism: God elects who goes to heaven. Strict societal roles, married women have to wear head dresses. While it looks like something akin to the Handmaid's Tale, there's a Mormon bent to many of their beliefs with many worlds appearing in it's cosmology.
>Cult of the Saints: the Saints are far more prevalent than they ever were in Catholicism, functioning as something more akin to Angels at times. Some Clerics even dedicate themselves to individual saints.
>Revelationism: weird denomination that overwhelmed the East Coast during the 29th Century. Bizarrely polytheistic at times with gods sitting alongside Jesus Christ and Big G, among them a very familiar Octopus thing. It can be seen as heretical, except God warns his followers away from these other deities. After all... The Old Testament warns about Ba'al, a 'competing' god.
All three have a unhappy and bloody history with one another.
>>Cult of the Saints
That's just irl Latin Americans. Especially grandmas with their Yu-Gi-Oh cards
>The Geomancers, back in the old days, used to be a organization that upwardly mobile families would attempt to have their sons enlist within. Obviously, being involved in assessing new lands also allowed for individuals to scout out nice real estate, and now there are notable estates associated with the various Geomancer lodges, often in some of the most isolated and quite parts of a otherwise bustling and modernizing. Now, with most major borders being relatively solid and there being no particularly useful metaphorical grey zones to venture through, the Geomancers have cultivated a reputation as being stodgy and old fashioned.
>Due to the Geomancers often being the first to travel to new lands and bring things back with them, along with a general interest in matters relating to the earth, they have had a few notable scandals relating to investigating heterodox subjects.
>Revelationism has a complicated theological history, but they have a very strong missionary network and have a strong egalitarian approach built into its faith. While images of people asking crowds 'who will cast the first stone' as a battle cry is etched into the minds of many, there are also quiet sects of Revelationists who carry foreword theologies more greatly resembling the teachings of ancient now-extinct mainline Protestant sects, with 'the Episcopal' and 'the Luther' being both titles and abstract deities worthy of emulation. Some Revelationism worshipers even become capable of reciting the entire Bible and ancient theological texts, a feat which gives them particular privileges.
>"...you need magical raw materials, and the raw materials needed to craft magical items of lasting potency are generally associated with what many call places of power. Much like any other fuel or force, magic has a tendency to pool up in places, and rare material harvested from those places provide the most useful substances for crafters. As we know, many of the oldest functioning magical items were not just of fine manufacture, but of fine material; not just in a mundane fashion, but in a magical nature. Each pinpoint of matter is special in its own special away, given the combination of natural and etheric forces effecting it, and we believe that every part of the world is unique in its own way. We first learned this with the biological sciences, but we are seeing them in the arcane scientists at the moment"
>"Truly, places of power are often not too large, and it is rare that a beach is so exposed to magic that it becomes magical. Consider the circumstances which such a thing may take place; it is quite uncommon, and is not easily replicable. Yes, a pile of sand is easily enchanted today, but such things were not known generations ago, and such artifacts like those magic mirrors we spent a fortune were forged by material infused with raw magic, the magic the pagans worshiped as a force."
>"Much like many of the oldest artifacts we are aware of, any inherently magical mirror of a certain age would be the result of one taking substance from a place of power and crafting it into a useful object: while some substances are more prone to this, sand is certainly not one of them. We believe that the mirrors we just bought utilized material from a island which is on no map, forged by a tribe that does not exist in the present. We do not even know what happens when a man looks upon them."
>"That, my friend, is why I am asking you to allow us to test these magical items upon your lowliest prisoners, for the sake of advancing our knowledge."
Where did the other setting go?
What other setting? The Dragongirl planet? The Frog Planet? Those memes didn't last real long.
>"Zion wasn't lost to us after all."
Zion, the Promised Land, plays host to quite possibly the most distinctively American variant of Christendom found in the world. The men of Zion are golden haired and light eyed, tracing their ancestry to a larger denomination located around the dried Salt Lake that survived the apocalypse, a heretical movement dubbed 'New Canaan' by both the Vatican and Longhorn Scholarship. This denomination joined in the numerous religious wars that tore America apart during the Middle Ages: the Mountainer Wars, the Thunderland crucible, they had even joined the Crusaders in the Northern Crusade of the 28th Century as Mercenaries... Hunting down the Rust worshippers and smelting the great forge.

This denomination only declined after the Salt Lake dried and left the Desert of Enoch even more inhospitable. But remnants of this denomination remained sprinkled around America... Including the valley of Zion. Jericho Rigdon, a supposed latter-day prophet, had received visions from God foretelling the end of the Canaanites and took his followers to a place where they would be safe. That place was Zion, a long-lost valley where the followers of Rigdon built the city of Jericho alongside a river.

The Church of Rigdon used its isolation to grow and expand its population, focusing more on spiritual control than political rule, as the elders viewed the 'fall of Canaan' as being directly tied to its role in the 21st Century. They have a few tenets unique to their denomination:
>Polygamy is permitted, though only in times of great duress like a famine or a war.
>Men of all faiths and colors can be baptized.
And most controversial at all, that even started an Inquisition that the Inquisitors themselves couldn't go through with:
>Mutants can be baptized. For are we all God's children?

These days, the Church of Rigdon is followed in the Rocklands by the Eyriemen and Mountainers, and Jacinto's Desert Province.
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The Canaanites also had several other splinter faiths. Among them the Arnoldites. Unlike the congregation of Rigdon who prefer their enclaves in the desert or deep in the mountains, the men who followed Arnold believe they have an active mission to save the souls of all men regardless of faith and creed. They go off the works of the Canaanite Arnold, who was a famed holy warrior that helped conquer the Grange and made war upon the Northmen, converting many but slaying many more... Arnold felt extreme guilt over the bloodshed in God's name so his later writings focused more on an individual's relationship to God and less on the need for salvation.

His later followers, using his name as the basis for a splinter faith, however, disagree and still view his holy wars positively. But... They did his words about personal salvation to heart and focus on peaceful conversion. Some tenets:
>Personal salvation is every bit as important as that of the unbeliever.
>Every man in the Church needs to undertake a mission when they're about... Say fifteen or sixteen years of Age (Whenever they can hold a job on their own).
>Only men can serve as priests.
>The Left Hand of the Lord comes sparingly. It's at times needed, but only as a last resort.
>A marriage is between two people, polygamy is forbidden.
They do not mission in the Rocklands or if they do, it's to help the Rigdonites keep the strength of their faith. Though they do not recognize Rigdon as a prophet, they respect his communal vision.
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Some notes:
>Rocklands: The Rocky Mountains.
>Eyriemen: the inhabitants of eastern Colorado. Mostly Catholic.
>Mountainer: western Coloradans. Mostly Sacramentalist Rigdonite.
>Desert Province: what Jacinto labels the former lands of Utah, western Colorado, Arizona, and Baja.
>Grange: the old Midwest. Largely Catholic.
>The Hands of God: the old enforcers for the LDS are still active. They're a secret society these days.

Mormon PCs have to wrestle with completing their mission, upholding their values while navigating the complicated politics of the Brass Empire. It's not uncommon to find Mormon NPCs staying behind and trying to evacuate their newfound friends or even fighting the Empire itself. Nephites may be many things: naive, annoying, pushy, but they'll never abandon you.

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