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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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What would it be like, whether it was based on history, a licence or your own setting?
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Skirmish campaign game

So many d100 treasure, mutation/gift tables, planet generators, Five Parsecs From Home style

Comfy miniatures and terrain

Lightweight rules you can just remember, not a thousand names for things
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I just want a space ship battle game that allows you to use ship models from multiple IPs. Super Robot Taisen but with space ships.
I want to have rules for a Death star to face a Borg cube
I want a Taimanin Asagi skirmish game.

Its like Gurps of wargaming, you can do any real or fantasy or scifi or whatever battle. You measure distances with your dicks so the guy who has bigger dick has advantage. The loser has to suck victors dick but its not gay
it wouldnt be a wargame, but would revolve around sex and finding love.
Honestly I always felt the setting as expanded in TABA had potential, does action taimanin explore it even further? I don't want to get involved with action gachas but I'm curious as to what they introduced in the setting.

One of my backup plans for one shots is using some basic system to have special power ninjas fighting monsters and other ninjas in a modern scenario, that's basically taimanin, and the whole premise of ninja gaiden anyway, including sexy females.
Everyone that can access the internet has the means to create their own wargame. It's miniatures that are difficult.
I would squander my time half-making several ideas and never follow through on any of them.
Essentially TF2 meets Overwatch skirmish game
> 5-6 models on both team
> Any model can be put on any team as long as there is no duplicate
> Each model has its own stats and abilities, plus two slots for cards that grant active or passive bonuses
> Possible team composition restrictions like OW?
> Two-faced board maps
> Objective-based matches
> Dead minis respawn after such amount of turns, player can change their cards like you change loadout in TF2
> Later expansions would include one or two new models and board maps)
As stupid as that sounds, what do you call a game that has every general aspects of wargames (painted minis, terrain, etc.) except war, if that even exists? Simply a tabletop game, like any other?
Everyone has the means to make their own wargame, making it popular is the hard part.
So ... One Page Rules Warfleets then?
TABA ends in a world reset from which Taimanin RPGX and Action Taimanin spawn, so there's no "further". In both games, some of the factions are shared, some aren't. RPGX focuses on the multiverse aspect and introduces a ton of new factions including the Nisha Ninja Troops (<- very cool). Kotaro has some superpowers. AT scraps/disregards many of the RPGX factions and has the best Kotaro: a tactical genius with no ninja power. AT writing is pretty good from a tabletop perspective. A lot of the skirmishes make sense, and more often than not the objective is to get information and get out rather than to kill all enemies (which you still have to do to progress the story where you explicitly don't do it).
I've occasionally been working on a space battle game based on my own setting. Currently it's in a playtestable state but only has stars for the lightest ship classes (once I've ironed out the kinks I can scale the rules up to bigger ships). The rules try to have semi-realistic vector-based movement, with ships retaining their speed and direction unless you apply thrust to change them.
I've been toying with making a ground-based game in the same setting, but there wouldn't really be much point since my idea for it would basically be reskinned Battletech rules with vehicle effectiveness rules turned on by default and less mechs.
Honestly I would love a mass combat fantasy rank and flank game in like 6-15mm. Hex based.
theres a discord called noncombat tabletop. if you've ever heard of apple picking 28 or herding 28 thats where those came from.
they booted me off the discord becuase i said i would refuse to punch a nazi.
That's pretty cool and honestly not what I expected from the setting when it all started so many years ago, but I have to say it feels nice to have the background fluff expanded upon and the characters actually doing what they're supposed to instead of defaulting to a mission failed scenario. Most of the time in genre games and stories the failure shown is the bad end rather than a bump on the road, sometimes it feels like a waste.
I would have told you if you had just put up your own contribution.
But you don't seem too interested in your own topic, so fuck it.
What's this obsession with what OP has to say? Who cares about OP, discuss what you want.
>kicked out of the non-violent games club for rejecting violence
It would be either something silly or splatterpunk and biopunk themed.
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I'm not going to pretend I'm some magnanimous expert, I've only really played some 40K 3rd-4th edition. So, I'll take it in a different direction, I'd make a casual wargame party game with a minor physical activity attached to it in the same vein as beer pong or cornhole, when a unit initiates attack we take it to some manner of dart or ball throwing at targets that represent the enemy with sweetspots doing extra damage to the unit. Miniatures would be a kitchen sink of concepts to appeal to a variety of tastes, very low amount of tabled miniatures (like a Mordheim squad's worth) to keep the games rolling quickly. The goal would be to make something that could be whipped out at a social gathering and appeal to some extent both to the normies and the geekazoids present.
Here's my contribution, jackass: >>92825083
Sometime I just let others start because I don't want some retards to go and accuse me of making the thread just so I could show off my idea.

What do you mean "have the means to make?" Nigger it's piss easy to make a wargame. I can do a "good enough" job in less than a day and make it balanced in less than a week.
I want to take aspects of Warcraft and distill the tranny out of it where it's a dieselpunk era active fight for global resources on a powerful world soul where there is rampent racism.
With all its weapons and aliens, Ratchet & Clank is peak wargame material. Imagine 32 meters minis you could equip with the different weapons from the game as accessories and playing out battles between the Galactic Rangers and the Tyrannoids, like in UYA.
Mecha game with just the right amount of customization and still somehow fast to play.
Space dogfight game with similar magical perfection between custom building and rpg like pilot stats and the correct amount of granularity to speed and ease of play.
Emperor of the Fading Suns but a mixed strategic level jumpweb map mixed with space battles, land battles and cloak & dagger skirmishes.
Abstract coloured blocks time travel warfare with various branching and collapsing timelines that intersect.
>32 meters minis
Where's the "mini" in that?
>I can do a "good enough" job in less than a day and make it balanced in less than a week.
May we see it?
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6mm star wars mass battle game, with rules for smaller scale fleet battles and how to connect the two into battles, with another layer of rules for map campaigns similar to empire at war

I want a battletech level of autism to this game.
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>32 meters
Oh shit
I would just make a Three Kingdom game. Probably Skirmish, maybe a scale above that.
They are still miniatures if they are renditions of something much larger.
I would make it a game of peace because war is ugly and tears lives and families apart
you should check out Micro Mutants
There have been, and are, a lot of posting bots in recent years, so it's good to have some assurance there's a human behind its creation. Imagine going into a thread that was made under the pretense of discussion and giving a response, but then getting no discussion for your effort.
This has happened to me countless times, and it's frustrating to no end.
Even a vitriolic response like >>92826913 is better than nothing at all, or something inane like "can u elaborate on that plz ??" 12 hours later.
Sure, there's no guarantee that a response in-thread is OP, but it's nice to see any sign that there's someone who gives a shit about the topic willing to engage with it and willing to have a discussion with others who engage with it.
The purpose of this board is to discuss things about tabletop games, like all the other boards are meant to discuss, or at least image-dump, their topics. God forbid there be some discussion in [current year].
By comparison to 320 meters, they are mini.
Introducing: Megafigure war gaming
Something I really wouldn't put past R&C to do as a joke
Gundam skirmish game with grunt suits
It'd be a rank and file historical wargame about prehispanic Mexico ranging from the Olmecs all the way to the end.
Each nation has unique specialties and/or units, like the Purepecha being able to shoot and move, or the triple alliance having armored archers.
Psuedo-historical Europe that diverged from out timeline. Main difference results in some places have different names and borders, but cultures are mostly the same.
WW1 happens about 20-30 years earlier than it does in real life.
The trap-door rifle is the common infantry weapon. Cavalry remain a scourge on the field. Artillery is beginning to get dangerous.
Metal plate armor is still effective against lower powered cartridges of the time.
Regulars parade and march to the field in bright livery while less-equipped conscripts throw-together uniforms and often favor pikes and muzzleloaders, or even bows.
Wargame and role-playing game.
Wargame is a mix of inspiration from Bolt Action, 40K, and Valkyria Chronicles. Probably 15mm scale.
Game would scale from small infantry skirmishes to medium line battles.
For role-playing, players take on the role of lower officers and their platoons. If you die in battle, you take begin playing your immediate subordinate NCO.
Role-play consists of some daily military leadership activities, choosing where to march and meet enemy, as well as military balls and social theatres as you become a more prominent officer
and i'm assuming somewhere inbetween that and miniature wargamiing would be playing wargames with real people
and presumably real assault weapons
If there ever was a tabletop RaC game, you know it'd be based on the soulless recent games and not the good stuff.
My negro, I would straight up play a TF2 skirmish game, as long as there was a distinction between comp rules and casual rules so that I could run my 5 Scout 1 Quick-Fix Medic build without people getting all sweaty about it.
working on a platoon vs platoon wargame, (20-80 models each side)

Short lore summary

in 2015 there was a global apocalyptic event where a majority of the population died off and the world succumbed to darkness and chaos. After several years to decades various communities started to grow laying the foundation for new countries to emerge.

in the 60s after several large wars there is an uneasy peace between the countries (think interwar period right before ww2), during this peace a new religious group emerges and quickly gains followers everywhere. They are praised everywhere they go, as the group operates clinics, shelters etc. trying to help as many people as they can while preaching their guiding truth. As time goes on they grow in power and influence.

While on the surface they appear to be magnanimous, it is their core belief known only to the leadership and the most devote that is truly horrific. They believe that everyone died during the "Event" and that all of us who remain suffer because they cannot accept that they are actually dead. Using an ancient grimoire they sacrifice the entire population of Denver to begin the second apocalypses in the hope that everyone will finally be put to rest. In the Aftermath of the ritual the paranormal and supernatural flood into reality as the world once again succumbs to darkness and chaos.

The Platoon that each player controls, represent the different factions left in North America ranging from the standing armies of the countries, to zealots/cultists all the way to the armies of Hell or Old gods.

I'm tied between alternating units or turns. leaning towards units.
~28mm scale (As that it what a lot of people have and is very common with 3d printing)
The theme for most of the units is ww2/diesel punk with a bit of cold war era tech.
aiming for customization down to the squad level so that each list people make will feel unique to them.
I got a couple of ideas.

16th century inspired low fantasy setting I've been working on. Variety of nations to pick from, as well as various periods one could choose to take part in.

If I could do a licensed game I'd do a proper Ravnica skirmish game. Pick a guild, assemble a warband and go at it. Really heavily encourage map based campaigns. D10 system at the smallest, character progression and narrative opportunities. OG Ravnica, so no have the planeswalkers show up and hog all the fucking spotlight. Would also mean none of the bigger stuff like Griffons and Drakes, but for a more cohesive game that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
oh forgot to say,
Working with D8s instead of D6s.
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A system for solo skirmish war game (because I don't have friends interested in tabletop games but I fucking wish I had) that can be played with almost no material (litterally simulate the whole thing with dots on a sheet of paper).

The setting would be some alternate European Imperial-era with magic, pretty dark. Not big Napoleonic battles but small squads of soldiers and demon hunters fighting each others in the streets or in the woods. Think The Order aesthetics, kinda.
>Implying I'm not already working on my own Bloodborne werewolf game
I want to make a skirmish wargame based on Thundarr the Barbarian.
yeah. im pretty sure it was politically motivated or thry knew i came from 4chan and just wanted to bait me.
i hate them.
i hate them.
I suppose I'd want it to be similar to mechanically similar to Infinity, but with a 'league' play ala blood bowl to be the default, complete with character death and upgrades, and currency that is used to hire new guys and buy inducements.
I like Sci Fi well enough, but I'd go with a fantasy theme since 40k and star wars dominate the Sci Fi space. A sort of kitchen sink fantasy, but with limited freakshit races.
To make sense of the league mechanics and character/roster progression, I would theme it more specifically as a fantasy gladiator arena game. Rather than having strictly defined 'teams' like blood bowl, the rule book would instead include a large variety of 'themes', which blacklist certain models and give boons for using only whitelisted models.

Also, gratuitous cheesecake
If by 'means' I take it to mean learned and well read enough I'd make a 28mm fantasy 'large skirmish' battle system that doesn't completely suck.
would it be player 1 moves his whole team then player 2 moves his team, or would it be alternating models?
Alternating models, preferably. One full turn would be too long and boring with all the different characters and skills you would have to take into account. Besides I'd prefer matches to be fast-paced and last 30 to 45 minutes at most - unless you're playing more complex modes or with higher goals.
I already write games to play play with friends. I tend to favor action based systems with single die resolution. I also have a thing for games with big multi-room fully-furnished set pieces.

My pet project is a skirmish level zombie horror game. I've been thinking of adapting the system to other types of horror. I already have sub-lists for vampires and werewolves. I want to add slashers, but the more I look I at it, they might need to be separate game.
Warband skirmish scale focused on 3D aquatic combat, with an upper strategic and campaign layer. In depth limb system for models in the vein of a mecha game, with units being able to lop off each others' limbs and attach them if their model has the appropriate slots available.
> Aquatic mecha
That's quite the original concept. I thought it was going to be early sea divers vs shark men or squid people.
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>early sea divers vs shark men or squid people.
Pretty much actually, but more sci-fi? Basic premise is there's a giant interstellar plant-thing floating through space which contains the waters of eternal life, and there's a bunch of corporate factions fighting over extraction along with the natives which are all humans who've adapted into aquatic lifeforms. The corporate elements would be mostly mechs and cyber diving suits and the like, and the native elements would be shark men and squid people more or less, with everything sharing the same basic limb systems.
So it's the best of both worlds then. Carry on, especially if it means submarines and diving suits-like mechas and machines straight out of Atlantis having at it!
I'd just remake Warhammer Fantasy but without the lore elements I don't like and some tweaks to units.
It wouldn't exist because it would crash and burn from mismanagement before I try to escape with what's left of the money.
LANDSHIP battles at such a scale that infantry also show up to get mulched (so like, 3 mm to 6 mm depending on how big the LANDSHIPS are)
Objectives based skirmish campaign game where you play a group of adventurers going on expeditions.
Can be played solo or cooperatively against the environment or against other players. Or a mix of those. Just because two players play on the same table doesn't mean they have to fight.
Each "campaign" is an expedition, whether it be explorers trying to find the lost city, scientific expeditions, pilgrims, merchants, spies, basically whoever who would need to go on dangerous expeditions.
Various players could have different win conditions that could be open or hidden. You can pull out a win from beyond the grave in some cases.
Lot of terrains, lot of environment hazards, weather conditions, hidden informations.
It wouldn't work.
I already made one. It cost me less than ten bucks to make, and the most expensive part were three different cans of spray paint.
Can we see it?
I would make a wargame based on my dieselpunk setting were rome never fell, colonized the americas as well as invented gunpowder in the 7th century and eventually begun industrialization in the 9th century, the roman empire now in the 10th century extends from the americas to the indus valley, with it's european land borders going all the way to modern eastern europe, but after the death of Emperor Claudius IX who left no clear sucessor the empire has fallen into chaos and civil war, various imperial pretenders fight for the throne of the eternal city as the american provinces have declared independance, corrupt senators attempt to prop up their own puppet and green movements (luddites) pop up across the empire, thus begins the crisis of the 10th century
I'd honestly probably mismanage it, thinking I knew everything about balance and marketing. If I had a good team that could implement and compete with my ideas, then it would be something either like a mix of CMON ASoIaF and MESBG

>Skirmish based squads where you pick a hero and then buy mooks to go with him
>Pretty much just use the MESBG rules for combat and boards
>Non combat units that interact on a court board
>Tactic cards that represent strategies, magic, and plots
I'd use it to make a good Legend of the 5 Rings tabletop
You do have the means to make your own wargame and setting. We just did one right here over the course of the last year, picrel is from the latest playtest.
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I forgot the name but a long time ago some guy from MIniWarGaming tried to make some sci-fi post apocalypse game. it was pretty cool but never took off.

Here's what I remember for basic lore and factions.

>Long ago some aliens attack earth
>War fucks everyone up, aliens included
>Everything is shit

>Super rich guy had underground bunker for when shit gets down.
>When things cooled off he went back up and rebuilt some corporate styled society.
>Citizens are "employees" with contracts to the "company"
>They are essentially the "standard human" faction"

>Human that live on the moon that still has all of their super advance tech like power armor and cool guns.
>They still have to make trips to earth for supplies or they are moving back to earth since they can't live on the moon anymore I can't remember

>The aliens
>Pretty much the covenant with different types of aliens

>Ai computer collection and building shit due to weird programming
>Humans get in the way of collecting shit
>Only solution is to get rid of humans

That's all I remember really.
A properly scaled, mass battle Star Wars game would be awesome. Squads of AT-STs, could possibly even do AT-ATs without them being too impractically big.

Just UC? Do you make it accurate to the shows where Federation pilots are all shit all the time so the Feddie player basically can't ever win?
Wouldn't At-AT be too slow for a 6mm sized game?
>I'd just remake Warhammer Fantasy but without the lore elements I don't like and some tweaks to units.
that's a big part of the problem with generic fantasy rules and fantasy rules writers
The core engine would just be Fire Emblem with a d6. No, simpler than that, it would be Skulls of the Shogun with a d6. And the battlemap would be nation-scale or continent-scale with many heroes moving to and fro between various fantasy cities and locations. Magical locations would give you cards representing magic items/lore, similar to Magic the Gathering cards, each area would have its own deck of local magic, which you get to draw from if you have units holding that location. On the surface it would look more like a board game playing out, but it's not grid-based, the Worldspine Mountains aren't 8 consecutive squares they're 800 miles and this is important because it lets you grab existing fantasy maps to use as battlemaps. "Converting" a map to be used in-game would mean defining the magical locations and building the magic deck for each location. Ideally the game would come together in such a way that you generic Power2/Defense3/Movement2 unit evolves into a character with personality, based on his in-game experiences as well as on your decisions to invest him with magic.
Does it have a name, so I can look it up?
Look up frag the boardgame.
>Do you make it accurate to the shows where Federation pilots are all shit all the time so the Feddie player basically can't ever win?
For a game about playing mooks, you'd have to rely on number and replace the heroes' health with a plot armor meter.
Personally I want to try my hand at making a Napoleonic wargame, but I'd make it more marketable by dressing it as sci-fi. Humans only perhaps. I figure rather than making a game nobody wants I'll just write a story nobody wants in the same setting and post it to Royal Road or something. If it against all odds was liked I would just release rules and find a 3D modeller and an artist to pay to do a quick kickstarter and call it a day.
I left because all the game designs were terrible. I wanted to poach ideas, but there was nothing.

A lot of the games they come up with didn't gain anything from having miniatures. There's no positioning or anything. They would be better off as board games.
license Project Moon universe and make game set in the Smoke War
though >>92824772 may also be onto something
I'd make one that takes place in a pre-Dryas Impact world where there are different species of mankind and beings. Races would include baseline humans, hominids (Neanderthals, "hobbit" men and other assorted wildmen), and Annunaki/nephilim. Each race would have three subfactions to select units from which would emphasize speed, strength and magic. In a perfect world it would be two games, a strategic traditional tabletop war game and a more narrative heavy skirmish game. Almost all models would be compatible with both games.
Fantasy 10mm wizard wars.
Ive always wanted to play something similar to Dominions or Conquest of Elysium in tabletop form.
The armies would center around a themed wizard and their apprentices making up a magic corps and a certain amount of generic, universal troops+ generic, universal leaders.
The gameplay would be centered around the wizards, who can launch powerful impactful spells or summon additional fantastical troops themed for them, with certain schools of magic being better than others.
On the other hand, the wizards are just humans and so can be taken down by a lucky arrow or trampled by horses.
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Agartha Descent, check the general here, the rules and faction books are all there.
We are planning another playtest for tomorrow night.
So Frostgrave but a smaller scale?
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Have you played Ogre?
During Covid I started work on a war game based on a fantasy office place. It would have two "modes" one would be more objective based with no traditional combat. Instead it would be about stacking stress on opponents and loving them in inane conversations and unnecessary meetings. Objectives like getting to the time clock and out the door before the boss can assign you overtime.
Then there would be a brawl option when people snap with more traditional combat and the ability to throw copiers and water coolers at people. Some missions would switch from one to the other mid way.

Sorta Office Space meets Bloodbowl.
I'd take the FGO Lostbelts and actually make them fight each other
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I'm working on a wargame about goblins and having fun
Nice. Like goblin sports or something else?
That's just airsoft.
They varied pretty heavily in power scaling, would you balance them?
GI Joe asymmetric 28mm scale wargame. Cobra player has 100+ models on the board and has to complete some batshit crazy scheme like ensure the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade balloons filled with mind control gas make it down 5th avenue while Joe player with 25ish models have to stop them.

Would have rules for vehicles. “Hero” characters such as all Joes and some cobra (non-generic guys like Baroness, Storm Shadow, Destro, etc.) have unique abilities that apply only to them and are played using cards.
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Petty feuds between goblin clans over stuff like cheating in gambling or stealing someone's best snail, small model count, highly narrative, goal is to beat up the other goblins with props like chairs and whatnot without outright killing them - that's too far and considered impolite.
IDGAF what their problems are, honestly. I know I like it and I don't see a need for huge changes in order to like it even more. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Yeah, either that or adding some sort of catch, like Greek units being very expensive but very elite
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Kino. Wargames Atlantic make STLs for this.
It’s stupid to think they would not change their helmet design
Drip is eternal.
Realistically yes. But if they changed designs they would look like Byzantines or something else and not Romans. It's a visual thing.
The heads are separate. These could be the ceremonial palace guard too, like the Swiss at the Vatican.
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>be interested in gamedev since childhood
>get into coding
>friends know about it and talk about ideas every day
>eventually start making games so we can play together
>recently friend says "man, i've always been curious about w40k"
>they all look at me
I'm making one right now having 0 experience with board wargames (though i've played a lot of strategy and rts vidya)
>they would look like Romans and not Romans
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I’d make a hex and chit game set during sengoku era Japan. Modern day miniature wargames are for consumerist retards.
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My ideal game is a hex and counter strategic layer with miniature battles once two forces meet on the map.
QRD on the game?
NTA, but I'd have it such that the points had two basic buckets. You could pay for more mechs but less experienced pilots, vice versa, or have combos where an ace gets a good suit, but it's just them and one or two grunts. Think the Gouf fight in 08th MS Team.

The big kicker is balancing the points cost. Maybe use keyword rules to simplify things. Federation, Newtype, Beam, Walker, Treaded, etc.
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Gonna link the last playtest in case any anons are interested.
Either a Warframe expy (focused on grineer, corpus, and the others who are not the warframes themselves) or something based on a very alternative/selective reading of bionicles.
>a very alternative/selective reading of bionicles.
Love better be canon
It would be a fantasy setting based on the real world, set vaguely in the late medieval and early renaissance era.
It can be, but it's not particularly relevant for wargame purposes.
One of my old ideas (among others that went nowhere) was a Cthulhu Wars-like boardgame about the Barraki conquests and having to curry favor among the Makuta factions so they give you certain techs and units; another, a largely setting-ignoring Spherus Magna roleplaying game where there was no GSR, but there are many, many smaller GSR-like mechs given to the population for use as, effectively, walking ships (and the players were supposed to be a crew of such a mech).
In regards to bonkles, i do tend to pick the parts i like and disregardand drop the ones i do not like.
I went through this. Ended up making an alternate WW1 mecha wargame, got interested in the setting I created for it, wrote a novel set in it, eventually eliminated the mechs as they didn't contribute to the story, and created an entire separate airship wargame based on the novel.
It would be a miniature agnostic fantasy skirmish game with a few set factions but mostly broad themes for players to create their own in, with scope for different tech levels and eras Stone Age tech up to early modern
Sign me up
MOBA like map, with mini+cards each with their own position related effect, 32 roles each with their own gameplay related effect, players pick draft their team and draw their roles randomly, then they assign their roles in secret to each other their minis, and the game starts with each team on one base, they gotta look for resources, items and dominate the center for x amount of turns, and thats basically it. Nothing crazy but fun
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I'd make one in my oc donut steel setting, picture related, a bit outdated but still gets the overall point across.
Probably some sort of necromunda/kill team style skirmish based urban combat game rather than larger scale wargame though.
Heavy emphasis on elevation and multilayered terrain.

Idea would be that you'd command a squad or two of mercenaries or warriors of the various noble families of the setting and combat scenarios would range over things like securing key facilities, relics, fighting in what essentially are low intencity warfare over turf etc between competing factions, and assassination of your opponents commanders/key personel and so on.

One thing I would like to have is heavy customization of the models and units you wield both because that is one of the key aspects I always liked in old school 40k, and also because it would fit into the setting as it is so heavily based on biotech and body modifcation.
If I were to design the model sprues I'd ad tons of alternative bits and pieces to represent different augments and gear plus I'd ad a bunch of rules for customizing the units you have. Every merc and housekarl/household warrior ought to be at least somewhat unique, though I'd probably ad some factional distinctions on what gear and augments members of the various factions have access to to maintain unique flavor for each.
>Gundam skirmish game with grunt suits
That will be kino
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I've always felt like Arknights would make for a cool wargame.
>army of Poland's strongest schizophrenic and his delusions.

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