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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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happy edition

- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy | August 10th - 18th
- Grand Chess Tour: Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz | August 11th - 16th
- Grand Chess Tour: Sinquefield Cup | August 18th - 29th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

>Previous thread:
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She's playing in the Sharjah Challengers tournament, with Leya Garifullina and other women:

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>happy edition
Absolutely not. I'm a stone cold incel. I've never played chess with a woman in my life. I'm like Travis Bickle, if he were 400 Elo on Chesscom.
>I've never played chess with a woman
Go to OTB tournaments and it'll happen.
You might have a point there:
based Chigorin
Hikaru vs Magnus yesterday match:
c4 enjoyers wwa
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>Anna Muzychuk

i ended up winning because of multiple blunders on both sides, but why does the book say sacrifice the knight for a pawn here, is it to open up both lanes on the king side ?
Hikaru will try again today:


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Yes, the king has not enough protection, and the knight is pinned to the white queen behind it. The engine will try some tricks to survive with black, normal people will just do a mess.
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how can i get Anna to be my findomme
Are there dress codes for tournaments or do you have to play against whores with their tits hanging out?
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Dress codes are very relaxed these days. You can call an arbiter if she exaggerates, or you can wear a cap and focus on the board.
What's a good approach to deliberate and efficient study of chess? I've mostly just played the game casually but I'm just now reading up on some openings and playing around with making them work.
Watch videos where things are explained clearly and do a lot of puzzles.
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I am quite terrible, but was the solution to this puzzle supposed to be obvious? Like eventually after failing it I figured out they want me to pin/skewer the queen into the king after it takes the rook... but the queen could just not take the rook?
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What's the most dog- and weather-resistant chessboard on the market? Last time I tried to play in the park a dog toppled my king and scrambled my pieces right as the midgame started. I have some ideas for overkill /diy/ options but I don't have a ton of time for extra projects right now.
>the queen could just not take the rook?
Yes, but that pawn was protecting the knight; now you can take it and even threatening a devastating discovered check on the king when you'll move the rook again. Rook to e8 is a checkmate if your bishop is on d5 (because is a double check).
Regular tournament sized vinyl chess boards with triple weighted pieces. They are cheap, so you can buy more sets to have spare pieces, or to make a tournament with friends, or to play Bughouse.
a magnetic set maybe?
This cutie form India might actually win it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divya_Deshmukh
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Black to move and win. Found it in a blitz game
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And the game in question. Dude wanted to draw with the White pieces as usual, shame I actually like the game.
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That was my first thought, and I still think I might get one, but I need something beyond that to stand up to a small dog jumping onto the board.

I was using a weak magnetic board (early 2000s chess computer board); a lot of my pieces slid and a few were toppled. For /diy/ options I was thinking a raised barrier between squares or some kind of socket like they use for the peg boards for blind players (does anyone know where to find large sets like this?), but with magnetized holes and steel pegs. One of the issues with magnets is that the pull would have to be strong enough to withstand dog interference but not so strong as to lift the board. If I clamped the board down to the picnic table that could solve the issue but it would be cumbersome.
the one in your pic looks very small
this shop has a bigger one and another one cheaper with plastic pieces:
just punt the dog
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>Sexism is still an under-discussed topic in chess, which is one of the few mainstream sports where men and women often compete against each other.
It's over-discussed actually, but thanks for mentioning that chess is a sport.
There isn't a recipe that works for everyone. Do a bit of everything: puzzles, books, lichess studies, etc. Most importantly, don't get bored.
She also scored a GM norm I think.
What's better?
Knowing 50 openings, but only a couple of moves each
Knowing just a couple of openings, but deeply and with many variants?
Second one, obviously. Is this a shitpost?
>sexism exists
>nuh uh
isn't a discussion. So no, it's not overdiscussed at all.
Faustino Oro finished 3rd on the Early Titled Tuesday!

>Is this a shitpost?
No, I'm just a newbie. It's so tiring when people assume the worst of you for no reason.
I've seen plenty of books about openings for beginners like me that try the first strategy, that try to cram in as many openings as possible, rather than explaining few openings really deeply.
let's see if Magnus will play the Late TT too:

>Magnus #39
>a CM 3rd
goat status: rekt
Beginners should learn the basic principles first, not openings.
Reminder that if you are under 2700 elo, playing 1. e4 is a blunder.
In that case I'm going to blunder and you're not going to do anything about it.
Do you have brain damage? The post you're replying to was an explanation why the issue of "many openings vs few openings" isn't an obvious one. It came with the implication that "xxx is the obvious answer" isn't a sufficient and that one should elaborate on WHY xxx is the better choice. Instead you've started talking about a completely unrelated subject to the question.
thoughts on the latvian
>books about openings for beginners
Those books are not better than clickbait yt videos.
Go to Stavanger and ask her directly: https://norwaychess.no/en/players-2024/
She did it! And Leya second:
utter trash
but Pupols beat Fischer with it
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How do I learn to go for the checkmate and not just keep eliminating pieces?
Retreat the piece or move it away if the trade isn't forced, then try to find trades that are advantageous; this part is difficult because sometimes you look only at the material value of a piece, not his positional and strategic value:


once you get in a better position with better pieces then go for a serious attack, which can start with pawns:

>Ding Liren
I want to believe.
get a cheap flat piece of plastic, sand it to rough it up, and get white and black velcro sheet, cut and glue squares onto plastic board. glue velcro onto pieces. Never knocked over again.
I found this set the other day but I don't like the way the pieces are done, might look around for something similar. If they want all the pieces to be the same size they should use the 2D symbols (what's the proper name for these? I usually call them unicode chessmen), if they want to show the shape of 3D chessmen they should have the correct relative sizes.
>3+0 blitz
>opponent has a good advantage
>I capture a random pawn
>he has 45 seconds but he lets it run all the way down because he's mad about the pawn
>Analysis says he was +1.0

why are they like this?
That's a fair strategy; why do you want to change things up?
I send "people" like this a passively aggressive private message and block them. I feel like after a year or so of doing that I'm no longer really encountering players that do that.
I love going on a losing streak in a rage and losing 50 elo. I lost to the fucking wayward queen opening.
uh that's really based but try losing 200 elo
>I lost to the fucking wayward queen opening.
Can you post that game? I've been trying to learn that opening because I'm going to see someone I haven't seen in a while and I want to try to see if he's gotten bad enough to fall for Scholar's Mate while making sure I don't throw the game by going for a gimmick.
>botch opening, drop queen
>resign, pissed
>lose 7 games in a row
>try to kill myself
>lose 10 more games
You can download the sets used by lichess in svg format and print them:

They think that they're going to lose anyway.
Hammer in the Bullet Championship Qualifier:

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A lot of big names got rekt: Dubov #24, Aronian #31, Nepo #46

also insane ending from the position in pic related:
>“My aim is not to finish in last place”
The absolute state of a World Champion.
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Titled Arena today:
as usual you can play in the warm-up event, which starts in 2 hours
>sexism exists
>and that's a good thing
ITT some female chess players are based
Brilliancy. Revealed attack on queen while checking the king, tower sacrifice. If I was born in antiquity or middle ages, I could have conquered the world, created an empire.
Now it's a discussion.
what's so brilliant about this? you lose a rook and a bishop for his queen, aren't you just barely winning material there
Easier structure to play with if you're up a queen
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is it normal to have puzzle rank higher than play rank
I just want to bang a qt grandmaster
Yes. There's less pressure in puzzles.
For games im just focused on leanring openings and transition to midgame. Basically make sure i see other guys blunders and avoid dumb shit on my side. Fun to figure out pins and discovered checks and stuff.

Still trying to figure out when to trade, but basically clear out center board and some of their pieces thay may be in dangerous position.

But want to do more puzzles before doing so many games

Lichess has nice analysis. And startingnon chess dot cum too
chess.com lowered the bar for "brilliancies" a couple years ago so that more people would get them
It's not that egregious, but almost any winning sacrifice seems to show up as a "brilliancy" even if it's obvious, even if you miss the followup that would've made it worthwhile.
>page 8
>one week bump limit




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