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Any exo squad figures fans?
I absolutely love their engineering and designs. It's so much fun and I always liked when mechs had pilots inside that would hold on to something to control their mechs.

The TV show is a well written show from the 90s that features serious themes like death, politics and even fascism.
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Funny that people talk stuff like "yeah 90s toys are good but their TV shows are basically toy commercials haha!".
But if you think about it - all GOOD shows like Reboot, Exo Squad, Dungeons and Dragons were just good shows despite having great toys.
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I remember playing with some of my friend's in the nineties and loving them, but never owned any myself. I bet with all the accessories these things are a bitch and a half to get complete nowadays.

80s shows were toy commercials. 90s shows were so much better on average. Batman TAS, ExoSquad, Swat Kats, Biker Mice From Mars, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, and Gargoyles are all good examples of great TV shows with compelling characters, mature storytelling, and darker themes that just happened to have toylines.
Ive only got him but id like more, just dont have any. Really decent all around, the figure and exo suit are both equally nice. >>10979199
There really were some stellar cartoons, i remember batman, xmen and gargoyles all being stop what youre doing and watch tv shows. Id catch some exo squad if i were up at 6:30, but i liked it enough to try.
id often see them in meets and stores, but I never found picrel with the translucent gun

One of those lines I decided to pick up a few here and there a while back. The one I never got around to getting because it was too expensive is hard to find boxed complete nowadays (or I just look at inopportune times on ebay).

It seriously needs a reboot/ continuation.
Who would do it justice?
>my toy commercials were better than your toy commercials
Great show and almost all the figures and vehicles. The missiles would hit hard too unlike the stuff today. Have many fond memories of collecting these toys with my dad. Good times.
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>"the only good neosapien is a dead neosapien."
some of the best toys I've ever owned
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earlier that day
look at the little fish bulbs for his toes! come on!
I vaguely remember owning oen that looked pretty much exactly like this one as a kid, except it was green with purple stripes and had a big pincer. My brother definitely had the big jet one from your previous pic, though.
that sounds on-brand; they repainted them into the ground as the IP faded into obscurity
After a bit of Google searching, I found it - this is most definitely the toy I had as a kid. I completely forgot it came with all this stuff, but seeing it now, I also remember it coming with a little clear green 'microchip' that you could plug into the suit's back. Don't remember what the little black things in the lower left corner were for, though.
It's cool to see this nonetheless - I had completely memory-holed the series all these years.
Sucks that apperently Universal/Dreamworks owns the IP which means if it were to somehow get a reboot it would be nonstop fujoshit like the recent Voltron show.
never seen these before, thx for posting
Jonas Simbaca
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Did they reboot the series in the early aughts or did they just continue making toys for a long time? I remember getting this toy or one very similar new in box but the 90s would have been too early, I think it would have at least been 2000.

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