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Looks like Figma finally has some competition. Looks like we’ll finally have a good Kratos.
Americans can't make anything.
They're Canadian.
>Horizon, nu God of War, Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us 2
I like tsushima but where is Sly Cooper? Ratchet and Clank? Killzone? Jak and Daxter? Its going to be shit.
Why are Americans obsessed making ugly people action figures? No wonder toys r us died you freaks only make this ugly fucking cancer
Shame Sony hasn't had any good mascots in the past 20 years.
Even worse
We might get Ratchet.
Those other ones are dead IPs though sorry.
>ugly people
You mean like actual people? As opposed to cartoon/AI generated images, 99% of "real" people are ugly irl when they're not using filters.
Syphon filter figures or bust. Also gimmie some 4" releases ya mooks.
Was Syphon 1st party? I want Sir Dan.
>gay statipn figures
>figures from nu-playstation exclusives
thats a no from me dawg
better than hex box figures
>But it's just so epic and wholesome and real and grounded to want ugly people action figures you silly chuddy!
>Better than a macaroni memey if you make it in a cowabunga way

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>Nu-God of War
>Fat faced Alloy from the second game
That is a powerfully shitty selection. I guess Ghost could be alright but the Figma will still probably be the better option especially if they just do Jin.
All of Sony's good IPs are dead as fuck.
Who do I have to do favors for to get a Shadow of the Colossus line? like 2.5" figures and scaled monsters
I'm not sure people would actually want articulated figures of many of those figures.
They made the League of Legends 1/12 figures if you want to look up vids of those, they weren't amazing or terrible.
I already have my Figma Kat and Raven so I don't need any other Playstation characters. Unless they do Parappa, Jammer Lammy or Popolocrois Monogatari which will never fucking happen.
I will buy a good Ayla figure and Jin Sakai since the Figma was way overpriced.
Lmao, holy shit i see beautiful people all the time.
>You mean like actual people?
Nobody but the worst types of people look like purple haired chubby faced woman with a mannish build
>I will buy a cheap Ayla figure and Jin Sakai since the Figma was too expensive for me.
Stop demanding all cartoon girls look fugly
Doesn't Spin master make TOY toys? Like actual for kids toys? Why are they making figures for all these serious business ARTISTIC video games?
Does anyone even give a fuck about this woke crap Americans keep making?
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Call me when they Killzone or Resistance toys.
Whoops, I'm retarded. Meant for >>10981732
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>Fiona is supposed to be "ugly" because she's an ogre, still more cute and femine than OP's pic
They'll be just like NECA and make them completely fucking worthless by not releasing any of the enemies from the games.
Good Helghast figures would be so fucking dope.
Holding out hope for Demon's Souls (PS3) and Bloodborne figures.
You guys know this is some spam trolling bait right? Well now you do.
Absolutely based. Shame they dropped the ball with, I think, 3(?) for dropping the WW2 theme
Unironically true.
There are literally no good first party Sony IPs anymore.
>b-b-but muh Kratos
Stupid trash character for frat bros that think YA fiction is deep.
You see plastic-filled highschool dropouts that spend over an hour applying makeup to their face every morning of their lives.
Exactly this, aside from Ghost I'm not interested in any of these. I would've been disappointed about them making nu Joel and Ellie from Part 2 if I didn't already own the Limtoys figures from the superior game.
Cool bootlegs, you fucking faggot
I love the Horizon series and its main ugly character, but I dont need a toy of him
Cry more corporate cocksucker
you don't buy toys
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hard pass, the funko pop of action figure scales
That's a compliment because it implies that 1/18 and such is dead
this is troony cope
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The literally face scanned someone and then made the actual character uglier on purpose. This has happened multiple times.
Did anyone even buy that Lego HZD?
I did, really good value for the low price of $90 when it released, soulful looking tallneck and nice minifigure of Aloy too.
Sadly it looks like they aren't interested in pursuing the line, so no thunderjaw in the future but it's probably for the best since they probably would've made it enormous and soulless for the steep price of $400.
Ah yes, let's make our power/escape fantasy characters ugly, like the ugly world that we want a reprieve from, I'm sure people will pay big bucks to play as themselves. While we're at it, why don't we make cod characters unable to hold a gun steady, and shake the screen like crazy when they shoot, and they can only sprint for 5 seconds. Oh, and no more respawning, because that's so unrealistic! $60- I'm sorry, I mean $70, you get to play until you die, and then you gotta buy a new copy.
>buncha characters nobody wants
>Looks like Figma finally has some competition.
Never even heard of this brand also gaymers don't buy toys
I just want a pack of these little dudes. Modern Sony can get fucked.
Canadians are American.
Since when do gamers buy toys?
>Since when do trolls buy toys?
pretty sure never
The post seems to have been removed for some reason. I've wanted a steady general video game line for a while now, though I'll admit Spin Master being the ones to do it coupled with the initial choices doesn't excite me.
>God of War Ragnarok
I've got three Kratos' from Neca already so it'd have to be amazing to get me to buy a fourth.
>Horizon Zero Dawn
Didn't like the game enough to even want an Aloy.
>Ghost of Tsushima
Haven't played it yet, but it's on my backlog.
Didn't even finish it.
Technically yes, they live in North America. However colloquially American is used to describe some one from the United States of America. Which Canadians are not.
You know these would sell better than any other property because most people would want at least four.
Will they tho? They fucked all the goodwill they built. Everyone I know who was playing rabidly has hate-quit the game.
Americans fucking up yet again making ugly crap no one wants.
You want it, if only so you have yet another reason to maintain your obsessive American hate bones. We get it, you hate America, you don't have to come into every single thread and make it about how much you hate America. Don't you have anything else to say? Any other points to make? Literally anything else other than how much you hate America?
Damn you Americans can't make anything and let immigrants fuck up your country kek.
Immigrants unironically built this country.
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I don't even want anything. Playstation's IP's have become far less toyetic and less exclusive as time went on. I only like the characters because of how they play
Ogre Fiona was way prettier than human Fiona.
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>GOW: Sweetbabygnarok
into the trash it goes, I'll stick to the GOW3 NECA Kratos, NECA sucks but at least that one looks like a proper god of war
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Kek, saved. Gonna be putting this one to use.
Fuck off retard, America is No 1 when it comes to game design.
more like gaym design
Same, fucking hated Ragnarok and how they turned Kratos into a crying pussy with a cuck beard, much rather have a figure of the classic games but that will never happen in today's pussy ass society.
Wait, it's all the same troll?
>achktually it's a compliment!

but I'm not surprised to see a braindead 1/12fag be coping as you are
Ape Escape when
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>No Gravity Rush
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Genuinely the worst possible character selection. The only worthwhile characters in that lineup are Kratos and Jin, and Jin already has a great figma. Why wouldn't they make anything from the PS1-3 instead? Syphon Filter, MGS4, GOW 1-3, Legend of Dragoon, Parappa, Sly Cooper, Killzone, Shadow of the Colossus, Little Plannet, Medieval, Twisted Metal, Ratchet & Clank, etc.

Literally any other era of PlayStation would have been better and yet the chose to make a Nikocado Avocado figure. What a fucking waste.

>They're Canadian
Ah, that explains it.
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Thank god. I really wanted the Figma Sekiro until I saw his face. Genuinely awful.
I would pay an insane amount of money for a new figure of old snake
I would pay an insane amount of money for a new figure of ANY new snake.
KYS faggot
To be fair Kratos was pretty cool for the first three games. Nu-Kratos is pretty gay though.
The European mind.
Sekiro isn't in this lineup. He's not a Sony character dumbass.
1/12 still rocks the racks while 1/18 is relegated into adult collector toy shit aisles. So yeah, 1/12 really is the Fukno Pop of scales
MGS 1 snake, MGS 3 big boss or MGS 4 old snake for me, god the possibilities for those figures would be insane
I'd also adore another MGS2 Snake. The figma isn't as bad as everyone says it is but it has a lot of room for improvement.
The #1 most needed MGS4 figure is the FROGS. Not that I'd expect a western company to be able to make good figures of even faceless female characters.
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Sure. But there are beautiful people around too. Why they only choose uglies? also your toys are fucking FANTASY
Why these toy lines want even our FANTASY to be filled with ugliness is beyond me.
>>Oh ye. The entire story of “fair maidens” and “beautiful princesses” from olden times were just plastic filled women.
Fuck off retard
What a waste of plastic.
Id actually buy Killzone figures. The west never does cool shit though. Even if they did Last of Us Limtoys Chinamen has already made the definitive Joel and Ellie figures in 1/12.

99% of real people also arent manfaced roasties or alien looking plastic surgery negroes
Resistance would actually be so army buildable for some alt history ww2/cold war troops holy shit. The Chimera are very solid monster toy material too second only to Mcfarlane Halo Elites.
Fiona possess all the essential phenotypes of the comely Dutch matron
White immigrants
>Even if they did Last of Us Limtoys Chinamen has already made the definitive Joel and Ellie figures in 1/12.
They're not even making them from the first game, it's from that dog shit sequel as stated in the OP image, not even worth a pick up unless they have good accessories
I sure look forwards to the stunning character selection of bitch faced Ellie, dead Joel, roid raged dyke pig and token gay jew.
The designs of the second game are so fucking horrible, can't think of a single human figure I'd like to own, infected would be cool but these faggots probably won't make any of them
Need ngl maybe in the future hopefully
>Why wouldn't they make anything from the PS1-3 instead?
because the current playstation era is the most popular.
It's so sad how Sony was building up some good characters during the PS3 era, and just fucking dropped all of them after the PS4. So now it's just angry dyke, chubby ginger, and God of onions.
Spinmaster? The company that does those Batman toys for kids and mediocre League of Legends figures?
>“fair maidens” and “beautiful princesses” from olden times
lmfao what new incel schizo babble is this?
Are the manfaced roasties in the room with us right now?
>good characters during the PS3 era
what? No. Sackboy is hardly a "character" at all, and most of it was buzzcut generic action guy.
The only good Sony characters are from the PS1/2 era where creativity actually thrived in the first-party space.
Cole McGrath? Nathan Drake?
Nigger that’s what those stories called them.
Fair maiden; beautiful princess etc
You never read a book in your life you illiterate negro?
prove it
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They did start off pretty badly, but they've definitely improved with the latest releases like Nasus and Akali. Still some problems here and there, but definitely solid and a massive improvement from the earlier waves.
Gross. Nobody wants that gross shit. If Playstation makes a posable 1/12 figure, I want Rivet cause she's hot.
Yeah its (you)
What happened to this faggot? Last I heard he was copystriking videos with his face on it (the only reason people knew him).
Thats literally fairytale prose you retard. Looks like millenial schoolchildren handled far more serious and complex themes than you schizo libtards ever could tolerate.
It’s oppressing to talk about beauty bro.
Everyone is ugly and we just need to talk about ugliness and aspire to be ugly.
Also it’s toxic masculinity to expect women to be beautiful
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>Gross. Nobody wants that gross shit. If Playstation makes a posable 1/12 figure, I want Rivet cause she's hot.
lol make all the cartoon faces you want. But it’s gonna be shelf warmer, and you know it
You had two chances to get the figma, cope and seethe
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Getting something for Castlevania would be great as well. Especially if the rumor regarding Sony developing the new title are true
Just make dragoon-mode Legend of Dragoon figures and fuck off with the rest (especially ugly-as-shit Aloy).
>new Horizon figure
>It's another one of those boring humans instead of any of the robot dinosaurs
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There's been a limited amount of helghast stuff made over the years and surprising even a few Resistance 2 chimera figures but real limited articulation.
>killzone 3 had a few figures release including a going invisible sniper that I still have
>a green army men baggies of helghast and a single ISA soldier were released to attendees of a E3 one year around the time killzone 3 was coming out
>Resistance 2 limited edition came with a figure of the advanced Chimera soldier
>also a steelhead and thr big chimera with the machine gun got a figure
You might not have cared for it but ps3 Gen they were at least letting all the devs slap everything on the wall to see what sticks.
Once the ps4 generation came much of the creativity stopped, Sony (along with all the other publishers) started shutting down most/all small studios they owned and started boxing off, price gouging online play, and in general shitting up online play by making everything a bannable offense until you're at the point where nobody talks online anymore.

Shit like MAG and it having worse graphics in exchange for allowing 256 people to fps together, Killzone 2 with its dedicated servers, or even Infamous 2 with its insane mission maker are now almost unheard of now
Projection. I refer you to >>10990028
Horizon is pretty cool, I’d prefer them to be 3.75 scale so they can make some of the robot dinosaurs to go with Aloy. Resistance would be amazing I always wanted those Resistance 2 figures they made years ago
It's gonna be like a Jurassic Park kinda thing where they realize dinosaurs at a 1/12 scale would be too expensive.
>Lego Horizon Set
>Horizon Six inch toys
>The leaked Horizon Lego game
So that’s why Horizon Zero Players is getting so much attention in the toy world.
Herman Hulst is now CEO and pushing her everywhere.
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>Horizon Zero Players
you were real proud of this one huh
Didn't DC Direct do one?
Not sure, know 3 or 4 companies have dipped their toes in on doing the helghast but nothing major.
Oh boy I can't wait to get figures of all my favorite Playstation characters that aren't just Horizon, GoW, TLOU, and Ratchet, they have so many characters to choose from!
Yeah, they did a bunch of toys based of of Sony franchises (the ones people actually like). The articulation left a lot to be desired.
I have the ghost variant of the left one and it's fucking incredible. Articulation reminds me of a step up from Mcfarlane figures.
It looks way better in hands, a closeup like this make any faceprint head looks like shit.
>DC direct
>statues being sold as action figures
Being a Playstation fan for merch is still suffering
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Figure revealed
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Price: $35
Just saw all the pics (on TNI, idk where else they may have been listed) and she comes with a lot. 6 faces, 4 pairs of hands, bow and arrow, quiver, and spear. Probably gonna be quite pricey. Single jointed elbows, double jointed (pinned, for those that care) knees, and range on the whole looks good. Seems like a really good effort from Spin Master.
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Woah, $35 dollars for all this shit? Jada might have some competition for best bang for your buck if they continue this quality.
>That face plate
WTF... I thought there was a piece missing. Who thought this was a good idea?
Makes me interested to see what they do with Jin Sakai. Seems like a lot of bang for the buck.
why do americans keep making ugly dog shit? do gamers even buy toys?
who'd want a figure of Allison Horizon? lamest vidya character
It's a bad idea to have the face skin overlap the hair...makes it look fucked up.
They could just do what imports do have the bangs over the face or sculpted on the face plate.
Whatever bad price it is, it still delivers what it promises. And I say that after years of nothing but shit from other companies. No good Ratchet, God of War, or even Crash Bandicoot.
why are you implying americans know how to make toys? they clearly cant
Looks fine.

But who even cares about Horizon?
>looks fine

it looks like that fat yuotuber who eats food holy shit get your eyes checked
So you're saying she looks ugly, therefore accurate. We know.
Every time you respond to him you just embolden him. The responses will just get dumber and more incoherent.
excuse me but americans have brain damage and make too much woke DEI lgbt crap for ugly people
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>ZD outfit with FW face sculpt
>include faceplates but trap half of them behind retarded tribal paints
>arrow for use with bow is longer than any of the arrows in her quiver and has different fletching
I'd also be surprised if the outfit on the final product had even half the detail of the showcase model. I guess if this their first attempt it's not awful but it could sure be a hell of a lot better.
As a lifelong Nintendo fanboy it makes me so happy that Sony's flagship mascot is this abomination.
What scale is it?
it says six inch in the OP screenshot
He's right though, alloy is a fat faced ugly bitch and nobody cares.
Everytime one of these companies puts something like this out hasbro's shit just seems worse and worse. Not a fan of aloy but I'll keep an eye out for other PSN properties and if they do some helldivers I'll definitely pick some up.
lmfao what the fuck are those faces
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At least it's not Funko pop I guess but who would want Nicocado figure?
The promo looks promising but
Ewwww who the fuck wanted this
This looks good for such a garbage character. Can't was just get a line of Bloodborne figures if it had to be a Sony IP?
sony ip? fucking retard kek, fromsoft owns that, you dumb fucking retard
Sony owns the Bloodborne IP you fucking troglodyte. Try actually doing some research first before foaming at the mouth like a drooling retard.
clearly sony hates you gamers and would rather focus on publishing games for the breathtaking artistry, and story telling, and epic adventures, why should you be caters to? gamers dont even buy toys
Proved you wrong for being a colossal dumbfuck not even knowing the shit you're talking spouting and now you're just mad. Top fucking kek.
sounds like we gotta turn it into a wholesome epic copypastas creen shot meme for a healthy ammount of chuckles in a sterombolioni compilation that a youtuber would later read off on, kek
Obviously when he googled it he just couldn't stomach being wrong. The fact that he just resorts to the same troll tactic of "gamers don't buy toys" like in every game-related thread should tell you enough him.
the fact you'd rather spend your time memeing for an epic little boner shows how big your penis gets when arguing back and forth again and again for that epic gamer level up smash in a kino kind of way
They really should have just stuck to the Helghast as their prime mascots. Fuckers just work with various things.

Athena you stupid faggot what the fuck are you doing
Are you kidding, that's a horrible figure for 35 bucks, of a horrible character as well. Doesn't even have double jointed elbows.
better off buying a mythic legion, as those have attractive female figures
Ah and it comes with that display stand? I was hoping they’d make some of the robot dinos to go with it, I think it at least comes with a display stand resembling a destroyed robot. I like some world building with my figures
is Horizon like the most forced thing ever? How the fuck did it of all IPs end up with a lego set (that no one is buying years later).
because hideo kojima loves it therefore nerds have to love it
Because Girl Power.
Embarrassing post.
How are Spinmaster's League of Legends figures?
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That plastic separation for her hairline makes it look like her face is a fucking mask lol
Pretty bad.
I don't play the game but I bought a few on clearance and they are really soft, both the plastic and the sculpt quality.
The only one I have is Blitzcrank. It's nearly 9 inches and it can fit in with a bunch of different stuff but I guess the articulation is much better on it than most of them.
>and it comes with that display stand?
IDK, the OP doesn't say and pictures don't show anything
if ONLY this was for a better character.
>All this shit
Indeed anon its all shit.
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idk who is taking the photos but the "stand" is just this mcfarlane dragon flipped upside down
this was such a bad toyline
this is the worst starting figure they could have picked
Horizon is really popular. Normies will eat this up.
Lol. Are they allowed to do stuff like that?
not really

horizon isusually bundled with ps4/5 to inflated the sales
It's such a bad scale. You won't be able to have any of the cooler dinos without them being really expensive. It's Jurassic Park all over again.
Was popular enough to get DLC and a sequel.
Gamers don't buy toys.
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>Alloy figure flops
>no Last of Us Ellie figure in her prime 14-year-old iteration
>no cool Nathan Drake figure or any of the hotties in his games
>no Ratchet and Clank figures
>no Killzone figures
>no Stellar Blade figures
>no Helldivers 2 figures

Fuuuuuck. Even if it doesn't fail watch them pick the new God of War games next for figures guaranteeing the line fails.
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They do it's just games suck dick now and are no longer iconic enough to sell figures. Anything trying to be iconic is woke bait meaning the "fanbase" rather bitch and moan on Twitter than buy merch or even the games pandering to them.
Terrible way the face plates plug in aside, that's better than I was expecting and pretty good bang for your buck at $35. Now if only they'd focus their efforts on better IPs...
Why can't we get a Tomb Raider if they wanted to do a Girl Power thing?
Anon...Tomb Raider is currently owned by Square Enix. You either get Play Arts, Bring Arts, or nothing.
The Fornite toys had pretty good articulation and were often generic enough to fit in as grunts for a number of different lines. I don't think anyone treated them as actual Fortnite toys.
Well, now it is. You should probably try to understand a little about something before you bash it.
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The character designs in Fortnite are leagues above the actual game which is intentional since they are what keeps people grinding.
Just got a movie and he was invented in 1983 with a giant list of great games.
Holdover from a better time in the games industry and like Mario has a list of great games over the years.
Great game from 2010 and kids love it.
>Apex Legends
The game sucks and the figures suck too. Not sure why you brought this one up.
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>this quality
lolwut, this looks like fucking SHIT
Sonic actually has some pretty neat characters and mythology. It's just that Sonic himself is kinda bleh. He's like Mickey Mouse in that way.
You argue like a zoomer.
Haha, I was a little sarcastic there. What would you have preferred I say? Lore?
Keep going, try to bait me again.
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We're talking about quality. You liking the Japanese equivalent of Funko Pops has nothing to do with quality.
It was a heavy revenue bringer for Sony. Insomniac leaks showed it in the top 10 Sony games ever
Well of course it's going to be if it's bundled with the console...
Squenix sold it to Embracer.
Who the fuck is Embracer?
Not Square Enix.
Embrace is not a video game publisher. Square Enix is still the current video game publisher and therefore will not allow articulated figures to made unless it's by their toy division. No, Funko Pops and whatever else pointless knick-knacks you can buy don't matter. Nothing like the Alloy figure in this thread will happen unless it's Play Arts or Bring Arts.
Embracer Group AB (formerly Nordic Games Licensing AB and THQ Nordic AB) is a Swedish video game and media holding company based in Karlstad. They're a holding company, they just buy up other companies.
Thought that was Kryten from Red Dwarf from the thumbnail.
Will they make a Chadwarden figure?
Damn nigga you way behind.
scam group that was about buy has many assets and then sold them to arabs

the arabs werent retarded and drop the deal making the group panic since they had no intention of developing any game
We're not getting Tomb Raider figures like Aloy unless Embracer releases a video game. Even then Square Enix Lara Croft and every iteration before her will not be getting articulated figures. Can we stop talking about Embracer Group now?
Crystal Dynamics has complete ownership over the IP now.
Amazon Games is publishing the next main title.
And where are the figures? Any figure announcements?
kek, based
Funko Pops and LEGO will be announced around the new game
It is true that Americans cant make beautiful or cool things anymore
Fuck off to your containment thread. This thread is about Spinmaster's potential action figure line up for Sony owned video games characters. Tomb Raider has nothing to do with that.
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>It is true that Americans cant make beautiful or cool thi-ACK
Stop buying action figures.
I don’t use Instagram like you Mongoloids, just tell me if they’re making Jak and Daxter figures or not.
They aren't mentioned in the OP screenshot.
And you call others mongoloids. Why don't you just find out yourself? You're acting like IG is the only way to get news.
Ho my god it's hideous.
Anyone can make army men but ACK-tion figures is where the national character and sensibilities of a nation shine through. America only makes neutered, dysgenic melting pot goblin characters in figure form and they are neither relatable nor appealing.
She is hot and needs a figure, only chance of that happening is either a 3rd party Chinese cloth figure maker or Jada being given all RE action figure rights for a whole decade because thats how long they will take to get to her.
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>has a list of great games over the years.
>bad Sonic games exist
>therefore all the good ones don't count

Don't be such a pessimistic cunt all your life, anon.
>Verification not required.
>no cool Nathan Drake figure
Actually out of all sony characters Nate has probably had the single most figures.
>Neca did a Uncharted 4 Drake
>Sideshow and another company have done Uncharted 3 Drakes
>Diamond Select even did Uncharted the movie Drake
But yeah as far as supporting characters I don't think we'll ever see a Chloe, Elena, Sully, or even Donut Drake
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Also we can't forget NECA Sackboy Drake from that short period of time when Sony was going hard on using Sackboy for its main mascot.
Okay but Aloy here has multiple faces, hands, and weapons. I want that for Nathan. And I don't want a 1/6 doll that costs hundreds of dollars.
Didn’t Neca make some Uncharted four stuff?
>list of goods game
>only 2 of them are "good"
Sonic frontier was mid and was only considered good because the previous games in the last decade were trash
>verification not required
>shooty hands and fists
>an AKM and 1911 pistol
>no alternate heads nor faces

What part of Spinmaster Alloy comes with more accessories than Neca Nathan making me want a Spinmaster Drake do you not understand?
You subjective opinion on what constitutes a "good" Sonic game don't matter. Especially considering we're on /toy/. Fuck off back to your containment board.
>>bad Sonic games exist
>>therefore all the good ones don't count
every sonic game is bad without exception, it's not that hard to grasp. It's easily the worst mascot platformer (even Gex is better lol) that's only loved by the most intellectually stunted, autistic manchildren. I could write a strategy guide for a sonic game and it would simply consist of a flash card with a 'right arrow' drawn on it and it would still probably be too complicated for the average sonic fan to understand. I can only imagine how bad the theater is going to smell with all of you Sonic fans in it when the new movie comes out.
Most of Sonic's 2D games are actually pretty good. Have you even played Sonic Mania?
>I could write a strategy guide for a sonic game and it would simply consist of a flash card with a 'right arrow' drawn on it
I knew it. Only idiots like you that think Sonic levels are all about blasting through them think Sonic games are bad.
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This is one map in Sonic 3. Blast through that.
Damn, gamers are so fucking retarded they'd rather argue about stupid fucking waste of time video game cancer
Right, like collecting hunks of plastic is so much better.
Well this is the board for children's toys. Your video game cancer is responsible for the rising ocean levels because you need to burn oil to run that useless fucking box you call a video gamer funbox
This post >>10998242 is comparing two toys. Also read the opening post to the thread, retard.
Oh no, sometimes you also hit left and jump. If you think this is anything other than braindead simple, than I struggle to imagine that you can even tie your own shoes without help, which is pretty par for the course. I imagine they make Sonic Velcro shoes in adult sizes?
Those old games had a time limit, right?
I was excited for a second for a Ratchet or Sir Dan. I've never been on the HZD hate train but I am starting to get so tired of her.
Americans will complain about this and do the same thing to Canada.
>Sony IPs down so bad we need to talk about Sonic to keep the thread alive
At least her lego figure is peak
Looks very realistic for a LEGO
Yes but you'd usually have more than enough.
I know this isn't popular to say here but I really liked both Horizon games... so I'm glad she's getting a cool action figure. I thought Neca may try but they don't seem to care about videogames or anything other than fucking Turtles right now so at least she gets this.
I did like that giraffe looking thing Lego did a while ago.
Plastic free packaging?
Please point to the Canadians can't make anything posts that were stated by an American. You show me 5 on this board in the last year and I'll fight a bear after drinking a fifth of tequila
Yeah, I don't really want action figures of the average people I see at walmart
Give me a Wander figure and I will be happy. I'm fully expecting them to make like 5 figures total from the games listed in the OP and then drop the line though.
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>no Last of Us Ellie figure in her prime 14-year-old iteration
>limbs are far too long
>small head+thick neck looks weird
>baggy, oversized clothes hiding her thin physique
>lifeless expression and no extra heads nor faceplates
>expensive as fuck

No thanks, I'll pass
This is all youll ever get for EllieLoli
top kek
Easier to customize.
Using imagination is better than wasting money on a figure I don't want. Plus, who knows maybe Spinmaster will do TLOU 1 Ellie+Joel next and get them out right before the line fails.
Damn this bootleg is fuck ugly
Why do you need to customize a playstation character into something else? Are you really going to pay $35 for fodder? What other parts will you combine them with, Marvel Legends?
pinless is a massive meme that results in gummy joints
Gummier than western figure joints already are?
Legends had gummy joints long before pinless. And no imports have had pinless forever and are not gummy.
Only because Americans suck at making toys.
Jejkek even the Chinamen are leaving American toy makers in the dust with import quality figures that can compete directly with Japan.
Look we all know American toys are shit, but unless you are Japanese or Chinese no one gives a shit about your country's toys at all. And I'm pretty sure most of you shit talkers aren't Chinese or Japanese, even the fucking seamonky
Eurochad toys are good.
Oh, I forgot Canada.
Do the Eurochuds still make toys other than Legobtqi+?
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Well let's see these great toys.
Playmobil and Bruder
Papo; they make these really cool painted knights.
I think Bestlock is a UK company, but I'm not sure.
The Zero Dawn game is good, but not sure about this figure. If they made figures of the robots I may be tempted by those. The robot designs are neat in Zero Dawn.
Italy has Gormitti
UK has Zomlings
Germany has Schleich
Wow you showed me ... not at all sarcastic... really 100% ... not sarcastic at all..... those are some truly top notch toys... fucking pinnacle of engineering you got going on there.. .... don't show me a static non posable dinosaur... you might blow my mind
So what I'm hearing is the less articulation a toy has the better it is for people from Europe.

Here I was thinking you hated American toys because they weren't up to the caliber of Japanese or Chinese toys. But you hate them because they have too much articulation and aren't 0 poa statues
I believe Dickie Toys are German as well. Same vein as Bruder.
It's... it's almost like people don't like statues in this country either, huh?
>So what I'm hearing is the less articulation a toy has the better it is
That is generally true from a visual standpoint yes.
Durability as well.
That's fair. The figure does look good for a character that I don't really care. I'm honestly tempted to give her a different head altogether.
Oh yeah Cobis pretty cool, way less gay than Lego, I have several of their tanks.
Papo also looks absolutely Kino, might be a good sauce of heckin wholesome kino creatures for my Figmas.

I love articulated figures too but I will always pick beautiful static toy over fugly as shit esg action figure slop that America has taken a real liking to shitting out over the past half decade.
You realize that American toys are not just Hasbro right? While I am loath to use a food analogy here it's like thinking that all American food is McDonald's.
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What do you have on mind? Diecast cars are cool. I think action figures get hyperfixated on because they are character toys.
I mean, you don't see anyone else making /his/torical toys with enough stuff to build a scene. The closest American equivalent was Twenty-First Century Toys, but they're long dead. Now all that's is army men which is mostly WWII/Vietnam inspired, American Civil War if you're lucky.
Forgot about Schliech. Their monsters are pretty cool.
Oh, I had no idea these guys were in Shartmart. I always assumed those cheap toys were Made in China or something. I'll keep an eye out.
I mean, not all toys are action figures.
Lol, they could have used that dumb hairdo to hide the faceplate seam much better.
Good effort other than that, given the source.
what have canada done?
Mega Bloks/Construx.
>Not a single good Crash Bandicoot
>hire beautiful model
>scan her
>change her face
>fuck ugly in game
>fuck ugly in sequel
>fuck ugly in toy form
>only cute in animu form and it barely resembles her.
Horizonfags just can't catch a break, more like Sunset: Forbidden Looks.
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NECA made plenty too.
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>only cute in animu form and it barely resembles her

Concept art Aloy was the epitome of cute. Even if she did have Tumblr nose in most of the art.
That describes this entire thread.
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>I'm honestly tempted to give her a different head altogether.
More and more I think the problem is Aloy's stupid hair style. Hanna looks normal to me.
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>Sunset: Forbidden Looks
heh I chuckled
Huh, that actually looks nice. I wouldn't even call that as having a Tumblr nose and I absolutely hate the damn things.

The actual person looks fine but there's something about the 3D model that just looks fucked. Even in your photo, it's like they stretched out her face and hairline compared to how she actually looks in real life.
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>there's something about the 3D model that just looks fucked
It's the length of the face from ears to nose. Her face seems super long in that direction and makes her look inhuman. Look. Distance from ears to nose is almost the same as the entire length of her head from chin to top of her head.

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