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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast/scale model car general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives - Evil Ryu (SDCC), Alt Player 2 Ryu (Paulmartstore)

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Chun Li
Alt Player 2 Fei Long
Violent Ken (will most likely be SDCC like Evil Ryu but not known for sure)
Red Chun Li (Potential target exclusive?)

Megaman Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
Wake me up when they do Metal Man
Isn't wave 3 Mega Man revealed? It's Bubble Man and Wood Man isn't it
>Hyper Bomb Mega Man
Wave 2 and we're already getting Mega Man variants? There's so many other characters, what about like Proto Man or Roll or something?
>Wake me up when they do Metal Man
This but also Airman.
Budget saving.
Why is Mega Man so stalled yet SF has so much shit already? Shit's fucked.
Because fuck you, someone decided having the main character in each wave is a safe bet + >>10984563
Have fun waiting another year and a half before they get to anyone interesting, fuck ice and fireman
Saying fuck you to Fire Man...s m h.
Cut Man is interesting...
Because the street fighter line seems to sell way better
Mega Man hasn't been relevant in pop culture since like those GBA games.
As a mega man fan, it’s sad but I do realize this. I purchased 3 of each figure so far in hopes to help carry the line. I’m hoping others do the same, because this could be really special if the line keeps going and we get most of the iconic robot masters. It’d be a first for sure and lead to an epic display.
Did you hear anything about that cartoon a while back? Fully Charged or something like that?
Yeah I watched it, it wasn’t very good. It tried to be like the classic cartoon but failed.
So cool my pic became OP! Thank you anon
genuinely seek help Athena
Yeah and Helmetless Megaman with a Metool
Because it's at retail, which means it's selling more and has more budget to do shit. There's a good interview with one of the designers talking about how retail passed on MM but took SF.
It actually has a line of action figures but it's for kids and the articulation isn't very good. Look what they did to Ice Man.
I dig that in a generic retro futuristic kinda way.
Ice Man has always been shit in all his forms. I can't muster enough fucks to get offended by this one.
I would like to see a Mega Man toyline live past 2 waves.
Koto kits for MMX are doing well.
That was the only bad toy, aside from Mega Man. Everyone else is redeemable in their own way
prove it
Wouldn't it be Bomb Man and Guts Man to finish off the MM1 roster?
>someone decided having the main character in each wave is a safe bet
all this has ever led to is entire shelves full of Sonics and Marios why do companies still believe this

Yeah but I think they might be a little too big to slap in a regular wave maybe? I liked to have whole rosters but wouldn't mind jumping around a bit to get some of the cooler guys like Skull Man and Pharoah Man.

Didn't I read somewhere that certain Robot Masters are off limits/ frowned upon, like Quint?
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No, because they've already revealed them. Wave 3 IS Wood and Bubble
When are these guys supposed to come out? I can't wait.
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>Guts and Bomb Man
>think they might be a little too big to slap in a regular wave maybe

Why do I keep seeing this, and how often does it need to be pointed out Bomb Man is NOT a huge robot master? Guts Man, fine, yes, he'd need a bigger box. But look at the in game sprite and any official art that has group shots, Bomb Man is no bigger than anyone else. If Mega Man with a hyper bomb can still fit on a basic box, then Bomb Man certainly can as well
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Oh those are sick. It does bum me out that they skipped Guts and Bombman though.
we'll likely se bombman soon, its a manner of tooling pieces and the potential of reuse, guts might be on the back burner for a while since he will be alot of unique parts with little reuse
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Accurate Dive Man
Big Guts Man
Best Drill Man
and round Air Man. There's concept art that features him designed closer to the source but they decided on this round thing instead. Sure, in name it's a dishonor, but it's still very round and great anyway
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Take that back
How tall are these guys? Also, I want the dog whose name escapes me at the moment.
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How long do people think this line is gonna last? when do the robot masters start becoming less iconic? Do you think we'll get a Yellow Demon?

Ok, Guts Man was kinda cool. And like 7 inches.
Mega Man himself is 4.5 inches tall
Too bad about the junkie articulation, though. They're pretty much 5poa.
>I want the dog whose name escapes me at the moment.
That's it, thank you.
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Guy on the right is Bass. That'd be cool though too.
As if Wood Man and Bubble Man don't have a bunch of unique parts. The retards at Jada are just doing what every other company does - deliberately branching off to avoid completing teams so the inevitable cancellation is all the more painful.
it's too bad the jada figures are isolated to the collectables section of target, be really interesting to see how they'd fare on the pegs next to starwars and marvel pegwarmers.
>How long do people think this line is gonna last? when do the robot masters start becoming less iconic? Do you think we'll get a Yellow Demon?

It's sad because each game has eight robot masters and eight isn't exactly an unheard of wave size. Hasbro puts out over a dozen 7-figure waves of Marvel Legends every year. Lump the size classes in TF together and they manage it once a quarter at least. Meanwhile Jada trickles out one "wave" of three figures per year and can't even get the entire "wave" out together. WTF?

I really doubt we'll see anything beyond MM2 and a smattering of MM3. At the rate they're going, it would be 2028 before it'd even be a question. These licenses aren't indefinite. MM3 and MM4 are also where you start getting alot of RMs that aren't just Mega Man with a different head. MM5 and MM6 each have maybe two that might work. And I think with them being less iconic, it's non-standard body RMs you'd have to do to get people interested.

I could take or leave the Yellow Devil. He's probably the most known non-RM boss. But he'd have to be big and I can see the price tag putting people off. But if they do any of that class, it'll be him.
Jada is not nearly as huge as Hasbro.
>Rockman vs dog
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I always perceived the palette as more pink than red, but that could just be the old-fashioned shading.
I mean it makes sense, they are the originals + new accessories. Sounds pretty deluxe to me.
mario isn't that bad about it. They always have a variety of toys on the shelves. But you're lucky if you see a single Sonic toy that isn't Sonic on shelves. Just peg after peg of Sonic.
the piles of sonic toys that never move from store shelves for months on end beg to differ but ok you do you
you're the one who said they sell. You prove it. I've seen the pegs and pegs of sonics with my own eyes.

Eagerly awaiting your next post where you whine and refuse to engage because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and just rushed in to defend corporate retardation.
Everything up to and including Megaman 4, I would say. I'll be mad if we don't get Pharaoh Man or Skull Man.
Sonic is nowhere near as popular as Mega Man. And Mega Man hasn't been relevant for ages.
you avoided answering the question
Unpopular things don't sell.
The best things about the Sonic franchise isn't actually Sonic himself.
this is actual delusion holy fuck
don't feed the retarded troll...
>Sonic is nowhere near as popular as Mega Man
LMAO then why was the line denied to be on the same shelves as the sonic and mario toys retard
a lot of them found out about them when a bunch youtubers wouldn't shut up about him when that mom fucking arrest happened and they started spamming videos about his lore
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how many game/show/movie mega fucking man had in the last 10 years
Man, you guys are way too easy.
Boat crashes and stuff.
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Gentlemen, if these two blue characters can get along, then why can't we?

[spoiler]I just want a Napalm Man[/spoiler]
>Why can't Jada get their toys into stores?
they're already in the store of my town
I don't know if that's even true since I've never once seen Fei Long on the pegs at any physical store, but if true, that's good I guess. It's a great fucking figure, so hopefully people will start picking it up if it sits around long enough and realize what an awesome line this is.
I'm a big fan of World's Collide/Unite and only now do I realize I have toys of both of them
I replaced Junk and Air Man's elbows with clicky revo joints. It's an easy fix
What Revo had to die so you could slightly improve a cheap kids toy?
Mega Man in every wave is a mistake to do if they're selling these primarily online to collectors. Sonic's Jakks line can justify including him as they are in stores and some kid will eventually walk up who wants Sonic.
Did someone say Junk Man?
A repainted Mega Man makes total sense from a budget perspective.
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When are we getting a 1/12 scale diecast SF II car? Come one JADA, this is like your thing. It's generic so you don't need a car license and you already have the SF license.
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Easy fodder for custom figures in my eyes. Anybody remember Quint?
From what I remember it was asked in a livestream and they said they aren’t doing it
>Anybody remember Quint?
old ones. The yellow Eva, the blue/white thing with the dreads, and the banchou one with the spiked bat to name a few.
Dive man goddammit. my bad. But there was a Junk Man in the cartoon, but it was more of a reference than the character because they built a robot made from junk and was just a one-off thing
post pics, I want to see the results
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is there any hope?
you can buy revo joint packs
hope these help
I need that Drill Man.
Fuck you. Probably the same guy.
has anyone found dhalsim or bison in a store yet?
Probably not from Jada. Legends is a totally different art style.
I saw Bison once at a rural Target The distribution sucks on this line.
Never. Capcom doesn't want to license RE.
Capcom can be pants on head retarded sometimes. Who knows why they do what they do. There's a reason thid party RE stuff has taken off though.
The only officially licensed RE recent stuff I can think of was the RE2 remake Damtoys 1/6 stuff which were pretty good. But even those were years ago.
I've heard it has something to do with Capcom believing the monsters are the only draw and can't understand that people like the human characters, or something retarded like that.
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got her
Post another pic of her with a note displaying the date.
They're still MSRP on ebay and amazon, and that's rare for anything released 5 years ago
classic resident evil is such a perfect recipe for a toyline. army builder zombies, deluxe/build-a-figure tyrants, nemesis, and birkin, the multi color stars flack jackets, shame.
This would be great in a slightly larger/chunky 1/18 scale. Just big enough to not feel dinky but small and affordable enough to army build zombs.
why would you lie like that
Haha, thanks, got a Drill Man. It's kinda nice sometimes when a tv show bombs.
This Wave Man deserves more credit. He's great.
Just got the regular chun li and holy fuck is this figure significantly better than I thought she would be. I was debating getting her or the figuarts one but just decided to go with Jada and I'm happy I did.
This board is full of liars and schizos pretending to be someone else.
Yeh, I got a bunch of Lightyear toys dirt cheap because of that. Nice generic robots.
Generic woke shit
I've had several people repost my own photos pretending they were theirs. It's really fucking weird, especially on anonymous image board where we are all anon.
That's actually why I like generic stuff. Goes with pretty much anything.
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No, Juhn the Bitch only wants to focus on NES-era games. He even put MMX characters like Zero and Sigma in the "maybe later, we'll see" category.
They're selling them in Walmart and Target. Kids (or at least their parents) are gonna see these.
I've seen them in Walmart, anon.
hes being awfully specific about the rules for a toyline that can't even make it to shelves
>No, Juhn the CHAD only wants to focus on NES-era games. He even put MMX characters like Zero and Sigma in the "maybe later, we'll see" category.
holy based!
I've seen them in Walmart, anon.
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This flame effect is so cool
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Bruh it won’t let me delete this
What's the light source on the right?
I guess ... I do need a third Chun li ... and with the pink one coming .... a fourth
So the new one is better...
Slightly... is that really worth a double dip?
am I retard who can't handle toys correctly or is the paint on the rubbery pieces extremely fragile? the black paint on my ken's ge is in ruins.
Have you been touching that area a lot? Paint on rubbery pieces like that can come off, but mostly with extreme wear and tear.
As >>11005628 said, toys like these usually withstand quite a lot of strain so you would need to treat the toy like shit for that to happen. My question would be why you're touching the belt in the first place. Second of all, how would you define "in ruins"?
>He even put MMX characters like Zero and Sigma in the "maybe later, we'll see" category
aw boo fucking hoo
buy the model kits bitch
take what you can get jesus christ
This is a good thing. You have a hundred and one X and Zero figures to choose from. It's great to focus only on characters who have never had articulated figures before, especially from the NES era which predates the time when Mega Man regularly got action figures.
this is a good take. we are in entirely uncharted waters for the most part. I still can't really believe I have this Fire Man on my desk.
new thread
sigma balls

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