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How does one know if they are banned from entering a country or something?

My mates and I are looking to go to Japan come this summer to some warm beaches but we have one of our friends who caused issue last time. Problem is he had a slight bump in with the law there, basically wandered into one of those police boxes drunk and tried to hire a taxi on the phone they had. Got a big guy yelling at him in the office as I was catching up to him to walk back to our hostel. He's now scared they got his face and prints off the phone and will arrest him at the border because of issue people like Johnny Somolia and other youtubers giving foreigners a negative light. I think he's lost it a bit from the online stuff.

I've told him that they police probably get idiots doing that all the time and it wouldn't even be worth the paper work to even file something so small. I don't even think customs even would look at some small infraction since I've heard other people spending the night in a drunk tank but going back to Japan without issue. Right?

Any advice we really need a 4th person to help keep the costs down for an airbnb. Has anyone been in a situation like this?
Have you tried contacting the embassy?
Does customs and border security even check something like that? I thought they mostly look for illegal goods and actual convicts. Do they even care about local shit like that because sounds like anyone who spent a night in the drunk tank would literally have it worse
If he was never charged with a crime let alone convicted of a crime then it does not matter at all. The Japanese government isn’t an omniscient super being. If nobody could be bothered to arrest him and write a case report then the incident might as well have never occurred according to JPGOV.

>my mates and I
Go fuck yourself you anglo piece of shit. You shouldn’t be allowed to travel anywhere
I dunno man have you seen locked up abroad?
>My mates and I are looking to go to Japan come this summer to some warm beaches
lmao what the fuck lad? you ever heard of Spain? its about 3 hours flight for far better beaches than japan has
This, Brits are embarrassing everywhere
I was on a busy train to Odaiba last month where a British family couldn't control their kid and started fucking yelling
Don't you have to basically have a formal arrest and full prosecution and conviction for that to happen?

I imagine if everyone who got set in a drunk take once in Japan wasn't allowed back in lol, there would be a public outcry.

They deal with stupid drunks all the time. it's not enough to get you banned from the country. If he's really worried about being turned away at the border, maybe he can apply for a visa through the local embassy or consulate.
White people in general are gross. Contrary to /pol/tard opinions, once you spend enough time in Asia you realize whites especially Europeans are subhumans.
Imagine how fucking stupid a cop would look if he tried to submit a visa ban or entry ban because they had to spend 5 minutes with a drunk. Like I'm fairly sure that anyone looking at that paper work would ask if the cop was actually the drunk one. Also, don't the Japanese cops regularly not file paper work on 'crimes' to keep the overall crime rates of city being low?
hahhaha, whatever helps you sleep in whatever hole you're at right now
>t. Brit
Seriously, Brits are absolutely disgusting. I grew up in Britain and my white friends' houses would smell of raw pork all the time, their body odour is absolutely gross when they get even slightly sweaty. Also they wear shoes inside the house, don't shit for days at a time sometimes, and are way more prone to getting cancer and shit like that. Plus all my Brit friends were just academically and generally retarded in a way that wasn't even endearing, like they had no desire to expand their knowledge or excel. And the funny thing is that I know a few of them probably went on to be users of this site who constantly moan about Chinese or Indian people stealing their jobs. The truth is not that all whites are bad because Mediterranean people and a few other European nationalities (e.g., Greeks) are pretty nice people, but Brits and Ameriturds are absolute scum and I feel shame when I have to share any given vicinity with them while in Japan.
Escorted straight from plane into Japanese prison, 23 days of solitary and questioning, if he doesn't crack that might be the end of it
Happened to me after I had sushi during my layover and accidentally mixed wasabi into the onions sauce
>first country ever visited was Japan outside Canada
>always thought that us americans were the worst possible tourists and there was just no debate
>go to Japan try to be on good behavior thinking I am doing everything wrong because dumb amerikun
>drunk ass brits at 3PM in the kitchen/common area
>stumbling brits all over the place I go to get a drink+food(yes was the hub and shut up it was the closest thing after a long ass flight)
>use shit as their playground without any care for the cars in the streets, walk signs, signs saying NO CAMERA, or shit
>question who the fuck was behind all those 'mutts are worst tourist posts!'

Unless I'm mistaken cops have to formally arrest/charge/convict to have any kind of entry ban in place. Probably should avoid that Koban for a good while but I'm 99% certain anons have done even far dumber worse shit black out drunk and managed to come back in.

Johnny Somoli was arrested like other YT idiots because they straight up documented EVERYTHING and continued to do it rather than a one and done incident.
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>The Japanese government isn’t an omniscient super being
It's not hekkin CSI miami levels of tech?!?!?

You're telling a cop wouldn't follow up on some drunk idiot wouldn't get their prints taken to the lab and then to the police chief to sign off on for forwarding to border security to look out for some guy who might never return to the country on the whim they did a nono like what OP's friend did?

J-japan has truly fallen the last samurai weeps... OWARI DA!!!!!
if you want to be schizo then stay home. nobody gives a fuck about some random drunk guy, especially the lazy Japanese police.
The visit Japan web site only asks if youve been convicted or forcibly deported which I think you have to actually be arrested for. if that helps
Your friend is being way too paranoid. What he did wasn't even a crime, just a mistake. No chance that the cop bothered to take the fucking fingerprints from the phone for some drunken idiot.
What is sarcasm?

Maybe someone else knows but I'm pretty sure the finger print+picture shit is only if you wind up dead or arrested in a serious crime or accident. Might be interpol or things for shared criminal databases as well but they aren't going to look up something that could at most be a misdemeanor. Imagine if the police tried to pass something off like that to CBP for a look out alert, yeah please stop looking for human traffickers, drug smugglers, and illegal immigrants trying to come in because some dumbass why guy picked up a phone he wasn't suppose to use.
Also a little googling brings up that the biometrics you provide on entry match the biometrics you provide on exit. Basically to prove that the person entering the country is the same person who exists and not some other random guy who 'looks kinda close'.
Fucking retard
I dunno man have you tried going outside instead of watching kiketube?
Dumb fucking idiot autist
I'm from spain and brits are by far the worst type of tourists, fucking loud obnosius cunts.

They at least kill themselves sometimes doing "balconing" kek
Beyond sick of retards like you and your friends coming to Japan. Stay out. Go to fucking Bali or something.
of course they don't. you think local police are running fingerprints of random white people to try and match a face to a passport picture?
>How does one know if they are banned from entering a country or something?

I think it’s already been agreed that your friend who may have gotten wasted and annoyed some cops who never arrested him is going to be OK.

In all seriousness, nearly any time people are actually officially banned from re-entering a place, wherever it might be, they have been notified about their ban. Typically they will have been arrested and charged, or otherwise formally cited in a way that leaves a clear paper trail. Maybe they were even officially deported. But they are always going to officially tell you when you aren’t supposed to come back, or how long you are officially supposed to wait before trying again. These bans may or may not actually be enforceable—in the EU, for example, it’s been well documented that a ton of people who’ve been banned from re-entry do manage to get in again.

If a country has an official policy barring entry to people with various types of criminal records (and this is actually at least a bit rarer than people think it is—it’s very common to disqualify convicts from visa-free entry they might otherwise be eligible for, but it’s also fairly common for people with some types of resolved criminal history to still be able to get more complicated/expensive/restrictive visas), anyone applying for entry should be able to look up whether they are supposed to be allowed in. And in nearly all cases, immigration officials don’t really have automatic access to criminal records, unless there are active international warrants out, or the person is on a widely distributed sanction or terror watch list of some kind. Checks on international criminal history are possible, but they’re not comprehensive or automatic.

Nearly all the information an immigration officer can get about a new arrival, literally everywhere in the world, has been supplied by the traveler, either when applying for entry or when left behind during previous trips.

Why would you willingly travel with someone like that? You'd be put on a shitlist just by association. And rightfully so. What about Japan makes white people act like fucking monkeys? The arrogance knows no bounds. You are ruining it for everyone.

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