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File: euro tour.png (1.47 MB, 1598x1468)
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Planning something like picrel with frens. I'm a big historyfag, so I need anons help with writing down an itinerary. I don't want to go to Little Africa in Paris and leave without seeing the history.
Skip Bruxelles and go to Bruges or Ghent
Don't skip Amsterdam
Don't skip Bratislava
Skip Bosnia/Montenegro and go straight to Greece
Switzerland is boring and expensive, visit Lyon or Strasbourg instead
Vgh... the core history of evropa in... montenegro
Ultimate NPC travel map
I always cringe when I see people travelling such big distances
Like nigga you could probably spend 3 weeks in single province in Italy and still not explore it all
there is nothing wrong with travelling to europe as "a list of cities". it is the best way imo if you live far away and can't go to europe often and you want to see a variety of different cultures and history rather than italy city x5 all in the same province :|. each stop in ops map is literally a couple of hours bus or train from the next one max, that is hardly any travelling at all. europe is tiny and op is barely covering a fraction of it

anyway that map is 20 stops which is a fucking lot i hope you are planning at least a couple of months. wouldn't wanna be moving around any faster than every 3 days and even that is exhausting after a few weeks
Any specific places to visit in those countries? No historical sites?
Ok faggot prepare one for us, let's see your based map
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>List of random cities
Low effort shit.
You need around 2,5 months to make this route properly.
>Replace Zagreb by Belgrade
>Only keep Genoa if you are interested to know Cinque Terre
Krakow would be a better option than Bratislava
>doesn't know specific sites that may be interesting just from thinking about it
Europe kind of fucking sucks end of the day. Western Europe is a shithole and Eastern Europe is boring. Shitty overrated dump of a continent.
Basically why everyone is travelling to Asia for cheap safe fun.
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>Eastern Europe boring.
Where did you go?
I mostly know eastern history. Western cucks don't concern me but I'm willing to learn for this trip
What is a "fun" Eastern country? Pooland? No forests, no nature, the same shitty city over and over. Maybe if you're black, their women are the world's biggest coalburners.

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