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Quite a few pictures.
Are any of these couple even implied at by the show?
The duo of tsunderes are confirmed. If you can't tell from these pictures which are tsunderes then I don't know what to say.
I'm going to assume it's these two >>4145781 cuz most of the pictures are of them.
I'm also going to assume they're bit characters that don't get a lot of focus, and may or may not be one or both dead.
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How many spells does Fieren know to let two women make a baby?
Don't know, but I'm sure Serie does have some. Maybe she'll provide hands-on instruction to Frieren in a thousand years.
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>males are still visible
Fuck off you and your cropped het images.
Shit thread btw.
I actually noticed an anime-only addition.
I'm not sure why they wanted to contrast Fern carrying Stark and carrying Frieren. But they both tell her she smells nice. Frieren saying it is added to the anime and so is Fern being briefly stunned before she softens.
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They really get closer
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It was in the manga volume special.
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Thanks. Might be connected to why Fern hates Methode.
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>tfw you get to watch two girls flirt with each other
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They improved her jealous
>spoiler question
The main two girls are stictly hetero though, annoyingly so (due to the writing) in the case of titular heroine.
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>The main two girls are stictly hetero though
Don't believe /a/ lies.
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any pics with aura or am i gonna get told to kill myself
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I love how Fern hugged her for the entire rest of the scene.
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What chapter are they confirmed in? I dont wanna read ahead of the anime but that sounds cute and I wanna see.
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I like when Fern is drawn really fucking fat
All from this scene
So nothing?
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Do I wanna watch this
It's a very good anime, but not a /u/ show. The mutually tsun mages are as close to yuri content as the show really gets.
no, it's also generally mediocre.
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Is the big titty mage a lesbian loli lover?
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Not just that, but she's a lesbian loli elf lover. After she becomes a first-class mage she gets to pat Serie's head before she actually gets to work and does anything.
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She has a bit of a strike zone.
Does she ever get herself out?
Will she ever hit a home run?
Its pretty enjoyable as a fantasy anime, no isekai, touches on things a lot of fantasy stuff doesn't. One of the main two female characters (Fern) is obviously Bi and theres two characters who appear in the 2nd arc who are very obviously in love with one another, but thats as far as /u/ content goes if you only want that.
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So what was this meant to convey? Is Fern in love with Frieren?
You're forgetting Methode.
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Yeah, Fern has a bit of a crush on Frieren that's a hair above subtext. And it's hard not to draw parallels between Fern and Himmel's attraction to Frieren, and what Frieren has been learning on her journey. Sadly Stark seems pretty solidly set up as Fern's love interest.
>Sadly Stark seems pretty solidly set up as Fern's love interest.
I doubt that.
Even /u/Fags are obsessed with this garbage. Can’t escape it
Being popular guarantees content and people not wanting to keep their mouths shut about their favorite thing at the moment, the problem is when it stops being relevant and people move on to the next new toy, that's when you see if something really has real fans.
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You can now, they specially added some hetero fuel ship for Lawine and Richter basically for no real reason with newest episode.
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>Lawine, hold on...

>Ow... That hurts...

>>Wait, there is...



>Is that who you think I am?
Ritcher will be a friend to Lawine that's all.
Coloured fat
Man it's going to be great when this gets a season 2 and Methode really gets characterized as the elf molester.
It was a lie.
Not really, but definitely an exaggeration to call it "confirmed".
Good episode. Now it's Fern's turn to be touched by the serial molester. Frieren looked badass with her hair down.
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Nice het goggles.
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Now neither of them will be virgins.
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>I'm still not happy. Pat me more.

>You're very sick indeed...

>How about I sleep with you?

>Let's do it.

>Just kid... Huh?!

>(This goes beyond sickness...)

>Pat me more...

>Help me...
>Second Test Deepest chamber of the dungeon.

>Wait, even my clone body has been subjected to the Spell of Obedience!?
>Even when cloned, the effect carries down and persists. As expected of my spell! I mean, shit!
>"Aura, you'll only get in the way in this battle, so just go flirt with the other Aura over there."

>Huh!? That clone is obviously coming this way to kill me! How on earth am I supposed to-...

>...Wait, the clone is into it too!?
>C-Could it be, she was also given the same command...? ...Are you a moron!?
>Why must I always be subjected to these kinds of lew--...nonsensical acts...!?
>Ah... don't...not there...haa!

>Yep, that's exactly what I'd do.
>Alright, let's begin.

>Please don't use such a cool line in this situation... (With a smug look on your face too...)
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Frieren's face seems to be about a size too small for her head and it honestly distracts the hell out of me.
Serie looks like she has Down's, so maybe elves are just inbred.
Yeah, I guess it's just supposed to be an elf thing. I'd be curious if their skulls differ from human skulls. I don't...think the ear shape indicates any morphological differences in skeletal anatomy alone? But their scrunched faces surely must.
Think about how humans have used and then banned various substances after discovering they're bad for you and then apply it to the way elves adapt to anything. Every elf probably has twenty different kinds of lead poisoning.
>Frieren-sama, it's been known that those seeds are toxic for hundreds of years I will not permit you to season everyone's dinner with them
>But the flavour... :3
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>lol you want a headpat you big baby
>wait what
They engaged in very heavy petting afterwards.
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Do you think Kanne asked Lawine to hurt her after she failed the third test?
Of course she did
It would be funny if Frieren inadvertently caused Himmel's premature baldness and death by feeding him bad food that he never had the heart to refuse. Heiter would probably be immune from it due to constantly throwing up from his alcoholism and Eisen is virtually indestructible anyway.
>Today, the great hero Himmel died at the age of 50
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>tfw someone draws the crack pairing that you thought no one else would ever think of
Yuri will rule the world.
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Acting really bold when she could get stabbed by those pubes at any moment.
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It would be funny if Sense loses control of her hair when she orgasms and she turns into a porcupine.
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It has increased
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heavily implied ≠ confirmed
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how yuri is this?
Not very. The tsundere childhood friend duo are probably gay for each other, but they only appear in the final arc. Fern may have a small crush on Frieren, but she also has a male love interest and Frieren's pretty much asexual. It's still a good show if you like your fantasy adventures softly melancholy and not very high stakes. Frieren's basically doing post-game content after reaching lvl 99 and killing the strongest boss with a couple of lower level adventurers tagging along.
Also good if you like people with downs
I see you are anime-only.
Yes. Did I under- or overstate the amount of yuri then?
There is Serie x Methode.
>Methode x Serie.
There's also Methode x Edel.
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Now this is a perfect illustration for this fic
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There's hardly any. The Frieren-Fern relationship is more mother and child than yuri, and the various side character relationships you see posted in this thread show up in just a few chapters.
It is a good manga, though. I recommend you read it, but not for yuri. I hope the nameless great demon gets some screentime so all the animeonlies get to work on fanart.
The English dub of the headpat scene in episode 27 is something else.
That playful mocking is cute
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Fern and Frieren were made for each other and will live a gay happy life forever
I don't know how people can even consider that there's a male love interest when she literally feeds, bathes, and sleeps with Frieren, that's 10000% the gayest it can get
They need more fics
Yeah, about that...
If Anis can find a way to live forever with Euphy, then I'm sure Fern can find a way, too. Frieren called her the strongest mage of her generation so it's not out of the realm of possibility.
When did /u/ become so doomer
It's just being realistic.
You watch fictional shows about fictional characters with their fictional relationships, most of them purely delusional, yet you choose to be realistic when someone's headcanon is that they'll live together forever?
Nah, and especially with the second ending how the main feature of the butterfly that Frieren gave fern following her to the blue flower that Himmel, her original love interest, cherished and became something new(a female goddess representing fern reaching for frieren) I'd say the subtext=Fern is in the same position as Himmel was and will eventually transform

Stark is just there so the hetshitters can have something to fap over
The different lifespans are the whole charm of elf/human relationships.
Frieren holding Ferns hand during the birth of their child
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Anyone got a better idea what the Kanne Lawine story published in the latest novel release is about? Seen people say they're pretty much official
I think it was more about the official Twitter posting the 3 pairingspwdj.
Ah fair then. I do enjoy their dynamic so anything additional is a win.
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They're minor-ish characters, but across the final arc of the show, where they're introduced, they get a decent amount of screentime over several episodes. They're also both alive and well, and still together.
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>It was a tough battle...

>You're looking pretty chipper regardless.

>And you, Kanne... Are you okay?

>Y-Yeah. Somehow.

>Kanne... There's something I want to try out.

>...I was thinking the same thing.
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>You wanna go?!

>(They're fighting again...)

>Bring it on!

>(They're fighting again...)

>Lawine... you're so cute...

>(They're fighting again...)
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