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/u/ - Yuri

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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
*Post thoughtfully and be considerate to fellow posters.

Previous thread: >>4204262
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It is I, the Yuri Fairy. I will bring the existence of 5 extra chapters of any yuri manga of your choosing. The downside is, you can only discuss these new chapters in Dynasty Scans forum. Which do you choose?
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Suzunari sex chapters! 5 chapters of lesbian cat girl incest!!!!!!!
Nobody talks about Suzunari here anyway so it doesn't matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I hope Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night sets a new precedent for anime originals
Is noighd actually dead?
The goddess axed him early.
Noighd will rise on the third day.
They will not be as good
I trust Doga Kobo, but let's wait till closer to the end before saying stuff like this.
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Horse goes Neigh
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The Countdown

are yanderes good for you?
doesn't this have a male self-insert?
why are you posting this shit here?
Apparently it doesn't. It's trying to cater to the Love Live fanbase. A better question would be why is this not being posted on the Idolmaster thread instead of spamming this thread
is the producer really a woman?
I don't believe you
I heard it was a guy, personally I don't really think it's an issue if he is just literally a producer, but I honestly doubt it will be the case
Maybe there is no producer this time.
Producer is male. There's no gender options in-game, P uses male pronouns during his monologues and the game takes every opportunity possible to remind that you're a guy.

There's absolutely zero room for interpretation here.
it does
I watched one of the promotional videos and it looks like every het harem gacha game ever with the girls fellating the mute faceless self-insert ego
mods should ban this >>4208625 retard for posting off-topic shit
Welp. Then I agree, this doesn't belong here.
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I also forgot to mention that Producer is very active and talks a lot. He's honestly annoying, the shitty LN humor doesn't help.

The only crumbs of yuri you could possibly get are from these pair support cards interactions but with how aggressively het this game is, it's just bait. I wouldn't play this game for the yuri.
> I don't really think it's an issue if he is just literally a producer

The (good) anime adaptations do that, although it can also be defined as "generic bland boy"

So this will be the gimmick now, converting something that was considered a galge into a real galge?

I just hope that people don't give undeserved merit to this project, unless the anime proves otherwise, although considering how the last 3 series have turned out, I've lost faith even in the adaptations.
Have you tried the feedback page?
>*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
i don't know anything about idols, except for you who keeps spamming threads about how much you hate idols (which aren't even against the rules).
Male self inserts are against the rules, and the same goes with any work featuring one.
It's the same person doing both dude, they make idol posts then switch IPs because they wanna be a board villain. It's mostly just funny how aggressively nobody cares though.
Because the quality of a service is directly proportional to the salary the providers of that service get.
So you're telling me I'm being trolled by someone who is pretending to troll but really they're just pretending to troll themselves and they play both trolls? Wow.
technically the thread doesn't break any rules
I also think posting any kind of hetshit here should get you banned
but I don't make the rules
Yeah, they're trying to make people freak out the second idols get posted but again nobody cares in the slightest lol
Yeah, if yuri content that comes from hetshit sources wasn't allowed here like 50% of threads/posts would be deleted.
Exactly how new are you? Where were you during the great general wars of 2019
I usually never visit the general threads because I expect them to be like this. I think I just wanted to see some shitposting today
Trust noone. Not even yourself.
Stay in your thread.
The /u/ anime chart needs some updating. I find that Madlax is more yuri than El Cazador. And it's the 2nd in the Bee train GWG series. So weird to have this gap between the first and the 3rd as intros.
Was this yuri? And why does it look like Nasuverse shit?
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Any serial killer yuri out there? Only one I know of is Happy Sugar Life.
Someone is really desperate for attention and is posting stupid things, does that give them sexual pleasure or something?
Was the Mahou Shoujo Site anime yuri?
She kills one person right? Hardly a serial killer.
kills her friend, and the two idiots in the park assaulting Shio from what I remember.

I dropped after one(1) episode
Seriously, S2 when?
He's mad all his shitposts got deleted so now he's trying to make the thread reach bump limit fasree so he can spam even more early threads.
>why does it look like Nasuverse shit?
Characters designed by Takeuchi.


They're gay.

The manga is over, so never.
>The manga is over, so never.
Fuck Japan. Seriously. The entire country has been obsesed with gay men since the Heian period. It's like a country full of fujoshis
Citrus? It's not over-over
Why the fuck do you care so much about a shit series when we're drowning in much better yuri adaptations?
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Because most of us want Yuzu and Mei to consummate their relationship.
Citrus is the Naruto of yuri, that includes the dumb fans who think their favorite series is better than it really is.
Let it go already. Nothing Saburouta may draw will be better than almost any fanart depicting the same thing.
Nah, there's a key difference. Naruto readers will not read anything else. They will be stuck with it for eternity (or until the series ends, so later than eternity)
Citrus readers, however, like Citrus, but wonder if there's anything else like it. But alas, they live in Latin America. They have no option but to pay for a subscription to watch Mahoako.
>Naruto readers will not read anything else
I'm pretty sure about 80% of BNHAfags are narutards, much like the author.
Personally for me it's all about the execution. In HSR Sato's love for Shio was a sacred soul healing of sorts. She realized how sinful and pointless her life was ever before and repeatedly chooses to never get back to it. If you take say Va11 Hall A, then Jill is a bislut, but all her on screen meaningful romantic interactions are with girls and her girlfriends play much bigger roles in the strory, and boyfriends are just "i guess that was a thing". If you take Kodama's works they are hit or miss, but I appreciate how bisluttery there is used to explore the dynamics between girls that rarely possible otherwise.

But in most cases I hate how it's done. Take Octave - unnecessary and obnoxious shit. Any "bisluts" in het harems should burn in hell. And many more.
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She's not a bislut it's stated in the anime that she didn't give a damn about anything and just went along, nobody likes your maleshit, stop forcing maleshit
Is Spica still being chased?
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Need more mesmerizer yuri
I don't care about bisexual girls and I think there's a certain appeal in old "straight" woman discovers lesbianism however when you're actively forcing the notion that a certain character is a bislut instead of lesbian you're a hetshitter.

JELEE said on twitter Yoru's homemade cooking is making her fall in love.
>make series called "Yuri is my job!"
>your job is to draw "Yuri is my job!"
>don't do it
What did she mean by this?
>forcing the notion
Stating the fact is called like that these days? Damn... instead if just accepting that bicutie yuri exists yurifags would invent some cope. Or even just outright deny yuri.
Just like hetfags, btw
>girl talked to a boy! it ain't yuri!
>girl talked to a boy! it ain't yuri!
>in a worst case scenario girl could be bicutie but it is still yuri
Choose your way, yurisis...
>Any "bisluts" in het harems should burn in hell. And many more.

frankly bisluts is a term that is more correctly applied to characters like Kuro in Prisma Illya, the yuri part is pure fanservice (there are more examples)

The problem is that declaring that a character is bisexual is used as an excuse to justify a character very harshly, just to say "damn she's a yuri character, even if she has interest in men" (Kumiko being one of the worst examples) and not to reflect that a character is really bisexual, even if that inclination doesn't really make much sense, I know 3 examples of officially bisexual girls who have literally only shown interest in women.
*don't look at the damn file name.
Learn English.
Bisexuals in yuri are 99% of the time just women who had previous relationships with guys but would rather be with women from now on, meanwhile bisexuals in het are 99% of the time women who only are interested in other women when there is no guy around.

Learn sex
Kill yourself.
I recognize Anon but who is the other girl, Yoka?
>bisluts is a term that is more correctly applied to characters like Kuro in Prisma Illya, the yuri part is pure fanservice
And girls that had a male love interest at any point. Series featuring these aren't yuri, of course.
Well yes, no one is going to call a series about a girl in love with a guy yuri, even if it does eventually have a yuri ending for reasons.
By that same logic, a series about a girl in love with another girl but with a het ending would be yuri.
Wrong. And yes I do have double standards.
Some would agree with you though, look at that taisho manga that ended recently for an example.
It's okay to have double standards as long as they're in favour of yuri, which yours are not.
No one would be calling that yuri either.
My standards are in favor of yuri though? They ensure the yuri is high quality and het-free. Your standards just aim to increase the quantity of yuri while lowering its quality.
>literally reposts all the troll pics that got deleted for once while being left free to continue to say he wants women to date men
/u/ has become unusable.
It's like two days I'm waiting for the shitpost to end because I want to ask something but I don't want my post to get submerged by 200 posts of the "you are denying yuri!" hetfag troll and then see it getting caught up in the mass deletion for no reasons and left with no answers.
Quantity is better than quality. Yuri should be varied rather than being locked inside a box with the same strict formula.
Placing arbitrary standards on yuri that deny yuri in favour of "quality" is just snobbery.
What you say is true, frankly, the sexuality of the characters for the most part is irrelevant to a romance, it is more than anything an informative fact and nothing more.

If some people want to give more importance to that topic than the romance, then it's not the yuri that matters to them.

My point is that there is a big difference between a character who can be considered bisluts, a girl who is officially bisexual, and a girl who people pretend very hard is bisexual because it is convenient for them.

>And girls that had a male love interest at any point. Series featuring these aren't yuri, of course.
If it doesn't end in yuri, then it's not yuri, but if it ends in yuri, it can be considered yuri and the author is dumb.
If you think this is unuseable, I doubt you've been here for more than a year or two.
What's the question?
>Yuri should be varied
But not to the point of having to have het.

>if it ends in yuri, it can be considered yuri
No, it can't. With this logic, a series about a girl having a boyfriend for ten volumes and suddenly deciding 'nah, I'm going with this girl instead' in the last couple of pages would be a yuri series.
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You just gotta do the thing, bro. I find a nice piece of art, I want to post it, sometimes it gets attention, sometimes it just gets buried in a deluge of booru spam and whatever the fuck is all these random images are.
If it's worth replying to, people will reply to it. /u/ does go at /v/ speeds. Also unless everybody just stopped replying to each other it's really easy to just filter out stupid shit inside a thread just by hiding the post that started it.
>a series about a girl having a boyfriend for ten volumes and suddenly deciding 'nah, I'm going with this girl instead' in the last couple of pages would be a yuri series.
But the reverse would? Can't have it both ways. Either the ending matters or it doesn't.
The thing is yuri is just a word we use to define what can be categorized inside the genre, it's not an actual plausible thing and neither is bond to any general logic.

No one is idiot to categorize a whole narrative about a girl in love with a guy but who ends with a girl for whatever reason a yuri series, it may have yuri elements, but people don't read yuri to see a story about a girl in love with a guy.

Same way let's say an actual popular yuri series in serialization now goes utterly insane and ends having the protagonist falling in love with a man, is the content we knew so far not yuri anymore? No, but at same time genre definitions require standards, should we consider what basically ammounts to anti-gay content yuri? Should we consider a work that would be universally hated to the point it would be impossible to market as yuri? I don't think so. No one calls stuff like Satanophany yuri, the protagonist is in a romantic and sexual relationship with another woman, but who is going to call an edgy action series with girls constantly getting raped by guys yuri?
Everything matters. The end, the start and everything in between
>that taisho manga that ended recently
That was a good yuri manga with a yuri ending for the MC.
I don't think you read that story, the protagonist wasn't the one who was forced into marriage and she still meet her fated one in the end of the story (who is the reincarnated version of her past lover).
Then why does the ending seem to hold more water than everything else for you?
Do you really think I'm going to read your wall of broken English? Learn the language of the site you post in.
Both het and yaoi can have yuri as well as each other without anyone questioning their status as het or yaoi. Why should yuri be any different?
Actually I don't, from your other posts it seems you can barely understand actual well written english from other anons, but let me summarize it for you, we don't read yuri to see girls ending with guys.
Having yuri elements and being a yuri series are not the same thing, Aharen San has two yuri couples but it's still a story about a guy in love with a girl, it's not a yuri series by any means.
But we're not talking about secondary characters but about main characters who have been in love with both sexes.
It doesn't. The person I was originally replying to said that if a bislut work ends in yuri the series is yuri, and I argued otherwise.
All three parts of the work have equal importance.

>main characters who have been in love with both sexes.
Then it's not yuri. Simple as. Unless those main characters are never mentioned to have had love interests of the opposite gender.
>Then it's not yuri.
Why not? Both het and yaoi can have characters in love with both sexes without people denying them being het or yaoi, so why should yuri be any different?
You literally said yaoi can have yuri as well, please explain to me how the protagonists of an yaoi series can be yuri.

Regardless it's the same point, those are yuri elements in stories outside of the yuri genre, which is a genre about Girls in love with each other, not a genre about Girls in love with guys and then in love with each other.
>1. Het is not a genre, so there is nothing to deny, the character sexuality may not be heterosexual
>2. You are confusing BL with yaoi, the BL community does not take well when the guys even look at girls, see for example the hilarious retcon that Oda did with Luffy in One Piece because fujos got upset.
>hich is a genre about Girls in love with each other, not a genre about Girls in love with guys and then in love with each other.
That seems like a pretty pedantic distinction to me. If it ends with yuri, does it really matter?
>protagonist wasn’t
It was her one and only lover instead, which is as important to a yuri story.
>Het is not a genre
Then yuri is not a genre either, they would both be "flavours" of the romance genre.

>the character sexuality may not be heterosexual
Neither does the sexuality in yuri need to be homosexual. Remember that yuri is about love between girls, not lesbianism.

>You are confusing BL with yaoi
They're the same thing, yaoi is just what westerns call BL (after an outdated term).
Holy shit, stop replying to the troll that desperately wants girls to be with males. There isn't a single reason to defend hetshit, you know he's doing it because he's just a hetfag that wants to mess with /u/. Stop entartaining him.
For the same reason stories where the girls had previous partners or are in current relationship with guys still count as yuri, the premise, the whole narrative is about two girls falling in love with each other. What you are proposing is not the same, it's a narrative about a girl in love with a guy and then later it becomes about a girl in love with a girl.

It's important but the narrative itself is portrayed as a tragedy and then a bittersweat ending, it's not the same as saying they realized it was just a phase and they moved on to guys.
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Thanks for the shitposting material Taiyaki
>Both het and yaoi can have characters in love with both sexes
No, they can't.
In het, if a girl says she had other girls as love interests, the fanbase either becomes or is invaded by conversion fetishists. Ruined.
If a male says she had other males as love interests, the fanbase is invaded by fujos. Ruined.
In yaoi, if either of the dudes say they had a girl as a love interests once, the fujos will obliterate the author.
That's arguing from consequences, it's not actually disproving the point. Audience's reactions are not the same as the story itself.
>yuri is about love between girls, not lesbianism.
But, however, it does require lesbians.
It doesn't, as both girls can be bi.
Bisluts are fine if they don't get involved with men, they're not fine if they get involved with men
If you actively seek out bisluts you're a hetshitter incel with a fetish

End of discussion, not replying to any hetshit parasites.
>Then yuri is not a genre either, they would both be "flavours" of the romance genre.
What I am saying is not up to discussion, you don't have het sections on stores, the romance community does not call themselves the heterosexual community, they only expect the story to follow it's own premise, the most you have is the NL tag which wasn't created as an opposite to GL or BL, but to TL (teen love, which is basically smut).

>Neither does the sexuality in yuri need to be homosexual. Remember that yuri is about love between girls, not lesbianism.
Pointless argument, call them bisexuals, asexual or whatever you want, they are indulging in the act of lesbianism.

>They're the same thing, yaoi is just what westerns call BL (after an outdated term).
The difference is still there, you have smut and you have serializations portraying romance between boys, you can be pretty sure switcheroo can destroy your career there too.
Anon, you can write whatever story you want, but both yuri and BL readers will disavow any story they perceive as being disonest, it doesn't matter what the story is if the intended audience does not want it.
>you don't have het sections on stores
The romance sections are effectively that.

>the romance community does not call themselves the heterosexual community
Which doesn't matter because that's effectively what they are. These are both pretty pedantic points that place nomenclature over reality. If yuri is a genre then het absolutely is a genre too, doesn't matter what people call it. Since both are romance genres they should both be subject to the same standards.

>Pointless argument, call them bisexuals, asexual or whatever you want, they are indulging in the act of lesbianism.
Which goes the other way too, a boy and a girl who are romantically involved are engaging in heterosexuality regardless of their orientations. That's precisely why characters' orientations are ultimately meaningless to determine a genre.

>The difference is still there
If you're the kind of westerner who still uses terms like shounen-ai or shoujo-ai.
Not in a yuri series, no.
But that doesn't change what the stories are. Cardcaptor Sakura has both Sakura and Shiaoran being bisexual, and they end up with each other, but no one ever brings up their bisexuality to claim the series is somehow not het.
On the flipside there' shows like Utena and Korra which are known as yuri classics despite being mostly het and only having yuri at the very end.
Why not?
>Utena and Korra
Because, at the time, that was all there was. If they aired today, they'd be rightfully thrown in the trash.
>The romance sections are effectively that.
>Which doesn't matter because that's effectively what they are. These are both pretty pedantic points that place nomenclature over reality. If yuri is a genre then het absolutely is a genre too, doesn't matter what people call it. Since both are romance genres they should both be subject to the same standards.
Except that not a single person uses it like this and this is the sole answer to your question, people don't need to "deny" a work is het because no one calls them het to begin with and it's equally absurd to deny a romance story is not a romance. Yuri and Yaoi were created to pander to specific audiences, which is also the reason they have more strict but subjective rules.

>Which goes the other way too, a boy and a girl who are romantically involved are engaging in heterosexuality regardless of their orientations. That's precisely why characters' orientations are ultimately meaningless to determine a genre.
Then it's not lesbianism, not sure why you felt the need to say this.

>If you're the kind of westerner who still uses terms like shounen-ai or shoujo-ai.
Maybe you should check how yaoi stories actually are before making bold claims.
First there is no a single instance in Card Captor Sakura where she is bisexual, she is all over boys from literally the start of the series and never ever felt anything but friendship for Tomoyo. Second het is not a genre.
Because it features bisluts.
>Yuri and Yaoi were created to pander to specific audiences, which is also the reason they have more strict but subjective rules.
That might have been true in the past, but both have grown to the point where it's no longer necessary for them to stay in their ghettos. There is simply no more need for yuri to have arbritary standards and rules because it's no longer limited to yuri-only publications. You can't judge yuri published in a seinen magazines with the same rod used for a Yurihime series, for instance.

>Then it's not lesbianism, not sure why you felt the need to say this.
The point is that lesbianism is not necessary for yuri (you're the one who brought up the "the sexuality does not need to be heterosexual" in regards to het).
Sakura had a crush on Miyuki in the same way Syaron had a crush on Yukito. Also, it's a Clamp series, bisexuality is the default orientation.
>The point is that lesbianism is not necessary for yuri
But lesbians are. It's kinda like how having giant monsters is necessary for kaiju stories.
>Second het is not a genre.
There's no good reason why it shouldn't be. Either yuri and het are both genres or neither is.

Bisexual girls can be in love with each other, which makes for a yuri story.
>makes for a yuri story.
It doesn't, though. It does make for a bislut story.
Which is yuri too. Yuri is about love between girls, not necessarily love between lesbians.
I honestly not sure what you are even trying to say here, you don't have a single author in japan trying to expand what yuri or yaoi is, neither you will ever be able to promote and sell a yuri or yaoi story that is actually a narrative about love between opposites genders, it's just (you) making some bold claim about their industry.

And what are you even talking about? The only stories with dynamics like this don't have any instance of the publisher, the author or the readers calling it yuri, meanwhile YH allows far more freedom with yuri stories than seinen magazines like kirara line, dengeki line or CUNE does, it's only shoujo and josei yuri that has very trope content which would be unusual for other magazines with most male demographics.

>The point is that lesbianism is not necessary for yuri (you're the one who brought up the "the sexuality does not need to be heterosexual" in regards to het).
No, I said the character sexuality may not be heterosexual in non yuri works, not the imaginary het genre.

>There's no good reason why it shouldn't be. Either yuri and het are both genres or neither is.
I am not interested in what should or should not be, the fact is the yuri genre is undeniable, as you have yuri magazines, you have yuri manga and yuri anime, you have yuri authors, you have yuri merchandise, you don't have a single thing branded as heterosexual.
>lesbianism is not necessary for yuri
>not necessarily love between lesbians.
>Yuri is about love between girls
No, it's not. FFM triangles aren't yuri, even if one of the girls loves the other. Bisluts loving other bisluts aren't yuri if the reader knows they're bisluts.
>you don't have a single thing branded as heterosexual.
Once again you're missing the forest for trees. Just because they don't use the word heterosexual doesn't mean that is not what it is. There are het magazines, there are het manga, and there are het anime, and all of these are made with specific audience in mind, which makes it a genre.

>you don't have a single author in japan trying to expand what yuri or yaoi is,
Every author making yuri stories in non-yuri magazines is doing exactly that. Take Murcielago, Garan no Hime, etc for examples.

Bisexual characters do not equal bisexual relationships. FFM triangles are bisexual instead of yuri because a boy is indirectly involved, but a relationship between two girls is the same regardless of the girls being lesbians or bisexual. There is simply not enough difference to justify it being separe from yuri.
Oh yes, girls having sex with each other, how original, never saw this one before.

>Garan no Hime
Published in the non yuri magazine called Yuri Hime.
>There is simply not enough difference to justify it being separe from yuri.
There is, if the story went out of its way to mention one or both of the girls being bisluts.

No wonder people think Yuri Hime isn't about yuri, with that weak name.
If it was called Lesbian Caligula instead, there would be no doubt.
>Published in the non yuri magazine called Yuri Hime.
Oh, oops

>Oh yes, girls having sex with each other, how original, never saw this one before.
My point is that a yuri series that has no shame in showing gore, het, yaoi, etc, it doesn't follow any rules and just does its own thing.

And what is that difference?
two bisluts make a lesbian couple.
Yes anon, those are heterosexual works for the most part, arguably in some cases, but the dicussion here isn't whether you could classify then as "het" or not, the discussion here is that not a single person will ever deny they are part of the "het genre" because not a single person is thinking of them in those lines, meanwhile people reading yuri and yaoi will bring it up because yuri and yaoi are in fact a thing.
>My point is that a yuri series that has no shame in showing gore, het, yaoi, etc, it doesn't follow any rules and just does its own thing.
It's just an action series, the yuri itself follows all the usual rules and it's definitely not trying to have the protagonists in relationship with guys, there is a reason Murcielago is considered a yuri story and Satanophany which is very similar, but with a lot of rape, isn't, you can guess what is the difference yourself.
>not a single person is thinking of them in those lines
Except they absolutely are, even if they aren't consciously aware of it. If any distinction at all is made between yuri/yaoi and het then that means there is in fact a het genre that is separate from those two.
You must be really sheltered from fandom spaces if you really think peple don't think of the romance genre in terms of het/yaoi/yuri.
Yuri has nothing to do with lesbianism tbf
The point is that it's a yuri series that doesn't fall within the yuri ghetto, which means that yuri no longer has the same need it once had of keeping all these rules and it just can be whatever.
You can look at any series with housewives/mothers, or by Kodama, to see yuri with bisexual girls.
>a yuri series that has no shame in showing [...] het, yaoi
Is not a yuri series.

>what is that difference?
A yuri series wouldn't say they're bisluts.

But it has everything to do with lesbians. There's a difference.
>Is not a yuri series.
Why not?

>A yuri series wouldn't say they're bisluts.
Why not?

>There's a difference.
What is that difference?
>Why not?
Because it'd be a series with yuri, but not a yuri series.

>Why not?
Because it's a yuri series.

>What is that difference?
A series can be about lesbianism and still not be yuri, because it isn't about lesbians. However, a series about lesbians will be yuri, even if it isn't about lesbianism.
Except you won't ever see it Murcielago playing loose with the yuri.

Meanwhile it's Yuri Hime that published the most popular Kodama's stories about bisexuals. This Ghetto you are talking about only exists in your head, when yuri in reality is just a small niche genre and authors are very aware how much readers will deal with before there is backlash, which every single one of them has enough brain power to understand people will not buy a story about a girl in love with a guy as yuri series because at some obscure point she gets together with a girl, the same way a certain retarded author learned the yuri audience will not buy a heterosexual romcom about a guy watching yuri couples.
Goggled probably convinced her that that was a good idea.
>Because it'd be a series with yuri, but not a yuri series.
That's a pretty retarded distinction. A series with yuri IS a yuri series if it's the main focus. Het can show yuri and yaoi without its het status being called into question, yaoi can show yuri and het without its yaoi status being called into question, so why would yuri be any different?

>Because it's a yuri series.
And why would a yuri series not say that they're bi?

>a series about lesbians will be yuri,
Not if it doesn't have any actual relationships between girls as its main focus.
And was 100% right to do so
It does retard

2 women in a romantic relationship with each other is in fact lesbianism, no matter how you pretend to cope with it, yuri in 90% of cases is about lesbians and homosexuality

The rest of the time is super best friend shit
Isn't a genre.

>yaoi can show yuri and het
They're not yaoi series, but series with yaoi.

>why would yuri be any different?
It isn't. Why are you trying to add het or yaoi to yuri?

>why would a yuri series not say that they're bi?
Because if it's a yuri series, it's not about bisluts.

>actual relationships between girls
Thought yuri wasn't about lesbianism.
Still, the relationships between the girls is irrelevant. What matters is that the aforementioned girls be lesbians.
>FFM triangles are bisexual instead of yuri because a boy is indirectly involved
Kannazuki no miko...
NTA but I always call those disonest triangles, it's kinda like saying a yaya is part of a love triangle when you all know she is only there to lose.
>Isn't a genre.
Then what is it?

>They're not yaoi series, but series with yaoi.
Again, retarded distinction. If a series has yuri, yaoi, and het all at once, but only focuses on one of them at large, what is it?

>It isn't. Why are you trying to add het or yaoi to yuri?
Because there's a persistent double standard of trying to pass of yuri as some unique and special snowflake subject to insane arbitrary limitations that no other genre has.

>Because if it's a yuri series, it's not about bisluts.
Why not?

>Thought yuri wasn't about lesbianism.
Lesbianism is the state of being a lesbian, not being in a lesbian relationship (which doesn't require either girl to be a lesbian).

>the relationships between the girls is irrelevant
I don't know if this sounded better in your head, but this is one of the most profoundly retarded statements you can make on /u/ of all places. Not sure if I can take anything you say seriously after this, seems like you're just being contrarian for the sake of arguing.
>Still, the relationships between the girls is irrelevant. What matters is that the aforementioned girls be lesbians.
Satanophany and Inside Mari are yuri according to these asinine standards.
>Because there's a persistent double standard of trying to pass of yuri as some unique and special snowflake subject to insane arbitrary limitations that no other genre has.

Oh yes, we just call series with people using magic sci fi.
Unpopular opinion: "Forbidden Love" and "But we're both girls!" Is actually sweet and charming.
Only when the tropes make sense, it's okay for young characters, but it's cringe for JKs
Speaking of cringe. Just say high schoolers cmon
It was sweet and charming the first couple hundred times and in an era where it actually made sense, but at this point is just uninspired and contrived.
>what is it?

>If a series has yuri, yaoi, and het all at once, but only focuses on one of them at large, what is it?
Again, romance.

>insane arbitrary limitations that no other genre has.
It's called 'having standards'. Just because yaoi can stand having one of the guys having girls as previous romantic interests doesn't mean we have to tolerate having men shoved in yuri.

>Why not?
Because men have no room being shoved in yuri, not even as previous romantic partners of girls that may be in love with each other.

>doesn't require either girl to be a lesbian
Yuri, however, does require both girls to be lesbians.

>contrarian for the sake of arguing
Is Yuru Yuri yuri? It's not about lesbianism, and while it has plenty of unrequited love, no two girls are in love with each other (not counting Nadeshiko and her offscreen girlfriend)
It is, however, about lesbians.

Het rape is still het, and thus no.

>we just call series with people using magic sci fi.
Clarke's Third Law.
Sorry but I need to be careful, most burgers posting here ended high school when they were above 20 so their reference is kinda fucked
Himawari and Sakurako are not in love with each other, really?
It's been years since I read it but didn't it turn out inside Mari wasn't a gender bend but the Mc just dissociated from her gender so hard that she thought she was her creepy male neighbor?
Right here.
Right now
Yes, that's why I mentioned it, Mari is a lesbian.
It's joke
Yuri is also romance, genius.

>It's called 'having standards'. Just because yaoi can stand having one of the guys having girls as previous romantic interests doesn't mean we have to tolerate having men shoved in yuri.
Standards are just an excuse for snobbery, they bring absolutely no benefit other than a feeling of smug superiority over those you judge as having inferior tastes. This attitude makes it seem less that you like yuri and more like you're just some weird hipster who gets off knowing that you like something different from the masses.
There's objectively no positives in holding yuri to higher standards than yaoi or het, it only breeds elitism and makes people forget that they're ultimately just reading some chink cartoons. Gain some self-awareness.

>Because men have no room being shoved in yuri, not even as previous romantic partners of girls that may be in love with each other.
That's irrelevant. A yuri series having elements unbecoming yuri doesn't make it any less yuri, because genre rules are not absolute and are broken all the time.

>Yuri, however, does require both girls to be lesbians.
It doesn't, as both girls can be bi.

>Is Yuru Yuri yuri?
It's about love between girls so yes. Other anon already pointed out your retarded point (and that's also not taking into account other couples like RisexNana or YuixKyouko).

>Het rape is still het, and thus no.
Why is the abscence of het more important than the presence of relationships in order for something to be yuri?
It's time for those tropes to come back.
Fantasy and sci-fi have always been tightly related (at least in the softer regions of sci-fi).

>Clarke's Third Law.
Clarke's third law was just him throwing shade on authors who filled their sci-fi novels with magic stuff and handwaved it with "dude, alien technology, lmao".
Ah then I'm just retarded, carry on ladies
Nah, it's becoming less and less forbidden every day to be in a gay relationship so that, to quote another nee-san, self serving

The "but we're both girls" thing can be tolerable in some cases
>Standards are just an excuse for snobbery
No, they're there to prevent people from shoving males in yuri for no reason, which is exactly what saying girls in an allegedly "yuri" relationship are bisluts does.

>A yuri series having elements unbecoming yuri doesn't make it any less yuri
It does, however, make it not a yuri series.

>both girls can be bi.
Not in yuri series, no. Unless you're not told that they're bisluts, and it's never mentioned.

>Why is the abscence of het more important than the presence of relationships in order for something to be yuri?
Because only through the absence of het can a story about two girls be yuri.
Your opiniones are retarded.
I'm not the one pushing for males in yuri.
>No, they're there to prevent people from shoving males in yuri for no reason, which is exactly what saying girls in an allegedly "yuri" relationship are bisluts does.
Do you realise this is a circular argument? "Why consider yuri with men not-yuri? To keep high standards. Why have high standards? To not have men in yuri?"
In any case these are all just platitudes made up to make it seem like you have the wellbeing of yuri in your interestes, when you're really just forcing your personal hangups on everyone else.

>It does, however, make it not a yuri series.
Why? Does an action movie having non-action scenes make it non-action? Does a horror story having non-horror parts make it not horror? You seem to have a very autistic outlook on how fiction works.

>Not in yuri series, no.
Why not?

>Because only through the absence of het can a story about two girls be yuri.
Why? Why apply this absurd and retarded standard to yuri but not to het or yaoi?
Girl Friends is a yuri manga featuring two bisexual girls.
Nobody is "pushing for males", that's only your retarded strawman. People are just rightfully saying that classification of yuri should be made rationally according to logic and common sense, not juvenile emotions, subjective opinions, or unreasonable standards made to get high on your own farts.
Not having men as current or previous romantic interests in allegedly yuri series isn't "high standards", it's the bare minimum. How is that autistic or a personal hangup?

It makes it a movie with action, or a movie with horror, much like having non-yuri makes it a non-yuri series.

>Why not?
Because having het makes it not yuri.

>Nobody is "pushing for males"
And yet, I keep seeing discussion defending bisluts in yuri.

>classification of yuri should be made rationally according to logic and common sense
Yes, and yet people try to make a genre about lesbians not be about lesbians.
You have an extreme obsession with men if your first thought upon seeing two women kiss is “this is probably hetshit”
A random strawman, quoting nobody and adressing nobody.
>A random strawman
Just like saying anyone is pushing for males.
>Not having men as current or previous romantic interests in allegedly yuri series isn't "high standards", it's the bare minimum.
It's not, because yuri is not defined by neither the presence or abscence of males.

>It makes it a movie with action, or a movie with horror, much like having non-yuri makes it a non-yuri series.
This is too retarded to be serious. By this point I'm pretty sure you're either trolling or playing dumb after being shown how retarded your logic is.

>Because having het makes it not yuri.
There's no logical reason for that to be the case.

>And yet, I keep seeing discussion defending bisluts in yuri.
Bi girls are not males.

>Yes, and yet people try to make a genre about lesbians not be about lesbians.
Yuri is about love between girls, not necessarily lesbians.
>defending bisluts
That's not "pushing for males." People are saying being bi doesn't matter as long as the story is about the relationship of two(or more) girls. Nobody is saying they want to see those girls end up with men. You are the most retarded poster in all of 4chan after ack.
They're both literally not interested in men whatsoever though.
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I miss them...
>yuri is not defined by neither the presence or abscence of males.
It is, however, defined by the absence of men in romantic relationships with the female main character(s)

>This is too retarded to be serious
Far less than having het in allegedly yuri series. Yuri is not a spectrum; a work is yuri, or it's not.

>no logical reason
Why? How is saying 'this work has het featuring one of the main characters, and thus is not yuri' not logical?

>Bi girls are not males.
But their romantic interests at some point was.

>People are saying being bi doesn't matter as long as the story is about the relationship of two(or more) girls
The problem is that the story, for no reason at all, told you that at least one of those girls was romantically involved with a male. That's what I mean by 'pushing for males'.
Yes, I know nobody is saying they want to see any of those girls ending up with men, and at no point did I ever imply this.
>telling something means pushing for males
Yeah you're retarded and beyond saving.
>chapter 1
>story says the MC had a boyfriend in the past
>but in the whole manga, she only has a relationship with another girl
>this means it's "pushing for males"
Next this schizo will say it's mocking yuri or something.
>series is kind enough to announce it's not a yuri series from the start
Why, thank you.
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Yes, telling a character had, or has, a boyfriend and marketing that work as a yuri series is indeed pushing for males.
>no relevant males in the whole series
>pushing for males
Dumb schizo.
Butthurt reason?
Taisho is yuri tho
>End of discussion, not replying to any hetshit parasites
>Proceeds to reply
So readers decide which story is yuri or not?
By that logic LycoReco is yuri because majority perceives it as such, therefore kissfags should kill themselves, right?
Absolutely agree btw
If a het romance that ends in het tells you that the girl had a girlfriend in the pass, it's not het but actually yuri? Yuri in a het harem means it's a yuri series?
Your definition is wrong. Funny that you are trying to enforce it as a standard
Says who?
Says everyone other than you.
You aren't everyone. You aren't a sizable majority, or even a slight majority.
The majority agrees with me.
This guy sound genuinely deranged and crazy insecure. He must be the kind of person who is into yuri only because he hates men, not because he's actually interested in relationships between girls.
I don't know what y'all talkin' about but as a purityfag it feels good to have such a simple and straightforward idealogy.
If dicks are involved, it ain't yuri.
Haven't read a word of this whole thing, just stopped by to ask if high standards anon has gotten to the point in their high standards that the presence of a man as the designated loser (male yaya) also makes the story non-yuri?
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>dungeon meshi is not yuri! It doesn't even have a speck of romance!
Anyone who holds this opinion?
Kill yourselves.
You prevented me from getting on the good thing earlier!
I swear, if I ever trust /u/ on anything again...
Faggots, all of you.
Why do you still can't acept that a lot of popular yuri animanga features bisexual girls?

>if any series mention 1 (one) single time that one (1) of the girls is bi it isn't yuri anymore
It's Friday night.....
>a lot of popular yuri animanga features bisexual girls?
Wrong. In fact, no yuri animanga feature bisexual girls, let alone popular yuri animanga.

Yet true.
stop the larp
Wait hold on. There's been dungeon meshi threads here for months. I say this is firmly on you just never checking honestly. But yeah Farcille sexo.
I wish we could use the power of yuri to have the author just let us have Farcille be completely official.
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How many times are they going to pull the 'im quitting the band' card? reminds me of MYGO

also Nina x Subaru is a better pairing than with Momo. They have more chemistry
I'm shutting the studio down....
It's objectively not yuri. It's not het either though.
People here like to complain LycoReco is not yuri, "they're just friends". Well, Dungeon Meshi is that x100.
Watch it if you want, but when I read it, outside of this thing, they barely interact. Just consume the fanart or something, it's neckdeep in fantasy monster autism to do anything with the yuri.
Can't trust authors with fujo backgrounds to ever deliver on yuri. If they're not straight up writing a BL, their priority when showcasing romance is 99% of the time het > BL >>> yuri. But on the bright side we can always do what we want with the subtext/charactera given to us.
>Can't trust authors with fujo backgrounds to ever deliver on yuri.
What about those manga where two fujoshi girls start dating one another
That's a bad thing, though.The forbidden aspect is part of the charm. If it's just normal relationships, then there's no trill involved.
That's rape. It's time to cancel Mei.
Also, victim blaming and Rape Myth propagation
Not really, it's a good thing there is less of it, it's reflected how more accepting people are. I mean why else does my girlfriend isn't here today or kitakawa flourish, cause that's what you have to do to get that aspect. Or make a historical piece
Mahoako proved rape is okay when it's done with love.
I'm crashing this plane...

The problem is that a certain part of the fans (not only of this series) do not seem to be real fans and more than anything they see something as a way to reaffirm their personal pride and/or Ego (then they disappear into the shadows when that stops being relevant)
Who is the Bane of yuri?
>no kiss
this anime just delivers.

Meanwhile Go Rush only has a handful of glorified secondary characters and terrible villains, basically worse than Yugioh GX.
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Presented without comment.
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wdym, it's better *with* the comment
Okay, Dogakobo seems to have seriously aimed for the status of creators of the gayest original anime. I can only sincerely wish them success in this challenging endeavor.
Learn English.
It was schoolgirlgaze, very close schoolgirlgaze
Do we know what's going on in this picture?
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Okinawan Animate's Yuri Club
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Just look who's having an aquarium date!
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Can jellyfish swim in the night?
Oh, fucking finally. When I used to live in Okinawa, the Animate was just BL and fujoshi stuff.
Can I save this picture? I need more time to come back at you with an answer.
>Everyone is the same person
>yuri series in a yuri section of a book store
Maybe the world is finally healing.
Why was yuri so repressed until recently anyway?
Sexism mainly.
But don't forget that the store clerk is always retarded.
Male privilege and/or lesbian erasure, take your pick. Japan historically favors men bonding, while viewing women romantic relationships as just a phase. I will say, it was odd in Okinawa. My local bookstore had Yuri-Hime, something I can't find whenever I'm in Tokyo.
Animate is an ancient fujo stronghold, one of their mascots, Hoshii Lamica, is a raging fujo.
Persecution complex
Correct answer
Forget the retarded answers above, until a while ago we didn't have as many yuri titles and they also weren't selling enough to be even worth a dedicated space in stores.
You ever stop and wonder why the fuck that is? Why there wasn't yuri titles on commercially printed books and magazines? Take a guess why that is.
So are we just denying sexism is a thing that's historically been used to dismiss works about women oor
Jews? Reptiloids? 4G?
It wasn't popular, simple as.
So you think the culture just shifted and suddenly it's cool now to like yuri and be a lesbian?
But why wasn't it popular then?
The Council meets every couple of years and we have a vote to decide if yuri and lesbianism are popular or not.
It's funny when you realize that this sexism basically exists, due to simple jealousy of men who feel inferior to women, who were the center of the world at one point in human history.

In fact, that is part of the plot at the end of Strike Witches S1 and the Saki universe is an example where women dominate the world.
Tanuki and fox
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What do you do with CDs and BDs?
I guess for BDs everybody just ignore them since everything is alread ripped on the internet, but what about drama CDs?
I bought Hikikomari's and Ki ni natteru hito's ones and I couldn't listen to them yet. The only way to listen to them is on PC but the little free time I can spend on PC I have other things to do so even if I left it in the background I can't give it the attention it needs. The best way would be to listen to it on car while going to work but the support being a CD is the problem. I can't even rip them myself since CDs are not drag and drop and fuck me if I remember how I used to rip CDs 20 years and 2 PCs ago. And I can't find them online to download.
How can Japan still use these supports? Why can't they sell fancy USBs in fancy packages? CDs' protection is useless anyway since they get ripped and uploaded on the release day, it's just a bother for people who bought them legally. Who still has CD readers in this time and age?
too much bishit/bait/class s shit
modern yuri is much better
It would take you less time to google how to rip CDs than it took you writing that post.
Yuri has existed for 40 or 50 decades on magazines, it just was never profitable enough to warrant a dedicated magazine or even several titles in different magazines, even so it's still just a small niche market run by a few enthusiasts
[Good News] Manio announced she's going to draw a manga.
>[Good News]
More yuri manga is always good news.
Niche is only favored by the internet and social media.
>40 or 50 decades
I can't find the Sengoku era issues of Yuri Hime in the mega, can anyone upload them?
But then when is yuri niche when the male equivalent is wildly popular? It's always been about sexism and people not being interested in stories about women.
Most romance is enjoyed by women > most women are straight > most women will enjoy yaoi over yuri since it's easier not to engage with a sexuality they don't share
So gay guys love yuri? There's no way.
Maybe? I had a friend who did. But that wouldn't be very statistically relevant anyway.
Can't wait for her picture of a manga
Yuri Hime is far from the first magazine that published yuri, the first ones started around the 70s.
Men and women function differently, so no.
>>4210624 makes sense. Yuri depends mostly on the small number of guys that like it and lesbians/bisexual women that might enjoy it. That's why with the internet the genre grows because people can more easily find out about very fringe interests and form communities from a distance.
Some male yuri authors are know homosexuals.
Most women who enjoy yuri are not homosexual or bisexual.
Sexism, in a way. It can be incredible for our modern western minds but in countries like Japan they think that woman can't do or act like men do, ie the Youjo Senki LN that it is kind of obvious that used the GB gimmick because there they don't think a woman can act or think in a similar way that Tanya does. Also that was even worse in the 70's, 80's and 90's so female-led stories had a lot of linitations compared to the ones with male MCs.
Different anon, but ??. Most women who regularly enjoy Yuri and will even buy the products are Les/bi women. Sure, there are some straight women but not as many. Most straight women only care about BL and Het (that is aimed at women).
I still own ancientware that has a CD drive. Still running great on Windows 8, mind you. But I get you. CD is genuinely close to obsolete except as collector's products. Hardware for it is really dying off. I don't know why Japan keeps pushing stuff in that format. Even the once dinosaur western music industry has moved on from that, and it's rips and streams now.
Man seeing them in normal school clothes is actually more depressing
That's an original animation. I'm following that guy and they also did some sulemio animations.
so we have to laugh or feel sorry for that anon?
>>apan they think that woman can't do or act like men do, ie the Youjo Senki LN that it is kind of obvious that used the GB gimmick because there they don't think a woman can act or think in a similar way that Tanya does.

I think you are confusing a cultural difference with an author simply being incompetent, because I have seen a lot of female characters act like men in one way or another (I know it is not the norm, nor is it well regarded by them)
What do you guys think about Whisper me a love song latest chapter. I personally don’t like the way they are trying to make Miki siscon. And isn’t she straight, they mention that she used to have boyfriend so why bother making her siscon, it doesn’t make sense to me.
>waaah why are they making a character more gay
Go back.
I thought Miki was angry because her sister knew she was straight but then Aki mentioned Shiho out of nowhere and I don't know what to think anymore but I will wait until the english scan comes out to know what the fuck it is going on in that chapter.
The anime retconned Miki's heterosexuality which further adds to the confusion of whether she's gay for her sister.
No, actual demographic research shows this isn't the case at all, women in general like romance and just like BL it's not hard for them to read something they are unbiased to, unless you are going to argue it's just cope.
I haven’t watch anime so do they skip the part about her boyfriend or change into girlfriend?>>4210668
No I’m not complaining about it, I like the fact that they make her more gay and only thing I don’t like is the story doesn’t make sense for me if she is siscon, if she is already gay for her sister then why would she date a guy.
Or maybe she became a siscon after dating the guy?
Source? Not even the YH survey had the straight woman demographic surpassing the not-heterosexual woman one.
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>girls playing electric current death match in class
That makes more sense I personally don’t think it would be like that.I really hope author stop making drama around Aki. It’s all about her from the beginning.
>I haven’t watch anime so do they skip the part about her boyfriend or change into girlfriend?
They changed the line so it's ambiguous if she was with a girl or boy. Which might as well be saying it's a girl.
Maybe she found out the guy was actually a reverse trap.
>what is comphet
It's not so much about sexism to be honest, it's more about demographics and genres, until the 90s most of the manga and anime audience were young males, and most boys will relate to classic male power fantasies, this was a truth the market couldn't get around, while shoujo was mostly for younger girls.

Nowadays things are very different, the demographics are far older and women are a big part of most audiences, even shonen, if not most readers or watchers. After all, two very popular non romance manga and anime last season had female protagonists.

More like he is confusing sexism with what is an obvious excuse to not say he has a fetish for genderbended man, the male protagonist of this non yuri series is very tame in comparison with the usual portrayal of unhiged females in japanese fiction, especially if you actually read the novels and see how cowardly and sissy a lot of monologues are.
NTA but I want receipts form both the manga and anime, rather than just subs and translations.
Hope they make that way. I also thought like that when I was reading manga. Regardless I’m happy about she’s into girl, I thought she is just a side straight character.
hot desu
Isn’t everyone in this manga all gay? I don’t seen any characters questioning their sexuality, it is just like normal things to them and nobody seems to care.
As all works related to or with yuri should be.
Incest is wrong, even in liberal societies.
I also don’t incest hopefully they don’t go on that route.
Of course it's wrong, that doesn't mean it's not good for fiction
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Age-gap Yuri, my one true love. God bless this show
>Mahiru gets Kano
>Kiui gets Koharu
>Mei gets ???
The idol's daughter, forgot her name.
Is she getting her nipples sucked by two highschoolers in this screenshot?
AFAIK homosexual incest between siblings is A-OK in some countries where heterosexual incest is a crime. Also, it's right in my book and that's the only thing that matters.
Incest is ok if it's between girls
>Ethologist Jonathan Balcombe stated that female bonobos rub their clitorises together rapidly for ten to twenty seconds, and this behavior, "which may be repeated in rapid succession, is usually accompanied by grinding, shrieking, and clitoral engorgement"; he added that it is estimated that they engage in this practice "about once every two hours" on average.
Return to monke when?
Manga said kareshi while anime said koibito.
It's called Shin Sekai Yori and you don't want it.
While manga is official and canon from author the anime might be change due to studio.
Bonobos are bisluts incarnate, fitting for filthy apes.
That lizard species is far better.
>Shin Sekai Yori
That was a masterpiece.
First it's not, second the yuri in that series is literally just a cope, third the anime is one of the most embarassing terrible adaptations ever made that destroyed the source material.
>Incest is wrong
What's wrong about it?
Kill yourself
I'm not talking about the yuri. Nobody considers it yuri.
>not talking about the yuri
Then your post is off-topic and meaningless.
Don't care.
As expected of a hetshit shill
>YoruKura ended up being the best yuri anime of the season
This is why you shouldn't listen to concern trolls.
I was told that isn’t yuri, same thing with dungeon meshi. Should I watch them? I don’t want to watch yuribait.
Don't jump to conclusions. We haven't figured out yet in which section the stores will put YoruKura manga and LNs.
>the anime is one of the most embarassing terrible adaptations ever made that destroyed the source material
I've heard nothing but superlative praise for it personally, but I've never gotten around to watching it
I listened to the writer, who responded to "is this yuri" with "what really is yuri anyway?" I'm happy to find that was a shit answer.
But does it matter? Anons will still say some random schizos know better than the store clerk.
Considering he's now calling Mahiru Kano's legal wife and Kano Mahiru's prince on a bike rather than a white horse on twitter, I think he was just trying to hide where the show would go.
I can't believe Teren meddled YoruKura into yuri. How did he do it?
I'd like to believe that it was the writer trolling the idiots addicted to Official Confirmation, if I didn't have a lot of doubts about Japanese people, especially public persons, being capable of trolling in principle.
>anything but the Yuri Hime anime being the best yuri anime of the season
Maybe if the Yuri Hime anime had more than negative budget and vastly inferior direction with the insert songs compared to the gay jellyfish original.
>just choose something for the adaptation that isn't pure romance, sis
>just provide a decent budget for the adaptation, sis
>just hire talented staff to do the adaptation, sis
KimiShinu by Madhouse soon!
They just need to adapt Kitakawa.
Regardless of your obsession, an entire industry needs to drop the "adaptation is an advertisement for the source material and the source material should only be advertised when it keeps releasing" paradigm for this. In the West, for some reason it doesn't bother anyone that the source material is finished and adaptations boost sales of even series completed long ago.
What's wrong with the insert songs' direction?
No, thanks. Owning a CD is still better even if it's a pain the ass to use. They really need to drop this support and going for USB flash drives. A simple one of a few GB to store a full anime can't cost much more of a BD and it is easily usable for the buyer.
Yori monologued too much over Sunny Spot to the point it covered up most of it. They should've trimmed the monologue down and placed it during the parts without lyrics since they're more or less the same as her thoughts anyway.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. All that "I put my heart in the lyrics. I wrote the lyrics thinking about you. Listen to my lyrics" and then you can't hear anything because it's covered by her thoughts.
Huh, I didn't notice that. Tbh I'm watching it not for the music but for the romance so it probably just didn't bother me I guess.
I sure needed to hear Yori think "I want to be by your side" while she was singing "I want to be by your side".
What was the last good YH adaptation anyways? WataTen?
Actually, now that I rewatched the scene I think that it's cool that they synced the monologue to the lyrics
Given 1
Sasakoi 0
I liked Oomuroke
>tiny drummer completely hidden by giant women
Yeah but no, sorry but you just don't like romances, you can cry budget as much you want but Sasakoi offers everything I want in a yuri series.

I said this before and somepeople got upset, but Sasakoi is a yuri series with music, not a music series with yuri.

Watayuri was pretty good, especially the use of the dramatic ost.
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Dykes on bikes.
>you just don't like romances
Yorukura does romance better than Sasakoi though. Unless we include the Shiho arc.
(T/N: They don't have cars in Japan. This is as good as it gets.)
pretentious people, the anti-yuri happens in the most pathetic and forced way I've ever seen, what I really enjoyed about the series is how most of the people were massacred at the end, they deserved it.
Nah HimaYori is where it's at. Unless you like band drama for some reason.
The short girl and the blonde are the best pair imo.
Needs more Reiko x Koguma.
It's just one of those classic examples of using yuri (and yaoi) as an stepping stone, funny enough in the novels female MC even has sex with the other girl they meet around the end, but it's pretty clear the author only was confortable doing things like this because it was all under the context no one is really homosexual, they just need to have sex because of how their genes were manipulated. While the anime fucked so much of the story that you never really understood how bad the village was and how the world would have been better if all humans were gone.
Only if you have the same concept of romance a 12yr would have.
>Towa tsugai is dead
And here I was hoping to see an anime someday.
Can anyone with a bilibili account at least download the theater play and upload it somewhere?
Most boring pair
They fucked hard the promotion of the game and from what I heard it was dissapointing from a yuri perspective too
I've only ever heard people say it was a really bad game.
How ironic.
The theme of episode 7 was literally the future of the girls and how they see themselves in adulthood. Both Mahiru and Kano seem to have already made the decision that they want to be each other's pillars in the future and see each other as the reason to keep moving forward. How can this be the view of a 12 year old? While Himari wants to... bake cookies for Yori. Well, it's also supportive in a way.
>friends helping each other
>vs girls contemplating dating
I don't know much either but I've seen yurifags appreciating it and having a fight against Assault Lily because it wasn't afraid to be yuri while Assault Lily was pandering too much to waifufags. It also had characters talking facing each other unlike all the mobage that have both the characters looking at you one next the other.
If it failed isn't it because of that? Because it pandered to yurifags and couldn't sustain itself like all the mobage for waifufags.
Anon I like yorukura as much as the next person here but they're literally dating in sasakoi
No anon, I am talking about you, the interactions you are looking are so tame compared to romance manga that it's almost cute but sad that you actually think it's comparable, not to say the girls feelings for each other are not romantic, but it's not the same type of narrative, what you get from romance manga your series is not interested in offering.
It didn't help with the staff saying they didn't want guys playing the game.
>Assault Lily was pandering too much to waifufags
How? It's still yuri, right?
Sasakoi is a YagaKimi rip-off, fight me.
You people make me want to steal an eraser.
Some have the logic that if something has female characters then it appeals to the Waifufags and they are attractive then even more.

But when it's a harem or het series that really appeals to wafufags, no one says anything.
I see doomposters are seething and trying to downplay Yorukura now.
Some people confuse moe designs with waifu pandering, when girls also enjoy those.
For what I remember, Assault Lily released pngs with solo girls in fanservice situations looking at the viewer, the usual male gaze shit and yurifags got mad and pointed out what a better job was Towa tsugai doing.

Hey, I already said it looked good, you don't need to sell it to me.
>Makes the comparison with Sasakoi himself
>NOOOOOOO you can't point you the difference between the two
The episode contains 3 great bonding scenes, Mahiru and Mei, Kano and Kiwi, Mahiru and Kano, but one of them isn't quite the same as the other two. You seriously can't distinguish which one is implying "friends helping each other" and which one is implying "two people willing to be each other's mainstay"?
Like I'm arguing with that. But I thought the discussion was about what precedes this undoubtedly dear to every yurifag's heart official status. Himari liked Yori because she sings sugoi and looks kakkoi, Yori liked Himari because she's kawaii. So what's next? As far as I remember the first volumes of the manga getting lost somewhere behind the endless drama, nothing really changed, but now they are dating, although they were ready for it almost from the beginning, at least Yori was, when she didn't know anything about Himari except her name and that she was cute. Whereas Kano and Mahiru, having started out pretty much the same way (I'm in love with your art and I've fallen in love with your songs) by the seventh episode saw beyond the art and songs each other's personalities, with weaknesses, ugly sides and problems, embraced that in each other and are ready to move forward through life hand in hand. In what status? Well, we'll find out in a month or so.
Sasakoi narrative is exclusively about girls having romantic related developments and problems, it's not same thing, it's meant for the same audience as the series you are talking about.
If you squint maybe

But after chapter 15, when they start dating and Shino takes over the story, then what?
Any mobage that isn't part of the big ones is in crisis right now and some of the less popular Bushiroad ones (like Revue Starlight Re Live) survive thanks to a internal policy but they make money from live perfomances and merch, the Towa Tsugai mobage is dead but they will continue the story on other media and that's more than things like the BR mobage will ever have.
>other media
VN or LN would be the best.
Alright should I watch the jellyfish anime then?
Yes if you have good taste.
I'm into that lesbian stuff, where girls are gay.
> Run away with me girl
Wow why is such garbage made?
NTA but one of the main five has a crush on Kano (the blobde one) and the blonde one and the short pink haired one touched, willingly, some tits in the latest chapter so I think they're gay.
>one of the main five has a crush on Kano
It's honestly the only yuri manga I've read so far that I didn't enjoy in the slightest and still finished
I couldn't get through it. It's appalling.
Don't you have to be 18 to legally drive a car in Japan? Motorcycles are basically your only compromise when you only write about high schoolers.
Well it sincerely wasn't good, art was terrible and the ending was middling
If only Midori's husband hadn't been portrayed as such a complete asshole that the unsavory thought creeps into the reader that she would have run away from him to anyone and Momo was just in the right place at the right time, it would have been quite tolerable.
It nwas pretty good actually, and the art was cute. The ending was more moderate than one would expect from a story like this, but that was interesting too.
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is anonette here to help advice me on how i can get nice looking feet just like these lesbians
When does the manga adaptation start?
I'm no genius like that Anon from the last time but I think the obvious thing should be a pumice stone and then mousturizer.
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So what if I do
>Amazon's algorithms are already crazy overcranked the second you buy a single light novel cause they know you won't stop at one
>have bought so much yuri manga and LNs that Jeff Amazon has given up and started recommending English-original web novels from Royal Road and the like

Is it worth crossing that final threshold? I like the idea of some genres that are generally underserviced by Japanese yuri writers like scifi and fantasy that isn't just some half-assed chosen one and demon king cribbed out of a Dragon Quest coloring book or the otome game reincarnation trend, but some of this LitRPG smells like lazy isekai crap but the dialogue doesn't have to worry about translating Japanese suffixes. Plus you never know when you'll be hours in and then they spring the trannies on you.
Anybody have experience in this space? I get that we're broaching self-published amateur works now, I'm not expecting some masterful prose or dialogue.
Onee-san, you can be the one to tell us about these new grounds.

Come give us the good word when you get your findings
If your favorite yuri manga sold great that's only because everyone just read the trial version on Amazon.
Be our canary.
'Sasakoi' always reminds me of 'Sasameki Koto' so I'm gonns say it's a ripoff of that
But "I" wanna be your canary!
>and from what I heard it was dissapointing from a yuri perspective too
Never heard anyone say that and I don't know how they could. It had the usual mobage writing issues but other than that every girl is hard paired off, several are explicitly romantic, all of them have gay as hell subtext. The characters were where it shined, the game was as bland as a mobage can be. The game dying and the story continuing is all you can ask for if they stick to it. The promotion wasn't really fucked either, just nonexistent, though /u/ did throw a tantrum over the producer calling it a yuri game aimed at women with little sexual fanservice.
>Let's treat women like nuns even though BL is all smut
Worked great for them, great strategy.
>little sexual fanservice
Guess that's why it died.
When are we getting another action yuri manga/anime that's *NOT* subtext...
That's just normal if slightly chubby body.
And very nice tummy and thighs
Let me guess, the producer and director are men, because the dumbest stereotype about women is that they don't like fanservice.
We have plenty of manga like this, as for anime there is not even guarantee we will have more yuri anime
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When yuri authors learn how to draw. It's so common to have a dramatic yuri manga where the author can barely draw a simple slap that one compilation pic anon couls probably make a whole grid of them.
NTA but I think Virgins' Empire author is one
Was there any yuri in FFIX, I can't remember.
Lol, guess what retard, drawing is all about experience, yuri authors are not shonen authors drawing punchs and cocksucking like you like so much every chapter
It's not like shounen authors know how to draw punch well too, there's plenty of jump authors that suck at it.
Yuri authors oughta get in those lesbian brothels to get more experience then (I'm sure at least onr besides Nagata Kabi has)
I am not sure how this will help with drawing but they should do it anyway.
Just a light princessxknight relationship between Garnet and Beatrix.
But don't worry, the upcoming anime will confirm LanixRuby. Source: my sugar mommy works at Square Enix.
I want to go to the lesbian brothels Homura Subaru frequents. The one with the catgirls, to start with.
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>tfw including a slap panel in the yuri doujin I'm currently working on
>the panel will probably look pretty bad
uh oh...
What did she mean by this?
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I didn't expect this hetbait series to be this gay.
Upload it here regardless Onee-san

I'm sure it'll be kino
Yaoi is smut. BL is like yuri.
Usually happens when two girls confirm to get together
We need another Gunbured Sisters....it's bloody criminal the author got wrist issues right at the most pivotal time
Regardless it's the smut gay that sells with women and all evidence points this is the case with yuri too, honestly if we really are going to go into it, do anyone here really believe the type of women putting money into mobage of all things don't want to see fanservice?
Yeah, I wonder how that happened lol
Well now they are writing giantess manga
Wrong you retard, he is writting ghost manga.
File deleted.
No he ain't

You're thinking of the Mangaka for scarlet
When Ogino Jun rises from his grave.
We have 3 or 4 out right now don't we?
The problem is that those who complain about the existence of fanservice (in any form) are those who do not like to spend money, they complain about those who spend money and would prefer that companies pay them for being fans of something (sounds silly , but some people think that way)

The Gacha format works in a similar way to sports video games in the West, as a fan you have to dedicate your life and money to them or you are a horrible fan.
Do you really think those who complain about subtext (in a non-ironical way) know what they are saying?
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>Shounen out of nowhere
Can you stop talking about this every chance you got? Shut the fuck up about whatever shounen garbage you can't stop reading
>look this shit up
Well that's disappointing

No, we don't.
Because I know you're counting barely even subtext shit like that post-apoc robot manga as "canon"
Hay it's already a little weird that there were 2 fantasy action yuri manga with a heroine that wore bright red, it happens Nee-san

I was talking about roll over and die, giantsess and Onee-san, the Executioner and Her Way of life, and yea I was also thinking of Garan no Hime
You know we're in a good time when the post-apoc robot yuri manga I thought of was Erio and the Electric Doll.
I kinda forgot that existed

If it gets an anime adaptation, it would definitely qualify for having a good French dub
The scans are a bit behind so it's understandable. It stays fresh in my mind because I automatically download the raws when I update my other manga.
Anon and Soyo look like this?
>anon dies every day and soyo feels bad about it
Out of character.
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How many of them did you successfully know would turn out to have yuri?
>>anon dies every day and soyo feels bad about it
>>Out of character.
>Soyo feels bad about it but hides it and acts like a huge bitch but there are little moments when she shows how vulnerable and fragile she is and doesn't want to let Anon go...
Now it is in character
>all the follow ups are in manga
Really makes (You) think
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All of them.
It's obvious when you really pay attention and stop listening/reading the yuri deniers.
>Pretty Confident: Comic Girls (not them, the other couple), Tabitabi, Slow Start
>Semi: New Game, Spec Ops Asuka, Akebi (only once the play began), Saki
>Surprise: LL, that Urara couple, Anne Happy, Anima Yell (it’s a side couple though), RPG Fudosan, Tamayomi
>Spoiled: Fruit Tart, Alchemist, Mahou Shoujo Site
I thought something would happen between Sophie and Akari in Kyuuties, but I guess they’re a nice consolation prize. I also thought something more would happen in Harukana but it never did.

I’m pretty sure that the Anima Yell and Harukana Recieve ones took place during the anime. But it makes sense that you’d wait until the last volume or so before developing the romance fully.
>that Urara couple
Sure, but it was yuri pretty early on with Koume's whole backstory and the gay dork police officers.
one day Koisuru Asteroid will join this chart
Didn't Mahou Shojo Site end up not just being yuri, but incest as well? Crazy stuff.
>one day
Anon, Koisuru Asteroid is ending in two chapters.
Anyone been reading the Elaina LNs?

I plan to start once the manga wraps up but I was curious if any progress was made with Elaina and Fran or the Charcoal witch?
The only noteworthy yuri progress Elaina has made is selling her body to women for money.
Finally, a non GB fantasy lesbian brothel
It could happen like the kiss between the obvious couple in RPG, but I don't feel like the series has been building to a confirmation of Ao's/Mira's relationship. It definitely seems likely though that Suzu/Misa's relationship will become romantic by the end though (they had a chapter dedicated to their relationship in the last volume).

There's been no progress between Elaina and Saya/Amnesia. In fact, they haven't even meet up since volume 10 (we're on 22). I feel like we're due for a Amnesia/Elaina meet-up soon though, because they talked to each other via letters in 19.

Technically, that happened between volume's 3-4 and it might not even be canon anymore with the Rivirie reboots.
>I thought something would happen between Sophie and Akari in Kyuuties, but I guess they’re a nice consolation prize.
What happened? I only ever watched the anime.
I didn't even get that vibe from Amnesia desu. But that blows that nothing has even pointed forward (I get why but still)

What reboot?
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Nothing, they're still together, but while I expecting that they would kiss or have some sort of confession beyond what we've already seen. To be honest, I was kind of high off New Game's marriage ending at the time and was way too hopeful for every series.
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Becoming a Princess Knight and Working at a Yuri Brothel is a GB series, in spite of its name, most Nee-sans hate it since it's GB and thus, self-evidently, not yuri

Pls don't hurt me, I'm just the messenger girl
Um mod-kun, he's back again
How does a series with that title and its respective premise not go full yuri? Honestly boggles my mind
Pretty sure the author knew he would have to age Akari and he didn't want to do it.
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They lean into it more as the series goes on. But honestly, to me it feels like Elaina is more into Amnesia than she is into Saya based on how she thought about her in Volume 7, even though Saya is probably the most likely endgame pairing.

>what reboot?
The story where Elaina sells herself to other girls is from the original Riviere LN (2017) which features a story about a girl in the country wishing that every woman was a lesbian and (or if she already was) to be more open about it. In that story, Elaina is a side character briefly seen being asked by girls if they can spend more time with her time for with more money. At the end of the chapter, everyone's memories of the night are erased, but Elaina walks downstairs and wonders why her purse is so full of coins.

The trouble is that the author rebooted the Riviere series in 2022 and those ones don't feature that story to my knowledge.
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Based on my only experience being the anime and manga, I'm kinda surprised it's not Fran. But I'm glad Saya might be the end goal should Elaina finally decide to put down her broom

Shame if it's not cannon, it sounds like a very fun story to read
Have you read Fran's backstory chapter? To me, it feels like Elaina / Fran have a more surrogate mother-daughter relationship than romance. For contrast, in the untranslated Volume 15 (which is comprised of short stories from the previous volumes), there's one where Elaina has a dream about her birthday that slowly devolves into a wedding ceremony where Saya/Amnesia fight over whose getting married to Elaina. Fran doesn't show up so it safe to say they won't go down that route probably.
Lesbian brothels aren't real.
Anon, Tabitabi is going to have a status quo non ending.
Excuse me, but then where did I meet your mom?
Actually they are in fact real, even in japan, you can literally google them.
In the Manga, 100%

But considering how long the LNs are, I would guess it at least shows her finishing up her novel series, like her mom did
Probably but there can be a whole range of endings that change how close the girls are to Elaina. Plus you have the spin-offs like the Drama CDs and reverse-isekai ones that could do something even if the main series doesn't go all the way.

You're right. The manga already ended with the lighthouse chapter from Volume 10.
Again being a manga fag, the last few stories have been hinting that she sees Fran that way. But again, no complaints on my end, I'm honestly hoping she goes with Saya.

It's just something to look forward to since I loved the anime I jumped on to the manga and since that run is ending early (for some reason) I plan to jump on the LNs right after
What is this then?
Cool chart, do you know if it only includes anime/manga that weren't labeled or tagged as yuri but ended up going the yuri route?
>I'm honestly hoping she goes with Saya.
No, Saya is a Yaya so she should lose
How is she the Yaya? She's literally the first one to show romantic interest in Elaina
>She's literally the first one to show romantic interest in Elaina
Is that really the argument to use to disprove that someone is not a Yaya? Kukuku
>successfully know would turn out to have yuri
Well, I guess a couple of them had main characters yuri with no strings attached so you could call them yuri manga without a focus on romance.
Though the rest ranges from:
>lesbians exist in-universe
>plausible deniability
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>they don’t know that Elaina will become the first heroine to ever get reversed yaya’d
Nee-san, don't do this to me

Why do people love Elaina and yet hate Renako? Is it because she's jewish?
Damn, Amnesia is taller than I remember

>today is the day the latest episode of Yorukura takes place on
>official account is posting pics as if Mahiru and Kano's date is going on in real life right now
Yeah, I'm thinking kino.
"Personally, I don’t plan on introducing a romantic interest for Elaina."

Uh oh sisters
I kneel, Miyazawa Iori.
>my bait is bait
Well, at least he was upfront about it.
Pandora hasn't ended yet.
A bunch is out of context
Unhappy is just a thanks kiss
In Urara not one make a couple
In Fruit tart and Saki are just dumb fanservice panels
Anime yell is off screen
Harukana had not development
Same for Slow Star and Comic Girl
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>Unhappy is just a thanks kiss
Even the characters in-universe question what Anne meant by the kiss. The author also has drawn images of Ruri kissing and getting maried to Anne now.

>In Urara not one make a couple
How is a marriage proposal not a couple? The author even says in the epilogue that they are a pair.

>In Fruit tart and Saki are just dumb fanservice panels
It's still canon though. Saki also has one of the characters having two mothers, so it's clearly serious.

>Anime yell is off screen
Yet we confirm that they are in a relationship.

>Harukana had not development
What about this page?

>Slow Start and Comic Girl had not development
Comic Girls did have a development in the last volume. How is Slow Start having a forehead kiss not a development? They also have a dream later about kissing each other later on.
>seriously answering the concern troll
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Can we get much higher?
>Unhappy is just a thanks kiss
Like anon said, it was portrayed as being romantic in nature not a thank you kiss, though they were not dating at the end.
>How is a marriage proposal not a couple? The author even says in the epilogue that they are a pair.
It wasn't a serious proposal though, but it may have turned into one later, Saku and Nina are a far more obvious couple that was even hinted early on with the chapter of the destined one for Nina where they keep meeting Saku every time and not understanding why they are failing.
>It's still canon though. Saki also has one of the characters having two mothers, so it's clearly serious.
Saki has canonized most characters as lesbians or bisexual, men are dying in that world, I would argue that Fruit Tart is more of a joke when Saki is more of a serious panel.
>Anime yell is off screen
It's just shitty but still valid.
>What about this page?
It was too ambiguous.
>How is Slow Start having a forehead kiss not a development? They also have a dream later about kissing each other later on.
Slow Start does not have confirmed couples, only confirmed romantic feelings, it was Tama who dreamed about the two kissing.
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To be fair, it's not that easy to distinguish a troll from those idiots who deny yuri and pretend to be experts.

>>plausible deniability

there really is no such thing, just incompetent authors/directors and dumb Waifuhetfags.

To reach those conclusions, you don't have to know anything about the series in question, that's why you still see stupid people saying that the only yuri in Gochiusa is Syaro.
It’s easy to distinguish this one because it’s a retarded ESL on top of everything
The way that Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku has become so boring is actually sad. Those three bicker way too much, talk a lot of weird shit way too fast and the MC never says much of anything. Every episode they have to fight some dumb people. I'm now just skipping through everything until the final moments when they drop the only bit of information that actually matters.
what are you taking about? The series has always been that way.
Is it me, or are Euphofags similar to people who put their money into a "pyramid scam" and refuse to admit that they are being scammed? We all know how it ends.
They knew how it ended from the start, when it was first airing I made sure to post about it on every single Hibike Thread and it didn't matter, at this point they are just battered wifes (male).
That Harukana was adapted on the anime, not development
And the married couple get divorced so is a step off
>>And the married couple get divorced so is a step off

It is the stupidest excuse to deny yuri, especially considering that this is not the only married couple and not the only couple, not all of them are AkoShizu.

My problem is the ridiculous arrogance that they present, they do not seem like fans of a couple, but rather cultists desperate to invoke a deity.
>they are just battered wifes (male)
This is going to be an uncomfortable truth but most Hibike shippers in the west are girls who normally aren't into yuri. Most of them don't care about canon because a lot of female shippers ignore canon when convenient.
>My problem is the ridiculous arrogance that they present, they do not seem like fans of a couple, but rather cultists desperate to invoke a deity.
So just like every shipper ever.

>Tales from my ass.
I didn't expect it to be so repetitive.
Do you have any hard proof that they are male? Until then, we'll both just have to speculate. The reason why I think that the yuri in Hibike is popular with girls is because due to its female author and Naoko Yamada/KyoAni's influence, it doesn't feel like a series that was primarily made for guys to them.The barrier that prevents normalfag girls from being more into yuri seems to be their perception that certain series are made for guys.
No no no you said female fans in the west, most who didn't know the author or even the studio, much less likely to be in yuri too.
>most who didn't know the author or even the studio
When did I say this? KyoAni is a pretty popular studio that even normalfags can name. But whether they know it was made by some girls or not isn't relevant; it's is their perception that the series isn't made for guys. After all, you don't need to know that the author/studio is female to think that a series is not entirely made for guys.
Stop replying to ESLs.
First they don't need to see the studio or name of the author, almost no one gives a shit, they can tell a series with a female protagonist and female side characters will relate more to them, which is not the same as saying they will want to watch it. Regardless almost 10 years ago the

Anon Hibike aired almost 10 years ago, when streaming wasn't a popular thing, when the fandom was still very limited and you didn't have that many girls into anime, even so you are saying most of the western shippers of the series were female who were not even into yuri to begin with.
It appears to me that yuri is more popular among lesbians than yaoi is among gays.
Bara is more of a gay thing than yaoi.
Yeah, yaoi is for straight(?) females.
Yes and many female otakus who are lesbian/into women love ecchi, even if it's male oriented. Many women who draw het erotica tend to focus on the details of the female body rather than the guys'. I don't think that's any different. Also, straight women love bara too these days, probably equally to gay men. Just look at the golden kamuy and jjk fanbase.
Let's start banning everyone who mentions stuff that isn't yuri
I could barely get through the first episode of that anime because the characters just talk and talk and talk and talk without any moments of silence whatsoever even between characters.
How the hell did you handle 7 episodes of that?
This post isn't yuri.
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>the western threads, Chainsaw Man, Hibikek, Lycoreco, Arknights, Pokemon, Girls Frontline, Evangelion, Youjo Senki, and other threads gone
All of those threads are fine for what they are, I'm talking about stuff like this >4211967 , completely useless information, ywnbj btw
More than half of the board would be gone and the only person who would miss it is the autistic mentally ill and words we can't say that keeps bumping those threads by himself
Why would a yuri anime thread be gone?
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Not entering the question if this is yuri or not, most waifufag shit has similar pictures with girls together with wedding dresses, it's not meant to say they are getting married with each other.
They're not gonna marry you.
It's not meant to say they are marrying anyone, it's just a pin up with wedding dresses.
That's not just a fan service poster. It's also part of an audio drama.
Some rando said on twitter that the bookstore on the sixth floor of Shibuya MODI put LycoReco manga in the yuri section.
>Majimaschizo exposing himself
>Some rando said on twitter
Still more legit than a random 4chan schizo with a personal vendetta against Lycoreco.
I got Chisato and Takina keychains in the yuri section of my manga, merch and other weeb sundries store so I'd believe it.

Yeah my daily keyring is car keys, house keys and a grotesque rat king of chains of yuri couples that I can swing like a cudgel or use as an impromptu knuckleduster.
/u/ is not your safe zone, people may like things that you don't, if you really knew those threads you would realize that basically none of them are similar to the other and you can even find people who have no faith in those series despite of being fans.
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There's photo evidence if you want to increase your shitposting potential.
Well yeah. If Takina was a boy, LycoReco would be seen as a het smash hit.
You guys think green manga could ever get away with a cover that's literally just a solid block of green and the name of the manga and volume number?
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And the fact that it's on the very top shelf sort of tells us that LR is the shining peak of yuri.
>most waifufag shit has similar pictures with girls together with wedding dresses

Actually that scenario is not that common in that way, but it exists, although what I see most in the waifugs material is showing the girls as "intimate" or even naked in a very close way.

The funny thing about the image I attached is that there may not have been any yuri intention in it, but the image has the Tag of "wife_and_wife_and_wife and the comments are positively yuri, although the anime supports that notion, so the context of the series gives context to these images.
In addition, being exactly the same, no one would complain about any of the weak points or doubt the relationship of the characters in the slightest.
They would definitely complain about the weak points, at least here.
Yep, exactly. There's this always annoying double standard where yuri is this elusive thing that has to be constantly proven while het is casually just the default.
Nah, it'd be an otome with a clear winner.
I don't think you should enter this argument because if Majima was a girl then this board perception would also been drastically different.
Sure. They did try to kill each other after all, exactly like in Kitakawa (the greatest yuri manga ever created btw).
>They did try to kill each other after all
But not before having a couple romantic scenes.
uh no, what? He gets shot out of a building in the finale. Meanwhile Chisataki move to Hawaii and live together.
Honestly if it wasn't so annoying and repetitive it'd be hilarious with how half-assedly he does it. Just bringing up LR in the most random ass threads just to goad people into a fight. And then you come here and yeah of course he's doing it in the general thread at the same time.
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What do lesbians do when this conundrum happens
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>the yuri section
When I visited Tokyo I mostly couldn't find yuri sections but there sure were a lot of BL sections
They're more of guidelines anyway.
This isn't about what in fact happens in the show, Chisato and Takina do not have romantic moments in the show but the point that was made was that if Takina was a guy no one would doubt they would be attracted to each other. The same goes if Majima was a girl, people in this board would be fighting over who is the OTP and you would have as many artwork between Chisato and Female Majima, while others would be talking about poly endings or calling it Chisato's harem and a certain user on /a/ would be fighting over how it's a crackship.
>and you would have as many artwork between Chisato and Female Majima
Majima was ugly, so probably not.
Yes, I'm sure they would have draw an ugly girl in a show where every girl is pretty
Erica's roommate-chan...
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The other DA girls are generally not as attractive. And I mean, one of them had was focused on Takina yet there's almost no fanart of them together.
All of those are cute, it's just Chisato and Takina that are draw like super models.
Nah not really. LR give everything to Chisato and Takina as a pair.
I need a PoV inner dialogue of a girl having both her nipples sucked, receiving oral, and receiving headpats. Asumi-chan should just go all out and book 4 women. I wanna see her perspective on the feeling.
Never mattered before.
No I mean like the entire show is centered on them living together and bonding, even in this theoretical universe it'd be a giga crackship since it'd be comparing hours of screentime together versus like 10 minutes of screentime together. It'd be like the equivalent of people who watch G-witch and ship Suletta with Nika for some reason. There would be virtually no OTP bickering.
Hell shipping would be strong even before they actually interacted.
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Green manga got me thinking.
Classical music is popular and also basically public domain so it's easy to class up a joint by having the brooding onee-sama hammer it out on a piano. But what are some contemporary popular music that have showed up or been referenced in yuri manga? Bonus points for being English or at least western songs.

Please don't just post green manga's spotify playlist.
All The Things She Said should get grandmothered in honestly
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>finally decide to read yuri is my job
>it's been purged off of all the websites like I've never seen a manga purged before
Wtf. Does this manga contain military secrets or something? Where can I read this? Volume one is pretty easy to find but now I need volume 2
It wasn't purged, just licensed, you can download all volumes on nyaa
Buy it you parasite
Are you the anon who said you dropped it because you thought it was just another CGDCT and was going to read it again?
>Takina was a guy no one would doubt they would be attracted to each other
>The same goes if Majima was a girl, people in this board would be fighting over who is the OTP and you would have as many artwork between Chisato and Female Majima, while others would be talking about poly endings or calling it Chisato's harem
Also true, but that’s only because many retards (especially polyfags and contrarians) don’t care about the actual relationship between the characters. They’d just see fMajima as another character to ship because it’s a girl now, basically becoming a yuri version (which is still superior, but still) of the retarded hetfags that currently ship Chisato with Majima.
>just licensed
Yeah I know, but I've never seen it so extensive
I'm so stupid, how could i forget Nyaa, I guess I don't really use it for manga much. I'll go do that
Depends, when did I say this? I THINK I dropped it like 2 year ago after reading one chapter. Although I haven't posted on /u/ in over a year. I doubt anyone remembers me but I used to use this general as a place to post my thoughts on manga I had read—even started attaching a username so I could reread my own posts in case I wanted to remember them
Do Japanese women really wear this fancy ass underwear all the time like they do in my moon drawings?
I remember you desu
Yes, but I am not saying shipping has to make sense, just that it's silly to complain there are two different standards when this board also does the same thing when it's convenient to do so.
Like yesterday or two days ago on the yuri general on /a/?
My point is that not everyone is hypocritical like that.
Okay.... maybe that was me. You're talking about that toxic yuri thread I made right. God I love toxic yuri
I am not talking about every single user, but I am pretty sure shipping here would be very divided.
It unfortunately would be. Plenty of past examples, especially from subtext shows that end inconclusively.
Didn't happen in Release the Spyce with the hot villainess so you are wrong.
There's no double standards in this case. Shipping Chisato with Majima (even a theoretical female version) would be crackshipping, but the yuri version would be okay to talk about here since this is the yuri board. The same doesn't apply for people crackshipping them currently because that's a hetero ship.
No and we have proof about that, like in WatOshi where Manaria has little to no people shipping her with Rae or even Claire, fuck even in WataYuri Goeido has no shippers at all be in with Nene, Sumika or Kanoko.
I KNEW I talked about this before.
>4 years ago
damn... I even see my post praising The Feelings We Must Endure because it's like the 7th yuri I had read. Where does the time go
You’re comparing subtext to maintext.
It doesn’t even have to be a villain specifically, just any third girl who logically would never end up with one of the 2.
All of those? Yuri.
I don't think you can compare with series where the girls feelings are explicit, those never have any shipping.
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I don't think your favorite series had any shipping or anyone even watching it Noighd kun
Ok, Release the Spyce has zero content shipping any of the girls with that blonde girl the same in PriPri where nobody ships that not-Indian girl with any of the supais.
Nobody shipped Yayaka and Conona nor I've ever seen anyone seriously shipping CocoaxSharo
Gochiusa has like 20 different ships, Maya and Megumi even stopped being shipped with each other for the twins
Sxarp isn’t a third girl, Chiya is. And there are people that ship Cocoa x Chiya
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>Cocoa x Chiya
They'd be the most fun couple ever.
To be fair, the writer went full retard with the latest two episodes. If they called Miyazawa to write it it could have been a good series.
And where is SharoxCocoa if not in the bottom of that list?
Chiya interacted a lot more with Cocoa compared with the two times that Majima talked with Chisato so no, you can't compare them at all.>>4212182
You don't seem to understand this isn't about screentime, if Majima was female she would have been shipped with Chisato even before they talked
By insane crackshippers, sure.
Just like people shipped Fine with Hibiki, right?
And we had a lot of hot female antagonists in several yuri-friendly series and that never happened before.
>People don't ship Ochako and Toga
And this is a series both of them like the same guy
>my post praising The Feelings We Must Endure
Have you recovered from your critically bad taste since then?
We're talking about yuri friendly anime, not about soft yaoi.
Shipping is retarded anywhere, as long the series is popular enough it will happen
>>You’re comparing subtext to maintext.

In Shipping matters there is no difference, people will proclaim a couple even with the official/canon couple being blatantly obvious or they will try to put together secondary characters without a couple between them.
There is no point in shipping set couples, this is why even if yuru yuri is maintext you have shipping
>snarky Kitakawa/Manio hater is a Majimaschizo
Honestly I'm not even surprised anymore. A lot of these self-proclaimed yuri gatekeepers have a history of exposing themselves as anti-yuri schizos in some shape or form.
No one cares about you and your boyfriend.
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>rat king of chains of yuri couples
Post it.
You're not my boyfriend, Majimaschizo.
How many lesbian holidays exist?
So far I have;
5/12 is Signalis Day
Dec 24th is Despair Day

That's all I know of, any more?
Honestly if this faggot actually genuinely believed a word he was saying he wouldn't just be emptying a gun into the crowd in the general thread like a craven.
June 25th is yuri day in Japan.
Or starting shit literally anywhere besides the actual LR thread, for that matter.
October is Kannazuki month.

I miss mitarouge...
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Least dangerous yuristacy
Yoru posted on Pixiv something so beautiful that it's hard to convey by words.
>soulless cashgrab doing epic marketing
Don't care, give me something with actual passion in it
5/14 is 鵼の日
I bet it looks subpar.
Isn't the fact that they kissed a sign that it's a passion project?
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What do we think of exhibitionism yuri? Could I make a thread?
You'll never make anyone happy like that.
What's the one yuri that only you seem to like?
Go for it, gal.
Zero. Because I know that this board is full of weirdos that there are bounded to be someone who likes the same degenerate shit as me.
I've been trying to shill Pastel Love in recent releases thread with no luck. Which is strange because similar series does get traction discussion-wise. I suppose it's because Pastel Love reads like a very readable MTL. Honestly if the translator got someone fluent in English to touch it up a bit, it wouldn't seem like an MTL at all.
Not in the 2022+2 year when they had plenty of time to be proven that yuri can sell...
Tragically I also like it. I've been enjoying Ratana Stasis's work and I was excited to read another Thai yuri work and I've been enjoying it so far
Pastel love is cute, but it's mostly yaya angst happening most of the time
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We love yaya angst here.
Huh? The yaya stuff wasn't really angsty at all, and it only lasted like what, 3-4 chapters? The yaya isn't even romantically interested in Millie, she just got upset that Millie stopped hanging out with her. She's even friendly with Zen.
I'd sacrifice /u/'s three most wished for adaptations for this to deliver.
Why jellyfishfags are so obnoxious?
You love to see it.
She always there though, even in last chapter MC made plans with her
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I can't say I would read that again nor do I think back on it as "good" but I still pretty much like the same type of story. If you told me "here's a manga with a bunch of bitches cheating on each other and being horrible" i'd read it
But it is good.
Stop trying to be "sophisticated" or whatever. Fun things are fun.
She should have raped that girl tho
That's a different manga. It's a detatched relationship is certified kino. The feelings we must endure is just kinda okay.
Are we talking about two different works? Zen made plans to study with Yuki and Reimy. Yuki likes Reimy, not Zen. The actual Yaya girl hasn't been seen for a few chapters now.
What even is so obnoxious?
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I'm not sure who is copying who's homework.
If both were in traditional animation, we would suffer from problems distinguishing contents of one series from the other.
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There's no heterosexual explanation for this one.
Learn English.
Imagine all the dry fluids they're exchanging like this.
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Isn't dry fluids a bit oxymoronic. But yeah it's basically an indirect scissoring.
>Search for the cover
>Instantly recognize it
I swear I'm not trying to start shit, but I specifically remember that this anthology, or the previous volume of it, caused a lot of shitposting over at LN thread 2 or 3 years ago. I remembered people just yelling het lover and bislut defender or something for like that, to which I just click off the thread until a janny started to clean everything up. I just want the truth. How bad was it? Or was it just overreaction?
adolescence, they did it before and they do it now.
It's just the usual bislutery anf super friendship, from what I recall a lot of authors never wrote "yuri" before and it was clear some of them were not so confortable with it.
Kyoani will find one.
Fluids become stains, and then they can become flakes when rubbed.
Reina's ass should be bigger than Kumiko's, doesn't it feel tight?
>Waifufagging on het pics
Basic couple balance, one has the boobs, the other one has the bootie.
If you think swapping swimsuit bottoms is just adolescence I gotta question what kind of adolescence you had. That's something established lesbian couples do.
I don't understand what is the point you are trying to make, it doesn't matter whatever trope they use in the anime, we know both of them are into guys and will never be into each other.
You are new to this series right?

S1 had more genuine things to consider herself "yuri", which staff with the following material will show the opposite and in addition to the fact that the idea that the series has of the "idea" of being together "symbolically" is superior to them actually being together.

I'm not saying it, it's what they themselves have said and done these years.
For the love of fuck, learn English. Your Google-translated garbage is fucking eye cancer.
Kumiko is gay.
Do me a favor and read the third line of the OP again.
They both have male love interests and are in a relationship with them. They're hetsluts from a hetshit series.

The het relationship she's in disagrees.
NTA but you forgot the
>Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.
Do me a favor and use your small brain you fucking retard, you are not posting non canon yuri fanart here you imbecile, you are posting an screenshot of an anime portraying two cock loving sluts that are not doing anything yuri related at all. The line in the OP is not an excuse to post random picturs of whatever anime you want because it has two or more girls on it you subhuman.
Clearly it's only here to draw attention, since people who care about yuri are talking about the series that do have yuri this season and are better.

Eupho is basically using the same pathetic tricks that the anime used in S1 to get attention.
Yeah, that doesn't sound very good just as I remembered... But nip slurped it up tho. The ratings on Amazon from what I can see was good and it even got itself a second volume. Why? How?? I was so surprised by the fact that it is the same anthology that I started to genuinely question myself if I was imagining things or anons were exaggerating about how bad it was.
That's called yuri goggling and is a time honored tradition. It seems like a bunch of newcuties forgot about it though...
There is no such thing as goggles when you already know the truth moron, there is as much googles in that pictures as there is in any screenshot of Chizuru from Rent a Girlfriend with other girls, hell I would even argue she has more chance of actually being interested in any girl than anyone from Hibike.
I don't know what actually happened in it but that sounds like the usual exaggeration by "mocking yuri" schizo.
It's not as bad as that anon made it look, most stories are fine though one could argue if some are yuri at all. Anthologies are usually carried by name, let's hope this time they picked people who are in fact interested in the subject.
It's definitely him, but to be fair to him, there is a line between this is outrageous and this is a waste of money, it does sound like it was the later
>Why? How?
People that doesn't care about yuri.
The authors called for this anthology are big names and all their fans got baited to buy it. Aizawa Sako sold 400k copies with the 3 volumes of the Joudzuka Hisui series alone. You can read reviews from people who bought it for the yuri and they aren't enthusiastic for sure.
>What if we made an anthology with a theme neither the authors or their readers care about
>Brillant, let's make it annual
Every sentence in this post is wrong.
How so?
It's just a troll. You don't really believe anyone posts anything related to a series where both girls are into guys and even have actual relationships with them in good faith, do you? Some people have been abusing the general for a while not to talk about yuri, but just about series with two girls in platonic relationships.
I dunno why you're acting like yuri goggles are this insane outrageous thing. Hibike has a relatively large community of yuri shippers.
But this post >>4212684 is 100% correct.
I dunno why you think anyone here is idiot, you could also post a hundred frames from Konosuba or Mushoku Tensei and claim "goggles", you are not posting yuri fanart or yuri doujins, you are outright posting pictures where everyone understand the context is that they don't have any attraction to each other.
>pictures where everyone understand the context is that they don't have any attraction to each other.
Most people here don't even know who those characters are. I certainly don't
For one, they're not in relationships with any boys. Kumiko can hardly be considered straight given her feelings for Asuka and her lac of interest in boys, and the series can't be remotely considered het when most of the pairings are yuri.
Reina's crush on Taki is just a juvenile crush because she's autistic, claiming that she's in relationship with him just reeks of not knowing the first thing about the series (either out of shitposting reasons or just being an ignorant fuck who bases his opinons on second-hand information on the internet).
See folks, this is what happens when you don't take your meds.
>Has a canon boyfriend
Doesn't count
>Loves a guy
Doesn't count
>Is friends with another girl
Totally counts
>her feelings for Asuka
Subtext feelings can never, ever win out against maintext actions.
>lack of interest in boys
She agreed to date shoe (maintext het action).
>juvenile crush because she's autistic
You can cope with it however you want, it is a maintext het crush regardless.
>claiming that she's in relationship with him
Sure, I’ll give you this one.

I don’t mind if you ship them, but your delusions of “Kumiko is gay” aren’t backed up by both the show you are watching and its source material. Subtext among side characters will never redeem this dogshit from the maintext het that has stained it from its novel days. Anyone complaining about Hibike posts (especially with Kumiko and Reina) has as much of a right to do so as when any other "goggles" pairing of straight girls is posted.
>Subtext feelings can never, ever win out against maintext actions.
They can when it's yuri subtext vs maintext het. You don't seem to like yuri very much if you want het to win so badly.
The entire idea behind yuri goggles is you put them on and perceive the world through a yuri favorable lens. Going on about how well it's not canon is insanely missing the point - if it was canon goggles wouldn't be required.
You can't put canon straight girls in relantionship with guys and canon no romantic interest in each other, idiots like you read the "third line in OP" and confuse non canon with non yuri.
Only in your retarded fantasy world, this board isn't part of your pathetic win or lose game, here we don't pictures of girls kissingn after a blowjob, which is basically what Hibike is.
>>Has a canon boyfriend
>She agreed to date shoe
I don't think they're dating right now (I haven't watched the movie because I heard it's boring). If they're dating then they're the most distant couple I've ever seen. They haven't had a single intimate moment between each other while Kumiko keeps getting giddy at spending time with Reina. Even her after-graduation dilemma seems to revolve about Reina while Shoe1 never seems to cross her mind.

>You can cope with it however you want, it is a maintext het crush regardless.
It's a hopeless crush that will never be requited so it matters even less.

>Subtext among side characters will never redeem this dogshit from the maintext het
The het is barely there while the yuri got an entire movie.

>Anyone complaining about Hibike posts (especially with Kumiko and Reina) has as much of a right to do so as when any other "goggles" pairing of straight girls is posted.
So none, because that's kinda what this thread, nay, this entire board is for. Your insistence on what belongs her or not shows a tremendous ignorance of board tradition, I doubt you've been here more than a year or two (you certainly weren't here the last time we had a Hibike thread in 2021).
>Board culture
>Board tradition
Red flag always used to justify
>Gender Bender
>They can when it's yuri subtext vs maintext het
They can’t. Whatever subtext you’re assuming exists doesn’t when the character’s conscious, deliberate decisions directly contradict the subtextual feelings you assume the character has. Do Kumiko and Reina act too close for just friends? Maybe, but in the end they are in fact just close friends because of the contradictory nature of their thoughts/actions (which directly show/reflect their feelings) with the subtext feelings you are claiming they have.

Anyway, I like yuri enough to cut my losses and not touch het-stained filth like Hibike. Clearly you enjoy watching and discussing this garbage over actual yuri works, of which there are certainly hundreds you haven’t read.
Genderswap is fine and within the rules, no need to be a bitch about it.
It's weird that you immediately go there, not gonna lie.
Genderswap is not the same thing as gender bender, gender swap is an alternate female version of the character, not the male character taking over the corpse of a woman or mutating their body to look like one.
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I don't care. Kumiko and Reina make a cute couple with great chemistry, so I will always support them over het with a non-character.
It's the same thing, you just don't like the comparison because you have no way to srgue in favor of it.
It's one of the red flags for /a/ tourists. They always pull the "FFM" card as bad faith comparison for their rulesharking.
Cool story bro
Oh Hibike is just regular FM, there is no FFM and neither FF
Can you give an example of something that's not canon but still yuri and thus okay to discuss here?
>then they're the most distant couple I've ever seen. They haven't had a single intimate moment between each other while Kumiko keeps getting giddy at spending time with Reina. Even her after-graduation dilemma seems to revolve about Reina while Shoe1 never seems to cross her mind.
Then why did she date him and not Reina?
>It's a hopeless crush that will never be requited so it matters even less.
Het gets a canon crush, yuri gets nothing. If she was as close to Kumiko as you claim why wouldn’t she be crushing on her instead?
>The het is barely there while the yuri got an entire movie.
Liz and the Blue Bird? Sure I can give you that one because at least they’re entirely different characters not ruined by het.
You are allowed to post them, and I am allowed to complain about the series being hetshit garbage and the main duo canonically only showing interest in males.
Feel free to do so, just don’t get so defensive when people point out the truth to you, because the ‘subtext’ you assume contradicts the actual contents of the story and the thoughts/actions of the characters.
I shipped Kumiko and Asuka, but we can't have nice things.
Yuri Artwork or doujins of het series
Soo...if someone made a yuri Hibike doujin it'd be okay to post and talk about? And yet sharing cute KumoRena moments from the show isn't?
The show is canon het, any cute picture of those characters is part of a het context that cannot be separate from it, doujins are inherently headcanon and separate from the original.
director/author think otherwise, that's where the problems begin.

>Liz and the Blue Bird? Sure I can give you that one because at least they’re entirely different characters not ruined by het.

that movie has its own problems (not yuri) it is not a movie about the "couple" or their relationship, it is a movie about why the two of them cannot be together and that it is good that they are separated, because your happiness is worth it less compared to what other people think is best for you.

literally any series that is subtext and does not force het in one way or another.

Yuru Camp this season for example, better and more yuri than eupho will ever be.
Yuru Camp is canonically yuri.
This is something that retards who crackship het girls will never acknowledge. Why would they act in a way that is antithetical to how they feel?
Could it just be a story that throws out common sense, basic causality, and logic? Or is it a simpler case of those feelings just not existing in the first place?
If someone were to continue shipping them while admitting the above is true then I have no issues. We all have ships we wanted to sail that never did, it happens. But unfortunately most of them choose to deny the above and remain delusional.
That seems bizarre, can't you just interpret anon's posts as headcanon? You're telling me if someone took those same KumoRena screenshots, traced over them and made that into a doujin you'd be completely fine with it, yet the raw screenshots are no good? That's weird and seems like more of a you issue.
>that movie has its own problems (not yuri) it is not a movie about the "couple" or their relationship, it is a movie about why the two of them cannot be together and that it is good that they are separated, because your happiness is worth it less compared to what other people think is best for you.
I never claimed it was good or anything. But see, just by the virtue of not having het I can still see subtext existing there, because there is no contradiction between the character’s relationships and the subtext.
The problem is that those screenshots that started the problem are not even yuri, they only show the general problem of the bait, sexually loaded with "yuri" but irrelevant in the end because the het route is the true one.
There is no yuri in those screenshots you imbecile, this board isn't also to post random pictures of two girls who are not even touching or not even looking at each other.
But why would someone who's okay with yuri doujins of het series getting posted care about which route is true? That's just selectively picking and choosing what you care about canonicity.
The implication from their outfits is they're close enough to swap clothes even when it's rather intimate and personal like swimsuit bottoms. That's yuri. You might not like it, but it is.
The problem is that there is contradiction in the relationship, this time not based on het, but based on forcing the notion that they cannot be together because the movie says they can't, even using the story of the bird as terrible parallel in the main relationship, although the movie justifies itself a little better than the "story", where the moral makes no sense.
>If you ignore the fact the willing decided their subtext relationship should never be more and just moved on from each other
Because doujins may ignore the series canon, it's actually the main reason the first doujins were made
Yes, but there is no genuine yuri there, just a pathetic attempt to stay relevant, while other series in this same season do it better and in a truly yuri way.
Yuri is about having romantic feelings for each other, I am not interest in your insane headcanon about cloth swapping that is common in het shoujo and even romcoms.
I haven’t even watched it but I can come up with some tragic “separated by fate” crap from whatever I’m reading here
Yet again, not saying it’s good, but there’s more potential than the her main duo of the show.
>willingly decided, moved on from each other
…Unless this actually happened of course, at which point it’s just flat out garbage to the point where I can’t think of a convincing subtext plotline to justify it.
>your happiness is worth it less compared to what other people think is best for you
That's the most anti-yuri shit I've seen in a while.
If a show had two boys swapping underwear it'd be used as yaoi fuel for years and years. Why can't it be the same with yuri?
I only mentioned that Yuru Camp was doing a better job than Eupho, both series share a curious parallel:

>a promising first season.
>a disappointing second season, which made the intentions of these people clear.
>a movie that doesn't help the series at all.
>a third season that is there.

although Yuru Camp has the advantage of not being het or forcing its relevance.
Because those two are in a canonical explicit romantic relationship with males. Context is important
I would say there are 2 types: ignore, and build on. The latter applies to stories that have ended and a post-ending scenario is described by the doujin.
>if Hindus found cow shit on the floor they’d worship it and eat it, why can’t we do the same with our religion?
You're not doing a very good job of convincing me you're actually familiar with the series outside of buzzwords. But anyway, I'm pretty sure fujoshi would still ship boys like that even if they had girlfriends.
Because yaoi is not yuri and men are not women, men sexuality is most of the time not judged by him actually being interested in boys but in a derogatory way for "acting like a faggot".

Fujos? Most fujos hate faga and just want to see straight boys fucking, they hate the idea of guys in actual homosexual relationships.
I know enough of the series to know it doesn't belong here.
That's my problem with the movie.

>>I can come up with some tragic “separated by fate” crap from whatever I’m reading here

What happens is there is no such thing as a tragic separation or due to tragic circumstances, the separation happens because that is what the people who made the movie want, it is 2 hours of justifying a separation and telling you why them being together is something bad, only for one of them.

Could the separation not be permanent? It's a possibility, but the movie does a terrible job overall of really caring, it would have been better to just stick with the arc they already had in S2 and save 2 hours of indoctrination.
I already deleted it from my to-watch list after your first comment but holy shit does that sound like ass.
On what basis were people calling it yuri then? Just Hibiketard delusions?
She's not dating him though?
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>actually believing the words of a retarded ESL with zero media literacy
That’s why I said “why did she date him” instead of “why is she dating him”.
Mind actually addressing the things I said instead of flexing your lack of reading comprehension and arguing semantics bullshit?
I’m more inclined to believe literally anyone over dishonest Hibike shills.
Learn to recognise the machine-translated retarded and to ignore his posts. Not only does he have no idea what he's typing and reading (since he doesn't actually know English), he probably watched the movie with equally machine-translated subs, so anything he has to say about it is worthless.
No such separation happens in the movie, claiming that the story is about them going their separate ways is such a amazingly retarded take that it could only come from a third-worlder with room-temperature IQ.
Yeah, go see where that gets you.
>Because those two are in a canonical explicit romantic relationship with males
They aren't.
It’s trial and error, and Hibikefags have lied enough for me to not bother
Not becoming one of the most mocked anons on /a/ and /u/?
Not watching explicit hetshit.

So Kumiko didn't date Shoe and Reina isn't in a (possibly hopeless, but definitely explicit) crush on her male teacher?
Basically yes, for that reason I mentioned earlier that this fandom is basically a cult of the brand (Kyonai) in a similar way with Apple or another company that you may be blindly devoted to.

Although you could watch and judge for yourself (and suffer along with us), it's also so inconsequential that it feels like 30 minutes of nothing.

In contrast, the "Revue Starlight" movie does not force separation, but has the girls following their paths, without denying the possibility of getting back together (on the contrary) and even ends with the reunion of the protagonists.

That's the difference between being yuri and being pretentious.
They dated then broke up then dated again then broke up again then dated again then... but it's totally yuri inbetween
Reminder that Reina swore at Taki's wife's grave, but I forgot exactly what she said, but I know it was an unpleasant scene.
Revue narrative is about them separating to get better for each other, not that being with each other is bad for them.
It's worse than that, Kumiko and Shoe agree to take some time in their irrelevant relationship, until they are less stressed or something.
No anon you didn't got the symbolism of the hair clip!

This is sarcasm btw.
Exactly, that's why the bird movie has no excuse to ruin a couple with real possibilities and celebrate it as something good for one of them (not even both of them).
Don't bother with ESL retard, he doesn't understand a word you're saying.
I am pretty sure he does since he knows english better than I do seu americano viado de merda
I meant listening to retards who don't even speak English. This Sakifag has some of the worst fucking takes on this board, and that's saying something.
Ops meant to >>4212903 I was too happy to talk in an actual decent language
Are you going to start talking about how he only posts the same images and has some obscure code again lol
I'd rather listen to the ESL speaking truth over William Shakespeare spewing lies.
I recognise your bullshit too.

He posted one of those not long ago.

Enjoy becoming a retarded subhuman like him then.
I hope you are aware there’s a third option and nobody is stuck between listening to a group consisting solely of liars and a group consisting solely of retards
>So Kumiko didn't date Shoe
Not that I remember. They certainly don't seem to have.

>Reina isn't in a (possibly hopeless, but definitely explicit) crush on her male teacher?
That's not a relationship.
Yes anon, go ahead, lose time of your life watching friends breaking up because when girls like each other too much it's toxic and bad for them.
Maybe you will trust it from the Hibike fandom then
>In the novel, Kumiko and Shuuichi are dating.

At the start of Hibike! Euphonium Movie 3: Chikai no Finale, Shuuchi confesses to Kumiko and they started dating. They nearly kissed during the summer festival to which Kumiko interrupts the moment as she became embarrassed. Later in the training camp for the upcoming regional competition, Kumiko decides to break up with Shuuichi by giving a hair clip shaped like a white flower given by Shuuichi as she is overwhelmed thinking about her future. However, she mentions to him that she is willing to date him again after their club activities is finished next year.
What does that make you, who shills hetshit on /u/?
To think that people have the gall to shill this shit as yuri…
I don't give a shit about what you think, I just want people to stop replying to that subhuman so he finally leaves and stops shitting up the board with his broken English.
>I already deleted it from my to-watch list
Anyone who types something like this is 100% bullshitting.
It's sad to read this and see people trying to argue Liz and Blue Bird is yuri, the author herself makes pretty clear the difference between romance and friendship with the two series, for Kumiko and whocareswho is "I need to focus on myself so we will try again later" and the other is "We can't be together, we are not even dating but there is no saving this relationship".
I will make sure to always talk to him, I would pay him to post if I could.
So basically you're proud of being a shitposter and enabling other shitposters to keep shitposting. Glad we've established what you're really here for.
I am here for yuri, you are here to claim about ESL (even though 95% of this board is latinos).
I'd rather have broken English over hetshit on this board.
So basically they're not dating, not sure what the big deal is then.

Given that her relationship with Reina is set to be lifelong, I'd say yeah, it's yuri. It's obvious who Kumiko really cares about.
The Olympics is in two months, but I'd say you've already won the gold medal in mental gymnastics.
Dynasty is full of insufferable cunts, Twitter has too many of those folks, Reddit is just no, /u/ has been nothing but retards trolling nonstop... Honestly MD is looking okay by comparison.
>see their reaction to the newest SasaKoi chapter
They're just as bad as Dynasty if not the same exact people. How can people be surprised by this when Miki acted the exact same way towards Aki that Hima did towards Yori?
I can't trust this anon because he is screeching like that "maleshit"fag.
I couldn't care less if a man appeared for a nanosecond...
Could someone sane, who is not afraid of men, write a better review?
They appear for a lot longer than "a nanosecond".
Will preface this by saying I hate hibike but kinda like Liz and the Blue Bird.
Am I completely missing something in Liz or are retards here being retarded just because of their hate for the main series of Hibike? As far as I remember, Liz is the exact opposite of how people here are portraying it. The two girls realize that the basis of their relationship being tied to the music that they have different levels of investment in is unhealthy, but that, despite this, and despite Nozomi affirming her decision to move away from music and go to a different university than Mizore, the two girls' relationship will survive, as throughout the movie it evolves to being based on their genuine love and understanding for each other instead of just that musical relation that had been deteriorating and causing them problems at the start. We literally see this at the end of the movie, where, despite fully deciding to move apart from each other in terms of what careers they're pursuing, they both reaffirm their love for each other as they've now realized they don't need to both be enrolled in the same school and both be pursuing music in order to maintain their relationship. So instead of it being how people here portray it, that it somehow says the two of them should break apart and that that's good, it's the opposite in that their relationship is shown to grow to be more than just their surface level involvement in music.
So again, did I miss something or are the Liz haters just genuinely insanely media illiterate?
>Post better
>Who? Meeeee?
I don't care. Write a better review without bias if you read it.
>are the Liz haters just genuinely insanely media illiterate?
This. He/They have been trolling nonstop about this for days. Just ignore it.
They don't have a relationship anymore anon, this is classic "I will name my daughter after you" move, which is also the ending people fear Gochiusa may have.
Why though? Where is it ever once said in the movie that they don't have a relationship anymore?
The main question in the movie, as a lot of illiterate retards seem to think, isn't "Are they going to quit playing music together and go to different schools" with the movie reaffirming this and saying that they should seperate. Only a 5 year old would think this. This is instead the basis, objective moving force of the store, with the actual questions a step further: "Despite no longer playing music together, can their feelings for each other and relationship still exist?" And the answer, given the ending, is very obviously "yes".
They aren't physically separating all that much, as there's no mention of them going to schools on opposite ends of Japan, so they can still very much be together physically.
They certainly aren't emotionally separating, as the entire movie is about their emotional connection growing stronger and being reaffirmed in the ending two scenes.
Either provide me with an exact time stamp near the end of the movie showing their relationship no longer existing or I won't bother replying.
Really? All of this over Shitbike?
What do you think the blue bird parallel means anon? When you release
a bird from a cage does it comes back to you after a while? It's a movie about letting go, not about we will call and message each other every hour
Humans are not birds. Misore literally cannot live without Nozomi by her side.
And yet she's made explicit her desire to separate.
Do you know what a metaphor is?
Mizore let's go of Nozomi in the sense that she no longer has a fucking mental breakdown at the idea of not playing music with her. Nozomi is free to go and do something else in life. Again, please point me to exactly which part of the movie it explicitly states that this metaphor relates to their relationship as a whole (which it very obviously doesn't given the final two scenes of the movie) and not just their prior dependence on music to keep their relationship going.
We call this codependence not love and this is the lesson of the movie, they both understand as they grow and learn new things what they have will not survive as it naturally won't, because their aim is not to be romantic partners with each other.
I don't think do, since you clearly believes they are sad because they are going to be away from each other for 5 minutes.
You're so close I'm convinced you have to be doing this intentionally. Yes, they were unhealthily codependent on each other, with a relationship entirely based on playing music with each other that would seemingly fall apart the second they stopped, causing both of them to break down mentally. And this happens. It does. Yet, if you had eyes, you would see that this doesn't happen at the end of the movie, in fact, it happens around thirty minutes earlier. They have this problem halfway through the movie, and guess what? The movie doesn't end there. They don't just mentally break down over their different career paths and cut off contact with each other. They talk to each other, and reaffirm that they still love each other and can still be together despite these differences because their relationship is more than that unhealthy co dependence. Did you just not watch the second half of the movie?
I'm convinced that people that don't like Liz are either genuinely retarded or just hate yuri (this is the same thing).
I'm done replying to you. You have the literacy skills of a five year old yet masterfully evade ever addressing anything I say. For the sake of your bloodline I hope you're trolling.
Kill yourself and goodbye.
Ok anon, goodbye, leave with your headcanon no one else in the internet had and everyone unanimous agreed the sentiment of the film is about separation.
>They talk to each other, and reaffirm that they still love each other and can still be together
That's not what happens. What the hell are you talking about?
I would call it headcanon, but frankly it seems more like an idealization or romanticization of a really bad movie, I wonder if it's the same logic that people like Ericow use to pretend that there is yuri where there is nothing.
OK, I wasn't going to do this because I don't like breaking people's spirits, I just dislike this snob attitude of film enthusiasm trying to portray a movie that didn't happen because they have their own bias.

The director basically outright answers the gay question, he understands some people thought it was gay but he never inteded for it to be gay, it's just the girls being dramatic over normal adolescence, he even goes further and basically confirms they won't be together in the future, though he doesn't say if they would be with guys or girls.

>When you were in GLASGOW in 2017, you said that A Silent Voice involved romantic love, but the love story was not the most important element. Would you say that Liz and the Blue Bird is more of a love story, and would you be happy to describe it as a gay love story where at least one of the girls, Mizore, is gay?

>Yamada: On Liz and the Blue Bird, as well as Tamako Love Story, a lot of people read into that as a gay love story, as you have mentioned. But that wasn't so much the intention. Just to explain a bit more, it wasn't so much the representation of one sexual orientation, but it was a representation of adolescence, what the characters tend to go through at that time. During those years of our lives, everything seems intensified, whether it be friendships, or the reliance on a certain person, or the dependency…. Because of the limitations of the worlds that the characters live in as well. I just wanted to describe how complex living your teenage years could be, and what they tend to go through.

>So it wasn't a simple depiction of, “Yes, they're gay and this is their love story,” because I can't comment on what kind of person they would fall in love with in the future, or who they will become. It's a portrayal of what they were at the time. The answer is, it is quite complicated.

Can we move on from this one now?
The director is Naoko Yamada.
Just to check real quick if the director was like yes they love each other you'd agree it'd be yuri right
>Yamada's answer
That's a lot of words to say nothing.
Did Yamada also direct Tamako Love Story? If so, we know what she thinks of yuri, and it's all the bad things.
>he even goes further and basically confirms they won't be together in the future
That's not what it says at all. This reading is either purposefully retarded or ill-willed.
Of course they won't admit this, because if they did this would be admitting that they have no critical thinking skills of their own and need to be told by someone else what to think. You can even see in the quote he linked (and in the entire interview, Ive read it) it never once confirms that the two girls won't be together in the future, or that the movie is about the two of them separating, yet people will use this interview and others to "confirm" their interpretation that that's true, despite it never once even being hinted at.
I think Yamada also tried to destroy the yuri in the K-on movie too (I'm not 100% sure)
NTA but the fact that she talked about Tamako out of nowhere gives more credit to the "thls is just adolescense" theory.
Yes, unless it was something contradictory with the word itself, like saying a movie about a guy dating a girl is yuri because the guy is very effeminated, but there is no point in fighting over the author words, the last time some anons here tried to do this it didn't work well for them.

Yes, she specifically said she can't tell who they would be together in the future to the answer if they are gay and this is their love story, meanwhile the she literally emphasizes how the whole movie is just phase for them and they are going to become very different people.

Uh huh, now the director opinion about her own film also doesn't count, at this point you are just being stubborn.
Of course she did, she is the director of Tamako Market movie.
It's not even a theory, it's completely and absolutely intentional, the only thing that's certain is that it's not the gay romance that everyone longs for, it's about drama queens.
>trying to portray a movie that didn't happen because they have their own bias.
Which is exactly what you and mr. beaner are you doing.

>The director basically outright answers the gay question
She doesn't, she just says it was not the point of the movie.

Tamako Love Story had a subplot about a lesbian with an unrequited love for a straight girl, the theme of "this is just adolescence" doesn't factor into that at all, so this is just you projecting because of the use of the word adolescence.
But they weren't talking about Tamako Market. Do you even know what is the issue that /u/ has with that franchise?
>>Yamada: On Liz and the Blue Bird, as well as Tamako Love Story...
>But that wasn't so much the intention
Sure anon, whatever makes you sleep better at night.
>now the director opinion about her own film also doesn't count
It's still just an opinion. She made the film but we are the ones who watched it.
It wasn't the intention but sure as hell came out that way. Intentions don't matter much in comparison to results.
You know we can all see the quote you linked, right? Yes, this movie portrays a phase of their life, their adolescence. Where though, does it say that Mizori and Nozomi's relationship is completely stuck in this phase, and unable to survive past it? Of course, it doesn't confirm it, but it's fiction. If you choose to head cannon that the two of them are going to grow older and get with men foir some reason despite no reason to ever believe this, then you're a hetshitter. And where exactly does it say that they definitely aren't gay? Yes, the intention wasn't to make a movie with "a simple depiction of, 'Yes, they're gay and this is their love story'”" but nowhere does it ever suggest that romantic feelings between girls can't exist or that they only exist during adolescence, only that the movie focus on adolescence as a whole, not just gay love.

No one is arguing that the movie is explicitly romantic. Of course it isn't. The point is that many people massively misinterpret it to try to explain why nothing romantic can exist between Nozomi and Mizore, despite this "evidence" not existing. The interviews with the director don't add anything to the discussion, they're just something for you to jerk off over and pretend you've done something.
and she decides what this movie is and everything it means or tries to project to the public.

There is no contradiction in their opinions and actions.
The anon is questioning why she brought Tamako Market together, because she is basically saying she was writting about the same theme in both movies and some people misinterpreted it as a gay romance when she is just writting common coming of age stories.
The interviewer didn't ask about Tamako.
Yamada is similar to J. K. Rowling, she answers things that you didn't ask and that you had no interest in knowing.
Yet every single opinion here that was in line with the own director was also dismissed here, some anons even wrote wall of texts with deep analysis of the movie and turns out it was just their own bias.

Anon, she was literally asked the gay question and every single answer she said in no way indicated they had any romantic feelings between each other, you are just upset because she is basically saying she can't be responsible for headcanons.
>she specifically said she can't tell who they would be together in the future to the answer if they are gay and this is their love story
Which in no way excludes them ending up together.

>she literally emphasizes how the whole movie is just phase for them and they are going to become very different people.
All stories are phases in the characters' lifes, but using that to imply that she's saying they'll grow out of their relationship is dumb at best and bad-faith at worst.
Everything J.K Rowling says is pretty much spot on, thankfully her own people have started realizing the truth about what she has been saying all along, she was absolute right and she should be made queen.
NTA but Tamako Love story was a very badly executed excuse to sink the ship between Tamako and Midori because in the anime Midori ended having a much bigger chance to win than Tamako's plain male love interest so the fact that the director mentioned Tamako out of nowhere it is a very, very big red flag.
That's all well and good, but no intention of a story survives first contact with the audience. Stories are brought to life when audiences experience them, and if so many people saw something gay in it, then that's probably what there was, authorial intente be damned.
Even the pants-shitting stuff?
She is literally saying they are both giving more importance to the relationship they have because of their age, which is basically saying there is nothing special there, at this point you literally are arguing they have as much chance of being with each other as they have with other 5 billion guys or girls in the whole world.
Especially about the pants shitting stuff, hell I am pretty sure Google's CEO does it too
I'm going to ask again since you dodged the question the first time. I've asked this question 100 times and it's been avoided all 100. Hoping I get an answer this time.

I am not saying that this movie is explicitly romantic. All I am saying is that the ending of the movie, and the purpose of the movie, is not to depict that these two girls need to completely separate and stop their relationship because it's bad for them. Where is this ever depicted? This, again, is the opposite of the point of the movie. None of this interviews or discussions or analysis are relevant at all to this question, only to the debate over exactly how romantic the movie is, which isn't the point.

Where, in this interview or the movie, does it ever suggest that the point of the movie is that Nozomi and Mizomi need to seperate and break off their relationship, and that this is somehow a good thing? Because this is what people earlier in the thread were shitting on the movie for, and what I'm pushing against.
Worked great for the anons who perceived Gridman as gay.
That reminds me of the case of American Psycho, when someone comes out with their own interpretation of the movie/book, the director, author and actor, are going to crucify you for even thinking of a vision that differs from their intention (seriously).
There's a total of 4/179 pages of yuri fanart of Gridman. It doesn't seem to have gained much support.
I love it when facts end up winning over delusions, it's not hard to see either.
>I love it when het wins over yuri
You didn't have to tell us you are an /a/ troll this loudly and clear.
You already got your answer, you just don't like it, even the director told you the same thing, their relationship is just a phase in their lives, it was a stepping stone for who they will really become, there is absolute no reason to not see their separation as definitive, not to say they will never meet or talk again, but they won't be together again, the whole point like the director herself said, they will grow into different people and whatever argument you were making about their feelings and blablabla is just not important because it's just an illusion of adolescence.

The director could easily have answered this with, they will grow but their feelings for each other will remain, but she didn't and there is nothing you can do about this.
Yet there must be a total of billion of posts of anons here and on /a/ saying it was totally yuri, the producer or who you know who said whatever and anyone who disagrees is a hater and is just a hetfags coming here to troll.

There was never any victory or defeat at play, which is something you retards don't get, the fantasies you make in your head have nothing to do with yuri
>confirms they won't be together in the future
Where exactly was this mentioned?
If you don't understand a line of text, you can't be expected to understand a movie or a franchise.
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Hey Paul!

Pauline? Reservation at Lesbian Dorsia?
>The director basically outright answers
Don't care
>Can we move on from this one now?
Yet again, completely dodging the point while providing none of this supposed "evidence". Where in the interview does it ever say that the relationship is just a phase in their lives? Where? Please tell me, because I'm looking and can't find. All I'm seeing is that this movie is a depiction of a phase of their lives, and absolutely nothing to suggest that what this means is that the second they leave that phase that the relationship they just rebuilt (the rebuilding of this relationship being a major plot development throughout the entire movie) is going to magically fall apart. Why does this being a phase of their lives or a depiction of adolescence mean that they can't grow up and be together? Again, the movie does not end with them seperating, only reaffirming their feelings for each other despite going on different paths musically. All I'm seeing in these "answers" are hetshitters trying their best to completely miss the point. How could you ever come away with this interpretation unless you're just desperate for yuri to lose?
This is another bad-faith take that goes beyond retarded. What she's saying is that they're teenagers so everything feels more severe and definitive than it really is. That's what adolescence means, it's the short-sightedness of teenage born from fear of growing up.
Misore is afraid that she will lose Nozomi forever if she goes to a different school because she has no other friends. The most likely outcome would then be that upon growing up she will realise it's not the end of their relationship and that she can see her whenever she wants, but claiming that there's nothing special in their relationship when Nozomiis the most important person for her is being willfully retarded.
There is no contradiction between the director's words and what is seen in the film.

It reminds me of how Akanesasu Shoujo, Re: stage and Saki are officially yuri and there is no contradiction either.
To add onto this, why do you think the second half of the movie shows them overcoming their breakdowns over going separate paths musically through reaffirming their feelings to each other verbally? Why would the movie do this, spend the second half of it's runtime salvaging their relationship, if it's trying to say they should separate, and that this will be definitive. Again, don't refer back to the interview, because it doesn't help your case here.
>there must be a total of billion of posts of anons here and on /a/ saying it was totally yuri
ACK might have the autism of billions but he's only one guy. I also suspect that a lot of those yuri posts in those kinds of threads are made by non-yurifags who want to see yurifags lose in it the end, but maybe I'm being overly generous to the amount of retarded yuri fans out there.
Fun fact, this "they will separate forever" troll also said the same thing about Revue Starlight.
>There is no contradiction between the director's words and what is seen in the film.
That's right, because neither deconfirms Nozomi and Misore being gay.

It's so plainly obvious it's the same guy when he always the uses the exact same phrasing and arguments for both.
Is the argument we're making now really that people defending a movie showing a growing and deepening relationship between two girls without even a single mention of males in it are somehow the hetshitters? Why are so many of you retards here when you clearly don't like yuri?
It is not the same, the way of writing is completely different, another big difference is that Revue Starlight does well what the other movie does poorly.
I don't care about director's words.
I didn't care about what Bandai said about gwitch first and didn't care about what director said after that.
I don't care what Yuniko said.
I don't care about Yamada.
I. Don't. Care.
Why do you?
>another big difference is that Revue Starlight does well what the other movie does poorly.
>X is not yuri!
>but it is?
>I-it's baaad
Easy goalpost move. Bad yuri is yuri
You are just upset because you keep looking at yuri as a winning or losing game, when the rest of us just look at yuri as something it's either relevant to discuss or not, we don't get the slightest upset when franchises that are not trying to be yuri are in fact not yuri at all.

>everything seems intensified
Sorry anons, but she is literally saying there was nothing out of the usual here, they didn't have romantic feelings for each other, I don't have to provide evidence to you why two girls who were not romantic interested in each other won't get together in the future, it's self explanatory.

Again, the director could easily have said they are gay for each other, she didn't, could easily have said they will get together in the future, she didn't, could easily have said regardless of adolescence their feelings for each other will never change and she didn't.
This post is somehow even worse than all the hundred others we've had today, an impressive achievement that could only come from an illiterate third-worlder.
Stop mixing things to pretend to be right, things don't work that way, also consider that in the future some people's ideas will disappear and only the facts will remain, history will tell who is right in the end.
>anons: this is het
>director: this is het
>staff: this is het
You: I don't care
>what is shown: het
You: how could this happen to me?
I never watched Hibikek and never will since it's not yuri, but why do some retards think growing out of dependency means a relationship will end forever?
>I don't care about Yamada
We are talking about the director that made Azusa act like Yui was a rapisf to sink their ship, and the one that made a entire movie to sink the Tamako Marlet ship, what's next saying that Amanchu is yuri?
Shitposters need an excuse to shit on Blue Bird, and this is the best they have.
You can bet your ass they wouldn't be thinking the same if either of them was a boy.
>>what is shown: het
>a growing and deepening relationship between two girls
The entire point of the movie is getting them to separate.
Dodged the question again. Didn't even try to bother mentioning it this time. I'll ask one final time before I just give up and assume this board is full of hetshitters.

How is Liz and the Blue Bird making the argument that Nozomi and Mizore should separate and break apart their relationship? This is what was being used here to shit on the movie. Despite supposedly doing this, the movie oddly enough ends with the two of them... guess what? Still friends, and with a deeper emotional bond than before. The entire second half of the movie is them growing even closer than ever before. The movie is them growing out of the extreme dependency and emotional whirlwind of their adolescence, and part of this, as seen by them explicitly and verbally reaffirming their feelings for each other at the end, is the fact that they're growing out of the unhealthy basis of their relationship and forming it into a more adult-like, mature, and healthy one. This doesn't mean it's yuri, or that they're going to be fucking off screen. What it does mean is that the plot of the movie is objectively not trying to depict them going into the future with their relationship broken off, and instead, having overcome adolescence, are going into the future with a new, more firm relationship, Why would half of the plot points in the movie even happen if this wasn't the case? I'm still waiting for a single actual argument that addresses anything I've said here and not just some vague posting about how "yuri" the movie is.
Oh yes, /a/ would have a field day with the new cuck of the week.
>absolutely nothing to suggest that what this means is that the second they leave that phase that the relationship they just rebuilt is going to magically fall apart
The relationship IS the phase.
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>This doesn't mean it's yuri
Good. We agree. It doesn't belong here, then.
Ahh I see, we're watching a different movie! I must've missed the part near the end where, despite affirming that they're going to different schools, Mizore still makes her feelings for Nozomi clear, and Nozomi at least partially reciprocates this and stays friends with her. I must've watched some other movie where they are still literally together at the end of the movie with the only difference being a deeper emotional connection and going to different universities, as though doing so somehow means they're relationship is over. I mean, I guess it would be if they were like twelve years old and moving to different countries, but they're eighteen, and just going to different schools that could literally be a five minute walk from each other for all we know.
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I think you jumped the gun on my post there. I was only talking about Gridman, not any other series.

>you clearly don't like yuri
Actually, my stance on yuri is probably one of the least controversial ones in the entire thread. I think that people should be allowed to have different opinions on what they think as a yuri (within reason - the girls can't be into guys by the end). If people disagree with me on if something is yuri, that's okay. We're not going to agree on everything, so why fight on every detail?
>no argument
I mean, if you watch the movie where two girl's relationship deepens, they confess their deep feelings for each other, and the future is looking bright with them having a now more healthy relationship going forward, and you refuse to see this as subtext or enjoy it as yuri, I won't argue with you, I'll just say that you're very very likely a hetshitter.
Ok no I'm dumb sorry, didn't see that you were only talking about Gridman there, I agree with completely.
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Yuri between female mangaka!
>they go their separate ways, both parties agree it's for the best
>story treats their relationship as the thing the girls need to grow out from
Very yuri. Totally worthy of this board.
You already refused to accept the bird analogy, you already refused to accept the author saying your interpretation about their feelings is objectively wrong, the theme of the movie is about moving on because they will both realize what was the true nature of their own feelings for each other (which was not romantic as made clear by the author).

Whatever relationship they could have in the future will never have the same intensity as it did before, it may as well not exist anymore since they will meet new people, maybe boys, maybe girls, as the director also didn't want to say.
And still they separated.
There is no subtext when the author says there is none, stop being imbecile, subtext is the interpretation of the author intention not whatever you wish it would be moron.
Hamazi looks like this!?
Who is on the left tho?
>story treats their relationship as the thing the girls need to grow out from
Yes it does, you're right. It treats their unhealthy, adolescent, codependent relationship as something to grow out of. And they do this. They grow into a more healthy relationship. This is a fact. I see you or anyone else haven't addressed it a single time, because you know it is. Nothing here, or anywhere else, disputes this. This is what happens in the movie.

Already explained the bird analogy. Only response I got to my explanation was the interview. Moving on to the interview. I already explained the interview. Yet again doesn't address my point at all. Have yet to have a single person address the point that while yes, their old relationship was bad and something to grow out of, what they're growing into is a new relationship. And again, the reason why no one argues against this is because it's obviously a fact. Kill yourself hetshitter.
Bro, doesn't knoww what subtext means..
>Director say no to gay
>Buuuuuuuuuuut my subtext still counts
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The one on the left is Chiune and she drew the most explicit lesbian sex scene in Kirara. Hamaji also has dyed hair.
You didn't explain shit, rather all you did was shit you pants and double down on your stupidity, does this director also have to make a sequel movie to show you how retarded you are?
Are these boobs big? I need a pixel size chart comparison with other yuri mangakas.
So... no response to the point about the movie being about their changing relationship instead of separation? Been waiting on that one since the start and still nothing.
Pretty sure the one with the large title had more explicit sex scenes
We already told you it is consistent with everything else, including the bird analogy, which you made your own headcanon about and disregarded the parts you didn't like about it with the pathetic rethortic they are humans not birds.
I guess if it depends if you consider breast sucking or fingering to be more explicit, but as a counterpoint, sex scenes in that isekai were mostly for comedy instead of romance.
Yes, but the joke was not that they were not fucking, but rather the joke was that instead of doing something else they were fucking.
The elf was too retarded to realize it though (making it more sexual assault), compared to the consensual sex in Chiune's manga.
>They grow into a more healthy relationship. This is a fact.
That is not what happens, though. They grow into NO relationship.
I'm not the retard who said the thing about humans, that's retarded. And while yes, that would be consistent in a vacuum, it would again require you to ignore the second half of the movie, and especially the way it ends. There are two ways you can interpret the bird analogy in a vacuum.
1 (the hetshitter way): Their relationship is fundamentally unhealthy and Nozomi needs to permanently separate from Mizori going forward.
2 (the objectively correct way): The bird cage is a metaphor for the relationship of the adaloescence. As an example, Mizori metaphorically kept Nozori in a cage, a cage that was seemingly required for their relationship, as if this cage broke (if Nozori dared leave behind music) then their relationship would fall apart. The cage does break, it does open, we see this. Nozori does leave behind music and go to a different school. However, despite this, the remaining half of the movie depicts that they can still have a relationship beyond this. Do you think that keeping someone in a cage is a healthy relationship? Of course not. A relationship should be two free people living their own lives. This is the cage opening. The two girls are leaving the cages that their past relationship bound them in, and going free into the future with a newly defined relationship beyond unhealthy, cage-like adolescence.

Gonna address any of this or not? Please, I'm begging. I want one real rebuttal of everything I've said so that I can stop doing this.
The author has the creative means available to them to express their intentions in the work, not in the interview. If the author considers it possible to interpret their work outside of it, it can only mean any of the following:
(a) the author is an idiot
(b) the author considers the audience to be idiots
(c) the author recognizes their failure as an author because they were unable to express what they wanted to say and now have to explain themselves
So, begging the question, why should an author's interpretation outside the work be taken into account at all? In both cases, if you like it and if you don't. If we want to talk about this movie, let's do it with screenshots or timecodes, not quotes from interviews.
Then why did they reaffirm and deepen their feelings for each other at the end? And why does the movie end with them happily still friends?
Manio probably has big boobs.
>(b) the author considers the audience to be idiots
Yes, she is basically saying this without directly saying this about the people who thought they were gay
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Hamazi is so lucky.
Asian chicks love disney world....
It's DisneySea
The author already said in a very clear way that their perception of each was very exaggerated by adolescence, growing out of adolescence means growing out of each other, which is exactly what they did. But no they didn't hate each other by the end, they loved the moment they had for each other, they will be forever friends in name, but they both understood it was time to move on from each other to new things that will replace those feelings for something real, which is basically the theme of every single coming of age story and that why everyone hates them.
>that why
Oh it's this retard again.
>Say gay shit to each other on twitter
>Haha it's just business yuri folks
>Go on dates together
>just business as usual
>Take pictures of the motel
>Hilarious right?
>Screenshot of the marriage outside of japan
>We sure took that joke too far but we swear no homo
Ok I'm done for the night. That is not what the interview says in the slightest. It says that their relationships and dependencies are "intensified". Full stop. Growing out of adolescence means they grow out of these intense feelings, but what, do you think people just... stop having feels when they're no longer adolescents? Because that's the point you're making. Growing out of those specific, intense feelings does not mean growing out of each other in the slightest. They still have feelings, they're just different. "Intense" here isn't portrayed as a good thing. Mizori's possessive feelings towards Nozomi's at the start are certainly intense, but they aren't healthy or good. She grows up and learns to move past the unhealthy intensity of her adolescence. For the 1000th time now, they literally emotionally deepen their relationship at the end. Them growing out of this adolescence, BAD, intensity does not mean they are separating or that their relationship is over. You've yet again done nothing to address the point, only incorrectly refer back to the same interview. I'm done with you het retards. Scream about how illiterate and retarded you are all you want. At the end of the day, this movie is objectively not about them growing up, separating, and growing apart. This is a wrong "interpretation" (it's not really an interpretation at all, just a wrong account of the plot), and nothing in the movie or these interviews supports it unless you're impressively illiterate.
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>non-yuri shits
Do you think that any posts about Stardust Telepath are included in that?
>about non-yuri shits and sadly that includes Madoka.
What are you saying here?
That is the most autistic thing I've ever seen in my life.
>Growing out of those specific, intense feelings does not mean growing out of each other in the slightest.
Indeed it doesn't. Which is why the movie portrays them doing both, so as to leave, in unambiguous terms, that they separated in every sense of the word.
They just stop being important yes, this is what means to grow up, it would be different if their feelings were romantic, there is a reason why the work from the same author literally has a couple from the same age range saying the want to get back together and this one don't, because it's not what their relationship was about, they know they will meet people who will be more important for them and the author is literally telling you there was nothing going on with their relationship besides normal friendship.
Maybe. And yet there is not a single moment in the movie that allows the viewer to confirm or deny this. So the director either had no intention of making this clear, or she did, but failed and so she is now left to answer stupid questions in interviews.
Something something,the director/writer said it's not romantic therefore it's no yuri and waaaaahhhhhh.
>And yet there is not a single moment in the movie that allows the viewer to confirm or deny this
You mean besides the entire movie, whose plot was to separate them?
All this amount of autism made me glad that I am not one of muh subtext retards
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It's impressive how you manage every day to have stupid arguments for hours on end.
Anti-subtext retards (who are probably just anti-yuri in general) are a lot more annoying.
>people got upset at Kanoko and Sumika "taking over" WataYuri
>now they're getting upset over Aki and Shiho "taking over" SasaKoi
Why don't yurifans understand the concept of an ensemble cast? This isn't like Shonen where the entire universe revolves around the MC. Its not like the series are named after any specific character anyways. Like if Adachi and Shimamura stopped being about Adachi and Shimamura I would understand, but that isnt the case here.
Funny, I thought you were the expert in subtext
It's the only human interaction many of us have,
I don't see how the nature of each girl's feelings for each other or their sexuality can be inferred from this.
Your complaint would make sense if AkiShiho weren't going to be the only relevant characters for 90% of the manga
This has nothing to do with yuri fans, it's just natural for some readers to get attached to certain characters or dislike others, though Watayuri made it far more easier since it already switch 2 entire volumes right after volume 2.
She didn't say that though.
There is a world of difference between ensemble cast, where the perspective switches frequently, and letting side characters monopolize the spotlight for 2/3rds of the manga while the original main characters only get token appearances once per volume because you don't know what to do with them anymore. Watayuri at least always planned to swap focus back and forth, though its pacing on that is atrocious, but Eku is clearly doing anything to drag Sasakoi on and there was no indication Aki was this important at the start.
All wrong.
Oh saying it wasn't her intention means something else now?
She said it wasn't her intention, not that it was wrong.
Hell, even in WataYuri, we've gone multiple volumes with Hime and Yano not doing anything other than being background decorations. Like >>4213245 said, there's a HUGE difference between shifting perspectives, and characters warping the manga to be only about them.... almost as if they were a shounen MC where the whole world revolves around them.
You know, the fact that this dude never mentions the characters' names (or anything concrete actually) should make it abundantly clear that he's never actually watched the movie and is just going off the interview for the purposes of shitposting.
There was a troll who did a very similar thing with Higurashi (wouldn't be surprised if they were the same), constantly spouting bullshit while never mentioning a single character's name.
>they're getting upset over Aki and Shiho "taking over" SasaKoi
What do you mean? We're waiting with impatience to see what happens with this possible incest arc
I wonder if we're talking about Mizore and Nozomi when we discuss a movie about Mizore and Nozomi. Could it be Mizore and Nozomi? We'll never know.
Now name a single scene from the movie (not the interview).
Fun fact: Liz and Blue Bird? Yuri.
I don't even know what liz and blue bird is, feels good only watching things who are confirmed beforehand
>only watching things who are confirmed beforehand
But that's boring. It's like playing russian roulette with an empty gun, no risk means no fun.
Confirmation can be deceiving though, you hear people claiming bait is yuri all the time around here.
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Deep down we all know that Mizore tops.
Wrong. It’s pure fun because I only get to see things I like.
It's also good to have a dozen and a half tags describing what's going to happen and a three-line title with a short synopsis and a spoiler for the ending. Then my fragile soul is completely safe.
>It's like playing russian roulette with an empty gun
no, it's like not playing russian roulette.

when you like yuri you just enjoy everything yuri, i guess you don't understand it.
You always exaggerate in an attempt to make avoiding hetshit sound like a bad thing.
I only need to know two things about any story:
>Does it have het?
>Does it have (and end with) yuri?
With just these 2 questions I filter out anything I wouldn’t like to see.
I think it's a hetshitter, no other explanation in my head
>yeah I only consume stuff that is confirmed yuri
I think you're the most insistent failed troll i've ever seen
Yeah, that sounds boring. Can't imagine anything duller than always having everything go exactly the way you want it to.

>no, it's like not playing russian roulette.
Which is exactly the same thing, genius.

>when you like yuri you just enjoy everything yuri
Apparently not everything if you also disqualify stuff for dumb or made-up reasons.
In fact, the first two or three episodes and your own head, equipped with eyes and brain, are enough to get that much desired confirmation.
And why would I waste an hour on something that’s potentially het?
>Yeah, that sounds boring. Can't imagine anything duller than always having everything go exactly the way you want it to.
>yuri isn’t enjoyable unless I have to experience hetshit occasionally
Kill yourself
>Apparently not everything if you also disqualify stuff for dumb or made-up reasons
"Dumb or made-up reasons" like being het and not having yuri?
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>there are people who refuse to read Asumi-chan because Itsuki Kuro draws het hentai
Is there a specific term for this retardation?
No, it’s just called retardation.
This is not like Hinako Note’s author where hating it and avoiding it is 100% justified because the het is of the series’s characters.
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Hime was just relevant for not one but two chapters last volume. Yano is only useful for shoving her big fat badonkers in Hime's face so it's hard to include her.
Look average but i know for american is imposible be this slender :)
Actually she looks kinda chubby.
I just binged 12 volumes of "Yuri is my job". Where the hell is volume 13?
While it's of course retarded, it's expected as authors names and careers are all there for everyone to see. Not so long ago it was common for hentai artists to use other pen names for serialization because the stigma was even stronger.

I don't think volume 13 is out yet, though you can check the latest translated chapters on mangadex.
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>oh boy, 200 new posts, surely they must have announced a kyoukano an...
This is not the thread for those types of announcements, there are hardly any announcements for any anime, but if it is an adaptation the thread for the original format takes that first and the originals are basically speculation at best.
The real problem with that author is that she draws nipples and pubic hair in a horrible way, but what she really does is sexualize her own characters, that includes yuri but also het (with poorly drawn nipples and pubic hair)

Is she a woman or am I confusing the author of Hinako Note with someone else?
watanare is getting announced soon
I think having her characters fucked and impregnated is a little beyond than just sexualizing them, regardless there is no point in discussing something that isn't yuri and is just an example that not every CGDCT is meant to be yuri or the author really gives a shit.
>just an example that not every CGDCT is meant to be yuri

There are many more examples of this too, it's really silly that people assume that we, as a geek community, are paranoid delusional people who pretend that any interaction between girls is automatically yuri.
You clearly didn't read the previous posts in this thread, I honestly wish more series with delusional shippers would just pull a Hinako Note so we wouldn't have to bother with this non yuri trash anymore. Though I suspect some of them would start arguing that it doesn't matter because it didn't happen in the manga itself, which already shows you where their priorities are.
>You clearly didn't read the previous posts in this thread,

I not only read what happened, I participated in it too.

The problem is that people didn't act like they were defending what they liked, but rather their personal pride and ego, at the end of the day, yuri is really irrelevant to them.

>>Hinako Note
The problem with that series is not that the author makes porn with her characters (with paywalls), but that the series was too mediocre in its attempts to be yuri and did not handle its concept either.

Also, since it is not a super popular series, you are not going to have people defending it or proclaiming that the bland shiptease that the series had makes it yuri.
>hettard wishes non het shows had official het porn
Fuck off. If your response to people pushing shows you dislike is to wish the authors drew the characters getting fucked my men, you don't belong here
Does it ever get tiring trying so hard to pretend that you're actually a fan of yuri? No one's forcing you personally to get yuri content out of a non-explicitly romantic series, but if other people can manage to view something with an all female cast, nothing in it to explicitly deny yuri, and no het or even mentions of het whatsoever, as yuri, then why do you have such a problem with that? Are you just so emotionally stunted that you can't fathom people being able to enjoy things differently than you? Shouldn't people finding yuri in this series be a good thing? It would be one thing if it was a het work or something like Hinako note, because then it wouldn't belong here and fans of it would have no grounds to stand on, but I really don't get why you care so much about this if you're actually a fan of yuri, personally specific preferences aside.
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With GBC and Yorukura I was already overjoyed. But this show is also so fucking good. I've noticed that each episode makes me so immersed and that's rare. It's not just yuri, it's so fun, well-written and hits hard at times. Generally speaking, I don't like stories about mangakas or idols, so I thought I wouldn't like this. But it's so fucking good. I especially like the way that Yasumi is attracted and fond of Yuuhi but resentful of her success. It's all constantly there swimming in her mind and making her brood and act irrationally. Yubisaki today was great too. I could tell what was going to happen from before but it was still better than I anticipated. Just fucking delicious.
Sorry about blogging but I'm just so in love with it that I'm crazy excited right now.
It's just a game, they don't really care about romance between girls, they are just want to see something be yuri and scream bingo, it's really annoying because they never ever talk about a single thing that isn't about how this this series is totally yuri because of [headcanon]

Of course, if it was an actual yuri series it would have been a shitshow, but ultimately the author was just throwing shit at the wall and looking at what would stick and yuri was not one of those things for obvious reasons, the author never had any intention of actually commiting to it, in truth she had an actual yuri series that ultimately she never commited either.

I don't care about series that are not yuri, as far I am concerned all of them could have het hentai. You wanting to ship the characters of those series has nothing to do with yuri.
>if I say the shows are not yuri, it's justified to wish for official het porn in a yuri board
Fuck off, hetshitter. "not yuri enough for me" is not an excuse to wish for that here, as long as the shows aren't het already. Kill yourself
I agree, slow start put it picks up well
Your delusions are not yuri, not "not yuri enough".
>I want a review
>no, not like that
What do you want? Someone to tell you het is totally good and yuri? Why don't you try browsing the thread when the anthology was released? Even the het trolls that were defending it are not hiding the amount of hetshit there is in it.
>a man appeared for a nanosecond
How many times did you use this strawman and how many times have you ever been right? Everytime someone complains it's because the male characters are actively involved with the girls, and that's the case with this anthology. Except one story that had no male characters, all the other ones had male characters involved in het acts with one of the girls in the moment they appear in the story. There are different stories with different degrees of hetshit, like indirect kiss, flirting with boys (this is Hetphonium's author btw), old men molesting young girls, a scandal of a idol-like girl, marrying a man and then the absolute shit that was the last story with a full hetslut fucking all the boys of her school, becoming a prostitute (for men), recording a video of her fucking a man that was later showed to the MC and described in great details for the joy of readers that bought a yuri anthology expecting, you know, yuri.
You admit you know nothing and yet you have to doubt other people. Like, what's the purpose? Spending money to buy it, wasting money to read it, just to go to /u/ and say something advertised as yuri wasn't yuri at all, something that could be immediately exposed by other readers if it wasn't true. Instead you have a whole thread getting nuked because trolls where defending this garbage and nobody ever tried to deny it was het.
But better than wishing series that are neither yuri nor het were het.
>when I don't like a show, yuri is delusions
With this and the het porn shit, why do you think speaking like an anti-yuri hetfag is a good idea here?
It's one thing to push against het. It's another to push against subtext that you don't like and wish the girls got fucked by men.
"Delusions" is code for "I'm a anti-yuri troll from /a/".
10 years later and their vocabulary has not evolved the slightest.
It's insane that one side is just enjoying close relationships between two girls in series with no het at all that some people might consider yuri and some might not personally be completely satisfied with, while the other side is vehemently wishing that these girls get fucked by imaginary men just to "own" the former and somehow it's the later that claims they're the "real" yuri fans. And these "people" are apparently not nearly as small of a minority here as I previously thought.
This is the yuri board, not the board for wishes and dreams, whatever happens with to girls in non yuri series has nothing to do with this board.
"This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles."

Just scroll up a little. Hope this helps!
>And these "people" are apparently not nearly as small of a minority here as I previously thought.
They are. The troll is just really persistent.
I don't see anything saying non yuri there, are you going to post pictures of rent a girlfriend too?
Subtext is not the same as actual hetshit. Subtext has always been welcome. Screeching "non-yuri" doesn't justify wishing for canon het porn
Who likes yuri more?
1) The shipper who wants girls to get together and roots for it and ships them
2) The weirdo who screeches "non-yuri" if they don't fuck on-screen and fulfill a list of arbitrary requirements and wishes that the girls even got drawn fucked by men by the creators
Number 2 sounds like a pervert who just wants more straight hentai to me
I didn't say subtext is not yuri, I said your delusions are not yuri.
Another thread where mods do nothing.
It's just one guy who pulls the same shit every thread. He wants to shut down all discussion using the same arguments every time (ash shown by the posts right above me).
And what you call "delusions" is any subtext you don't like
Either way, you're acting like a hetfag who wants het porn for his own satisfaction. Your "yuri guardian acting against evil non-yuri" act is a cheap lie that doesn't hold when you as far as to wish for the creators to have the girls fucked by men
No anon, there is no subtext in those shows and the bar isn't even high, stuff like Gochiusa is subtext, I don't want the girls in those series involved with guys in any shape or form.

It's the series you talk about I couldn't give a shit because there is not even subtext, just you acting like a lunatic over them.
Yeah whatever you say, hetshitter
Subtext doesn’t stop being so because you don’t like it.
>I binged 13 volumes of yuri is my job
It's kino isn't it? I'd say it's one of the best modern yuri
hetfags is not the keyword for people who disagree with you or have different opinions, because it seems that having a differing opinion also seems like a bad thing.

There's nothing in the rules that doesn't allow debate between people, that's what we're doing, /u/ is not your safe space to share porn.
Kanoko was the secret protagonist all this time, was Hime just a cover?
It's pointless, they don't understand this board is specifically to discuss yuri and discussing what should not be considered yuri is also it's purpose, they just a want a hugbox. Good thing for them they don't talk japanese, since nips are far more judgmental in places they actually discuss shit like image boards.
>secret protagonist
>only character without a solo volume cover art
I lile it a lot. Sad to see it rated lower in certain places. It's the series I look forward to the most when YH releases. The 2 month hiatus is tearing me apart.
Of course she doesn't, she needs space to be with her many girlfriends
I mean, at first you can see her as the Yaya that you are supposed to laugh at, at this rate the series will probably be remembered as "The Adventures of Kanoko" and the supposed protagonists will be remembered as the "Hobbit and the Tit Monster"

On a personal note, Kanoko looks much better in her usual outfit of glasses, her waitress appearance is boring.
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This isn't a place to push for official het porn. And who cares for the kind of retards who harass real women if they dare talk to a man and break their self insert fantasies?
This is not a debate about what is or isn't yuri
This is you defending the idea that non-het stories you see as "non-yuri" should go het and have official het porn just because it'd make people you hate angry
Fuck off, you're just a het pervert who wants girls to get fucked by men
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I think they are both cute and love the contrast between them. She deserves happiness.
>This isn't a place to push for official het porn.
Correct, maybe the first time you ever was.
>This is not a debate about what is or isn't yuri
Also correct, but a debate, even if non yuri stuff, needs at least two people.
>This is you defending the idea that non-het stories you see as "non-yuri" should go het and have official het porn just because it'd make people you hate angry
Correct too, though there is not a single indicator those stories would not be "non yuri" other than your headcanon over it.
>Fuck off, you're just a het pervert who wants girls to get fucked by men
I have no interested in whatever series this happen and has in fact happened a few times, some with even het romcoms which ended with the author being bullied to close her fanbox and give up her career as a hentai artist, which hopefully will happen with any other who tries.
Don't worry Hime and Kanoko (the destined winner) will be happy
It's a successful manga, I don't care at all if it's rated low, it has a million copies sold

Kanoko's main thing is her love for Hime, she's changing now but her development is a recent thing.
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I wish I had this when I first started on /u/. It would've saved a lot of time. In fact, it should be pinned somewhere.
Some solid advice, specially this bit "talk endlessly about how everything and everyone hates yuri"
>yuri is a niche hidden thing that basically nobody likes and /u/ has like 2 people yes I will ignore every successful yuri work yes I am totally a yurifag believe me
No one ignores yuru yuri.
You don't understand, one of the girls has to become the bike.
>OP of SasaKoi is Follow Your Arrows
>source manga by Takeshima Eku
>who drew LN illustrations for Mikami Teren
>who wrote Moshi, Koi ga Mieta Nara
>in which the protagonist sees a bunch of arrows indicating others' love
What did they mean by this?
That Watanare will never get an anime
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Next thread add the rules of not allowed random image bunch :(
What's Yuzu doing?
Just Yuzu things.
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