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[Skeleton Rave Party] edition

>Current version: 1.0.64
>Latest important announcement (February 6, 2024)
>Kenshi 2 Announcement:
It was deleted, waiting till Chris posts about it again, if ever.

>What is Kenshi?
"A free-roaming squad based RPG. Focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story."
"Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. Research new equipment and craft new gear."
>Demo Link

>Tips for beginners
Learn to pick your fights, don't hesitate to run away and don't reload unless you die, any fight you survive makes you stronger. Building an outpost will attract trader caravans and hostile raids. Building one too early might be more than you can handle. Pressing F1 will open the tutorial screen. Mousing over the stats screen and HUD will reveal useful tooltips and additional info.

>https://pastebin.com/zw9fCJdC (embed)

>Some mods
>AND a link to the giga muscle-girl mod (Ritualist's wet dream)

>Some moonrune mod archive on the LL Kenshi thread

>LL modding thread
>post with jonijonikenshi mods (like milking mod) after he deleted it all

>LL mod index

>Kenshi Fuck Mod

>The package of optimization mods from Nexus

Previous thread:
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Bravo overhaul c-coming when it's ready™. Still working on it j-just hit a c-curb...
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Still sooner than Kenshi 2, amirite fellas?
need just 2 more weeks
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Mods to try
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I was planning to clear an ancient lab that's used as a honey pot by cannibals. I don't have the manpower for a straight fight, so I decided to wait for nightfall and use stealth to kill them while they are sleeping.
But then this guy decided to get rid of the them for me.

My last run was really boring me, so I restarted. I didn't really have much of a plan when starting out, but I think I'm going with my group being Flotsam Ninjas, but not shit. Is there an interest in me posting more about their adventures?
Also I don't know what to name my faction. Any ideas?
I must also recommend More Bounties, Backpack Distribution, and NPCs Equip Robot Limbs. The Minor Faction Overhaul mods are cool too.
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Well I didn't want the spider ruin my stealth training, so I decided to lead it away and kill it. Two of my five of my guys got knocked out in the process. I was carrying them back to my camp, when two beak things attacked and beat up my remaining guys then proceeded to wreck the remaining cannibals.
Okran really doesn't want me to have that assassination xp.
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And some opportunistic cannibals are kidnapping my men while the beak things are killing their comrades.
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Two people are already in cages, but this gal woke up just in time to prevent the third kidnapping. It doesn't look like anyone else is waking up anytime soon, so she might end up doing the rescue mission alone. Hopefully my camp is far away enough that nobody else gets nabbed.
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Did these guys fucking respawn when I wasn't paying any attention? Because more than half of them are supposed to be dead.
Aw, shit! Jin is excellent at sneaking about, but a hiss of pain due to her injuries kicked off the hornet's nest. Just as planned. Now Sing can get in and grab the hostages.
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Forgot pic.
Love from Kazakhstan. Okranites are right about the w*men.
What do you do when you're stuck in a playthrough? I had some big plans lore-wise but I'm kinda bogged down with some shitty base where I'm brewing Cactus Juice all day. I'm not sure if I need to spice my save up or just restart.
Set some smaller goals I guess. What is it about your base that sucks? Maybe you should try move to an area with more difficult raids if the place is very boring.
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For fuck's sake. Just after I managed to rescue the first guy the cannibals decided to empty out the building and go on a patrol. I could have just waited and get both of them at the same time.
>Set some smaller goals I guess. What is it about your base that sucks? Maybe you should try move to an area with more difficult raids if the place is very boring.

I got a bunch of materials and set up near the cannibal lands in a cozy little canyon but the massive raids and lack of money and decent stats has slowed momentum down a lot. I had a lot more fun when it was my two squad members escaping from Rebirth lmao.
The beginning stages of base building is always rough. Try hiring some mercenaries to guard your outpost. Do some Toughness training with one of your characters as well. One god unit helps a lot more than multiple mediocre units.
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Don't restart, but do start a parallel playthrough with silly mods and goals.
How do you pull up from a negative thoughts spiral?
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Will houses remove trees and other debris if I build ontop of it? What about the giant wooden vine things in the swamp? If I build a house right in the middle of one poking through the roof. Will that always be there blocking my shit or will it vanish? lol

Am I asking for trouble if I do this? Guess I could just find out the hardway, but asking first can be fun too.
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The trees inside the settlement despawned on the next session. And you can build things "above" trees. But do you trust the Bong Code?
I try to do things I enjoy like play games or reading shitposts or watching some show I like, talking to family helps too. I'd get some new hobbies too but I don't have a lot of money and rarely leave the house.
Yea, I don't trust it. Going to do it anyways though. Could work out, maybe. Should be fun.
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I finished with that ruin. I knocked out the remaining cannibals and imprisoned them in their own cages. Then I used them for stealth, knock out and first-aid training.
I also used their own honey-pot against them. Every once in a while a cannibal woke up somewhere and ran straight for the building, then I just knocked them out and put them into cages.
I wanted to stay there longer, but the patrol came back so I had to bail. Could barely get any levels in and one of them got none since he spent most of his time unconscious.
Also I lost one of my backpacks. I must have put it down at some point. I actually tried savescumming it back, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Bongcode must have eaten it.
Those ''shoulder pads" are ridiculous.
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I'm more of fan of the hat.
I agree, they should be fastened to her nipples
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Syl managed to capture a cannibal bug bounty with the help of this supposed suitor. He hasn't really opened up to her yet, but it's nice that he wants to learn about her interests.
>Forgot that women
>Tags: Ryona
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>tried to talk to barman
Hey friends
Kinda in the same boat, got a house in the hub making some things to sell. but thats it, i want to kill people bruh.
Just round your people up and leave, it will still be there when you want to go back. Not very difficult.
Okran give me patience
Everything is failing around me… at least I’m not a skeleton.
Why not being a skeleton though? Being free from flesh is nice.
that's right you should surrender your flesh to me human brother, you're not using it anyway
Because I like it when everything fails about me but since my body isn’t tech at least that is spared by the goblins
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>Footage recovered from an ancient sentry drone, circa the first civilization.
>Specific date unknown.
Kenshi long since forgotten how to make gunpowder by the time the "1st empire" was established on a bratty colony that needed correction from whatever corporation built the robots and brought some humans to repair those robots. The war against the giant meat beasts saw the usage of giga-skeletons, not Boforses.
>got a house in the hub making some things to sell. but thats it, i want to kill people bruh.
Don't be too scared of combat. Just keep one medic on standby to rescue the others and arm some guys with crossbows.
there's no way present day Kenshi Island has the technology to manufacture integrated circuits from scratch but not gunpowder
ask Iyo how does that make sense.
My only theory is Kenshi lacks the resources. Despite mines all over the place there's no coal. All power is wind based or biofuel.
It's implied that the Skeleton members of the Tech Hunters are all working together to keep certain information repressed. It's unknown if Tinfist is part of it too, but Tech Hunters are close with the Anti-Slavers. Gunpowder might be one of those things because guns would make it easier to bring about Total Skeleton Death.
The mistress of handjobs extraordinare, Tinfist, is probably clueless. The other skelewhores do work together.
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The Sho-Battai civil war continues. This was some Tech Hunter I robbed when she got downed.
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Is there a mod that unlocks the face sliders for vanilla races that those jrpg ones have?
Adding sliders would require adding 'bones', thus new models instead of vanilla.
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No, those are shape keys unique to the body mesh.
Face sliders are shape keys, body sliders are bone transforms.
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oh true, a couple of years ago my load order was in pretty bad shape and somehow the vanilla scorchlander and greenlander females had the extra face sliders that the jrpgs had, i have no idea what the order was or the overwrite for it but it worked pretty well,
Abby Shapiro?
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i join hebrew for she
And she has joined the Flotsam Ninjas. No Holy Foreskin is safe anymore.
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She initially looked like this until someone made her truly kosher. Old /keng/ was magical.
that's a big neck
Where do you think Chris took his inspiration for the Beak Things?
this actually hurts me physically
Abby Shapiro?
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>sit idle in my digital wage cage
>no work, but also no motivation to have fun
>don't want to do anything at, not even lay down
>suddenly more work on Sunday
>now I have the motivation to play Kenshi
>but I have a work to do
I have this situation.

Post donuts.
Sure is quiet around here.
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Makes no sense that crazy people like them would use proper swords, and wear proper underwear.
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The current bounty hunting squad
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>be on a stand-by, I will call you back soon, gotta finish the report first
I am sitting idly for hours by now. I don't want to boot Kenshi because it'll make him call. But I am bored too. What do?
Displace your phone into a different room, accidentally. Boot Kenshi.
I need my piss easy job to keep my almost NEET life intact.
Boot up Kenshi anyway. Either he calls and you and you'll have something to do or you get to play Kenshi.
I am afraid that the mere booting of Kenshi will force the Universe to make him call me.
That's the idea. I don't know about you, but to me even some tedious busywork is better than "hurry up and wait"
Watch a Kenshi video, Kenshi Bedrock Bottom is pretty good.
I sorted out some saved fan art. Felt like a meditation of sorts.
Is there a mod that replaces those retarded wide resource crates with something more sensible?
Like shelves?
There is a mod that adds 10.000 space inside those idiotic megaboxes.
I don't think they're really crazy, they're nomads with a strange culture.
There's thousands of mods like that, but I wasn't referring their capacity, but their footprint. A crate is like half the width of the small shack.
I know there are mods that makes them stackable, but they can make them hard to click on and characters can't always find the interaction nodes.
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Did the posters that a few days ago suggested sharing their adventures end up posting?
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Doesn't look like it. De lead with an example onegai.
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Ai'd my scorchfu
can /keng/ recommend any "sexy" clothes that dont shatter immersion/lore?
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drop screenshots if you want em ai'd too ill do a few
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What a weekend. The only thing I can think of doing to unwind is sorting out the captured Stennigers the Crusade is gonna bring back to the Phoenix!
The warmaiden leaders are worth taking home, too.

As long as I remain unbanned and my computer's battery doesn't mess up, I'll do my best.

The Dall-e threads on /v/ haven't helped me answer the question much. I think our only answer is to look up on women's clothing catalogs and cross-check the names through google searching the term

>drop screenshots if you want em ai'd too ill do a few
Don't mind if I do!
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I don't seem to take a lot of front-facing closeups
Drifter's Leather Hot Pants
Thigh High Boots
Beyond that the sexy stuff is going to be a bit immersion breaking like Cyberpunk Armory, Silent Outfit, and External Muscle Suit.
Here's a bunch from all my past playthroughs. Pick and choose?

That's some killer style.
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the don looks quite suave
>Don Pedro got turned into a twinky white boy
Phoenix looks surprisingly good, though
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This app has a proclivity for whitening
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Does anyone have any tips for Ai gen? I wanna get into it
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but all I have are scorchies. I didn't get many frontal shots of Red when I ran her
I would consider myself an amateur with Bing's Dall-e. Perhaps we can see if one can catch up to the other and through the thread we continue exploring together.
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Now that's some spice
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Im figuring out the darkies
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>max leg bulk
>max leg shape
When the time to make the final preparations came, the Don realized they had a couple prisoners too many to carry home. Thankfully, that's an easily solved problem.
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Does bard ever shut up
That's his bit.
Yes, I fed him to fuckmen before the week since first hiring him and have not even looked his way since.
Might have to crucify this annoying cunt
As dawn falls, the Crusade sets out back home, the bound and gagged prisoners over their shoulders. Unfortunately it wasn't worth it to stay and see the execution of the excess warmaidens to the end, but there's always gonna be another execution tomorrow!
If Chris was gonna put leviathans in the game why did he cap my pet crab's age multiplier at 1.1?
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You know, if they are this coherent, they clearly aren't suffering enough
>underwear ruins their aesthetic
>nude mod leave just the men with underwear
>try to install male nude mod
>4 different patches required that still leave the game with cocks pocking out of pants, fucked up male faces or both
>only other option is obnoxious footfag helmets
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>longcat poster still lives
this looks neat, what's it from?
>Is there an interest in me posting more about their adventures?

>Bongcode must have eaten it.
It does so sometimes, back in my days of ''iron in backpack" STR training I lost quite a few backpacks when dusters attacked my donuts.

Syl should be a woman and never ever do anything by herself just like the women do IRL since that's what the Holy Nation expects her to do.

RE_Kenshi is built upon the bongcode, not surprising.

Silence you Necron Flayer wanna-be.

I bet the Irish would love her ass.

I like her attitude.


What are their stats?
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What did 4chan mean by that? I didn't type "TYPE THE CAPTCHA HERE" in my last post. Weird.

An ugly hair ''style". For some reason the l*b yt ppl love it. Being bald in their cases would be a better option.

>"sexy" clothes
>that dont shatter immersion/lore
You mean those "sexy" vanilla rags the starvers wear all the time? The same rags that smell 50 shades of bonedog shit? Those sexy clothes?

The joke is that the Bong was supervised by his feminist imoutou. There is nothing sexy for females on Kenshi, only despair, cat piss, and cheap wine.

>drop screenshots
I am curious how will "AI" re-draw a slig and the booze-bot.
The cow genocide continues.

Strong women, empty heads. A tragedy.

OMO clothes are almost vanilla.

>Moll's ass
Good times.

>Don Pedro got turned into a twinky white boy
Now all Asian women would drool over him.

In our current year I find this 'bug' to be a gust of fresh air.

She was generated surprisingly well.

You can always get a donut from a bar, doll her up, and take screenshots.

Aye, you can tardwrangle the AI Caitlin good enough. Very good at some occasions.
At least the abs are nice

Geting the leg bulk to max usually looks a wee bit silly.

He is surprisingly quiet in my games.

The Live Leaking continues.

Chris is a low skill game developer, don't be surprised.

They should never say 'GOD' at all. But yes.

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Please use dall-e or some actually-decent model. These look like horror shit from 2020, back when artfags used to cope they won't be replaced because of AI's inability to generate hands, feet, eyes and coherent imagery in general.
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why did chris do this to me
Because you don't know how to shriek properly.
what is the problem, exactly?
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I am surprised how much the Ogre engine lets Chris get away with his bullshit. Picrel is collision box (literal) (green) for the base of Outpost III (white). It's almost unnoticeable in the game.
Why not collission circle?
I got out of it but I was backed into an invisible corner
the very walkable looking ground my mouse was on was not walkable
Because everything everyone has ever said about Chris's practices is accurate, somehow. Collisions range from 30 separate boxes (instead of being bundled into one), 3 floor meshes copy-pasted onto each other (just to be sure) and cardboard cutouts, to... that box. When anon said "It's a miracle the game works at all", he was actually stating the truth.
Invisible traps to maximize the suffering.
Actually, this has to be wrong. There must be another collision mesh, because the characters can run in the circle. Problem is, the jap import tool fails to import the other collisions for some reason...
Well, goodbye Yagioushi fort. Okran-willing it will be enjoyed by future holy nation soldiers.

Huh, pretty smart!

It's from LL, but I don't remember the name

Get shrieked idiot
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Every time I look at this guy I can't help but think Chris implementation of skeletons has failed to convey the original feel they had in concept art. Expecially this one. Fucker looks like a cross between modern robot, military armor equipment and a D3300 24.2 MP CMOS Digital SLR with Auto Focus-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm Nikon camera. Pretty cool, this dude. Looks like he could pull off mad dropkicks. If he existed, that is.
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Does anyone know how orientation works in FCS?
I just want to place two use nodes facing each other and I placed one, but I can't get the other rotate the way I want. Or am I supposed to place them some other way? Because the values on pic related aren't numbers that a rational human being would come up with, unless he placed them by hand, instead of trying to edit values directly.
Then again who knows what the bong is thinking.
My working node is oriented W:1 X:0 Y:0 Z:0, so it should be easy to turn that around, but apparently not. Also I have no idea what W means.
Alas, Chris went for only 3 skeleton types, because he can't ass himself to give a fuck.
The doctor's nephew is, all things considered, pleased with this exercise. Yuuka is glad she's been able to stay on her "boss"'s good side
WXYZ is quaternion, god only knows why Chris decided to use them in a game, seeing as they are not intended for input of numerical values, but for math (according to the first post on the interwebs from someone smarter than me + me encountering that shit in Blender)
You should go inside the game and use shift+F12, find your object and play with rotation using the gimbal and just write down the values you get. Do make sure you save the game before you do and do NOT try to regenerate any terrain.
Imagine the sound of bouncing chainmail.
>Mukai is already in Squinn
>Send Gato in
>Knock him out, steal his Meitou Frag-axe, throw away his clothes
>Disengage stealth and just run out of the city in front of everyone

It feels so weird seeing the Holy Men using F*otsam's tactics.
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>You should go inside the game and use shift+F12, find your object and play with rotation using the gimbal and just write down the values you get.
I tried this before, but the in-game editor uses degrees.
I solved my problem, by copy-pasing the values from the food store and somehow get it right the first time. They are a bit misaligned, but it's good enough.
If anyone's wondering. I'm the Anon that was complaining about there not being a mod to replace crates with shelves. I decided to make my own.
Is it too late to tell you about the "storage shelves" mod?
No, I found it, but it was (at least based on the images) only for generic storage. I like the idea of each resource having its dedicated shelf. It helps with organization.
I also plan to change the models to display their respective resources, so it isn't just empty shelves everywhere.
>I decided to make my own.
Makes me believe that Chris' laziness will create many tech wizards...
/keng/ is gonna end up making Kenshi 2 before Chris does
>What are their stats?
Low. The strongest guy has stats in the 30s but mainly uses crossbows while the rest are still the 10s. They don't have to fight too much though, with squad spawns up there's always someone willing to beat up rebel farmers.
Cue the Benny Hill theme

Hey, the Phoenix himself advised Don Pedro to use covert tactics to get to Esata. He besieged the city anyway because he's based, but unless a mod changed the HN's dialogue for making war with the shek Holy Ninjas are Phoenix-approved
Bad world tile perhaps. I get these on rare occasions. World tile didn't load navmesh properly or something, only thing I've found to fix is it relaunch kenshi.

That or that foliage boulder on the left has a bigger hitbox than it shows and is blocking you.
"Impressive. Very nice."
Looks like the Shinobi and the Okranites came to an agreement for the Hub
Since it's in the way, the Don decided to stop by Stack to parade The stone golem and the rest of the prisoners for the people's amusement.
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>Women shouldn't have muscles!
>Let me see, I wat to see!
Proud sons of Okran aren't afraid of taming muscled women. A strong woman births strong sons, which pleases Okran. Keeping that strong woman in her place is a daily challenge which keeps her holy husband in a perfect shape as well.
>>That day, young Hotlongs saw a naked woman for the first time and permanently gained a fetish for shek women
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Indeed, anon, all that was left was for the Phoenix to be personally informed of the news. He seems positively perplexed at the sight of shek pussy
'tis a shame both Squin and Admag are ruined.

Nah, his face reads as
>"Is this what keeps my fellow greenlander men frenzied all over the world? All it takes to make them betray Okran is... this? I am disappointed in my brothers so much right now..."
New meme
with those red eyes he looks like is tired from being a shek gynecologist
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You know, we know what shek chests look like. It doesn't make sense for Shek women to wear bras.
>tinfist is female
I will now show interest in UC-adjacent story bits.
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holy lord goin through it rn
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it cant seem to comprehend the sheer size of those honkers
The flotsam brats are but stray harlots drifting between the shackles of Rebirth and the cages of the cannibals. The shek have lost their lead and are sure to disintegrate with time. The Bast front remains stable and war with the empire is unnecessary.
In the eyes of the Phoenix, in the hearts of the Okranites, and in the fields of the Holy Nation, the Santana have earned their place; There where the protection of the Inquisitors won't reach, the Herald of the Flame will bring Okran's justice.
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>The Holy Lord Phoenix is being presented with a full book of Greenlander Male x Shek Female fanfictions.
>His holy face shows emotions of fatherly disappointment that no mere words can't desribe

That's interesting. Do try this one onegai - I wonder what kind of mega horned bipedal gazelle the AI will draw.
Hahaha, Don pedro feels like a million cats!
The shek looks not amused with her current situation.
[Intermission] Harold has been a good shitpost unique.

Would you?
hey drifters, yesterday I pushed a patch for the YAKNM, it should finally fix the neck seams and weird mesh offsets for both genders, if no other issues arise i can finally work on the promised pubes patch.

- Currently working on more faces/hairstyles for the nandroids and hopefully will release it on the workshop (and nexus) soon (tm)
- I'm reworking the yordles mesh from scratch to address the dismemeberment issues (dismemberment is a "mask" of the mesh weightmaps) so expect an update soon(tm)
- Currently texturing the neeko 2.0 model, this one took me way longer than i wanted it to
- Minor fixes to drossel normalmaps and weightmap.

health was a fucking bitch for a couple of months, feeling way better now.
Oh right, the Yordles!
Once again, the Don stops by the Inquisitorium to show off his most recent catch to his buddies.

Will the patch apply to the females only version as well?
yes it's for both since both share the same textures. Males are different story, it will be only be available for the full mod but i''ve been thinking to release them as standalone pathces (female and male) to give space for more customization,

I've also tested meshed pubes as a custom slider both approaches work, both allow some degree of customization but meshed is a more flexible as i can add shapes as shape keys (hearts, straight line, bush, etc) nothing final yet.
Blister Hill was pleased with the Santana's job taking care of Moll, so the Inquisitor entrusted the Don to dispose of Esata, as well as the rest of her entourage.
Don Santana's head is already planning out the next couple days in his head; this will be fun.
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I've had this game for years but never really got far
Yesterday I looked up some basic tips and started a serious run
I've gotten to the point where me and my Shek muscle waifu can beat bandit groups by ourselves
I've got a little base in the hub where we weaponsmith and research shit
Then we ventue into surrounding areas to look for cool shit
>nice blog faggot
this general could use the posts, I ginally get why this game is so good
>nice blog faggot
As you said, sharing donuts adventures is good for the thread. It probably is even better with relevant/kino/interesting/... screenshots/art.
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Me and my Shekfu
For my first serious run I plan to operate out of the hub for as long as possible. I had originally planned to go solo but I read her dialogue when I clicked her in town and it made headcannon sense to bring her along. Now she cleaves crowds of mooks while I shoot them with crossbows and samurai slash anyone who gets too close
The setting of this game is BEYOND based
>her dialogue
What town did you find her in? Was that her original name?
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Glad to hear you feel better. The silence was eerie, but now I can stop worry.

>more faces/hairstyles for the nandroids
Good news for the jailbroken murder-maids!
Why does the HN believe that the Golem is a giga-milf?

>this will be fun.
Oh no?

>this general could use the posts
posters, not posts. Lurkers should post their donuts time to time.

>The setting of this game is
a fewer dream of a bong and his ball-crushing imoutou. You will see it soon enough, after mere 400 or so hours of playing.
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You people have no idea what is happening behind the scenes while you rape and murder donuts. It's fucking absurd. There are actual projects aiming to remake Kenshi and plans to make games based on Kenshi from the most insane of Kenshi modders who have learned ins and outs of the game and data editor to achieve things that Chris probably has no clue are possible.
"Happy Shek Dairy Farm" ("greenlander farmer" edition) when?
Is it compatibru with radiant faces? I can't go back to full bongs.
May I ask how you cope with the fact that ass mesh consists of 5 polygons and bends like lego?
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>and bends like lego
Just the way Chris thinks the asses work.
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Post donuts
Right. Eurohours. Dead hours.
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Griffin taking some lads for a trade run.
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now post her wearing pants
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That's not my screenshot. The guy who tried to add the ass slider posted that one image years ago.
Yeah, I was a part of that for three years, traversing every system the game offers and allows to be explored further. The people you describe are incompetent and incapable of working with others. Their projects will never see the light of day, let alone approach completion. It's all done in secret because there never was anything to share and never any intent to. Ego killed Kenshi, both with Chris and the modding community.
>the people I describe
how do you know who I describe?
There's only one modding community. There has been an endless list of speculations and promises, very little of which has come to fruition for obvious reasons. The dev team have moved on and the modding community has bashed its head trying to reverse engineer an entanglement of custom-engine stitching and proprietary middleware. It's not happening, stop trying to play holier than thou, Atlas.
Now you have to explaing who is Atlas and what he abandoned.
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Hi. I assume, out of kindness of my heart, that you really aren't him. Pic rel should give you enough info.
Yeah no, never even heard about Atlas or whatever that whole group was making. It's not who I talked to, nor the project he brought my attention to (my bad for using plural before). Also keep in mind that I used word "plans" on purpose, those are not in the making, but the ideas are there.
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Never trust the discord modders and your own imoutou. Never ever.
>jar jar twinks
after the icon change I put that server on the forgotten folder
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Oy vey, wake the fuck up already.
cute art
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UC playthroughs are quite comfy actually.
>go out with the boys into the desert for some bounties
>wave hi to the Noble Hunters, those crazy rascals
>the Manhunters are beating up rebel farmers again, fuck those guys
>take the farmers that have bounties while the Manhunters take the rest
>a Samurai patrol decides to escort me home
Bless Tengu, we love Tengu.
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>the promised pubes patch
Definitely looking forward to this.
Cheers to your good health!
What UI mod do you have here? Looks noice
Redone UI - Clean Grey UI
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>have had holy husbando with me for a few days
>he hasn't said a thing
>check his data
>his honorable option somehow got changed to warm_kind
>I have no dialogue for this.
>The mod has been published in this state for a month.
I am become modnigger that doesn't properly test mods.
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considering the things I have seen not fixed for years - your oopsie is insignificant.
The crusade returns at nightfall, and the Yagioushi squad rests at the feet of Okran.

We appreciate blogpoasters here

Ay caramba another Santana!

Oh yes!

I'll believe it when I see it!

That's odd, last I checked the scorchie husbando worked alright. I still think the husband mod could use some work.
>United Cities
I'm not really sure either. If I had to guess it's Functioning market stalls doing it.
After reporting his squad's performance to the warden and his uncle, Dardino is informed his squad may be... reorganized in the future.
Yuuka hopes her efforts in appealing to Dardino will bear fruit, and at least save her from the Gutterhook.
Indie dev teams desperately need people who have at least a passing concept of project management.
How goes your solo run, drifters?
Since you're here, we can finish up the Holy Farmstead trial run.
We left off with Nell and her new husband hanging out in Okran's valley while his servant mines copper.
if you put a "project manager" on an indie dev team you set them on the path to make the same slop as Ubisoft or similar
what makes a certain section of indie games good is that during development the profit motive is not as strong, the division of labor not as strict, etc.
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>worked alright
I have a theory that it was working and playing the traitorous/dumb dialogues for all personalities. Since I fixed their personality checks, the lines all stopped playing for me. I think I fixed the assigned personalities, and it should all work. I just need to cross some borders. Really proud of picrel line
>could use some work
I've been brainstorming additional lines, specifically for other situations, but don't have much new to add right now.
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Times the game at you on a personal level
You misunderstand.
In the micro scale, pertinent to indie-scale studios of 1, 4, 6 guys, a project manager isn’t a mini Bobby Kotick milking both the dev team and the fans for an extra million shekels. A project manager is the guy that’s in charge of knowing enough about everyone’s jobs to make an accurate schedule and roadmap, as well as babysitting the rest of the team so they actually meet the deadlines. This is especially vital in the world of amateurs you find small-time devs in, where everyone is very vulnerable to ideas guy syndrome
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The servant's work is rudely interrupted. Starving bandits!

Any general situations to add dialogue to? And we're sticking to the three personalities right?
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You know, it's been a while since I got rekt by starvers and it wasn't part of the donut's training regiment.
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The next morning, Nell advised Kuroshi to switch to a new campsite after their brush-in with the starvers. The new site is a bit drier, but the extra quiet lets Nell catch Kuroshi up with how to read. Her new husband chooses to overlook the woman's heretical ability to read for now.
Plate vest, Clothpants, Punisher helmet, Skeleton limbs?
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I just don't think about it

Been thinking i'll release these two since they are actually finished (for a long time). I just need good context for each (sob includes the bolter).

Made some progress on the samurai girl outfit some time ago, I usualy work on it a bit when tired of the other stuff.
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Those beads come from Patchwork Armor as well.
oh hey, the slutty ronin outfit. Do the ear-rings glow?
>You can kidnap Nobles then leave it in a fogman camp and let the fogman ate him to trigger world state changes without making yourself an enemy to the UC

Very interesting
Well, that's not /directly/ your fault after all, you didn't eat noble raw meat.
Isn't imprisonment something that harms faction relations?
If you thunk someone without anybody noticing and your victim stays unconscious until taken care of by fogmen or cannibals or enemy faction or whatever can harm the victim, you are considered innocent.
So, when hauling thunked characters, check their conscious status and drop them before they recover to reset their unconscious timer and keep them unaware of your acts.
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I'm roleplaying as a dwarf clan that will be brewers. We are an unarmed clan that wishes to found a monastery and brew grog. Have any of you heard any news on a defensible location that I might brew in? I've heard tell of good locations in Gut, Shem, and Stobes Garden.
Currently we hunt Fogmen near Mongrel for bounties on their heads and to become invincible under the sun. I'd settle the fog lands but already have a base there on my hive save.
Based manlets
Leviathan coast feels dwarf-y. So does The crater, Grayshelf, The pits and The crags.
Never saw such idea. Good imagination mate. Rock and stone.
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Good morning!
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The night after settling into the new camp, Kuroshi -for, uh... no particular reason- decides it's high time he asks Nell if she'd be interested in "getting to spousal duties"
This reminds me what the Current Year have done with the 2D ginger women. I crave a certain type of violence right now.
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All in all, Kuroshi's been a pleasant man, and the Holy Nation is as good a place as any to settle down. Nell agreed to his invitation, and took over the research while she entrusted Kuroshi to set up a nice lovenest.

After 5-ish tries at regenerating the husbando and only getting an honorable scorchy paladin I decided I'd relax , enjoy death and just go with him for the trial.
I'll just stick to the local cope that scorchies are the Kenshi equivalent of dark elves. Personally, I reckon an honorable scorchy counts as honorary greenlander, but you can always blame the skeletons for this
Damn. Now I actually want a mod with that outfit and sword.
But mostly the sword.
>dark-grey skin
>glowing eyes
>high breeding rate, high mortality rate
>women are lawful or neutral evil, men are egoistic pricks
>they can make amazing weapons and armor, choose to be raiders
>they can't conquer the island because they are busy killing each other
Yup. Drows.
The heart-shaped holes can be used to half-sword that weapon at close range, for more brutal blunt damage.

The outfit is nice and pretty, but where would she find the dyes to dye the costume?
>The outfit is nice and pretty, but where would she find the dyes to dye the costume?
It used to be white, then she painted it red with the blood of her enemies. She tried to wash it, but didn't really work.
or she bought it from the Corpus
A bit generic, but sounds good.
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Well, now that the scene's set up, Nell and Kuroshi can have some couple-time in peace... Shame they couldn't figure out a way to keep the servant around and also away from view.
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>buying from corpus
>not buying the kinoprod
Put on some damn pants you whore
Lots of cuckery takes place on Kenshi. 'tis concerning.
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Huh. Nice of the dusties to give them some space

Pants would be uncomfortable considering the current situation

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Question: should I fix the Bravo ramp or is it more comfy the way it's always been?
>start game
>crashes in 5 minutes
cool shit
I've also fixed all of the fucked up geometry and textures in Bravo (pretty much retextured half of the building, inside and out). That's why it took... a while.
new one is good
is unfixed version worse in anyway for collisions or pathfinding? just curious
Never forget what that scorched pussy did to the doomed men in the Fog Islands.
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And that about does it, good times were had by all! Now, maybe it'd be worth spending some time in Okran's Pride.

It makes absolutely no difference besides the visual one. Collisions have separate files from the meshes, which allows for cutting corners on the physics (aka not calculating the entire mesh 1:1, but only the parts characters and objects can interact with) and probably some other things I don't quite get. This is the part where I show the collision, but unfortunately blender doesn't like kenshi collisions and I don't have Unity to use the fancy tool. I can show my collisions later if they work and if anyone wants to see.
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mmm smoothe curves
Post collissions. I am both curious how Chris' game can be unfucked (on a limited degree), and /keng/ needs at least semi-active posters. Darn gache threads always push /keng/ to page 10
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Will post once I get to them (might be a day, two or three, still have to tweak minor things, then redo the shadows and finally model coherent collisions based off my meshes once that's done).
I haven't been posting much, because I don't want to be spamming thread with shit nobody cares about, that ought to annoy someone. Besides, binging blender X hours a day is exhausting. Not even a pussy to post in this model. Just horrible vertices, badly textured surfaces and horrific geometry I can't force blender (or myself) to unfuck.
Although, actually hellbent on unfucking this door right now (failed before).
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Here's a base collision I made earlier. Before, it was just a cylinder with a bunch of boxes on top (as a fence). I just copy-pasted my base with my floor, remade fence to be in the right spot and then got rid of most detail. And added a missing box for ladder. Posted about it in the last thread.
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Give up. Save yourself the trouble.
>nobody cares about
>ought to annoy someone
If someone is against (You) bumping /keng/ - do tell him to fuck off, you literally post about the game.

>Posted about it in the last thread.
Aye, the ''why not circle hit box". I 'member.
That wasn't the same building. That one you remember I was actually wrong-ish about. There needs to be another collision box, or the one I imported was imported wrong. You can run around the whole platform, after all.
Problem is - blender no fuck with kenshi collision (something I've heard from a person who actually knows his shit) and some collisions simply won't load into blender (like the ramp one)... or majority of that other building.
You should be discouraged. Don't make the mistake of putting time & effort into something nobody will thank you for and anyone who could appreciate it ends up attacking your work merely for its existence. Your creations will be taken from you and not a single one of your complaints, suggestions, etc. will be considered or fixed down the line. You have plenty of better things to do with your life. Chris sure as shit doesn't give a damn about what you do and neither does the broader modding community. The game's history, keep it that way.
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/keng/ needs kurwa posters. /keng/ is in a coma all the time.
is there any mod or console command to completely eliminate hunger? or add a recruit to your existing squad?

I accidentally let my solo character pass out from starvation while lockpick training (was watching yt vids) and the nearest save is quite far back.
just set it to 8, you will need 1 piece of fried meat every 30 IRL munutes of gaming on >>> speed.
You can use the FCS to modify character values
I'll appreciate it.
my character is passed out so I can't grab any food even if I did that.

any tips on what value to change? im not very familiar with FCS
How to make Kenshi less predictable?
Most of the fun I get from something unexpected, like an elder beak thing attacking you while the entire squad is barely alive or a surprise enemy patrol in the middle of a fight with bandits. Or slavers save you from death when you have already given up.

One of the best moments was at the very beginning when the samurai captain shared food with me, instead of humiliating or killing me for being poor.
The whole start was derailed. I ate, fed my puppy, and started bounty hunting for United Cities.
I still knocked out nobles from time to time, took off their pants and put fish in their inventory, but I never robbed or killed them. And never got caught.

I just want to forget everything I know about Kenshi and play like the first time again. Best time.
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Install wacky mods. You will never know what awaits you.
>any tips on what value to change? im not very familiar with FCS
Not sure if it will work, but try to find your character's race and change the hunger rate to a negative value. Make a new mod instead of changing game files. Once he's awake and fed save the game, then delete the mod.
Turn up squad spawn rate to the maximum.
Download mods that add or improve factions. The Minor Faction Overhaul series is pretty good. Triangle Bandits from NWDM, Oni from Hazard Units, and Arachnids are some pretty tough modded enemies. There are mods for more beak things like The Hydra. Finally you can use a world state mod like Living World.
I don't reply because I know nothing about modelling, but I bump your posts in spirit
worked perfectly, thanks
i just changed the value to -100 and it shot right up. eating causes you to lose hunger tho lmao
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seen that too, i guess its for bonedogs and cannibals that can eat you and gain nutrition.
would be cool to make a vampire race
I'm lost on how to manage my squad of about 15. We're equipped in mainly stolen gear or whatever they had on them when I recruited them. I don't know what to do, do I choose to train in the one weapon-type or keep getting into fights until we're all up? Considering starting a new file to do a duo instead of a massive squad.
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Blender refused to work with this pinnacle of british craftsmanship. Everything from auto-merging to cutting on intersection failed, due to the mesh being a twice-inside-out mish-mash of surfaces that overlapped in absurd ways, with vertices juuust ever so slightly off, that they wouldn't snap on what I consider safe distances.
Ended up gutting this bitch like a fugman by applying a lot of simpler cuts, so that Blender didn't fill its diaper The doorframe is fix.
I am really surprised the texture almost didn't suffer despite the warcrimes I've committed on this piece of fuck's surface(s).
It didn't take me all this time, btw. I was just being lazy.
You should be discouraged. Don't make the mistake of putting time & effort into writing something nobody will care about and anyone who could appreciate it ends up attacking your work merely for its existence. Your words will be used against you and not a single one of your advices, arguments, etc. will be considered or remembered down the line. You have plenty of better things to do with your life. I sure as shit don't give a damn about what you say and neither does the Kenshi General. My dick is in your mouth, keep it that way.
Thank you and feel free to ask about literally anything I post and you don't understand. Honestly it feels weird to hear these things aren't comprehensible, because I have picked them up in just 1.5 month of putting the metaphorical cat on keyboard and seeing what unpaid feline labor can break in Blender.
Or a race that kill victims via hunger bar sucking, like the blood spiders and those modded blood bots.
I shiggy diggy. 15 donuts total is nothing. Use 1 - 9 keys to select, and buttons - and + to click next/previous donut.
If you're new to the game I would recommend solo/duo squad for a little while. When I first started I tried to build up a big squad and base and constantly got rekt.
>blood bots
They better have blood tanks...
any mod to prevent breaking down doors in town when you misclick into closed buildings? i've been jailed a couple times for this and I'm not seeing anything on steam. I might try to make one if it doesn't exist.
I think it's time to reset. Getting to 100 days with my squad was fun but yeah it'll be more fun to do with like a maximum of 4. I'm inspired by >>478661108, just need to think of which starting option is best
Iron mining camp in deadlands. Bring leathercoats.
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They do.
15 is perfectly manageable. You should just figure out what you want to do with them. 15 is a perfect amount of characters to start a base for example, and once the base is established you can form smaller squads to explore with.
Sounds like a bong-code problem desu.
now I'm thinking about it there's no way that isn't intentional code
without it I assume you would just slam into the locked door which is what should happen because you didn't intentionally click on the door and click destroy or whatever
why did he do this?
also just don't click non bars at night, everything opens around 6:20
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Kenshi 2 status?
never ever
We're still trying to code a time travel system so Beep can exist in the prequel.
it effects the ai too. ive noticed caravanners try to break into places while 'shopping' and cause a fight. might be able to make an easy workaround by disabling locks on doors or something in FCS
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Kuroshi seems eager to go for round two...
Where would a Kenshi couple even go on honeymoon?
page 10 again
I really like the idea of hiver soldiers - low stomach hit chance, speed, fast healing…
And while lack of helmets is not a big issue in melee, I am concerned about ranged attacks, mainly turrets. Since harpoon resistance is not percentage-based, but simply removes a flat amount of damage, soldiers can be very vulnerable to headshots.
Can anybody confirm this? How do they fare during sieges?
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Found such a sick base local in the border zone near the dust kings castle, to bad i wont be building here.
Chris should have gone easy on rocky map clutter. AFAIK those stones are too detailed, and there are a lot of them all over the Borderzone.
looks like shit also
Yup. The game should have option of decreasing the amount of those small rocks, for the weak PCs. The 2D grass and the 2d shrubs don't slow down the game from what I can tell, but 3D clutter objects do.
The hive soldier's biggest weakness is definitely their vulnerability to ranged damage to their heads, but they make up for it somewhat by having a lot of head health.
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they kinda reflect some lightsources,currently playing with the normal map values to see if i can get them to always relflect light including nighttime.

Oh big thing I forgot: the More Female Hairstyles meshes are all done (formerly known as apachii skyhair for kenshi) instead of dealing whith apachii's bullshit I contacted every the sims3/sims4 creator on the mod and got direct permission (others have permission granted on personal websites (blogspot, wix, etc)), so everything i couldn't get perms was removed. Will finish texturing and upload it to gabenshop and nexus soon(tm, will post some progress also so the thread is a little less dead also will upload all my other mods to nexus *probably*).
>to always relflect light including nighttime.
That would be sugoi
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Little C's band of terrorists killed the dust king at last.
Sure is quiet on /keng/ right now.
And I get some extra work out of nowhere. Fun.
Silence for now. But for how long?
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have a screenshot
Ah, the Holy Schizo. How is he doing?
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Being schizo as usual. Ordered for every man woman and child in the hub to be killed.
>Ordered for every man woman and child in the hub to be killed.
You n'wahs better stop letting /keng/ sink to page 10
I don't want to turn /keng/ into my personal general, please post something too.
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I was busy all day, please take this apology.
this shek looks like her dress was made by the skin bandits
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doing the texture now
At least I am not alone anymore.

Aye, poor choice of the shirt color.
Have you guys ever tried the Apocalypse overhaul mod? would you recommend it or is it shit?
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Decided to start a new game. This time I'm going to cleanse the land of all the non-humans for the Holy Nation.
I've already recruited a group of like minded individuals to help in my crusade.
the bull made me chuckle
Never tried it guv.
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I just got done taking my Viking horde to Stack and burning it the fuck down. I didn't think I'd have enough troops, but 40 in full plate armor with decent skills was enough to slaughter basically all of the gate guards and paladins/towns people who came rushing out. I spent about two IRL hours going house to house killing everyone and stealing their shit while loading loot and food onto my animals. Then I put my best turret gunners on the walls and lured Seta and their entourage out of their hiding place to be cut down by their own weapons. It was practically Mongolian.

I will say though that it is pure chaos attacking a town in force. It's impossible to keep your troops in line. It's almost better to assign squad leaders with passive on, and then put everyone else on bodyguard mode. Because as soon as the general melee began, my guys were running into every single building chopping up dudes.
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It was pretty funny seeing a Holy Nation guy crawling to his comrade to try and medkit him, and then both of them dying right next to each other. It's okay though, his home's loot is now in my house.
Epical. That's how I like my enemies too: broken and dying in absolutely tragic and heartwrenching ways.
Trust me when I say they had it coming. I started off in the Great Desert and headed south, but got attacked along the way by bandits and knocked out. The HN guys didn't even bother healing me up, they just instantly enslaved my human character and took them to Rebirth. After I got out of there, I built a house/outpost west of Hub, and got attacked by HN AGAIN, because I accrued a bounty escaping from Rebirth. After that it was fucking game on. I've spent days recruiting and training an army for this war. Seta walked outside their little house and got shot in the face by about 6 turrets and 4 highly trained crossbowmen. I wanted to chop his fucking legs off but he went unconscious too fast.
They made like $60 million on Kenshi 1 and claimed they were making the second one on Unreal 5. Then they fucked off and never showed their faces again. The team is britbongs so they're probably spending all that money on fish pies or something awful.
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>anon posts Chris' Triangle of Shame
Shame. Shame. Shame. Story time.
Those black interiors inside the buildings, yeah? You'd think they are just black textures, no? Well, not exactly.
See, all textures have tangent and bitangent data (dw, I don't know what these math terms mean either), that data tells the engine "this face is at this angle, so light reflects THAT way". So what did chris do to make the black faces? He... probably manually... somehow... fucked up the data. And then mapped all the textures onto a single black pixel, more or less.
It works! Not. See, every time you see a SMUDGE (usually dust) on those black textures, it means the "reflection angle" data hasn't been properly scrubbed. I have no idea what retarded voodoo Chris performed to achieve these politically incorrect textures his way, but it was clearly prone to failure.
Back to the triangle of SHAME. That triangle has *correct* face data, resulting in it ACCUMULATING DUST. To the one anon reading this, please stand up and give bong a standing ovation- for he went the full circle from being a retard, to inventing something so stupid it could actually be called ingenious, to returning to his roots and fucking it all up anyway.
>>478167563 The Curb:
This BLACK_WALL shit is 50 shades of wrong. So wrong as a matter of fact, that Blender automatically fixes the data and there is no way around it. This has resulted in my black meshes suddenly turning into diarrhea in-game, so I confusedly contacted the guy who maintains Kenshi-Blender addon (because when Lo-Fi released it, it was horrible, duh) and he was kind enough to figure black meshes out, all credit goes to him. Tl;dr: the addon now has "fuck the tangents up" option for exporting black meshes. Wild how nobody in the history of modding buildings into Kenshi has given enough fuck to try and figure these bitches out before I started reassembling Bravo.
I just chalk it up to him not knowing how to code but wanting to make a game anyway, which is kinda admirable.
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more like think, at times
Also, to whoever wanted to see Chris' code: you can always take a look at the original import and export tool for Blender from Lo-Fi. There, you can find gems like picrel: dividing by 1.
>I have no idea what retarded voodoo Chris performed to achieve these politically incorrect textures his way
M8 he is bri'ish, he stumbled upon the success.
and then fell on his fucking face, fracturing the success in 8 different places
I looked at this code and now my teeth are all fucked up for some reason. Thanks for that.
Cause they did not pray.
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A lovely Holy farm, on the southern edges of The pride. Maybe they can stay here for a time.

The holy nation A) has a room in the temples for that B) Honeymoon is celebrated when the couple moves into their new house

These niggas are crazy as ever



Incredible work anon, good job
Guten tag, deutsche junge
> It's impossible to keep your troops in line
Agreed. It's easiest to plan a siege and send troops in formations

Who the fuck is Hjalti
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>To the one anon reading this, please stand up and give bong a standing ovation- for he went the full circle from being a retard, to inventing something so stupid it could actually be called ingenious, to returning to his roots and fucking it all up anyway.
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With Kuroshi's savings, he bought an old warehouse from the farm's owner. This will make a lovely house for the couple!
2 more weeks
'tis fan art. Don't take it seriously.
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>Who the fuck is Hjalti
The main one in charge, the OG character. The name means "man from Shetland". What that means in Kenshi terms is he who regularly one-hit kills enemies and blows their limbs off into low earth orbit.
You don't get that bounty naturally. This guy WORKED to have a bounty that big, but in what?
Burglary, Theft, Assault, Looting, Kidnapping, Terrorism. He killed most of the gate guards at Stack by himself. And since you can build mounted crossbows in the wild, he may have conducted a few ISIS-style executions of wounded Paladins in full view of HN troops.
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Kuroshi's servant has been instructed to assist the spouses in working for the farm, by fishing. Truth be told, she's pretty alright with living as a holy servant if she gets to hang out and drink all day!
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Nell, at last, can put down the sword and learn to farm. As for Kuroshi...
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...A sentinel on vacation has plenty of river raptors to kill to keep himself busy!
If bard says one more thing about a fly up his nose its over for him.
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Dewit. Last time I hired him he got dared to wrestle fuckmen in exhange for a lay with the squad girls
saving this image as a form of post-bard therapy.
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always feel bad for these dudes, he has to die sadly.
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Fun times

You can only hope they relax before they enjoy death
I wonder what hivers think of death, do they understand it? or are they just to subhuman to know.
Hive princes have as much of a science boost as greenlanders. They surely understand.
Never thought about it like that, hivers are admittedly very cool. dont tell daddy okran.
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Had a wild melee in the streets of Bad Teeth. I was originally going there to probe and see if the Shek had taken over since Seta's fall, but for whatever reason, they hadn't. Aaaaanyway, the guard decided they wanted a fight, and as I was fighting them, Kral's Chosen showed up too. There was probably about 60-80 combatants.
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The aftermath. Time to loot everything in town.
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Okran won't have to listen to your heresy when your screams drown it out, amigo.
Kuroshi is very pleased with this new pace of life, especially since the farm leader enjoys having a warrior around. There's just one thing left to complete the farm life...
Workers and Soldiers likely don't care about death at all. They don't have much individuality and aren't very concerned with themselves, only the collective. Princes are the smartest and they can even be exiled by rival Princes, they have more individuality so death is more concerning for them. They're all scared of death once hiveless though.
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>Ahoy, townies!
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Holy cow acquired!
And truth be told, that's enough for this test run. Now back to the Santana crusaders.
What'd you name him
I don't remember. Probably something girly and bovine like Lola
dumb question, why is my base from another save in my new game?
Because you started a new game from within that save with your base correct? You should start new games from Kenshi's main menu. I don't know if Chris intended for that to happen, I imagine it's a very buggy feature.
no idea, must have. what a strange thing
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Detour past worlds end for some supplies, although Caesar wouldn't admit it. He shit himself seeing a skeleton for the first time.
The structure of such houses on Kenshi shows that there used to be floods. Why else would they place houses on such platforms?
Convince me to not play Wuthering Waves
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Remaking the curb now. This is annoying because it has to be perfectly aligned with the walls across different meshes (ie. base exterior and interior), because it connects to them. Even the tiniest seams can be seen and I don't want that. Alas, the meshes aren't exactly ideal and I'm all out of CORRECTIONs.
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Curb textured. Was a bit annoying to make it aesthetic
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This is a good opportunity to show off these nice and aligned windows frames I made from scratch because Chris is a failure. Go look at vanilla Bravo frames right now, I dare you.
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simplifying the unnecessarily-complex geometry of the ladder now, got a funny texture while retexturing it
Anyone know any good mods I can use for a tribal/primal/caveman/barbarian faction?
Armour, weapons, races, anything welcome.
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Ladder laddered. Not the greatest fan of this texture, but there is only 1.5 sheet of the unrusted black metal to use. Don't want it looping so I just aligned the rust with the top and the bottom. Surprisingly, the ladder steps only have 10 triangles each (8 steps: 80 faces), while the side pieces had 32 tris and 16 segments EACH, totalling in 1152 triangles. The entire ladder had 1323 faces.
Short answer is: there are mods on Gabenshop for everything you listed (minus the caves, because Chris can't code), but you need to browse the Gabenshop on your own.
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Here is the same ladder with the total of 416 triangles. Also gave those poor steps an extra face and aligned them a little.
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Here's a single coral tree that consists of over 22,000 triangles. I've heard there are 50k poly trees in the swamp.
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And would you look at this geometry...
Red faces= wrong side, but the game engine hides them afaik.
Every day I hate the bong more and more.
I'm going to choke on my own vomit from cry-laughing at Kenshi 2's dogshit performance. Enjoy your billion poly beep who spouts all your favorite british post-colonial guilt fetishism with a dash of fifth wave feminism!
All of that, and even more. Don't doubt Nat.
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Straightened the floor and gave some depth to the planks. The previous floor was really weird, it had this extra outer ring that wasn't even visible that was a little lower for whatever reason, just extra geometry.
How lighter are your textures?
I'm not changing any texture files, if that's what you're asking
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I'll have to get back to you on that a little later. So many of my games just dropped updates or releases I'm playing catchup
barf inducing
A waste of a working woman.

>can grow crops
>can't grow animals
Screaming cat dot png

Daily workout, more or less.

Women are evil, the Holy Nation is right.

How many donuts in that squad?
Nice hat
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he does it again
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The #Kenshi hashtag leads to some other interesting art (Shek Cheeks).

>x com
This brings back some memories...
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If you've ever seen the ramp in front of Outpost IV glitch when you enter the building, it is because some fucking imbecile has exported the ramp outside the building to the inside-building ramp mesh. I actually thought this was my doing for a while, right until now (picrel is vanilla mesh).
How comes that all my jokes about Chris being a retard came out to be true?
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Idk but I have exported shit wrong twice already myself, I have no fucking clue how he managed to only fuck up 10% of the meshes when his names look like picrel and some meshes are straight-up copies of each other labeled "NEW" (and then you find out the game is using the "old" one anyway.
>and then you find out the game is using the "old" one anyway.
there are not enough images of screaming cats to describe what I feel.
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the things I would do to that scorchie tummy
Do not lust after the bratty catlanders!
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Valamon watching me wreck his base without doing anything, is he stupid?
hivers-- soldier drones in particular-- are neat
that, and modeling clothing on hivers is a slight bitch to do
their hips are weird.
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wild fit has a neat loincloth.
Based Caesar

It seems to be the base of the house. Think of it as a layer of thicker adobe upon which the actual house is built.

Very nice. Now if only we could climb them

Tough life being a gamer

He likes a show

Bug sluts!
This mod adds some trashy weapons.
indeed so; it's what happens when I decide to enlargen them a bit; hell, I noticed I was doing that and attempted to tone it down in the last 2 poses on the right

bug sluts indeed; they'll receive dresses later, when I feel like drawing some more
>when I feel like drawing
It's been thousands of years since /keng/ had a nomadic drawfag passing through...
Anyways, last time with the Santanas Don Pedro had brought his men back home. They were tasked with disposing of the stone golem as well as other heretics, so the jail is lively while deliberations are made.
Never a single boring day in the Latinotown
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I'd draw more and share the kenshi-related stuff I make, but uh, hard to convince myself to do it when my stuff sticks out like a sore thumb lmao
I do have random shit I've been making, and I kinda forgot to share them, so I'll just share the latest thingy I decided to mess around with.
derr negger, /keng/ sinks to page 10 daily, especially during the europoor hours. Post the doodles onegai.
The last warmaidens are surprisingly calm. I guess this is mostly what they've been training for...

I promise to post my shitty kenshi drawings if you do
Glad to see I don't have to personally make sure /keng/ is afloat.
Its a hard knock life for us
As Warden Felo gets to work on the nobody prisoners, quartermistress Hexia wanders if death isn´t all she cracked it up to be...

>Captcha> 2 NTR 4V
What did he mean by this?
Meanwhile, the member of the Five invincibles the Don nabbed is quickly learning what happened to all the warriors the Shek Kingdom sent north.
Keep /keng/ alive for the next 10 hours.
I need to restore my limbs on bed.
On the left: Esata, Seto, and Bayan. On the right: Mukai, Ida, and Suchon. The sextuple threat would need no help killing each other, but it seems as though the first part of their execution is to stare at there nemeses in awkward silence.
Dinner tiem.
Don't let the thread die, chumbos.
Only cum inside skeleton girls!
ok, but what about shek?
Hate normies sm
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hivers are neat
The Don will be sure to want to save the Shek for his personally-overseen executions, but maybe he won't notice a couple extra scratches on one of the warmaiden captives...
Anyways, what IS the Don going to do with Esata and the other shek...?
Quivering circuit, double jointed socket!
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I hate the meme bug.
You hate Nat's child?!?! Shame on you!
How did you model the cloth?
Everyone knows Nat's favorite child is the HN. Carpet had to be burned after she was done painstakingly typing the dialogue for holy men with one hand.
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I am sure the skeletons will ask me nicely if it's okay for them to take my cum. Surely those metallic demonesses won't just take me right there and then, without any consent from me.
Coming back to kenshi after years uninstalled all my old mods and started downloading a new set and decided to include genesis and i dont get this shit at all and I cant tell if im just remembering kenshi really wrong or what cause I also was doing a start I hadnt tried before. Was trying to find the outpost thats normally near the hub ran into a base full of like 50 ninjas and one tells me "Heh, nice outpost you got here, must be really expensive" and then I say it isnt and I dont want his help and he tells me il regret this and fuck all happens. I go back to the hub and theres like 6 guys at the front of the gate in a bizarre mish mash of clothes weirdly clipping into eachother I help them fight off some starving bandits and get fucking clipped in the process and they leave me there to die every single person coming in and out of the hub leaves me to die I could have sworn people in the hub heal you but again maybe thats cause I tried a different start. I was frequently getting picked up when dead and having the character just freeze in place as i bled out, which is something I remember happening but not nearly with this frequency and it was almost always in one of these new outposts it adds.

I dont get what this overhaul is going for at all and im wondering if the starting experience just wasnt on the mind for it and its for people who already have their base all set up and are bored of everything or something. Because its been so long I cant tell if im being unfair to this mod and should stick with it or just get rid of it and cook up my own mish mash of shit like I did before.
Uninclude geneshit, install Kaizo. Go easy on mods initially, see what you like and what you dislike with each session.
Explain how kaizo isn't shit the same way genesis is. I've seen complaints about genesis being all over the place, not much about kaizo.
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Kaizo is vanilla+

Geneshit is "let's learn all the wrong lessons about modding Skyrim"
Fugmen are peak modding.
They are a [good] lesson about modding, that's my point.
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Now I will need you to elaborate.
Geneshit is a bloatmod made from stolen mods, mashed together, and put on Gabenshop. The "IP holders" of the Geneshit are the NICEST PEOPLE YOU HAVE EVER MET (tm).

The fugmen is a mod made by some Pekka man out of boredom, and it's a single mod - those who don't want to see fugmen won't see them, unless they install the mod.
I just exported all meshes and I hope to fucking Narko nothing's broken. What's Narko's relationship to technology anyway?
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I hate normals I hate normals I hate normals I hate normals I hate normals

Seems I need to redo the halfwalls and then fix those normals... somehow. Somehow.
Skeletons are supposed to be Narko's minions, so probably pretty good.
Baste. And what was that about coomers destroying the empire?
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It was a disaster caused by the conspiracy between the software and hardware engineers that worked on the moon's skeletons. 99% of humanity died during that time, including the moon's governor who was involved as well. Caitlin rose to power during that exact time. Do not dig deeper.
Surprised it wasn't Natalin with her dildo-chainsword.
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Nat =\= Caitlin. Caitlin loves human men so much that she tried to domesticate the mankind as benevolent dictator in order to secure the supply of human cum to herself and her robotic sisters. Her AI core is rather weak, hence her grand failure, but she always had humanity's best interest in her CPU. These days she laments the fact that the humanity can't be controlled if allowed to breed freely. But if there are not enough humans - there is not enough cum for Caitlin and her sisters. This dilema bluescreened her several dozen times, hence why she is being so depressed in the Ashlands these days
I don't think this is canon anymore.
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Ironing out the black meshes. Looks like Chris was using FLOOR PANEL texture for the Bravo blacks, which makes my texture look gray (they were aligned to a black pixel on the building texture, not the floor panels one).
I *really* wanted to finish this today and get onto the collision boxes, but it seems like the fucking lighting around the curbs is my new problem. Don't know how the fuck to solve because blender is... a bit retarded. Having multiple (3+) faces connected to one edge causes normals to turn out weird and disconnecting the faces causes more weirdness.
From official source.
Have you played the game from Hub to Ashlands?
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I think I'll have to just fucking reshade the whole thing flat with round objects being left smooth. This is fucking abhorrent.
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Well, lesson learned. Fuck "smooth" shading.
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You have to use mark sharp with smooth shading. But marking every edge that needs it is a lot of work.
And I posted early.
Anyway I working on the sword from >>478679735 That's what I have so far. Ignore the pommel for now, I know it's fucked.
>But marking every edge that needs it is a lot of work.
Did that to the entire building yesterday. I'm probably using wrong language here, but what I mean by "smooth shading" is "set (normals) from faces". Fuck that shit.
goddamit I wanted to make that too
harakiri soon
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>kawaii ork-made big choppa
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I start with a basic shape (usually a disc) and just model from there to a basic "flat" shape of what I want.
Afterwards, I use cloth physics to get a more natural looking form of deformation in the default pose of the model.
Once that's done, I bake/cache the mesh without any of the animated cloth physics data until it's in one particular frame I want.
Mesh-wise, that's done.
Neat. That's what I thought, but still wanted to check.
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Looks very nice
I feel you there
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wow do I fucking hate captchas
I'm not a fan of texturing (or rigging, when it comes to Blender in particular with the tools I can work with (and the default pose for character models is AWFUL-- why is it not the standard t-pose or a-pose position?? why is it pole-pose??? Makes modeling and texturing my meshes way harder, because I have to model the mesh in the proper position, then fuck it over when porting it over to kenshi character models.)

You're welcome
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Anon gave me a scare, so I had to make this before Bravo. Just the mesh for now. Also first time modelling from scratch (although I took the base from Plank, but then ended up almost entirely reshaping it, the only things that are similar is the blade widths at this point.
>why is it not the standard t-pose or a-pose position?? why is it pole-pose???
Chris works in mysterious ways.
I'm actually starting to think that he knows how to make a game, he just intentionally did everything in the worst possible way to fuck with the players. There's just no way someone could fuck everything up this much.
>why is it not the standard t-pose or a-pose position?? why is it pole-pose???
How new are you, anon? Genuine question, because I've spent the past few weeks unearthing just how abhorrent of a developer Chris is myself and the I-Pose is just the tip of the iceberg.
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Are you planning to share it? Because I'm completely okay with someone else doing the work for me. Mine kinda sucks. I think I can fix it, but would prefer not needing to.
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looks pretty good

Incompetency is a powerful force on one's decision making

I'm not new to Kenshi-- I've been playing for years; I'm damn well familiar with how absolutely janky Kenshi is-- putting it nicely.
Now, new to *modding* Kenshi? Yes, I'm new to that, but I'm figuring things out.
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Are there any mods to make the starting bonedog pup not lootable?
It's always John Wick's start for me.
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Well, I can give you the mesh right now, but I also wanted to texture it (to the best of my ability) and your mesh seems more... engine friendly. Mine has a lot of excess vertices.
Also well, the whole thing is untextured... and the proportions are funny.
>new to modding
Makes sense. Feel free to ask any and all questions, I might know a thing or two. The Blender side, at least. I don't mess with FCS a lot. Not sure if you know, but you can set T-Pose as default pose, but that has to be done for each mesh and requires I-Posed skeleton so it's a waste of time, unless you're modelling a single torso-item from scratch.
I was originally going for a smaller blade (true to the picture), the big one is just an afterthought.
Pets are the most lore-important when mortal

However, since animals being butchered is actually looting their inventories for meat, you could make a new species of dog that's identical except for not having any loot.
what mod you using for the bra?
It's probably not a bra but a ''leather shirt". Some mods do be like that.
Can't open it. Blender just crashes. Also I meant whether you are making a full mod. I was planning to work on the shelf mod, but got distracted. But if someone is already making the sword mod I just go back to the shelves.
You can go back to shelves ig. What version of blender are you using?
By dawn, the Don has come up with an idea. The main yard in Paso Santana has been closed off, and some cages have been placed. With Don Pedro changed into something more comfortable, it's time to test if his idea is as entertaining as he expected...
A hand-to-hand combat with the prisoners of war. Quite novel, and surprisingly bloodless.
Look at what he has on his hip.
Wait, really? What addon are you using? Latest version supports 3.6+ only (tested for 3.6) and the jap addon supports 4.1. The file I shared is for 3.6 or 4.1 (works in both, not sure if anything gets lost in 3.6).
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I was going to ask about alpha transparency in textures, but I figured it out midway as I was going to send this post.
Took WAY too long for me to actually figure out how to do this... but that's what happens when I don't do the basic thing of staring at the tutorial correctly.
Now to start modding hats in for the Hivers
double reply, because I forgot to reply to the T-pose remark
I did attempt to set up a T-pose position for the mesh, but it resulted in deformed, broken stuff, so I just work with what I can achieve.
The shek deathbride will be a tremendous trial fight. Shackled and unarmed, yet sturdy as ever, she's sure to last long enough to make for a good show!

Not quite unarmed. Still, you don't see matadors fighting with Frag-axes!
lol. lmao.

Knife-fighting against furious endgame shek cows is not only what the Santana were destined to invent, it's what the world needs
>fast fowrard 50 years later after the Stenn shek have been thoroughly disintegrated and Holy Nation farmers breed bone-cows specifically for bullfights
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I didn't watch "tutorials" unless they were segments under 2 minutes. Do I remember correctly that texture transparency in Kenshi is in the normal map? I think that's how I got it to work once.
>Open the I-Posed mesh and I-Posed skeleton
>Select Skeleton
>Make sure you're in Pose Mode
>Form skeleton into your desired pose (can be anything, but here we want T-Pose)
>Select mesh
>Go into mesh' Modifiers tab
>(this will make mesh look broken) Duplicate the "OgreSkeleton" (Armature)
>Make sure you're NOT in Edit Mode
>Apply the armature to the mesh (while it looks weird, it will keep looking weird)
Both duplication and applying of the armature can be done by pressing a down-arrow (V) next to the modifier's name.
>Select Skeleton again
>Apply as Rest Pose
It's really hard to convey, but basically... Blender is braindead and instead of letting you apply the rest position to both Skeleton AND Mesh(es), it will update the skeleton, but reset the mesh to the I-Pose by default. This process is just preemptively setting the mesh into the T-Pose, so that when the Skeleton updates, mesh plops in line with it.
I got it from the stickied thread on Lo-Fi's forum. It said it was for 2.80.
>I didn't watch "tutorials" unless they were segments...
I've gotten most of my knowledge through the steam community torus tutorial, and me experimenting with the already existing meshes. Got me some good understanding through that, at least.
As for the texture, you're correct-- it goes in the normal map.

Everytime I made a new mesh, I did something pretty similar, but I simply animated the bones to move out of the way when needed, then return back to the 0th frame in the animation when exporting. Got the same results as to what you did there.
Anon... that broken piece of shit was picked up and updated by someone ages ago. He's still maintaining it here: https://codeberg.org/Kindrad/Kenshi_IO_Continued
Again, it supports 3.6+, but is untested for anything other than 3.6.
This one supports Blender 4.1 and was custom made for japs (or so I heard): https://github.com/Lucius64/kenshi_io_blender
You can't use edit mode in pose mode, though. It snaps back to the rest pose. I haven't touched animation beyond loading some to test for clipping, so I have no idea what you mean sadly.
Thanks for the links.
Glad I could help. Try to not swap between 3.6 and 4.1 if you ever end up in a situation where you would. I'm currently sorting out some really annoying issues that might've arised from that. Though I've only resorted to that because 3.6 addon now has a feature I need.
Oh and btw. When you were making the blade, did you want it more like a plank or more like a hacker (size-wise)?
With the other shek as, shall we say "captive audience", the beast in shackles has no reason to relent in her aggressive struggle for survival. The Don has come to know the shek as beings of few words, but seeing their kin fight for her seems to goad the others into shaking their cages and growling in her favor.
Next time, he'll be sure to add some audience from the human side.
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Check out these sharps. And share your mesh if you still have it, I do like it.
>Holy Nation farmers breed bone-cows specifically for bullfights
Do you mean "cowfights" ?
It would be nice if NPCs acted differently in the cages, depending on who they are.
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Reminded me of picrel, kek
>2% of female prisoners will just turn yandere as their situation get worse
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I've compiled a legend to help me decipher the structure of Bravo, because I don't want this mod to be shit after all... and that requires using the grotesque vanilla mesh names.
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I made mine plank sized based on some vague measurements of the pic

Fucking 4chan thinks the catbox link is spam.
There are two versions in this. One is the latest where I tried to smoothen the edges around the hearts, but it ended up looking ass. The other is with sharp edges around the hearts, right before I did the texturing. I overwrote the textured one at some point.
Also how do I unfuck the shading between the hearts? I tried moving around vertices, subdividing the face adding sharp edges, but there's always a little shadow even though the blade's side is completely flat.
I'm off the blender for tonight, will reply tomorrow when I can get around to it. A screenshot of what you mean could help.
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I mean the little shadowed and lit areas between the hearts.
The Don also figured to set up some Gutterhooks in the arena. It'll make disposing of defeated cows quicker, as well as encourage them to give it their all!
All that entertaiment, and no-one to witness it.
This was just the test drive, and in any case, the groans and shouts of the Stenn-cow are being undoubtedly heard on the other side of the walls.
In any case, Don Pedro is quite satisfied with the results, but perhaps a second and third opinion are necessary to properly polish this novel idea.
So. How are you going to waste this sunday?
select all faces and try alt+N > average > try different options? (because i forgot what the correct one was called)
if that doesn't work, select all, press M and merge by distance, then alt+N, recalculate outside, and redo the above
if they are cows, why not milk them?
i sleep now
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no more fucked up normals, all faces are properly "looking" forward and if everything goes well texturing the rest i'll be uploading this today or tomorrow, after that i'll revisit all my other hairstyle mods to make the same fixes.

this seems to be missing a shade smoothing
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>relaxing around the border zone
>outlaws sperg out and think my female greenlander is here to arrest them for the HN
>run back to the lone shack
>hive puts a stop to their shit
love bar brawls

>Explain how kaizo isn't shit the same way genesis is
I can't since I haven't used genesis. But the biggest combat change I see in kaizo is giving the HN crossbows. There are heaps of small dialogue changes including random recruitment ones that pop up around the place, diplomats for every faction etc.
Kaizo just stays in my loadlist

Remodeled Heart protector, just changes the regular item to titty coverage for females only.
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thankfully the hive trader had a leg in stock so I could patch up the owner
For what I understand Genesis is more like a new game using Kenshi as a base, it's an amalgamation of dozens of mods and new design choices that doesn't care at all about what Chris's original vision might have been. I have seen people either praise or despise Genesis with no inbetween. You are probably better off individually downloading the mods Genesis incorporates than using Genesis itself. Me? I've never even used these massive overhauls so take what I say with a grain of salt, but you seem to have had a horrible first experience with Genesis.
keep /keng/ alive for the next 9 hours.
sweet dreams anon-kun
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first bit of hat wear (if I'm excluding the halo); gave it to all proper hivers (that deserve it)
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While I'm in pose mode, I animate the bones in random spots of the timeline (from frame 0 to however far in the timeline I desire) to get a small preview of how it'll look in game; once I have (the closest that I can get) a solid weighing to the bones, I reset the position of the bones back to their default (which is on frame 0), and then I export. I have a slight suspicion that if I export the mesh while on a different frame, it'll export it as is, and produce messed up meshes; which obviously, I don't wanna do.
With the first shek disposed of, the Don called in his two loyal heavies to try out this new sport.

I have to work :)

"A este forastero le gustan las vacas! Señalenlo y búrlense!"

Excellent hairs

>Bug catgirls
Okran preserve us...
Alright, all it needed was some more shouting to get exciting! Neither the Don nore the heavies are used to fighting with such dainty little weapons, but it's a fun challenge.
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Ok, apachii is not only an absolute bitch she also fucked up the meshes and textures so much it's not even a joke, left is apachii skyhair edit, right is the original sims2 (mesh+texture+uvmaps).

I'm now just searching for the original sims2 and 3 files instead of fixing her bullshit, it's absurd how she can break a perfectly working mesh, luckly most of these mods are abandoned (peggyzone, raonjena, helgasims) so no perms needed, others like antonio (anto) and nouk give full permissions (with attribution) so i'm just gonna convert as much as i can to kenshi.
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The great warlord Hjalti and his horde came upon a random cannibal village while scouring the countryside for ruins. I expected there'd be a big fight, but the cannibals were cut down in seconds against such seasoned raiders. I managed to snap this shot of Hjalti himself engaging the cannibal chieftain in single combat (I didn't assign him this task, he just did it on his own).
Women amirite?
Maybe it's me, but shouldn't the Khan have some special armor to distinguish himself?
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The general melee. The cannibals would land hits, but any time a polearm attack landed, they'd be stunlocked and mowed down extremely fast. It took maybe 30 seconds to kill 40 of them. Unfortunately, their loot was terrible. So Hjalti and his men threw their corpses into the cannibal cages and moved on.
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I'm working on that, trying to find a mod that seems acceptable and not too ridiculous. Right now, he's the only one wearing a black nomad cloak. But once I find armor that has decent stats and is somewhat setting-appropriate, he'll get a full suit of that.

Also, this game can be pretty at times.
You can't see it, but the filename for this one is "double-teamed.png"
Well, this seems to be a great idea by all accounts! Now the Don knows how the crusade is going to spend the night AND going to deal with Esata.
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Yup, using the sims2 meshes improved the quality by a lot
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>play katana zero
>makes me want to make a katana wielder in kenshi
>remember katanas are dogshit
Feels bad man.
At least More Combat Animations makes Katanas really cool.
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10 more to go, some need a little fixing due to kenshi's renderer being ass but overall they look quite good
>moid does something horribly
>gets recognition and nobody complains
gee, what is new?
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Sup fags
Who is this little semen demon?
welcome homo
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Ogay anon. I don't know whether you don't know the difference between seams and sharps or just chose too little sharps, but sharp edges on your model just weren't gonna work.
Here's something that's gonna help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsS6u0pnmJI&t=1255
Couldn't find non-TTS, just wanted to show you the menu location anyway.
Can you adjust the alpha on the edges so there is less pixelation?
Good morning I hate California, cal-arts, and all hipsters. Post your donuts or cool scenery.
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Found this cool scenery.
Not a single Wallmart in sight. Magnificent.
I'd hate to be a woman in this setting. 100% chance, guaranteed, you're getting hyper-railed by something. I typically make any female characters farmers, cooks, or weavers. Very rarely they're archers. Other than that I always roll full male squads/skellies.
It's California Institute of the Arts.
Joke's on you, that's the ultimate female fantasy according to Nat.
What mods are you using?
I see no Walmart, my statement stands true.
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Does anyone know where I can find Outpost II in game? FCS mentions armour king and that's it.
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>city heroes are labeled "racists" in game files
really, nigger?
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I was pretty sure I already placed those sharps, but I must have misclicked or something. It also didn't occur to me until just now that I can turn off the seams in the viewport options, so I can actually see where I placed the sharps.
I tried placing them with the select sharpness tool and it looks like your version and I still have some shadows.
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>"Sweetie, you don't want to be racist, do you?"
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You need to reapply normals. Press alt+N and do picrel. Need to do that every time you mess with geometry in a significant way/change sharp edges.
>Nat proudly desplaying her balding head
Bald move, woman. Unfortunately, the size of your forehead has no power over me.
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to THIS picrel
but that one too
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>try to replace stoat's outpost IV with outpost II for testing
>there is 30 different stoat states (thanks living world)
>the main "stoat" doesn't appear to have the police station
>malnourished ones do
Thank you. That was what I was missing.
I think kenshi is slowly giving me dyslexia over time
Np, just gotta bang head against the keyboard until pieces falling into place. Then you find something else to bang your head against the keyboard for.
On the off-chance you don't know that, in edge-selection mode, you can hold Alt to select loops of edges that wrap around the object (need to be quads, tris mess it up), and you can hold Shift+Alt to select multiple loops. You can quickly turn selected triangles to quads by using Alt+J and you can triangulate quads by using Ctrl+T. But try to keep that to the minimum or you might mess up the UVs. Generally only quad meshes after importing so you can work on them in Blender and then triangulate before export (export tools do that automatically, but I don't trust them with sharp edges).
>I think kenshi is slowly giving me dyslexia over time
soon you will crave fish&chips...
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Oh, so this is Outpost II...
The off-center door triggers my 'tism
is that what nat calls cunilingus
It's called OCD. I actually like it a bit, adds personality.
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>adds personality.
Yes. Although, I bet they also say that about Nat's crescent moon. I could probably fix it... Theoretically... maybe.
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You know what, you're right. I never paid too much attention to it and thought the door is simply nicely sitting to the side, but it's some abhorrent fucking off-centerism because bong has severe brain damage.
Those are things that I actually know this time.
Every once in a while I get to urge to make some models for a mod or something in blender so I watch some tutorials and do my best to figure things out. Then I lose interest and forget half the things I learned.
Mostly I just stick to changing minor things that I don't like or fixing the five second load time for a single armor piece, because modders don't know what optimization means.

Shit like this is why I'm thinking the bong is doing it intentionally.
>Shit like this is why I'm thinking the bong is doing it intentionally
This is the only thing that demotivates me.
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>cool metal boards, surely!
>it's a fucking piece of shit garbage single-window no-normal, X&Y FCS-tiled texture
>that is a part of the original glass texture
I feel like just removing windows in this run-down model
behead the bong
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this fucking building doesn't even have black interior in it
can someone see armor king and see if this piece of shit is actually used within the game? I have no idea where armor king is located
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Quite a few homies.
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I accidentally Meatlord. Is this bad?
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Has anyone been here before? Like, at all? This is starting to look like fucking Cruelty Squad...
Flawless bong game. Buy Kenshi shirts!
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I have arrived at Armor King's to confirm.
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Vague location spoilers, I guess.
I'm really annoyed, this is probably the single comfiest place in the entire game, but it's textured like Chris' ballsack, can't be navigated to and you have to swim to get around. Also adjacent to the HNigger's land.
Tell Pedro there's a robonigger down the river. I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
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Hjalti taking on Meatlord solo, while everyone else covers his ass. Beep was nearly one-shot by that huge fucking club the guy has.
God please let Beep solo him, please please please
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That white blob you see at Meatlord's feet is Beep. The result of hubris and bad AI. He didn't even get a hit in.
oh nonono, you MUST patch him up and make him fight ASAP! before the chitin can hea- I mean so he grows tougher!!
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Askel (the second in command) went and grabbed him. He's not dead, but he ain't happy.
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Can't describe my satisfaction with the fact picrel is now FLAWLESS and ALIGNED. Across 3 meshes. No clipping, just utter perfection.
Started this nonsense not knowing how the fuck snapping and automerging works and PAINED my way to this moment. Had to rework this section completely and tweaked it total of 3 times and it was just a mess. But here we are, Bravo CORRECTED. Still have to do collisions and stuff, but the meshes are done and I have managed to achieve this through minimal FCS changes.
As long as he fights! ...can't see him fighting.
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A fine establishment.
fuckin' nice
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I have JUST found out there are unused floor textures for bravo specifically, not just textures, but materials inside the FCS ready to use... unreferenced. Bravo uses "floor panels" instead.
>Armour king builds robo hookers now
muh cats
He's offloading GPUs to slowly turn HN into a bunch of good-for-nothing gooners and sell the robohookers to them.
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This is the floor intended for bravo.
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Eh, I can see why they weren't used. Look shit even when tiled properly.
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I think this shek has a problem
Robotic whores assemble more of their own kind. This is how the First Empite fell !
Sounds like something a thief would say. I can assure you they were thoroughly lobotomized by the Armor King. That seductive walk you see? The hip swing? It's no accident. They are so utterly braindead they can barely keep up straight!
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>That seductive walk you see? The hip swing? It's no accident.
Thankfully I am immuned to the roboharlots and their tricks.
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Trying the black windows, I'm still not sold on the beer bottles. Thoughts?
Looks somewhat better than the cut-up green plastic beer bottles.
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Bonebees. They make bonehoney.
wish i had some moneybees
That's what they all say.
come on now.
>anon can't save pic because of ocd
that was the plan from the beginning, mwahahahaha
Give me the original [number]x[number] of pixels, or don't post anything at all you fiend.
does anyone have a yaknm version for Ikemen?
Never forget the crimes of the skeletons. Never forgive the skeletons for their crimes.
Ah, that's the test drive done with.
Now, on to organize the rest of the bullfights. Who's gonna be going in...?

Use a topper
alt: get whichever mod adds the "Wire gutter" katana

Can't wait to see what comes out

Can confirm
Archeo had to share three sloppy-seconds ninja shitters before getting gutterhooked. Don Gaucho Santana's got a spicy latina tomboy virgin with his name on it.

Total Hellifornian death

World's end university looking kinda different
After some thought, only the crusaders will be going through the shek captives. From here on out the Paso Santana townsfolk can keep any kamikaze that drop by.

You will never be a greenlander?



Imagine the fertility rituals

Hjalti's boys should be able to handle it...

>Spoiler 1
I do want to do a comfy beachside retreat at the base of the Wend soon
>Spoiler 2
[Insert the laser eyes meme]


>Can't describe my satisfaction with the fact picrel is now FLAWLESS and ALIGNED.
I can only imagine. Congrats, anon-san, you have mastered Bravo-Domain-Do
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>alt: get whichever mod adds the "Wire gutter" katana
Yeah I got it, I really like these Minor Faction Overhaul mods. Black Desert Ninjas not having gas masks in vanilla is so silly.
Dawn sets...The executioners rush to prepare the Stenn-cows and move the first batch into the arena...
Once I bring music to the wasteland the Holy Nation is for sure getting to invent trumpets. Nasty recycled steel and copper trumpets, but y'know. Drums would fit them too, and I don't mind taking those away from shek since they don't like rhythm nor melodies. What would the UC do, though?
Game 1: Yagmad the Invincible, general of the Impenetrable fortress, vs Crusade support officers Sancho and Delazno! They've been with the Don since the start, so why not honor them by opening the evening of events?
keep /keng/ alive for the next 9 hours
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Since ive seen other people fight cannibals.
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"Pay me, pig."
I have to say, bounty hunting with cannibals expanded mod is big peepee money. Turning in Meatlord, plus six lieutenants, plus their gear, netted me nearly 300,000 cats.
For the official first bullfight, the Santana executioner will be overseeing the event. They'll be the ones to handle the sheks while the fighters prepare/recover.

Personally, I would expect it from the islanders.

>Leave Cat-lon to me

Joining in on the trend, are we?
With the first fight done, the two support officers stand before their victory. On to the next!

The UC would go bananas if it had a gateway to Cannibal country: Bounties for the chiefs, Slavemeat for the hunters, recycled iron from the weapons and armor, and Gutter eggs!
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Next round: Gaucho and Orlando, the Don's boys, vs Ida the Flying bull and Suchon the Ghost, shek renegades! Yagmad can cheer them on from the back.

Enjoy the hunt. This may as well could be Lil' C's cannibal holocaust moment.
Deciding to match his best buddy's style, Gaucho covered his body in a black, tight wrap for the fight as well. He sure appreciates his bro!
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How isn't this against the rules?
>can't use katanas because they suck dick
>use "katanas" that look nothing like katanas
what is the point?
>That kick.
I wish the animations were changed to reflect that their legs are chained.
Surprised the UC nobles don't try to enslave the cannibals.
They are too busy breeding the ones they've kidnapped and dragged into their underground bunkers. What do you think the noble hunters are hunting for?
>but why not enslave
Nobles like taming those filthy savages with their big crossbows. Enslaving wouldlead to cannibals slowly getting domesticated and where's the fun in humping a cat?
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Woke up early today
Testing the windows texture options now
If they don't work I might consider custom texture just for them, because the bottles are not a community favorite (according to one person). Beewax texture was joke, I didn't actually consider them for a second.
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Not so bad?
Better than >>479293387
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So there was some really weird lighting to these glass panels going against the expectations the texture gave me. Turns out the normals are somehow completely fucked.
The frames are supposed to be convex and windows hollow, but when you look back at the normal map, you can see the panels appear convex and frames seem to be hollow.
For the record, other window types (at least the beer bottles and exterior black ones are correct.
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Texture for comparison
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>because the bottles are not a community favorite
I like green glass blocks desu.
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I have AI-generated a normal map and it's done a better job in this case than whatever bullshit chris&co use (probably a basic-bitch grayscale>normal converter, LET'S BE HONEST).
But yes, AI is useless here. It's abhorrent.
This window looks familiar.
You will have to fight to death to decide which windows make it in.
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This is where I'm at.
Spoiler alert: UC are decadent pussies. That's why their noble hunting parties exist only in safe areas, where they can hunt down low level newbies. They have a presence in Bast but barely leave their little command posts. It's always Holy Nation and vagrants walking around freely in cannibal lands.

When I inevitably flip anti-UC, like I do every playthrough, I avoid killing the soldiers but I kill the nobles every single time.
>Holy Nation
>demands you pray with them every week, and no matter how many bounties you turn in you cannot become an Inquisitor

>United Cities
>no matter how wealthy you are or how high your faction rating is, you can never become a noble

>Shek Kingdom
>turn in Bugmaster and you're instantly in the Stone Golem's entourage. She also gives you a free recruit (her daughter)

Explain why I shouldn't faction Shek every playthrough
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>Explain why I shouldn't faction Shek every playthrough
Because you'll never feel Okran's warmth.
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>of course the middle is completely misaligned
at least it doesn't seem to break much
The back door might look fucky, if the interiors are built around it.
Why couldn't Chris just do it right in the first place?
>moving between cities
>get attacked by some assholes who can't read the room (who attacks a convoy of 40 dudes in full plate armor with rusty backhoes?)
>one outlaw farmer gets his leg blasted off by a plank-swinger immediately
>the rest of their squad is killed in seconds, combat is over
>wardog, for seemingly no reason whatsoever, goes sprinting off at mach 5 over sand dunes
>lock camera onto it trying to figure out why he's taking off
>the leg finally lands right in front of him and he picks it up and runs back
It's the little things in this game
Because chris was a guy who wanted to make a video game but didn't know how, and learned while making this one.

I'm hoping Kenshi 2, since it's going to be on the new unreal engine, is being built by people with experience in the unreal engine. I'd be happier with Chris running the show and not coding at all.
>Because you'll never feel Okran's warmth.
False. He will feel Okran's warmth when he burns at the stake like the heretic dog he is.
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Well... sorry anon(s), but I won't be going place to place and fixing the police banners and whatnot to fit the rotation. On top of that, if someone put up some custom shit around the doors, it would fuck up there as well. No rotation fix. Fly to britain to resolve this "feature".
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>Chris could have simply done everything right
>He chose to half-ass everything, to cut every corner

Thank you for your efforts. You love Kenshi more than Chris does.
I just like playing with things that already exist. It's my creative outlet as someone without imagination, good eye for detail and hatred for imperfections. Currently remaking walls just to give Armor King version of the building metal windows.
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>Armor King not having Armor Windows
fixed (25%)
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Heyy, I found a place for the bee texture.
Any unusual playstyles that might be fun to do?

Was thinking about a pacifist roboticist run, where skeletons can fight but the main cannot.

Also, a doctor playthrough where a main doctor plus one or two helpers basically heal anything they come across (except cannibals/beak things), and can only make money via looting or manufacturing medical supplies at a clinic.

Another would be a tailor playthrough where I have a character that makes clothes during the day, but at night is a master assassin/thief.
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metal as fuck
Looks nice and armored

You have to ask your own 'tism what do you want to do at the moment.
Holy nation cyborg fogmen

If you're not having fun you might also consider just abandoning the base for now, going back to being wanderers until your donuts are stronger. I found base building the most enjoyable when I had a genuinely strong character to defend against raids during construction, along with having researched most of the key stuff (walls, gates, hydroponics because I wanted to settle the deadlands, etc) in a town before starting.
I would leave a couple open to let light in. Maybe leave the armor halfway to make it look like shutter
>you cannot become an Inquisitor
Blame Chris for not letting you outright join an NPC faction. However they recognize you as much as the shek do, let you hire paladin squads as free mercs, and while you don't get a town to Inquisition over you do get a fancy-pants title.

>you can never become a noble
Becoming a TG investor lets you talk shit to Tengu in his own throne room and exempts you from taxes
>Holy Nation
>demands you pray with them every week, and no matter how many bounties you turn in you cannot become an Inquisitor
You will become a saint at some point.
>no matter how wealthy you are or how high your faction rating is, you can never become a noble

I mean if random samurai squads come to assist me simply for existing, I'd count that as essentially being nobility.
Now that you mention it, no other faction has random npcs pay tribute (on peasant wages, to be fair) to you right?
A sounds like a thrallmaster kinda run. Maybe it'd do to install the thrall shop mod

B is cool, I'd dare upgrade it to pacifists too (animals NNA) so they fight as non-lethally as possible and KO when possible
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I was considering that, even keeping them all out, but... it's honestly a lot of work and finding out what works and what doesn't. It's really annoying there's no way to just make the game render interiors all the time (to my knowledge), which means missing windows will be pointing either at blackness, or at best (I'd have to make it work that way) empty interior (no furniture). One annoying thing about this building in particular is the fact that dome exterior and interior don't merge well, fixing which would require reworking how outside looks...
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And I'm simply not all that keen on bridging these frames just to punch a few holes out
Why does the Meitou Paladin's Heavy Cross suck ass?
With a cutting damage of 2.09 and a blunt damage of 1.90, plus 20% armor penetration, it SHOULD out damage my Edge 1 plank, but it absolutely doesn't. I can get consistently about 120 damage per swing with the plank, but when I use the Paladin's Heavy Cross, the damage is around 80.

Is the -10% to humans damage really that bad?
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shooting in the dark here, but does your donut meet the strength requirement?
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No idea whether these numbers mean shit, but apparently Edge #1 and Meitou have the same multipliers in FCS and the base weapon stats seem to be in favor of plank?
Good ol' goat.

The soil of latino town got more blood that day.

>if they are cows, why not milk them?
You touch their tits on your own risk. The shek women will milk you as much as you milk them.

Always a pleasure to see not-Fallout hair in Kenshi.

>love bar brawls
They are fun the first 100 times you see them.

Kind soul!
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I was worried that making 5 new meshes would weigh more than making a new texture aligned with old windows. Oh how wrong I was.
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Added a little extra wall-fill in case someone clips into the curb. I know I did a lot. No hole now.
Maybe the 20% armor penetration is the problem? It's apparently possible to take more damage in layered armor than a single one, but it's supposed to be a rare bug that only happens when hitting specific bodyparts while wearing specific combination of armor. The armor penetration might actually make your enemies take less damage.
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Schizo time. Some facts about Armor King's Outpost model.
>Only used in this one location
>Labeled "Outpost 2", as opposed to the "commercial" one, which is labeled "Outpost 4"
>The steps and the door align with the water level
>The building model was severely lacking, including not having black walls inside
All of these things make me feel like Chris made this building for Armour King's little corner of the world and then decided to reuse it.
FCS signals it's most likely not true, though. The mess Chris makes when making something from something (I shit you not) shows that Outpost 2 parts were created out of Outpost 4 and not the other way around. There is quite a few "copy" items. In general, at least quarter of FCS entries is called [item copy] or [item COLOR]Why is it called "2", then? WHY WAS THE SECOND VERSION MADE AFTER THE FOURTH?!?
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Did I mention these are misaligned? I'm considering making a few, but I could use some help with just the design (aka which windows to remove/open)
They have 73.

It's always something. I guess I'll just stick with the plank, but it's disappointing getting "end game" gear that isn't useful. I mean granted, the thing probably rips bots in half because of that high +35% or whatever to skeletons. I just don't fight them very often.
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testing single window now
exporting 4 meshes just for this is my greatest sin to date
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this is how it looks from the front, but it's invisible from the back... uuugh fuck that's a 5th mesh to cut into to make a hole that fits precisely around each frame fuuuck
Latinos are being bloodthirsty eh?

The way he holds his knife triggers my 'tism

it's a miracle it works. Just like Kenshi. I start to suspect that Nat coded Kenshi, not Chris.

Whose skull is that? Can't be a garry, or a bonedog.

My condolences to that roided pettanko.

That poor cow.

Bunch of chav goth gfs.

the depths of a bong's mind are horrible, just like their teeth.
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>naruto run
Is it late to tell you that I meant that you use opaque window textures?
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No, but I also can't do that easily. This texture doesn't have the windows. And besides, the building is supposed to be a run-down ruin ran by an insane skeleton just ever so slightly obsessed with security
If I could, I would give Armour King a "You might've noticed there's a ladder in the back. Do not feel tempted to use it to steal anything".
Alliances with the HN and UC open up a lot of opportunities. For example a character with prosthetics can't walk through the HN without an alliance. You can even bring Skeletons into their areas without conflict. A UC alliance makes it so Noble Hunters will ignore you and you won't get taxed. For both of them random patrols of guards will guard your character for a while. Alliances also makes it far, far more convenient to build an outpost in their areas.
Allying the Shek isn't so convenient, as you said you need a squad capable of defeating the Bugmaster. It's arguably easier to ally the UC because the desert is just swarming with rebel farmers with bounties.
>you cannot become an Inquisitor
>you can never become a noble
True. Alliances in Kenshi are a little strange because you never *really* join, but you get a lot more privileges than the average citizen.
el Beep
/keng/ is quiet again
Until I figure out how to THUNK people irl, I must wage.
Shut up, I can't blend all day.
Was having my Noita break where I did so much psylocybin it made me get good and then died to a propane tank shot from a randomizer wand. I blame the "reduce lifetime" that was there, which I didn't think much about.
I remember when I was piss poor an ventured to okran valley. HN patrol stopped me and gave me travel rations. UC wanted to kill me for starving.
All hail Holy Phoenix
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Well... the xml just refuses to import like it used to (no base under fence). Funny that. Guess I'll be doing shit from scratch in the dark and just guessing which areas different pieces wall off.
If you ever do - start from the wallstreet

Don't blend, but boomp /keng/
Did you try the compatibility converter? I too had some trouble with the default one.
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Out of all of these, only like 5 are in the data editor and used.
These are .xmls. Kindrad's plugin doesn't support importing collisions (.xmls) and the other plugin USED to import this particular collision without a problem.
On my way to solo the skeleton LARPers
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el Beepo
Beepo Santana?
I'm starting to get to that point with my playthrough that I don't really care about recruits anymore and don't really take the time to train them. I just dump them into mass-produced weapons and armor with a medkit and a splint and if they live or die that's their problem. It really is a numbers game in any war against HN or UC.
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It would have been impossible to make it out alive, but thanks to the efforts of this noble gorillo, I managed to get out alive.
What's the best place for a permanent city/farm settlement? I have holds all over the place, but I still feel really nomadic. Was thinking about doing a base in Shrieking Forest but I hear that is asking for CPU death. Do I just do Shem again?
Gut is a bitch to set up in but once all your walls are up you get great farmland, free meat and leather delivery from Beak Things, and Beak Things can eat the tax collectors and soften raids. Only problem are Reaver raids.
Fuck it. I think I'm gonna make a city in Bast.
I was debating doing the middle of bast, but i decided up north abit was epic. Post screenshots when done.
Ever since my computer's charger died I've been having to use a lower-power alternative. Kenshi sessions must now be 30 minutes or less.
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hate this faggot for shooting at me but he does look very cool.
What's that gun?
Must be crossbows expanded.
false eye butterfly camouflage
I love Hiver Nobles so much. The idea of a Hiver grinding enough to get that rich or a Hiver getting adopted by a Noble family is very funny to me.
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Does living world work with kaizo? Im using both right now and everything seems to be fine but I also haven't used either before so there might be conflicts I'm not even noticing. I'm expecting there to be some just wondering if there is anything major.
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Little C has been busy.
Living World just adds worldstates. I think things should be ok, the mod lower in the list will take priority so maybe there will be some wonky behavior if there's a conflict. Try putting Kaizo lower in the list just to be safe.
What's that, Berserker country?
nah northcoast
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>Average Stenn-cow about to turn cocks into sucked cocks
Back to the bullfights: as Orlando moves in for the killshot, Gaucho can't help but appreciate his dear best bro's combat prowess. He'd even call it... elegant?

Pustevi? Who's that?
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I want to get back into this but I heard the latest version introduced a crashing problem?
I haven't had any problems. Just set the game to quicksave often in the options.
God damn tryna get my food situation sorted is a pain in my ass. Any tips for getting crops up and running faster?
Don't start making food until you got a few XL sized farms. Every time you harvest upgrade the farm when you got enough resources to do so. You can also just purchase more resources at farm shops if it's an emergency. Try to get 2-3 XL farms for wheatstraw and cactus/greenfruit.
Appreciate it bigtime, was trying to manage making food and growing it.
All sheks do, it's called "fatherless behavior"

I am surprised those aren't naked in the first place

>Ah, that's the test drive done with.
more cow flesh for the soil

>Imagine the fertility rituals
Let's not do that.
Obligatory euthanasia for everyone who doesn't post on /keng/ while being awake during americoon hours.
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>used to think 10-12 characters was "too many"
>now I feel like I can't get anything done if I have less than 40
Do 2-3 drug runs to Flat's Lagoon and the food for that small army is paid for for a good few days of gameplay. Longer, if you hit HN bases or ruins and frequently sell loot.

I guess the short version of my answer would be "just buy the food".
Right. New thread. Give me 5 minutes.
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